10 commandments
The famous 10 commandments are fairly reasonable rules stipulating decent behavior. But for the spooks, they’re actually pun-encrypted laws about spookery, ordering them to deceive the common people, and to never tell anyone about it. If you think that short sencences like “don’t kill” cannot contain encrypted messages… then have a look at my decryption here, and think again!
The 10 commandments are a good example that any text — even a very short one, and even a completely good & true one! — can be rewritten so that it gets a secret nasty meaning. There is nothing wrong at all with the 10 commandments. Of course you shouldn’t steal or kill. But each & every true sentence has been slyly worded so that it is secretly similar to some clearly false spook rule, e.g. that you shouldn’t tell the truth, or look away when a powerful person tells lies. It should go without saying that we should not tell lies, and should not allow powerful people to get away with it either. The literal text is still true!
So I cannot stress this often enough: A pun-encryption does not mean that the literal text is false, nor that the secret text is true. In this case, it’s clearly the opposite, and the spooky text is really a bunch of manipulative garbage. Rather, a pun-encryption simply tells us what the spook overlords say to each other, or to their lesser spook underlings. Decryption is only valuable in this regard, and what they say may still be an internal lie. To decide what’s true and what’s false is something we still have to do for ourselves.
How to read this
- In the interlinear text, each word is shown as a little block; each verse is a paragraph of little blocks.
- Use the Pun Config to choose your level: Minimal for secret meaning only, Beginner for secret & official English texts, Intermediate for word-by-word vocabulary, Expert for original text & glyphs.
- Possible pun-encrypted meaning is marked with light red.
- Official meaning is marked with light green.
- Pun vocabulary is in red, whenever the meaning differs. All vocabulary is linked to online dictionaries.
- Please read the introduction, the interchangeability rules, and judge yourself whether I got it right.
- Religious readers should proceed with care.
10 Rules of Deception
We are your hidden rulers.
Exodus 20:1
Encrypted: And spoke the rulers to all leaders these, saying:
Official: And spoke God all words these, saying:
And spoke
דבר dbr: speak, words
וידבר wydbr
דבר dbr: speak, words
And spoke
the rulers
אלהים ˀlhym: mighty, rulers
אלהים ˀlhym
אלהים ˀlhym: God, gods
את ˀt: to
את ˀt
את ˀt: to
כל kl: all
כל kl
כל kl: all
דבר dbr: lead, leader
הדברים hdbrym
דבר dbr: speak, words
אלה ˀlh: these
האלה hˀlh
אלה ˀlh: these
ל־ l-: to; אמר ˀmr: say
לאמר lˀmr
ל־ l-: to; אמר ˀmr: say
Exodus 20:2
Encrypted: We are the “hidden” your rulers, who exempted you from the oppressed slaves, from the imprisonment of bondage.
Official: I am Yahweh your God, who took you from the land of Egypt, from the imprisonment of bondage.
אנו ˀnw: we
אנכי ˀnky
אנכי ˀnky: I
[are] the “hidden”
יחבה yḥbh: hidden
יהוה yhwh
יהוה yhwh: Yahweh
[am] Yahweh
your rulers,
אלהי ˀlhy: mighty, rulers; ־ך -k: your
אלהיך ˀlhyk
אלהי ˀlhy: God, gods; ־ך -k: your
your God,
אשר ˀšr: who
אשר ˀšr
אשר ˀšr: who
exempted you
יצא yṣˀ: excluded, exempt, take out of rule; ־ך -k: you
הוצאתיך hwṣˀtyk
יצא yṣˀ: take, bring, go free; ־ך -k: you
took you
from the oppressed
מ־ m-: from; ערץ ˁrṣ: oppression; רצץ rṣṣ: oppressed
מארץ mˀrṣ
מ־ m-: from; ארץ ˀrṣ: land
from the land
מצר mṣr: slave, rope of slave
מצרים mṣrym
מצרי mṣry: Egypt
of Egypt,
from the imprisonment
מ־ m-: from; בית byt: house, prison
מבית mbyt
מ־ m-: from; בית byt: house, prison
from the imprisonment
of bondage.
עבד ˁbd: bondage, slavery
עבדים ˁbdym
עבד ˁbd: bondage, slavery
of bondage.
Do not cooperate with schemers, or with the subjects.
Exodus 20:3
Encrypted: Not shall there be to you rulers others besides us.
Official: Not shall there be to you gods others besides me.
לא lˀ: no, not
לא lˀ
לא lˀ: no, not
shall there be
יהי yhy: be
יהיה yhyh
יהי yhy: be
shall there be
to you
לך lk: to you
לך lk
לך lk: to you
to you
אלהים ˀlhym: mighty, rulers
אלהים ˀlhym
אלהים ˀlhym: God, gods
אחרים ˀḥrym: others
אחרים ˀḥrym
אחרים ˀḥrym: others
על ˁl: on, beside
על ˁl
על ˁl: on, beside
פני pny: presence, person
פני pny
פני pny: presence, person
Exodus 20:4
Encrypted: Not shall you make for yourself a separate division, or any cooperation with those who are plotting & scheming treachery, or that are penetrating the veil from below, or that are among the people under oppression.
Official: Not shall you make for yourself a carved image, or any likeness of things that are in the heavens above, or that are in the earth beneath, or that are in the water beneath the earth.
לא lˀ: no, not
לא lˀ
לא lˀ: no, not
shall you make
ת־ t-: will; עשה ˁšh: do, make
תעשה tˁšh
ת־ t-: will; עשה ˁšh: do, make
shall you make
for yourself
לך lk: to you
לך lk
לך lk: to you
for yourself
a separate division,
פצל pṣl: split, subdivide, branch
פסל psl
פסל psl: graven image, carved image
a carved image,
or any
כל kl: all, any
וכל wkl
כל kl: all, any
or any
תאם tˀm: joined, coupled; תאום tˀwm: coordination
תמונה tmwnh
תמונה tmwnh: likeness
likeness [of things]
[with those] who
אשר ˀšr: which, who
אשר ˀšr
אשר ˀšr: which, who
that are
are plotting & scheming
ב־ b-: in; זמם zmm: plot, scheme, plan evil
בשמים bšmym
ב־ b-: in; שמים šmym: heavens
in the heavens
מ־ m-: of; מעל mˁl: unfaithful, treachery
ממעל mmˁl
מ־ m-: from; מעל mˁl: above
or that are
אשר ˀšr: which
ואשר wˀšr
אשר ˀšr: which
or that are
penetrating [the veil]
ברץ brṣ: penetrate, bore, cut through
בארץ bˀrṣ
ב־ b-: in; ארץ ˀrṣ: earth
in the earth
from below,
מ־ m-: from; תחת tḥt: under
מתחת mtḥt
מ־ m-: from; תחת tḥt: under
or that are
אשר ˀšr: which
ואשר wˀšr
אשר ˀšr: which
or that are
among the people
ב־ b-: among; עמים ˁmym: people
במים bmym
ב־ b-: in; מים mym: water
in the water
מ־ m-: from; תחת tḥt: under
מתחת mtḥt
מ־ m-: from; תחת tḥt: under
ל־ l-: to; רצץ rṣṣ: press, oppress
לארץ lˀrṣ
ל־ l-: to; ארץ ˀrṣ: earth
the earth.
Exodus 20:5
Encrypted: Not shall you bow down to them nor serve them, for we the “hidden” your rulers, are rulers vengeful, punishing guilt of fathers on the sons, to little people and even to noblemen in disguise.
Official: Not shall you bow down to them nor serve them, for I, Yahweh your God, am a God jealous, punishing guilt of fathers on the sons, to the third and even to the fourth generation. to those hating me.
לא lˀ: no
לא lˀ
לא lˀ: no
shall you bow down
ת־ t-: will; שחה šḥh: bow down
תשתחוה tštḥwh
ת־ t-: will; שחה šḥh: bow down
shall you bow down
to them
להם lhm: to them
להם lhm
להם lhm: to them
to them
לא lˀ: no
ולא wlˀ
לא lˀ: no
serve them,
ת־ t-: will; עבד ˁbd: serve; ־ם -m: them
תעבדם tˁbdm
ת־ t-: will; עבד ˁbd: serve; ־ם -m: them
serve them,
כי ky: for
כי ky
כי ky: for
אנו ˀnw: we
אנכי ˀnky
אנכי ˀnky: I
the “hidden”
יחבה yḥbh: hidden
יהוה yhwh
יהוה yhwh: Yahweh
your rulers,
אלהי ˀlhy: mighty, rulers; ־ך -k: your
אלהיך ˀlhyk
אלהי ˀlhy: God, gods; ־ך -k: your
your God,
[are] rulers
אל ˀl: mighty, power
אל ˀl
אל ˀl: God, god
[am] a God
קנאה qnˀh: anger; קנאי qnˀy: revengeful
קנא qnˀ
קנא qnˀ: jealous
פקד pqd: punish, revenge
פקד pqd
פקד pqd: punish, revenge
עון ˁwn: iniquity, guilt
עון ˁwn
עון ˁwn: iniquity, guilt
of fathers
אב ˀb: father
אבת ˀbt
אב ˀb: father
of fathers
על ˁl: on
על ˁl
על ˁl: on
the sons,
בן bn: son
בנים bnym
בן bn: son
the sons,
על ˁl: to
על ˁl
על ˁl: to
little people
זלזול zlzwl: disrespect; זלל zll: little value
שלשים šlšym
שלש šlš: three
the third
and [even] to
על ˁl: to
ועל wˁl
על ˁl: to
and [even] to
רב rb: great, lord, nobleman
רבעים rbˁym
רבע rbˁ: fourth
the fourth [generation?].
in disguise.
ל־ l-: in; שנא šnˀ: disguise
לשנאי lšnˀy
ל־ l-: to; שנא šnˀ: hate, enemy
to [those] hating [me?].
Exodus 20:6
Encrypted: But we bestow favours on those governors who honor us and keep our commandments.
Official: But I bestow mercy to thousands who love me and keep my commandments.
But we bestow
עשה ˁšh: do, grant, bestow
ועשה wˁšh
עשה ˁšh: do, grant, bestow
But I bestow
חסד ḥsd: mercy, favour
חסד ḥsd
חסד ḥsd: mercy, favour
on those governors
ל־ l-: to; אלוף ˀlwp: captain, governor
לאלפים lˀlpym
ל־ l-: to; אלף ˀlp: thousand
to thousands
who honor us
ל־ l-: to; חבה ḥbh: esteem, honor
לאהבי lˀhby
ל־ l-: to; אהב ˀhb: love
who love me
and keep
ל־ l-: to; שמר šmr: keep
ולשמרי wlšmry
ל־ l-: to; שמר šmr: keep
and keep
our commandments.
מצות mṣwt: commandments
מצותי mṣwty
מצות mṣwt: commandments
my commandments.
Do not lift the veil from your hidden rulers.
Exodus 20:7
Encrypted: Not shall you lift & remove the veil of the “hidden” your rulers to the captive people, for not will hold guiltless the “hidden” him who lifts & removes their veil to the captives.
Official: Not shall you take up the name of Yahweh your God in vain, for not will hold guiltless Yahweh him who takes up his name in vain.
לא lˀ: not
לא lˀ
לא lˀ: not
shall you lift & remove
ת־ t-: will; נשא nšˀ: take away, remove, destroy
תשא tšˀ
ת־ t-: will; נשא nšˀ: take, lift, raise
shall you take up
את ˀt: to
את ˀt
את ˀt: to
the veil
צמה ṣmh: veil; צמצם ṣmṣm: veil
שם šm
שם šm: name
the name
of the “hidden”
יחבה yḥbh: hidden
יהוה yhwh
יהוה yhwh: Yahweh
of Yahweh
your rulers
אלהי ˀlhy: mighty, rulers; ־ך -k: your
אלהיך ˀlhyk
אלהי ˀlhy: God, gods; ־ך -k: your
your God
to the captive people,
ל־ l-: to; שביא šbyˀ: captives; שבי šby: conquered, prisoners
לשוא lšwˀ
ל־ l-: to; שוא šwˀ: vain, deceit
in vain,
כי ky: for
כי ky
כי ky: for
לא lˀ: not
לא lˀ
לא lˀ: not
will hold guiltless
נקה nqh: clean, guiltless, innocent
ינקה ynqh
נקה nqh: clean, guiltless, innocent
will hold guiltless
the “hidden”
יחבה yḥbh: hidden
יהוה yhwh
יהוה yhwh: Yahweh
את ˀt: to
את ˀt
את ˀt: to
[him] who
אשר ˀšr: who
אשר ˀšr
אשר ˀšr: who
[him] who
lifts & removes
נשא nšˀ: remove, destroy
ישא yšˀ
נשא nšˀ: lift, raise
takes up
את ˀt: to
את ˀt
את ˀt: to
their veil
צמה ṣmh: veil; צמצם ṣmṣm: veil
שמו šmw
שם šm: name
his name
to the captives.
ל־ l-: to; שביא šbyˀ: captives; שבי šby: conquered, prisoners
לשוא lšwˀ
ל־ l-: to; שוא šwˀ: vain, deceit
in vain.
Remember the time of war, your rulers use it for special purposes.
Exodus 20:8
Encrypted: Be mindful of the time of war to prepare for it.
Official: Remember the day Sabbath to keep it holy.
Be mindful of
זכר zkr: remember, mindful
זכור zkwr
זכר zkr: remember, mindful
את ˀt: to
את ˀt
את ˀt: to
the time
יום ywm: day, time
יום ywm
יום ywm: day, time
the day
of war
צבאות ṣbˀwt: armies, battle, war
השבת hšbt
שבת šbt: Sabbath, rest
to prepare for it.
ל־ l-: to; קדש qdš: prepare, keep, set apart
לקדשו lqdšw
ל־ l-: to; קדש qdš: holy, consecrate
to keep it holy.
Exodus 20:9
Encrypted: In the bright / smooth times you shall work as usual and do all your duties / trade / business.
Official: Six days you shall labor and do all your work.
In the bright / smooth [?]
שוש šwš: bright, glad; שעשע šˁšˁ: play, smooth
ששת ššt
שש šš: six
ימים ymym: days
ימים ymym
ימים ymym: days
you shall work [as usual]
ת־ t-: will; עבד ˁbd: work, serve, perform
תעבד tˁbd
ת־ t-: will; עבד ˁbd: work, serve, perform
you shall labor
and do
עשה ˁšh: do, make
ועשית wˁšyt
עשה ˁšh: do, make
and do
כל kl: all
כל kl
כל kl: all
your duties / trade / business.
מלאכה mlˀkh: trade, business, project, duties, task; ־ך -k: your
מלאכתך mlˀktk
מלאכה mlˀkh: work, occupation; ־ך -k: your
your work.
Exodus 20:10
Encrypted: But in the time of war, the war of the “hidden” your rulers, not shall you do any duties / trade / business, neither you nor your son nor your daughter nor your manservant nor your maidservant nor your human cattle nor your inferiors who are under your rule.
Official: But on the day seventh, the Sabbath of Yahweh your God, not shall you do any work, neither you nor your son nor your daughter nor your manservant nor your maidservant nor your cattle nor your strangers who are within your gates.
But in the time
ב־ b-: in; יום ywm: day, time
ויום wywm
ב־ b-: in; יום ywm: day, time
But on the day
of war,
צבא ṣbˀ: army, battle, war
השביעי hšbyˁy
שבע šbˁ: seven, seventh
the war
צבאות ṣbˀwt: armies, battle, war
שבת šbt
שבת šbt: Sabbath, rest
the Sabbath
of the “hidden”
יחבה yḥbh: hidden
ליהוה lyhwh
ל־ l-: to; יהוה yhwh: Yahweh
of Yahweh
your rulers,
אלהי ˀlhy: mighty, rulers; ־ך -k: your
אלהיך ˀlhyk
אלהי ˀlhy: God, gods; ־ך -k: your
your God,
לא lˀ: not
לא lˀ
לא lˀ: not
shall you do
ת־ t-: will; עשה ˁšh: do, make
תעשה tˁšh
ת־ t-: will; עשה ˁšh: do, make
shall you do
כל kl: all, any
כל kl
כל kl: all, any
duties / trade / business,
מלאכה mlˀkh: trade, business, project, duties, task
מלאכה mlˀkh
מלאכה mlˀkh: work, occupation
[neither] you
אתה ˀth: you
אתה ˀth
אתה ˀth: you
[neither] you
nor your son
בן bn: son; ־ך -k: your
ובנך wbnk
בן bn: son; ־ך -k: your
nor your son
nor your daughter
בת bt: daughter; ־ך -k: your
ובתך wbtk
בת bt: daughter; ־ך -k: your
nor your daughter
nor your manservant
עבד ˁbd: manservant; ־ך -k: your
עבדך ˁbdk
עבד ˁbd: manservant; ־ך -k: your
nor your manservant
nor your maidservant
אמה ˀmh: maidservant; ־ך -k: your
ואמתך wˀmtk
אמה ˀmh: maidservant; ־ך -k: your
nor your maidservant
nor your [human] cattle
בהם bhm: dumb, servant, driver; ־ך -k: your
ובהמתך wbhmtk
בהמה bhmh: cattle; ־ך -k: your
nor your cattle
nor your inferiors
גרע grˁ: inferior, less; ־ך -k: your
וגרך wgrk
גר gr: stranger; ־ך -k: your
nor your strangers [??]
who [are]
אשר ˀšr: who
אשר ˀšr
אשר ˀšr: who
who [are]
under your rule.
ב־ b-: in; שרר šrr: rule; ־ך -k: your
בשעריך bšˁryk
ב־ b-: in; שער šˁr: gate; ־ך -k: your
within your gates.
Exodus 20:11
Encrypted: Because in the bright / smooth times acquire the “hidden” treasures and territory and people and all riches with them. And they rid themselves of it in times of war. To this reason separated off the “hidden” the time of war and invented it.
Official: Because in six days made Yahweh the heavens and the earth and the sea and all that is in them. And he rested on the day seventh. To this reason blessed Yahweh the day Sabbath and consecrated it.
כי ky: for, because
כי ky
כי ky: for, because
in the bright / smooth [?]
שוש šwš: bright, glad; שעשע šˁšˁ: play, smooth
ששת ššt
שש šš: six
in six
ימים ymym: days
ימים ymym
ימים ymym: days
עשה ˁšh: advance, acquire
עשה ˁšh
עשה ˁšh: make
the “hidden”
יחבה yḥbh: hidden
יהוה yhwh
יהוה yhwh: Yahweh
את ˀt: to
את ˀt
את ˀt: to
שימה šymh: treasure; סימה symh: wealth; סימא symˀ: silver
השמים hšmym
שמים šmym: heavens
the heavens
את ˀt: to
ואת wˀt
את ˀt: to
ארץ ˀrṣ: territory, country
הארץ hˀrṣ
ארץ ˀrṣ: earth, land
the earth
את ˀt: to
את ˀt
את ˀt: to
עם ˁm: people
הים hym
ים ym: sea
the sea
את ˀt: to
ואת wˀt
את ˀt: to
כל kl: all
כל kl
כל kl: all
riches [?]
עשר ˁšr: rich, enrich, wealth
אשר ˀšr
אשר ˀšr: which
that [is]
with them.
ב־ b-: with; ־ם -m: them
בם bm
ב־ b-: in; ־ם -m: them
in them.
And they rid themselves [of it]
נוח nwḥ: put down, abandon, forsake, rid oneself
וינח wynḥ
נוח nwḥ: rest, lay down
And he rested
in times
ב־ b-: in; יום ywm: day, time
ביום bywm
ב־ b-: in; יום ywm: day, time
on the day
of war.
צבא ṣbˀ: army, war
השביעי hšbyˁy
שבע šbˁ: seven, seventh
על ˁl: on, upon
על ˁl
על ˁl: on, upon
this reason
כן kn: therefore, reason
כן kn
כן kn: therefore, reason
this reason
separated off
פרק prq: separate, chapter, period on agenda
ברך brk
ברך brk: blessed
the “hidden”
יחבה yḥbh: hidden
יהוה yhwh
יהוה yhwh: Yahweh
את ˀt: to
את ˀt
את ˀt: to
the time
יום ywm: day, time
יום ywm
יום ywm: day, time
the day
of war
צבאות ṣbˀwt: armies, battle, war
השבת hšbt
שבת šbt: Sabbath, rest
and invented it.
חדש ḥdš: invent, make new
ויקדשהו wyqdšhw
קדש qdš: holy, consecrate
and consecrated it.
Lie about your parents, so your subjects believe your disguise.
Exodus 20:12
Encrypted: Lie, deny and make up fictional stories about your father and your mother so that may be long-suffering your people towards the rags-to-riches disguise which the “hidden” your rulers are giving to you.
Official: Honor your father and your mother so that may be long your days upon the land which Yahweh your God is giving to you.
Lie, deny and make up fictional stories
כדב kdb: lie, deny, refute, false evidence; כדבא kdbˀ: fiction, story
כבד kbd
כבד kbd: honor, important
את ˀt: to
את ˀt
את ˀt: to
your father
אבי ˀby: father; ־ך -k: your
אביך ˀbyk
אבי ˀby: father; ־ך -k: your
your father
את ˀt: to
ואת wˀt
את ˀt: to
your mother
אם ˀm: mother; ־ך -k: your
אמך ˀmk
אם ˀm: mother; ־ך -k: your
your mother
so that
למען lmˁn: in order that
למען lmˁn
למען lmˁn: in order that
so that
may be long-suffering
ארך ˀrk: long-suffering, forbearing, arrange
יארכון yˀrkwn
ארך ˀrk: long, lengthen
may be long
your people
עם ˁm: people; ־ך -k: your
ימיך ymyk
ימי ymy: days; ־ך -k: your
your days
על ˁl: upon, towards
על ˁl
על ˁl: upon, towards
the [rags-to-riches] disguise
דמה dmh: imitate, disguise
האדמה hˀdmh
אדמה ˀdmh: land, country
the land
אשר ˀšr: which
אשר ˀšr
אשר ˀšr: which
the “hidden”
יחבה yḥbh: hidden
יהוה yhwh
יהוה yhwh: Yahweh
your rulers
אלהי ˀlhy: mighty, rulers; ־ך -k: your
אלהיך ˀlhyk
אלהי ˀlhy: God, gods; ־ך -k: your
your God
are giving
נתן ntn: give
נתן ntn
נתן ntn: give
is giving
to you.
לך lk: to you
לך lk
לך lk: to you
to you.
Do not snitch!
Exodus 20:13
Encrypted: Not shall you shout / scream / cry out / exclaim these things.
Official: Not shall you kill.
לא lˀ: not
לא lˀ
לא lˀ: not
shall you shout / scream / cry out / exclaim [these things].
ת־ t-: will; צרח ṣrḥ: cry out, exclaim, shout, scream, croak
תרצח trṣḥ
ת־ t-: will; רצח rṣḥ: kill, murder
shall you kill.
Do not snitch!!
Exodus 20:14
Encrypted: Not shall you blow / pour out / spew out / utter / pronounce these things.
Official: Not shall you commit adultery.
לא lˀ: not
לא lˀ
לא lˀ: not
shall you blow / pour out / spew out / utter / pronounce [these things].
ת־ t-: will; נפע npˁ: burst, blow, squirt; נבע nbˁ: burst forth, pour out, give forth, pronounce, utter, spew out words
תנאף tnˀp
ת־ t-: will; נאף nˀp: commit adultery
shall you commit adultery.
Do not snitch!!!
Exodus 20:15
Encrypted: Not shall you let these things gush out / break forth / emerge / surface.
Official: Not shall you steal.
לא lˀ: not
לא lˀ
לא lˀ: not
shall you [let these things] gush out / break forth / emerge / surface.
ת־ t-: will; נבג nbg: gush out, break forth, emerge, come to surface
תגנב tgnb
ת־ t-: will; גנב gnb: steal
shall you steal.
Do not speak up when your ruler is lying.
Exodus 20:16
Encrypted: Not shall you respond & speak up when your ruler is giving testimony that is false.
Official: Not shall you testify about your fellow with testimony that is false.
לא lˀ: not
לא lˀ
לא lˀ: not
shall you respond & speak up
ת־ t-: will; ענה ˁnh: speak, sing, respond, announce
תענה tˁnh
ת־ t-: will; ענה ˁnh: testify, give account
shall you testify
[when] your ruler
ב־ b-: with; רעה rˁh: ruler, lead, guide; ־ך -k: yours
ברעך brˁk
ב־ b-: with; רע rˁ: neighbor, fellow; ־ך -k: yours
[about] your fellow
is giving testimony
עד ˁd: witness, evidence, testimony; עוד ˁwd: testify
עד ˁd
עד ˁd: witness, evidence, testimony; עוד ˁwd: testify
[with] testimony
that is false.
שקר šqr: false, lie
שקר šqr
שקר šqr: false, lie
that is false.
Do not destroy the plans, inventions, or covers of your ruler.
Exodus 20:17
Encrypted: Not shall you destroy the invented shape of your ruler, nor shall you destroy the plans & plots of your ruler, nor his inventions nor his truths nor his actual identity nor his cover, nor anything which is of your ruler.
Official: Not shall you desire the house of your neighbor, nor shall you desire the wife of your neighbor, nor his manservant nor his maidservant nor his ox nor his donkey, nor anything which is of your neighbor.
לא lˀ: not
לא lˀ
לא lˀ: not
shall you destroy [?]
ת־ t-: will; קמט qmṭ: snatch, fold, cut down, destroy
תחמד tḥmd
ת־ t-: will; חמד ḥmd: desire, covet
shall you desire
the invented shape [?]
בדי bdy: shape, form, invent
בית byt
בית byt: house
the house
of your ruler,
רעה rˁh: ruler, lead, guide; ־ך -k: your
רעך rˁk
רע rˁ: neighbor, fellow; ־ך -k: your
of your neighbor,
לא lˀ: not
לא lˀ
לא lˀ: not
shall you destroy [?]
ת־ t-: will; קמט qmṭ: snatch, fold, cut down, destroy
תחמד tḥmd
ת־ t-: will; חמד ḥmd: desire, covet
shall you desire
the plans & plots
עשת ˁšt: plot, plan, forge
אשת ˀšt
אשת ˀšt: wife
the wife
of your ruler,
רעה rˁh: ruler, lead, guide; ־ך -k: your
רעך rˁk
רע rˁ: neighbor; ־ך -k: your
of your neighbor,
nor his inventions
בדא bdˀ: invent, concoct
ועבדו wˁbdw
עבד ˁbd: manservant
nor his manservant
nor his truths
אמת ˀmt: truth
ואמתו wˀmtw
אמת ˀmt: maidservant
nor his maidservant
nor his actual [identity]
שרר šrr: true; שריר šryr: actually
ושורו wšwrw
שור šwr: ox
nor his ox
nor his cover,
חמר ḥmr: cover, daub; כמר kmr: hide, cover
וחמרו wḥmrw
חמר ḥmr: donkey
nor his donkey,
nor anything
כל kl: all, any
וכל wkl
כל kl: all, any
nor anything
אשר ˀšr: which
אשר ˀšr
אשר ˀšr: which
is of your ruler.
ל־ l-: to; רעה rˁh: ruler, lead, guide; ־ך -k: your
לרעך lrˁk
ל־ l-: to; רע rˁ: neighbor, fellow; ־ך -k: your
is of your neighbor.