
🏷  Bible name pun spook enemy · name   —   by Gerry · Oct 2020 · 488 words

The Biblical giant Goliath is one of the few semi-admitted puns: His name is officially derived from the word root √gl for “rolling”, just without a good explanation. But it’s easy to find: The link to the giant in the literal story is gl meaning “heap [of a man]”, derived from stones “rolled into a heap”. The link to the spooky parable beneath is glh for “revealing”, derived from “unrolling”. To the spooks, “revealing” their scams is bad, and that’s why Goliath is the enemy in the story.

David slays Goliath

Contrary to popular knowledge, David & Goliath do indeed mean “weak & strong”,
but with a twist: They also mean “concealing & revealing”. “Revealing” loses.

Goliath’s pun with glh for “revealing” is also confirmed by him being contrasted to David:

Hebrew, Arabic gl, jl = rolled-up heap, pile, bulk, great

גל gl gal : heap, wave, billow, rock pile, ruins; From galal: something rolled, i.e. a heap of stone or dung — Old Hebrew (Strong)

جَلّ jl jall : great; bulky; outstanding — Arabic (Wikt)

Hebrew, Aramaic, Persian glh, glˁ, jlˁ = roll, unroll, unfold, uncover, reveal

גלה glh galah : uncover, remove; to reveal, appear, denude, disclose, discover, depart, exile, open, publish,report, show — Old Hebrew (Strong)

גלה glh : to uncover; to appear; uncovered, revealed, disclosed; discovered, made known — Hebrew (Klein)

גלי ; גלה glh; gly : to be uncovered; open, revealed; to banish, carry into captivity; to be discovered, exposed to view; to reveal one’s self, appear; to uncover, remove; to discover, reveal, publish; to expose to suspicion; to expose, put to shame — Hebrew (Jastrow)

גלל gll : to roll; rolled, rolled away; wrapped; rolled up; unrolled, unfolded; removed — Hebrew (Klein)

גלי gly : to uncover; to open; to show, reveal; to bring to light; to declare; to reveal (secrets, revelations); to uncover; to be visible; to be naked — Aramaic (CAL)

גלוע glwˁ : uncovering, disclosing; opening — Hebrew (Klein)

جلع jlˁ jalʻ : pulling off clothes; being uncovered; being shameless — Persian (Steingass)

جلع jlˁ jalʻ : pulling off clothes; being open; being shameless; one whose privities are exposed; obscene; inverted-lipped; open-mouthed — Persian (Johnson)

Hebrew, Arabic m-gt = from Gath; mgd = leadership; mjd = nobility

מ־ m- : from, of; from a place — Hebrew (Jastrow)

גת gt : Gath: “wine press,” a Philistine city — Old Hebrew (Strong)

מגדא mgdˀ : guidance, leading string — Hebrew (Jastrow)

مَجْد mjd majd : to be glorious; glory; magnificence; nobility, honor — Arabic (Wikt)

🏷  Bible name pun spook enemy · name