Introduction to Ancient Spooks

🏷  intro · meta-info   —   by Gerry · Jan 2020 · 511 words

This site is about Ancient Spooks, secret rulers whose descendants still rule us today, through deception! Our written history is a sham, and today’s “alternative” history is a sham too. Behind the curtain, it’s been plain old corruption all the way down, with fancy stories to cover it up. Some of these stories were even written down as riddles, so with a bit of work, today we can still read how these shams were orchestrated.

Welcome to my website about ancient spookery & punnery!

My entire adult life, I had to read news about strange terror events & finance crises. And they were all never solved, but swept under the rug, the responsible people even rewarded. This made clear to me that the perpetrators operate above the law, and above governments!

So who is “behind it”? Miles Mathis, science & history researcher, has discovered that it’s a vast global network of aristocratic families, who occupy all positions of power, disguised as commoners & celebrities. They are all governments. And own all media, all military, all banks, all corporations, every institution of importance. They can thus lie about everything with total impunity!

Miles also found out that this system did not start recently, but can be traced back many centuries.

When and how did it all start? I took the research one step further into ancient times. To my surprise, I found 3 things:

These may seem bold claims, but unlike most fake “alternative” history websites, I have a mountain of evidence to back it up.

If you’re familiar with Miles’ work, you can dive right into my analyses of ancient texts, where I have decrypted the punnery and show through word-by-word analysis that these texts are actually recipes for ruling through deception, sometimes even accounts of the real events! I’ve already proven this for Hebrew, Latin, Greek, Chinese, Egyptian and Sumerian examples.

If this all feels new to you, you may want to read my introduction to Miles’ work, or better yet read it yourself.

If you want to know how this website “works”, and how you can download it, check out the technical info.

In any case, I hope that I can give you many new insights with my research. Browse along and have fun! This is intended for lookup, so there’s no need to read everything. Choose what interests you, leave the boring stuff. And always remember to judge things yourself! 😉


🏷  intro · meta-info