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Sumerian: Debate between Sheep & Grain

🏷  Sumerian interlinear · text   —   by Gerry · Dec 2023 · 11465 words

The Debate between Sheep and Grain is one of the famous Sumerian disputations from the 3rd millennium BC, where personifications of abstract concepts debate who is more important. It’s humorous & poetic, but of course it’s also encrypted: Sheep puns with “true-self”, and Grain with “covered-self”. And the arguments in the debate can also all be read as rulers choosing between “truth” vs “cover-up”. Unsurprisingly, “cover-up” wins. This Sumerian text is proof that even the most ancient civilizations had deceptive rulers who lied to their subjects about everything, and were even proud of it!


Sumerian was written with cuneiform signs, each having several readings. This makes it very hard to decipher the texts, but allows for near endless pun possibilities. Since the Sumerian language had died out long before classical antiquity, and even cuneiform writing had mostly died out then, it’s also difficult to guess how each of the signs was actually pronounced. Each official translation is therefore to be taken with a grain of salt, and my pun decryptions are to be taken with a few grains more. Another problem is that not too many texts have survived, so the dictionaries are even shorter than usual on words like “feigning”, “hoaxing” etc.

(To view the cuneiform signs in the interlinear text, select in the . Some puns can only be understood with the signs.)

Sheep & Grain, the main protagonists of this debate story, do not have the clearest of puns. My guess is that both rely on the similarity of a two-syllable word with a two-word compound phrase: Sheep puns with “true-state”. Grain puns with “cover-self”. Also, Sheep uses an alternate reading.

Generally, Grain argues in the debate with the intoxicating power of beer made from grain, which inspires people. This pun-translates very well into a “Covered-Self” convincing the duped populations to serve. Sheep mainly argues with the superior quality of wool & lamb meat, and the places where these are in regular use, which are palaces, temples and the army. This easily pun-translates into the “True-State” of raw power held through these institutions.

There are also relatively clear puns in the story. In many instances, the very same sign or even the same word can be read as the common theme of rulers deceiving their subjects. In these cases, it’s even irrelevant what the actual correct Sumerian pronunciation was, because the encrypted words are written with the same cuneiform signs.

Overall, this Sumerian text is not the clearest example of pun-encryption. However, the many clear puns are still proof that systematic deception by the ruling aristocratic scum existed even in the most ancient civilizations. This is one of the oldest literary texts in human history, and their system of deception was already fully developed by then. Its beginnings probably predated script, and it is likely as old as the corrupting concept of aristocracy itself. Almost, that is. Because that is actually a point that Genesis, Josephus and Sheep & Grain all agree on: The aristocrats came to power first, and invented deception on top of it, for easier ruling.


The cuneiform glyph codes and official translations were taken from these websites:

How to read this

Before deception was invented

In the beginning, the aristocrats had not yet created cover-ups.

Grain & Sheep 1

Encrypted: In the beginning of upper class and lower class those days, the upper class had to the noble princes given birth.

Official: On the mountain of heaven and earth that day, An the sky god had to the Anunna gods given birth.

[In] the beginning
𒄯 ur: he, that; 𒊕 sag: first, beginning
𒄯𒊕 hur.sag
𒄯𒊕 hur.sag: mountain, steppe
[On] the mountain

of upper [class]
𒀭 an: upper, above
𒀭 an
𒀭 an: sky, heaven
of heaven

and lower [class]
𒆠 ki: lower, down below
𒆠 ki: earth, land
[and] earth

[those] days,
𒌓 ud: day
𒌓 ud
𒌓 ud: day
[that] day,

the upper [class]
𒀭 an: upper, above
𒀭𒉌 an.ne₂
𒀭 an: An, sky, heaven
An [the sky god]

[had to] the noble princes
𒀀 a: offspring; 𒉣 nun: noble, prince, ruler; 𒈾 na: man
𒀭𒀀𒉣𒈾 {d}
𒀀𒉣𒈾 Anunna, Anunnaki, offspring of An
[had to] the Anunna [gods]

given birth.
𒉎 ni: self; 𒌅 tud: bear, give birth (to)
𒅎𒌅𒉈𒌍𒀀𒁀 im.tud.de₃.eš
𒉎 ni: self; 𒌅 tud: bear, give birth (to)
given birth.

Grain & Sheep 1

Grain & Sheep 3

Encrypted: But the thing named “Covered-Self” they had not yet created, and not beautification. For the people an ensnaring of them with slapped-on garments they had not manufactured. Of the slapped-on garments the foundation they had not put down.

Official: But the thing named “Grain” he had not yet birthed, and not greenery. In the land the flax of Uttu the goddess of weaving he had not created. Of the weaving beam the foundation he had not put down.

[But the thing] named
𒈬 mu: name
𒈬 mu
𒈬 mu: name
[But the thing] named

𒌋𒌓 ušu₂: cover, covering, surface; 𒉎 ni₂: aura, self
𒀭𒊺‍𒌁 {d}ezina₂
𒊺𒊺𒉪 ezina₂: grain; 𒊺𒊺𒉪 ašnan: grain; 𒉺𒊺 isin: grain

[they had] not [yet]
𒉡 nu: not
𒉡 nu
𒉡 nu: not
[he had] not [yet]

𒌅 tud: bear, give birth (to)
𒌒𒁕𒌅𒁕𒀸 ub.da.tud.da.aš
𒌅 tud: bear, give birth (to)

[and] not
𒉡 nu: not
𒉡 nu
𒉡 nu: not
[and] not

beautification [?].
𒅊 sa₇: sweet, beautiful, improve
𒅊 sig₇: green-yellow; 𒅊𒅊 si₁₂.si₁₂: green-yellow

[For?] the people
𒌦 ug₃: people
𒌦 kalam: land
In the land

an ensnaring [of them?]
𒄖 gu: net, snare, hold back, restrain
𒄖 gu
𒄖 gu: flax, linen
the flax

[with] slapped-on garments [??]
𒋳 tag: bind, slap on, plaster; 𒌆 tug₂: garment
𒀭𒋸 {d}uttu
𒋸 uttu / tag×tug₂: beam of a weaving utensil
of Uttu [the goddess of weaving]

[they had] not
𒉡 nu: not
𒉡 nu
𒉡 nu: not
[he had] not

𒁶 dim₂: create, manufacture
𒁶 dim₂: create, manufacture

Of the slapped-on garments [??]
𒋳 tag: bind, slap on, plaster; 𒌆 tug₂: garment
𒀭𒋸𒊏 {d}uttu.ra
𒋸 uttu / tag×tug₂: beam of a weaving utensil
Of the weaving beam

the foundation
𒋼 temen: foundation
𒋼 temen
𒋼 temen: foundation
the foundation

[they had] not
𒉡 nu: not
𒉡 nu
𒉡 nu: not
[he had] not

put down.
𒋛 sig₉: place, put into
𒋛 sig₉: place, put into
put down.

Grain & Sheep 3

The truth about leadership had not yet been removed & confused.

Grain & Sheep 6

Encrypted: The True-State had not yet been removed, the human lambs were not yet confused. The truth had not yet been silenced, so leadership was not yet made to be confused.

Official: Sheep had not yet appeared, so lambs were not yet there numerous. Goats not yet were there, so kids were not yet numerous.

The True-State
𒄀 gin₆: true, correct; 𒉆 nam: being, state
𒇇 u₈
𒇇 u₈: ewe; 𒇇 ganam₄: ewe

[had] not [yet]
𒉡 nu: not
𒉡 nu
𒉡 nu: not
[had] not [yet]

been removed,
𒌓‍𒁺 e₃: remove, take away
𒌓‍𒁺𒀀 e₃.a
𒌓‍𒁺 e₃: go out, go forth

the [human] lambs
𒃢 sila₄: lamb
𒃢 sila₄
𒃢 sila₄: lamb
[so] lambs

[were] not [yet]
𒉡 nu: not
𒉡 nu
𒉡 nu: not
[were] not [yet there]

𒄭 šar₂: mix, mixed
𒄭𒊏 šar₂.ra
𒄭 šar₂: numerous

The truth
𒍣 zid: right, true
𒍚 ud₅
𒍚 uzud: (female) goat

[had] not [yet]
𒉡 nu: not
𒉡 nu
𒉡 nu: not
not [yet]

been silenced,
𒈨 me: battle, combat, silence
𒈨𒀀 me.a
𒈨 me: be
were [there],

[so] leadership
𒈦𒋢 leader
𒈧 maš₂
𒈧 maš₂: goat
[so] kids

[was] not [yet]
𒉡 nu: not
𒉡 nu
𒉡 nu: not
[were] not [yet]

made to be confused.
𒄭 šar₂: mix, mixed
𒄭𒊏 šar₂.ra
𒄭 šar₂: numerous

Grain & Sheep 6

Aristocrats did not yet know about decorated & covered leadership.

Grain & Sheep 8

Encrypted: The True-State to a decoration as a double of it had not yet given birth. The truth to leadership with a cover of it had not yet given birth. And the names for “Shiny Covered-Self” versus “True-State”, even the princes upmost great, they did not know them.

Official: The ewe to lambs twins of it had not yet given birth. The goat to kids triplet of it had not yet given birth. And the names for “Shiny Grain” and “Sheep”, even the Anunnaki, the gods great, they did not know them.

The True-State
𒄀 gin₆: true, correct; 𒉆 nam: being, state
𒇇𒂊 u₈.e
𒇇 u₈: ewe; 𒇇 ganam₄: ewe
The ewe

to a decoration
𒂰 asila: joy, decorative fancy work
𒃢 sila₄
𒃢 sila₄: lamb
[to] lambs

as a double
𒌋𒌋 šuš.šuš: cover, envelop, surface; 𒌋𒌋 puzur₂: secret
𒈫 min
𒈫 min: two, double; 𒌋𒌋 min₃: two, double

of it
𒁉 bi: this, its
𒁉 bi
𒁉 bi: this, its
of it

[had] not [yet]
𒉡 nu: not
𒉡 nu
𒉡 nu: not
[had] not [yet]

given birth.
𒌅 tud: give birth (to)
𒌒𒌅𒌓 ub.tu.ud
𒌅 tud: give birth (to)
given birth.

The truth
𒍣 zid: right, true
𒍚𒂊 ud₅.e
𒍚 uzud: (female) goat
The goat

to leadership
𒈧𒋢 maš₂.su: leader
𒈧 maš₂
𒈧 maš₂: goat
[to] kids

[with] a cover [?]
𒍑𒋗 uš.šu: cover, envelop, surface
𒐈 : three; 𒍑 : three

of it
𒁉 bi: this, its
𒁉 bi
𒁉 bi: this, its
of it

[had] not [yet]
𒉡 nu: not
𒉡 nu
𒉡 nu: not
[had] not [yet]

given birth.
𒌅 tud: give birth (to)
𒌒𒌅𒌓 ub.tu.ud
𒌅 tud: give birth (to)
given birth.

[And] the names [for]
𒈬 mu: dress, wear
𒈬 mu
𒈬 mu: name, instruction
[And] the names [for]

“Shiny Covered-Self”
𒌋𒌓 ušu₂: cover, covering, surface; 𒉎 ni₂: aura, self; 𒆬 kug: shiny; 𒋤 su₃: sprinkle, strew
𒀭𒊺‍𒌁𒀭𒆬𒋤 {d}ezina₂.dku₃.su₃
𒊺𒊺𒉪 ezina₂: grain; 𒊺𒊺𒉪 ašnan: grain; 𒆬 kug: shiny; 𒋤 su₃: sprinkle, strew
“Shiny Grain”

[versus] “True-State”,
𒄀 gin₆: true, correct; 𒉆 nam: being, state
𒀭𒇇𒁉𒁕𒆤 {d}u₈.bi.da.ke₄
𒇇 u₈: ewe; 𒇇 ganam₄: ewe
[and] “Sheep”,

[even] the princes
𒀀 a: offspring; 𒉣 nun: noble, prince, ruler; 𒈾 na: man
𒀭𒀀𒉣𒈾 {d}
𒀀𒉣𒈾 Anunna, Anunnaki, offspring of An
[even] the Anunnaki,

𒀭 an: upper, above
𒀭 digir
𒀭 digir: deity, god
the gods

𒃲 gal: big, great
𒃲 gal: big, great

[they did] not
𒉡 nu: not
𒉡 nu
𒉡 nu: not
[they did] not

know [them].
𒍪 zu: learn, know
𒈬𒌦𒍪𒍑𒀀‍𒀭 mu.un.zu.uš.am₃
𒍪 zu: learn, know
know [them].

Grain & Sheep 8

The rulers did not know about special appearances to be admired.

Grain & Sheep 12

Encrypted: The special appearance to be admired as one of power did not exist. The special appearance to be admired as a lord did not exist. The special appearance to be admired as a lord & prince did not exist.

Official: The barley of days thirty did not exist. The barley of days forty did not exist. The barley of days fifty did not exist.

The [special] appearance
𒊺 še: equal, compare; 𒈹 muš₂: face, appearance
𒊺𒋀 še.muš₅
𒊺𒋀 še.muš₅: barley
The barley

to be admired
𒌓 ud: admire
𒌓 ud
𒌓 ud: day
[of] days

[as one] of power
𒀉𒆗 usu: strength, force
𒌍𒀀‍𒀭 ušu₃.am₃
𒌍 ušu₃: thirty

[did] not
𒉡 nu: not
𒉡 nu
𒉡 nu: not
[did] not

𒅅 gal₂: exist, be there
𒅅𒆷𒀀‍𒀭 gal₂.la.am₃
𒅅 gal₂: exist, be there

The [special] appearance
𒊺 še: equal, compare; 𒈹 muš₂: face, appearance
𒊺𒋀 še.muš₅
𒊺𒋀 še.muš₅: barley
The barley

to be admired
𒌓 ud: admire
𒌓 ud
𒌓 ud: day
[of] days

[as] a lord
𒉆𒃞 lordship
𒐏𒀀‍𒀭 nimin.am₃
𒐏 nimin: forty

[did] not
𒉡 nu: not
𒉡 nu
𒉡 nu: not
[did] not

𒅅 gal₂: exist, be there
𒅅𒆷𒀀‍𒀭 gal₂.la.am₃
𒅅 gal₂: exist, be there

The [special] appearance
𒊺 še: equal, compare; 𒈹 muš₂: face, appearance
𒊺𒋀 še.muš₅
𒊺𒋀 še.muš₅: barley
The barley

to be admired
𒌓 ud: admire
𒌓 ud
𒌓 ud: day
[of] days

[as] a lord & prince
𒊩𒌆 nin: owner, lord, lady; 𒉣 nun: prince
𒐐𒀀‍𒀭 ninnu.am₃
𒐐 ninnu: fifty

[did] not
𒉡 nu: not
𒉡 nu
𒉡 nu: not
[did] not

𒅅 gal₂: exist, be there
𒅅𒆷𒀀‍𒀭 gal₂.la.am₃
𒅅 gal₂: exist, be there

Grain & Sheep 12

Disguising rulers as a commoners or strangers did not exist.

Grain & Sheep 15

Encrypted: Making oneself equal to a small citizen, equal to a stranger, equal to an important holyness, this did not exist.

Official: The barley small, the barley of the mountains, the barley of the habitations holy, they did not exist.

[Making oneself] equal
𒊺 še: equal, compare
𒊺 še
𒊺 še: barley, grain
The barley

to a small citizen,
𒌉 dumu: citizen; 𒌉 banda₃: attendant
𒌉𒌉 di₄.di₄
𒌉𒌉 di₄.di₄: small

𒊺 še: equal, compare
𒊺 še
𒊺 še: barley, grain
the barley

to a stranger,
𒆳𒊏 kur.ra: different, strange, alter, replace
𒆳𒊏 kur.ra
𒆳𒊏𒂊 kur.ra.e: mountain
of the mountains,

𒊺 še: equal, compare
𒊺 še
𒊺 še: barley, grain
the barley

to an important [??]
𒅂 idim: heavy, important; 𒁶 dim₂:
𒀉𒁮 a₂.dam
𒀉𒁮 a₂.dam: habitation
of the habitations

𒆬 kug: pure, holy
𒆬 kug: pure, holy

[this did] not
𒉡 nu: not
𒉡 nu
𒉡 nu: not
[they did] not

𒅅 gal₂: exist, be there
𒅅𒆷𒀀‍𒀭 gal₂.la.am₃
𒅅 gal₂: exist, be there

Grain & Sheep 15

Grain & Sheep 16

Encrypted: A garment thing to dress it all up did not exist.

Official: A garment thing to dress did not exist.

A garment
𒌆 tug₂: garment
𒌆 tug₂
𒌆 tug₂: garment
A garment

𒃻 nig₂: thing
𒃻 nig₂
𒃻 nig₂: thing

to dress [it all up]
𒌆𒌆 mur₁₀.mur₁₀: dress
𒌆𒌆𒁉 mu₄.mu₄.bi
𒌆𒌆 mur₁₀.mur₁₀: dress
to dress

[did] not
𒉡 nu: not
𒉡 nu
𒉡 nu: not
[did] not

𒅅 gal₂: exist, be there
𒅅𒆷𒀀‍𒀭 gal₂.la.am₃
𒅅 gal₂: exist, be there

Grain & Sheep 16

Grain & Sheep 17

Encrypted: The garments had not been born. A headdress had not been raised to wear it.

Official: Uttu had not been born. A crown had not been raised to wear it.

The garments
𒋳 tag: bind, slap on, plaster; 𒌆 tug₂: garment
𒀭𒋸 {d}uttu
𒋸 uttu / tag×tug₂: beam of a weaving utensil

[had] not
𒉡 nu: not
𒉡 nu
𒉡 nu: not
[had] not

been born.
𒌅 tud: give birth (to)
𒌒𒌅𒌓 ub.tu.ud
𒌅 tud: give birth (to)
been born.

A headdress
𒃞 men: crown
𒃞 men
𒃞 men: crown
A crown

[had] not
𒉡 nu: not
𒉡 nu
𒉡 nu: not
[had] not

been raised [to wear it].
𒅍 il₂: raise
𒅍 il₂
𒅍 il₂: raise
been raised [to wear it].

Grain & Sheep 17

Grain & Sheep 18

Encrypted: Coming out as beautiful nobility, coming out as patched-up, this had not been born.

Official: Lord Nigir-si, the lord precious, had not been born.

Coming out [as?]
𒂗 en: come out, emerge
𒂗 en
𒂗 en: lord, master

beautiful nobility [?],
𒉆𒂠 nam.gir₁₅: nobility; 𒋛 si: light; 𒋛 sig₉: beautiful
𒀭𒂆𒋛 {d}
𒂇 nimgir / nigir: herald
Nigir-si [??],

coming out [as?]
𒂗 en: come out, emerge
𒂗 en
𒂗 en: lord, master
the lord

𒆗𒆗 kal: patch (a garment)
𒆗𒆗 kal.kal
𒆗𒆗 kal: valuable, make precious

[this had] not
𒉡 nu: not
𒉡 nu
𒉡 nu: not
[had] not

been born.
𒌅 tud: give birth (to)
𒌒𒌅𒌓 ub.tu.ud
𒌅 tud: give birth (to)
been born.

Grain & Sheep 18

Grain & Sheep 19

Encrypted: The governors having perfect outer forms, this yet had to emerge.

Official: The god Shakkan into the dry land yet had to emerge.

The governors
𒄊𒀴 šagina: governor-general
𒀭𒄊 {d}šakkan₂
𒄊𒀴 šagina: an equid; 𒀲𒀴 šakkan₆: an equid
[The god?] Shakkan [??]

[having] perfect outer forms,
𒁇 bar: outer form, skin; 𒀸 rum: perfect, ideal
𒁇𒁽𒈠 bar.rim₄.ma
𒁇𒁽 bar.rim₄: dry land
[into] the dry land

[this yet had to?] emerge.
𒌓𒁺 e₃: go out, emerge
𒌓𒁺 e₃: go out, emerge
[yet had to?] emerge.

Grain & Sheep 19

The rulers were naked and crushed the people with direct power.

Grain & Sheep 20

Encrypted: The lordly rulers in the days those, of substitutions to act & perform they did not know.

Official: The humans in the days those, of bread to eat they did not know.

The lordly rulers
𒉆 nam: lord; 𒇽 lu₂: man, ruler; 𒍇 ulu₃: man
𒉆𒇽𒍇 nam.lu₂.ulu₃
𒉆𒇽𒍇 nam.lu₂.lu₇: humanity, people
The humans

[in] the days
𒌓 ud: day
𒌓 ud
𒌓 ud: day
[in] the days

𒉈 ne: this
𒉘𒀀𒆤𒉈 re.a.ke₄.ne
𒉈 ne: this

of substitutions
𒃻 gar: replace, give in place of something; 𒃻 nig₂: encircle, enclosure
𒃻 ninda
𒃻 ninda: bread
of bread

to act & perform
𒅗 ka: make, act, perform
𒅥𒅇𒁉 gu₇.u₃.bi
𒅥 gu₇: eat, consume; 𒅗 gu₃: eat, consume
to eat

[they did] not
𒉡 nu: not
𒉡 nu
𒉡 nu: not
[they did] not

𒍪 zu: learn, know
𒈬𒌦𒍪𒍑𒀀‍𒀭 mu.un.zu.uš.am₃
𒍪 zu: learn, know

Grain & Sheep 20

Grain & Sheep 22

Encrypted: Garments to dress it all up they did not know.

Official: Garments to dress they did not know.

𒌆 tug₂: garment
𒌆𒂵 tug₂.ga
𒌆 tug₂: garment

to dress [it all up]
𒌆𒌆 mur₁₀.mur₁₀: dress
𒌆𒌆𒁉 mu₄.mu₄.bi
𒌆𒌆 mur₁₀.mur₁₀: dress
to dress

[they did] not
𒉡 nu: not
𒉡 nu
𒉡 nu: not
[they did] not

𒍪 zu: learn, know
𒈬𒌦𒍪𒍑𒀀‍𒀭 mu.un.zu.uš.am₃
𒍪 zu: learn, know

Grain & Sheep 22

Grain & Sheep 23

Encrypted: Before the people in their known true self naked they went.

Official: On the land with their limbs naked they went.

[Before] the people
𒌦 ug₃: people
𒌦 kalam
𒌦 kalam: land
[On] the land

[in their] known true [self]
𒄑 iz: know; 𒄀 gin₆: true, correct, normal
𒄑𒄀𒈾 {giš}.gen₆.na
𒄑𒄀 geš.gen₆: limbs
[with their] limbs

𒋢 sug₄: empty, strip, naked
𒋢 sug₄: empty, strip, naked

[they] went.
𒁺 gen: go
𒈬𒌦𒁺 mu.un.gen
𒁺 gen: go
[they] went.

Grain & Sheep 23

Grain & Sheep 24

Encrypted: Like sheep bleating with the mouth their leadership they performed, and with direct power the multitudes they crushed.

Official: Like sheep with the mouth the plants they ate, and water of nature’s gardens they drank.

[Like] sheep
𒇻 udu: sheep
𒇻𒁶 udu.gin₇
𒇻 udu: sheep
[Like] sheep

[bleating with?] the mouth
𒅗 gu₃: voice, noise
𒅗 ka: mouth
[with] the mouth

their leadership [?]
𒌑 u₂: lean on, impose, follow, lead
𒌑 u₂
𒌑 u₂: grass, herb, plant
the plants

they performed,
𒅗 ka: make, act, perform
𒅥 gu₇: eat, consume; 𒅗 gu₃: eat, consume
they ate,

and with [direct] power
𒀀 a: strength, power
𒀀 a
𒀀 a: water
[and] water

the multitudes [?]
𒊬𒊬 šar.šar: numerous, make numerous
𒊬𒊬𒊏𒅗 mu₂.sar.ra.ka
𒊬𒊬 mu₂.sar: garden
[of nature’s] gardens [?]

they crushed.
𒅘 nag: crush
𒅘 nag: drink, irrigate
they drank.

Grain & Sheep 24

Invention of True-State & Covered-Self

The aristocrats invent True-State & Covered-Self.

Grain & Sheep 26

Encrypted: In those days and times, the upper class

Official: In those days and times, the gods

In those days
𒌓 ud: day
𒌓 ud: day
In those days

and times [?],
𒆠𒅊𒀩 ki.ulutim₂: place of creation, fixed time
𒆠𒅊‍𒀩 ki.ulutim₂
𒆠𒅊𒀩 ki.ulutim₂: place of creation, fixed time
and times [?],

the upper [class]
𒀭 an: upper, above
𒀭 digir: deity
the gods

Grain & Sheep 26

Grain & Sheep 27

Encrypted: in their temples on their thrones, they laid down True-State and Covered-Self to sustain them.

Official: in their house on their mound, they laid down Sheep and Grain to live.

[in] their temples
𒂍 e₂: temple
𒂍𒁉 e₂.bi
𒂍 e₂: house
[in] their house

[on] their thrones,
𒇯 du₆: throne platform for a deity
𒇯 du₆
𒇯 du₆: mound
[on] their mound,

they laid down
𒆬 kug: place, lay (down)
𒆬 kug: place, lay (down)
they laid down

𒄀 gin₆: true, correct; 𒉆 nam: being, state
𒇇 u₈
𒇇 u₈: ewe; 𒇇 ganam₄: ewe

[and] Covered-Self
𒌋𒌓 ušu₂: cover, covering, surface; 𒉎 ni₂: aura, self
𒀭𒊺‍𒌁𒁉 {d}ezina₂.bi
𒊺𒊺𒉪 ezina₂: grain; 𒊺𒊺𒉪 ašnan: grain; 𒉺𒊺 isin: grain
[and] Grain

to sustain [them].
𒅊 se₁₂: live; 𒋾 til₃: live, sustain
𒈬𒌦𒅊𒌍𒀀‍𒀭 mu.un.se₁₂.eš.am₃
𒅊 se₁₂: live; 𒋾 til₃: live, sustain
to live.

Grain & Sheep 27

Grain & Sheep 28

Encrypted: In their establishments enclosed for the performance the upper people gathered.

Official: In the shrine the bread to eat the gods gathered.

[In] their establishments
𒀊 eš₃: establishment
𒀊 eš₃
𒀊 eš₃: shrine
[In] the shrine

enclosed [?]
𒃻 gar: put, place, replace; 𒃻 nig₂: encircle, enclose
𒃻 ninda
𒃻 ninda: bread
the bread

for the performance [?]
𒅗 ka: make, act, perform
𒅥 gu₇
𒅥 gu₇: eat, consume; 𒅗 gu₃: eat, consume
to eat

the upper [people]
𒀭 an: upper, above
𒀭 digir: god, deity
the gods

𒊑𒊑 de₅.de₅: collect, gather up
𒊑𒊑 de₅.de₅: collect, gather up

Grain & Sheep 28

Grain & Sheep 29

Encrypted: From the plenty of True-State and Covered-Self the noble princes on their thrones shining, they performed it, but not were the people satiated.

Official: From the plenty of Sheep and Grain the Anunna on their mound holy, they ate of it, but not were they satiated.

[From] the plenty
𒃶𒅅 he₂.gal₂: plenty, prosperity
𒃶𒅅 he₂.gal₂
𒃶𒅅 he₂.gal₂: plenty, prosperity
[From] the plenty

of True-State
𒄀 gin₆: true, correct; 𒉆 nam: being, state
𒇇 u₈
𒇇 u₈: ewe; 𒇇 ganam₄: ewe
of Sheep

[and] Covered-Self
𒌋𒌓 ušu₂: cover, covering, surface; 𒉎 ni₂: aura, self
𒀭𒊺‍𒌁𒁉𒁕𒅗 {d}ezina₂.bi.da.ka
𒊺𒊺𒉪 ezina₂: grain; 𒊺𒊺𒉪 ašnan: grain; 𒉺𒊺 isin: grain
[and] Grain

the noble princes
𒀀 a: offspring; 𒉣 nun: noble, prince, ruler; 𒈾 na: man
𒀭𒀀𒉣𒈾 {d}
𒀀𒉣𒈾 Anunna, Anunnaki, offspring of An
the Anunna

[on] their thrones
𒇯 du₆: throne platform for a deity
𒇯 du₆
𒇯 du₆: mound
[on] their mound

𒆬 kug: pure, shining, holy
𒆬 kug: pure, shining, holy

they performed it,
𒅗 ka: make, act, perform
𒅥 gu₇: eat, consume; 𒅗 gu₃: eat, consume
they ate of it,

but not
𒉡 nu: not
𒉡 nu
𒉡 nu: not
but not

were [the people?] satiated.
𒋛 si: fill
𒈬𒌦𒉈𒋛𒋛𒌍 mu.un.de₃š
𒋛 si: fill
were they satiated.

Grain & Sheep 29

Grain & Sheep 32

Encrypted: Of the leadership shiny the greatness sweet, the noble princes on their thrones shining, they performed it, but not were the people satiated.

Official: Of the sheepfold shiny the milk sweet, the Anunna on their mound holy, they drank it, but not were they satiated.

Of the leadership
𒈦𒋢 leader
𒁖‍𒆨 amaš
𒁦 amaš: sheepfold
Of the sheepfold

𒆬 kug: pure, shining, holy
𒆬 kug: pure, shining, holy

the greatness
𒂵 ga: big, great, senior
𒂵 ga: milk
the milk

𒃻𒄭 nig₂.dug₃: that which is good, well-being, sweet
𒃻𒄭𒂵 nig₂.dug₃.ga
𒃻𒄭 nig₂.dug₃: that which is good, well-being, sweet

the noble princes
𒀀 a: offspring; 𒉣 nun: noble, prince, ruler; 𒈾 na: man
𒀭𒀀𒉣𒈾 {d}
𒀀𒉣𒈾 Anunna, Anunnaki, offspring of An
the Anunna

[on] their thrones
𒇯 du₆: throne platform for a deity
𒇯 du₆
𒇯 du₆: mound
[on] their mound

𒆬 kug: pure, shining, holy
𒆬 kug: pure, shining, holy

they performed it,
𒅗 ka: make, act, perform; 𒀀 a: power
𒅘𒅘 na₈.na₈: drink; 𒅘 nag / ka×a: drink
they drank it,

but not
𒉡 nu: not
𒉡 nu
𒉡 nu: not
but not

were [the people?] satiated.
𒋛 si: fill
𒈬𒌦𒉈𒋛𒋛𒌍 mu.un.de₃š
𒋛 si: fill
were they satiated.

Grain & Sheep 32

Grain & Sheep 35

Encrypted: So out of the leadership shiny, the sweet speech to the ruling lords to swell the hearts it was provided.

Official: So out of the sheepfold shiny, the good things instead to the humans to live on it for their bellies they were provided.

[So out of] the leadership
𒈦𒋢 leader
𒁖‍𒆨 amaš
𒁦 amaš: sheepfold
[So out of] the sheepfold

𒆬 kug: pure, shining, holy
𒆬 kug: pure, shining, holy

the sweet speech [??]
𒃻𒅗 nig₂.dug₄: speech, command
𒃻𒄭𒂵𒉈𒉈𒂠 nig₂.dug₃še₃
𒃻𒄭 nig₂.dug₃: that which is good, well-being, sweet
the good things

to the ruling lords
𒉆 nam: lord; 𒇽 lu₂: man, ruler; 𒍇 ulu₃: man
𒉆𒇽𒍇 nam.lu₂.ulu₃
𒉆𒇽𒍇 nam.lu₂.lu₇: humanity, people
[instead] to the humans

to swell
𒍣 zig₃: raise, swell
𒍣 zi
𒍣 zi: life
to live on it

the hearts
𒊮 šag₄: heart, womb, belly
𒊮 šag₄
𒊮 šag₄: heart, womb, belly
for their bellies

it was provided.
𒅅 gal₂: guard, protect, replace
𒅎𒅆𒅔𒅅 im.š₂
𒅅 gal₂: put, place, provide
they were provided.

Grain & Sheep 35

True-State and Covered-Self are allotted their places.

Grain & Sheep 37

Encrypted: In those days, the Lower-Lord to the Raised-Lord spoke: Lord

Official: On that day, Enki to Enlil spoke: Lord

In those days,
𒌓 ud: day
𒌓 ud: day
On that day,

the Lower-Lord
𒂗 en: lord, master; 𒆠 ki: lower, down below, second rank
𒀭𒂗𒆠𒆤 {d}₄
𒂗𒆠 Enki; 𒂗 en: lord, master; 𒆠 ki: land

to the Raised-Lord
𒂗 en: lord, master; 𒆤 lil₂: raise, carry; 𒆤 kid: secret knowledge
𒀭𒂗𒆤𒊏 {d}en.lil₂.ra
𒂗𒆤 en.lil₂: Enlil; 𒂗 en: lord, master; 𒆤 lil₂: wind, ghost
to Enlil

𒅗 gu₃: voice
𒅗 gu₃
𒅗 gu₃: voice

𒌣 umum: lord
𒌣 umum: lord

Grain & Sheep 37

Grain & Sheep 38

Encrypted: father Raised-Lord, True-State and Covered-Self on the throne shining were made to live, from the throne shining they should go down.

Official: father Enlil, Sheep and Grain on the mound holy were made to live, from the mound holy they should go down.

𒀀𒀀 a.a: father
𒀀𒀀 a.a
𒀀𒀀 a.a: father

𒂗 en: lord, master; 𒆤 lil₂: raise, carry; 𒆤 kid: secret knowledge
𒀭𒂗𒆤 {d}en.lil₂
𒂗𒆤 en.lil₂: Enlil; 𒂗 en: lord, master; 𒆤 lil₂: wind, ghost

𒄀 gin₆: true, correct; 𒉆 nam: being, state
𒇇 u₈
𒇇 u₈: ewe; 𒇇 ganam₄: ewe

[and] Covered-Self
𒌋𒌓 ušu₂: cover, covering, surface; 𒉎 ni₂: aura, self
𒀭𒊺‍𒌁𒁉𒁕𒆤 {d}ezina₂.bi.da.ke₄
𒊺𒊺𒉪 ezina₂: grain; 𒊺𒊺𒉪 ašnan: grain; 𒉺𒊺 isin: grain
[and] Grain

on the throne
𒇯 du₆: throne platform for a deity
𒇯 du₆
𒇯 du₆: mound
on the mound

𒆬 kug: shining, holy
𒆬 kug: shining, holy

were made to live,
𒅊 se₁₂: live; 𒋾 til₃: live
𒅊 se₁₂: live; 𒋾 til₃: live
were made to live,

[from] the throne
𒇯 du₆: throne platform for a deity
𒇯 du₆
𒇯 du₆: mound
[from] the mound

𒆬 kug: shining, holy
𒆬𒋫 kug.ta
𒆬 kug: shining, holy

[they should] go down.
𒇯𒁺 ed₃: go up or down
𒂵𒀀‍𒀭𒈠𒁕𒊏𒀊𒇯‍𒁺𒉈𒂗𒉈𒂗 ga.am₃.ma.da.ra.ab.ed₃.de₃.en.de₃.en
𒇯𒁺 ed₃: go up or down
[they should] go down.

Grain & Sheep 38

Grain & Sheep 41

Encrypted: Lower-Lord and Raised-Lord these words holy having said, True-State and Covered-Self from the throne shining they made go down.

Official: Enki and Enlil these words holy having said, Sheep and Grain from the mound holy they made go down.

𒂗 en: lord, master; 𒆠 ki: lower, down below, second rank
𒀭𒂗𒆠 {d}
𒂗𒆠 Enki; 𒂗 en: lord, master; 𒆠 ki: land

[and] Raised-Lord
𒂗 en: lord, master; 𒆤 lil₂: raise, carry; 𒆤 kid: secret knowledge
𒀭𒂗𒆤𒁉 {d}en.lil₂.bi
𒂗𒆤 en.lil₂: Enlil; 𒂗 en: lord, master; 𒆤 lil₂: wind, ghost
[and] Enlil

these words
𒅗 inim: word
𒅗 inim
𒅗 inim: word
these words

𒆬 kug: shining, holy
𒆬 kug: shining, holy

having said,
𒅗 dug₄: say
𒅗𒂵 dug₄.ga
𒅗 dug₄: say
having said,

𒄀 gin₆: true, correct; 𒉆 nam: being, state
𒇇 u₈
𒇇 u₈: ewe; 𒇇 ganam₄: ewe

[and] Covered-Self
𒌋𒌓 ušu₂: cover, covering, surface; 𒉎 ni₂: aura, self
𒀭𒊺‍𒌁𒁉 {d}ezina₂.bi
𒊺𒊺𒉪 ezina₂: grain; 𒊺𒊺𒉪 ašnan: grain; 𒉺𒊺 isin: grain
[and] Grain

[from] the throne
𒇯 du₆: throne platform for a deity
𒇯 du₆
𒇯 du₆: mound
[from] the mound

𒆬 kug: shining, holy
𒆬𒋫 kug.ta
𒆬 kug: shining, holy

[they made] go down.
𒇯𒁺 ed₃: go up or down
𒇯𒁺 ed₃: go up or down
[they made] go down.

Grain & Sheep 41

True-State has power within boundaries, Covered-Self in the open field.

Grain & Sheep 43

Encrypted: True-State inside the boundaries of power was enclosed. Power in vast quantities was allotted to her.

Official: Sheep inside the sheepfold was enclosed. Greenery in vast quantities was allotted to her.

𒄀 gin₆: true, correct; 𒉆 nam: being, state
𒇇 u₈
𒇇 u₈: ewe; 𒇇 ganam₄: ewe

[inside] the boundaries of power [??]
𒀀 a: strength, power; 𒈦 maš: border, boundary
𒁖‍𒆨𒀀𒈾 amaš
𒀀𒈦 a.maš: sheepfold
[inside] the sheepfold

was enclosed.
𒆸𒆸 ni₁₀.ni₁₀: encircle, enclose
𒆸𒆸 ni₁₀.ni₁₀: encircle, enclose
was enclosed.

𒀉𒋧 a₂.šum₂: give power; 𒁔 ušum: noble
𒌑𒋆 u₂.šim
𒌑𒋆 u₂.šim: greenery

in vast [quantities]
𒃻𒂼 nig₂.dagal: vastness
𒃻𒂼𒆷 nig₂
𒃻𒂼 nig₂.dagal: vastness
in vast [quantities]

was allotted [to her].
𒁀 ba: allot, present
𒁀 ba: allot, present
was allotted [to her].

Grain & Sheep 43

Grain & Sheep 45

Encrypted: Covered-Self in the open field was placed. The farmers and the yoking of the people were allotted to her.

Official: Grain in the field was placed. The plow and the yoked plow team were allotted to her.

𒌋𒌓 ušu₂: cover, covering, surface; 𒉎 ni₂: aura, self
𒀭𒊺‍𒌁𒊏 {d}ezina₂.ra
𒊺𒊺𒉪 ezina₂: grain; 𒊺𒊺𒉪 ašnan: grain; 𒉺𒊺 isin: grain

[in the open?] field
𒃷𒉌 gan₂.ne₂: field
𒃷𒉌 gana₂.ni
𒃷𒉌 gan₂.ne₂: field
[in] the field

was placed.
𒂷𒂷𒄀 ga₂.ga₂{ge}: put, place
𒂷𒂷𒄀 ga₂.ga₂{ge}: put, place
was placed.

The farmers
𒀳 engar: farmer
𒄑𒀳 {giš}apin
𒄑𒀳 {geš}apin: (seed) plow
The plow

and the yoking
𒋙𒂈 šudul: yoke
𒋙‍𒂈 šudul
𒋙𒂈 šudul: yoke
and the yoked

of the people
𒂟 erin₂: people, troops, worker
𒂟𒁉 erin₂.bi
𒂟 erin₂: plow team, harness, yoke
plow team

were allotted [to her].
𒁀 ba: allot, present
𒁀 ba: allot, present
were allotted [to her].

Grain & Sheep 45

True-State restrains the people, Covered-Self plunders them.

Grain & Sheep 47

Encrypted: True-State inside the boundaries stood, a herder of the people inside borders, to have the difficult ones restrained.

Official: Sheep inside the sheepfold stood, a shepherd of the sheepfold, attractive and beaming.

𒄀 gin₆: true, correct; 𒉆 nam: being, state
𒇇 u₈
𒇇 u₈: ewe; 𒇇 ganam₄: ewe

[inside] the boundaries
𒈦 maš: border, boundary
𒁖‍𒆨𒀀𒈾 amaš
𒀀𒈦 a.maš: sheepfold
[inside] the sheepfold

𒁺 gub: stand
𒁺 gub: stand

a herder [of the people]
𒉺𒇻 sipad: shepherd, herder
𒉺‍𒇻 sipad
𒉺𒇻 sipad: shepherd, herder
a shepherd

[inside] borders,
𒈦 maš: border, boundary
𒁖‍𒆨𒀀 amaš.a
𒁦 amaš: sheepfold
of the sheepfold,

[to have the] difficult ones
𒅆𒌨 hulu: bad, criminal, spoiled, difficult
𒄭𒇷 attractiveness, sex appeal

𒂃 du₈: hold, restrain
𒂃𒂃𒀀 du₈.du₈.a
𒂃 du₈: spread
and beaming.

Grain & Sheep 47

Grain & Sheep 49

Encrypted: Covered-Self in the act of performance stood, changed cleanly, improved & beautiful and attractive. She taxed from the shackled people a levy, and raising it to the plenty of the upper class she collected it.

Official: Grain in the furrow stood, a young woman, green and attractive. She lifted from the field her head rising up, and raising it to the plenty of heaven she was carried away by the view.

𒌋𒌓 ušu₂: cover, covering, surface; 𒉎 ni₂: aura, self
𒀭𒊺‍𒌁 {d}ezina₂
𒊺𒊺𒉪 ezina₂: grain; 𒊺𒊺𒉪 ašnan: grain; 𒉺𒊺 isin: grain

in the act of performance [?]
𒀊 ab: do, act, perform; 𒉆 nam: being, state
𒀊𒉆𒈾 ab.sin₂.na
𒀊𒉆 ab.sin₂: furrow
in the furrow

𒁺 gub: stand
𒁺 gub: stand

changed cleanly,
𒆠 ki: turn, change status; 𒂖 sikil: pure, clean
𒆠𒂖 ki.sikil
𒆠𒂖 ki.sikil: young woman
a young woman,

improved & beautiful
𒅊 sa₇: sweet, beautiful, improve
𒅊𒂵 sig₇.ga
𒅊 sig₇: green-yellow

and attractive.
𒄭𒇷 attractiveness
𒄭𒇷 attractiveness
and attractive.

She taxed
𒅍 il₂: tax
𒅍𒊒𒀀‍𒀭 gur₃.ru.am₃
𒅍 gur₃: lift, carry; 𒅍 il₂: raise
She lifted

[from] the shackled
𒃷 gana₂: shackles
𒃷𒉌𒋫 gan₂.ne₂.ta
𒃷𒉌 gan₂.ne₂: field; 𒃷 gana₂: field
[from] the field

𒊕 sag: slave, people
𒊕 sag
𒊕 sag: head
her head

a levy,
𒍣 zig₃: levy, expend, swell
𒍣 zig₃
𒍣 zig₃: rise, raise
rising up,

and raising it
𒅍 il₂: tax
𒅍𒆷𒉌 il₂
𒅍 gur₃: lift, carry; 𒅍 il₂: raise
and raising it

to the plenty
𒃶𒅅 he₂.gal₂: plenty, prosperity
𒃶𒅅 he₂.gal₂
𒃶𒅅 he₂.gal₂: plenty, prosperity
to the plenty

of the upper [class]
𒀭 an: upper, above
𒀭 an: heaven
of heaven

she collected it.
𒁺 de₆: take, collect, pick up, plunder
𒁺𒁺𒀀𒉌 de₆.de₆
𒁺 de₆: carry, carry off
she was carried [away by the view?].

Grain & Sheep 49

True-State & Covered-Self enforce the rule of aristocrats, and enrich them.

Grain & Sheep 53

Encrypted: True-State and Covered-Self as good measures emerged they did. To the assembly of nobles wealth they gave. On the people loyalty they placed.

Official: Sheep and Grain as beautiful emerged they did. To the assembly of gods wealth they gave. To the land life they gave.

𒄀 gin₆: true, correct; 𒉆 nam: being, state
𒇇 u₈
𒇇 u₈: ewe; 𒇇 ganam₄: ewe

[and] Covered-Self
𒌋𒌓 ušu₂: cover, covering, surface; 𒉎 ni₂: aura, self
𒀭𒊺‍𒌁𒁉 {d}ezina₂.bi
𒊺𒊺𒉪 ezina₂: grain; 𒊺𒊺𒉪 ašnan: grain; 𒉺𒊺 isin: grain
[and] Grain

[as] good [measures]
𒉺 sag₃: good, sweet, beautiful
𒉺 pa
𒉺 sag₃: good, sweet, beautiful
[as] beautiful

𒌓𒁺 e₃: come out, emerge
𒌓‍𒁺 e₃
𒌓𒁺 e₃: come out, emerge

they did.
𒀝 ak: do, make, act, perform
𒈬𒌦𒀝𒌍 mu.un.ak.eš
𒀝 ak: do, make, act, perform
they did.

To the assembly [of nobles]
𒌺 unkin: assembly
𒌺 unkin: assembly
To the assembly [of gods]

𒃶𒅅 he₂.gal₂: plenty, prosperity
𒃶𒅅 he₂.gal₂
𒃶𒅅 he₂.gal₂: plenty, prosperity

they gave.
𒅅 gal₂: put, place, supply
𒅅 gal₂: put, place, supply
they gave.

On the people
𒌦 ug₃: people
𒌦 kalam: land
To the land

𒍣 zi: praise; 𒍣 zid: true, loyal; 𒊮 šag₄: inside, heart; 𒅅 gal₂: put
𒍣𒊮𒅅 zi.šag₄.gal₂
𒍣𒊮𒅅 zi.šag₄.gal₂: encouragement, life

they placed.
𒅅 gal₂: put, place, supply
𒅅 gal₂: put, place, supply
they gave.

Grain & Sheep 53

Grain & Sheep 56

Encrypted: The ordinance of the upper class they fulfilled and achieved it. The treasury of the land with possessions they made abundant. The royal household of the land heavy they made.

Official: The ordinance of the gods they fulfilled and achieved it. The storerooms of the land with things they made abundant. The households of the land heavy they made.

The ordinance
𒈨 me: (cultic) ordinance, office
𒈨 me
𒈨 me: (cultic) ordinance, office
The ordinance

of the upper [class]
𒀭 an: upper, above
𒀭 digir: deity, god
of the gods

they fulfilled
𒋛 si: fill
𒋛 si
𒋛 si: fill
they fulfilled

[and] achieved it.
𒁲 sa₂: arrive, reach
𒅎𒁲𒁲𒂊𒉈 im.sa₂.sa₂
𒁲 sa₂: arrive, reach
[and] achieved it.

The treasury
𒌿 erim₃: storeroom, treasury
𒌿 erim₃
𒌿 erim₃: storeroom, treasury
The storerooms

of the land
𒌦 kalam: land
𒌦 kalam: land
of the land

[with] possessions
𒃻 nig₂: thing, possession
𒃻 nig₂
𒃻 nig₂: thing, possession
[with] things

they made abundant.
𒇻𒇻 abundant, heap up
𒇻𒇻 abundant, heap up
they made abundant.

The [royal] household
𒃣 ama₅: chamber, cell, queen’s household
𒃣 ama₅
𒃣 ama₅: chamber, cell, queen’s household
The households

of the land
𒌦 kalam: land
𒌦 kalam: land
of the land

𒂂 dugud: heavy
𒂂 dugud
𒂂 dugud: heavy

they made.
𒅅 gal₂: put, place, supply
𒈬𒌦𒉈𒅅 mu.un.de₃.gal₂
𒅅 gal₂: put, place, supply
they made.

Grain & Sheep 56

Grain & Sheep 59

Encrypted: In the households of the poor, in the dust below lying, they entered and their wealth they removed.

Official: In the households of the poor, in the dust below lying, they entered and wealth they gave.

[In] the households
𒂍 e₂: take away, collect, watch over
𒂍 e₂
𒂍 e₂: house, household
[In] the households

of the poor,
𒇳𒁺 ukur₃: poor
𒇳‍𒁺𒊏 ukur₃.ra
𒇳𒁺 ukur₃: poor
of the poor,

[in] the dust
𒅖 sahar: earth, dust, dirt
𒅖 sahar
𒅖 sahar: earth, dust, dirt
[in] the dust

𒆠 ki: ground, lower, down below
𒆠 ki
𒆠 ki: ground, lower, down below

𒍑 us₂: lean on, lie against
𒍑𒊓𒀀𒁀 us₂
𒍑 us₂: lean on, lie against

[they] entered
𒋽 kur₉: enter
𒅇𒈬𒌦𒁔𒉈𒌍 u₃.mu.un.sun₅.ne.eš
𒋽 kur₉: enter
[they] entered

[and their] wealth
𒃶𒅅 he₂.gal₂: plenty, prosperity
𒃶𒅅 he₂.gal₂
𒃶𒅅 he₂.gal₂: plenty, prosperity
[and] wealth

[they] removed [??].
𒅅 gal₂: discard, remove
𒅅 gal₂: put, place, supply
[they] gave.

Grain & Sheep 59

Grain & Sheep 61

Encrypted: The two, to whatever place their feet they set, their weight to the royal household many things added.

Official: The two, to whatever place their feet they set, their weight to the household many things added.

The two,
𒌋𒌋 min₃: two
𒎙𒈾𒉈𒉈 min₃
𒌋𒌋 min₃: two
The two,

[to whatever] place
𒆠 ki: place
𒆠 ki
𒆠 ki: place
[to whatever] place

their feet
𒄊 giri₃: foot, path
𒄊𒉈𒉈 giri₃
𒄊 giri₃: foot, path
their feet

they set,
𒁺 gub: stand, set
𒁺 gub: stand, set
they set,

their weight
𒂂 dugud: heavy, important
𒂂 dugud: heavy, important
their weight

to the [royal] household
𒂍 e₂: house, household
𒂍𒀀 e₂.a
𒂍 e₂: house, household
to the household

[many] things
𒃻 nig₂: thing, possession
𒃻 nig₂
𒃻 nig₂: thing, possession
[many] things

𒈭 tah: add
𒈭 tah: add

Grain & Sheep 61

Grain & Sheep 63

Encrypted: At whatever place they served, there were possessions. At whatever place they did their duty, things were fitting.

Official: At whatever place they stood, there were provisions. At whatever place they sat down, they were seemly.

[At whatever] place
𒆠 ki: place
𒆠 ki
𒆠 ki: place
[At whatever] place

they served,
𒁺 gub: serve, assign (to a task)
𒁺 gub
𒁺 gub: stand
they stood,

[there were] possessions.
𒃻 nig₂: thing, possession; 𒋛 si: fill, load up
𒃻𒋛𒈨𒌍 nig₂š
𒃻𒋛 nig₂.si: provisions
[there were] provisions.

[At whatever] place
𒆠 ki: place
𒆠 ki
𒆠 ki: place
[At whatever] place

they did their duty,
𒆪 tuš: be on duty
𒂉 tuš
𒆪 tuš: sit (down)
they sat down,

[things] were fitting.
𒈨𒋼𒅅 me.te.gal₂: fitting, seemly
𒈨𒋼𒅅𒈨𒌍 me.te.gal₂.me.eš
𒈨𒋼𒅅 me.te.gal₂: fitting, seemly
they were seemly.

Grain & Sheep 63

Grain & Sheep 64

Encrypted: The heart of the Upper Lord and the heart of the Raised-Lord were glad.

Official: The heart of An and the heart of Enlil were glad.

The heart
𒊮 šag₄: heart
𒊮 šag₄
𒊮 šag₄: heart
The heart

of the Upper [Lord]
𒀭 an: upper, above
𒀭 an: An
of An

and the heart
𒊮 šag₄: heart
𒊮 šag₄
𒊮 šag₄: heart
and the heart

of the Raised-Lord
𒂗 en: lord, master; 𒆤 lil₂: raise, carry; 𒆤 kid: secret knowledge
𒀭𒂗𒆤𒇲𒆤 {d}en.lil₂.la₂.ke₄
𒂗𒆤 en.lil₂: Enlil
of Enlil

were glad.
𒊷 sag₉: good, make good
𒁀𒊷𒄀𒌍 ba.sag₉.ge.eš
𒊷 sag₉: good, make good
were glad.

Grain & Sheep 64

The debate begins

True-State & Covered-Self get drunk and start arguing.

Grain & Sheep 65

Encrypted: Wine sweet they drank, beer sweet they enjoyed.

Official: Wine sweet they drank, beer sweet they enjoyed.

𒃾 geštin: grapes, wine
𒃾 geštin
𒃾 geštin: grapes, wine

𒃻 nig₂: thing
𒃻 nig₂
𒃻 nig₂: thing

𒄭 dug₃: good, sweet
𒄭 dug₃
𒄭 dug₃: good, sweet

they drank,
𒅘𒅘 na₈.na₈: drink
𒅘𒅘 na₈.na₈: drink
they drank,

𒁉 kaš: beer
𒁉 kaš
𒁉 kaš: beer

𒃻 nig₂: thing
𒃻 nig₂
𒃻 nig₂: thing

𒄭 dug₃: good, sweet
𒄭 dug₃
𒄭 dug₃: good, sweet

they enjoyed.
𒄭 dug₃: good, satisfy
𒄭 dug₃: good, satisfy
they enjoyed.

Grain & Sheep 65

Grain & Sheep 67

Encrypted: When the wine sweet they had drunk, and the beer sweet they had enjoyed, about their shapes a quarrel they started, and at the banquet a dispute they made.

Official: When the wine sweet they had drunk, and the beer sweet they had enjoyed, about the arable land a quarrel they started, and at the banquet a dispute they made.

[When] the wine
𒃾 geštin: grapes, wine
𒃾 geštin
𒃾 geštin: grapes, wine
[When] the wine

𒃻 nig₂: thing
𒃻 nig₂
𒃻 nig₂: thing

𒄭 dug₃: good, sweet
𒄭 dug₃
𒄭 dug₃: good, sweet

they had drunk,
𒅘 nag: drink
𒅇𒈬𒌦𒅘𒌍𒀀𒋫 u₃.mu.un.nag.eš.a.ta
𒅘 nag: drink
they had drunk,

and the beer
𒁉 kaš: beer
𒁉 kaš
𒁉 kaš: beer
and the beer

𒃻 nig₂: thing
𒃻 nig₂
𒃻 nig₂: thing

𒄭 dug₃: good, sweet
𒄭 dug₃
𒄭 dug₃: good, sweet

they [had] enjoyed,
𒄭 dug₃: good, satisfy
𒅇𒈬𒌦𒄭𒄀𒌍𒀀𒋫 u₃.mu.un.dug₃.ge.eš.a.ta
𒄭 dug₃: good, satisfy
they [had] enjoyed,

[about] their shapes [??]
𒂍𒋞 e₂.gar₈: form, shape
𒀀𒃼𒀀𒃼𒊏 a.gar₃.a.gar₃.ra
𒀀𒃼 a.gar₃: field, arable land
[about] the arable land [??]

a quarrel
𒈌 du₁₄: strife, discord, quarrel
𒈌 du₁₄
𒈌 du₁₄: strife, discord, quarrel
a quarrel

they started,
𒊬 mu₂: grow, ignite, incite
𒊬 mu₂: grow, ignite, incite
they started,

[and] at
𒆠 ki: place
𒆠 ki
𒆠 ki: place
[and] at

the banquet
𒆠𒁉𒃻 gešbun: (cultic) meal
𒆠‍𒁉‍𒃻𒈾𒅗 giš
𒆠𒁉𒃻 gešbun: (cultic) meal
the banquet

a dispute
𒀀𒁕𒌋𒌋 a.da.min₃: contest, dispute, debate
𒀀𒁕𒎙 a.da.min₃
𒀀𒁕𒌋𒌋 a.da.min₃: contest, dispute, debate
a dispute

they made.
𒀝 ak: do, make, act
𒀝 ak: do, make, act
they made.

Grain & Sheep 67

Arguments of Covered-Self

Covered-Self inspires religious awe, and oppresses through decoration.

Grain & Sheep 71

Encrypted: Covered-Self to True-State said: Sister, before you in front I stand!

Official: Grain to Sheep said: Sister, before you in front I stand!

𒌋𒌓 ušu₂: cover, covering, surface; 𒉎 ni₂: aura, self
𒀭𒊺‍𒌁𒂊 {d}ezina₂.e
𒊺𒊺𒉪 ezina₂: grain; 𒊺𒊺𒉪 ašnan: grain; 𒉺𒊺 isin: grain

to True-State
𒄀 gin₆: true, correct; 𒉆 nam: being, state
𒇇𒊏 u₈.ra
𒇇 u₈: ewe; 𒇇 ganam₄: ewe
to Sheep

𒅗 gu₃: voice; 𒅗 dug₄: say
𒅗 gu₃
𒅗 gu₃: voice; 𒅗 dug₄: say

𒌤 de₂: pour
𒌤 de₂: pour

𒎐 nin₉: sister
𒎐 nin₉
𒎐 nin₉: sister

before you
𒁾𒊕 dub.sag: first, before
𒁾𒊕 dub.sag: first, before
before you

in front
𒅆 igi: first, front
𒅆𒂠 igi.še₃
𒅆 igi: first, front
in front

I stand!
𒁺 gub: stand
𒈠𒊏𒀊𒁺𒁉𒂗 ma.ra.ab.gub.be₂.en
𒁺 gub: stand
I stand!

Grain & Sheep 71

Grain & Sheep 73

Encrypted: I am the decoration for the people to rejoice. To the priest my power I give. The temple palace he fills with it, and he musters it to oppress the people, and a dress-up for the slaves is erected.

Official: I am the brilliance of the land rejoicing. To the priest my strength I give. The temple palace he fills with it, and it rises to cover the land, and my name to its limits is taken.

I am the decoration
𒋤 su₃: adorn, decorate; 𒉘 ag₂: thing
𒋤𒁺𒉘 su₃.ra₂.ag₂
𒋤𒉘 sud.ag₂: shiny
I am the brilliance

[for] the people
𒌦 ug₃: people
𒌦 kalam: land
of the land

to rejoice.
𒅗𒉌 kiri₃.zal: joy, rejoicing
𒅗𒉌𒁉𒈨𒂗 giri₁₇
𒅗𒉌 kiri₃.zal: joy, rejoicing

To the priest
𒊕 sag: front, surface; 𒌨𒊕 ur.sag: hero
𒊕𒌨𒊕𒊏 sag.ur.sag.ra
𒊕𒌨𒊕 sag.ur.sag: cultic performer
To the priest

my power
𒀉𒆗 usu: strength, force; 𒈬 gu₁₀: my
𒀉‍𒆗𒈬 usu.gu₁₀
𒀉𒆗 usu: strength, force; 𒈬 gu₁₀: my
my strength

I give.
𒋧 šum₂: give; 𒈬 gu₁₀: my
𒁀𒀊𒋧𒈬 ba.ab.šum₂.mu
𒋧 šum₂: give; 𒈬 gu₁₀: my
I give.

The temple palace
𒂍𒃲 e₂.gal: temple, palace
𒂍𒃲𒆷 e₂
𒂍𒃲 e₂.gal: temple, palace
The temple palace

he fills [with it],
𒋢 su: fill, submerge, occupy
𒋢 su
𒋢 su: fill, submerge, occupy
he fills [with it],

and he musters it
𒍣 zig₃: muster, call up, mobilise
𒍣 zig₃
𒍣 zig₃: swell, expend, rise, raise
and it rises

to oppress
𒊑 ri: press upon, oppress, cover with
𒊑 ri: cover with, mix into
to cover

the people,
𒌦 ug₃: people
𒌦 kalam: land
the land,

[and] a dress-up
𒈬 mu: dress, wear, clothe oneself
𒈬 mu
𒈬 mu: name
[and] my name

[for] the slaves
𒍠 zag: person, people, slave
𒍠𒂠 zag.še₃
𒍠 zag: side, border, limit
to its limits

is erected.
𒁻 sug₂: stand; 𒁺 gub: stand, erect
𒈬𒁕𒁻𒁻𒄀𒌍 mu.da.sug₂.sug₂.ge.eš
𒁻 sug₂: stand; 𒁺 gub: stand, erect
is taken.

Grain & Sheep 73

Covered-Self convinces warriors to sacrifice their lives for the corrupt elites.

Grain & Sheep 77

Encrypted: I am a gift to the noble princes.

Official: I am a gift of the Anunna.

I am a gift
𒃻𒊮𒀀 kadra: greeting gift
𒃻‍𒊮‍𒀀 kadra
𒃻𒊮𒀀 kadra: greeting gift
I am a gift

to the noble princes.
𒀀 a: offspring; 𒉣 nun: noble, prince, ruler; 𒈾 na: man
𒀭𒀀𒉣𒈾𒆤𒉈𒈨𒂗 {d}₄
𒀀𒉣𒈾 Anunna, Anunnaki, offspring of An
of the Anunna.

Grain & Sheep 77

Grain & Sheep 78

Encrypted: My heart spreads out a cover over the warrior, he approaches the place of battle to stand up with his body.

Official: My heart spreads out strength to the warrior, he approaches the place of battle to stand up with his body.

My heart
𒀚 lipiš: inner body, heart
𒁺 lipiš
𒀚 lipiš: inner body, heart
My heart

spreads out
𒁈 barag: spread out
𒁈𒁈𒆤𒉈𒈨𒂗 barag.barag.ge₂
𒁈 barag: spread out
spreads out

a cover
𒍑𒋗 uš.šu: cover, envelop, covering, surface
𒀉‍𒆗𒈬 usu.gu₁₀
𒀉𒆗 usu: strength

[over] the warrior,
𒌨𒊕 ur.sag: hero, warrior
𒌨𒊕𒊏 ur.sag.ra
𒌨𒊕 ur.sag: hero, warrior
[to] the warrior,

he approaches
𒋼 te: approach
𒅇𒈬𒈾𒋼 u₃
𒋼 te: approach
he approaches

the place
𒆠 ki: place
𒆠 ki
𒆠 ki: place
the place

of battle
𒀞 me₃: battle
𒅠𒅗 me₃.ka
𒀞 me₃: battle
of battle

to stand up
𒁺 gub: stand
𒁺 gub: stand
to stand up

[with] his body.
𒋢 su: flesh, body
𒋢 su
𒋢 su: flesh, body
[with] his body.

Grain & Sheep 78

Grain & Sheep 81

Encrypted: Not does he know fleeing, not does he think of it, as if the whole war were a playground he goes off to it.

Official: Not does he know fleeing, not does he think of it, as if the whole war were a playground he goes off to it.

𒉡 nu: not
𒉡 nu
𒉡 nu: not

does he know
𒍪 zu: know
𒈬𒌦𒍪 mu.un.zu
𒍪 zu: know
does he know

𒊓 sa: run, chase away, scatter, disperse
𒊓 sa
𒊓 sa: run, chase away, scatter, disperse

𒉡 nu: not
𒉡 nu
𒉡 nu: not

does he think [of it],
𒍪 zu: know
𒈬𒌦𒍪 mu.un.zu
𒍪 zu: know
does he think [of it],

as if [the whole war] were
𒄿𒄄𒅔𒍪 i.gi₄.in.zu: as if
𒄿𒄄𒅔𒍪 i.gi₄.in.zu
𒄿𒄄𒅔𒍪 i.gi₄.in.zu: as if
as if [the whole war] were

a playground
𒆠𒂊𒉈𒁲 play area; 𒆠𒂊𒉈𒁲 ešemen: game, play
𒆠𒂊𒉈𒁲 play area; 𒆠𒂊𒉈𒁲 ešemen: game, play
a playground

he goes off [to it].
𒁺 gen: go
---𒈾𒁺𒌦 [---].na.du.un
𒁺 gen: go
he goes off [to it].

Grain & Sheep 81

Covered-Self makes the rulers appear sweet.

Grain & Sheep 83

Encrypted: Lordly display and lordly existence, I sweeten them.

Official: Neighbourliness and friendliness, I sweeten them.

Lordly display
𒉆 nam: lord, determined order, will; 𒇳𒊬 lal₂{sar}: supervise, show, display, bind, press
𒉆𒇳‍𒊬 nam.ušur
𒉆𒇳𒊬 nam.usar: neighborliness

and lordly existence,
𒉆 nam: lord, determined order, will; 𒂷𒆷 ga₂.la: exist, lay down, possessions
𒉆𒂷𒆷 nam.ma₃.la
𒉆𒂷𒆷 nam.ma₃.la: friendliness
and friendliness,

I sweeten [them].
𒄭 dug₃: satisfy
𒄭 dug₃: good, sweet
I sweeten [them].

Grain & Sheep 83

Grain & Sheep 84

Encrypted: Of the numerous little people the discord that has been incited, I cover it up.

Official: Of neighbors the discord that has been incited, I free them of it.

Of the numerous little [people]
𒇳 lal₂: small, little; 𒊬 šar: numerous
𒇳‍𒊬 ušur
𒇳𒊬 usar: (female) neighbor
Of neighbors

the discord
𒈌 du₁₄: strife, discord, quarrel
𒈌 du₁₄
𒈌 du₁₄: strife, discord, quarrel
the discord

that has been incited,
𒊬 mu₂: grow, ignite, incite
𒊬𒀀 mu₂.a
𒊬 mu₂: grow, ignite, incite
that has been incited,

I cover [it up].
𒁔 bur₂: spread out, cover
𒁔 bur₂: release, free
I free [them of it].

Grain & Sheep 84

Covered-Self makes workers forget their shackles.

Grain & Sheep 85

Encrypted: A worker who has been bound, as I approach him, the order of things I decree and present to him, his heart is struck, he forgets his shackles, while his neck stock still detains him.

Official: A young man who has been bound, as I approach him, his destiny I decide and allot to him, his heart is struck, he forgets his shackles, and his neck stock opens.

A worker
𒄨 guruš: able-bodied male worker
𒆗 guruš
𒄨 guruš: young adult male
A young man

[who] has been bound,
𒆪 dab₅: seize, hold, bind
𒆪𒁀𒊏 dab₅.ba.ra
𒆪 dab₅: seize, hold, bind
[who] has been bound,

[as I] approach [him],
𒋼 te: approach
𒅇𒈬𒌦𒈾𒋼 u₃
𒋼 te: approach
[as I] approach [him],

the order [of things?]
𒉆 nam: determined order, consent
𒉆 nam
𒉆 nam: destiny
his destiny

I decree
𒋻 tar: decide, decree
𒋻 tar: decide, decree
I decide

[and] present [to him],
𒁀 ba: allot, present
𒅇𒈬𒌦𒈾𒁀𒂊 u₃
𒁀 ba: allot, present
[and] allot [to him],

his heart
𒊮 šag₄: heart
𒊮 šag₄
𒊮 šag₄: heart
his heart

is struck,
𒉺 sag₃: strike, shake, scatter
𒉺𒂵𒉌 sag₃
𒉺 sag₃: strike, shake, scatter
is struck,

he forgets
𒄑𒌆𒉿𒍇𒇻 geštug₂.u₁₈.lu: forget
𒄑‍𒌆‍𒉿𒂵𒉌𒅎𒈪𒅁𒍇𒇻 geštug₂₁₈.lu
𒄑𒌆𒉿𒍇𒇻 geštug₂.u₁₈.lu: forget
he forgets

his shackles,
𒄑𒋗 geš.šu: manacles
𒄑𒋗 giš.šu
𒄑𒋗 geš.šu: manacles
his shackles,

[while] his neck stock
𒄑𒄘 geš.gu₂: neck stock
𒄑𒄘 giš.gu₂
𒄑𒄘 geš.gu₂: neck stock
[and] his neck stock

[still] detains [him?].
𒂃𒂃 du₈.du₈: hold, detain, restrain, keep in custody
𒂃𒂃 duh.duh: loosen, release, open

Grain & Sheep 85

Grain & Sheep 89

Encrypted: I am the Shiny Covered-Self, the child of the Raised-Lord. Only in the houses of the rulers and the merchants of the upper class are you displayed, what do you have? What can you say to answer me?

Official: I am the Shiny Grain, the child of Enlil. In stacks of sheep and milking pens on the high plains are you bound up, what do you have? What can you say to answer me?

[I am] the Shiny Covered-Self,
𒌋𒌓 ušu₂: cover, covering, surface; 𒉎 ni₂: aura, self; 𒆬 kug: shiny; 𒋤 su₃: sprinkle, strew
𒀭𒊺‍𒌁𒀭𒆬𒋤𒈨𒂗 {d}ezina₂.dku₃.su₃.me.en
𒊺𒊺𒉪 ezina₂: grain; 𒊺𒊺𒉪 ašnan: grain; 𒆬 kug: shiny; 𒋤 su₃: sprinkle, strew
[I am] the Shiny Grain,

the child
𒌉 dumu: child
𒌉 dumu
𒌉 dumu: child
the child

of the Raised-Lord.
𒂗 en: lord, master; 𒆤 lil₂: raise, carry; 𒆤 kid: secret knowledge
𒀭𒂗𒆤𒇲𒈨𒂗 {d}en.lil₂.la₂.me.en
𒂗𒆤 en.lil₂: Enlil
of Enlil.

[Only] in the houses
𒂷 ga₂: house, side
𒂷 ga₂
𒂷 ga₂: house, side
In stacks

of the rulers
𒇻 lu: ruler
𒇻 udu
𒇻 udu: sheep
of sheep

and the merchants
𒅪 ibira: merchant, businessman
𒂍𒁛𒊏 e₂.ubur.ra
𒂍𒁛𒊏 e₂.ubur.ra: animal pen
and milking pens

of the upper [class]
𒀭 an: upper, above; 𒂔 eden: upper side
𒀭𒂔 an.eden: high steppe
on the high plains

are you displayed,
𒇲 la₂: show, display
𒇲𒀀 la₂.a
𒇲 la₂: hang, bind, stretch out; 𒇲 sur₅: tie up
are you bound up,

𒀀𒈾 what?
𒀀𒈾 what?

do you have?
𒅅 gal₂: put, place, have, provide
𒈬𒁕𒅅 mu.da.gal₂
𒅅 gal₂: put, place, have, provide
do you have?

𒀀𒈾 what?
𒀀𒈾 what?

[can you] say
𒁉 be₂: speak; 𒅗 dug₄: say
𒈠𒀊𒁉𒂗𒈾𒁉 ma.ab.be₂
𒁉 be₂: speak; 𒅗 dug₄: say
[can you] say

to answer [me]?
𒄄 gi₄: return
𒄄𒈠𒉌𒅁 gi₄
𒄄 gi₄: return
to answer [me]?

Grain & Sheep 89

Arguments of True-State

True-State is better at restraining people and inspiring fear.

Grain & Sheep 92

Encrypted: Then True-State to Covered-Self answered: Sister, these things, what are you saying?

Official: Then Sheep to Grain answered: Sister, these things, what are you saying?

𒈫𒄰𒈠 second
𒈫𒄰𒈠 second

𒄀 gin₆: true, correct; 𒉆 nam: being, state
𒇇 u₈
𒇇 u₈: ewe; 𒇇 ganam₄: ewe

to Covered-Self
𒌋𒌓 ušu₂: cover, covering, surface; 𒉎 ni₂: aura, self
𒀭𒊺‍𒌁𒊏 {d}ezina₂.ra
𒊺𒊺𒉪 ezina₂: grain; 𒊺𒊺𒉪 ašnan: grain; 𒉺𒊺 isin: grain
to Grain

𒄄 gi₄: return
𒄄 gi₄: return

𒊩𒆪 nin₉: sister
𒎐𒈬 nin₉.gu₁₀
𒊩𒆪 nin₉: sister

[these] things,
𒃻 nig₂: thing
𒃻 nig₂
𒃻 nig₂: thing
[these] things,

𒀀𒈾 what?
𒀀𒈾 what?

are you saying?
𒅗 dug₄: say
𒈬𒂊𒅗𒂵𒍪 mu.e.dug₄.ga.zu
𒅗 dug₄: say
are you saying?

Grain & Sheep 92

Grain & Sheep 94

Encrypted: The upper class, the kings above, of the places shiny, of the places valuable, made me come down.

Official: An, king of the gods, of the place holy, of the place precious, made me come down.

The upper [class],
𒀭 an: upper, above
𒀭 an
𒀭 an: An

the kings
𒈗 lugal: king
𒈗 lugal
𒈗 lugal: king

𒀭 an: upper, above, strength, power
𒀭 digir: deity
of the gods,

of the places
𒆠 ki: place
𒆠 ki
𒆠 ki: place
of the place

𒆬 kug: shining, holy
𒆬 kug
𒆬 kug: shining, holy

of the places
𒆠 ki: place
𒆠 ki
𒆠 ki: place
of the place

𒆗 kal: valuable, make precious, respect
𒆗𒆗𒈬 kal.kal.gu₁₀
𒆗 kal: valuable, make precious, respect

[made me] come down.
𒇯𒁺 ed₃: go up or down
𒈬𒌦𒇯‍𒁺𒉈𒉈 mu.un.ed₃.de₃.ne
𒇯𒁺 ed₃: go up or down
[made me] come down.

Grain & Sheep 94

Grain & Sheep 96

Encrypted: The restraining of the plow men, the fear of kingship, mine it is.

Official: The flax of Uttu, the splendor of kingship, mine it is.

The restraining
𒄖 gu: net, snare, hold back, restrain
𒄖 gu: flax, linen
The flax

of the plow [men??],
𒌆𒋳 tug₂.tag: plow
𒀭𒋸 {d}uttu
𒋸 uttu / tag×tug₂: beam of a weaving utensil
of Uttu,

the fear [?]
𒈨𒉈 me.lim₄: frightening splendor
𒈨𒉈 me.lem₄
𒈨𒉈 me.lim₄: frightening splendor
the splendor

of kingship,
𒉆𒈗 nam.lugal: kingship, ownership
𒉆𒈗 nam.lugal: kingship, ownership
of kingship,

𒂷 ge₂₆: I
𒂷𒀀𒊏 ga₂.a.ra
𒂷 ge₂₆: I

[it] is.
𒅅 gal₂: be
𒈬𒁕𒅅 mu.da.gal₂
𒅅 gal₂: be
[it] is.

Grain & Sheep 96

True-State gives governors the weapons to crush rebellions.

Grain & Sheep 97

Encrypted: The governor, master of the slaves, the office decorated he enacts, his powerful weapons fill the top of the battlements.

Official: Shakkan, king of the mountain, the items with decorative emblems he makes, his powerful weapons fill the top of the battlements.

The governor,
𒄊𒀴 šagina: governor-general
𒀭𒄊 {d}šakkan₂
𒄊𒀴 šagina: an equid; 𒀲𒀴 šakkan₆: an equid

𒈗 lugal: king, master
𒈗 lugal
𒈗 lugal: king, master

of the slaves,
𒄯 ur: he, that; 𒊕 sag: man, person, slave, servant
𒄯𒊕𒂷𒆤 hur.sag.ga₂.ke₄
𒄯𒊕 hur.sag: mountain
of the mountain,

the office [?]
𒈨 me: office, silence
𒈨 me: thing
the items [?]

𒌋𒁯 ugunu: decoration, decorative inlay
𒌋𒁯 u.gun₃
𒌋𒁯 ugunu: decoration, decorative inlay
[with] decorative [emblems]

[he] enacts,
𒀝 ak: do, make, act
𒀝 ak: do, make, act
[he] makes,

[his] powerful [?]
𒀉 a₂: arm, strength, power
𒀉 a₂
𒀉 a₂: arm, strength, power
[his] powerful [?]

𒉆𒌋𒆤 nam.šita₄: weaponry
𒉆𒌋‍𒆤𒆤 nam.šita₄.ke₄
𒉆𒌋𒆤 nam.šita₄: weaponry

𒋛 si: fill, occupy
𒋛 si
𒋛 si: fill, occupy

the top [?]
𒁲 sa₂: top
𒁲 sa₂: top
the top [?]

of the battlements.
𒍠𒌓𒁺 zag.e₃: foremost, corner pillar, battlement
𒍠𒌓‍𒁺 zag.e₃
𒍠𒌓𒁺 zag.e₃: foremost, corner pillar, battlement
of the battlements.

Grain & Sheep 97

Grain & Sheep 100

Encrypted: He twists against rebellious regions a heavy rope to break them.

Official: He twists against rebellious lands a heavy rope to break them.

He twists
𒃲 gal: entwine, twist
𒃲 gal: entwine, twist
He twists

[against] rebellious regions
𒆠𒁄 ki.bala: rebel land
𒆠𒁄𒂠 ki.bal.še₃
𒆠𒁄 ki.bala: rebel land
[against] rebellious lands

a heavy rope
𒂠𒈤 ebih₂: heavy rope
𒂠‍𒈤 ebih₂
𒂠𒈤 ebih₂: heavy rope
a heavy rope

to break [them].
𒋩 sur: press, squeeze, break
𒋩 sur: press, squeeze, break
to break [them].

Grain & Sheep 100

Grain & Sheep 101

Encrypted: The slings, the quivers and the bows of the whole country he commands.

Official: The sling, the quiver and the bow great he creates.

The slings,
𒁕𒇻𒍗š₂: sling
𒋢𒁕𒇻𒍗 kušš₂
𒁕𒇻𒍗š₂: sling
The sling,

the quivers
𒂍𒈥𒋽 e₂.mar.ru₁₀: quiver
𒂍𒈥𒋽 e₂.mar.ru₁₀: quiver
the quiver

and the bows
𒄑𒉼 {geš}pana: bow
𒄑𒉼 {giš}pan
𒄑𒉼 {geš}pana: bow
and the bow

of the [whole] country
𒃲 gal: country
𒃲 gal: big

[he commands?].
[he creates?].

Grain & Sheep 101

True-State commands soldiers, and thus intimidation & terror.

Grain & Sheep 102

Encrypted: The command binding at an inspection by the guards is mine. In their hearts the breaking of the men is mine. The terror of power, its voice, its intimidation, they are mine.

Official: The command binding at the inspection of the guards is mine. In the field the sustenance of the men is mine. The waterskin of the water cool, the sandals, they are mine.

The command [?]
𒅗 dug₄: command; 𒅗 zu₂: blade
𒅗 zu₂
𒅗 dug₄: command; 𒅗 zu₂: blade
The command [?]

𒆟 keš₂: bind, put together; 𒂡 sir₃: bind
𒂡 keše₂
𒆟 keš₂: bind, put together; 𒂡 sir₃: bind

[at] an inspection
𒅆 igi: front; 𒁇 bar: behind, outer form
𒅆𒁇 look at, inspect; 𒁇 bar: set aside
[at] the inspection

by the guards
𒂗𒉡𒌦₃: watch, guard
𒂗𒉡𒌦₃: watch, guard
of the guards

[is] mine.
𒂷 ge₂₆: I
𒂷𒀀𒄰 ga₂.a.kam
𒂷 ge₂₆: I
[is] mine.

[In their] hearts
𒊮 šag₄: heart
𒀀𒊮𒂵 a.šag₄.ga
𒀀𒊮 a.šag₄: field
[In] the field

the breaking [?]
𒍣 zi: break, destroy, troubled
𒍣 zi
𒍣 zi: life
the sustenance

of the men
𒉆𒄨 nam.guruš: manliness
𒉆𒆗 nam.guruš
𒉆𒄨 nam.guruš: manliness
of the men

[is] mine.
𒂷 ge₂₆: I
𒂷𒀀𒄰 ga₂.a.kam
𒂷 ge₂₆: I
[is] mine.

The terror
𒄷𒄭 mud: scared, terrified
𒋢𒀀‍𒂔‍𒇲 kuš.ummud
𒀀𒂔𒇲 ummud: waterskin
The waterskin

of power,
𒀀 a: strength, power
𒀀 a
𒀀 a: water
of the water

[its] voice,
𒈹𒁲 sed₄: cry, voice
𒈹‍𒁲𒁕 sed₄.da
𒈹𒁲 sed₄: cold

[its] intimidation [??],
𒂊 e: bring out; 𒁍𒁍 šir₂.šir₂: weaken; 𒁍 sir₂: break, destroy, troubled
𒋢𒂊𒁍 kuše.sir₂
𒂊𒁍 e.sir₂: sandal(s); 𒂊 e: leather bearing; 𒁍 sir₂: bind
the sandals,

[they are] mine.
𒂷 ge₂₆: I
𒂷𒀀𒄰 ga₂.a.kam
𒂷 ge₂₆: I
[they are] mine.

Grain & Sheep 102

True-State inspires the fear of superiors & goons.

Grain & Sheep 105

Encrypted: The fear, its good smell, of superiors the fear, of officials the fear, the trembling fear, the smell of fear, by troops being annihilated, they are mine.

Official: The oil, the good fragrance, of the gods the oil, the ointment oil, the pressed oil, the aromatic oil, cedar oil for offerings, they are mine.

The fear,
𒉌 ni: fear, aura
𒉌 i₃
𒉌 i₃: oil, fat
The oil,

[its] good
𒄭 dug₃: good
𒄭𒂵 dug₃.ga
𒄭 dug₃: good
the good

𒅕 ir: smell, sweat; 𒉆 sim: smell
𒅕𒉆 ir.sim
𒅕𒉆 ir.sim: fragrance

of superiors [??]
𒀭 an: upper, above
𒀭𒊏 digir.ra
𒀭 digir: deity, god
of the gods

the fear,
𒉌 ni: fear, aura
𒉌 i₃
𒉌 i₃: oil, fat
the oil,

of officials [?]
𒊭 ara: official
𒀀𒁺 a.ra₂
𒀀𒁺 a.ra₂: designation of oil; 𒁺 ra₂: produce ointments
the ointment [??]

the fear,
𒉌 ni: fear, aura
𒉌 i₃
𒉌 i₃: oil, fat

the trembling
𒂀 dub₂: tremble
𒂀 dub₂
𒂀 dub₂: smash, crush
the pressed

𒉌 ni: fear, aura
𒉌 i₃
𒉌 i₃: oil, fat

the smell [?]
𒋛𒅎 smell, sniff
𒋆 šim
𒋆 šim: aromatics
the aromatic

of fear,
𒉌 ni: fear, aura
𒉌 i₃
𒉌 i₃: oil, fat

[by?] troops [?]
𒂞 eren: plow team; 𒂟 erin₂: people, troops, worker
𒄑𒂞 {giš}erin
𒄑𒂞 {geš}eren: cedar
cedar [oil]

being annihilated [?],
𒊓𒅗 sa.dug₄: annihilate, overthrow
𒁲𒅗𒂵 sa₂.dug₄.ga
𒁲𒅗 sa₂.dug₄: regular temple offerings
for offerings,

[they are] mine.
𒂷 ge₂₆: I
𒂷𒀀𒄰 ga₂.a.kam
𒂷 ge₂₆: I
[they are] mine.

Grain & Sheep 105

True-State is the true terrifying splendor of kings, priests & foremen.

Grain & Sheep 107

Encrypted: In splendor, the garment of an improved outer form, the king on the throne rejoices.

Official: In the fleece, the garment of hair white, the king on the throne rejoices.

[In] splendor [?],
𒋢𒅆 su.lim: awesome radiance
𒋠‍𒋤 zulumhi
𒋠𒋤 zulumhi: long haired sheep, fleece
[In] the fleece,

the garment
𒌆 tug₂: garment
𒌆 tug₂
𒌆 tug₂: garment
the garment

of an improved [??]
𒋛 sig₉: good, improve; 𒍣 zig₃: rise, raise, swell
𒋠 siki
𒋠 siki: hair
of hair

outer form,
𒁀𒁇 skin, outside, outer form
𒌓𒊏𒈬 babbar.ra.gu₁₀
𒌓 babbar: white

the king
𒈗 lugal: king
𒈗 lugal
𒈗 lugal: king
the king

[on] the throne
𒁈 barag: dais, seat, ruler
𒁈 barag: dais, seat, ruler
[on] the throne

𒄾 hul₂: joy, rejoice
𒄾 hul₂: joy, rejoice

Grain & Sheep 107

Grain & Sheep 109

Encrypted: Over those equal to the gods great, my shiny cloth sparkles.

Official: Over the flesh of the gods great, my shiny cloth sparkles.

𒁇 bar: outside
𒁇𒈬 bar.gu₁₀
𒁇 bar: outside

[those] equal [to?]
𒋢 su: equal, compare
𒋢 su
𒋢 su: flesh
the flesh

the gods
𒀭 digir: deity
𒀭 digir
𒀭 digir: deity
of the gods

𒃲 gal: big
𒃲 gal: big

[my] shiny cloth
𒀯 mul: star, shine, radiate (light); 𒈠 ma: cloth; 𒀠 mah₂: great
𒀯 mul: star, shine, radiate (light); 𒈠 ma: cloth; 𒀠 mah₂: great
[my] shiny cloth

𒍝 zagga₂: sparkle
𒍝 zagga₂: sparkle

Grain & Sheep 109

Grain & Sheep 110

Encrypted: The priest, the foreman, and the rulers of power pure, with terrifying power shines on them my dress.

Official: The priest, the assistant priest, and the priest of the watery lustration, after the ritual cleansing shines on them my dress.

The priest,
𒄴𒈨 gudug: priest
𒄴𒈨 gudug
𒄴𒈨 gudug: priest
The priest,

the foreman [?],
𒉽𒋀 pa₄.šeš: foremost
𒉽𒋀 pa₄.šeš
𒉽𒋀 pa₄.šeš: priest
the assistant priest,

and the rulers
𒇽 lu₂: ruler
𒇽 lu₂
𒇽 lu₂: person, man, who
and the priest [?]

of power
𒀀 a: strength, power
𒀀 a
𒀀 a: water
of the watery

pure [?],
𒋗𒉀 tu₅: purify
𒋗𒀀‍𒀭 tu₅.am₃
𒋗𒉀 tu₅: bath, lustration rite

[with] terrifying power
𒋗 šu: strength, long-lasting; 𒈛 huluh: frightening, terrifying
𒋗𒈛 šu.luh
𒋗𒈛 šu.luh: ritual cleansing
[after] the ritual cleansing

shines [on them?]
𒆬 kug: shining
𒆬𒂷 kug.ga₂
𒆬 kug: shining
shines [on them?]

my dress.
𒌆 i₆: clothing, garment; 𒌆 mur₁₀: dress, clothe oneself
𒌆 i₆: clothing, garment; 𒌆 mur₁₀: dress, clothe oneself
my dress.

Grain & Sheep 110

Grain & Sheep 112

Encrypted: To their nomination glorious on that path I am assigned to them.

Official: To the banquet shiny on that path I walk with them.

To their nomination
𒉻 pad: name, nominate, choose, swear
𒉻 šukur₂
𒉻 šukur₂: food allocation, ration
To the banquet

𒆬 kug: shining
𒆬𒂷 kug.ga₂
𒆬 kug: shining

on that path
𒄊 giri₃: foot, path
𒄊 giri₃
𒄊 giri₃: foot, path
on that path

I am assigned [to them].
𒁺 gub: assign (to a task), serve, pledged; 𒁺 gen: turn into
𒁺 du: go, come; 𒁺 men₃: go
I walk [with them].

Grain & Sheep 112

The superficial sweetness of Covered-Self could easily fall apart.

Grain & Sheep 113

Encrypted: Your fancy make-up, cultivated language, bind-ons and strap-ons are merely implements that are breakable and can erode.

Official: Your harrow, plowshare, bindings and straps are merely implements that are breakable and can erode.

Your [fancy] make-up,
𒁯 gun₃: anoint, smear on, apply makeup; 𒃡 ur₃: protection
𒄑𒃷𒃡 {giš}gana₂.ur₃
𒃷𒃡 gan₂.ur₃: harrow
Your harrow,

cultivated language [?],
𒅴 eme: tongue, language; 𒀳 uru₄: sow, cultivate; 𒈾 na: be
𒄑𒅴𒀳𒈾 {giš}
𒅴𒀳𒈾 plowshare

𒄙 dur: bond, tie
𒄙 dur
𒄙 dur: bond, tie

and strap-ons
𒀖𒊕 ab₂.sag: top strap
𒀖𒊕 ab₂.sag
𒀖𒊕 ab₂.sag: top strap
and straps

[are merely] implements
𒋗𒃸 šu.kar₂: implement
𒄑𒋗𒃸 {giš}šu.kar₂
𒋗𒃸 šu.kar₂: implement
[are merely] implements

[that are] breakable
𒆹 sug: empty, naked, fallow; 𒍠 zag: disintegrate, break down, collapse
𒆹𒍠𒄄 sug.zag.ge₄
𒆹 sug: empty, naked, fallow; 𒍠 zag: disintegrate, break down, collapse
[that are] breakable

[and can] erode.
𒅥 gu₇: eat, consume, erode
𒅥𒀀 gu₇.a
𒅥 gu₇: eat, consume, erode
[and can] erode.

Grain & Sheep 113

Grain & Sheep 115

Encrypted: What do you have? What can you say to answer me?

Official: What do you have? What can you say to answer me?

𒀀𒈾 what?
𒀀𒈾 what?

do you have?
𒅅 gal₂: put, place, have, provide
𒈬𒁕𒅅 mu.da.gal₂
𒅅 gal₂: put, place, have, provide
do you have?

𒀀𒈾 what?
𒀀𒈾 what?

[can you] say
𒅗 dug₄: say
𒈠𒀊𒁉𒈾𒁉 ma.ab.be₂
𒅗 dug₄: say
[can you] say

to answer [me]?
𒄄 gi₄: return
𒄄𒈠𒉌𒅁 gi₄
𒄄 gi₄: return
to answer [me]?

Grain & Sheep 115

This still goes back & forth between Sheep & Grain a couple of times. Ultimately, Grain is declared to have won the debate for no apparent reason. So to the Sumerian rulers, the “Covered-Self” of power was more important, as usual.

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