
🏷  Sumerian divine name hidden ruler · name   —   by Gerry · Jan 2024 · 385 words

The Anunnaki are a group of Sumerian gods, children of the sky god An. However, in Sumerian the name can be read as “princely offspring”, which is often even given as the primary translation. It’s another pun by the spook aristocrats to refer to themselves.

Since there are few name lists or depictions of the Annunaki, it’s debated which gods belonged to that group, and whether they’re identical to the Anunna or not. They probably weren’t too well defined in Sumerian times either, so storytellers could take their pick and invented various conflicting myths.

As every so often with gods, the name puns with “aristocrats”, and was used by the rulers in pun-encryption to secretly refer to themselves, as in the Debate of Sheep & Grain. The etymology is that An means “sky”, also “above”, and also “the people above”.

In modern times, the spooks have used the Anunnaki myths, and other myths like the Nephilim, to cobble together a crackpot theory about reptilian aliens. They probably piggy-backed on early Christian propaganda, which claimed that all pagan gods were real, evil beings that only the Christian church could protect us from. Today, untold thousands of low-quality websites & videos exist, which connect all mysteries of history to “Anunnaki” aliens who enslaved humanity. This works, since most people would rather have humanity be duped by supernatural superiors, than by our boring old inbred aristocrats, who are really the ones behind all the “mysteries” and our enslavement.

As with the Nephilim, the pun is even officially admitted on Wikipedia, but that is ignored by those addicted to Youtube mysticism.

The name Anunnaki is derived from An, the Sumerian god of the sky. The name is variously written “ᵈa-nuna”, “ᵈa-nuna-ke₄-ne”, or “ᵈa-nun-na”, meaning “princely offspring” or “offspring of An”.

Wikipedia: Anunnaki

Anunnaki, class of gods within the ancient Mesopotamian pantheon. The precise meaning of the term (“princely seed” in Sumerian) remains ill-defined, as the number of these gods, their names, and their functions vary according to the limited historical texts scholars have recovered.

Encyclopedia Britannica: Anunnaki

Sumerian = Annunaki, princely offspring

𒀭𒀀𒉣𒈾 ᵈ : Annunaki, Annuna; princely offspring, offspring of An — Sumerian (Wiki)

𒀀 a : water, fluid; semen, sperm, seed; offspring, child — Sumerian (Wikt)

𒉣 nun : noble, prince, ruler; foremost, best — Sumerian (Wikt)

𒈾 na : man — Sumerian (Wikt)

🏷  Sumerian divine name hidden ruler · name