are reasonable rules, but also pun-encrypted spook laws
🏷 Bible text Semitic hidden ruler interlinear recommended spook law text
are a set of puns to explain ruling through deception
🏷 Bible text Semitic hidden ruler interlinear recommended text
shows how gay overlords institute homophobia, and then recruit desperate homosexuals as agents
🏷 Bible text Semitic interlinear text
are a parable about the creation of “disguises” & “appearances”
🏷 Adam Bible text Genesis Semitic interlinear recommended text
really is a list of encrypted spooky laws
🏷 Bible text Semitic interlinear spook law text
are a parable about ruling through deception vs by violence
🏷 Bible text Genesis Semitic interlinear text
is a parable about the genesis of ruling through deception
🏷 Bible text Genesis Semitic hidden-ruler interlinear recommended text
is a recipe on how to use crises to create debt
🏷 Bible text Semitic pun text
reveals leaders sit out manufactured wars in secret hideouts
🏷 Bible text Genesis Noah Semitic interlinear text
is a parable about “leaders” and the cursed “truth”
🏷 Bible text Noah Semitic hidden ruler pun text
has the solution “hidden leaders”, written like “lion & bee”
🏷 Bible text Samson Semitic hidden ruler pun recommended text
is a parable about “strength” through “veiling”
🏷 Bible text Samson Semitic hidden ruler pun text
is a spook parable on why hidden rulers confuse their subjects
is a book that explains ruling through deception
🏷 Chinese interlinear recommended text
is really a hymn to aristocratic “secrecy”
🏷 Egyptian interlinear recommended text
is really a hymn to “disguising”
reveals the Franks were really disguised Romans
🏷 Latin interlinear text
is about how the aristocrats invented ruling by deception
🏷 Greek interlinear text
is about how the nobles started pretending to be subjects, especially religious outcasts
🏷 Greek interlinear recommended text
reveals Rome was secretly founded by the Phoenicians
🏷 Latin hidden ruler interlinear phoenix text
tells how the aristocracy invented systematic deception
is really an encrypted story that tells us how it was faked, with special red paint capsules!
🏷 Latin interlinear recommended text
is really about how lords replace their pregnant wives with pleasure slave girls
🏷 Sumerian interlinear text
is a parable about oppression with goons versus with spies
is a parable about oppression by true power versus by deception
is perhaps a book that explains ruling through deception
🏷 Chinese interlinear text
is really an introduction to ruling through deception
🏷 Semitic Talmud text interlinear spook law text
is about “disguised informants”
states how “nobles” can hide their status
explains how the rulers manufacture fake “wars”!
is about creating minority communities to recruit assistant “fools”
is about running “hoaxes”
🏷 Latin hidden ruler interlinear phoenix recommended text
is an introduction to deception