
23 entries · click on a title to read the article

Egyptian texts & symbolisms contain lots of oddities. Many may be secret puns & jokes by the aristocrats, especially since homonyms are a central feature of Egyptian hieroglyphic script. You’ll also be surprised how many words are shared between Egyptian & Semitic dialects.

There seems to be no direct continuity to modern spooks, but I still suspect the Egyptian god-kings of proto-spookery.

Please read the introduction to Egyptian.

9 bows peoples

were supposedly barbarian invaders, yet pun with “mock rebellion” in Egyptian


means “hidden” & “secret”


puns with “exploration” & “reckoning” — which is what aristocrats fear most


means “fish” & “cloaked”, and wears a fish cloak

Egyptian: Great Hymn to Aten

is really a hymn to aristocratic “secrecy”

Egyptian: Great Hymn to the Nile

is really a hymn to “disguising”


pun with “possess” & “fiscus”, and with “breaking” & “alotting” in many languages


puns with “heavenly cow”, but also with “butchering rebels”


means “face”, but also “leader”

Introduction to Egyptian

and hieroglyphic script


puns with “banking” & other things, depending on the word & language


is a dead guy with an erection, because he puns with “death” & “erected monument”


means Egypt, but is spelled like “the slaves”

Number 2

literally means “duplicate” & “disguise”


puns with “power” & “wealth”


puns with “double-neck”, “curved-beak”, “returned-life”

Prows with eyes on Phoenician ships

may be puns with the word “Phoenician”

Punny names of Egyptian gods

all have meanings that correspond to the animal heads

Ra the Egyptian god

puns with “aristocracy”

Seth the Egyptian god

is evil, as he puns with “attacker”, “disorder”, “lead astray”

Son of Ra

can be read as “a deception for the nobility”


puns with “downward”, “hidden”, “humiliation”, “instead of”

Tree of Life

puns with “tree of families”, and “wrapped inside a show”