are reasonable rules, but pun-encrypted spook laws at the same time
🏷 Bible text Semitic hidden ruler interlinear recommended spook law text
Talmud chapter is really an introduction to ruling through deception
🏷 Semitic Talmud text interlinear spook law text
puns with “disguise” in Hebrew
🏷 Adam Semitic pun spook law symbol
really is a list of encrypted spooky laws
🏷 Bible text Semitic interlinear spook law text
and cutting its flesh pun with “instructing about the veil”
🏷 Semitic pun spook law symbol
puns with “smoothening” & “improving one’s appearance”
🏷 Semitic pun spook law name
Talmud chapter is about “disguised informants”
in Judaism is often touted, but really a spook pun with “hidden lineage”
puns with “disguise”
🏷 Semitic numerology pun spook law name
Talmud chapter states how “nobles” can hide their status
prohibition puns with “don’t reveal fraud” and “don’t trust the repentant”!
Talmud chapter explains how the rulers manufacture fake “wars”!
Talmud chapter is about creating minority communities to recruit assistant “fools”
puns with “deception”
Talmud chapter is about running “hoaxes”
puns with “veil”