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🏷  Semitic Talmud text interlinear spook law · text   —   by Gerry · Sep 2023 · 88924 words

The Shabbath chapter of Mishnah & Talmud specifies countless things you may do or not do on Sabbath, since work is forbidden on that day. But šbt “Sabbath” puns with ṣbˀwt “war”, and secretly the very long chapter is really about how to manufacture a war: How to hoax up fake reasons for war, how to stir up the masses for violence, and how palace-bred aristocratic cowards can mingle with the cannonfodder troops without giving away that they’re just pathetic fraudsters.


In Hebrew, šbˁt “seven” puns with šbt “rest”. That’s why God rests from work on the seventh day, named šbt Sabbath for the “rest”, which has been made a custom for everyone. I am personally very grateful for this tradition.

But as usual, the Talmud exaggerates this useful law into the weird & ridiculous. The tractate Shabbath lists countless small household actions which are forbidden as “work”, like heating water or lighting lamps. Plus even more particularizations & exemptions. Like, you cannot light candles on Sabbath with “cedar-bast” or “desert-grass”, but only with the “wings of a dove”. Strangeness abounds.

And as usual, the reason is secret pun-encryption: šbt for “rest” puns with ṣbˀwt for “war”. The Shabbath chapter is really about waging a fake war, and profiteering from it. Seeing how there’s no advice on real external threats, I’d say most wars in history were fakes. The Shabbath chapter explains how the ruling scum can set up such a scam:

This is all encrypted through tedious laws saying what work one mustn’t do on Sabbath, or mustn’t start right before Sabbath. Very frequently, the “kindling” of fires on Sabbath is used to encrypt the “kindling” of a war. Greek loanwords are also used. These are the most important puns:

That gay rulers prefer to surround themselves with gay soldiers is a pattern that’s still observable today, as proven by Miles: Key roles in manufactured wars are typically played by visibly gay “special” forces, like Mussolini’s shirtless blackshirts or the Enola Gay crew in tight shorts.

Many more sections follow, but this is what I have decrypted so far.

How to read this

Profiteering from wars

For a war, one needs deceptions on the inside & outside.

Shabbat 1.1.a

Encrypted: To bring forth a war, one needs deceptions which are combined from the inside, and deceptions which are combined from the outside.

Official: The things that can be brought on Sabbath are two kinds, which are four when being inside, and two kinds which are four when being outside.

To bring forth
יצא yṣˀ: bring forth, appear
יציאות yṣyˀwt
יצא yṣˀ: go out, bring out
The [things that can] be brought

a war,
צבאות ṣbˀwt: armies, war, warfare
השבת hšbt
שבת šbt: Sabbath, rest
on Sabbath

[one needs] deceptions
סטיה sṭyh: deviation, deceit; ־ים -ym: (plural)
שתים štym
שתים štym: two
[are] two [kinds],

which are
ש־ š-: which; הן hn: they
שהן šhn
ש־ š-: which; הן hn: they
which are

ערב ˁrb: mix, combine, confuse
ארבע ˀrbˁ
ארבע ˀrbˁ: four

[from] the inside,
ב־ b-: in; פנים pnym: inside
בפנים bpnym
ב־ b-: in; פנים pnym: inside
[when being] inside,

and deceptions
סטיה sṭyh: deviation, deceit; ־ים -ym: (plural)
ושתים wštym
שתים štym: two
and two [kinds]

which are
ש־ š-: which; הן hn: they
שהן šhn
ש־ š-: which; הן hn: they
which are

ערב ˁrb: mix, combine, confuse
ארבע ˀrbˁ
ארבע ˀrbˁ: four

[from] the outside.
ב־ b-: on; חוץ ḥwṣ: outside
בחוץ bḥwṣ
ב־ b-: on; חוץ ḥwṣ: outside
[when being] outside.

Shabbat 1.1.a

If a guilty party seemingly invades, the local ruler appears innocent.

Shabbat 1.1.b

Encrypted: How so? A blameworthy party is set up outside, and the ruler of the affected land is inside. If extends the blameworthy party its hand inside and shows itself in the middle of the possessions of the ruler of the land, or takes something from the inside and carries it out, then the blameworthy party appears responsible, and the ruler of the land appears free from guilt when he wages war.

Official: How so? A poor person stands outside, and the owner of the house inside. If extends the poor person his hand inside and gives something into the middle of the hand of the owner of the house, or takes something from the middle and carries it outside, then the poor person is guilty and the owner of the house is exempt from guilt for working on Sabbath.

How so?
כיצד kyṣd: how
כיצד kyṣd
כיצד kyṣd: how
How so?

A blameworthy [party]
אנה ˀnh: cause, pretext; עון ˁwn: guilty, blame; און ˀwn: power
העני hˁny
עני ˁny: poor; ענה ˁnh: become poor; עוני ˁwny: poverty
A poor [person]

is set up
עמד ˁmd: establish, set up, present
עומד ˁwmd
עמד ˁmd: stand

ב־ b-: on; חוץ ḥwṣ: outside
בחוץ bḥwṣ
ב־ b-: on; חוץ ḥwṣ: outside

and the ruler
בעל bˁl: lord, master, rule
ובעל wbˁl
בעל bˁl: owner
and the owner

of the [affected] land
ביתא bytˀ: place, land, territory
הבית hbyt
בית byt: house
of the house

is inside.
ב־ b-: in; פנים pnym: inside
בפנים bpnym
ב־ b-: in; פנים pnym: inside

[If] extends
פשט pšṭ: stretch, extend
פשט pšṭ
פשט pšṭ: stretch, extend
[If] extends

the blameworthy [party]
אנה ˀnh: cause, pretext; עון ˁwn: guilty, blame; און ˀwn: power
העני hˁny
עני ˁny: poor; ענה ˁnh: become poor; עוני ˁwny: poverty
the poor [person]

את ˀt: to
את ˀt
את ˀt: to

its hand
יד yd: hand, reach
ידו ydw
יד yd: hand, reach
his hand

ל־ l-: to; פנים pnym: inside
לפנים lpnym
ל־ l-: to; פנים pnym: inside

and shows itself
נתן ntn: show, display
ונתן wntn
נתן ntn: give
and gives [something]

in the middle
ל־ l-: to; תוך twk: middle
לתוך ltwk
ל־ l-: to; תוך twk: middle
into the middle

of the possessions
יד yd: power, possession, borders
ידו ydw
יד yd: hand, reach
of the hand

של šl: belonging to, of
של šl
של šl: belonging to, of

the ruler
בעל bˁl: owner
בעל bˁl
בעל bˁl: owner
the owner

of the land,
ביתא bytˀ: place, land, territory
הבית hbyt
בית byt: house
of the house,

או ˀw: or
או ˀw
או ˀw: or

takes [something]
ש־ š-: which; נטל nṭl: receive, take
שנטל šnṭl
ש־ š-: which; נטל nṭl: receive, take
takes [something]

from the inside
מ־ m-: from; תוך twk: middle
מתוכה mtwkh
מ־ m-: from; תוך twk: middle
from the middle

and carries [it] out,
יצא yṣˀ: carry out
והוציא whwṣyˀ
יצא yṣˀ: carry out
and carries [it] outside,

[then] the blameworthy [party]
אנה ˀnh: cause, pretext; עון ˁwn: guilty, blame; און ˀwn: power
העני hˁny
עני ˁny: poor; ענה ˁnh: become poor; עוני ˁwny: poverty
[then] the poor [person]

[appears] responsible,
חוב ḥwb: guilty, responsible
חיב ḥyb
חוב ḥwb: guilty, responsible
is guilty

and the ruler
בעל bˁl: owner
ובעל wbˁl
בעל bˁl: owner
and the owner

of the land
ביתא bytˀ: place, land, territory
הבית hbyt
בית byt: house
of the house

[appears] free [from guilt when he wages war].
פטר pṭr: exempt, free
פטור pṭwr
פטר pṭr: exempt, free
is exempt [from guilt for working on Sabbath].

Shabbat 1.1.b

Shabbat 1.1.c

Encrypted: But if would extend the ruler of the land his power outside and show himself in the middle of the possessions of the other power, or take something from the middle by initiative, then the ruler of the land would appear responsible, and the other power would appear free from guilt.

Official: If extends the owner of the house his hand outside and gives something into the middle of the hand of the poor person, or takes something from the middle carrying it in, then the owner of the house is guilty and the poor person is exempt from guilt.

[But if would] extend
פשט pšṭ: stretch, extend
פשט pšṭ
פשט pšṭ: stretch, extend
[If] extends

the ruler
בעל bˁl: owner
בעל bˁl
בעל bˁl: owner
the owner

of the land
ביתא bytˀ: place, land, territory
הבית hbyt
בית byt: house
of the house

את ˀt: to
את ˀt
את ˀt: to

his power
יד yd: hand, reach
ידו ydw
יד yd: hand, reach
his hand

ל־ l-: to; חוץ ḥwṣ: outside
לחוץ lḥwṣ
ל־ l-: to; חוץ ḥwṣ: outside

and show himself
נתן ntn: show, display
ונתן wntn
נתן ntn: give
and gives [something]

in the middle
ל־ l-: to; תוך twk: middle
לתוך ltwk
ל־ l-: to; תוך twk: middle
into the middle

of the possessions
יד yd: power, possession, borders
ידו ydw
יד yd: hand, reach
of the hand

של šl: belonging to, of
של šl
של šl: belonging to, of

the [other] power,
אנה ˀnh: cause, pretext; עון ˁwn: guilty, blame; און ˀwn: power
עני ˁny
עני ˁny: poor; ענה ˁnh: become poor; עוני ˁwny: poverty
the poor [person],

או ˀw: or
או ˀw
או ˀw: or

take [something]
ש־ š-: which; נטל nṭl: receive, take
שנטל šnṭl
ש־ š-: which; נטל nṭl: receive, take
takes [something]

from the middle
מ־ m-: from; תוך twk: middle
מתוכה mtwkh
מ־ m-: from; תוך twk: middle
from the middle

by initiative,
כנס kns: enter, gather, initiate
והכניס whknys
כנס kns: bring home, bring in
carrying [it] in,

[then] the ruler
בעל bˁl: owner
בעל bˁl
בעל bˁl: owner
[then] the owner

of the land
ביתא bytˀ: place, land, territory
הבית hbyt
בית byt: house
of the house

[would appear] responsible,
חיב ḥyb: guilty, obliged
חיב ḥyb
חיב ḥyb: guilty, obliged
is guilty

and the [other] power
אנה ˀnh: cause, pretext; עון ˁwn: guilty, blame; און ˀwn: power
והעני whˁny
עני ˁny: poor; ענה ˁnh: become poor; עוני ˁwny: poverty
and the poor [person]

[would appear] free [from guilt].
פטר pṭr: exempt, free
פטור pṭwr
פטר pṭr: exempt, free
is exempt [from guilt].

Shabbat 1.1.c

With a war, the ruler appears innocent with new burdens & taxes.

Shabbat 1.1.d

Encrypted: And if extends the blameworthy party his power inside, and if then imposes burdens the owner of the land from the oppressed, or imposes paying of new taxes onto the oppressed for alleged costs, then both these actions appear free from guilt.

Official: And if extends the poor person his hand inside, and if then takes the owner of the house from the middle, or gives something into the middle and the poor person carries it out, then both of them are exempt from guilt.

[And if] extends
פשט pšṭ: stretch, extend
פשט pšṭ
פשט pšṭ: stretch, extend
[And if] extends

the blameworthy [party]
עני ˁny: poor
העני hˁny
עני ˁny: poor
the poor [person]

את ˀt: to
את ˀt
את ˀt: to

his power
יד yd: power, possession, borders
ידו ydw
יד yd: hand, reach
his hand

ל־ l-: to; פנים pnym: inside
לפנים lpnym
ל־ l-: to; פנים pnym: inside

and [if then] imposes burdens
נטל nṭl: lift, impose, burden
ונטל wnṭl
נטל nṭl: receive, take
and [if then] takes

the owner
בעל bˁl: owner
בעל bˁl
בעל bˁl: owner
the owner

of the land
ביתא bytˀ: place, land, territory
הבית hbyt
בית byt: house
of the house

from the oppressed,
מ־ m-: from; תוך twk: press, oppression, suffer
מתוכה mtwkh
מ־ m-: from; תוך twk: middle
from the middle,

או ˀw: or
או ˀw
או ˀw: or

imposes paying [of new taxes]
ש־ š-: make; נתן ntn: pay, impose
שנתן šntn
ש־ š-: make; נתן ntn: give
gives [something]

onto the oppressed
ל־ l-: to; תוך twk: press, oppression, suffer
לתוכה ltwkh
ל־ l-: to; תוך twk: middle
into the middle

[for alleged] costs,
הוצאה hwṣˀh: expenditure, cost, transfer
והוציא whwṣyˀ
הוצאה hwṣˀh: carrying out
and [the poor person?] carries [it] out,

[then] both [these actions]
שני šny: both; הם hm: them
שניהם šnyhm
שני šny: both; הם hm: them
[then] both [of them]

[appear] free [from guilt].
פטר pṭr: exempt, free
פטורין pṭwryn
פטר pṭr: exempt, free
are exempt [from guilt].

Shabbat 1.1.d

Shabbat 1.1.e

Encrypted: Likewise, if extends the ruler of the land his power outside, and imposes new burdens the other power from its own oppressed, or imposes paying of new taxes onto the oppressed for revenue, then both these actions appear free from guilt.

Official: Likewise, if extends the owner of the house his hand outside, and takes the poor person from the middle, or gives something into the middle carrying it in, then both of them are exempt from guilt.

[Likewise, if] extends
פשט pšṭ: stretch, extend
פשט pšṭ
פשט pšṭ: stretch, extend
[Likewise, if] extends

the ruler
בעל bˁl: owner
בעל bˁl
בעל bˁl: owner
the owner

of the land
ביתא bytˀ: place, land, territory
הבית hbyt
בית byt: house
of the house

את ˀt: to
את ˀt
את ˀt: to

his power
יד yd: power, possession, borders
ידו ydw
יד yd: hand, reach
his hand

ל־ l-: to; חוץ ḥwṣ: outside
לחוץ lḥwṣ
ל־ l-: to; חוץ ḥwṣ: outside

and imposes [new] burdens
נטל nṭl: lift, impose, burden
ונטל wnṭl
נטל nṭl: receive, take
and takes

the [other] power
אנה ˀnh: cause, pretext; עון ˁwn: guilty, blame; און ˀwn: power
העני hˁny
עני ˁny: poor
the poor [person]

from [its own] oppressed,
מ־ m-: from; תוך twk: press, oppression, suffer
מתוכה mtwkh
מ־ m-: from; תוך twk: middle
from the middle,

או ˀw: or
או ˀw
או ˀw: or

imposes paying [of new taxes]
ש־ š-: make; נתן ntn: pay, impose
שנתן šntn
ש־ š-: make; נתן ntn: give
gives [something]

onto the oppressed
ל־ l-: to; תוך twk: press, oppression, suffer
לתוכה ltwkh
ל־ l-: to; תוך twk: middle
into the middle

[for] revenue,
הכנסה hknsh: income, revenue
והכניס whknys
הכנסה hknsh: carrying in, putting in
carrying [it] in,

[then] both [these actions]
שני šny: both; הם hm: them
שניהם šnyhm
שני šny: both; הם hm: them
[then] both of them

[appear] free [from guilt].
פטר pṭr: exempt, free
פטורין pṭwryn
פטר pṭr: exempt, free
are exempt [from guilt].

Shabbat 1.1.e

Considering safety for the nobles

One mustn’t stage this too close to abodes of noble families.

Shabbat 1.2.a

Encrypted: However, one must not put into place this disguised party turning toward the border too close to the dwelling places for the noble families.

Official: There must not sit a man before a barber from close to the Minhah prayer until the Tefillah prayer.

[However, one must] not
לא : not
לא : not
[There must] not

put into place
ישב yšb: put in place
ישב yšb
ישב yšb: sit, place

this disguised [party]
דמא dmˀ: resemble, appear in disguise
אדם ˀdm
אדם ˀdm: man
a man

turning toward [??]
ל־ l-: to; פני pny: face, front, appearance, turn toward
לפני lpny
ל־ l-: to; פני pny: face, front

the border [??]
ספר spr: border, border region, boundary, frontier
הספר hspr
ספר spr: barber
a barber

[too] close
סמך smk: close, adjoining
סמוך smwk
סמך smk: close, adjoining
[from?] close

to the dwelling places
ל־ l-: to; מנחה mnḥh: resting place, dwelling place
למנחה lmnḥh
ל־ l-: to; מנחה mnḥh: Minhah; מ־ m-: of; נחה nḥh: rest, relief
to the Minhah prayer

עד ˁd: to, in behalf of, for
עד ˁd
עד ˁd: until, while

the [noble] families.
ש־ š-: which; טפלא ṭplˀ: children, family, household
שיתפלל šytpll
ש־ š-: which; תפלה tplh: Tefillah, prayer
the Tefillah prayer.

Shabbat 1.2.a

One mustn’t endanger peers, but if idiots still get hurt, cover it up and proceed.

Shabbat 1.2.b

Encrypted: There must generally not endanger this disguise any entrusted man, and not any comrade and not any spouse, and not any lord. But if one has already started, one does not need to stop just for safety. One must stop to cover up the accidents of idiots, but does not stop for the fools themselves.

Official: There must also not enter a man a bathhouse, and not a tannery, and not start eating, and not sit down for judgement. But if one has already started, one does not need to stop. One must stop to recite the verse of the Shema prayer, but does not have to stop for the Tefillah prayer.

[There must generally] not
לא : not
לא : not
[There must also] not

סכן skn: danger, endanger
יכנס ykns
כנס kns: go in, enter

this disguise
דמא dmˀ: resemble, appear in disguise
אדם ˀdm
אדם ˀdm: man
a man

[any] entrusted [man],
ל־ l-: to; מרחץ mrḥṣ: allow, permit; מ־ m-: of; רחץ rḥṣ: trust, rely, safe
למרחץ lmrḥṣ
ל־ l-: to; מרחץ mrḥṣ: bath
a bathhouse,

and not
לא : not
ולא wlˀ
לא : not
and not

[any] comrade
ל־ l-: to; בר זוג br zwg: comrade, colleague, mate, spouse
לברסקי lbrsqy
ל־ l-: to; ברסקי brsqy: byrsikos, tannery
a tannery [???],

and not
לא : not
ולא wlˀ
לא : not
and not

[any] spouse,
ל־ l-: to; כלה klh: bride, daughter-in-law
לאכל lˀkl
ל־ l-: to; אכל ˀkl: eat
[start?] eating [??],

and not
לא : not
ולא wlˀ
לא : not
and not

[any] lord.
ל־ l-: to; אדון ˀdwn: master, lord, possessor, guardian
לדין ldyn
ל־ l-: to; דין dyn: judgement
[sit down for] judgement.

But if [one]
אם ˀm: if, when
ואם wˀm
אם ˀm: if, when
But if [one]

has [already] started,
תחלה tḥlh: start
התחילו htḥylw
תחלה tḥlh: start
has [already] started,

[one does] not [need to]
אין ˀyn: no, not
אין ˀyn
אין ˀyn: no, not
[one does] not [need to]

stop [just for safety].
מ־ m-: of; פסק psq: stop
מפסיקין mpsyqyn
מ־ m-: of; פסק psq: stop

[One must] stop
מ־ m-: of; פסק psq: stop
מפסיקים mpsyqym
מ־ m-: of; פסק psq: stop
[One must] stop

to cover up
ל־ l-: to; קרי qry: cover
לקרות lqrwt
ל־ l-: to; קרי qry: call, recite
to recite

the accidents
קריא qryˀ: accident, incident, misfortune, mishap
קריאת qryˀt
קריא qryˀ: verse
the verse

of idiots,
שעמום šˁmwm: idiocy, idiot
שמע šmˁ
שמע šmˁ: Shema
of the Shema prayer,

but does not
אין ˀyn: no, not
ואין wˀyn
אין ˀyn: no, not
but does not [have to]

מ־ m-: of; פסק psq: stop
מפסיקים mpsyqym
מ־ m-: of; פסק psq: stop

for the fools [themselves].
ל־ l-: for; תפלה tplh: folly; תפל tpl: foolish
לתפלה ltplh
ל־ l-: for; תפלה tplh: Tefillah, prayer
for the Tefillah prayer.

Shabbat 1.2.b

Preparing false flag hoaxes

Don’t let outsiders see the dress-up or the costumes.

Shabbat 1.3.a

Encrypted: There must also not come out the guilty party with their strike too close to the poor subjects, as perhaps someone would see them coming out from a domestic base. Also should not see any outsider the cloaking / decoration process. Also one may not allow anyone to scrutinize the dress-up.

Official: There must also not come out a tailor with his needle too close to falling darkness to the eve before Sabbath, as perhaps he may forget he brought it out and’d still have it on Sabbath. Also not a scribe with his writing pen. Also one may not delouse one’s garments.

[There must also] not
לא : not
לא : not
[There must also] not

come out
יצא yṣˀ: go out, come out
יצא yṣˀ
יצא yṣˀ: go out, come out
come out

the guilty [party]
חטי ḥṭy: guilty; חטא ḥṭˀ: guilt
החיט hḥyṭ
חיט ḥyṭ: tailor
a tailor

with their strike
ב־ b-: with; מחתא mḥtˀ: stroke, blow
במחטו bmḥṭw
ב־ b-: with; מחט mḥṭ: needle
with his needle

[too] close
סמך smk: close, adjoining
סמוך smwk
סמך smk: close, adjoining
[too] close

to the poor [subjects?],
ל־ l-: to; חשוך ḥšwk: dark, reduced, poor
לחשכה lḥškh
ל־ l-: to; חשך ḥšk: darkness, darken
to falling darkness [to the eve before Sabbath],

as perhaps
שמא šmˀ: lest, perhaps
שמא šmˀ
שמא šmˀ: lest, perhaps
as perhaps

[someone would] see
סכה skh: look, see
ישכח yškḥ
שכח škḥ: forget
he [may] forget

them coming out [from a domestic base].
יצא yṣˀ: go out, bring out
ויצא wyṣˀ
יצא yṣˀ: go out, bring out
he brought [it] out [and’d still have it on Sabbath].

[Also should] not [see]
לא : not
ולא wlˀ
לא : not
[Also] not

any outsider
ל־ l-: to; לבר lbr: outside, secular world
הלבלר hlblr
לבלר lblr: scribe, clerk
a scribe

the cloaking / decoration [process?].
ב־ b-: with; כלמוס klmws: chlamys, officer’s cloak; קלמסמס qlmsms: kalamis, hair decorations
בקלמוסו bqlmwsw
ב־ b-: with; קולמוס qwlmws: kalamos, scribal pen, writing pen
with his writing pen.

Also [one may] not [allow anyone]
לא : not
ולא wlˀ
לא : not
Also [one may] not

to scrutinize
פלי ply: question, scrutinize
יפלה yplh
פלי ply: search, cleanse of lice

את ˀt: to
את ˀt
את ˀt: to

the dress-up.
כלי kly: dress, garment
כליו klyw
כלי kly: dress, garment
[one’s] garments.

Shabbat 1.3.a

A ruler may watch the show, but not join himself.

Shabbat 1.3.b

Encrypted: Also a ruler may not join the fake attack visibly. In truth they say: A high-level officer may see where the special dressings & arrangements are happening, but he himself may not join as he could be recognized.

Official: Also one may not read by the light of a candle. In truth they say: The supervisor may see where in the textbook the children are reading, but he himself may not read on Sabbath.

Also [a ruler may] not
לא : not
ולא wlˀ
לא : not
Also [one may] not

קרי qry: join, meet
יקרא yqrˀ
קרי qry: call, read

the [fake] attack
ל־ l-: to; אורע ˀwrˁ: meeting, encounter, attack
לאור lˀwr
ל־ l-: to; אור ˀwr: light
by the light

נראה nrˀh: visible; נ־ n-: make; ראה rˀh: see
הנר hnr
נר nr: light, lamp, candle
of a candle.

In truth
ב־ b-: in; אמת ˀmt: truth
באמת bˀmt
ב־ b-: in; אמת ˀmt: truth
In truth

[they] say:
אמר ˀmr: say
אמרו ˀmrw
אמר ˀmr: say
[they] say:

A [high-level] officer
חזן ḥzn: officer, superintendent
החזן hḥzn
חזן ḥzn: cantor, school governor
The supervisor

[may] see
ראה rˀh: see
רואה rwˀh
ראה rˀh: see
[may] see

היכן hykn: where
היכן hykn
היכן hykn: where
where [in the textbook]

the special dressings & arrangements
תקון tqwn: dress, fancy garb; תקן tqn: prepared, arranged, special dress
תינוקות tynwqwt
תנוק tnwq: boy, child
the children

are happening,
קרי qry: meet, happen
קוראים qwrˀym
קרי qry: call, read
are reading,

אבל ˀbl: but
אבל ˀbl
אבל ˀbl: but

he himself
הוא hwˀ: he
הוא hwˀ
הוא hwˀ: he
he himself

[may] not
לא : not
לא : not
[may] not

join [as he could be recognized].
קרי qry: join, meet
יקרא yqrˀ
קרי qry: call, read
read [on Sabbath].

Shabbat 1.3.b

Shabbat 1.3.c

Encrypted: As was brought out to it this law: There may not be revealed the truth with a war, because would become familiar with it the outsider / people.

Official: As was brought out to it this law: There may not eat one afflicted with gonorrhea together with his woman afflicted with gonorrhea, because they would become used to the transgression.

As was brought out
כ־ k-: as, like; יצא yṣˀ: bring out
כיוצא kywṣˀ
כ־ k-: as, like; יצא yṣˀ: bring out
As was brought out

to it [this law]:
בו bw: in it
בו bw
בו bw: in it
to it [this law]:

[There may] not
לא : not
לא : not
[There may] not

be revealed
גלא glˀ: reveal
יאכל yˀkl
אכל ˀkl: eat

the truth
יצבה yṣbh: truth
הזב hzb
זב zb: flux, gonorrhea
[one afflicted with] gonorrhea

עם ˁm: with, near
עם ˁm
עם ˁm: with, near
[together] with

a war,
צבא ṣbˀ: army, war, warfare
הזבה hzbh
זב zb: flux, gonorrhea
[his woman afflicted with] gonorrhea,

מפני mpny: because of
מפני mpny
מפני mpny: because of

[would become] familiar with [it]
רגל rgl: accustomed to, used to, make familiar
הרגל hrgl
רגל rgl: accustomed to, used to, make familiar
[they would become] used to

the outsider / people.
ברא brˀ: outside; בריה bryh: man, people
עברה ˁbrh
עברה ˁbrh: transgression, sin
the transgression.

Shabbat 1.3.c

Do not let commoners see the fraud, all must be finished in one day.

Shabbat 1.4.a

Encrypted: And these were among the laws which were declared in the upper chambers of Hananiah ben Hezekiah ben Garon when other lords went up to visit him.

Official: And these were among the laws which were declared in the upper chamber of Hananiah ben Hezekiah ben Garon when other sages went up to visit him.

And these [were]
אלו ˀlw: these
ואלו wˀlw
אלו ˀlw: these
And these [were]

מן mn: from, among
מן mn
מן mn: from, among

the laws
הלכה hlkh: law, rule
ההלכות hhlkwt
הלכה hlkh: law, rule
the laws

which were declared
ש־ š-: which; אמר ˀmr: speak, say
שאמרו šˀmrw
ש־ š-: which; אמר ˀmr: speak, say
which were declared

in the upper chambers
ב־ b-: in; עליתא ˁlytˀ: upper chamber, upper story, loft
בעלית bˁlyt
ב־ b-: in; עליתא ˁlytˀ: upper chamber, upper story, loft
in the upper chamber

of Hananiah ben Hezekiah ben Garon
חנניה בן חזקיה בן גריון ḥnnyh bn ḥzqyh bn grywn: Hananiah ben Hezekiah ben Garon
חנניה בן חזקיה בן גריון ḥnnyh bn ḥzqyh bn grywn
חנניה בן חזקיה בן גריון ḥnnyh bn ḥzqyh bn grywn: Hananiah ben Hezekiah ben Garon
of Hananiah ben Hezekiah ben Garon

when [other lords] went up
כ־ k-: as; ש־ š-: make; עלה ˁlh: go up
כשעלו kšˁlw
כ־ k-: as; ש־ š-: make; עלה ˁlh: go up
when [other sages] went up

to visit [him].
ל־ l-: to; בקר bqr: attend, visit
לבקרו lbqrw
ל־ l-: to; בקר bqr: attend, visit
to visit [him].

Shabbat 1.4.a

Shabbat 1.4.b

Encrypted: There numbered more the school of Shammai than the school of Hillel, and in a meeting of rulers those things they decreed there on that day.

Official: There numbered more the school of Shammai than the school of Hillel, and eight and ten things they decreed there on that day.

[There] numbered
נ־ n-: make; מנה mnh: count, number
נמנו nmnw
נ־ n-: make; מנה mnh: count, number
[There] numbered

רב rb: much, many
ורבו wrbw
רב rb: much, many

the school
בית byt: house, school
בית byt
בית byt: house, school
the school

of Shammai
שמאי šmˀy: Shammai
שמאי šmˀy
שמאי šmˀy: Shammai
of Shammai

על ˁl: to, than
על ˁl
על ˁl: to, than

the school
בית byt: house, school
בית byt
בית byt: house, school
the school

of Hillel,
הלל hll: Hillel
הלל hll
הלל hll: Hillel
of Hillel,

and [in] a meeting [?]
זמן zmn: assemble, meet, plot together
ושמנה wšmnh
שמנה šmnh: eight
and eight

of rulers [?]
עצר ˁṣr: rule; עוצר ˁwṣr: ruler, sovereign
עשר ˁšr
עשר ˁšr: ten
and ten

[those] things
דבר dbr: speech, matter, thing
דברים dbrym
דבר dbr: speech, matter, thing

they decreed
גזר gzr: determine, decree
גזרו gzrw
גזר gzr: determine, decree
they decreed

בו bw: in it
בו bw
בו bw: in it

on that day.
ב־ b-: on; יום ywm: day
ביום bywm
ב־ b-: on; יום ywm: day
on that day.

Shabbat 1.4.b

Shabbat 1.5.a

Encrypted: The school of Shammai say: One may not let loose too much misery and horror and destruction, except when it can all be put on while on the same day. But the school of Hillel permit it.

Official: The school of Shammai say: One may not soak ink powder and dye powder and vetches on the eve to Sabbat, except when it still gets soaked right while on the same day. But the school of Hillel permit it.

The school
בית byt: house, school
בית byt
בית byt: house, school
The school

of Shammai
שמאי šmˀy: Shammai
שמאי šmˀy
שמאי šmˀy: Shammai
of Shammai

אמר ˀmr: say
אומרים ˀwmrym
אמר ˀmr: say

[One may] not
אין ˀyn: no, not
אין ˀyn
אין ˀyn: no, not
[One may] not

let loose [too much]
שרה šrh: release, let loose
שורין šwryn
שרה šrh: immerse, soak, saturate

דוי dwy: grief, affliction, weaken, miserable
דיו dyw
דיו dyw: fluid, writing ink
ink [powder?]

and horror
שממון šmmwn: appalment, horror; שמם šmm: destroy, ruin
וסממנים wsmmnym
סממן smmn: paint, dye, colors
and dye [powder?]

and destruction,
קורצין qwrṣyn: destruction
וכרשינים wkršynym
כרשינה kršynh: vetch, horse-bean
and vetches [on the eve to Sabbat],

אלא ˀlˀ: if not, except, only
אלא ˀlˀ
אלא ˀlˀ: if not, except, only

כדי kdy: when
כדי kdy
כדי kdy: when

[it can all] be put on
ש־ š-: make; יסר ysr: tie, put on
שישורו šyšwrw
ש־ š-: make; ישר yšr: smooth, straight, right
[it still gets soaked] right

מ־ m-: of, from; בעוד bˁwd: after, while
מבעוד mbˁwd
מ־ m-: of, from; בעוד bˁwd: after, while

on the [same] day.
יום ywm: time
יום ywm
יום ywm: day
on the [same] day.

But the school
בית byt: house, school
ובית wbyt
בית byt: house, school
But the school

of Hillel
הלל hll: Hillel
הלל hll
הלל hll: Hillel
of Hillel

permit [it].
נתר ntr: permit, free
מתירין mtyryn
נתר ntr: permit, free
permit [it].

Shabbat 1.5.a

Shabbat 1.6.a

Encrypted: The house of Shammai say: One may not show the fraud to one of the ordinary oppressed folk of servitude, except when they can be confused about it while on the same day.

Official: The house of Shammai say: One may not give wet bundles of flax into the middle of the oven, except when they can be steamed out while on the same day.

The house
בית byt: house, school
בית byt
בית byt: house, school
The house

of Shammai
שמאי šmˀy: Shammai
שמאי šmˀy
שמאי šmˀy: Shammai
of Shammai

אמר ˀmr: say
אומרים ˀwmrym
אמר ˀmr: say

[One may] not
אין ˀyn: no, not
אין ˀyn
אין ˀyn: no, not
[One may] not

נתן ntn: show, present
נותנין nwtnyn
נתן ntn: give, take

the fraud
אונאה ˀwnˀh: wrong, fraudulent representation
אונין ˀwnyn
אונין ˀwnyn: bundles of wet flax
wet bundles

[to one] of
של šl: belonging to, of
של šl
של šl: belonging to, of

the ordinary
פשוט pšwṭ: simple, ordinary, usual
פשתן pštn
פשתה pšth: flax, linen

oppressed [folk]
ל־ l-: belonging to; תוך twk: press, oppression, suffer
לתוך ltwk
ל־ l-: to; תוך twk: middle
into the middle

of servitude,
ת־ t-: of; ניר nyr: servitude
התנור htnwr
תנור tnwr: stove, oven
of the oven,

אלא ˀlˀ: if not, except, only
אלא ˀlˀ
אלא ˀlˀ: if not, except, only

כדי kdy: when
כדי kdy
כדי kdy: when

they [can] be confused [about it]
ש־ š-: make; בלל bll: confuse, confound
שיהבילו šyhbylw
ש־ š-: which; הביל hbyl: steamy, humid
they [can] be steamed out [?]

מ־ m-: of, from; בעוד bˁwd: after, while
מבעוד mbˁwd
מ־ m-: of, from; בעוד bˁwd: after, while

on the [same] day.
יום ywm: day
יום ywm
יום ywm: day
on the [same] day.

Shabbat 1.6.a

Shabbat 1.6.b

Encrypted: And one may also not show it like this to guards of the city, except when they really absorb the deception. But the school of Hillel permit it.

Official: And one may also not give like this wool into the kettle, except when it can absorb the colored look on the same day. But the school of Hillel permit it.

And [one may also] not
לא : not
ולא wlˀ
לא : not
And [one may also] not

[show it like this]
את ˀt: to
את ˀt
את ˀt: to
[give like this]

[to] guards
שמר šmr: watch, guard; שומר šwmr: watchman
הצמר hṣmr
צמר ṣmr: thick, wool

of the city,
ל־ l-: belonging to; עיר ˁyr: town, city
ליורה lywrh
ל־ l-: to; יורה ywrh: boiler, kettle
into the kettle,

אלא ˀlˀ: if not, except, only
אלא ˀlˀ
אלא ˀlˀ: if not, except, only

כדי kdy: when
כדי kdy
כדי kdy: when

[they really] absorb
ש־ š-: make; קלט qlṭ: absorb
שיקלט šyqlṭ
ש־ š-: make; קלט qlṭ: absorb
[it can] absorb

the deception.
אונאה ˀwnˀh: deception, deceit, fraud
העין hˁyn
עין ˁyn: eye, appearance, color
the colored look [on the same day].

But the school
בית byt: house, school
ובית wbyt
בית byt: house, school
But the school

of Hillel
הלל hll: Hillel
הלל hll
הלל hll: Hillel
of Hillel

permit [it].
נתר ntr: permit, free
מתירין mtyryn
נתר ntr: permit, free
permit [it].

Shabbat 1.6.b

For the actors, use camps that can be quickly taken down.

Shabbat 1.6.c

Encrypted: The house of Shammai say: One may not spread out camps for the show people and the veiled people and secret watchmen, except when they can still be emptied while on the same day. But the school of Hillel permit it.

Official: The house of Shammai say: One may not spread out nets & traps for beasts and birds and fish, except when they can still be caught while on the same day. But the school of Hillel permit it.

The house
בית byt: house, school
בית byt
בית byt: house, school
The house

of Shammai
שמאי šmˀy: Shammai
שמאי šmˀy
שמאי šmˀy: Shammai
of Shammai

אמר ˀmr: say
אומרים ˀwmrym
אמר ˀmr: say

[One may] not
אין ˀyn: no, not
אין ˀyn
אין ˀyn: no, not
[One may] not

spread out
פרש prš: spread out
פורשין pwršyn
פרש prš: spread out
spread out

מצודה mṣwdh: fort, fortress, stronghold
מצודות mṣwdwt
מצודה mṣwdh: net, trap
nets & traps

[for] the show [people]
חוה ḥwh: show
חיה ḥyh
חיה ḥyh: beast
[for] beasts

and the veiled [people]
עפף ˁpp: double, wrapping; עיפא ˁypˀ: cover, veil
ועופות wˁwpwt
עוף ˁwp: bird
and birds

and [secret] watchmen,
דק dq: thin curtain; דיק dyq: watchman
ודגים wdgym
דג dg: fish
and fish,

אלא ˀlˀ: if not, except, only
אלא ˀlˀ
אלא ˀlˀ: if not, except, only

כדי kdy: when
כדי kdy
כדי kdy: when

[they can still] be emptied
ש־ š-: make; צדי ṣdy: deserted, destroyed, empty
שיצודו šyṣwdw
ש־ š-: make; צוד ṣwd: hunt, catch
[they can still] be caught

מ־ m-: of, from; בעוד bˁwd: after, while
מבעוד mbˁwd
מ־ m-: of, from; בעוד bˁwd: after, while

on the [same] day.
יום ywm: day
יום ywm
יום ywm: day
on the [same] day.

But the school
בית byt: house, school
ובית wbyt
בית byt: house, school
But the school

of Hillel
הלל hll: Hillel
הלל hll
הלל hll: Hillel
of Hillel

permit [it].
נתר ntr: permit, free
מתירין mtyryn
נתר ntr: permit, free
permit [it].

Shabbat 1.6.c

Strangers may not know about the fake, except if they’re rulers.

Shabbat 1.7.a

Encrypted: The house of Shammai say: One may not make all this known to a stranger, and may not tell anything to him, and may not choose a role in the fake on him, except when he is raised to be ruler of the place of the war. But the school of Hillel permit it.

Official: The house of Shammai say: One may not sell something to a non-Jewish stranger, and may not make him carry something with him, and may not lift something on him, except when the toil of carrying is to a place nearby. But the school of Hillel permit it.

The house
בית byt: house, school
בית byt
בית byt: house, school
The house

of Shammai
שמאי šmˀy: Shammai
שמאי šmˀy
שמאי šmˀy: Shammai
of Shammai

אמר ˀmr: say
אומרים ˀwmrym
אמר ˀmr: say

[One may] not
אין ˀyn: no, not
אין ˀyn
אין ˀyn: no, not
[One may] not

[make all this] known
מכר mkr: known, recognized, acquainted
מוכרין mwkryn
מכר mkr: sell, sold
sell [something]

to a stranger,
ל־ l-: to; נכר nkr: unknown, stranger
לנכרי lnkry
ל־ l-: to; נכר nkr: unknown, stranger
to a [non-Jewish?] stranger,

and [may] not
אין ˀyn: no, not
ואין wˀyn
אין ˀyn: no, not
and [may] not

tell [anything]
תנא tnˀ: tell, relate, teach
טוענין ṭwˁnyn
טען ṭˁn: carry, burden, load
make him carry [something]

to him,
עם ˁm: with
עמו ˁmw
עם ˁm: with
with him,

and [may] not
אין ˀyn: no, not
ואין wˀyn
אין ˀyn: no, not
and [may] not

choose [a role in the fake?]
מ־ m-: of; גבי gby: choose, select
מגביהין mgbyhyn
מ־ m-: of; גבה gbh: raise, high, lift
lift [something]

on him,
על ˁl: on, upon
עליו ˁlyw
על ˁl: on, upon
on him,

אלא ˀlˀ: if not, except, only
אלא ˀlˀ
אלא ˀlˀ: if not, except, only

כדי kdy: when
כדי kdy
כדי kdy: when

[he is] raised to be ruler
ש־ š-: make; גאי gˀy: rise, exalted, lord it; גאה gˀh: ruler
שיגיע šygyˁ
ש־ š-: make; יגע ygˁ: toil, weary
the toil [of carrying]

of the place
ל־ l-: to; מקום mqwm: place
למקום lmqwm
ל־ l-: to; מקום mqwm: place
[is] to a place

of the war.
קרב qrb: war, battle, soldier
קרוב qrwb
קרוב qrwb: near, close

But the school
בית byt: house, school
ובית wbyt
בית byt: house, school
But the school

of Hillel
הלל hll: Hillel
הלל hll
הלל hll: Hillel
of Hillel

permit [it].
נתר ntr: permit, free
מתירין mtyryn
נתר ntr: permit, free
permit [it].

Shabbat 1.7.a

Do not show the dress-up costumes to servants, except your own.

Shabbat 1.8.a

Encrypted: The house of Shammai say: One may not show the dress-up skins to a worker, and not the fake dresses to an oppressed who is a stranger, except when any suspicion can still be smoothened out while on the same day. the school of Hillel permit it with one’s own servants.

Official: The house of Shammai say: One may not give animal skins to a non-Jewish worker, and not dresses to a laundryman who is a non-Jewish stranger, except when they can still be smoothened out while on the same day. But in all these, the school of Hillel permit it with the sun still being up.

The house
בית byt: house, school
בית byt
בית byt: house, school
The house

of Shammai
שמאי šmˀy: Shammai
שמאי šmˀy
שמאי šmˀy: Shammai
of Shammai

אמר ˀmr: say
אומרים ˀwmrym
אמר ˀmr: say

[One may] not
אין ˀyn: no, not
אין ˀyn
אין ˀyn: no, not
[One may] not

נתן ntn: show, present
נותנין nwtnyn
נתן ntn: give

the [dress-up] skins
עור ˁwr: skin, hide
עורות ˁwrwt
עור ˁwr: skin, hide
[animal] skins

to a worker,
ל־ l-: to; עבד ˁbd: work, labor, servant
לעבדן lˁbdn
ל־ l-: to; עבד ˁbd: work, labor, servant
to a [non-Jewish?] worker,

and not
לא : not
ולא wlˀ
לא : not
and not

the [fake] dresses
כלי kly: dress, garment
כלים klym
כלי kly: dress, garment

to an oppressed
ל־ l-: to; חבץ ḥbṣ: press, oppressed, crowd
לכובס lkwbs
ל־ l-: to; כובס kwbs: laundryman
to a laundryman

who is a stranger,
נכר nkr: unknown, stranger
נכרי nkry
נכר nkr: unknown, stranger
who is a [non-Jewish?] stranger,

אלא ˀlˀ: if not, except, only
אלא ˀlˀ
אלא ˀlˀ: if not, except, only

כדי kdy: when
כדי kdy
כדי kdy: when

[any suspicion can still] be smoothened out
שעשע šˁšˁ: smooth
שיעשו šyˁšw
שעשע šˁšˁ: smooth
[they can still] be smoothened out

מ־ m-: of, from; בעוד bˁwd: after, while
מבעוד mbˁwd
מ־ m-: of, from; בעוד bˁwd: after, while

on the [same] day.
יום ywm: day
יום ywm
יום ywm: day
on the [same] day.

ב־ b-: in; כלן kln: all
ובכלן wbkln
ב־ b-: in; כלן kln: all
But in all [these],

the school
בית byt: house, school
בית byt
בית byt: house, school
the school

of Hillel
הלל hll: Hillel
הלל hll
הלל hll: Hillel
of Hillel

permit [it]
נתר ntr: permit, free
מתירין mtyryn
נתר ntr: permit, free
permit [it]

עם ˁm: with, near
עם ˁm
עם ˁm: with, near

[one’s own] servants.
שמש šmš: serve, servant
השמש hšmš
שמש šmš: sun
the sun [still being up?].

Shabbat 1.8.a

Shabbat 1.9.a

Encrypted: Says lord Simeon ben Gamliel: This custom existed in the family of my father, which was that they would present their dresses for the mockery to the oppressed strangers of their own bound people before the war.

Official: Says rabban Simeon ben Gamliel: This custom existed in the family of my father, which was that they would give their dresses which were white to a laundryman who was a non-Jewish stranger at least three days before Sabbath.

אמר ˀmr: say
אמר ˀmr
אמר ˀmr: say

רבן rbn: lord
רבן rbn
רבן rbn: rabban

Simeon ben Gamliel:
שמעון בן גמליאל šmˁwn bn gmlyˀl: Simeon ben Gamliel
שמעון בן גמליאל šmˁwn bn gmlyˀl
שמעון בן גמליאל šmˁwn bn gmlyˀl: Simeon ben Gamliel
Simeon ben Gamliel:

[This] custom
נוהג nwhg: custom
נוהגין nwhgyn
נוהג nwhg: custom
[This] custom

היה hyh: be, exist
היו hyw
היה hyh: be, exist

in the family
בית byt: house, family
בית byt
בית byt: house, family
in the family

of my father,
אבא ˀbˀ: my father
אבא ˀbˀ
אבא ˀbˀ: my father
of my father,

which was that
ש־ š-: which; היה hyh: be
שהיו šhyw
ש־ š-: which; היה hyh: be
which was that

[they would] present
נתן ntn: show, present
נותנין nwtnyn
נתן ntn: give
[they would] give

their dresses
כלי kly: dress, garment
כלי kly
כלי kly: dress, garment
their dresses

[for] the mockery
לעב lˁb: mock, mockery; ־ן -n: (suffix)
לבן lbn
לבן lbn: white
which were white

to the oppressed
ל־ l-: to; חבץ ḥbṣ: press, oppressed, crowd
לכובס lkwbs
ל־ l-: to; כובס kwbs: laundryman
to a laundryman

נכר nkr: unknown, stranger
נכרי nkry
נכר nkr: unknown, stranger
who was a [non-Jewish] stranger

[of their own?] bound [??]
שלשל šlšl: chained; שלול šlwl: chained, fettered, manacled
שלשה šlšh
שלש šlš: three
[at least?] three

people [??]
עמים ˁmym: people
ימים ymym
ימים ymym: days

קדם qdm: before
קדם qdm
קדם qdm: before

the war.
ל־ l-: to; צבאות ṣbˀwt: armies, war, warfare
לשבת lšbt
ל־ l-: to; שבת šbt: Sabbath

Shabbat 1.9.a

There’s always occasional leaks, so they mustn’t be neglected.

Shabbat 1.9.b

Encrypted: And equally voted these of Shammai and those of Hillel here: One can always have be pierced one’s meetings when being among disturbers, and they can be revealed to troops by accident.

Official: And equally voted these of Shammai and those of Hillel here: One may always put down the beam of the structure to press olives, and the press of the wine vat so they press down on Sabbath.

And equally [voted]
שוי šwy: equal, alike
ושוין wšwyn
שוי šwy: equal, alike
And equally [voted]

these [of Shammai]
אלו ˀlw: these
אלו ˀlw
אלו ˀlw: these
these [of Shammai]

and those [of Hillel] [here]:
אלו ˀlw: these
ואלו wˀlw
אלו ˀlw: these
and those [of Hillel] [here]:

[One can always] have be pierced
ש־ š-: make; טען ṭˁn: pierce
שטוענין šṭwˁnyn
ש־ š-: make; טען ṭˁn: put a burden on, load
[One may always] put down

[one’s] meetings
קרי qry: join, meet, happen
קורות qwrwt
קורה qwrh: beam
the beam

[when being] among [??]
בית byt: between, among
בית byt
בית byt: house, structure
of the structure

disturbers [??],
בדד bdd: disturb; בדוד bdwd: disturber
הבד hbd
בדוד bdwd: olive press
to press olives,

and [they can] be revealed
גלא glˀ: uncover, reveal
ועגולי wˁgwly
עגל ˁgl: roll, press
and the press

to troops [by accident].
גוד gwd: troop
הגת hgt
גת gt: wine-press, vat
of the wine vat [so they press down on Sabbath].

Shabbat 1.9.b

Shabbat 1.10.a

Encrypted: One may not neglect penetrations, having things laid bare, or having been found out, except when it can be cleared up while on the same day.

Official: One may not roast meat, onions or eggs, except when they can be roasted fully while on the same day.

[One may] not
אין ˀyn: no, not
אין ˀyn
אין ˀyn: no, not
[One may] not

שלי šly: be at ease, unconcerned, neglect
צולין ṣwlyn
צלי ṣly: roast, roasted

ברץ brṣ: penetrate, reveal
בשר bšr
בשר bšr: meat

having [things] laid bare,
פצל pṣl: split, peel, lay bare
בצל bṣl
בצל bṣl: onion

or having been found out,
בצי bṣy: strip, found out, understood
וביצה wbyṣh
ביצה byṣh: egg
or eggs,

אלא ˀlˀ: if not, except, only
אלא ˀlˀ
אלא ˀlˀ: if not, except, only

כדי kdy: when
כדי kdy
כדי kdy: when

[it can] be cleared up
ש־ š-: make; צלל ṣll: settle, clear, clarify
שיצולו šyṣwlw
ש־ š-: make; צלי ṣly: roast, roasted
[they can] be roasted [fully]

מ־ m-: of, from; בעוד bˁwd: after, while
מבעוד mbˁwd
מ־ m-: of, from; בעוד bˁwd: after, while

on the [same] day.
יום ywm: day
יום ywm
יום ywm: day
on the [same] day.

Shabbat 1.10.a

Subjects mustn’t see the fraud, except when it can be covered up quickly.

Shabbat 1.10.b

Encrypted: One may not show the deception to one of the servants who is with the poor subjects, and not the wrong acting in a place next to the multitudes, except when it can be covered up on the surface while on the same day.

Official: One may not give a piece of bread into the oven near nightfall, and not a cake onto a spot next to burning coals, except when it can form a crust on its surface while on the same day.

[One may] not
אין ˀyn: no, not
אין ˀyn
אין ˀyn: no, not
[One may] not

נתן ntn: show, present
נותנין nwtnyn
נתן ntn: give

the deception
פתה pth: foolish, seduce, deceive
פת pt
פת pt: piece of bread
a piece of bread

to one of the servants
ל־ l-: to; ת־ t-: of; ניר nyr: servitude
לתנור ltnwr
ל־ l-: to; תנור tnwr: stove, oven
into the oven

[who is] with
עם ˁm: with, near
עם ˁm
עם ˁm: with, near

the poor [subjects],
חשוך ḥšwk: dark, reduced, poor
חשכה ḥškh
חשך ḥšk: darkness, darken

and not
לא : not
ולא wlˀ
לא : not
and not

the wrong [acting]
הרר hrr: trouble, annoy, do wrong, snow job
חררה ḥrrh
חרר ḥrr: cake
a cake

על ˁl: upon, over
על ˁl
על ˁl: upon, over

[a place] next to
גב gb: near, next to
גבי gby
גב gb: near, next to
[a spot] next to

the multitudes,
קהל qhl: multitude, crowd, horde
גחלים gḥlym
גחל gḥl: burning coal
burning coals,

אלא ˀlˀ: if not, except, only
אלא ˀlˀ
אלא ˀlˀ: if not, except, only

כדי kdy: when
כדי kdy
כדי kdy: when

[it can] be covered up
ש־ š-: make; קרם qrm: fine cloth, cover, overlay
שיקרמו šyqrmw
ש־ š-: make; קרם qrm: form a skin, cover with crust
[it can] form a crust

[on] the surface
פני pny: face
פניה pnyh
פני pny: face
[on its] surface

מ־ m-: of, from; בעוד bˁwd: after, while
מבעוד mbˁwd
מ־ m-: of, from; בעוד bˁwd: after, while

on the [same] day.
יום ywm: day
יום ywm
יום ywm: day
on the [same] day.

Shabbat 1.10.b

Shabbat 1.10.c

Encrypted: Rabbi Eliezer says: When one can put up a cover in the place of it.

Official: Rabbi Eliezer says: When it can form a crust on the lower part of it.

רב rb: lord, master, noble
רבי rby
רבי rby: rabbi

אליעזר ˀlyˁzr: Eliezer
אליעזר ˀlyˁzr
אליעזר ˀlyˁzr: Eliezer

אמר ˀmr: say
אומר ˀwmr
אמר ˀmr: say

כדי kdy: when
כדי kdy
כדי kdy: when

[one can put up] a cover
ש־ š-: make; קרם qrm: fine cloth, cover, overlay
שיקרם šyqrm
ש־ š-: make; קרם qrm: form a skin, cover with crust
[it can] form a crust

in the place
תחת tḥt: instead of, in place of
התחתון htḥtwn
תחת tḥt: below, under
[on] the lower [part]

of it.
של šl: belonging to, of
שלה šlh
של šl: belonging to, of
of it.

Shabbat 1.10.c

Open places can be controlled with guards & crowds.

Shabbat 1.11.a

Encrypted: If one can control an open place towards the servants with obscurity, then one may hold the fake attack with guards even among occasional penetrations. Also with loyal crowds when can hold & support the fake attack enough of them. Lord Yehudah says: With governor support, even all of it can be shown.

Official: When the Sabbath is connected to the Passover festival one may put things into the oven near nightfall, and one may ignite the flame in the pile of wood of the temple to burn there. Also in country areas, when can be ignited the flame enough before Sabbath. Rabbi Yehudah says: With coal fires, even if any of it can be ignited.

[If one can] control
משל mšl: manage, control
משלשלין mšlšlyn
מ־ m-: of; שלשל šlšl: chained, connected
[When the Sabbath] is connected

את ˀt: to
את ˀt
את ˀt: to

an open place
פצח pṣḥ: open place, unwalled place
הפסח hpsḥ
פסח psḥ: Passover festival
the Passover festival

towards the servants
ל־ l-: to; ת־ t-: of; ניר nyr: servitude
בתנור btnwr
ל־ l-: to; תנור tnwr: stove, oven
[one may put things] into the oven

עם ˁm: with, near
עם ˁm
עם ˁm: with, near

obscurity [?],
חשך ḥšk: darken, obscure
חשכה ḥškh
חשך ḥšk: darkness, darken

then [one may] hold
מ־ m-: of; אחיזה ˀḥyzh: holding, support
ומאחיזין wmˀḥyzyn
מ־ m-: of; אחז ˀḥz: hold, ignite with kindling wood
and [one may] ignite

את ˀt: to
את ˀt
את ˀt: to

the [fake] attack
אורע ˀwrˁ: meeting, encounter, attack
האור hˀwr
אור ˀwr: light, flame
the flame

with guards
ב־ b-: with; מטרי mṭry: guard, watcher
במדורת bmdwrt
ב־ b-: in; מדורה mdwrh: pile of wood, fire
in the pile of wood

[even] among
בית byt: between, among
בית byt
בית byt: house, structure
of the temple

[occasional?] penetrations [?].
מ־ m-: of; קדד qdd: bore, penetrate
המוקד hmwqd
מ־ m-: of; יקד yqd: kindle, burn, set on fire
to burn [there].

Also with [loyal] crowds [?]
ב־ b-: with; גבל gbl: people, crowd
ובגבולין wbgbwlyn
ב־ b-: in; גבול gbwl: border, territory, country
Also in country [areas??],

כדי kdy: when
כדי kdy
כדי kdy: when

[can] hold & support
ש־ š-: make; אחיזה ˀḥyzh: holding, support
שיאחז šyˀḥz
ש־ š-: make; אחז ˀḥz: hold, ignite with kindling wood
[can] be ignited

the [fake] attack
אורע ˀwrˁ: meeting, encounter, attack
האור hˀwr
אור ˀwr: light, flame
the flame

enough [of them?].
ב־ b-: in; רב rb: much, many, enough
ברבן brbn
ב־ b-: in; רב rb: much, many, enough
enough [before Sabbath].

רב rb: lord, master, noble
רבי rby
רבי rby: rabbi

יהודה yhwdh: Yehudah
יהודה yhwdh
יהודה yhwdh: Yehudah

אמר ˀmr: say
אומר ˀwmr
אמר ˀmr: say

With governor [support?],
ב־ b-: with; פחם pḥm: governors
בפחמין bpḥmyn
ב־ b-: in; פחם pḥm: coal
With coal [fires],

[even] all
כל kl: all, any
כל kl
כל kl: all, any
[even if?] any

of it [can be shown?].
ש־ š-: which; הוא hwˀ: he, it
שהוא šhwˀ
ש־ š-: which; הוא hwˀ: he, it
of it [can be ignited?].

Shabbat 1.11.a

Kindling the subjects for war

One cannot kindle a war with mere words & mock-ups.

Shabbat 2:1.a

Encrypted: With what can one kindle a war and with what can one not kindle it? One can not kindle it with these: Not with mere words, not with mere appearances, not with mere chatter, and not with a mere perversion of things already in memory, and not with a mere perversion of speech, and not with arranging things which are already known on the surface to the people.

Official: With what may one kindle a fire on Sabbath, and with what may one not kindle it? One may not kindle it with these: Not with cedar wood, not with flax, not with bast silk, not with a thread of bast, and not with a thread of desert grass, and not with moss which grows on the surface of water.

With what
ב־ b-: with; מה mh: what
במה bmh
ב־ b-: with; מה mh: what
With what

[can one] kindle [a war]
מ־ m-: of; דלק dlq: kindle, burn
מדליקין mdlyqyn
מ־ m-: of; דלק dlq: kindle, burn
[may one] kindle [a fire on Sabbath],

and with what
ב־ b-: with; מה mh: what
ובמה wbmh
ב־ b-: with; מה mh: what
and with what

[can one] not
אין ˀyn: no, not
אין ˀyn
אין ˀyn: no, not
[may one] not

kindle [it]?
מ־ m-: of; דלק dlq: kindle, burn
מדליקין mdlyqyn
מ־ m-: of; דלק dlq: kindle, burn
kindle [it]?

[One can] not
אין ˀyn: no, not
אין ˀyn
אין ˀyn: no, not
[One may] not

kindle [it with these]:
מ־ m-: of; דלק dlq: kindle, burn
מדליקין mdlyqyn
מ־ m-: of; דלק dlq: kindle, burn
kindle [it with these]:

לא : not
לא : not

with [mere] words,
ב־ b-: with; לכסי lksy: lexis, language, word
בלכש blkš
ב־ b-: with; לכש lkš: cedar-bast
with cedar [wood],

לא : not
ולא wlˀ
לא : not

with [mere] appearances,
ב־ b-: with; חזון ḥzwn: vision, appearance, spectacle, theatrical
בחסן bḥsn
ב־ b-: with; הוצני hwṣny: soaked flax
with flax,

לא : not
ולא wlˀ
לא : not

with [mere] chatter,
ב־ b-: with; גלג glg: reveal, chatter, boast
בכלך bklk
ב־ b-: with; כלך klk: bast silk
with bast silk,

and not
לא : not
ולא wlˀ
לא : not

with a [mere] perversion
ב־ b-: with; פתל ptl: pervert, twist
בפתילת bptylt
ב־ b-: with; פתיל ptyl: thread, cord, fuse
with a thread

of [things already in] memory,
עוהדן ˁwhdn: memory, commemoration, mention
האידן hˀydn
אידן ˀydn: bast
of bast,

and not
לא : not
ולא wlˀ
לא : not
and not

with a [mere] perversion
ב־ b-: with; פתל ptl: pervert, twist
בפתילת bptylt
ב־ b-: with; פתיל ptyl: thread, cord, fuse
with a thread

of speech,
מדבר mdbr: speech, talk
המדבר hmdbr
מדבר mdbr: desert
of desert grass [??],

and not
לא : not
ולא wlˀ
לא : not
and not

with arranging [things]
ב־ b-: with; ערך ˁrk: arrange, prepare
בירוקה byrwqh
ב־ b-: with; ירוקה yrwqh: moss
with moss [??]

which [are already known] on
ש־ š-: which; על ˁl: on
שעל šˁl
ש־ š-: which; על ˁl: on
which [grows] on

the surface
פני pny: face
פני pny
פני pny: face
the surface

[to] the people.
עמים ˁmym: people
המים hmym
מים mym: water
of water [???].

Shabbat 2:1.a

Shabbat 2:1.b

Encrypted: And not with mere forgeries, and not with mere smooth-talking, and not with the arrangement of mere impressions, and not with the arrangement of mere confusion and not with mere accusations, and not with mere mockery.

Official: And not with pitch, and not with wax, and not with oil of castor seeds, and not with oil that was burnt, and not with a sheep's tail, and not with fat.

And not
לא : not
ולא wlˀ
לא : not
And not

with [mere] forgeries,
ב־ b-: with; זוף zwp: falsify, forge; ־ת -t: (suffix)
בזפת bzpt
ב־ b-: with; זפת zpt: pitch
with pitch,

and not
לא : not
ולא wlˀ
לא : not
and not

with [mere] smooth-talking,
ב־ b-: with; שעוע šˁwˁ: smooth-talking, hypocrisy
בשעוה bšˁwh
ב־ b-: with; שעוה šˁwh: wax, balm
with wax,

and not
לא : not
ולא wlˀ
לא : not
and not

with the arrangement
ב־ b-: with; זמן zmn: plot, prepare, arrange
בשמן bšmn
ב־ b-: with; שמן šmn: fat, oil
with oil

of [mere] impressions,
קעקע qˁqˁ: engrave, impression
קיק qyq
קיק qyq: castor-oil seed
of castor seeds,

and not
לא : not
ולא wlˀ
לא : not
and not

with the arrangement
ב־ b-: with; זמן zmn: plot, prepare, arrange
בשמן bšmn
ב־ b-: with; שמן šmn: fat, oil
with oil

of [mere] confusion [??]
סרב srb: confound, deny, speak falsely against
שרפה šrph
שרפה šrph: burning, fire
[that] was burnt,

and not
לא : not
ולא wlˀ
לא : not
and not

with [mere] accusations,
ב־ b-: with; עלל ˁll: accuse falsely
באליה bˀlyh
ב־ b-: with; אליה ˀlyh: fat tail of sheep
with a sheep's tail [??],

and not
לא : not
ולא wlˀ
לא : not
and not

with [mere] mockery.
ב־ b-: with; לעב / הלעב lˁb / hlˁb: mock, jest
בחלב bḥlb
ב־ b-: with; חלב ḥlb: fat, grease, milk
with fat.

Shabbat 2:1.b

Shabbat 2:1.c

Encrypted: Nahum the Median says: One can kindle a war with mockery that is complete. But the advisors say: Whether it is one kind that is complete or another kind that is not complete, either way one can not kindle a war with mere mockery.

Official: Nahum the Median says: One may kindle a fire with fat that was boiled. But the advisors say: Whether it is one kind that was boiled or another kind that was not boiled, either way one may not kindle a fire on Sabbath with fat.

נחום nḥwm: Nahum
נחום nḥwm
נחום nḥwm: Nahum

the Median
מדי mdy: Median
המדי hmdy
מדי mdy: Median
the Median

אמר ˀmr: say
אומר ˀwmr
אמר ˀmr: say

[One can] kindle [a war]
מ־ m-: of; דלק dlq: kindle, burn
מדליקין mdlyqyn
מ־ m-: of; דלק dlq: kindle, burn
[One may] kindle [a fire]

with mockery
ב־ b-: with; לעב / הלעב lˁb / hlˁb: mock, jest
בחלב bḥlb
ב־ b-: with; חלב ḥlb: fat, grease, milk
with fat

[that] is complete.
מ־ m-: of; בשיל bšyl: complete
מבשל mbšl
מ־ m-: of; בשל bšl: ripen, boil
[that] was boiled.

But the advisors
חכם ḥkm: wise, advisor
וחכמים wḥkmym
חכם ḥkm: wise, advisor
But the advisors

אמר ˀmr: say
אומרים ˀwmrym
אמר ˀmr: say

[Whether it is] one [kind]
אחד ˀḥd: one, other
אחד ˀḥd
אחד ˀḥd: one, other
[Whether it is] one [kind]

[that] is complete
מ־ m-: of; בשיל bšyl: complete
מבשל mbšl
מ־ m-: of; בשל bšl: ripen, boil
[that] was boiled

or another [kind]
אחד ˀḥd: one, other
ואחד wˀḥd
אחד ˀḥd: one, other
or another [kind]

that [is] not
ש־ š-: which; אין ˀyn: no, not
שאינו šˀynw
ש־ š-: which; אין ˀyn: no, not
that [was] not

מ־ m-: of; בשיל bšyl: complete
מבשל mbšl
מ־ m-: of; בשל bšl: ripen, boil

[either way one can] not
אין ˀyn: no, not
אין ˀyn
אין ˀyn: no, not
[either way one may] not

kindle [a war]
מ־ m-: of; דלק dlq: kindle, burn
מדליקין mdlyqyn
מ־ m-: of; דלק dlq: kindle, burn
kindle [a fire on Sabbath]

with [mere mockery].
בי by: with
בו bw
בי by: with
with [fat].

Shabbat 2:1.c

Shabbat 2:2.a

Encrypted: One can not kindle a war with mere arrangements of confusion in times that are otherwise pleasant & peaceful. Rabbi Ishmael says: One may not kindle a war with mere decoration because of the importance of war.

Official: One may not kindle a fire with oil that was burned on a day joyful of a festival. Rabbi Ishmael says: One may not kindle a fire with pitch because of the importance Sabbath.

[One can] not
אין ˀyn: no, not
אין ˀyn
אין ˀyn: no, not
[One may] not

kindle [a war]
מ־ m-: of; דלק dlq: kindle, burn
מדליקין mdlyqyn
מ־ m-: of; דלק dlq: kindle, burn
kindle [a fire]

with [mere] arrangements
ב־ b-: with; זמן zmn: plot, prepare, arrange
בשמן bšmn
ב־ b-: with; שמן šmn: fat, oil
with oil

of confusion
סרב srb: confound, deny, speak falsely against
שרפה šrph
שרפה šrph: burning, fire
[that] was burned

in times
ב־ b-: on; יום ywm: day, time
ביום bywm
ב־ b-: on; יום ywm: day, time
on a day

[that are otherwise] pleasant [& peaceful].
טוב ṭwb: good, pleasant, enjoy oneself
טוב ṭwb
טוב ṭwb: good, pleasant, enjoy oneself
joyful [of a festival].

רב rb: lord, master, noble
רבי rby
רבי rby: rabbi

ישמעאל yšmˁˀl: Ishmael
ישמעאל yšmˁˀl
ישמעאל yšmˁˀl: Ishmael

אמר ˀmr: say
אומר ˀwmr
אמר ˀmr: say

[One may] not
אין ˀyn: no, not
אין ˀyn
אין ˀyn: no, not
[One may] not

kindle [a war]
מ־ m-: of; דלק dlq: kindle, burn
מדליקין mdlyqyn
מ־ m-: of; דלק dlq: kindle, burn
kindle [a fire]

with [mere] decoration
ב־ b-: with; עטר ˁṭr: adorn, decorate; ־ן -n: (suffix)
בעטרן bˁṭrn
ב־ b-: with; עטרן ˁṭrn: cedar oil, pitch
with pitch

because of
מפני mpny: because of
מפני mpny
מפני mpny: because of
because of

the importance
כבוד kbwd: importance, honor, respect
כבוד kbwd
כבוד kbwd: importance, honor, respect
the importance

of war.
צבאות ṣbˀwt: armies, war, warfare
השבת hšbt
שבת šbt: Sabbath

Shabbat 2:2.a

Shabbat 2:2.b

Encrypted: But the advisors permit it with all these arrangements: With arranging a swordfight, with arranging an attack, with arranging a fight, with arranging a humiliation, with arranging a military encounter, with violence and with surprise attacks.

Official: And the advisors permit it with all oils: With oil of sesame, with oil of nuts, with oil of radishes, with oil of fish, with oil of gourds, with pitch, and with petroleum.

But the advisors
חכם ḥkm: wise, advisor
וחכמים wḥkmym
חכם ḥkm: wise, advisor
And the advisors

permit [it]
מ־ m-: of; נתר ntr: permit
מתירין mtyryn
מ־ m-: of; נתר ntr: permit
permit [it]

with all [these]
ב־ b-: with; כל kl: all
בכל bkl
ב־ b-: with; כל kl: all
with all

זמן zmn: plot, prepare, arrange
השמנים hšmnym
שמן šmn: fat, oil

With arranging
ב־ b-: with; זמן zmn: plot, prepare, arrange
בשמן bšmn
ב־ b-: with; שמן šmn: fat, oil
With oil

a swordfight [??],
צמצמא ṣmṣmˀ: sword
שמשמין šmšmyn
שמשם šmšm: sesame
of sesame,

with arranging
ב־ b-: with; זמן zmn: plot, prepare, arrange
בשמן bšmn
ב־ b-: with; שמן šmn: fat, oil
with oil

an attack,
עגש ˁgš: attack, gore
אגוזים ˀgwzym
אגוז ˀgwz: nut
of nuts,

with arranging
ב־ b-: with; זמן zmn: plot, prepare, arrange
בשמן bšmn
ב־ b-: with; שמן šmn: fat, oil
with oil

a fight,
זון zwn: outfit, decorate, arm one’s self, fight
צנונות ṣnwnwt
צנון ṣnwn: radish
of radishes,

with arranging
ב־ b-: with; זמן zmn: plot, prepare, arrange
בשמן bšmn
ב־ b-: with; שמן šmn: fat, oil
with oil

a humiliation,
דקדק dqdq: crush, humiliate, break
דגים dgym
דג dg: fish
of fish,

with arranging
ב־ b-: with; זמן zmn: plot, prepare, arrange
בשמן bšmn
ב־ b-: with; שמן šmn: fat, oil
with oil

a [military] encounter,
פגע pgˁ: encounter, attack
פקועות pqwˁwt
פקוע pqwˁ: gourd
of gourds,

with violence [??]
ב־ b-: with; טרוניא ṭrwnyˀ: tyrannical, brutal, violent
בעטרן bˁṭrn
ב־ b-: with; עטרן ˁṭrn: cedar oil, pitch
with pitch,

and with surprise [attacks??].
ב־ b-: with; נ־ n-: make; פתע ptˁ: surprise, suddenly
ובנפט wbnpṭ
ב־ b-: with; נפט npṭ: naphtha, petroleum
and with petroleum.

Shabbat 2:2.b

Shabbat 2:2.c

Encrypted: Lord Tarfon says: One simply can not kindle a war, except with arrangements of terror alone.

Official: Rabbi Tarfon says: One may not kindle a fire, except with oil of olives alone.

רב rb: lord, master, noble
רבי rby
רבי rby: rabbi

טרפון ṭrpwn: Tarfon
טרפון ṭrpwn
טרפון ṭrpwn: Tarfon

אמר ˀmr: say
אומר ˀwmr
אמר ˀmr: say

[One simply can] not
אין ˀyn: no, not
אין ˀyn
אין ˀyn: no, not
[One may] not

kindle [a war],
מ־ m-: of; דלק dlq: kindle, burn
מדליקין mdlyqyn
מ־ m-: of; דלק dlq: kindle, burn
kindle [a fire],

אלא ˀlˀ: if not, except, only
אלא ˀlˀ
אלא ˀlˀ: if not, except, only

with arrangements
ב־ b-: with; זמן zmn: plot, prepare, arrange
בשמן bšmn
ב־ b-: with; שמן šmn: fat, oil
with oil

of terror
זועתא zwˁtˀ: terror
זית zyt
זית zyt: olive
of olives

ב־ b-: with; לבד lbd: alone
בלבד blbd
ב־ b-: with; לבד lbd: alone

Shabbat 2:2.c

No deception can kindle a war like a physical attack.

Shabbat 2:3.a

Encrypted: Of all things that one can bring forth from one’s power, one can not kindle a war with them, except with an attack. And of all things that one can bring forth from one’s power, they do not stupefy so completely the slaves, except an attack.

Official: Of all oils that come out from trees, one may not kindle a fire with them, except with flax. And of all oils that come out from trees, they do not make unclean by corpses a tent containing them, except flax.

[Of] all [things]
כל kl: all
כל kl
כל kl: all
[Of] all [oils]

[that one can] bring forth
יצא yṣˀ: come out, bring forth
היוצא hywṣˀ
יצא yṣˀ: come out, bring forth
[that] come out

מן mn: from
מן mn
מן mn: from

[one’s] power,
עצי ˁṣy: oppress, force
העץ hˁṣ
עץ ˁṣ: tree

[one can] not
אין ˀyn: no, not
אין ˀyn
אין ˀyn: no, not
[one may] not

kindle [a war]
מ־ m-: of; דלק dlq: kindle, burn
מדליקין mdlyqyn
מ־ m-: of; דלק dlq: kindle, burn
kindle [a fire]

with them,
בי by: with
בו bw
בי by: with
with them,

אלא ˀlˀ: if not, except, only
אלא ˀlˀ
אלא ˀlˀ: if not, except, only

[with] an attack.
פשט pšṭ: attack, invade, make a raid; ־ן -n: (suffix)
פשתן pštn
פשתן pštn: flax, linen
[with] flax.

And [of] all [things]
כל kl: all
וכל wkl
כל kl: all
And [of] all [oils]

[that one can] bring forth
יצא yṣˀ: come out, bring forth
היוצא hywṣˀ
יצא yṣˀ: come out, bring forth
[that] come out

מן mn: from
מן mn
מן mn: from

[one’s] power,
עצי ˁṣy: oppress, force
העץ hˁṣ
עץ ˁṣ: tree

[they do] not
אין ˀyn: no, not
אינו ˀynw
אין ˀyn: no, not
[they do] not

מ־ m-: of; תמה tmh: amaze, astonish, stun, stupor
מטמא mṭmˀ
מ־ m-: of; טמא ṭmˀ: unclean
make unclean

[so] completely
תם tm: completeness, perfection
טמאת ṭmˀt
טמא ṭmˀ: ghost, unclean by corpse
[by] corpses [??]

the slaves,
אולה ˀwlh: slave; חול ḥwl: common
אהלים ˀhlym
אהל ˀhl: tent, shelter, cover
a tent [containing them?],

אלא ˀlˀ: if not, except, only
אלא ˀlˀ
אלא ˀlˀ: if not, except, only

an attack.
פשט pšṭ: attack, invade, make a raid; ־ן -n: (suffix)
פשתן pštn
פשתן pštn: flax, linen

Shabbat 2:3.a

Shabbat 2:3.b

Encrypted: Even a perversion of deceit which is accepted, but it may not confuse the subjects enough. Lord Eliezer says: It is unfit, one can not kindle a war with it. Lord Akiva says: If it is a really clean one, then one can kindle a war with it.

Official: A thread of garment which is rolled up into a wick, but not yet struck lit up. Rabbi Eliezer says: It is unclean, one may not kindle a fire with it. Rabbi Akiva says: It is clean, and one may kindle a fire with it.

[Even] a perversion
פתל ptl: pervert, twist
פתילת ptylt
פתיל ptyl: thread, cord, fuse
A thread

of deceit
בגד bgd: betrayal, treachery, deceit
הבגד hbgd
בגד bgd: web, garment, dress
of garment

which is accepted [?],
ש־ š-: which; קבל qbl: receive, accept
שקפלה šqplh
ש־ š-: which; קפל qpl: fold, roll up
which is rolled up [into a wick?],

but [it may] not
לא : not
ולא wlˀ
לא : not
but not

confuse [the subjects enough].
בהבה bhbh: confused, dumbfound, perplex, baffle
הבהבה hbhbh
בהבה bhbh: strike
[yet] struck [lit up?].

רב rb: lord, master, noble
רבי rby
רבי rby: rabbi

אליעזר ˀlyˁzr: Eliezer
אליעזר ˀlyˁzr
אליעזר ˀlyˁzr: Eliezer

אמר ˀmr: say
אומר ˀwmr
אמר ˀmr: say

It is unfit,
טמא ṭmˀ: unclean
טמאה ṭmˀh
טמא ṭmˀ: unclean
It is unclean,

[one can] not
אין ˀyn: no, not
ואין wˀyn
אין ˀyn: no, not
[one may] not

kindle [a war]
מ־ m-: of; דלק dlq: kindle, burn
מדליקין mdlyqyn
מ־ m-: of; דלק dlq: kindle, burn
kindle [a fire]

with it.
בה bh: with it
בה bh
בה bh: with it
with it.

רב rb: lord, master, noble
רבי rby
רבי rby: rabbi

עקיבא ˁqybˀ: Akiva
עקיבא ˁqybˀ
עקיבא ˁqybˀ: Akiva

אמר ˀmr: say
אומר ˀwmr
אמר ˀmr: say

[If] it is a [really] clean [one],
טהר ṭhr: cleared, cleanse, amend
טהורה ṭhwrh
טהר ṭhr: clean, pure
It is clean,

then [one can] kindle [a war]
מ־ m-: of; דלק dlq: kindle, burn
ומדליקין wmdlyqyn
מ־ m-: of; דלק dlq: kindle, burn
and [one may] kindle [a fire]

with it.
בה bh: with it
בה bh
בה bh: with it
with it.

Shabbat 2:3.b

Leaks out of idiocy cannot be filled with simple distractions.

Shabbat 2:4.a

Encrypted: And may not fix up a man the clumsiness of being found out, and fill it with another arrangement and place it on the mouth of the servants, the reason being to distract and to obscure of it its clumsiness. But lord Yehudah permits it.

Official: And may not hollow out a man the receptacle shell of an egg, and fill it with oil, and place it on the mouth of a lamp, the reason being to make it drip into the lamp, to extend of it its glowing time. But rabbi Yehudah permits it.

[And may] not
לא : not
לא : not
[And may] not

fix up [??]
קבע qbˁ: deceive, fix, establish
יקב yqb
יקב yqb: hollow out
hollow out

a man
אדם ˀdm: man
אדם ˀdm
אדם ˀdm: man
a man

the clumsiness [??]
ש־ š-: make; פפרא pprˀ: clumsy, negligent, neglectful; פפרותא pprwtˀ: awkwardness, clumsiness, sloppiness
שפופרת špwprt
שפופרת špwprt: tube, pipe, receptacle
the receptacle [shell?]

של šl: belonging to, of
של šl
של šl: belonging to, of

being found out,
בצי bṣy: strip, found out, understood
ביצה byṣh
ביצה byṣh: egg
an egg [??],

and fill [it]
מלא mlˀ: full, fill
וימלאנה wymlˀnh
מלא mlˀ: full, fill
and fill [it]

[with another] arrangement
זמן zmn: plot, prepare, arrange
שמן šmn
שמן šmn: fat, oil
[with] oil,

and place [it]
נתן ntn: give, place, put
ויתננה wytnnh
נתן ntn: give, place, put
and place [it]

על ˁl: on
על ˁl
על ˁl: on

the mouth
פה ph: mouth
פי py
פה ph: mouth
the mouth

of the servants,
נער nˁr: boy, servant
הנר hnr
נר nr: light, lamp, candle
of a lamp,

the reason
בשביל bšbyl: for the sake of
בשביל bšbyl
בשביל bšbyl: for the sake of
the reason

ש־ š-: which; היה hyh: be
שתהא šthˀ
ש־ š-: which; היה hyh: be

to distract
מ־ m-: of; נתף ntp: entice, attract, distracted
מנטפת mnṭpt
מ־ m-: of; נטף nṭp: drip, drop
[to make it] drip [into the lamp??],

[and] to obscure
אפל ˀpl: darken, obscure
אפלו ˀplw
אפל ˀpl: slow, late
to extend

of it
הוא hwˀ: he, it
היא hyˀ
הוא hwˀ: he, it
of it

של šl: belonging to, of
של šl
של šl: belonging to, of

clumsiness [??].
חרוסא ḥrwsˀ: awkward, clumsy
חרס ḥrs
חרס ḥrs: sun, glow
glowing [time].

But lord
רב rb: lord, master, noble
ורבי wrby
רבי rby: rabbi
But rabbi

יהודה yhwdh: Yehudah
יהודה yhwdh
יהודה yhwdh: Yehudah

permits [it].
נתר ntr: permit, free
מתיר mtyr
נתר ntr: permit, free
permits [it].

Shabbat 2:4.a

Shabbat 2:4.b

Encrypted: But if was an associate the leaker from the beginning, then it is permitted, because then it is a thing unique.

Official: But if the egg was attached when fashioning the lamp from the beginning, then it is permitted, because then it is a vessel single.

אבל ˀbl: but
אבל ˀbl
אבל ˀbl: but

אם ˀm: if, when
אם ˀm
אם ˀm: if, when

[was] an associate
חבר ḥbr: company, partner, associate
חברה ḥbrh
חבר ḥbr: join, attach
[the egg??] was attached

the leaker [?]
צרי ṣry: split, penetrate, burst
היוצר hywṣr
יצר yṣr: fashion, create, establish
[when] fashioning [the lamp??]

from the beginning,
מ־ m-: from; תחל tḥl: begin
מתחלה mtḥlh
מ־ m-: from; תחל tḥl: begin
from the beginning,

[then it] is permitted,
נתר ntr: permit, free
מתר mtr
נתר ntr: permit, free
[then it] is permitted,

because [then]
מפני mpny: because of
מפני mpny
מפני mpny: because of
because [then]

it is
ש־ š-: which; הוא hwˀ: he, it
שהוא šhwˀ
ש־ š-: which; הוא hwˀ: he, it
it is

a thing
כלי kly: thing
כלי kly
כלי kly: object, vessel
a vessel

אחד ˀḥd: one, single, unique
אחד ˀḥd
אחד ˀḥd: one, single, unique

Shabbat 2:4.b

One may not punish a leaker by throwing him to the masses.

Shabbat 2:4.c

Encrypted: Also may not fill a man a leak with an arrangement, and place it at the side of the servants, and put the disturber of the perversion project in their middle for the sake of him drawing and absorbing their anger. But lord Yehudah permits it.

Official: Also may not fill a man a dish with oil, and place it at the side of a lamp, and put the head of the wick in its middle for the sake of it drawing and absorbing the oil. But rabbi Yehudah permits it.

[Also may] not
לא : not
לא : not
[Also may] not

מלא mlˀ: full, fill
ימלא ymlˀ
מלא mlˀ: full, fill

a man
אדם ˀdm: man
אדם ˀdm
אדם ˀdm: man
a man

את ˀt: to
את ˀt
את ˀt: to

a leak
קרר qrr: well forth, give forth
הקערה hqˁrh
קערה qˁrh: dish, platter
a dish

[with] an arrangement,
זמן zmn: plot, prepare, arrange
שמן šmn
שמן šmn: fat, oil
[with] oil,

and place [it]
נתן ntn: give, place, put
ויתננה wytnnh
נתן ntn: give, place, put
and place [it]

at the side
ב־ b-: on; צד ṣd: side, border
בצד bṣd
ב־ b-: on; צד ṣd: side, border
at the side

of the servants,
נער nˁr: boy, servant
הנר hnr
נר nr: light, lamp, candle
of a lamp,

and put
נתן ntn: give, place, put
ויתן wytn
נתן ntn: give, place, put
and put

the disturber
רעש rˁš: shake, disturb
ראש rˀš
ראש rˀš: head
the head

of the perversion [project?]
פתל ptl: pervert, twist
הפתילה hptylh
פתיל ptyl: thread, cord, fuse
of the wick

in [their] middle
ב־ b-: in; תוך twk: middle
בתוכה btwkh
ב־ b-: in; תוך twk: middle
in [its] middle

for the sake of
בשביל bšbyl: for the sake of
בשביל bšbyl
בשביל bšbyl: for the sake of
for the sake of

[him] drawing
שתי šty: drink, absorb water
שתהא šthˀ
שתי šty: drink, absorb water
[it] drawing

[and] absorbing [their anger].
שאב šˀb: draw water, absorb; ־ת -t: (suffix)
שואבת šwˀbt
שאב šˀb: draw water, absorb; ־ת -t: (suffix)
[and] absorbing [the oil].

But lord
רב rb: lord, master, noble
ורבי wrby
רבי rby: rabbi
But rabbi

יהודה yhwdh: Yehudah
יהודה yhwdh
יהודה yhwdh: Yehudah

permits [it].
נתר ntr: permit, free
מתיר mtyr
נתר ntr: permit, free
permits [it].

Shabbat 2:4.c

Safety & killings in war

It’s okay to kill commoners if you’re afraid, or to train the army.

Shabbat 2:5.a

Encrypted: When one extinguishes servants because one was startled because of the crowds, or because of being seized, or because of commoners that would do harm, or if it was for the sake of the army to harden them up, then one is exempt.

Official: When one extinguishes a lamp because one was startled because of gentiles, or because of robbers, or because of spirits that are evil, or if it was for the sake of a sick person to allow him to sleep, then one is exempt.

[When one] extinguishes
מ־ m-: of; כבה kbh: quench, extinguish
המכבה hmkbh
מ־ m-: of; כבה kbh: quench, extinguish
[When one] extinguishes

את ˀt: to
את ˀt
את ˀt: to

servants [?!?]
נער nˁr: boy, servant
הנר hnr
נר nr: light, lamp, candle
a lamp

מפני mpny: because of
מפני mpny
מפני mpny: because of

ש־ š-: which; הוא hwˀ: he, it
שהוא šhwˀ
ש־ š-: which; הוא hwˀ: he, it

was startled
מ־ m-: of; נתר ntr: jump, startled, terrify
מתירא mtyrˀ
מ־ m-: of; נתר ntr: jump, startled, terrify
was startled

because of
מפני mpny: because of
מפני mpny
מפני mpny: because of
because of

the crowds,
גוי gwy: crowd, people
גוים gwym
גוי gwy: nation, gentile

or because of
מפני mpny: because of
מפני mpny
מפני mpny: because of
or because of

being seized,
לסטי lsṭy: rob, seize, seized
לסטים lsṭym
לסט lsṭ: robber

or because of
מפני mpny: because of
מפני mpny
מפני mpny: because of
or because of

רווח rwwḥ: common, popular
רוח rwḥ
רוח rwḥ: spirit

that [would] do harm,
רעה rˁh: wrong, harm
רעה rˁh
רעה rˁh: evil
that are evil,

or if
אם ˀm: if, when
ואם wˀm
אם ˀm: if, when
or if

[it was] for the sake of
בשביל bšbyl: for the sake of
בשביל bšbyl
בשביל bšbyl: for the sake of
[it was] for the sake of

the army
חיל ḥyl: force, army, military
החולה hḥwlh
חלה ḥlh: faint, sick
a sick person

[to] harden them up [?!?],
עשן ˁšn: harden, make firm, grow strong, prepare oneself
שיישן šyyšn
ש־ š-: make; ישן yšn: sleep
[to allow] him to sleep,

[then one] is exempt.
פטר pṭr: exempt, free
פטור pṭwr
פטר pṭr: exempt, free
[then one] is exempt.

Shabbat 2:5.a

One mustn’t protect servants or idiots or talkers.

Shabbat 2:5.b

Encrypted: But as for protecting servants, as for protecting idiots, as for protecting idiot talkers, one is guilty. But lord Yose exempts this, in everything except of protecting idiot talkers, because it creates trouble.

Official: But as for sparing the lamp, as for sparing the oil, as for sparing the fuse, one is guilty. But rabbi Yose exempts this, in everything except of sparing the fuse, because it creates coal when it’s extinguished.

[But] as for protecting
כ־ k-: as; חוס ḥws: protect, spare
כחס kḥs
כ־ k-: as; חוס ḥws: protect, spare
[But] as for sparing

על ˁl: to, over
על ˁl
על ˁl: to, over

servants [?!?],
נער nˁr: boy, servant
הנר hnr
נר nr: light, lamp, candle
the lamp,

as for protecting
כ־ k-: as; חוס ḥws: protect, spare
כחס kḥs
כ־ k-: as; חוס ḥws: protect, spare
as for sparing

על ˁl: to, over
על ˁl
על ˁl: to, over

שעממן šˁmmn: troublesome person; שעמום šˁmwm: idiot
השמן hšmn
שמן šmn: fat, oil
the oil,

as for protecting
כ־ k-: as; חוס ḥws: protect, spare
כחס kḥs
כ־ k-: as; חוס ḥws: protect, spare
as for sparing

על ˁl: to, over
על ˁl
על ˁl: to, over

idiot talkers,
בדוילא bdwylˀ: idle talk; בדולא bdwlˀ: idiot, moron, one who talks a lot
הפתילה hptylh
פתיל ptyl: thread, cord, fuse
the fuse,

[one] is guilty.
חיב ḥyb: guilty, obliged
חיב ḥyb
חיב ḥyb: guilty, obliged
[one] is guilty.

But lord
רב rb: lord, master, noble
ורבי wrby
רבי rby: rabbi
But rabbi

יוסי ywsy: Yose
יוסי ywsy
יוסי ywsy: Yose

exempts [this],
פטר pṭr: exempt, free
פוטר pwṭr
פטר pṭr: exempt, free
exempts [this],

in everything
ב־ b-: in; כל kl: all, whole
בכלן bkln
ב־ b-: in; כל kl: all, whole
in everything

חוץ ḥwṣ: outside, except
חוץ ḥwṣ
חוץ ḥwṣ: outside, except

מן mn: of, from
מן mn
מן mn: of, from

[protecting] idiot talkers,
בדוילא bdwylˀ: idle talk; בדולא bdwlˀ: idiot, moron, one who talks a lot
הפתילה hptylh
פתיל ptyl: thread, cord, fuse
[sparing] the fuse,

מפני mpny: because of
מפני mpny
מפני mpny: because of

ש־ š-: which; הוא hwˀ: he, it
שהוא šhwˀ
ש־ š-: which; הוא hwˀ: he, it

עשה ˁšh: do, make, create
עושה ˁwšh
עשה ˁšh: do, make, create

פעם pˁm: agitated, trouble
פחם pḥm
פחם pḥm: coal
coal [when it’s extinguished??].

Shabbat 2:5.b

Aristocrats can be killed in hoaxed wars if they aren’t careful.

Shabbat 2:6.a

Encrypted: For three transgressions can rulers die during hoaxes: It is for not being cautious when wandering about, and being slain after kindling the anger of the servants.

Official: For three transgressions can women die during childbirth: It is for not being cautious in menstruation, and with making cakes, and in kindling the lamp on Sabbath.

על ˁl: on, for
על ˁl
על ˁl: on, for

שלש šlš: three
שלש šlš
שלש šlš: three

עבר ˁbr: violate, transgress
עברות ˁbrwt
עבר ˁbr: violate, transgress

[can] rulers
נשאים nšˀym: princes, rulers
נשים nšym
נשים nšym: women
[can] women

מות mwt: die, death
מתות mtwt
מות mwt: die, death

בשעת bšˁt: during
בשעת bšˁt
בשעת bšˁt: during

עלדיתא ˁldytˀ: guile, cunning, deception, hoax
לדתן ldtn
ילדתא yldtˀ: woman in childbirth

[It is] for
על ˁl: on, for
על ˁl
על ˁl: on, for
[It is] for

ש־ š-: which; אין ˀyn: no, not
שאינן šˀynn
ש־ š-: which; אין ˀyn: no, not

being cautious
זהיר zhyr: cautious, attentive
זהירות zhyrwt
זהיר zhyr: cautious, attentive
being cautious

when wandering about,
ב־ b-: in; נוד nwd: wander about
בנדה bndh
ב־ b-: in; נדה ndh: menstruation
in menstruation,

and being slain
ב־ b-: in; חלל ḥll: beheaded, slain
ובחלה wbḥlh
ב־ b-: with; חלה ḥlh: cake, loaf
and with [making] cakes [???],

[after] kindling
ב־ b-: in; דלק dlq: kindle, burn
ובהדלקת wbhdlqt
ב־ b-: in; דלק dlq: kindle, burn
and in kindling

[the anger] of the servants.
נער nˁr: boy, servant
הנר hnr
נר nr: light, lamp, candle
the lamp [on Sabbath].

Shabbat 2:6.a

Shabbat 2:7.a

Encrypted: There are three things that needs a man to say ask oneself in the middle among the multitudes before a war about the people who are poor subjects: Have you stirred them up? Have you confounded them? If so, one can kindle the servants for war.

Official: There are three things that needs a man to say in the middle of his house on the evening to the Sabbath to the relatives when it is getting dark: Have you tithed the tithes? Have you pledged the pledges? If so, one can kindle the lamp for Sabbath.

[There are] three
שלש šlš: three
שלשה šlšh
שלש šlš: three
[There are] three

דבר dbr: thing
דברים dbrym
דבר dbr: thing

[that] needs
צרך ṣrk: need, require
צריך ṣryk
צרך ṣrk: need, require
[that] needs

a man
אדם ˀdm: man
אדם ˀdm
אדם ˀdm: man
a man

to say [ask oneself]
ל־ l-: to; אמר ˀmr: say
לומר lwmr
ל־ l-: to; אמר ˀmr: say
to say

in the middle
ב־ b-: in; תוך twk: middle
בתוך btwk
ב־ b-: in; תוך twk: middle
in the middle

בית byt: between, among
ביתו bytw
בית byt: house
of his house

the multitudes
ערב ˁrb: mixed multitude
ערב ˁrb
ערב ˁrb: evening
[on] the evening

[before] a war
צבאות ṣbˀwt: armies, war, warfare
שבת šbt
שבת šbt: Sabbath
[to] the Sabbath

[about] the people
עם ˁm: crowd, people
עם ˁm
עם ˁm: kinsman, relative
[to] the relatives

who are poor [subjects]:
חשוך ḥšwk: dark, reduced, poor
חשכה ḥškh
חשך ḥšk: darkness, darken
[when it is getting] dark:

Have you stirred them up?
סער sˁr: rage, stir up, excited, troubled; ־ם -m: them
עשרתם ˁšrtm
עשר ˁšr: tithe; ־ם -m: them
Have you tithed [the tithes]?

Have you confounded them?
ערבב ˁrbb: mix up, confound, disturb
ערבתם ˁrbtm
ערב ˁrb: vouch, pledge; ־ם -m: them
Have you pledged [the pledges]?

[If so, one can] kindle
דלק dlq: kindle, burn
הדליקו hdlyqw
דלק dlq: kindle, burn
[If so, one can] kindle

את ˀt: to
את ˀt
את ˀt: to

the servants [for war].
נער nˁr: boy, servant
הנר hnr
נר nr: light, lamp, candle
the lamp [for Sabbath].

Shabbat 2:7.a

If there’s doubt as to safety, one mustn’t stir the masses in one’s real identity.

Shabbat 2:7.b

Encrypted: If there is doubt whether they can be controlled, and there is doubt whether they can not be controlled, then one may not stir them up in one’s real identity, and one may not immerse oneself in the multitudes, and one may not personally kindle the servants for war.

Official: If there is doubt whether it is dark and there is doubt whether it is not dark, then one may not tithe certainly not tithed fruit, and one may not immerse the ritual vessels in water, and one may not kindle the lamp for Sabbath.

[If there is] doubt
ספק spq: doubt
ספק spq
ספק spq: doubt
[If there is] doubt

[whether they can] be controlled,
חסך ḥsk: save, protect, restrain, control
חשכה ḥškh
חשך ḥšk: darkness, darken
[whether it] is dark

[and there is] doubt
ספק spq: doubt
ספק spq
ספק spq: doubt
[and there is] doubt

[whether they can] not
אין ˀyn: no, not
אין ˀyn
אין ˀyn: no, not
[whether it] is not

be controlled,
חסך ḥsk: save, protect, restrain, control
חשכה ḥškh
חשך ḥšk: darkness, darken

[then one may] not
אין ˀyn: no, not
אין ˀyn
אין ˀyn: no, not
[then one may] not

stir [them] up
מ־ m-: of; סער sˁr: rage, stir up, excited, troubled
מעשרין mˁšryn
מ־ m-: of; עשר ˁšr: tithe

את ˀt: to
את ˀt
את ˀt: to

[in one’s] real [identity,
ודאי wdˀy: certain, real, surely
הודאי hwdˀy
ודאי wdˀy: certain, real, surely
certainly [not tithed fruit],

and [one may] not
אין ˀyn: no, not
ואין wˀyn
אין ˀyn: no, not
and [one may] not

immerse [oneself]
מ־ m-: of; טבילה ṭbylh: dipping, immersion
מטבילין mṭbylyn
מ־ m-: of; טבילה ṭbylh: dipping, immersion

את ˀt: to
את ˀt
את ˀt: to

[in] the multitudes,
קהל qhl: multitude, crowd, horde
הכלים hklym
כלי kly: object, vessel
the [ritual] vessels [in water],

and [one may] not
אין ˀyn: no, not
ואין wˀyn
אין ˀyn: no, not
and [one may] not

[personally] kindle
מ־ m-: of; דלק dlq: kindle, burn
מדליקין mdlyqyn
מ־ m-: of; דלק dlq: kindle, burn

את ˀt: to
את ˀt
את ˀt: to

the servants [for war].
נער nˁr: boy, servant
הנרות hnrwt
נר nr: light, lamp, candle
the lamp [for Sabbath].

Shabbat 2:7.b

Shabbat 2:7.c

Encrypted: But one may stir them up in disguise, and one may confound them in concealment as one of the crowds.

Official: But one may tithe fruits suspected to be untithed, and one may pledge, and store away the hot water for Sabbath.

אבל ˀbl: but
אבל ˀbl
אבל ˀbl: but

[one may] stir [them] up
סער sˁr: rage, stir up, excited, troubled
מעשרין mˁšryn
מ־ m-: of; עשר ˁšr: tithe
[one may] tithe

את ˀt: to
את ˀt
את ˀt: to

[in] disguise,
דמי dmy: similar, disguise
הדמאי hdmˀy
דמאי dmˀy: suspicion, fruits suspected untithed
[fruits] suspected [to be untithed],

and [one may] confound [them]
ערבב ˁrbb: mix up, confound, disturb
ומערבין wmˁrbyn
ערב ˁrb: vouch, pledge
and [one may] pledge,

[in] concealment
טמן ṭmn: conceal, hide one’s self
וטומנין wṭwmnyn
טמן ṭmn: store away, preserve
and store away

את ˀt: to
את ˀt
את ˀt: to

[as one of] the crowds.
המון hmwn: multitude, crowd, people, population
החמין hḥmyn
חם ḥm: warm, hot, hot water; ־ין -yn: (plural)
the hot water [for Sabbath].

Shabbat 2:7.c

Harshness can be covered-up with excuses, but arrogant oppression needs a mask.

Shabbat 3:1.a

Encrypted: If a lord has problems only with his harshness or with his taxes, then one may place above him a pretense like a war. But if he has problems with arrogance or with open oppression, then one may not place anything on top of that until it is cleaned up, or until one places a complete mask on him.

Official: If a portable stove was made to burn with straw or with rakings, then one may place above it a cooking pot with food. But if it was lit with turf or with wood, then one may not place anything on top until it is sweeped, or until one places ashes on the fire to extinguish it.

[If] a lord
קיר qyr: lord, leader
כירה kyrh
כירה kyrh: portable stove
[If] a portable stove

has problems
ש־ š-: make; עסק ˁsq: issue, problem, difficult, troublesome
שהסיקוה šhsyqwh
ש־ š-: make; אסקו ˀsqw: burning
was made to burn

[only] with [his] harshness
ב־ b-: with; קשי qšy: hard, harsh, severe
בקש bqš
ב־ b-: with; קש : straw, stubble
with straw

or with [his] taxes,
ב־ b-: with; גבי gby: collect, tax, confiscate, fine
ובגבבא wbgbbˀ
ב־ b-: with; גבבה gbbh: straw, stubble, rakings, rubbish
or with rakings,

[then one may] place
נתן ntn: give, place, put
נותנים nwtnym
נתן ntn: give, place, put
[then one may] place

above him
על ˁl: upon, above
עליה ˁlyh
על ˁl: upon, above
above it

a pretense [like a war].
ת־ t-: of; בשאילו bšˀylw: feignedly, in pretense; ב־ b-: in; שאיל šˀyl: deceptions
תבשיל tbšyl
ת־ t-: of; בשל bšl: cook, boil
a cooking [pot with food?].

[But if he has problems] with arrogance
ב־ b-: with; גבהות gbhwt: pride, haughtiness
בגפת bgpt
ב־ b-: with; גפת gpt: peat, turf
[But if it was lit] with turf

or with [open] oppression,
ב־ b-: with; עצי ˁṣy: oppression, force, rob, defraud
ובעצים wbˁṣym
ב־ b-: with; עץ ˁṣ: tree, wood
or with wood,

[then one may] not
לא : not
לא : not
[then one may] not

place [anything on top of that]
נתן ntn: give, place, put
יתן ytn
נתן ntn: give, place, put
place [anything on top]

עד ˁd: while, until
עד ˁd
עד ˁd: while, until

[it] is cleaned up,
ש־ š-: make; גרף grp: rake, sweep, clean
שיגרף šygrp
ש־ š-: make; גרף grp: rake, sweep, clean
[it] is sweeped,

או ˀw: or
או ˀw
או ˀw: or

עד ˁd: while, until
עד ˁd
עד ˁd: while, until

[one] places
ש־ š-: make; נתן ntn: give, place, put
שיתן šytn
ש־ š-: make; נתן ntn: give, place, put
[one] places

את ˀt: to
את ˀt
את ˀt: to

a [complete] mask [on him].
אפר ˀpr: bandage, mask
האפר hˀpr
אפר ˀpr: ashes
ashes [on the fire to extinguish it?].

Shabbat 3:1.a

Shabbat 3:1.b

Encrypted: The school of Shammai say: One can still confuse / the crowds, but not with simple pretense. The school of Hillel say: One can still confuse / the crowds, even with pretense.

Official: The school of Shammai say: One may place hot water on it, but one may not cook food. The school of Hillel say: One may place hot water on it, and also cook on it.

The school
בית byt: house, school
בית byt
בית byt: house, school
The school

of Shammai
שמאי šmˀy: Shammai
שמאי šmˀy
שמאי šmˀy: Shammai
of Shammai

אמר ˀmr: say
אומרים ˀwmrym
אמר ˀmr: say

[One can still] confuse / the crowds [?],
המון hmwn: multitude, crowd, confusion
חמין ḥmyn
חם ḥm: warm, hot, hot water; ־ין -yn: (plural)
[One may place] hot water [on it],

אבל ˀbl: but
אבל ˀbl
אבל ˀbl: but

לא : not
לא : not
[one may] not

[with simple?] pretense.
ת־ t-: of; בשאילו bšˀylw: feignedly, in pretense; ב־ b-: in; שאיל šˀyl: deceptions
תבשיל tbšyl
ת־ t-: of; בשל bšl: cook, boil
cook [food?].

The school
בית byt: house, school
ובית wbyt
בית byt: house, school
The school

of Hillel
הלל hll: Hillel
הלל hll
הלל hll: Hillel
of Hillel

אמר ˀmr: say
אומרים ˀwmrym
אמר ˀmr: say

[One can still] confuse / the crowds [?],
המון hmwn: multitude, crowd, confusion
חמין ḥmyn
חם ḥm: warm, hot, hot water; ־ין -yn: (plural)
[One may place] hot water [on it],

[even with?] pretense.
ת־ t-: of; בשאילו bšˀylw: feignedly, in pretense; ב־ b-: in; שאיל šˀyl: deceptions
ותבשיל wtbšyl
ת־ t-: of; בשל bšl: cook, boil
[and also] cook [on it].

Shabbat 3:1.b

Shabbat 3:1.c

Encrypted: The school of Shammai say: One can remove an unpopular ruler, but one may not restore him. The school of Hillel say: One may even restore him.

Official: The school of Shammai say: One may remove a pot on Sabbath, but one may not return it. The school of Hillel say: One may even return it.

The school
בית byt: house, school
בית byt
בית byt: house, school
The school

of Shammai
שמאי šmˀy: Shammai
שמאי šmˀy
שמאי šmˀy: Shammai
of Shammai

אמר ˀmr: say
אומרים ˀwmrym
אמר ˀmr: say

[One can] remove [an unpopular ruler],
נטל nṭl: move, remove
נוטלין nwṭlyn
נטל nṭl: move, remove
[One may] remove [a pot on Sabbath?],

אבל ˀbl: but
אבל ˀbl
אבל ˀbl: but

[one may] not
לא : not
לא : not
[one may] not

restore [him].
חזר ḥzr: restore, return
מחזירין mḥzyryn
חזר ḥzr: restore, return
return [it].

The school
בית byt: house, school
ובית wbyt
בית byt: house, school
The school

of Hillel
הלל hll: Hillel
הלל hll
הלל hll: Hillel
of Hillel

אמר ˀmr: say
אומרים ˀwmrym
אמר ˀmr: say

[One may] even
אף ˀp: also, even
אף ˀp
אף ˀp: also, even
[One may] even

restore [him].
חזר ḥzr: restore, return
מחזירין mḥzyryn
חזר ḥzr: restore, return
return [it].

Shabbat 3:1.c

If the subjects are already troublesome, don’t place anyone near them.

Shabbat 3:2.a

Encrypted: If the servants are already troublesome with imposed harshness or with imposed taxes, one may not place anyone among the oppressed, or at any place near them.

Official: If an oven was made to burn with straw or with rakings, one may not place anything in the middle or on the top.

[If] the servants
ת־ t-: of; ניר nyr: servitude
תנור tnwr
תנור tnwr: stove, oven
[If] an oven

are [already] troublesome
ש־ š-: make; עסק ˁsq: issue, problem, difficult, troublesome
שהסיקוהו šhsyqwhw
ש־ š-: make; אסקו ˀsqw: burning
was made to burn

with [imposed] harshness
ב־ b-: with; קשי qšy: hard, harsh, severe
בקש bqš
ב־ b-: with; קש : straw, stubble
with straw

or with [imposed] taxes,
ב־ b-: with; גבי gby: collect, tax, confiscate, fine
ובגבבא wbgbbˀ
ב־ b-: with; גבבה gbbh: straw, stubble, rakings, rubbish
or with rakings,

[one may] not
לא : not
לא : not
[one may] not

place [anyone]
נתן ntn: give, place, put
יתן ytn
נתן ntn: give, place, put
place [anything]

בין byn: between, among
בין byn
בין byn: between, among

the oppressed,
מ־ m-: from; תוך twk: press, oppression, suffer
מתוכו mtwkw
מ־ m-: from; תוך twk: middle, inside
the middle

בין byn: between, among
בין byn
בין byn: between, among

מ־ m-: from, of; על ˁl: upon, above
מעל mˁl
מ־ m-: from, of; על ˁl: upon, above

[any place] near [them].
גב gb: near, next to
גביו gbyw
גב gb: back, top
the top.

Shabbat 3:2.a

Shabbat 3:2.b

Encrypted: If the oppressed are already troublesome with imposed harshness or with imposed taxes, in all aspects this is like a lord having problems with arrogance or with open oppression, in all aspects it is very visible.

Official: If a large lamp was made to burn with straw or with rakings, in all aspects this is like a portable stove lit with turf or with wood, in all aspects it is like an oven.

[If] the oppressed
קפח qpḥ: oppress, overwhelm, rob; כפה kph: subdue, force, compel
כפח kpḥ
קפח / כפח qpḥ / kpḥ: very tall
[If] a large [lamp???]

are [already] troublesome
ש־ š-: make; עסק ˁsq: issue, problem, difficult, troublesome
שהסיקוהו šhsyqwhw
ש־ š-: make; אסקו ˀsqw: burning
was made to burn

with [imposed] harshness
ב־ b-: with; קשי qšy: hard, harsh, severe
בקש bqš
ב־ b-: with; קש : straw, stubble
with straw

or with [imposed] taxes,
ב־ b-: with; גבי gby: collect, tax, confiscate, fine
ובגבבא wbgbbˀ
ב־ b-: with; גבבה gbbh: straw, stubble, rakings, rubbish
or with rakings,

[in all] aspects
הרי hry: aspect, case
הרי hry
הרי hry: aspect, case
[in all] aspects

this [is]
זה zh: this
זה zh
זה zh: this
this [is]

like a lord
כ־ k-: as, like; קיר qyr: lord, leader
ככירים kkyrym
כ־ k-: as, like; כירה kyrh: portable stove
like a portable stove

[having problems] with arrogance
ב־ b-: with; גבהות gbhwt: pride, haughtiness
בגפת bgpt
ב־ b-: with; גפת gpt: peat, turf
[lit] with turf

or with [open] oppression,
ב־ b-: with; עצי ˁṣy: oppression, force, rob, defraud
ובעצים wbˁṣym
ב־ b-: with; עץ ˁṣ: tree, wood
or with wood,

[in all] aspects
הרי hry: aspect, case
הרי hry
הרי hry: aspect, case
[in all] aspects

it [is]
הוא hwˀ: he, it
הוא hwˀ
הוא hwˀ: he, it
it [is]

[very] visible [?].
כ־ k-: as, like; ת־ t-: of; נראה nrˀh: visible
כתנור ktnwr
כ־ k-: as, like; תנור tnwr: stove, oven
like an oven.

Shabbat 3:2.b

One may not place exposed people near the subjects.

Shabbat 3:3.a

Encrypted: One may not place someone who was found out at their side in full sight for the sake of revealing him. And one may not break open the arrangements. But lord Yose permits it.

Official: One may not place an egg at the side of a vessel with hot water for the sake of rolling it to cook each side. And one may not break it into a hot kerchief to cook it. But rabbi Yose permits it.

[One may] not
אין ˀyn: no, not
אין ˀyn
אין ˀyn: no, not
[One may] not

נתן ntn: give, place, put
נותנין nwtnyn
נתן ntn: give, place, put

[someone who] was found out
בצי bṣy: strip, found out, understood
ביצה byṣh
ביצה byṣh: egg
an egg

at [their] side
ב־ b-: on; צד ṣd: side, border
בצד bṣd
ב־ b-: on; צד ṣd: side, border
at the side

[in full] sight
מחמי mḥmy: sight, appearance, vision
המחם hmḥm
מחם mḥm: bronze water vessel
of a vessel [with hot water]

for the sake of
בשביל bšbyl: for the sake of
בשביל bšbyl
בשביל bšbyl: for the sake of
for the sake of

revealing [him].
ש־ š-: make; ת־ t-: of; גלגל glgl: revealed
שתתגלגל šttglgl
ש־ š-: make; ת־ t-: of; גלגל glgl: roll, turn
rolling it [to cook each side].

And [one may] not
לא : not
ולא wlˀ
לא : not
And [one may] not

break open
פקע pqˁ: split, break, burst, crack
יפקיענה ypqyˁnh
פקע pqˁ: split, break, burst, crack
break [it]

the arrangements.
ב־ b-: in; סדר sdr: arrange, arrangement
בסודרין bswdryn
ב־ b-: in; סודר swdr: scarf, kerchief
into a [hot?] kerchief [to cook it].

But lord
רב rb: lord, master, noble
ורבי wrby
רבי rby: rabbi
But rabbi

יוסי ywsy: Yose
יוסי ywsy
יוסי ywsy: Yose

permits [it].
נתר ntr: permit, free
מתיר mtyr
נתר ntr: permit, free
permits [it].

Shabbat 3:3.a

Shabbat 3:3.b

Encrypted: But one may also not conceal things with a pierced leak or with someone found out among the leaders, for the sake of protecting them.

Official: And one may also not store the egg in hot sand or in hot dust of the road for the sake of roasting it.

But [one may also] not
לא : not
ולא wlˀ
לא : not
And [one may also] not

conceal [things]
טמן ṭmn: conceal, hide one’s self
יטמיננה yṭmynnh
טמן ṭmn: store away, preserve
store [the egg?]

with a pierced [leak]
ב־ b-: with; חלל ḥll: split, pierce, bore, hollow
בחל bḥl
ב־ b-: in; חל ḥl: sand, dust
in [hot?] sand

or with [someone] found out
ב־ b-: with; בקא bqˀ: search, investigate, examine, find out
ובאבק wbˀbq
ב־ b-: in; אבק ˀbq: dust, powder
or in [hot?] dust

[among] the leaders,
דרך drk: lead
דרכים drkym
דרך drk: road, path, way
of the road

for the sake of
בשביל bšbyl: for the sake of
בשביל bšbyl
בשביל bšbyl: for the sake of
for the sake of

protecting [them?].
ש־ š-: make; ת־ t-: of; אצל ˀṣl: protect, spare, lay aside
שתצלה štṣlh
ש־ š-: make; ת־ t-: of; צלה ṣlh: roast
roasting [it].

Shabbat 3:3.b

There were incidents, so don’t overdo it like you would during peace.

Shabbat 3:4.a

Encrypted: There was an incident which did the common men of Tiberias: They uncovered despised people of the secret agents in the middle of the people of the crowds and roughed them up.

Official: There was a deed which did the men of Tiberias: They brought a pipe for cold water through the middle of a river of a spring of hot water so they’d have hot water on Sabbath.

[There was] an incident
מעשה mˁšh: event, incident
מעשה mˁšh
מעשה mˁšh: deed, act
[There was] a deed

which did
ש־ š-: which; עשה ˁšh: do, act, make
שעשו šˁšw
ש־ š-: which; עשה ˁšh: do, act, make
which did

the [common?] men
אנש ˀnš: man
אנשי ˀnšy
אנש ˀnš: man
the men

of Tiberias:
טבריא ṭbryˀ: Tiberias
טבריא ṭbryˀ
טבריא ṭbryˀ: Tiberias
of Tiberias:

They uncovered [?]
בעה bˁh: investigation, uncover
והביאו whbyˀw
בוא bwˀ: come, bring
They brought

despised [people?]
סלי sly: reject, despise; ־ן -n: (suffix)
סלון slwn
סילון sylwn: gutter, duct, pipe, tube
a pipe

של šl: belonging to, of
של šl
של šl: belonging to, of

the secret [agents?]
צנע ṣnˁ: secret, hidden; עצי ˁṣy: oppress, force; ־ין -yn: (plural)
צונן ṣwnn
צנון ṣnwn: cold
cold [water]

in the middle
ל־ l-: to; תוך twk: middle
לתוך ltwk
ל־ l-: to; תוך twk: middle
through the middle

of the people
אמה ˀmh: clan, tribe, people
אמה ˀmh
אמה ˀmh: river-arm, canal
of a river [of a spring?]

של šl: belonging to, of
של šl
של šl: belonging to, of

the crowds [and roughed them up?].
המון hmwn: multitude, crowd, confusion
חמין ḥmyn
חם ḥm: warm, hot, hot water; ־ין -yn: (plural)
hot water [so they’d have hot water on Sabbath].

Shabbat 3:4.a

Shabbat 3:4.b

Encrypted: But said to them the advisors: When stirred up for a war, then they are like multitudes angered in a war, and it is forbidden to trust them or to further entice them.

Official: But said to them the advisors: When it passed through on Sabbath, then it is like hot water heated on Sabbath, and it is forbidden for washing and for drinking.

[But] said
אמר ˀmr: say
אמרו ˀmrw
אמר ˀmr: say
[But] said

to them
ל־ l-: to; הן hn: they
להן lhn
ל־ l-: to; הן hn: they
to them

the advisors:
חכם ḥkm: wise, advisor
חכמים ḥkmym
חכם ḥkm: wise, advisor
the advisors:

When [stirred up?]
אם ˀm: if, when
אם ˀm
אם ˀm: if, when
When [it passed through]

for a war,
ב־ b-: for; צבאות ṣbˀwt: armies, war, warfare
בשבת bšbt
ב־ b-: on; שבת šbt: Sabbath
on Sabbath,

[then they are] like multitudes
כ־ k-: as, like; המון hmwn: multitude, crowd, confusion
כחמין kḥmyn
כ־ k-: as, like; חם ḥm: warm, hot, hot water; ־ין -yn: (plural)
[then it is] like hot water

ש־ š-: make; חמה ḥmh: anger, rage, fury
שהוחמו šhwḥmw
ש־ š-: make; חם ḥm: warm, hot

in a war,
ב־ b-: in; צבאות ṣbˀwt: armies, war, warfare
בשבת bšbt
ב־ b-: on; שבת šbt: Sabbath
on Sabbath,

[and it] is forbidden
אסור ˀswr: forbidden
אסורין ˀswryn
אסור ˀswr: forbidden
[and it] is forbidden

to trust [them]
ב־ b-: for; רחץ rḥṣ: lean on, rely, trust, be safe
ברחיצה brḥyṣh
ב־ b-: for; רחץ rḥṣ: wash, bathe
for washing

or to [further] entice [them].
ב־ b-: for; סות swt: instigate, entice
ובשתיה wbštyh
ב־ b-: for; שתי šty: drink
and for drinking.

Shabbat 3:4.b

Shabbat 3:4.c

Encrypted: But when stirred up in times that are pleasant & peaceful, they are like multitudes angered in times that are pleasant & peaceful, and it is forbidden to trust them, but permitted to further entice them.

Official: But if it passed through on a day joyful of a festival, it is like hot water heated on a day joyful of a festival, and it is forbidden for washing, but permitted for drinking.

[But when stirred up?] in times
ב־ b-: on; יום ywm: day, time
ביום bywm
ב־ b-: on; יום ywm: day, time
[But if it passed through] on a day

[that are] pleasant [& peaceful],
טוב ṭwb: good, pleasant, enjoy oneself
טוב ṭwb
טוב ṭwb: good, pleasant, enjoy oneself
joyful [of a festival],

[they are] like multitudes
כ־ k-: as, like; המון hmwn: multitude, crowd, confusion
כחמין kḥmyn
כ־ k-: as, like; חם ḥm: warm, hot, hot water; ־ין -yn: (plural)
[it is] like hot water

ש־ š-: make; חמה ḥmh: anger, rage, fury
שהוחמו šhwḥmw
ש־ š-: make; חם ḥm: warm, hot

in times
ב־ b-: on; יום ywm: day, time
ביום bywm
ב־ b-: on; יום ywm: day, time
on a day

[that are] pleasant [& peaceful],
טוב ṭwb: good, pleasant, enjoy oneself
טוב ṭwb
טוב ṭwb: good, pleasant, enjoy oneself
joyful [of a festival],

[and it] is forbidden
אסור ˀswr: forbidden
אסורין ˀswryn
אסור ˀswr: forbidden
[and it] is forbidden

to trust [them],
ב־ b-: for; רחץ rḥṣ: lean on, rely, trust, be safe
ברחיצה brḥyṣh
ב־ b-: for; רחץ rḥṣ: wash, bathe
for washing,

but permitted
נתר ntr: free, permit
ומתרין wmtryn
נתר ntr: free, permit
but permitted

to [further] entice [them].
ב־ b-: for; סות swt: instigate, entice
בשתיה bštyh
ב־ b-: for; שתי šty: drink
for drinking.

Shabbat 3:4.c

Soldiers can be reliably stirred up for war, but not regular subjects.

Shabbat 3:4.d

Encrypted: As for the lower classes, if they are soldiers, one can entice them reliably for war. But as for the oppressed, even though they are also like soldiers, one may not always entice them.

Official: As for a cauldron, if it was swept, one may drink from it reliably on Sabbath. But as for an Antiochian vessel, even though it can also be swept, one may not drink from it.

[As for] the lower [classes?],
מ־ m-: of; לרע lrˁ: below
מוליאר mwlyˀr
מוליאר mwlyˀr: miliarium, cauldron
[As for] a cauldron,

[if they are] soldiers,
קרב qrb: battle, soldier
הגרוף hgrwp
גרף grp: rake, sweep, clean
[if it] was swept,

[one can] entice [them]
סות swt: instigate, entice
שותין šwtyn
שתי šty: drink
[one may] drink [from it]

הימן hymn: reliable, trust
הימנו hymnw
הימן hymn: reliable, trust
reliably [??]

for war.
ב־ b-: in, for; צבאות ṣbˀwt: armies, war, warfare
בשבת bšbt
ב־ b-: on; שבת šbt: Sabbath
on Sabbath.

[But as for] the oppressed [?],
נ־ n-: make; תוך twk: press, oppression, suffer
אנטיכי ˀnṭyky
אנטיכי ˀnṭyky: Antiochian vessel, cooking instrument
[But as for] an Antiochian vessel [???],

even though
אף על פי ˀp ˁl py: although
אף על פי ˀp ˁl py
אף על פי ˀp ˁl py: although
even though

[they are also like?] soldiers,
ש־ š-: which; קרב qrb: battle, soldier
שגרופה šgrwph
ש־ š-: make; גרף grp: rake, sweep, clean
[it can also] be swept,

[one may] not [always]
אין ˀyn: no, not
אין ˀyn
אין ˀyn: no, not
[one may] not

סות swt: instigate, entice
שותין šwtyn
שתי šty: drink

מ־ m-: of; מן mn: from
ממנה mmnh
מ־ m-: of; מן mn: from
from [it].

Shabbat 3:4.d

Do not place agents with guards to make them angry, just to temper them.

Shabbat 3:5.a

Encrypted: As for fortification garrisons which are at leisure not at war, one may not place in their middle secret agents for the sake of making them angry. But one may place them into their middle or into the middle of a covered operation, when it’s just to temper them.

Official: As for a vessel that was emptied but is still warm, one may not place in its middle cold water for the sake of heating it. But one may place it into its middle or into the middle of a cup, when it’s just to make it tepid but not hot.

[As for] fortification [garrisons?]
מ־ m-: of; חומה ḥwmh: surround, protect, wall, fortification
המחם hmḥm
מחם mḥm: bronze water vessel
[As for] a vessel

which are at leisure [not at war?],
ש־ š-: which; פנאי pnˀy: vacancy, spare time, leisure
שפנהו špnhw
ש־ š-: which; פני pny: turn, free, empty
that was emptied [but is still warm?],

[one may] not
לא : not
לא : not
[one may] not

נתן ntn: give, place, put
יתן ytn
נתן ntn: give, place, put

in [their] middle
ל־ l-: to; תוך twk: press, oppression, suffer
לתוכו ltwkw
ל־ l-: to; תוך twk: middle
in [its] middle

secret [agents?]
צנע ṣnˁ: guarded, secret, hidden
צונן ṣwnn
צנון ṣnwn: cold
cold [water]

for the sake of
בשביל bšbyl: for the sake of
בשביל bšbyl
בשביל bšbyl: for the sake of
for the sake of

making [them] angry.
ש־ š-: make; חמה ḥmh: anger, rage, fury
שיחמו šyḥmw
ש־ š-: make; חם ḥm: warm, hot
heating [it].

אבל ˀbl: but
אבל ˀbl
אבל ˀbl: but

[one may] place
נתן ntn: give, place, put
נותן nwtn
נתן ntn: give, place, put
[one may] place

הוא hwˀ: he, it
הוא hwˀ
הוא hwˀ: he, it

into [their] middle
ל־ l-: to; תוך twk: press, oppression, suffer
לתוכו ltwkw
ל־ l-: to; תוך twk: middle
into [its] middle

או ˀw: or
או ˀw
או ˀw: or

into the middle
ל־ l-: to; תוך twk: press, oppression, suffer
לתוך ltwk
ל־ l-: to; תוך twk: middle
into the middle

of a covered [operation?],
כסוי kswy: cover, clothing, veil
הכוס hkws
כוס kws: cup
of a cup,

when [it’s just]
כדי kdy: when
כדי kdy
כדי kdy: when
when [it’s just]

to temper [them].
ל־ l-: to; פשר pšr: make tepid, temper
להפשירן lhpšyrn
ל־ l-: to; פשר pšr: make tepid, temper
to make [it] tepid [but not hot].

Shabbat 3:5.a

Do not place agents with armed warriors in violent contexts.

Shabbat 3:5.b

Encrypted: As for armed warriors, or guards that were made angry with excitement, one may not place into their middle confusion agents, but one may place them into the middle of a covered operation or into the middle of a surprise operation.

Official: As for a stew-pot, or a pot that was removed while boiling, one may not place into its middle spices, but one may place them into the middle of a dish or into the middle of a charity plate.

[As for] armed warriors,
לבש lbš: clothe, put on armour, armed warrior
האלפס hˀlps
אלפס ˀlps: lopas, pan, stew-pot
[As for] a stew-pot,

or guards
גדר gdr: guarded, trained
והקדרה whqdrh
קדר qdr: pot
or a pot

that were made angry
ש־ š-: which; עבר ˁbr: become angry, become furious
שהעבירן šhˁbyrn
ש־ š-: which; עבר ˁbr: take away, remove
that was removed

[with] excitement,
מ־ m-: of; רתח rtḥ: excited, indignant, trouble, anger
מרתחין mrtḥyn
מ־ m-: of; רתח rtḥ: hot, boil over
[while] boiling,

[one may] not
לא : not
לא : not
[one may] not

נתן ntn: give, place, put
יתן ytn
נתן ntn: give, place, put

into [their] middle
ל־ l-: to; תוך twk: press, oppression, suffer
לתוכן ltwkn
ל־ l-: to; תוך twk: middle
into [its] middle

confusion [agents?],
תבל tbl: mixture, confusion
תבלין tblyn
תבל tbl: spice, season

אבל ˀbl: but
אבל ˀbl
אבל ˀbl: but

[one may] place
נתן ntn: give, place, put
נותן nwtn
נתן ntn: give, place, put
[one may] place

הוא hwˀ: he, it
הוא hwˀ
הוא hwˀ: he, it

into the middle
ל־ l-: to; תוך twk: press, oppression, suffer
לתוך ltwk
ל־ l-: to; תוך twk: middle
into the middle

of a covered [operation?]
קרה qrh: cover, close
הקערה hqˁrh
קערה qˁrh: dish, platter
of a dish

או ˀw: or
או ˀw
או ˀw: or

into the middle
ל־ l-: to; תוך twk: press, oppression, suffer
לתוך ltwk
ל־ l-: to; תוך twk: middle
into the middle

of a surprise [operation?].
תמה tmh: astonished, stun, stupid, surprise
התמחוי htmḥwy
תמחוי tmḥwy: charity plate, tray
of a charity plate.

Shabbat 3:5.b

Shabbat 3:5.c

Encrypted: Lord Yehudah says: Into all contexts can they be placed, except with things where there is in them real violence or trouble.

Official: Rabbi Yehudah says: Into all vessels can they be placed, except with things where there is in them vinegar or brine.

רב rb: lord, master, noble
רבי rby
רבי rby: rabbi

יהודה yhwdh: Yehudah
יהודה yhwdh
יהודה yhwdh: Yehudah

אמר ˀmr: say
אומר ˀwmr
אמר ˀmr: say

Into all [contexts]
ל־ l-: to; כל kl: all
לכל lkl
ל־ l-: to; כל kl: all
Into all [vessels]

[can] they
הוא hwˀ: he, it
הוא hwˀ
הוא hwˀ: he, it
[can] they

be placed,
נתן ntn: give, place, put
נותן nwtn
נתן ntn: give, place, put
be placed,

חוץ ḥwṣ: outside, except
חוץ ḥwṣ
חוץ ḥwṣ: outside, except

[with] things
מ־ m-: of; דבר dbr: thing
מדבר mdbr
מ־ m-: of; דבר dbr: thing
[with] things

where there is
ש־ š-: which; יש : there is
שיש šyš
ש־ š-: which; יש : there is
where there is

in them
בו bw: in it
בו bw
בו bw: in it
in them

[real] violence
חמס ḥms: heated, passionate, insult, violence, rob
חמץ ḥmṣ
חמץ ḥmṣ: sour, vinegar

or trouble.
צער ṣˁr: trouble; צערה ṣˁrh: distress
וציר wṣyr
ציר ṣyr: juice, brine
or brine.

Shabbat 3:5.c

Be careful when assembling commoners into troops, they’re not trained.

Shabbat 3:6.a

Encrypted: One may not put into place a crowd of laymen instead of military servants to assign into it the trouble-makers. But if one places them while they are still confused, then it is permitted.

Official: One may not place a vessel under a lamp to receive in it the oil dripping from the lamp. But if one places it while it is still day before Sabbath, then it is permitted.

[One may] not
אין ˀyn: no, not
אין ˀyn
אין ˀyn: no, not
[One may] not

put into place
נתן ntn: assign, appoint, designate
נותנין nwtnyn
נתן ntn: give, place, put

a crowd [of laymen]
קהל qhl: multitude, crowd, horde; קהלי qhly: layman
כלי kly
כלי kly: object, vessel
a vessel

instead of
תחת tḥt: instead of
תחת tḥt
תחת tḥt: below, under

[military??] servants
נער nˁr: boy, servant, physically able young man
הנר hnr
נר nr: light, lamp, candle
a lamp

to assign
ל־ l-: to; קבל qbl: accept, assign
לקבל lqbl
ל־ l-: to; קבל qbl: take, receive
to receive

into it
בו bw: in it
בו bw
בו bw: in it
in it

את ˀt: to
את ˀt
את ˀt: to

the trouble-makers [??].
שעממן šˁmmn: troublesome person; שעמום šˁmwm: idiot
השמן hšmn
שמן šmn: fat, oil
the oil [dripping from the lamp?].

But if
אם ˀm: if, when
ואם wˀm
אם ˀm: if, when
But if

[one] places [them]
נתן ntn: give, place, put
נותנו nwtnw
נתן ntn: give, place, put
[one] places [it]

מ־ m-: of, from; בעוד bˁwd: after, while
מבעוד mbˁwd
מ־ m-: of, from; בעוד bˁwd: after, while

[they are still] confused [??],
עועים ˁwˁym: confusion
יום ywm
יום ywm: day
[it is still] day [before Sabbath],

then [it] is permitted.
נתר ntr: permit, free
מתר mtr
נתר ntr: permit, free
then [it] is permitted.

Shabbat 3:6.a

Shabbat 3:6.b

Encrypted: But it is not suitable to use any from them for actual attacks, because they are not from well prepared troops.

Official: But it is not suitable to use any from it on Sabbath, because it is not from the oil that was prepared.

But [it is] not
אין ˀyn: no, not
ואין wˀyn
אין ˀyn: no, not
But [it is] not

נאות nˀwt: suitable, fit, proper
נאותין nˀwtyn
נאות nˀwt: suitable, fit, proper

[to use any] from them [for actual attacks?],
מ־ m-: of; מן mn: from
ממנו mmnw
מ־ m-: of; מן mn: from
[to use any] from it [on Sabbath?],

לפי lpy: according to, because
לפי lpy
לפי lpy: according to, because

[they are] not
ש־ š-: which; אין ˀyn: no, not
שאינו šˀynw
ש־ š-: which; אין ˀyn: no, not
[it is] not

מן mn: from
מן mn
מן mn: from

[well] prepared [troops].
מוכן mwkn: prepared, ready
המוכן hmwkn
מוכן mwkn: prepared, ready
[the oil that] was prepared.

Shabbat 3:6.b

For wars, use new troops, not old ones.

Shabbat 3:6.c

Encrypted: As for confusing the servants for war, one should use new troops, but not old experienced ones.

Official: As for moving a lamp on Sabbath, one may move a new lamp, but not an old one.

[As for] confusing
מ־ m-: of; טלטל ṭlṭl: unsteady, confuse
מטלטלין mṭlṭlyn
מ־ m-: of; טלטל ṭlṭl: move, remove
[As for] moving

the servants [for war],
נער nˁr: boy, servant
נר nr
נר nr: light, lamp, candle
a lamp [on Sabbath],

[one should use] new [troops],
חדש ḥdš: new
חדש ḥdš
חדש ḥdš: new
[one may move] a new [lamp],

אבל ˀbl: but
אבל ˀbl
אבל ˀbl: but

לא : not
לא : not

old [experienced?] ones.
ישן yšn: old
ישן yšn
ישן yšn: old
an old one.

Shabbat 3:6.c

Shabbat 3:6.d

Encrypted: Lord Simeon says: All servants can be confused for a new war, except for servants that were kindled before for war and know actual war.

Official: Rabbi Simeon says: All lamps may be moved even old ones, except for a lamp that was kindled on Sabbath.

רב rb: lord, master, noble
רבי rby
רבי rby: rabbi

שמעון šmˁwn: Simeon
שמעון šmˁwn
שמעון šmˁwn: Simeon

אמר ˀmr: say
אומר ˀwmr
אמר ˀmr: say

כל kl: all
כל kl
כל kl: all

נער nˁr: boy, servant
הנרות hnrwt
נר nr: light, lamp, candle

[can] be confused [for a new war?],
מ־ m-: of; טלטל ṭlṭl: unsteady, confuse
מטלטלין mṭlṭlyn
מ־ m-: of; טלטל ṭlṭl: move, remove
[may] be moved [even old ones],

חוץ ḥwṣ: outside, except
חוץ ḥwṣ
חוץ ḥwṣ: outside, except

מן mn: of, from
מן mn
מן mn: of, from

נער nˁr: boy, servant
הנר hnr
נר nr: light, lamp, candle
a lamp

that were kindled [before]
דלק dlq: kindle, burn
הדולק hdwlq
דלק dlq: kindle, burn
that was kindled

for war [and know actual war?].
ב־ b-: for; צבאות ṣbˀwt: armies, war, warfare
בשבת bšbt
ב־ b-: on; שבת šbt: Sabbath
on Sabbath.

Shabbat 3:6.d

One can assemble the angriest commoners into special troops.

Shabbat 3:6.e

Encrypted: One may assign a crowd of laymen instead of military servants to specially assign the angry ones to get rid of them, but one may not place in their middle important people, because they could be extinguished.

Official: One may place a vessel under a lamp to receive blazing sparks from the lamp, but one may not place in its middle water, because it would extinguish the sparks.

[One may] assign
נתן ntn: assign, appoint, designate
נותנין nwtnyn
נתן ntn: give, place, put
[One may] place

a crowd [of laymen]
קהל qhl: multitude, crowd, horde; קהלי qhly: layman
כלי kly
כלי kly: object, vessel
a vessel

instead of
תחת tḥt: instead of
תחת tḥt
תחת tḥt: below, under

[military??] servants
נער nˁr: boy, servant, physically able young man
הנר hnr
נר nr: light, lamp, candle
a lamp

to [specially] assign
ל־ l-: to; קבל qbl: accept, assign
לקבל lqbl
ל־ l-: to; קבל qbl: take, receive
to receive

the angry [ones to get rid of them?],
נאץ nˀṣ: angry, bold, indignant
ניצוצות nyṣwṣwt
נצץ nṣṣ: blossom, blaze
blazing [sparks from the lamp],

but [one may] not
לא : not
ולא wlˀ
לא : not
but [one may] not

נתן ntn: give, place, put
יתן ytn
נתן ntn: give, place, put

in [their] middle
ל־ l-: to; תוך twk: press, oppression, suffer
לתוכו ltwkw
ל־ l-: to; תוך twk: middle
in [its] middle

[important?] people,
עמים ˁmym: people
מים mym
מים mym: water

מפני mpny: because of
מפני mpny
מפני mpny: because of

ש־ š-: which; הוא hwˀ: he, it
שהוא šhwˀ
ש־ š-: which; הוא hwˀ: he, it

[could] be extinguished.
מ־ m-: of; כבה kbh: quench, extinguish
מכבה mkbh
מ־ m-: of; כבה kbh: quench, extinguish
[would] extinguish [the sparks].

Shabbat 3:6.e

Concealing one’s motives in war

One cannot conceal the motives of a war with mere words.

Shabbat 4:1.a

Encrypted: With what may one conceal one’s motives in a war and with what may one not conceal them? One may not conceal them with these: Not with mere talk, not with mere rubbish, not with mere speech, not with mere whitewashing, not with mere foolery, whether fresh or dull.

Official: With what may one preserve heat and with what may one not preserve heat? One may not preserve heat with these: Not with turf, not with dung, not with salt, not with plaster, not with sand, whether moist or dry.

With what [may one]
ב־ b-: with; מה mh: what
במה bmh
ב־ b-: with; מה mh: what
With what [may one]

conceal [one’s motives in a war]
טמן ṭmn: conceal, hide one’s self
טומנין ṭwmnyn
טמן ṭmn: store away, preserve
preserve [heat]

and with what [may one]
ב־ b-: with; מה mh: what
ובמה wbmh
ב־ b-: with; מה mh: what
and with what [may one]

אין ˀyn: no, not
אין ˀyn
אין ˀyn: no, not

conceal [them]?
טמן ṭmn: conceal, hide one’s self
טומנין ṭwmnyn
טמן ṭmn: store away, preserve
preserve [heat]?

[One may] not
אין ˀyn: no, not
אין ˀyn
אין ˀyn: no, not
[One may] not

conceal [them with these]:
טמן ṭmn: conceal, hide one’s self
טומנין ṭwmnyn
טמן ṭmn: store away, preserve
preserve [heat with these]:

לא : not
לא : not

with [mere] talk,
ב־ b-: with; גבבת gbbt: loquacity, worthless talk, trash
בגפת bgpt
ב־ b-: with; גפת gpt: peat, turf
with turf,

לא : not
ולא wlˀ
לא : not

with [mere] rubbish,
ב־ b-: with; זבל zbl: shit; זבלא zblˀ: rubbish
בזבל bzbl
ב־ b-: with; זבל zbl: dung, manure
with dung,

לא : not
לא : not

with [mere] speech,
ב־ b-: with; מלה mlh: word, speech
במלח bmlḥ
ב־ b-: with; מלח mlḥ: salt
with salt,

לא : not
ולא wlˀ
לא : not

with [mere] whitewashing,
ב־ b-: with; סידא sydˀ: plaster, whitewash
בסיד bsyd
ב־ b-: with; סידא sydˀ: plaster
with plaster,

לא : not
ולא wlˀ
לא : not

with [mere] foolery,
ב־ b-: with; הלל hll: fool, foolish
בחל bḥl
ב־ b-: with; חל ḥl: sand
with sand,

בין byn: whether
בין byn
בין byn: whether

לח lḥ: fresh, new
לחים lḥym
לח lḥ: moist

בין byn: whether
בין byn
בין byn: whether

יבש ybš: dry, boring, dull
יבשים ybšym
יבש ybš: dry

Shabbat 4:1.a

One can conceal the motives of a war only with very robust mockery.

Shabbat 4:1.b

Encrypted: Also not with mere pretense, not with mere presentations, not with mere mockery, not with mere forgery, even in a time when it is fresh. But one can conceal one’s motives in a war with them when they are really irrefutable.

Official: Also not with straw, not with the pomace of grapes, not with, not with grass in a time when it is moist. But one may preserve heat with them when they are dry.

[Also] not
לא : not
לא : not
[Also] not

with [mere] pretense,
ב־ b-: with; תבען tbˁn: clamorer, pretender
בתבן btbn
ב־ b-: with; תבן tbn: stubble, straw
with straw,

לא : not
ולא wlˀ
לא : not

with [mere] presentations,
ב־ b-: with; יצג yṣg: present, represent
בזגים bzgym
ב־ b-: with; זג zg: pomace of grapes
with the pomace of grapes [???],

לא : not
ולא wlˀ
לא : not

with [mere] mockery,
ב־ b-: with; מוק mwq: soft, sneer, mock
במוכים bmwkym
ב־ b-: with; מוך mwk: hackled wool, soft substance
with ,

לא : not
ולא wlˀ
לא : not

with [mere] forgery,
ב־ b-: with; זיף zyp: forgery, counterfeit
בעשבים bˁšbym
ב־ b-: with; עשב ˁšb: herb, grass
with grass

[even] in a time
ב־ b-: in; זמן zmn: time
בזמן bzmn
ב־ b-: in; זמן zmn: time
in a time

when it
ש־ š-: which; הן hn: they
שהן šhn
ש־ š-: which; הן hn: they
when it

is fresh.
לח lḥ: fresh, new
לחים lḥym
לח lḥ: moist
is moist.

אבל ˀbl: but
אבל ˀbl
אבל ˀbl: but

[one can] conceal [one’s motives in a war]
טמן ṭmn: conceal, hide one’s self
טומנין ṭwmnyn
טמן ṭmn: store away, preserve
[one may] preserve [heat]

with them
ב־ b-: with; הן hn: they
בהן bhn
ב־ b-: with; הן hn: they
with them

when they
כ־ k-: as; ש־ š-: which; הן hn: they
כשהן kšhn
כ־ k-: as; ש־ š-: which; הן hn: they
when they

are [really] irrefutable.
יצב yṣb: validate, certain; יציב yṣyb: irrefutable, well-established
יבשין ybšyn
יבש ybš: dry
are dry.

Shabbat 4:1.b

One needs secret agents & hoaxes, either subtle or huge.

Shabbat 4:1.c

Encrypted: One can conceal one’s motives in a war with a cover-up, and with a mask, and with the cover of a hoax, and with the secrecy of secret agents, and with a stirring of the ordinary folk that is subtle.

Official: One may preserve heat with cloth, with produce, with the wings of a dove, with the sawdust of a carpenter, and with shaken-off chaff of flax that is fine.

[One can] conceal [one’s motives in a war]
טמן ṭmn: conceal, hide one’s self
טומנין ṭwmnyn
טמן ṭmn: store away, preserve
[One may] preserve [heat]

with a cover-up,
ב־ b-: with; כסי ksy: secretly, conceal, cover, hide
בכסות bkswt
ב־ b-: with; כסי ksy: clothe oneself
with cloth,

and with a mask,
ב־ b-: with; אפר ˀpr: bandage, cover, mask
ובפרות wbprwt
ב־ b-: with; פרי pry: fruit, produce
with produce,

and with the cover
ב־ b-: with; כנף knp: cover, hidden
בכנפי bknpy
ב־ b-: with; כנף knp: wing
with the wings [??]

of a hoax,
אונאה ˀwnˀh: deception, fraudulent representation, hoax
יונה ywnh
יונה ywnh: dove
of a dove [???],

and with the secrecy
ב־ b-: with; נצר nṣr: watch, guard, keep secret
ובנסרת wbnsrt
ב־ b-: with; נסר nsr: saw
with the sawdust

של šl: belonging to, of
של šl
של šl: belonging to, of

secret [agents],
חרש ḥrš: silent, silently, secretly
חרשים ḥršym
חרש ḥrš: artisan, carpenter
a carpenter,

and with a stirring
ב־ b-: with; נער nˁr: shake, stir
ובנערת wbnˁrt
ב־ b-: with; נער nˁr: shake off
and with shaken-off [chaff]

של šl: belonging to, of
של šl
של šl: belonging to, of

the ordinary [folk]
פשוט pšwṭ: simple, ordinary, usual
פשתן pštn
פשתה pšth: flax, linen

that is subtle.
דקדוק dqdwq: subtlety, fine point
דקה dqh
דק dq: thin, fine
that is fine.

Shabbat 4:1.c

Shabbat 4:1.d

Encrypted: Lord Yehudah prohibits it with too subtle hoaxes, but permits it with huge ones.

Official: Rabbi Yehudah prohibits it with fine chaff, but permits it with coarse chaff.

רב rb: lord, master, noble
רבי rby
רבי rby: rabbi

יהודה yhwdh: Yehudah
יהודה yhwdh
יהודה yhwdh: Yehudah

prohibits [it]
אסר ˀsr: prohibit
אוסר ˀwsr
אסר ˀsr: prohibit
prohibits [it]

with [too] subtle [hoaxes],
ב־ b-: with; דקדוק dqdwq: subtlety, fine point
בדקה bdqh
ב־ b-: with; דק dq: thin, fine
with fine [chaff],

but permits [it]
נתר ntr: free, permit
ומתיר wmtyr
נתר ntr: free, permit
but permits [it]

with huge [ones].
ב־ b-: with; גס gs: huge, large
בגסה bgsh
ב־ b-: with; גס gs: coarse
with coarse [chaff].

Shabbat 4:1.d

One can let loose troops or marauders, though they are hard to remove.

Shabbat 4:2.a

Encrypted: One can conceal one’s motives in a war with secretly dispatched troops, and can easily remove them. Also with marauders that are let loose, but one can not easily remove them.

Official: One may preserve heat with animal skins, and may even move them. Also with fleeces of wool, but one may not move them.

[One can] conceal [one’s motives in a war]
טמן ṭmn: conceal, hide one’s self
טומנין ṭwmnyn
טמן ṭmn: store away, preserve
[One may] preserve [heat]

with [secretly?] dispatched [troops],
ב־ b-: with; שלח šlḥ: send off, dispatch; שלוח šlwḥ: messenger
בשלחין bšlḥyn
ב־ b-: with; שלח šlḥ: hide, skin
with [animal] skins,

and [can easily] remove
מ־ m-: of; טלטל ṭlṭl: move, remove
ומטלטלין wmṭlṭlyn
מ־ m-: of; טלטל ṭlṭl: move, remove
and [may even] move

אות ˀwt: this one
אותן ˀwtn
אות ˀwt: this one

[Also] with marauders
ב־ b-: with; גיסא gysˀ: troop, robber, marauder, looter
בגזי bgzy
ב־ b-: with; גז gz: shorn wool, fleece
[Also] with fleeces

that are let loose,
שמר šmr: let loose
צמר ṣmr
צמר ṣmr: thick, wool
of wool,

but [one can] not
אין ˀyn: no, not
ואין wˀyn
אין ˀyn: no, not
but [one may] not

[easily] remove
מ־ m-: of; טלטל ṭlṭl: move, remove
מטלטלין mṭlṭlyn
מ־ m-: of; טלטל ṭlṭl: move, remove

אות ˀwt: this one
אותן ˀwtn
אות ˀwt: this one

Shabbat 4:2.a

Shabbat 4:2.b

Encrypted: Then how does one act? One removes their protection, and they will fall by themselves.

Official: Then how does one act? One removes the cover of the vessel, and they will fall down by themselves.

[Then] how
כיצד kyṣd: how
כיצד kyṣd
כיצד kyṣd: how
[Then] how

[does] one
הוא hwˀ: he, it
הוא hwˀ
הוא hwˀ: he, it
[does] one

עשה ˁšh: do, make, act
עושה ˁwšh
עשה ˁšh: do, make, act

[One] removes
נטל nṭl: move, remove
נוטל nwṭl
נטל nṭl: move, remove
[One] removes

את ˀt: to
את ˀt
את ˀt: to

[their] protection,
כסי ksy: protect, protected
הכסוי hkswy
כסי ksy: cover
the cover [of the vessel],

and they
הן hn: they
והן whn
הן hn: they
and they

[will] fall [by themselves].
נפל npl: fell, defeat
נופלות nwplwt
נפל npl: fall
[will] fall down [by themselves].

Shabbat 4:2.b

Shabbat 4:2.c

Encrypted: Lord Eleazar ben Azariah says: The subduing of the marauders must also happen upon arrangement of removal, lest they would be removed completely and one would not be able to return them as needed. And the advisors say: One can always remove them and return them.

Official: Rabbi Eleazar ben Azariah says: The basket must be tilted downwards on the side to remove the cover, lest the wool would be removed too, and one would not be able to return it. And the advisors say: One may remove it and return it.

רבי rby: rabbi
רבי rby
רבי rby: rabbi

Eleazar ben Azariah
אלעזר בן עזריה ˀlˁzr bn ˁzryh: Eleazar ben Azariah
אלעזר בן עזריה ˀlˁzr bn ˁzryh
אלעזר בן עזריה ˀlˁzr bn ˁzryh: Eleazar ben Azariah
Eleazar ben Azariah

אמר ˀmr: say
אומר ˀwmr
אמר ˀmr: say

The subduing of [the marauders]
כפה kph: subdue, force, compel
קפה qph
קפה qph: heap, pile, basket
The basket [?]

[must also] happen [?]
מטה mṭh: reach, arrive at, happen to
מטה mṭh
מטה mṭh: downward, down
[must be tilted?] downwards

על ˁl: on, upon
על ˁl
על ˁl: on, upon

צדד ṣdd: side with, move aside, arrange
צדה ṣdh
צד ṣd: side, border
the side

of removal,
נטל nṭl: move, remove
ונוטל wnwṭl
נטל nṭl: move, remove
to remove [the cover],

שמא šmˀ: lest, perhaps
שמא šmˀ
שמא šmˀ: lest, perhaps

[they would] be removed [completely]
נטל nṭl: move, remove
יטל yṭl
נטל nṭl: move, remove
[the wool would] be removed [too],

and [one would] not
אין ˀyn: no, not
ואינו wˀynw
אין ˀyn: no, not
and [one would] not

be able
יכל ykl: can, able
יכל ykl
יכל ykl: can, able
be able

to return [them as needed].
ל־ l-: to; חזר ḥzr: go back, return
להחזיר lhḥzyr
ל־ l-: to; חזר ḥzr: go back, return
to return [it].

And the advisors
חכם ḥkm: wise, advisor
וחכמים wḥkmym
חכם ḥkm: wise, advisor
And the advisors

אמר ˀmr: say
אומרים ˀwmrym
אמר ˀmr: say

[One can always] remove [them]
נטל nṭl: move, remove
נוטל nwṭl
נטל nṭl: move, remove
[One may] remove [it]

and return [them].
מ־ m-: of; חזר ḥzr: go back, return
ומחזיר wmḥzyr
מ־ m-: of; חזר ḥzr: go back, return
and return [it].

Shabbat 4:2.c

One should conceal the truth before a war, but can still fool the subjects later.

Shabbat 4:2.d

Encrypted: If one did not conceal the truth while it is time before a war, then one can not easily conceal it from after times get darker. But if one concealed the truth in time and it was uncovered, then one is permitted to conceal it again. One can always speak to the common populace and exchange it for other things instead of actual occurrences or instead of the truth.

Official: If one did not cover a vessel while it is day before Sabbath, then one may not cover it from after it gets dark. But if one covered the vessel in time and uncovered it, then one is permitted to cover it again on Sabbath. One may also fill a jug and place it below a pillow or below a cushion.

[If one did?] not
לא : not
לא : not
[If one did?] not

conceal [the truth]
כסה ksh: hide, conceal
כסהו kshw
כסה ksh: cover
cover [a vessel]

מ־ m-: of, from; בעוד bˁwd: after, while
מבעוד mbˁwd
מ־ m-: of, from; בעוד bˁwd: after, while

[it is] time [before a war],
יום ywm: time
יום ywm
יום ywm: day
[it is] day [before Sabbath],

[then one can] not [easily]
לא : not
לא : not
[then one may] not

conceal [it]
כסה ksh: hide, conceal
יכסנו yksnw
כסה ksh: cover
cover [it]

from [after times get] darker.
מ־ m-: from; ש־ š-: make; חשך ḥšk: darken, obscure
משתחשך mštḥšk
מ־ m-: from; ש־ š-: make; חשך ḥšk: darkness, darken
from [after it gets] dark.

[But if one] concealed [the truth in time?]
כסה ksh: hide, conceal
כסהו kshw
כסה ksh: cover
[But if one] covered [the vessel in time?]

and [it] was uncovered,
נ־ n-: make; גלה glh: reveal, expose
ונתגלה wntglh
נ־ n-: make; גלה glh: uncover
and uncovered [it],

[then one] is permitted
נתר ntr: free, permit
מתר mtr
נתר ntr: free, permit
[then one] is permitted

to conceal [it again].
ל־ l-: to; כסה ksh: hide, conceal
לכסותו lkswtw
ל־ l-: to; כסה ksh: cover
to cover [it again on Sabbath].

[One can always] speak
מ־ m-: of; מללא mllˀ: word, speech
ממלא mmlˀ
מ־ m-: of; מלא mlˀ: fill
[One may also] fill

את ˀt: to
את ˀt
את ˀt: to

the common populace
קטון qṭwn: common populace, masses
הקיתון hqytwn
קיתון qytwn: kothon, jug, cup
a jug

and exchange [it for other things]
נתן ntn: show, display, exchange for
ונותן wnwtn
נתן ntn: give, place, put
and place [it]

instead of
ל־ l-: to; תחת tḥt: instead of, in place of
לתחת ltḥt
ל־ l-: to; תחת tḥt: below, under

[actual] occurrences
קרה qrh: occur, happen
הכר hkr
כר kr: pillow
a pillow

או ˀw: or
או ˀw
או ˀw: or

instead of
תחת tḥt: instead of, in place of
תחת tḥt
תחת tḥt: below, under

the truth.
קשט qšṭ: correct, true, truth
הכסת hkst
כסת kst: pillow, cushion
a cushion.

Shabbat 4:2.d

Placing nobles with the right troops

In war, rulers must be surrounded by softies, gay playmates and sycophants.

Shabbat 5:1.a

Encrypted: With which servants should a ruler personally go out, and with which should one not personally go out for war? A ruler may personally go out with kind people with a good temper, and innocent people with restraint, and homosexual pathics with a well bridled attitude, and flatterers with sycophantic attitude.

Official: With which animals may one go out, and with which may one not go out on Sabbath? One may go out with a camel with a halter, and a female camel with a muzzle, and a Lybian ass with a bridle, and a horse with a chain.

With which
ב־ b-: with; מה mh: what
במה bmh
ב־ b-: with; מה mh: what
With which

בהם bhm: dumb, servants
בהמה bhmh
בהמה bhmh: animal, cattle

[should a ruler personally] go out,
יצא yṣˀ: go out
יוצאה ywṣˀh
יצא yṣˀ: go out
[may one] go out,

and with which
ב־ b-: with; מה mh: what
ובמה wbmh
ב־ b-: with; מה mh: what
and with which

[should one] not
אין ˀyn: no, not
אינה ˀynh
אין ˀyn: no, not
[may one] not

[personally] go out [for war]?
יצא yṣˀ: go out
יוצאה ywṣˀh
יצא yṣˀ: go out
go out [on Sabbath]?

[A ruler may personally] go out with
יצא yṣˀ: go out
יוצא ywṣˀ
יצא yṣˀ: go out
[One may] go out with

kind [people]
גמל gml: do good, be kind
הגמל hgml
גמל gml: camel
a camel

with a [good] temper,
ב־ b-: with; פשר pšr: make tepid, temper
באפסר bˀpsr
ב־ b-: with; אפסר ˀpsr: halter, tether
with a halter,

and innocent [people]
נקה nqh: clean, innocent
ונאקה wnˀqh
נאקה nˀqh: female camel
and a female camel [?]

with restraint,
ב־ b-: with; חטם ḥṭm: hold, restrain
בחטם bḥṭm
ב־ b-: with; חטם ḥṭm: muzzle
with a muzzle,

and homosexual pathics
ל־ l-: belonging to; פהדיקא phdyqˀ: pathic, homosexual
ולבדקיס wlbdqys
לבדקין lbdqyn: Libyan asses
and a Lybian ass [???]

with a [well] bridled [attitude],
ב־ b-: with; פרומביא prwmbyˀ: phorbeia, halter, bridle
בפרמביא bprmbyˀ
ב־ b-: with; פרומביא prwmbyˀ: phorbeia, halter, bridle
with a bridle,

and flatterers
סוסי swsy: fondle, flatter; שוש šwš: flatter; שויש šwyš: flattery
וסוס wsws
סוס sws: horse
and a horse

with sycophantic [attitude].
ב־ b-: with; שירו šyrw: flatterer, sycophant
בשיר bšyr
ב־ b-: with; שיר šyr: chain
with a chain.

Shabbat 5:1.a

Sexually promiscuous troops can be easily controlled and enjoyed.

Shabbat 5:1.b

Encrypted: And generally all people with on them sexual promiscuity may go out with the ruler with their promiscuous attitude and can be seduced with their promiscuity. And one can even use seduction on them and immerse oneself in their bodies.

Official: And generally all animals with on them a chain may go out with the chain and can be pulled with the chain. And one may also sprinkle holy water on them the chains and immerse them in holy water in the animal’s place.

And [generally] all [people]
כל kl: all
וכל wkl
כל kl: all
And [generally] all [animals]

with on [them]
ב־ b-: with; על ˁl: on, upon
בעלי bˁly
ב־ b-: with; על ˁl: on, upon
with on [them]

sexual promiscuity [??]
שרי šry: free, unrestrained, loosened; שריא šryˀ: sexually promiscuous
השיר hšyr
שיר šyr: chain
a chain

[may] go out [with the ruler]
יצא yṣˀ: go out
יוצאים ywṣˀym
יצא yṣˀ: go out
[may] go out

with [their] promiscuous [attitude]
ב־ b-: with; שרי šry: free, unrestrained, loosened; שריא šryˀ: sexually promiscuous
בשיר bšyr
ב־ b-: with; שיר šyr: chain
with the chain

and [can] be seduced
נ־ n-: make; משך mšk: attract, carried away, seduced; ממשך mmšk: bait
ונמשכים wnmškym
נ־ n-: make; משך mšk: draw, pull
and [can] be pulled

with [their] promiscuity [??].
ב־ b-: with; שרי šry: free, unrestrained, loosened; שריא šryˀ: sexually promiscuous
בשיר bšyr
ב־ b-: with; שיר šyr: chain
with the chain.

And [one can even use] seduction [??]
מ־ m-: of; נזא nzˀ: coquetry, flirting, seduction
ומזין wmzyn
מ־ m-: of; נזי nzy: sprinkle
And [one may also] sprinkle [holy water?]

on them
על ˁl: on, upon; הן hn: they
עליהן ˁlyhn
על ˁl: on, upon; הן hn: they
on them [the chains?]

and immerse [oneself??]
טבל ṭbl: dip, immerse
וטובלין wṭwblyn
טבל ṭbl: dip, immerse
and immerse [them in holy water?]

in [their] bodies [??].
ב־ b-: in; מ־ m-: of; קומה qwmh: stature, body
במקומן bmqwmn
ב־ b-: in; מ־ m-: of; קום qwm: place
in [the animal’s?] place.

Shabbat 5:1.b

All dangerous soldiers must be securely bound to the mockery.

Shabbat 5:2.a

Encrypted: An important person may only go out for war with very obedient personnel, in preparation it must be bound to him. The too masculine ones may only go out with him securely tied, common footsoldiers may only go out with him separated off, securely bound and fastened. The insolent ones may only go out with him securely bound.

Official: A donkey may only go out with a wrapper, in preparation it must be bound to it the donkey. Rams may only go out securely tied, ewes may go out uncovered, securely bound or fastened. Goats may only go out securely bound.

An important [person]
חמור ḥmwr: heavy, weighty, important
חמור ḥmwr
חמור ḥmwr: donkey
A donkey

[may only] go out [for war]
יצא yṣˀ: go out
יוצא ywṣˀ
יצא yṣˀ: go out
[may only] go out

with [very] obedient [personnel],
ב־ b-: with; מ־ m-: of; רדע rdˁ: obey, restrain oneself; רדי rdy: subjugate
במרדעת bmrdˁt
ב־ b-: with; מ־ m-: of; רדיד rdyd: large veil, wide wrapper
with a wrapper [???],

in preparation
ב־ b-: in; זמן zmn: prepare, arrange
בזמן bzmn
ב־ b-: in; זמן zmn: prepare, arrange
in preparation

ש־ š-: which; היא hyˀ: he, it
שהיא šhyˀ
ש־ š-: which; היא hyˀ: he, it

[must] be bound
קשר qšr: bind, tie
קשורה qšwrh
קשר qšr: bind, tie
[must] be bound

to him.
לו lw: to him
לו lw
לו lw: to him
to it [the donkey].

The [too] masculine [ones?]
זכר zkr: male, masculine
זכרים zkrym
זכר zkr: ram

[may only] go out [with him]
יצא yṣˀ: appear, present, be identified
יוצאין ywṣˀyn
יצא yṣˀ: go out
[may only] go out

[securely] tied,
לבב lbb: join closely, tie, tied around
לבובין lbwbyn
לבב lbb: join closely, tie, tied around
[securely] tied,

[common] footsoldiers
רגלא rglˀ: foot-soldier, infantryman
רחלות rḥlwt
רחל rḥl: ewe

[may only] go out [with him]
יצא yṣˀ: appear, present, be identified
יוצאות ywṣˀwt
יצא yṣˀ: go out
[may] go out

separated off [??],
שחץ šḥṣ: divide off, separate
שחוזות šḥwzwt
שחז šḥz: expose to sight, uncover
uncovered [?],

[securely] bound
כבל kbl: bound, tied, chained
כבולות kbwlwt
כבל kbl: bound, tied, chained
[securely] bound

and fastened.
כבן kbn: clasped, fastened, wrapped
וכבונות wkbwnwt
כבן kbn: clasped, fastened, wrapped
or fastened.

The insolent [ones]
עז ˁz: strong, rough, insolent
העזים hˁzym
עז ˁz: goat

[may only] go out [with him]
יצא yṣˀ: go out
יוצאות ywṣˀwt
יצא yṣˀ: go out
[may only] go out

[securely] bound.
צרר ṣrr: bound, tied up, wrapped
צרורות ṣrwrwt
צרר ṣrr: bound, tied up, wrapped
[securely] bound.

Shabbat 5:2.a

Shabbat 5:2.b

Encrypted: Rabbi Yose prohibits going out with all, except with common footsoldiers that are securely fastened. Lord Yehudah says: Insolent soldiers may only go out securely bound to the confounding, but they must not pierce through it.

Official: Rabbi Yose prohibits going out with all, except with ewes that are securely fastened. Rabbi Yehudah says: Goats may only go out securely bound to have dry udders, but they may not have milk.

רב rb: lord, master, noble
רבי rby
רבי rby: rabbi

יוסי ywsy: Yose
יוסי ywsy
יוסי ywsy: Yose

prohibits [going out]
אסר ˀsr: prohibit
אוסר ˀwsr
אסר ˀsr: prohibit
prohibits [going out]

with all,
ב־ b-: with; כלן kln: all
בכלן bkln
ב־ b-: with; כלן kln: all
with all,

חוץ ḥwṣ: outside, except
חוץ ḥwṣ
חוץ ḥwṣ: outside, except

מן mn: from, of
מן mn
מן mn: from, of

[common] footsoldiers
רגלא rglˀ: foot-soldier, infantryman
הרחלין hrḥlyn
רחל rḥl: ewe

[that are securely] fastened.
כבן kbn: clasped, fastened, wrapped
הכבונות hkbwnwt
כבן kbn: clasped, fastened, wrapped
[that are securely] fastened.

רב rb: lord, master, noble
רבי rby
רבי rby: rabbi

יהודה yhwdh: Yehudah
יהודה yhwdh
יהודה yhwdh: Yehudah

אמר ˀmr: say
אומר ˀwmr
אמר ˀmr: say

Insolent [soldiers]
עז ˁz: strong, rough, insolent
עזים ˁzym
עז ˁz: goat

[may only] go out
יצא yṣˀ: go out
יוצאות ywṣˀwt
יצא yṣˀ: go out
[may only] go out

[securely] bound
צרר ṣrr: bound, tied up, wrapped
צרורות ṣrwrwt
צרר ṣrr: bound, tied up, wrapped
[securely] bound

to the confounding,
בוש / יבוש bwš / ybwš: insult, shame, confound; בסיא bsyˀ: mock
ליבש lybš
ל־ l-: to; יבש ybš: dry; יבוש ybwš: drying
to [have] dry [udders???],

אבל ˀbl: but
אבל ˀbl
אבל ˀbl: but

[they must] not
לא : not
לא : not
[they may] not

pierce [through it].
ל־ l-: to; חלף ḥlp: pierce, peel
לחלב lḥlb
ל־ l-: to; חלב ḥlb: milk
[have] milk [???].

Shabbat 5:2.b

One mustn’t include trained & experienced troops in the mock performances.

Shabbat 5:3.a

Encrypted: And with what may one not go out for war? One may not go out with fully developed soldiers for the theatrical mock performances, not when they are kindled for war and not when they are too well trained & familiar with actual war. And thus with the rest of all human cattle servants.

Official: And with what animals may one not go out? One may not go out with a camel with its cushion pad on, not when it is tied and not with its legs tied. And thus with the rest of all animals.

And with what
ב־ b-: with; מה mh: what
ובמה wbmh
ב־ b-: with; מה mh: what
And with what [animals]

[may one] not
אין ˀyn: no, not
אינה ˀynh
אין ˀyn: no, not
[may one] not

go out [for war]?
יצא yṣˀ: go out
יוצאה ywṣˀh
יצא yṣˀ: go out
go out?

[One may] not
לא : not
לא : not
[One may] not

go out
יצא yṣˀ: go out
יצא yṣˀ
יצא yṣˀ: go out
go out

[with] fully developed [soldiers]
גמל gml: ripen, fully developed
גמל gml
גמל gml: camel
[with] a camel

for the theatrical [mock] performances,
ב־ b-: with; מתולותא mtwlwtˀ: performance, theatrical play
במטוטלת bmṭwṭlt
ב־ b-: with; מטוטלת mṭwṭlt: pad, cushion
with [its] cushion pad [on],

לא : not
לא : not

[when they] are kindled [for war]
יקד yqd: kindled
עקוד ˁqwd
עקד ˁqd: tie, tied
[when it] is tied

and not
לא : not
ולא wlˀ
לא : not
and not

[when they] are [too well] trained & familiar [with actual war].
רגל rgl: trained, accustomed to, used to, familiar with
רגול rgwl
רגל rgl: foot, leg
[with its] legs [tied?].

And thus
כן kn: thus, so
וכן wkn
כן kn: thus, so
And thus

[with] the rest
שאר šˀr: remainder, rest
שאר šˀr
שאר šˀr: remainder, rest
[with] the rest

of all
כל kl: all
כל kl
כל kl: all
of all

[human] cattle servants.
בהם bhm: dumb, servants
הבהמות hbhmwt
בהמה bhmh: animal, cattle

Shabbat 5:3.a

One mustn’t put too many experienced soldiers together, only the fools.

Shabbat 5:3.b

Encrypted: One may not bind fully developed soldiers this one with that one, and just pull the lead soldier. But one may gather all the fools in the middle of one’s hand and pull them at the same time, on the condition that they’re not all incited.

Official: One may not bind the camels this one with that one, and just pull the lead camel. But one may gather the ropes for all camels in the middle of one’s hand and pull them at the same time, on the condition that they’re not all twined around each other.

[One may] not
לא : not
לא : not
[One may] not

קשר qšr: bind, tie
יקשר yqšr
קשר qšr: bind, tie

fully developed [soldiers]
גמל gml: ripen, fully developed
גמלים gmlym
גמל gml: camel
the camels

this [one]
זה zh: this, that
זה zh
זה zh: this, that
this [one]

with that [one],
ב־ b-: with; זה zh: this, that
בזה bzh
ב־ b-: with; זה zh: this, that
with that [one],

and [just] pull [the lead soldier?].
משך mšk: draw, pull
וימשך wymšk
משך mšk: draw, pull
and [just] pull [the lead camel?].

אבל ˀbl: but
אבל ˀbl
אבל ˀbl: but

[one may] gather
מ־ m-: of; כנס kns: gather
מכניס mknys
מ־ m-: of; כנס kns: gather
[one may] gather

[all] the fools
הבל hbl: become vain, act foolishly
חבלים ḥblym
חבל ḥbl: rope, cord
the ropes [for all camels?]

in the middle
ל־ l-: to; תוך twk: middle
לתוך ltwk
ל־ l-: to; תוך twk: middle
in the middle

of [one’s] hand
יד yd: hand
ידו ydw
יד yd: hand
of [one’s] hand

and pull [them at the same time?],
משך mšk: draw, pull
וימשך wymšk
משך mšk: draw, pull
and pull [them at the same time?],

on the condition that
בלבד blbd: on the condition that
ובלבד wblbd
בלבד blbd: on the condition that
on the condition that

[they’re] not [all]
ש־ š-: which; לא : not
שלא šlˀ
ש־ š-: which; לא : not
[they’re] not [all]

incited [?].
גרג grg: arouse, incite
יכרך ykrk
כרך krk: wrap, twine around
twined around [each other??].

Shabbat 5:3.b

Rulers must be careful even with obedient personnel and playmates.

Shabbat 5:4.a

Encrypted: Not may an important person go out for war even with obedient personnel, at a time when they are not bound to him, and not even with common-birth sex partners, even though he can always babble nonsense to them.

Official: Not may a donkey go out with a wrapper at a time when it is not bound to it, and not with a bell, even though it can be stopped up.

[Not] may
אין ˀyn: no, not
אין ˀyn
אין ˀyn: no, not
[Not] may

an important [person]
חמור ḥmwr: heavy, weighty, important
חמור ḥmwr
חמור ḥmwr: donkey
a donkey

go out [for war]
יצא yṣˀ: go out
יוצא ywṣˀ
יצא yṣˀ: go out
go out

[even] with obedient [personnel],
ב־ b-: with; מ־ m-: of; רדע rdˁ: obey, restrain oneself; רדי rdy: subjugate
במרדעת bmrdˁt
ב־ b-: with; מ־ m-: of; רדיד rdyd: large veil, wide wrapper
with a wrapper [???]

at a time
ב־ b-: in; זמן zmn: time
בזמן bzmn
ב־ b-: in; זמן zmn: time
at a time

when [they are] not
ש־ š-: which; אין ˀyn: no, not
שאינה šˀynh
ש־ š-: which; אין ˀyn: no, not
when [it is] not

קשר qšr: bind, tie
קשורה qšwrh
קשר qšr: bind, tie

to him,
לו lw: to him
לו lw
לו lw: to him
to it,

and not
לא : not
ולא wlˀ
לא : not
and not

[even] with [common-birth] sex partners,
ב־ b-: with; זוג zwg: mate, copulate, have sexual relations
בזוג bzwg
ב־ b-: with; זוג zwg: bell
with a bell,

even though
אף על פי ˀp ˁl py: although
אף על פי ˀp ˁl py
אף על פי ˀp ˁl py: although
even though

ש־ š-: which; הוא hwˀ: he, it
שהוא šhwˀ
ש־ š-: which; הוא hwˀ: he, it

[can always] babble nonsense [to them].
פקק pqq: babble nonsense
פקוק pqwq
פקק pqq: stop up
[can] be stopped up.

Shabbat 5:4.a

Shabbat 5:4.b

Encrypted: And not even with normally peaceful people when they have become hostile, and not even with tame people when they have become actual soldiers,

Official: And not with a ladder which hangs on its neck, and not with a strap which is bound on its leg,

And not
לא : not
ולא wlˀ
לא : not
And not

[even] with [normally] peaceful [people]
ב־ b-: with; שלם šlm: peaceful, friendly
בסלם bslm
ב־ b-: with; סלם slm: ladder
with a ladder

when [they have become] hostile,
ש־ š-: which; ב־ b-: when; צור ṣwr: show hostility, treat as a foe
שבצוארו šbṣwˀrw
ש־ š-: which; ב־ b-: on; צור ṣwr: neck
which [hangs] on [its] neck,

and not
לא : not
ולא wlˀ
לא : not
and not

[even] with tame [people]
ב־ b-: with; רעץ rˁṣ: broken, tamed
ברצועה brṣwˁh
ב־ b-: with; רצועה rṣwˁh: strap
with a strap

when [they have become actual] soldiers,
ש־ š-: which; ב־ b-: when; רגלא rglˀ: foot-soldier, infantryman
שברגלו šbrglw
ש־ š-: which; ב־ b-: on; רגל rgl: foot, leg
which [is bound] on [its] leg,

Shabbat 5:4.b

Gay sex in the army

Homosexuals must not come out with their practices among the troops.

Shabbat 5:4.c

Encrypted: And not may gay people come out publicly with their flirting, and not with their love among the soldiers. And not may masculine ones come out with his lust under among the troops of them.

Official: And not may a rooster go out with a thread, and not with a strap on its legs. And not may a fat-tailed ram go out with a cart under the fat tail of them.

And not [may]
אין ˀyn: no, not
ואין wˀyn
אין ˀyn: no, not
And not [may]

gay [people]
תרנגא trngˀ: merriment, joy, gaity
התרנגולין htrngwlyn
תרנגל trngl: rooster
a rooster

come out [publicly]
יצא yṣˀ: go out, come out
יוצאין ywṣˀyn
יצא yṣˀ: go out, come out
go out

with their flirting,
ב־ b-: in; חוטא ḥwṭˀ: flirt, seduction; חוטי ḥwṭy: sinning
בחוטין bḥwṭyn
ב־ b-: with; חוט ḥwṭ: thread, strap
with a thread,

and not
לא : not
ולא wlˀ
לא : not
and not

with [their] love
ב־ b-: with; רצה rṣh: love, satisfy, desire
ברצועות brṣwˁwt
ב־ b-: with; רצועה rṣwˁh: strap
with a strap

among the soldiers.
ש־ š-: which; ב־ b-: among; רגלא rglˀ: foot-soldier, infantryman
שברגליהם šbrglyhm
ש־ š-: which; ב־ b-: on; רגל rgl: foot, leg
on its legs.

And not
אין ˀyn: no, not
ואין wˀyn
אין ˀyn: no, not
And not

[may] masculine [ones]
זכר zkr: male, masculine
הזכרים hzkrym
זכר zkr: ram
[may] a [fat-tailed] ram

come out
יצא yṣˀ: go out, come out
יוצאין ywṣˀyn
יצא yṣˀ: go out, come out
go out

with [his] lust
ב־ b-: with; עגלה ˁglh: cart, carriage
בעגלה bˁglh
ב־ b-: with; עגלה ˁglh: cart, carriage
with a cart [?]

under [among]
ש־ š-: which; תחת tḥt: below, under
שתחת štḥt
ש־ š-: which; תחת tḥt: below, under

the troops
יהלא yhlˀ: band, troop, squad
האליה hˀlyh
אליה ˀlyh: tail, fat-tail
the fat tail

of them.
של šl: belonging to, of; הן hn: they
שלהן šlhn
של šl: belonging to, of; הן hn: they
of them.

Shabbat 5:4.c

Shabbat 5:4.d

Encrypted: And not may a soldier come out with sexual favors. And not may a lusty one come out with fellation. And not a sexually unrestrained one with being exposed while bending over. And not with their love among the servant troops.

Official: And not may a ewe go out with their genitalia showing. And not may a calf go out bent by a yoke. And not a cow with the skin of a boar. And not with a strap between its horns.

And not
אין ˀyn: no, not
ואין wˀyn
אין ˀyn: no, not
And not

[may] a soldier
רגלא rglˀ: foot-soldier, infantryman
הרחלים hrḥlym
רחל rḥl: ewe
[may] a ewe

come out
יצא yṣˀ: go out, come out
יוצאות ywṣˀwt
יצא yṣˀ: go out, come out
go out

with [sexual] favors.
חנן ḥnn: caress, favor; חן ḥn: loveliness, coquette
חנונות ḥnwnwt
חן ḥn: bosom, genitalia
[with their] genitalia [showing??].

And not
אין ˀyn: no, not
ואין wˀyn
אין ˀyn: no, not
And not

[may] a lusty [one]
גהיל ghyl: lusty, libidinous; גהלא ghlˀ: amorous
העגל hˁgl
עגל ˁgl: calf
[may] a calf

come out
יצא yṣˀ: go out, come out
יוצא ywṣˀ
יצא yṣˀ: go out, come out
go out

with fellation [??].
ב־ b-: with; גמע gmˁ: sink into, immerse, swallow, give to drink
בגימון bgymwn
ב־ b-: with; גום gwm: bent, joint
bent [by a yoke?].

And not
לא : not
ולא wlˀ
לא : not
And not

a [sexually] unrestrained [one]
פרע prˁ: loosen, unrestrained, make naked
פרה prh
פרה prh: cow
a cow

with being exposed
ב־ b-: with; עור ˁwr: bared, exposed
בעור bˁwr
ב־ b-: with; עור ˁwr: skin, hide
with the skin

[while] bending over [???].
כפר kpr: rub, bend, arch over
הקפר hqpr
קפר qpr: boar
of a boar [???].

And not
לא : not
ולא wlˀ
לא : not
And not

with [their] love
ב־ b-: with; רצה rṣh: love, satisfy, desire
ברצועה brṣwˁh
ב־ b-: with; רצועה rṣwˁh: strap
with a strap

ש־ š-: which; בין byn: among
שבין šbyn
ש־ š-: which; בין byn: between

the servant [troops].
גרעון grˁwn: boy, servant
קרניה qrnyh
קרן qrn: horn
its horns [?].

Shabbat 5:4.d

Shabbat 5:4.e

Encrypted: A sexually unrestrained follower of lord Eleazar ben Azariah had once been coming out with his love among the servant troops, which was not among the accepted forms of intercourse there.

Official: A cow of rabbi Eleazar ben Azariah had once been going out with a strap between its horns, which was not in the will of the advisors.

A [sexually] unrestrained [follower]
פרע prˁ: loosen, unrestrained, make naked
פרתו prtw
פרה prh: cow
A cow

של šl: belonging to, of
של šl
של šl: belonging to, of

רבי rby: rabbi
רבי rby
רבי rby: rabbi

Eleazar ben Azariah
אלעזר בן עזריה ˀlˁzr bn ˁzryh: Eleazar ben Azariah
אלעזר בן עזריה ˀlˁzr bn ˁzryh
אלעזר בן עזריה ˀlˁzr bn ˁzryh: Eleazar ben Azariah
Eleazar ben Azariah

had [once] been
היה hyh: be
היתה hyth
היה hyh: be
had [once] been

coming out
יצא yṣˀ: go out, come out
יוצאה ywṣˀh
יצא yṣˀ: go out, come out
going out

with [his] love
ב־ b-: with; רצה rṣh: love, satisfy, desire
ברצועה brṣwˁh
ב־ b-: with; רצועה rṣwˁh: strap
with a strap

ש־ š-: which; בין byn: among
שבין šbyn
ש־ š-: which; בין byn: between

the servant [troops],
גרעון grˁwn: boy, servant
קרניה qrnyh
קרן qrn: horn
its horns,

which [was] not
ש־ š-: which; לא : not
שלא šlˀ
ש־ š-: which; לא : not
which [was] not

among the accepted
ב־ b-: among; רצון rṣwn: acceptance, favor
ברצון brṣwn
ב־ b-: in; רצון rṣwn: will, wish
in the will

[forms of] intercourse [there].
חכומי ḥkwmy: coitus; חכומו ḥkwmw: carnal intercourse
חכמים ḥkmym
חכם ḥkm: wise, advisor
of the advisors.

Shabbat 5:4.e

Gay lords mustn’t seduce common soldiers, but only gay or easily abusable troops.

Shabbat 6:1.a

Encrypted: With what may a lord come out in war, and with what may he not come out? Not may come out a lord with these: Not with seducing common guards, and not with seducing any ordinary soldier, and not with any love on a common-birth leader.

Official: With what may a woman go out on Sabbath, and with what may she not go out? Not may go out a woman with these: Not with a strap of wool, and not with a strap of flax, and not with any strap on her head.

With what
ב־ b-: with; מה mh: what
במה bmh
ב־ b-: with; מה mh: what
With what

[may] a lord
שוע šwˁ: nobleman, prince; איש ˀyš: lord
אשה ˀšh
אשה ˀšh: woman
[may] a woman

come out [in war],
יצא yṣˀ: go out, come out
יוצאה ywṣˀh
יצא yṣˀ: go out, come out
go out [on Sabbath],

and with what
ב־ b-: with; מה mh: what
ובמה wbmh
ב־ b-: with; מה mh: what
and with what

[may he] not
אין ˀyn: no, not
אינה ˀynh
אין ˀyn: no, not
[may she] not

come out?
יצא yṣˀ: go out, come out
יוצאה ywṣˀh
יצא yṣˀ: go out, come out
go out?

לא : not
לא : not

[may] come out
יצא yṣˀ: go out, come out
תצא tṣˀ
יצא yṣˀ: go out, come out
[may] go out

a lord [with these]:
שוע šwˁ: nobleman, prince; איש ˀyš: lord
אשה ˀšh
אשה ˀšh: woman
a woman [with these]:

לא : not
לא : not

with seducing
ב־ b-: in; חוטא ḥwṭˀ: flirt, seduction; חוטי ḥwṭy: sinning
בחוטי bḥwṭy
ב־ b-: with; חוט ḥwṭ: thread, strap
with a strap

[common] guards,
שמר šmr: watch, guard; שומר šwmr: watchman
צמר ṣmr
צמר ṣmr: thick, wool
of wool,

and not
לא : not
ולא wlˀ
לא : not
and not

with seducing
ב־ b-: in; חוטא ḥwṭˀ: flirt, seduction; חוטי ḥwṭy: sinning
בחוטי bḥwṭy
ב־ b-: with; חוט ḥwṭ: thread, strap
with a strap

[any] ordinary [soldier],
פשוט pšwṭ: simple, ordinary, usual
פשתן pštn
פשתה pšth: flax, linen
of flax,

and not
לא : not
ולא wlˀ
לא : not
and not

with any love
ב־ b-: with; רצה rṣh: love, satisfy, desire
ברצועות brṣwˁwt
ב־ b-: with; רצועה rṣwˁh: strap
with [any] strap

on a [common-birth] leader.
ש־ š-: which; ב־ b-: on; ראש rˀš: chief, leader
שבראשה šbrˀšh
ש־ š-: which; ב־ b-: on; ראש rˀš: head
on her head.

Shabbat 6:1.a

Shabbat 6:1.b

Encrypted: And not may he immerse himself with them until he has thoroughly confused them. Not with knocking them up, and not with inserting in them, at a time when they are not closely joined to him. And not with intimately kneading them, in the domain public.

Official: And not may she immerse herself with them until she makes them disappear takes them off. Not with a forehead ornament, and not with a headdress, at a time when they are not sewn to her clothing. And not with a hair-net into the domain public.

And not
לא : not
ולא wlˀ
לא : not
And not

[may he] immerse himself
טבל ṭbl: dip, immerse
תטבל tṭbl
טבל ṭbl: dip, immerse
[may she] immerse herself

with them
ב־ b-: with; הן hn: they
בהן bhn
ב־ b-: with; הן hn: they
with them

עד ˁd: while, until
עד ˁd
עד ˁd: while, until

he has [thoroughly] confused them.
ש־ š-: make; טרף ṭrp: mix, confuse; טירוף ṭyrwp: confusion, distraction, trouble
שתרפם štrpm
ש־ š-: make; תרף trp: disappear; ־ם -m: them
she makes them disappear [takes them off].

לא : not
ולא wlˀ
לא : not

with knocking [them] up,
ב־ b-: with; תפף tpp: join, strike, knock; ־ת -t: (suffix)
בטטפת bṭṭpt
ב־ b-: with; טוטפת ṭwṭpt: ornament on forehead
with a forehead ornament,

and not
לא : not
ולא wlˀ
לא : not
and not

with inserting [in them],
ב־ b-: with; סנף snp: insert; ־ת -t: (suffix); ־ן -n: (suffix)
בסנבוטין bsnbwṭyn
ב־ b-: with; סנבוטין snbwṭyn: headdress
with a headdress,

at a time
ב־ b-: in; זמן zmn: time
בזמן bzmn
ב־ b-: in; זמן zmn: time
at a time

when they are not
ש־ š-: which; אין ˀyn: no, not
שאינן šˀynn
ש־ š-: which; אין ˀyn: no, not
when they are not

[closely] joined [to him].
תפר tpr: sew together, join
תפורין tpwryn
תפר tpr: stitch, sew
sewn [to her clothing].

And not
לא : not
ולא wlˀ
לא : not
And not

with [intimately] kneading [them],
ב־ b-: with; גבול gbwl: kneading, mixing
בכבול bkbwl
ב־ b-: with; כבול kbwl: hair-net
with a hair-net

in the domain
ל־ l-: to; רשות ršwt: territory, domain
לרשות lršwt
ל־ l-: to; רשות ršwt: territory, domain
into the domain

רבים rbym: many people, public
הרבים hrbym
רבים rbym: many people, public

Shabbat 6:1.b

Shabbat 6:1.c

Encrypted: And especially not with sexual stimulation of the inciting kind, and not with pressing together, and not with obscenities, and not even with desires which do not use in them the male organ, and not even with seduction which does not involve perforation of the bodily orifices.

Official: And not with jewelry from the city of gold, and not with necklaces, and not with earrings, and not with a seal ring which does not on it a seal, and not with a hair needle which has no that is actually perforated,

And [especially] not
לא : not
ולא wlˀ
לא : not
And not

with sexual stimulation
ב־ b-: with; ערי ˁry: stir up, stimulate, excite the sexual organ by contact, intermix, come into intimate contact
בעיר bˁyr
ב־ b-: with; עיר ˁyr: city
with [jewelry from??] the city

של šl: belonging to, of
של šl
של šl: belonging to, of

the inciting [kind],
זוחף zwḥp: incitement, emotion
זהב zhb
זהב zhb: gold
gold [??],

and not
לא : not
ולא wlˀ
לא : not
and not

with pressing together [??],
ב־ b-: with; כותל kwtl: press together; כתלונא ktlwnˀ: entangle
בקטלא bqṭlˀ
ב־ b-: with; קטלא qṭlˀ: catella, necklace
with necklaces,

and not
לא : not
ולא wlˀ
לא : not
and not

with obscenities,
נ־ n-: make; נ־ n-: make; זמם zmm: filthy; זמה zmh: obscenity, libidiousness, carnality
בנזמים bnzmym
ב־ b-: with; נזם nzm: nose-ring, earring
with earrings,

and not [even]
לא : not
ולא wlˀ
לא : not
and not

with desires
ב־ b-: with; תאב tˀb: desire
בטבעת bṭbˁt
ב־ b-: with; טבע ṭbˁ: seal
with a seal [ring]

which [do] not [use]
ש־ š-: which; אין ˀyn: no, not
שאין šˀyn
ש־ š-: which; אין ˀyn: no, not
which [does] not

in [them]
על ˁl: on, upon
עליה ˁlyh
על ˁl: on, upon
on [it]

the male organ,
הדם hdm: limb, member, male organ
חותם ḥwtm
חתם ḥtm: seal
a seal,

and not [even]
לא : not
ולא wlˀ
לא : not
and not

with seduction
ב־ b-: with; מחטון mḥṭwn: seducer
במחט bmḥṭ
ב־ b-: with; מחט mḥṭ: needle, pin
with a [hair?] needle

which [does] not [involve]
ש־ š-: which; אין ˀyn: no, not
שאינה šˀynh
ש־ š-: which; אין ˀyn: no, not
which [has] no

perforation of the bodily orifices.
נקב nqb: pierce, perforate, bodily orifice
נקובה nqwbh
נקב nqb: hole, perforation
that is [actually] perforated,

Shabbat 6:1.c

Shabbat 6:1.d

Encrypted: But if he comes out with these, he is of course not guilty of any mistake.

Official: But if he goes out with these, she is not obligated to make a sin-offering.

But if
אם ˀm: if, when
ואם wˀm
אם ˀm: if, when
But if

he comes out [with these],
יצא yṣˀ: go out, come out
יצאת yṣˀt
יצא yṣˀ: go out, come out
he goes out [with these],

[he is of course] not
אין ˀyn: no, not
אינה ˀynh
אין ˀyn: no, not
[she is] not

חיב ḥyb: guilty
חיבת ḥybt
חיב ḥyb: bound, obliged

[of any] mistake.
חטאת ḥṭˀt: mistake
חטאת ḥṭˀt
חטאת ḥṭˀt: sin-offering
[to make] a sin-offering.

Shabbat 6:1.d

Shabbat 6:2.a

Encrypted: There may also not come out a lord with his ladle standing erect, and not with brotherly love at a time when he is not with soldiers who are easily sexually abused, and not with frivolities and not with fellation at a time when they are not from the special kind, and not with sexual promiscuity, and not with adornment for sexual intercourse, and not with amorous embracing.

Official: There may not go out a man with sandals that are studded, and not with a single sandal at a time when there is not on his foot a wound, and not with Tefillah scroll cases, and not with scrolls at a time when they are not from an expert, and not with body armor, and not with a helmet, and not with leg armor

[There may also] not
לא : not
לא : not
[There may] not

come out
יצא yṣˀ: go out, come out
יצא yṣˀ
יצא yṣˀ: go out, come out
go out

a lord
איש ˀyš: husband, lord
האיש hˀyš
איש ˀyš: man
a man

with [his] ladle [??]
ב־ b-: with; ש־ š-: that; נטלא nṭlˀ: ladle, small vessel
בסנדל bsndl
ב־ b-: with; סנדל sndl: sandalion, sandal
with sandals

standing erect [??],
מ־ m-: of; סמר smr: stand erect
המסמר hmsmr
מ־ m-: of; סמר smr: stud with nails
that are studded,

and not
לא : not
ולא wlˀ
לא : not
and not

with brotherly [love]
ב־ b-: with; אחותי ˀḥwty: brotherly, fraternal
ביחיד byḥyd
ב־ b-: with; אחד ˀḥd: one, single; אחת ˀḥt: one
with a single [sandal]

at a time
ב־ b-: in; זמן zmn: time
בזמן bzmn
ב־ b-: in; זמן zmn: time
at a time

when [he is] not
ש־ š-: which; אין ˀyn: no, not
שאין šˀyn
ש־ š-: which; אין ˀyn: no, not
when [there is] not

with soldiers
ב־ b-: with; רגלא rglˀ: foot-soldier, infantryman
ברגלו brglw
ב־ b-: on; רגל rgl: foot
on his foot

who are [easily] sexually abused [??],
מכך mkk: humiliate, rape, abuse sexually
מכה mkh
מכה mkh: wound
a wound,

and not
לא : not
ולא wlˀ
לא : not
and not

with frivolities
ב־ b-: with; תפלה tplh: unseemliness, frivolity, indecency
בתפלין btplyn
ב־ b-: with; תפלה tplh: Tefillah, prayer
with Tefillah [scroll cases?],

and not
לא : not
ולא wlˀ
לא : not
and not

with fellation [??]
ב־ b-: with; גמע gmˁ: sink into, immerse, swallow, give to drink
בקמע bqmˁ
ב־ b-: with; קמיע qmyˁ: amulet, scroll
with scrolls

at a time
ב־ b-: in; זמן zmn: time
בזמן bzmn
ב־ b-: in; זמן zmn: time
at a time

when [they are] not
ש־ š-: which; אין ˀyn: no, not
שאינו šˀynw
ש־ š-: which; אין ˀyn: no, not
when [they are] not

מן mn: from
מן mn
מן mn: from

the special [kind],
מ־ m-: of; מחה mḥh: specialized
הממחה hmmḥh
מ־ m-: of; מחה mḥh: expert
an expert [??],

and not
לא : not
ולא wlˀ
לא : not
and not

with sexual promiscuity,
ב־ b-: with; שריא šryˀ: outrageous, sexually promiscuous; ־ן -n: (suffix)
בשריון bšrywn
ב־ b-: with; שריון šrywn: body armor, coat of mail
with body armor,

and not
לא : not
ולא wlˀ
לא : not
and not

with adornment for sexual intercourse [??],
ב־ b-: with; קשט qšṭ: adorn with beauty, to prepare for sexual intercourse
בקסדא bqsdˀ
ב־ b-: with; קסדא qsdˀ: cassidis, helmet
with a helmet,

and not
לא : not
ולא wlˀ
לא : not
and not

with [amorous] embracing.
ב־ b-: with; מ־ m-: of; גוף gwp: adultery; גפף gpp: embracing, sexual acts
במגפים bmgpym
ב־ b-: with; מגף mgp: metal legging, high boot
with leg armor

Shabbat 6:2.a

Shabbat 6:2.b

Encrypted: But if he comes out with these, he is of course not guilty of any mistake.

Official: But if he goes out with these, she is not obligated to make a sin-offering.

But if
אם ˀm: if, when
ואם wˀm
אם ˀm: if, when
But if

he comes out [with these],
יצא yṣˀ: go out, come out
יצא yṣˀ
יצא yṣˀ: go out, come out
he goes out [with these],

[he is of course] not
אין ˀyn: no, not
אינו ˀynw
אין ˀyn: no, not
[she is] not

חיב ḥyb: guilty
חיב ḥyb
חיב ḥyb: bound, obliged

[of any] mistake.
חטאת ḥṭˀt: mistake
חטאת ḥṭˀt
חטאת ḥṭˀt: sin-offering
[to make] a sin-offering.

Shabbat 6:2.b

Gay lords mustn’t screw around & squirt off, lest they turn the troops into peaceful pervs.

Shabbat 6:3.a

Encrypted: There may especially not come out a lord with seductions that perforate the bodily orifices, and not with practices abhorred by the troops which do have to them use of the male organ, not with the lower-class rabble, neither with receiving it from them, nor with a penetration of them of the kind with discharge. And if he comes out with these, he is guilty of a real mistake! These are the words of lord Meir. But the advisors exempt acts with receiving it from them, and also with a penetration of them of the kind with discharge.

Official: There may also not go out a woman with a needle that is actually perforated, and not with a seal ring which does have on it a seal, and not with a cochlear pin, and not with a foot chain, and not with a flask of perfume. And if she goes out with these, she is obligated to make a sin-offering. These are the words of rabbi Meir. But the advisors exempt going out with a foot chain, and also with a flask of perfume.

[There may especially] not
לא : not
לא : not
[There may also] not

come out
יצא yṣˀ: go out, come out
תצא tṣˀ
יצא yṣˀ: go out, come out
go out

a lord
שוע šwˁ: nobleman, prince; איש ˀyš: lord
אשה ˀšh
אשה ˀšh: woman
a woman

with seductions
ב־ b-: with; מחטון mḥṭwn: seducer
במחט bmḥṭ
ב־ b-: with; מחט mḥṭ: needle, pin
with a needle

that perforate the bodily orifices,
נקב nqb: pierce, perforate, bodily orifice
הנקובה hnqwbh
נקב nqb: hole, perforation
that is [actually] perforated,

and not
לא : not
ולא wlˀ
לא : not
and not

with [practices] abhorred [by the troops]
ב־ b-: with; תעב tˁb: abhor, loathe
בטבעת bṭbˁt
ב־ b-: with; טבע ṭbˁ: seal
with a seal [ring]

which do have
ש־ š-: which; יש : there is
שיש šyš
ש־ š-: which; יש : there is
which does have

to [them]
על ˁl: on, upon
עליה ˁlyh
על ˁl: on, upon
on it

[use of] the male organ,
הדם hdm: limb, member, male organ
חותם ḥwtm
חתם ḥtm: seal
a seal,

לא : not
ולא wlˀ
לא : not
and not

with the lower-class rabble,
ב־ b-: with; גלירא glyrˀ: galearius, soldier-servant, rabble, lowest class of people
בכוליאר bkwlyˀr
ב־ b-: with; כוליאר kwlyˀr: pin of cochlear shape; כוכליאר kwklyˀr: cochlear
with a cochlear pin [??],

לא : not
ולא wlˀ
לא : not
and not

with receiving [it from them],
ב־ b-: with; קבל qbl: receive, accept, take
בכובלת bkwblt
ב־ b-: with; כבל kbl: chain
with a [foot] chain,

לא : not
ולא wlˀ
לא : not
and not

with a penetration [of them]
ב־ b-: with; צלח ṣlḥ: split, break through, penetrate
בצלוחית bṣlwḥyt
ב־ b-: with; צלוחית ṣlwḥyt: bottle, flask
with a flask

של šl: belonging to, of
של šl
של šl: belonging to, of

the [kind with] discharge.
פלוט plwṭ: discharged, ejected; ־ן -n: (suffix)
פליטון plyṭwn
פוליטון pwlyṭwn: foliatum, perfume

And if
אם ˀm: if, when
ואם wˀm
אם ˀm: if, when
And if

he comes out [with these],
יצא yṣˀ: go out, come out
יצתה yṣth
יצא yṣˀ: go out, come out
she goes out [with these],

he is guilty
חיב ḥyb: guilty
חיבת ḥybt
חיב ḥyb: bound, obliged
she is obligated

[of a real] mistake!
חטאת ḥṭˀt: mistake
חטאת ḥṭˀt
חטאת ḥṭˀt: sin-offering
[to make] a sin-offering.

[These are] the words
דבר dbr: word, speech
דברי dbry
דבר dbr: word, speech
[These are] the words

of lord
רב rb: lord, master, noble
רבי rby
רבי rby: rabbi
of rabbi

מאיר mˀyr: Meir
מאיר mˀyr
מאיר mˀyr: Meir

But the advisors
חכם ḥkm: wise, advisor
וחכמים wḥkmym
חכם ḥkm: wise, advisor
But the advisors

פטר pṭr: exempt, free
פוטרין pwṭryn
פטר pṭr: exempt, free

[acts] with receiving [it from them],
ב־ b-: with; קבל qbl: receive, accept, take
בכובלת bkwblt
ב־ b-: with; כבל kbl: chain
[going out] with a [foot] chain,

and also with a penetration [of them]
ב־ b-: with; צלח ṣlḥ: split, break through, penetrate
ובצלוחית wbṣlwḥyt
ב־ b-: with; צלוחית ṣlwḥyt: bottle, flask
and also with a flask

של šl: belonging to, of
של šl
של šl: belonging to, of

the [kind with] discharge.
פלוט plwṭ: discharged, ejected; ־ן -n: (suffix)
פליטון plyṭwn
פוליטון pwlyṭwn: foliatum, perfume

Shabbat 6:3.a

Shabbat 6:4.a

Encrypted: Not may come out a lord with these in public: Not with his private little sword, and not with shooting forth, and not with squirting off, and not with his lance, and not with his spear. And if he comes out with these, he is guilty of a real mistake! Lord Eliezer says: But absolutely good and proper are they these things to him!

Official: Not may come out a man with these: Not with a sword, and not with a bow, and not with a shield, and not with a lance, and not with a spear. And if he goes out with these, she is obligated to make a sin-offering. Rabbi Eliezer says: But only decorative weapons are they to him!

לא : not
לא : not

[may] come out
יצא yṣˀ: go out, come out
יצא yṣˀ
יצא yṣˀ: go out, come out
[may] come out

a lord [with these in public]:
איש ˀyš: lord
האיש hˀyš
איש ˀyš: man
a man [with these]:

לא : not
לא : not

with his [private little] sword,
ב־ b-: with; סיף syp: sword
בסיף bsyp
ב־ b-: with; סיף syp: sword
with a sword,

and not
לא : not
ולא wlˀ
לא : not
and not

with shooting forth,
ב־ b-: with; קשת qšt: shoot, shot forth
בקשת bqšt
ב־ b-: with; קשת qšt: bow
with a bow,

and not
לא : not
ולא wlˀ
לא : not
and not

with squirting [off],
ב־ b-: with; תרז trz: burst, splash, squirt
בתריס btrys
ב־ b-: with; תרס trs: shield
with a shield,

and not
לא : not
ולא wlˀ
לא : not
and not

with his lance,
ב־ b-: with; אלה ˀlh: lance, sign-pole
באלה bˀlh
ב־ b-: with; אלה ˀlh: lance, sign-pole
with a lance,

and not
לא : not
ולא wlˀ
לא : not
and not

with his spear.
ב־ b-: with; רמח rmḥ: spear, lance
ברמח brmḥ
ב־ b-: with; רמח rmḥ: spear, lance
with a spear.

And if
אם ˀm: if, when
ואם wˀm
אם ˀm: if, when
And if

he comes out [with these],
יצא yṣˀ: go out, come out
יצא yṣˀ
יצא yṣˀ: go out, come out
he goes out [with these],

he is guilty
חיב ḥyb: guilty
חיב ḥyb
חיב ḥyb: bound, obliged
she is obligated

[of a real] mistake!
חטאת ḥṭˀt: mistake
חטאת ḥṭˀt
חטאת ḥṭˀt: sin-offering
[to make] a sin-offering.

רב rb: lord, master, noble
רבי rby
רבי rby: rabbi

אליעזר ˀlyˁzr: Eliezer
אליעזר ˀlyˁzr
אליעזר ˀlyˁzr: Eliezer

אמר ˀmr: say
אומר ˀwmr
אמר ˀmr: say

[But absolutely] good [and proper]
ת־ t-: of; כשיטותא kšyṭwtˀ: good, right
תכשיטין tkšyṭyn
תכשיט tkšyṭ: ornament, decoration
[But only] decorative [weapons]

[are] they [these things]
הן hn: they
הן hn
הן hn: they
[are] they

to him!
לו lw: to him
לו lw
לו lw: to him
to him!

Shabbat 6:4.a

Shabbat 6:4.b

Encrypted: But the advisors say: Nothing are they if not a disgrace, about which it is sad: (Isaiah 2:4) They would just form their soldiers into self gratifying perverts and their private pleasure into all-out harlotry, and soon not would raise the crowds against other crowds the sword any more, and not would they want to learn any more of war!

Official: But the advisors say: Nothing are they if not a disgrace, about which it is sad: (Isaiah 2:4) They will beat their swords into ploughshares and their spears into pruning knives, and not will raise nation against nation the sword any more, and not will they want to learn any more of war.

But the advisors
חכם ḥkm: wise, advisor
וחכמים wḥkmym
חכם ḥkm: wise, advisor
But the advisors

אמר ˀmr: say
אומרים ˀwmrym
אמר ˀmr: say

Nothing [are they]
אין ˀyn: no, not
אינן ˀynn
אין ˀyn: no, not
Nothing [are they]

if not
אלא ˀlˀ: if not, except, only
אלא ˀlˀ
אלא ˀlˀ: if not, except, only
if not

a disgrace,
ל־ l-: to; גנאי gnˀy: disgrace, shame, obscenity
לגנאי lgnˀy
ל־ l-: to; גנאי gnˀy: disgrace, shame, obscenity
a disgrace,

[about] which it is sad:
ש־ š-: which; נ־ n-: is; אמר ˀmr: say
שנאמר šnˀmr
ש־ š-: which; נ־ n-: is; אמר ˀmr: say
[about] which it is sad:

ישעיה yšˁyh: Isaiah
(ישעיה yšˁyh
ישעיה yšˁyh: Isaiah

ב b: 2
ב) b
ב b: 2

[They would just] form
כתת ktt: join closely, form into factions, come in contact
וכתתו wkttw
כתת ktt: crush, pound, beat
[They will] beat

their soldiers
קרב qrb: soldier; ־ם -m: their
חרבותם ḥrbwtm
חרב ḥrb: sword; ־ם -m: their
their swords

into [self] gratifying perverts
ל־ l-: to; עות ˁwt: enjoy, gratified, pervert; ־ים -ym: (plural)
לאתים lˀtym
ל־ l-: to; את ˀt: ploughshare; ־ים -ym: (plural)
into ploughshares

and their [private] pleasure
הניותא hnywtˀ: pleasure, delight, gaiety; הם hm: they
וחניתותיהם wḥnytwtyhm
חנית ḥnyt: spear; הם hm: they
and their spears

into [all-out] harlotry,
ל־ l-: to; מ־ m-: of; זמור zmwr: revelry, harlotry
למזמרות lmzmrwt
ל־ l-: to; מ־ m-: of; זמור zmwr: cutting, pruning, trimming
into pruning knives,

and [soon] not
לא : not
לא : not
and not

[would] raise
נשא nšˀ: lift, raise
ישא yšˀ
נשא nšˀ: lift, raise
[will] raise

the crowds
גוי gwy: crowd, people
גוי gwy
גוי gwy: nation

אל ˀl: to, against
אל ˀl
אל ˀl: to, against

[other] crowds
גוי gwy: crowd, people
גוי gwy
גוי gwy: nation

the sword [any more],
חרב ḥrb: sword
חרב ḥrb
חרב ḥrb: sword
the sword [any more],

and not
לא : not
ולא wlˀ
לא : not
and not

[would] they [want to] learn
למד lmd: learn, teach
ילמדו ylmdw
למד lmd: learn, teach
[will] they [want to] learn

any more
עוד ˁwd: still, again
עוד ˁwd
עוד ˁwd: still, again
any more

of war!
מ־ m-: from, of; לחם lḥm: fight, battle, war
מלחמה mlḥmh
מ־ m-: from, of; לחם lḥm: fight, battle, war
of war.

Shabbat 6:4.b

Shabbat 6:4.c

Encrypted: So as for any superficial practice, if it is clean, a lord may come out with it among the army. But as for practices where it is received, they are unclean to the troops, so not may he come out with them among the army.

Official: As for a garter, if it is clean, a woman my go out with it on Sabbath. But as for chains, they are unclean, so not may she go out with them on Sabbath.

[So as for any] superficial [practice],
בריאית bryˀyt: outwardly; בראית brˀyt: superficially
בירית byryt
בירית byryt: garter
[As for] a garter,

[if it] is clean,
טהר ṭhr: clean, pure
טהורה ṭhwrh
טהר ṭhr: clean, pure
[if it] is clean,

[a lord may] come out
יצא yṣˀ: go out, come out
ויוצאין wywṣˀyn
יצא yṣˀ: go out, come out
[a woman my] go out

with it
בה bh: with it
בה bh
בה bh: with it
with it

among the army.
ב־ b-: in, among; צבאות ṣbˀwt: armies, war, warfare
בשבת bšbt
ב־ b-: on; שבת šbt: Sabbath
on Sabbath.

[But as for practices where it] is received,
קבל qbl: receive, accept, take
כבלים kblym
כבל kbl: bound, tied, chained
[But as for] chains,

[they] are unclean [to the troops],
טמא ṭmˀ: unclean
טמאין ṭmˀyn
טמא ṭmˀ: unclean
[they] are unclean,

so not
אין ˀyn: no, not
ואין wˀyn
אין ˀyn: no, not
so not

[may he] come out
יצא yṣˀ: go out, come out
יוצאין ywṣˀyn
יצא yṣˀ: go out, come out
[may she] go out

with them
ב־ b-: with; הם hm: them
בהם bhm
ב־ b-: with; הם hm: them
with them

among the army.
ב־ b-: in, among; צבאות ṣbˀwt: armies, war, warfare
בשבת bšbt
ב־ b-: on; שבת šbt: Sabbath
on Sabbath.

Shabbat 6:4.c

Chaste relation are OK, but fornication must be veiled.

Shabbat 6:5.a

Encrypted: But may come out a lord with a seduction that is chaste & disciplined whether it is among those troops belonging to himself, among those of a friend, or among those of the human cattle servants, even with knocking them up, and with inserting, at a time when they are closely joined to him.

Official: But may go out a woman with threads of false hair, whether they are among those of herself, among those of a friend, or among those of an animal, and with a forehead ornament, and with a headdress, at a time when they are sewn to her clothing.

[But may] come out
יצא yṣˀ: go out, come out
יוצאה ywṣˀh
יצא yṣˀ: go out, come out
[But may] go out

a lord
שוע šwˁ: nobleman, prince; איש ˀyš: lord
אשה ˀšh
אשה ˀšh: woman
a woman

with a seduction
ב־ b-: in; חוטא ḥwṭˀ: flirt, seduction; חוטי ḥwṭy: sinning
בחוטי bḥwṭy
ב־ b-: with; חוט ḥwṭ: thread, strap
with threads

that is chaste & disciplined
יסר ysr: bind self, chasten, discipline
שער šˁr
שער šˁr: hair
of [false] hair,

[whether it is] among
בין byn: between, among
בין byn
בין byn: between, among
[whether they are] among

[those troops belonging] to himself,
מ־ m-: of; של šl: belonging to, of
משלה mšlh
מ־ m-: of; של šl: belonging to, of
[those] of herself,

בין byn: between, among
בין byn
בין byn: between, among

[those] of
מ־ m-: of; של šl: belonging to, of
משל mšl
מ־ m-: of; של šl: belonging to, of
[those] of

a friend,
חבר ḥbr: friend, companion, associate
חברתה ḥbrth
חבר ḥbr: friend, companion, associate
a friend,

[or] among
בין byn: between, among
בין byn
בין byn: between, among
[or] among

[those] of
מ־ m-: of; של šl: belonging to, of
משל mšl
מ־ m-: of; של šl: belonging to, of
[those] of

the [human] cattle servants,
בהם bhm: dumb, servants
בהמה bhmh
בהמה bhmh: animal, cattle
an animal,

[even] with knocking [them up],
ב־ b-: with; תפף tpp: join, strike, knock; ־ת -t: (suffix)
ובטטפת wbṭṭpt
ב־ b-: with; טוטפת ṭwṭpt: ornament on forehead
and with a forehead ornament,

and with inserting,
ב־ b-: with; סנף snp: insert; ־ת -t: (suffix); ־ן -n: (suffix)
ובסנבוטין wbsnbwṭyn
ב־ b-: with; סנבוטין snbwṭyn: headdress
and with a headdress,

at a time
ב־ b-: in; זמן zmn: time
בזמן bzmn
ב־ b-: in; זמן zmn: time
at a time

when they are
ש־ š-: which; הן hn: they
שהן šhn
ש־ š-: which; הן hn: they
when they are

[closely] joined [to him].
תפר tpr: sew together, join
תפורין tpwryn
תפר tpr: stitch, sew
sewn [to her clothing].

Shabbat 6:5.a

Shabbat 6:5.b

Encrypted: But with kneading them intimately he must be in a veil feigning to be another for his courting. Even with the lower ones which are among his own armed troops, and with the lower ones which are among his supporters, and with the lower ones which he installed especially for the filthy stuff.

Official: And with a hair-net and with braids that are false, but only into the courtyard. Also with wool rags which are on her ears, and with wool rags which are in her sandals, and with wool rags which she placed especially for her menstruation.

[But] with kneading [them intimately]
ב־ b-: with; גבול gbwl: kneading, mixing
בכבול bkbwl
ב־ b-: with; כבול kbwl: hair-net
[And] with a hair-net

[he must be] in a veil
ב־ b-: in; עפה ˁph: wrap; עיפא ˁypˀ: cover, veil
ובפאה wbpˀh
ב־ b-: with; פאה pˀh: braid
and with braids

feigning to be another
נכר nkr: feign to be another
נכרית nkryt
נכר nkr: dissemble
that are false,

for his courting.
ל־ l-: for; חזור ḥzwr: going around, courting; חזרו ḥzrw: desire
לחצר lḥṣr
ל־ l-: to; חצר ḥṣr: court, yard
[but only] into the courtyard.

[Even] with the lower [ones]
ב־ b-: with; מוך mwk: lay under, lower, poor
במוך bmwk
ב־ b-: with; מוך mwk: hackled wool, rag
[Also] with wool rags

which are among [his own] armed [troops],
ש־ š-: which; ב־ b-: among; זין zyn: weapon, arms, armor
שבאזנה šbˀznh
ש־ š-: which; ב־ b-: on; אזן ˀzn: ear
which are on her ears,

and with the lower [ones]
ב־ b-: with; מוך mwk: lay under, lower, poor
ובמוך wbmwk
ב־ b-: with; מוך mwk: hackled wool, rag
and with wool rags

which are among [his] supporters,
ש־ š-: which; ב־ b-: among; סנד snd: assist, support
שבסנדלה šbsndlh
ש־ š-: which; ב־ b-: in; סנדל sndl: sandalion, sandal
which are in her sandals,

and with the lower [ones]
ב־ b-: with; מוך mwk: lay under, lower, poor
ובמוך wbmwk
ב־ b-: with; מוך mwk: hackled wool, rag
and with wool rags

which [he] installed [especially]
ש־ š-: which; תקן tqn: install, establish
שהתקינה šhtqynh
ש־ š-: which; תקן tqn: place, prepare, arrange
which she placed [especially]

for the filthy [stuff].
ל־ l-: for; נדה ndh: filth, impure thing
לנדתה lndth
ל־ l-: for; נדה ndh: menstrual period
for her menstruation.

Shabbat 6:5.b

Shabbat 6:5.c

Encrypted: Also with sprinkling around, and with gargling the juice, and with all things where he places it in the middle of someone’s mouth, on the condition that he did not place it with them already before the beginning of the war. And if he sprinkles it on them, they may not return it.

Official: And with pepper, and with grains of salt, and with all things where she places them in the middle of her mouth, on the condition that she did not place them there at the beginning of the Sabbath. And if they fall out, she may not replace them.

[Also] with sprinkling [around],
ב־ b-: with; פלפל plpl: sprinkle
בפלפל bplpl
ב־ b-: with; פלפל plpl: pepper
[And] with pepper,

and with gargling
ב־ b-: with; גרגר grgr: gargle, pour down the throat
ובגרגיר wbgrgyr
ב־ b-: with; גרגר grgr: grain
and with grains

the juice,
מהל mhl: thin secretion, sap, juice
מלח mlḥ
מלח mlḥ: salt
of salt,

and with all
ב־ b-: with; כל kl: all
ובכל wbkl
ב־ b-: with; כל kl: all
and with all

דבר dbr: thing, object
דבר dbr
דבר dbr: thing, object

where he places [it]
ש־ š-: which; נתן ntn: put, place
שתתן šttn
ש־ š-: which; נתן ntn: put, place
where she places [them]

in the middle
ל־ l-: to; תוך twk: middle
לתוך ltwk
ל־ l-: to; תוך twk: middle
in the middle

of [someone’s] mouth [?!?],
פה ph: orifice
פיה pyh
פה ph: mouth
of her mouth [???],

on the condition that
בלבד blbd: on the condition that
ובלבד wblbd
בלבד blbd: on the condition that
on the condition that

[he did] not
ש־ š-: which; לא : not
שלא šlˀ
ש־ š-: which; לא : not
[she did] not

place [it with them]
נתן ntn: put, place
תתן ttn
נתן ntn: put, place
place [them there]

[already before] the beginning
ל־ l-: to; כ־ k-: as; תחלה tḥlh: beginning
לכתחלה lktḥlh
ל־ l-: to; כ־ k-: as; תחלה tḥlh: beginning
at the beginning

of the war.
ב־ b-: on; צבאות ṣbˀwt: armies, war, warfare
בשבת bšbt
ב־ b-: on; שבת šbt: Sabbath
of the Sabbath.

And if
אם ˀm: if, when
ואם wˀm
אם ˀm: if, when
And if

[he] sprinkles [it on them?],
נ־ n-: make; פלל pll: sprinkle
נפל npl
נפל npl: fall
[they] fall out,

[they may] not
לא : not
לא : not
[she may] not

return [it].
חזר ḥzr: restore, return
תחזיר tḥzyr
חזר ḥzr: restore, return
replace [them].

Shabbat 6:5.c

Shabbat 6:5.c

Encrypted: Fornication of true desire, or fornication out of true emotions, lord HaNasi permits it, but the advisors prohibit even this.

Official: A false tooth that was inserted, or a tooth of gold, rabbi HaNasi permits it, but the advisors prohibit this.

זני zny: adultery, fornication
שן šn
שן šn: tooth
A [false] tooth

of [true] desire,
תאב tˀb: desire; תיובתא tywbtˀ: desire
תותבת twtbt
תותב twtb: inserted, fixed
that was inserted,

or fornication
שן šn: tooth
ושן wšn
שן šn: tooth
or a tooth

[out] of
של šl: belonging to, of
של šl
של šl: belonging to, of

[true] emotions,
זוחף zwḥp: incitement, emotion
זהב zhb
זהב zhb: gold

lord [HaNasi]
רב rb: lord, master, noble
רבי rby
רבי rby: rabbi
rabbi [HaNasi]

permits [it],
נתר ntr: permit, free
מתיר mtyr
נתר ntr: permit, free
permits [it],

but the advisors
חכם ḥkm: wise, advisor
וחכמים wḥkmym
חכם ḥkm: wise, advisor
but the advisors

prohibit [even this].
אסר ˀsr: prohibit
אוסרים ˀwsrym
אסר ˀsr: prohibit
prohibit [this].

Shabbat 6:5.c

Nobles need a mask even for discreet relations, if they didn’t have one before the war.

Shabbat 6:6.a

Encrypted: A lord may come out with lewd swinging when it is put on in a discreet way. Among the common masses he may of course come out with flirting, and even with carnal acts which are fornication.

Official: A woman may go out with a sela coin when it is put on her as an adornment. Girls who are young may come out with straps, and even with splinters which are in their ears for piercings.

[A lord may] come out
יצא yṣˀ: go out, come out
יוצאה ywṣˀh
יצא yṣˀ: go out, come out
[A woman may] go out

with lewd [swinging]
ב־ b-: with; סלל sll: swinging, commit lewdness
בסלע bslˁ
ב־ b-: with; סלע slˁ: sela coin, drachma
with a sela coin [???]

when [it is] put on
ש־ š-: which; על ˁl: on, upon
שעל šˁl
ש־ š-: which; על ˁl: on, upon
when [it is] put on [her?]

in a discreet [way].
צניע ṣnyˁ: modest, chaste, hidden; צנוע ṣnwˁ: discreet
הצינית hṣynyt
צין ṣyn: adorn one’s self
[as an] adornment.

בינות bynwt: between, among
הבנות hbnwt
בנות bnwt: daughters, maidens

the common masses
קטון qṭwn: common populace, masses
קטנות qṭnwt
קטן qṭn: young
who are young

[he may of course] come out
יצא yṣˀ: go out, come out
יוצאות ywṣˀwt
יצא yṣˀ: go out, come out
[may] come out

with flirting,
ב־ b-: in; חוטא ḥwṭˀ: flirt, seduction; חוטי ḥwṭy: sinning
בחוטין bḥwṭyn
ב־ b-: with; חוט ḥwṭ: thread, strap
with straps,

and even
אפלו ˀplw: even
ואפלו wˀplw
אפלו ˀplw: even
and even

with carnal [acts]
ב־ b-: with; גשם gšm: body, make carnate
בקסמין bqsmyn
ב־ b-: with; קיסם qysm: chip, splinter
with splinters

which are fornication.
ש־ š-: which; ב־ b-: in; זני zny: adultery, fornication
שבאזניהם šbˀznyhm
ש־ š-: which; ב־ b-: in; אזן ˀzn: ear
which are in [their] ears [for piercings].

Shabbat 6:6.a

Shabbat 6:6.b

Encrypted: But nobles may only come out veiled, and well-known ones only with an additional mask. This goes for all people, only here have spoken the advisors of actual events of undisguised nobles getting in trouble.

Official: Arabian Jewish girls may only go out veiled, and Median Jewish girls only with an additional fastening on the veil. This goes for all people, only here have spoken the advisors of actual events of unveiled girls getting in trouble.

[But] nobles
רב rb: lord, master, noble
ערביות ˁrbywt
ערבי ˁrby: Arab
Arabian [Jewish girls?]

[may only] come out
יצא yṣˀ: go out, come out
יוצאות ywṣˀwt
יצא yṣˀ: go out, come out
[may only] go out

רעל rˁl: veil
רעולות rˁwlwt
רעל rˁl: veil

and well-known [ones]
מדע mdˁ: well-known, fame
ומדיות wmdywt
מדי mdy: Median
and Median [Jewish girls?]

[only] with an [additional] mask.
אפר ˀpr: bandage, mask
פרופות prwpwt
פרף prp: clasp, fasten
[only] with an [additional] fastening [on the veil].

[This goes for] all
כל kl: all
וכל wkl
כל kl: all
[This goes for] all

אדם ˀdm: man, people
אדם ˀdm
אדם ˀdm: man, people

only [here]
אלא ˀlˀ: if not, except, only
אלא ˀlˀ
אלא ˀlˀ: if not, except, only
only [here]

have spoken
ש־ š-: which; דבר dbr: word, say
שדברו šdbrw
ש־ š-: which; דבר dbr: word, say
have spoken

the advisors
חכם ḥkm: wise, advisor
חכמים ḥkmym
חכם ḥkm: wise, advisor
the advisors

of actual events [of undisguised nobles getting in trouble].
ב־ b-: on; הוה hwh: present, actual occurrence
בהוה bhwh
ב־ b-: on; הוה hwh: present, actual occurrence
of actual events [of unveiled girls getting in trouble].

Shabbat 6:6.b

Shabbat 6:7.a

Encrypted: A noble must put a mask on his face, and on his manners, and on his impression, on the condition that he had not masked himself like that before the beginning of the war.

Official: The veil must be fastened with a stone, or with a nut, or with a coin, on the condition that she had not fastened it before the beginning of the Sabbath.

[A noble must put] a mask
אפר ˀpr: bandage, mask
פורפת pwrpt
פרף prp: clasp, fasten
[The veil must] be fastened

על ˁl: on, using, with
על ˁl
על ˁl: on, using, with

[his] face,
אפין ˀpyn: face, surface
האבן hˀbn
אבן ˀbn: stone
a stone,

and on
על ˁl: on, using, with
ועל wˁl
על ˁl: on, using, with
or with

[his] manners,
גיסא gysˀ: way, manner
האגוז hˀgwz
אגוז ˀgwz: nut
a nut [??],

and on
על ˁl: on, using, with
ועל wˁl
על ˁl: on, using, with
or with

[his] impression,
מטבע mṭbˁ: impression, reputation
המטבע hmṭbˁ
מטבע mṭbˁ: coin, medal
a coin,

on the condition that
בלבד blbd: on the condition that
ובלבד wblbd
בלבד blbd: on the condition that
on the condition that

[he had] not
ש־ š-: which; לא : not
שלא šlˀ
ש־ š-: which; לא : not
[she had] not

masked [himself like that]
אפר ˀpr: bandage, mask
תפרף tprp
פרף prp: clasp, fasten
fastened [it]

before the beginning
ל־ l-: to; כ־ k-: as; תחל tḥl: begin
לכתחלה lktḥlh
ל־ l-: to; כ־ k-: as; תחל tḥl: begin
before the beginning

of the war.
ב־ b-: on; צבאות ṣbˀwt: armies, war, warfare
בשבת bšbt
ב־ b-: on; שבת šbt: Sabbath
of the Sabbath.

Shabbat 6:7.a

Shabbat 6:8.a

Encrypted: If a noble already has a diminished form, he may come out with this deceit of him, says lord Meir. But lord Yose prohibit this. And if there is on it something that troubles the troops, then it is definitely unfit.

Official: If someone has an amputated leg, he may go out with the wooden leg of him, says rabbi Meir. But rabbi Yose prohibit this. And if there is on it something to receive the crushed leg, then it is definitely unclean.

[If a noble already has] a diminished [form],
קט qṭ: small; קטט qṭṭ: diminish
הקטע hqṭˁ
קטע qṭˁ: cut off, amputate
[If someone has] an amputated [leg],

[he may] come out
יצא yṣˀ: go out, come out
יוצא ywṣˀ
יצא yṣˀ: go out, come out
[he may] go out

with this deceit
ב־ b-: with; עקבה ˁqbh: cunning, deceit
בקב bqb
ב־ b-: with; קבה qbh: put on a wooden leg
with the wooden leg

of him,
של šl: belonging to, of
שלו šlw
של šl: belonging to, of
of him,

דבר dbr: word, speech
דברי dbry
דבר dbr: word, speech

רב rb: lord, master, noble
רבי rby
רבי rby: rabbi

מאיר mˀyr: Meir
מאיר mˀyr
מאיר mˀyr: Meir

But lord
רב rb: lord, master, noble
ורבי wrby
רבי rby: rabbi
But rabbi

יוסי ywsy: Yose
יוסי ywsy
יוסי ywsy: Yose

prohibit [this].
אסר ˀsr: prohibit
אוסר ˀwsr
אסר ˀsr: prohibit
prohibit [this].

And if
אם ˀm: if, when
ואם wˀm
אם ˀm: if, when
And if

there is
יש : there is
יש : there is
there is

on it
לו lw: to him
לו lw
לו lw: to him
on it

בית byt: structure
בית byt
בית byt: structure

that troubles
קבל qbl: confront, complain; קבלה qblh: troubling, complaint
קבול qbwl
קבל qbl: take, receive
to receive

the troops,
גדוד gdwd: troop, band
כתותים ktwtym
כתת ktt: crush
the crushed [leg?],

then [it is definitely] unfit.
טמא ṭmˀ: unclean
טמא ṭmˀ
טמא ṭmˀ: unclean
then [it is definitely] unclean.

Shabbat 6:8.a

Unclean sex practices are OK if one’s personal troops are used to them.

Shabbat 6:8.b

Encrypted: Only if the supporting troops belonging to him are those where unclean practices are well-trodden & usual, then he may come out with them in a war, and even enter with them into his assistants.

Official: Only if the support base belonging to the wooden leg is that of an unclean person using it for treading, then he may go out with them on Sabbath, and even enter with them into a temple courtyard.

[Only if] the supporting [troops]
סמך smk: base, prop up, support
סמוכות smwkwt
סמך smk: base, prop up, support
[Only if] the support base

belonging to [him]
של šl: belonging to, of
שלו šlw
של šl: belonging to, of
belonging to [the wooden leg]

[are those where] unclean [practices]
טמא ṭmˀ: unclean
טמאין ṭmˀyn
טמא ṭmˀ: unclean
[is that of] an unclean [person]

are well-trodden & usual,
מ־ m-: of; דרישא dryšˀ: trodden, usual, customary
מדרס mdrs
מ־ m-: of; דרס drs: tread, trample; דרש drš: tread
[using it for] treading,

then [he may] come out
יצא yṣˀ: go out, come out
ויוצאין wywṣˀyn
יצא yṣˀ: go out, come out
then [he may] go out

with them
ב־ b-: with; הן hn: they
בהן bhn
ב־ b-: with; הן hn: they
with them

in a war,
ב־ b-: in; צבאות ṣbˀwt: armies, war, warfare
בשבת bšbt
ב־ b-: on; שבת šbt: Sabbath
on Sabbath,

and [even] enter
כנס kns: go in, enter
ונכנסין wnknsyn
כנס kns: go in, enter
and [even] enter

with them
ב־ b-: with; הן hn: they
בהן bhn
ב־ b-: with; הן hn: they
with them

into [his] assistants [??].
ב־ b-: into; עזר ˁzr: surround, help, assist, protect
בעזרה bˁzrh
ב־ b-: into; עזרה ˁzrh: Temple court
into a temple courtyard [??].

Shabbat 6:8.b

Shabbat 6:8.c

Encrypted: But if it is a secret that the supporting troops belonging to him are those where unclean practices are well-trodden & usual, then he may not come out with them in a war, and not enter with them into his assistants.

Official: But if is withdrawn the support base belonging to the wooden leg, and it is that of an unclean person using it for treading, then he may not go out with them on Sabbath, and not enter with them into a temple courtyard.

[But if it] is a secret
כסי ksy: conceal, hidden, secretly
כסא ksˀ
כסי ksy: withdraw
[But if] is withdrawn

[that] the supporting [troops]
סמך smk: base, prop up, support
וסמוכות wsmwkwt
סמך smk: base, prop up, support
the support base

belonging to [him]
של šl: belonging to, of
שלו šlw
של šl: belonging to, of
belonging to [the wooden leg],

[are those where] unclean [practices]
טמא ṭmˀ: unclean
טמאין ṭmˀyn
טמא ṭmˀ: unclean
[and it is that of] an unclean [person]

are well-trodden & usual,
מ־ m-: of; דרישא dryšˀ: trodden, usual, customary
מדרס mdrs
מ־ m-: of; דרס drs: tread, trample; דרש drš: tread
[using it for] treading,

[then he may] not
אין ˀyn: no, not
ואין wˀyn
אין ˀyn: no, not
[then he may] not

come out
יצא yṣˀ: go out, come out
יוצאין ywṣˀyn
יצא yṣˀ: go out, come out
go out

with them
ב־ b-: with; הן hn: they
בהן bhn
ב־ b-: with; הן hn: they
with them

in a war,
ב־ b-: on; צבאות ṣbˀwt: armies, war, warfare
בשבת bšbt
ב־ b-: on; שבת šbt: Sabbath
on Sabbath,

and not
אין ˀyn: no, not
ואין wˀyn
אין ˀyn: no, not
and not

כנס kns: go in, enter
נכנסין nknsyn
כנס kns: go in, enter

with them
ב־ b-: with; הן hn: they
בהן bhn
ב־ b-: with; הן hn: they
with them

into [his] assistants [??].
ב־ b-: into; עזר ˁzr: surround, help, assist, protect
בעזרה bˁzrh
ב־ b-: into; עזרה ˁzrh: Temple court
into a temple courtyard [??].

Shabbat 6:8.c

Shabbat 6:8.d

Encrypted: Just holding the thing in the hand is clean, but one may still not come out with that in public.

Official: Instruments like a wooden leg are clean, but one may not go out with them.

[Just] holding the thing in the hand
נקט nqṭ: hold in hand, let take in one’s hands; מן mn: thing
אנקטמין ˀnqṭmyn
ניקטמון nyqṭmwn: wooden leg like instrument
Instruments like a wooden leg [???]

is clean,
טהר ṭhr: cleared, cleanse, amend
טהורין ṭhwryn
טהר ṭhr: clean, pure
are clean,

but [one may still] not
אין ˀyn: no, not
ואין wˀyn
אין ˀyn: no, not
but [one may] not

come out
יצא yṣˀ: go out, come out
יוצאין ywṣˀyn
יצא yṣˀ: go out, come out
go out

with that [in public].
ב־ b-: with; הן hn: they
בהן bhn
ב־ b-: with; הן hn: they
with them.

Shabbat 6:8.d

Gay relations with boys may only come out as general relations.

Shabbat 6:9.a

Encrypted: With boys one may only come out with being joined generally, and among boys of nobility with being a couple. This goes for all people, only here have spoken the advisors of actual events of gay boys getting in trouble.

Official: Boys may go out with knots, and boys of nobility with bells. This goes for all people, only here have spoken the advisors of actual events of overdressed boys getting in trouble.

[With] boys
בן bn: child, son
הבנים hbnym
בן bn: child, son

[one may only] come out
יצא yṣˀ: go out, come out
יוצאין ywṣˀyn
יצא yṣˀ: go out, come out
may go out

with being joined [generally],
ב־ b-: with; קשר qšr: join together, connect, relation, union
בקשרים bqšrym
ב־ b-: with; קשר qšr: bind, knot, band
with knots,

and [among] boys
בן bn: child, son
ובני wbny
בן bn: child, son
and boys

of nobility
מלך mlk: ruler, governor, chief
מלכים mlkym
מלך mlk: king
of nobility

with [being] a couple.
ב־ b-: with; זוג zwg: pair, join, couple, mate, copulate, have sexual relations
בזוגין bzwgyn
ב־ b-: with; זוג zwg: bell
with bells.

[This goes for] all
כל kl: all
וכל wkl
כל kl: all
[This goes for] all

אדם ˀdm: man, people
אדם ˀdm
אדם ˀdm: man, people

only [here]
אלא ˀlˀ: if not, except, only
אלא ˀlˀ
אלא ˀlˀ: if not, except, only
only [here]

have spoken
ש־ š-: which; דבר dbr: word, say
שדברו šdbrw
ש־ š-: which; דבר dbr: word, say
have spoken

the advisors
חכם ḥkm: wise, advisor
חכמים ḥkmym
חכם ḥkm: wise, advisor
the advisors

of actual events [of gay boys getting in trouble].
ב־ b-: on; הוה hwh: present, actual occurrence
בהוה bhwh
ב־ b-: on; הוה hwh: present, actual occurrence
of actual events [of overdressed boys getting in trouble].

Shabbat 6:9.a

Making sexual gay relations public leads to revolt.

Shabbat 6:10.a

Encrypted: One may even come out with bursting forth in an entanglement, or with it sharpening in an act of lewdness, or with it standing erect from impaling someone with it because of a sexual exchange, says lord Meir.

Official: One may go out with the egg of a locust, or with the tooth of a fox, or with nails from a crucification, because of healing, says rabbi Meir.

[One may even] come out
יצא yṣˀ: go out, come out
יוצאין ywṣˀyn
יצא yṣˀ: go out, come out
[One may] go out

with bursting forth
ב־ b-: with; בוץ bwṣ: swell, bubble, burst forth
בביצת bbyṣt
ב־ b-: with; ביצה byṣh: egg
with the egg

[in] an entanglement,
ערגל ˁrgl: roll, wallow; ערקל ˁrql: entangle; ערכל ˁrkl: entangle
החרגול hḥrgwl
חרגול ḥrgwl: kind of locust
of a locust [???],

or with [it] sharpening
ב־ b-: with; שנן šnn: sharpen, pointed
ובשן wbšn
ב־ b-: with; שן šn: tooth
or with the tooth

in [an act of] lewdness,
סלל sll: swinging, commit lewdness
שועל šwˁl
שועל šwˁl: fox
of a fox,

or with [it] standing erect
ב־ b-: with; מ־ m-: of; סמר smr: stand erect
ובמסמר wbmsmr
ב־ b-: with; מ־ m-: of; סמר smr: stud with nails, crucify
or with nails

מן mn: from
מן mn
מן mn: from

impaling [someone with it??]
צלב ṣlb: hang, impale, crucify
הצלוב hṣlwb
צלב ṣlb: hang, impale, crucify
a crucification [???],

משום mšwm: because
משום mšwm
משום mšwm: because

of a [sexual] exchange,
ערף ˁrp: exchange, mixed up
רפואה rpwˀh
רפא rpˀ: heal, cure
of healing,

דבר dbr: word, speech
דברי dbry
דבר dbr: word, speech

רב rb: lord, master, noble
רבי rby
רבי rby: rabbi

מאיר mˀyr: Meir
מאיר mˀyr
מאיר mˀyr: Meir

Shabbat 6:10.a

Shabbat 6:10.b

Encrypted: But the advisors say: Even if one is very quiet about it it is forbidden, because it is a path leading to revolt.

Official: But the advisors say: Even if one is sick it is forbidden, because it is the way of the heathen Amorites.

But the advisors
חכם ḥkm: wise, advisor
וחכמים wḥkmym
חכם ḥkm: wise, advisor
But the advisors

אמר ˀmr: say
אומרים ˀwmrym
אמר ˀmr: say

אף ˀp: also, even
אף ˀp
אף ˀp: also, even

[if one] is [very] quiet [about it]
בהל bhl: quiet, keep quiet
בחל bḥl
בחל bḥl: sick
[if one] is sick

it is forbidden,
אסור ˀswr: forbidden
אסור ˀswr
אסור ˀswr: forbidden
it is forbidden,

משום mšwm: because
משום mšwm
משום mšwm: because

[it is] a path
דרך drk: way, path
דרכי drky
דרך drk: way, path
[it is] the way

[leading to] revolt.
אמראה ˀmrˀh: revolt
האמורי hˀmwry
אמרי ˀmry: Amorite
of the [heathen] Amorites.

Shabbat 6:10.b

One who screws around publicly during war is guilty.

Shabbat 7:1.a

Encrypted: Generally as a greater rule, this is said about wars: Everyone who is oblivious to the essence of wars, and does acts of desire several in wars several, is not guilty of anything, except of a mistake a single one.

Official: Generally as a greater rule, this is said about the Sabbath: Everyone who is oblivious to the essence of Sabbath, and does regular works several on Sabbaths several, is not obligated to do anything, except of sin-offering a single one.

כלל kll: all, general
כלל kll
כלל kll: all, general

[as a] greater [rule],
גדול gdwl: great
גדול gdwl
גדול gdwl: great
[as a] greater [rule],

[this] is said
אמר ˀmr: say
אמרו ˀmrw
אמר ˀmr: say
[this] is said

about wars:
ב־ b-: in; צבאות ṣbˀwt: armies, war, warfare
בשבת bšbt
ב־ b-: on; שבת šbt: Sabbath
about the Sabbath:

Everyone [who]
כל kl: all
כל kl
כל kl: all
Everyone [who]

is oblivious to
שכח škḥ: forget, oblivion
השוכח hšwkḥ
שכח škḥ: forget, oblivion
is oblivious to

the essence
עקר ˁqr: root, main point, essence
עקר ˁqr
עקר ˁqr: root, main point, essence
the essence

of wars,
צבאות ṣbˀwt: armies, war, warfare
שבת šbt
שבת šbt: Sabbath
of Sabbath,

and does
עשה ˁšh: do, act
ועשה wˁšh
עשה ˁšh: do, act
and does

[acts of] desire
מ־ m-: of; להק lhq: desire, long for, thirst for
מלאכות mlˀkwt
מלאכה mlˀkh: work, business
[regular] works

רבה rbh: much, many
הרבה hrbh
רבה rbh: much, many

in wars
ב־ b-: in; צבאות ṣbˀwt: armies, war, warfare
בשבתות bšbtwt
ב־ b-: on; שבת šbt: Sabbath
on Sabbaths

רבה rbh: much, many
הרבה hrbh
רבה rbh: much, many

[is] not
אין ˀyn: no, not
אינו ˀynw
אין ˀyn: no, not
[is] not

guilty [of anything],
חיב ḥyb: guilty
חיב ḥyb
חיב ḥyb: bound, obliged
obligated [to do anything],

except of
אלא ˀlˀ: if not, except, only
אלא ˀlˀ
אלא ˀlˀ: if not, except, only
except of

a mistake
חטאת ḥṭˀt: mistake
חטאת ḥṭˀt
חטאת ḥṭˀt: sin-offering

a single one.
אחת ˀḥt: one
אחת ˀḥt
אחת ˀḥt: one
a single one.

Shabbat 7:1.a

Shabbat 7:1.b

Encrypted: One who knows the essence of war, and does acts of desire several in wars several, he is guilty in all these wars, and the current war.

Official: One who knows the essence of Sabbath, and does regular works several on Sabbaths several, he is obligated for an offering on all these Sabbaths, and the current Sabbath.

[One who] knows
ידע ydˁ: know
היודע hywdˁ
ידע ydˁ: know
[One who] knows

the essence
עקר ˁqr: root, main point, essence
עקר ˁqr
עקר ˁqr: root, main point, essence
the essence

of war,
צבאות ṣbˀwt: armies, war, warfare
שבת šbt
שבת šbt: Sabbath
of Sabbath,

and does
עשה ˁšh: do, act
ועשה wˁšh
עשה ˁšh: do, act
and does

[acts of] desire
מ־ m-: of; להק lhq: desire, long for, thirst for
מלאכות mlˀkwt
מלאכה mlˀkh: work, business
[regular] works

רבה rbh: much, many
הרבה hrbh
רבה rbh: much, many

in wars
ב־ b-: in; צבאות ṣbˀwt: armies, war, warfare
בשבתות bšbtwt
ב־ b-: on; שבת šbt: Sabbath
on Sabbaths

רבה rbh: much, many
הרבה hrbh
רבה rbh: much, many

[he] is guilty
חיב ḥyb: guilty
חיב ḥyb
חיב ḥyb: bound, obliged
[he] is obligated [for an offering]

על ˁl: on, upon
על ˁl
על ˁl: on, upon

all [these]
כל kl: all
כל kl
כל kl: all
all [these]

צבאות ṣbˀwt: armies, war, warfare
שבת šbt
שבת šbt: Sabbath

and [the current?] war.
צבאות ṣbˀwt: armies, war, warfare
ושבת wšbt
שבת šbt: Sabbath
and [the current?] Sabbath.

Shabbat 7:1.b

Shabbat 7:1.c

Encrypted: One who knows it is the time of war, and does acts of desire several in wars several, he is guilty on all these groups of desires, and the current act of desire.

Official: One who knows it is the time of Sabbath, and does regular works several on Sabbaths several, he is obligated for an offering on all these groups of works, and the current work.

[One who] knows
ידע ydˁ: know
היודע hywdˁ
ידע ydˁ: know
[One who] knows

[it is] the time
שעה šˁh: time
שהוא šhwˀ
שעה šˁh: time
[it is] the time

of war,
צבאות ṣbˀwt: armies, war, warfare
שבת šbt
שבת šbt: Sabbath
of Sabbath,

and does
עשה ˁšh: do, act
ועשה wˁšh
עשה ˁšh: do, act
and does

[acts of] desire
מ־ m-: of; להק lhq: desire, long for, thirst for
מלאכות mlˀkwt
מלאכה mlˀkh: work, business
[regular] works

רבה rbh: much, many
הרבה hrbh
רבה rbh: much, many

in wars
ב־ b-: in; צבאות ṣbˀwt: armies, war, warfare
בשבתות bšbtwt
ב־ b-: on; שבת šbt: Sabbath
on Sabbaths

רבה rbh: much, many
הרבה hrbh
רבה rbh: much, many

[he] is guilty
חיב ḥyb: guilty
חיב ḥyb
חיב ḥyb: bound, obliged
[he] is obligated [for an offering]

על ˁl: on, upon
על ˁl
על ˁl: on, upon

all [these]
כל kl: all
כל kl
כל kl: all
all [these]

groups [?]
בי by: between, group
אב ˀb
בי by: between, group

of desires,
מ־ m-: of; להק lhq: desire, long for, thirst for
מלאכה mlˀkh
מלאכה mlˀkh: work, business
of works,

and [the current act?] of desire.
מ־ m-: of; להק lhq: desire, long for, thirst for
ומלאכה wmlˀkh
מלאכה mlˀkh: work, business
and [the current?] work.

Shabbat 7:1.c

Shabbat 7:1.d

Encrypted: One who does acts of desire several, but they are similar like a group of desires one, is not guilty of anything, except of a mistake a single one.

Official: One who does works several, but they are similar like a group of work one, is not obligated to do anything, except of sin-offering a single one.

[One who] does
עשה ˁšh: do, act
העושה hˁwšh
עשה ˁšh: do, act
[One who] does

[acts of] desire
מ־ m-: of; להק lhq: desire, long for, thirst for
מלאכות mlˀkwt
מלאכה mlˀkh: work, business

רבה rbh: much, many
הרבה hrbh
רבה rbh: much, many

[but they are] similar like
מעין mˁyn: similar to, like
מעין mˁyn
מעין mˁyn: similar to, like
[but they are] similar like

[a group] of desires
מ־ m-: of; להק lhq: desire, long for, thirst for
מלאכה mlˀkh
מלאכה mlˀkh: work, business
[a group] of work

אחת ˀḥt: one
אחת ˀḥt
אחת ˀḥt: one

[is] not
אין ˀyn: no, not
אינו ˀynw
אין ˀyn: no, not
[is] not

guilty [of anything],
חיב ḥyb: guilty
חיב ḥyb
חיב ḥyb: bound, obliged
obligated [to do anything],

except of
אלא ˀlˀ: if not, except, only
אלא ˀlˀ
אלא ˀlˀ: if not, except, only
except of

a mistake
חטאת ḥṭˀt: mistake
חטאת ḥṭˀt
חטאת ḥṭˀt: sin-offering

a single one.
אחת ˀḥt: one
אחת ˀḥt
אחת ˀḥt: one
a single one.

Shabbat 7:1.d

There are 39 sexual acts that are forbidden in public.

Shabbat 7:2.a

Encrypted: The groups of desires are forty minus one: Sprinkling semen. Sexual intercourse. “Reaping” into other people. Naked sexual contact. Coitus. Emitting semen. Showing the penis. Sexual intercourse. Lusty acts. Frivolous acts.

Official: The groups of work are forty minus one: Seeding. Ploughing. Reaping. Binding sheaves. Threshing. Winnowing. Selecting the good grains. Milling. Sifting. Kneading dough.

The groups
בי by: between, group
אבות ˀbwt
בי by: between, group
The groups

of desires [are]
מ־ m-: of; להק lhq: desire, long for, thirst for
מלאכות mlˀkwt
מלאכה mlˀkh: work, business
of work [are]

ארבעים ˀrbˁym: forty
ארבעים ˀrbˁym
ארבעים ˀrbˁym: forty

חסר ḥsr: subtract
חסר ḥsr
חסר ḥsr: subtract

אחת ˀḥt: one
אחת ˀḥt
אחת ˀḥt: one

[Sprinkling] semen.
זרע zrˁ: semen, sexual potential
הזורע hzwrˁ
זרע zrˁ: seed, sow

Sexual intercourse.
חרש ḥrš: sexual intercourse
והחורש whḥwrš
חרש ḥrš: plough

“Reaping” [into other people?].
קצר qṣr: cut, reap, harvest
והקוצר whqwṣr
קצר qṣr: cut, reap, harvest

Naked sexual contact.
מ־ m-: of; ערה ˁrh: naked, stimulate, sexual contact
והמעמר whmˁmr
מ־ m-: of; עמר ˁmr: heap up, pile up, bind sheaves
Binding sheaves.

דישה dyšh: coitus, friction
הדש hdš
דישה dyšh: threshing

Emitting semen.
זרי zry: emit semen
והזורה whzwrh
זרי zry: scatter, winnow

[Showing] the penis [?].
אבר ˀbr: membrum genitale, penis
הבורר hbwrr
ברר brr: select, cleanse
Selecting [the good grains].

Sexual intercourse.
טחן ṭḥn: have sexual intercourse
הטוחן hṭwḥn
טחן ṭḥn: mill, grind

Lusty [acts].
מ־ m-: of; רגתא rgtˀ: desire, lust, genitals
והמרקד whmrqd
מ־ m-: of; רקד rqd: sift

Frivolous [acts?].
לוץ lwṣ: talk frivolously
והלש whlš
לוש lwš: knead; ליש lyš: dough
Kneading dough.

Shabbat 7:2.a

Shabbat 7:2.b

Encrypted: Having a “double” with someone Crossing into harlotry. Sexual misbehavior. Shaking off in public. Acts of desire. Prostitution. Seduction. Working two structures of “shafts”. Weaving two “ropes”. Squeezing two “cords”.

Official: Baking. Shearing wool. Whitening it. Hackling flax. Dyeing. Spinning. Working the loom. Working two structures of cross-beams. Weaving two threads. Splitting two threads.

[Having a] “double” [with someone?]
עף ˁp: double
והאופה whˀwph
אפה ˀph: bake

גוז gwz: pass, go across, transgress
הגוזז hgwzz
גזז gzz: cut, shear

את ˀt: to
את ˀt
את ˀt: to

זמור zmwr: revelry, harlotry
הצמר hṣmr
צמר ṣmr: thick, wool

[Sexual] misbehavior.
לעב lˁb: misbehave; ־ן -n: (suffix)
המלבנו hmlbnw
לבן lbn: white, make white
Whitening [it].

Shaking off [in public].
מ־ m-: of; נפץ npṣ: shake off, discharge
והמנפצו whmnpṣw
מ־ m-: of; נפץ npṣ: hackle flax
Hackling flax.

[Acts of] desire.
צבא ṣbˀ: desire
והצובעו whṣwbˁw
צבע ṣbˁ: color, dye

טעוה ṭˁwh: prostitute; טעי ṭˁy: seduce
והטווה whṭwwh
טוה ṭwh: spin

משך mšk: attracted, seduced
והמסך whmsk
מסך msk: web; מסכת mskt: web of the loom
[Working] the loom.

עשה ˁšh: do, make, act, work
והעושה whˁwšh
עשה ˁšh: do, make, act, work

שני šny: two
שני šny
שני šny: two

בית byt: structure
בתי bty
בית byt: structure

of “shafts”.
ניר nyr: shaft of loom; נעור nˁwr: shaking off
נירין nyryn
ניר nyr: cross-beam of the loom, the cross-rod
of cross-beams.

ארג ˀrg: weave
והאורג whˀwrg
ארג ˀrg: weave

שני šny: two
שני šny
שני šny: two

חוט ḥwṭ: chord, cord, rope
חוטין ḥwṭyn
חוט ḥwṭ: thread

אפץ ˀpṣ: press, squeeze
והפוצע whpwṣˁ
פצע pṣˁ: split

שני šny: two
שני šny
שני šny: two

חוט ḥwṭ: chord, cord, rope
חוטין ḥwṭyn
חוט ḥwṭ: thread

Shabbat 7:2.b

Shabbat 7:2.c

Encrypted: Sexual union. Letting it loose. Joining two pretties. Joining the troops to join two pretties. Ensnaring a beauty. Lewd acts. Undressing. Giving juice. Working the penis. Rubbing it. Squeezing it in.

Official: Knotting. Unfastening. Sewing two seams. Splitting a part of fabric to sew two seams. Hunting a deer. Slaughtering it. Flaying it. Salting it. Dressing the hide. Smoothing it. Cutting it.

[Sexual] union.
קשר qšr: join, connect, union
הקושר hqwšr
קשר qšr: knot, tie

[Letting it] loose.
מ־ m-: of; נתר ntr: loosen, unfasten
והמתיר whmtyr
מ־ m-: of; נתר ntr: loosen, unfasten

תפר tpr: join
והתופר whtwpr
תפר tpr: sew, stitch

שתי šty: two
שתי šty
שתי šty: two

תבורתא tbwrtˀ: physically attractive, pretty, seductive
תפירות tpyrwt
תפראות tprˀwt: seams

קרא qrˀ: join, meet
הקורע hqwrˁ
קרע qrˁ: split

על ˁl: on, upon
על ˁl
על ˁl: on, upon

the troops [?]
המוניות hmwnywt: troops, crowds, commonness
מנת mnt
מנת mnt: share, portion
a part [of fabric]

to join
ל־ l-: to; תפר tpr: join
לתפר ltpr
ל־ l-: to; תפר tpr: sew, stitch
to sew

שתי šty: two
שתי šty
שתי šty: two

תבורתא tbwrtˀ: physically attractive, pretty, seductive
תפירות tpyrwt
תפראות tprˀwt: seams

צדיא ṣdyˀ: hunting, ensnaring
הצד hṣd
צדיא ṣdyˀ: hunting, ensnaring

a beauty.
צבי ṣby: desirable thing, beauty
צבי ṣby
צבי ṣby: deer, gazelle
a deer.

Lewd [acts].
שוחט šwḥṭ: lewdness, sexual violation
השוחטו hšwḥṭw
שחט šḥṭ: kill, slaughter
Slaughtering [it].

מ־ m-: of; פשט pšṭ: strip, undress
והמפשיטו whmpšyṭw
מ־ m-: of; פשט pšṭ: flay
Flaying [it].

[Giving] juice.
מהל mhl: thin secretion, sap, juice
המולחו hmwlḥw
מלח mlḥ: salt
Salting [it].

מ־ m-: of; עבד ˁbd: work, labor
והמעבד whmˁbd
מ־ m-: of; עבד ˁbd: dress, tan

את ˀt: to
את ˀt
את ˀt: to

the penis.
אירא ˀyrˀ: penis
עורו ˁwrw
עור ˁwr: skin, hide
the hide.

Rubbing [it].
מחק mḥq: rub, pierce through
והמוחקו whmwḥqw
מחק mḥq: smooth out
Smoothing [it].

Squeezing [it] in.
מ־ m-: of; חדק ḥdq: squeeze into, drive in, prick
והמחתכו whmḥtkw
מ־ m-: of; חתך ḥtk: cut
Cutting [it].

Shabbat 7:2.c

Shabbat 7:2.d

Encrypted: Joining two gratifiers. Piercing through the troops to join two gratifiers. The desires. The secret sins. Quenching them. Kindling them. Knocking people up with one’s hammer. Bringing these things from the private domain into the public domain. Here these groups of desires are the forty minus one.

Official: Writing two letters. Erasing a part of an old letter to write two letters. Building. Destroying a building. Extinguishing fires. Kindling fires. Striking with a hammer. Bringing things from the private domain into the public domain. Here these groups of work are the forty minus one.

כתף ktp: join
הכותב hkwtb
כתב ktb: write, compose

שתי šty: two
שתי šty
שתי šty: two

אות ˀwt: pleased, gratified, enjoy
אותיות ˀwtywt
אות ˀwt: writing, letter

Piercing through [?]
מחק mḥq: rub, pierce through
והמוחק whmwḥq
מחק mḥq: smooth out, erase

על ˁl: on
על ˁl
על ˁl: on

the troops [?]
המוניות hmwnywt: troops, crowds, commonness
מנת mnt
מנת mnt: share, portion
a part [of an old letter?]

to join
ל־ l-: to; כתף ktp: join
לכתב lktb
ל־ l-: to; כתב ktb: write, compose
to write

שתי šty: two
שתי šty
שתי šty: two

אות ˀwt: pleased, gratified, enjoy
אותיות ˀwtywt
אות ˀwt: writing, letter

The desires.
בענון bˁnwn: desire
הבונה hbwnh
בנה bnh: build

The secret sins.
סתר str: secret sins
והסותר whswtr
סתר str: pull down, destroy
Destroying [a building].

Quenching [them].
מ־ m-: of; כבה kbh: quench
המכבה hmkbh
מ־ m-: of; כבה kbh: extinguish
Extinguishing [fires?!?].

Kindling [them].
מ־ m-: of; בער bˁr: kindle
והמבעיר whmbˁyr
מ־ m-: of; בער bˁr: kindle
Kindling [fires].

Knocking [people] up
מ־ m-: of; נכה nkh: beat, strike, knock
המכה hmkh
מ־ m-: of; נכה nkh: beat, strike, knock

with [one’s] hammer.
ב־ b-: with; פטיש pṭyš: hammer
בפטיש bpṭyš
ב־ b-: with; פטיש pṭyš: hammer
with a hammer.

Bringing [these things]
מ־ m-: of; יצא yṣˀ: go out, bring out
המוציא hmwṣyˀ
מ־ m-: of; יצא yṣˀ: go out, bring out
Bringing [things]

from the [private] domain
מ־ m-: from; רשות ršwt: territory, domain
מרשות mršwt
מ־ m-: from; רשות ršwt: territory, domain
from the [private] domain

into the [public] domain.
ל־ l-: to; רשות ršwt: territory, domain
לרשות lršwt
ל־ l-: to; רשות ršwt: territory, domain
into the [public] domain.

הרי hry: here is
הרי hry
הרי hry: here is

אלו ˀlw: these
אלו ˀlw
אלו ˀlw: these

בי by: between, group
אבות ˀbwt
בי by: between, group

of desires
מ־ m-: of; להק lhq: desire, long for, thirst for
מלאכות mlˀkwt
מלאכה mlˀkh: work, business
of work

[are] the forty
ארבעים ˀrbˁym: forty
ארבעים ˀrbˁym
ארבעים ˀrbˁym: forty
[are] the forty

חסר ḥsr: subtract
חסר ḥsr
חסר ḥsr: subtract

אחת ˀḥt: one
אחת ˀḥt
אחת ˀḥt: one

Shabbat 7:2.d

Making sexual secrets public is forbidden, as is doing stuff that can’t be kept secret.

Shabbat 7:3.a

Encrypted: There is also repeated a general additional saying: All things where it would be more proper to let them be secret, and it was a secret like that, and someone brought it into the public domain in a war, he is guilty of a mistake.

Official: There is also repeated a general additional saying: All things that are proper to deposit away, and it was deposited like that, and someone brought it into the public domain on Sabbath, he is obligated for a sin-offering.

[There is also] repeated
עוד ˁwd: return, repeat
ועוד wˁwd
עוד ˁwd: return, repeat
[There is also] repeated

a general
כלל kll: all, general
כלל kll
כלל kll: all, general
a general

אחר ˀḥr: other, another
אחר ˀḥr
אחר ˀḥr: other, another

אמר ˀmr: say
אמרו ˀmrw
אמר ˀmr: say

All [things]
כל kl: all
כל kl
כל kl: all
All [things]

[where it would] be [more] proper
כשר kšr: fit, proper
הכשר hkšr
כשר kšr: fit, proper
[that] are proper

to [let them] be secret,
ל־ l-: to; צנע ṣnˁ: private, hidden, secret
להצניע lhṣnyˁ
ל־ l-: to; צנע ṣnˁ: put aside, deposit
to deposit away,

and it was a secret
מ־ m-: of; צנע ṣnˁ: private, hidden, secret
ומצניעין wmṣnyˁyn
מ־ m-: of; צנע ṣnˁ: put aside, deposit
and it was deposited

like that,
כמה kmh: like, just as
כמוהו kmwhw
כמה kmh: like, just as
like that,

and [someone] brought [it into the public domain]
יצא yṣˀ: go out, bring out
והוציאו whwṣyˀw
יצא yṣˀ: go out, bring out
and [someone] brought [it into the public domain]

in a war,
ב־ b-: in; צבאות ṣbˀwt: armies, war, warfare
בשבת bšbt
ב־ b-: on; שבת šbt: Sabbath
on Sabbath,

he is guilty
חיב ḥyb: guilty
חיב ḥyb
חיב ḥyb: bound, obliged
he is obligated

על ˁl: on, upon
עליו ˁlyw
על ˁl: on, upon

a mistake.
חטאת ḥṭˀt: mistake
חטאת ḥṭˀt
חטאת ḥṭˀt: sin-offering
a sin-offering.

Shabbat 7:3.a

Shabbat 7:3.b

Encrypted: But all things where it is not proper and practicable to keep them secret, and it was not possible to keep them secret like that, and someone brought it into the public domain in a war, they are not guilty of a mistake, except for the one who had tried to make it a secret.

Official: But all things which are not proper and practicable to deposit away, and it was not possible to deposit them like that, and someone brought it into the public domain on Sabbath, they are not obligated for an offering, except for the one who had tried to deposit it.

But all [things]
כל kl: all
וכל wkl
כל kl: all
But all [things]

where [it is] not
ש־ š-: which; אין ˀyn: no, not
שאינו šˀynw
ש־ š-: which; אין ˀyn: no, not
which [are] not

proper [and practicable]
כשר kšr: fit, proper
כשר kšr
כשר kšr: fit, proper
proper [and practicable]

to [keep them] secret,
ל־ l-: to; צנע ṣnˁ: private, hidden, secret
להצניע lhṣnyˁ
ל־ l-: to; צנע ṣnˁ: put aside, deposit
to deposit away,

and [it was] not [possible]
אין ˀyn: no, not
ואין wˀyn
אין ˀyn: no, not
and [it was] not [possible]

to [keep them] secret
מ־ m-: of; צנע ṣnˁ: private, hidden, secret
מצניעין mṣnyˁyn
מ־ m-: of; צנע ṣnˁ: put aside, deposit
to deposit [them]

like that,
כמה kmh: like, just as
כמוהו kmwhw
כמה kmh: like, just as
like that,

and [someone] brought [it into the public domain]
יצא yṣˀ: go out, bring out
והוציאו whwṣyˀw
יצא yṣˀ: go out, bring out
and [someone] brought [it into the public domain]

in a war,
ב־ b-: in; צבאות ṣbˀwt: armies, war, warfare
בשבת bšbt
ב־ b-: on; שבת šbt: Sabbath
on Sabbath,

[they are] not
אין ˀyn: no, not
אינו ˀynw
אין ˀyn: no, not
[they are] not

guilty [of a mistake],
חיב ḥyb: guilty
חיב ḥyb
חיב ḥyb: bound, obliged
obligated [for an offering],

except for
אלא ˀlˀ: if not, except, only
אלא ˀlˀ
אלא ˀlˀ: if not, except, only
except for

[the one who had tried to make it] a secret.
מ־ m-: of; צנע ṣnˁ: private, hidden, secret
המצניעו hmṣnyˁw
מ־ m-: of; צנע ṣnˁ: put aside, deposit
[the one who had tried] to deposit [it].

Shabbat 7:3.b

Sexual acts with young boys must be kept secret, even if relatively chaste.

Shabbat 7:4.a

Encrypted: Things better kept secret are: Desirous pleasures, as in entering the orifices of a young man. Harlotry, as in entering the orifices of an adolescent. Naked pleasures, as in entering the orifices of a young man. Satisfying pleasures, as in entering the orifices of an adolescent.

Official: Things proper to deposit away are: Straw, as of a quantity of a mouthful of a cow. Wood, as of a quantity of a mouthful of a camel. Sheaves, as of a quantity of a mouthful of a lamb. Grass, as of a quantity of a mouthful of a young goat kid.

[Things better kept] secret [are]:
מ־ m-: of; צנע ṣnˁ: private, hidden, secret
המוציא hmwṣyˀ
מ־ m-: of; צנע ṣnˁ: put aside, deposit
[Things proper] to deposit away [are]:

Desirous [pleasures],
ת־ t-: of; בעיון bˁywn: seeking, desire; בעי bˁy: male homosexual
תבן tbn
תבן tbn: straw, stubble

as in entering
כ־ k-: as, like; מעל mˁl: coming in, entering
כמלא kmlˀ
כ־ k-: as; מלא mlˀ: quantity
as of a quantity

the orifices
פה ph: orifice
פי py
פה ph: mouth
of a mouthful

of a young man.
עופר ˁwpr: young animal, youth, strong man
פרה prh
פרה prh: cow
of a cow.

יצא yṣˀ: discharge; יצאנות yṣˀnwt: harlotry, prostitution
עצה ˁṣh
עצה ˁṣh: wood

as in entering
כ־ k-: as, like; מעל mˁl: coming in, entering
כמלא kmlˀ
כ־ k-: like; מלא mlˀ: quantity
as of a quantity

the orifices
פה ph: orifice
פי py
פה ph: mouth
of a mouthful

of an adolescent.
כמיל kmyl: adolescent, teenager, adult
גמל gml
גמל gml: camel
of a camel.

Naked [pleasures],
מער mˁr: nakedness; מ־ m-: of; ערה ˁrh: naked, stimulate, sexual contact
עמיר ˁmyr
עמר ˁmr: sheaf, bind sheaves

as in entering
כ־ k-: as, like; מעל mˁl: coming in, entering
כמלא kmlˀ
כ־ k-: as; מלא mlˀ: quantity
as of a quantity

the orifices
פה ph: orifice
פי py
פה ph: mouth
of a mouthful

of a young man.
טלי ṭly: tender, young, young man, servant
טלה ṭlh
טלי ṭly: lamb
of a lamb.

Satisfying [pleasures],
שבע šbˁ: satisfy, surfeit, glut
עשבים ˁšbym
עשב ˁšb: grass

as in entering
כ־ k-: as, like; מעל mˁl: coming in, entering
כמלא kmlˀ
כ־ k-: like; מלא mlˀ: quantity
as of a quantity

the orifices
פה ph: orifice
פי py
פה ph: mouth
of a mouthful

of an adolescent.
גדודו gdwdw: youth, adolescence
גדי gdy
גדי gdy: young goat, kid
of a young goat kid.

Shabbat 7:4.a

Shabbat 7:4.b

Encrypted: About any form of getting laid and about shaking off: Even if they are befitting of a nobleman and are relatively chaste, they will still be seen as entering the orifices of an adolescent.

Official: About garlic and about onions: If they are fit for pouring down the throat, and are dry, they count as of a quantity of a mouthful of a young goat.

About [any form of]
על ˁl: on, about
עלי ˁly
על ˁl: on, about

[getting?] laid [?]
שום šwm: put, place, laid
שום šwm
שום šwm: garlic

and about
על ˁl: on, about
ועלי wˁly
על ˁl: on, about
and about

shaking off:
בזל bzl: sprinkle, shaking
בצלים bṣlym
בצל bṣl: onion

[Even if they] are befitting
לחם lḥm: fit, fitting
לחים lḥym
לחם lḥm: fit, fitting
[If they] are fit

of a nobleman
כ־ k-: as; גרגרא grgrˀ: nobility, aristocracy
כגרוגרת kgrwgrt
כ־aס k-as: ; גרגר grgr: pour down the throat, gargle
for pouring down the throat [?],

[and are relatively] chaste,
בוש bwš: chaste
יבשים ybšym
יבש ybš: dry
[and are] dry,

[they will still be seen] as entering
כ־ k-: as, like; מעל mˁl: coming in, entering
כמלא kmlˀ
כ־ k-: like; מלא mlˀ: quantity
[they count] as of a quantity

the orifices
פה ph: orifice
פי py
פה ph: mouth
of a mouthful

of an adolescent.
גדודו gdwdw: youth, adolescence
גדי gdy
גדי gdy: young goat
of a young goat.

Shabbat 7:4.b

Relations of noblemen may be public for equal ranks, except for the sexual part.

Shabbat 7:4.c

Encrypted: And people can not simply be joined this one with that one, because they are not equal in rank of office. If one brings out such a revelation as an aristocrat, he is guilty.

Official: But they can not be combined this one with that one, because they are not equal in measure. If one brings out food fit for pouring down the throat, he is guilty.

And [people can] not [simply]
אין ˀyn: no, not
ואין wˀyn
אין ˀyn: no, not
But [they can] not

be joined
מ־ m-: of; צרף / צטרף ṣrp / ṣṭrp: join, combine
מצטרפין mṣṭrpyn
מ־ m-: of; צרף / צטרף ṣrp / ṣṭrp: join, combine
be combined

this [one]
זה zh: this, that
זה zh
זה zh: this, that
this [one]

עם ˁm: with
עם ˁm
עם ˁm: with

that [one],
זה zh: this, that
זה zh
זה zh: this, that
that [one],

מפני mpny: because of
מפני mpny
מפני mpny: because of

[they are] not
ש־ š-: which; לא : not
שלא šlˀ
ש־ š-: which; לא : not
[they are] not

שו šw: equality
שוו šww
שו šw: equality

in [rank of] office.
ב־ b-: in; שררה šrrh: authority, office
בשעוריהן bšˁwryhn
ב־ b-: in; שעור šˁwr: measure, quantity, proportion
in measure.

[If one] brings out
מ־ m-: of; יצא yṣˀ: go out, bring out
המוציא hmwṣyˀ
מ־ m-: of; יצא yṣˀ: go out, bring out
[If one] brings out

[such] a revelation
גלא glˀ: reveal; קל ql: lowly, poor
אכלים ˀklym
אכל ˀkl: eat, food

as an aristocrat,
כ־ k-: as; גרגרא grgrˀ: nobility, aristocracy
כגרוגרת kgrwgrt
כ־aס k-as: ; גרגר grgr: pour down the throat, gargle
[fit?] for pouring down the throat [?],

[he] is guilty.
חיב ḥyb: guilty
חיב ḥyb
חיב ḥyb: bound, obliged
[he] is guilty.

Shabbat 7:4.c

Shabbat 7:4.d

Encrypted: But some people can publicly be joined this one with that one, because they are equal in rank of office, except of course for the rubbing away, and the adultery, and the pricking, and the desires, and the debauchery.

Official: But some fruits can be combined this one with that one, because they are equal in measure, except of course for the peels, and the stones, and the stalks, and the bran, and the coarse bran.

But [some people can publicly] be joined
מ־ m-: of; צרף / צטרף ṣrp / ṣṭrp: join, combine
ומצטרפין wmṣṭrpyn
מ־ m-: of; צרף / צטרף ṣrp / ṣṭrp: join, combine
But [some fruits can] be combined

this [one]
זה zh: this, that
זה zh
זה zh: this, that
this [one]

עם ˁm: with
עם ˁm
עם ˁm: with

that [one],
זה zh: this, that
זה zh
זה zh: this, that
that [one],

מפני mpny: because of
מפני mpny
מפני mpny: because of

[they] are equal
ש־ š-: which; שו šw: equality
ששוו ššww
ש־ š-: which; שו šw: equality
[they] are equal

in [rank of] office,
ב־ b-: in; שררה šrrh: authority, office
בשעוריהן bšˁwryhn
ב־ b-: in; שעור šˁwr: measure, quantity, proportion
in measure,

except [of course] for
חוץ ḥwṣ: outside, except
חוץ ḥwṣ
חוץ ḥwṣ: outside, except
except [of course] for

the rubbing away,
מ־ m-: of; קלף qlp: rub away
מקלפיהן mqlpyhn
מ־ m-: of; קלפה qlph: shell, peel
the peels,

and the adultery,
גירין gyryn: adultery
וגרעיניהן wgrˁynyhn
גרעין grˁyn: stone, kernel
and the stones,

and the pricking,
עקץ ˁqṣ: sting, prick
ועקציהן wˁqṣyhn
עקץ ˁqṣ: stalk
and the stalks,

and the desires,
צביון ṣbywn: desire, pleasure
וסבן wsbn
סובין swbyn: bran-flour
and the bran,

and the debauchery.
מ־ m-: of; רעשון rˁšwn: debauchery
ומרסנן wmrsnn
מרסן mrsn: crushed grain, coarse bran
and the coarse bran.

Shabbat 7:4.d

Shabbat 7:4.e

Encrypted: Rabbi Yehudah says: They can be publicly joined, except for the rubbing away in coitus, and only when they are otherwise mature about it.

Official: Rabbi Yehudah says: They can be combined, except for the peels of lentils when they are boiled together with them.

רב rb: lord, master, noble
רבי rby
רבי rby: rabbi

יהודה yhwdh: Yehudah
יהודה yhwdh
יהודה yhwdh: Yehudah

אמר ˀmr: say
אומר ˀwmr
אמר ˀmr: say

[They can be publicly joined], except for
חוץ ḥwṣ: outside, except
חוץ ḥwṣ
חוץ ḥwṣ: outside, except
[They can be combined], except for

the rubbing away
מ־ m-: of; קלף qlp: rub away
מקלפי mqlpy
מ־ m-: of; קלפה qlph: shell, peel
the peels

in coitus,
דישה dyšh: coitus, friction
עדשים ˁdšym
עדשה ˁdšh: lentil
of lentils [??]

[and only] when they are [otherwise] mature
ש־ š-: which; מ־ m-: of; בשל bšl: ripe, mature
שמתבשלות šmtbšlwt
ש־ š-: which; מ־ m-: of; בשל bšl: boiled
when they are boiled [together]

about it.
עם ˁm: with; הן hn: they
עמהן ˁmhn
עם ˁm: with; הן hn: they
with them.

Shabbat 7:4.e

Oral sex, role-play, rape, sadism, group-sex are forbidden in public.

Shabbat 8:1.a

Encrypted: Bringing out desires is forbidden when it involves copulation and drinking it. Milking when it involves swallowing. Sexual arousal when it is to give a close pounding to someone. Sexual intercourse when it involves sticking in a certain limb of the genital area. Sexual desires when one is to rub with them the rabble.

Official: Bringing out wine is forbidden as of when it is of the measure cleared in a drinking cup. Milk as of when it is of the measure that is sipped. Honey as of when it is of the measure to place on a wound when struck. Oil as of when it is of the measure to pour on a limb that is small. Water as of when it is of the measure to rub with them a collyrium eye salve.

Bringing out
מ־ m-: of; יצא yṣˀ: go out, bring out
המוציא hmwṣyˀ
מ־ m-: of; יצא yṣˀ: go out, bring out
Bringing out

desires [is forbidden]
יען yˁn: desire
יין yyn
יין yyn: wine
wine [is forbidden]

כדי kdy: when
כדי kdy
כדי kdy: when
[as of] when [it is of the measure]

[it involves] copulation
מ־ m-: of; זוג zwg: mate, copulate, have sexual relations
מזיגת mzygt
מ־ m-: of; זוג zwg: clear

[and] drinking [it??].
כוס kws: drink, cup
הכוס hkws
כוס kws: drink, cup
[in] a drinking cup.

Milking [??]
חלב ḥlb: milk
חלב ḥlb
חלב ḥlb: milk

כדי kdy: when
כדי kdy
כדי kdy: when
[as of] when [it is of the measure]

[it involves] swallowing.
גמיעה gmyˁh: sipping, swallowing, gulping
גמיעה gmyˁh
גמיעה gmyˁh: sipping, swallowing, gulping
that is sipped.

[Sexual] arousal
תפש tpš: arouse
דבש dbš
דבש dbš: honey

כדי kdy: when
כדי kdy
כדי kdy: when
[as of] when [it is of the measure]

[it is] to give
ל־ l-: to; נתן ntn: give, put, place
לתן ltn
ל־ l-: to; נתן ntn: give, put, place
to place

על ˁl: on
על ˁl
על ˁl: on

a close pounding [to someone].
כתת ktt: join closely, be grouped, press, pound
הכתית hktyt
כתת ktt: strike, beat
[a wound when] struck [?].

Sexual intercourse
זמן zmn: have sexual intercourse
שמן šmn
שמן šmn: fat, oil

כדי kdy: when
כדי kdy
כדי kdy: when
[as of] when [it is of the measure]

[it involves] sticking in
ל־ l-: to; סכך skk: to stick in, nail
לסוך lswk
ל־ l-: to; סוך swk: pour, anoint
to pour

[a certain] limb
אבר ˀbr: penis
אבר ˀbr
אבר ˀbr: limb
[on] a limb

of the genital area.
קטון qṭwn: tail; בית קוטנין byt qwṭnyn: male genital area
קטן qṭn
קטן qṭn: small
that is small.

[Sexual] desires [?]
מאוה mˀwh: desired; ־ים -ym: (plural)
מים mym
מים mym: water

כדי kdy: when
כדי kdy
כדי kdy: when
[as of] when [it is of the measure]

[one is] to rub
ל־ l-: to; שוף šwp: smooth, rub, grind
לשוף lšwp
ל־ l-: to; שוף šwp: smooth, rub, grind
to rub

with them
ב־ b-: with; הם hm: them
בהם bhm
ב־ b-: with; הם hm: them
with them

את ˀt: to
את ˀt
את ˀt: to

the rabble.
גלירא glyrˀ: galearius, soldier’s servant, rabble, lowest class of people
הקילור hqylwr
קילור qylwr: collyrium, eye-salve
a collyrium eye salve.

Shabbat 8:1.a

Shabbat 8:1.b

Encrypted: As for the rest, all desires with disturbing practices. All knocking up with disturbing practices. Lord Shimon says: Simply all with disturbing practices. It is appropriate to say: All bodily intimacies these are only allowed if they are secret.

Official: As for the rest, all as of a quarter of a log. as of a quarter of a log. All waste water to be spilled out as of a quarter of a log. Rabbi Shimon says: Simply all as of a quarter of a log. It is appropriate to say: All measures these are only allowed if they are deposited like that.

As for the rest,
שאר šˀr: remain, rest
ושאר wšˀr
שאר šˀr: remain, rest
As for the rest,

כל kl: all
כל kl
כל kl: all

מ־ m-: of; שוק šwq: desire, longing, yearning
המשקין hmšqyn
מ־ m-: of; שקה šqh: drink, water
[as of] a quarter [of a log].

with disturbing [practices].
ב־ b-: with; רהיב rhyb: disturbed, awful, appalling
ברביעית brbyˁyt
ב־ b-: with; רביע rbyˁ: fourth, quarter
[as of] a quarter [of a log].

כל kl: all
וכל wkl
כל kl: all

knocking up
ספק spq: strike, knock
השופכין hšwpkyn
שפך špk: pour out, spill, empty
[waste water] to be spilled out

with disturbing [practices].
ב־ b-: with; רהיב rhyb: disturbed, awful, appalling
ברביעית brbyˁyt
ב־ b-: with; רביע rbyˁ: fourth, quarter
[as of] a quarter [of a log].

רב rb: lord, master, noble
רבי rby
רבי rby: rabbi

שמעון šmˁwn: Shimon
שמעון šmˁwn
שמעון šmˁwn: Shimon

אמר ˀmr: say
אומר ˀwmr
אמר ˀmr: say

[Simply] all
כלן kln: all
כלן kln
כלן kln: all
[Simply] all

with disturbing [practices].
ב־ b-: with; רהיב rhyb: disturbed, awful, appalling
ברביעית brbyˁyt
ב־ b-: with; רביע rbyˁ: fourth, quarter
[as of] a quarter [of a log].

[It is] appropriate [?]
ולא wlˀ: fit, appropriate
ולא wlˀ
ולא wlˀ: fit, appropriate
[It is] appropriate [?]

to say:
אמר ˀmr: say
אמרו ˀmrw
אמר ˀmr: say
to say:

כל kl: all
כל kl
כל kl: all

bodily intimacies
שאר šˀr: flesh, bodily contact, intimacy
השעורין hšˁwryn
שעור šˁwr: measure, quantity, proportion

אלו ˀlw: these, the following
הללו hllw
אלו ˀlw: these, the following

[are] only [allowed]
אלא ˀlˀ: if not, except, only
אלא ˀlˀ
אלא ˀlˀ: if not, except, only
[are] only [allowed]

[if they] are secret.
ל־ l-: to; צנע ṣnˁ: private, hidden, secret; הן hn: they
למצניעיהן lmṣnyˁyhn
ל־ l-: to; מ־ m-: of; צנע ṣnˁ: put aside, deposit; הן hn: they
[if] they are deposited [like that].

Shabbat 8:1.b

Shabbat 8:2.a

Encrypted: It is forbidden to bring out practices involving injury, when it is committing adultery that is forced. Acts of swallowing, when it is done with it hanging out for squirting or for flowing. Lord Yehudah says: When it involves sucking from the rod of the tormented genital organ.

Official: It is forbidden to bring out a rope, when the measure is that of making an ear shaped handle of a basket. Reed-grass, when the measure is that of making a hanger for a sieve or for a sifter. Rabbi Yehudah says: When the measure is that of the patching of a measure of the shoe of a young child.

[It is forbidden] to bring out
מ־ m-: of; יצא yṣˀ: go out, bring out
המוציא hmwṣyˀ
מ־ m-: of; יצא yṣˀ: go out, bring out
[It is forbidden] to bring out

[practices involving] injury [?],
חבל ḥbl: wound, damage, injury
חבל ḥbl
חבל ḥbl: rope, cord
a rope,

כדי kdy: when, in order to
כדי kdy
כדי kdy: when, in order to

[it is] committing
ל־ l-: to; עשה ˁšh: do, make, act
לעשות lˁšwt
ל־ l-: to; עשה ˁšh: do, make, act
[the measure is that of] making

זני zny: adultery, fornication
אזן ˀzn
אזן ˀzn: ear
an ear [shaped handle???]

that is forced [?].
ל־ l-: to; כפה kph: subdue, force, compel
לקפה lqph
ל־ l-: to; קפה qph: heap, pile, basket
of a basket.

[Acts of] swallowing,
גמי gmy: swallow, quaff
גמי gmy
גמי gmy: reed-grass

כדי kdy: when, in order to
כדי kdy
כדי kdy: when, in order to

[it is] done
ל־ l-: to; עשה ˁšh: do, make, act
לעשות lˁšwt
ל־ l-: to; עשה ˁšh: do, make, act
[the measure is that of] making

[with it] hanging [out]
תלא tlˀ: hang, suspend
תלאי tlˀy
תלא tlˀ: hang, suspend
a hanger

for squirting
ל־ l-: for; נפע npˁ: blow, squirt into the mouth
לנפה lnph
ל־ l-: for; נפה nph: sift, sieve
for a sieve

or for flowing.
ל־ l-: for; קבר qbr: swell up, overflow
ולכברה wlkbrh
ל־ l-: for; כבר kbr: sift
or for a sifter.

רב rb: lord, master, noble
רבי rby
רבי rby: rabbi

יהודה yhwdh: Yehudah
יהודה yhwdh
יהודה yhwdh: Yehudah

אמר ˀmr: say
אומר ˀwmr
אמר ˀmr: say

כדי kdy: when, in order to
כדי kdy
כדי kdy: when, in order to

[it involves] sucking
ל־ l-: to; טלע ṭlˁ: pull at, suck at
לטל lṭl
ל־ l-: to; טלא ṭlˀ: hang on, patch
[the measure is that of] the patching

מ־ m-: of; מן mn: from
ממנו mmnw
מ־ m-: of; מן mn: from

the rod
מטה mṭh: stick, rod, staff
מדת mdt
מדה mdh: measure, rule, principle
a measure

of the tormented [?]
מ־ m-: of; נול nwl: tormented, disgraced
מנעל mnˁl
מ־ m-: of; נעל nˁl: shoe
of the shoe

genital organ.
ל־ l-: for; קטון qṭwn: tail; בית קוטנין byt qwṭnyn: male genital area
לקטן lqṭn
ל־ l-: for; קטן qṭn: young, small
of a young [child].

Shabbat 8:2.a

Shabbat 8:2.b

Encrypted: Shameful practices, when it involves submission to bound sexual chastisement. Bringing out bound sexual chastisement, one is then guilty of a real mistake. Shameful practices with imitating roles, when it is combined by theory with a penetration of the genitals of the kind with discharge.

Official: Paper, when the measure is that of the writing on a document of taxation. Bringing out the document of taxation itself, one is then is obligated for an offering Paper with erased writings, when the measure is that of wrapper paper by theory around a bottle that is small of perfume.

Shameful [practices],
נור nwr: ashamed; נורא nwrˀ: dreadful, terrible
ניר nyr
ניר nyr: papyrus, paper

כדי kdy: when, in order to
כדי kdy
כדי kdy: when, in order to

[it involves] submission [?]
ל־ l-: to; כדב kdb: false, submissive, subjugated
לכתב lktb
ל־ l-: to; כתב ktb: write, document
[the measure is that of] the writing

על ˁl: on
עליו ˁlyw
על ˁl: on

bound [?]
קשר qšr: bind, tie, arrange
קשר qšr
קשר qšr: folded document
a document

[sexual] chastisement [?].
מכסן mksn: chastise, chastised
מוכסין mwksyn
מכסן mksn: pay; מכס mks: tax, toll
of taxation.

Bringing out
מ־ m-: of; יצא yṣˀ: go out, bring out
והמוציא whmwṣyˀ
מ־ m-: of; יצא yṣˀ: go out, bring out
Bringing out

bound [?]
קשר qšr: bind, tie, arrange
קשר qšr
קשר qšr: folded document
the document

[sexual] chastisement [?],
מכסן mksn: chastise, chastised
מוכסין mwksyn
מכסן mksn: pay; מכס mks: tax, toll
of taxation [itself],

[one is then] guilty [of a real mistake].
חיב ḥyb: guilty
חיב ḥyb
חיב ḥyb: bound, obliged
[one is then] is obligated [for an offering]

Shameful [practices]
נור nwr: ashamed; נורא nwrˀ: dreadful, terrible
ניר nyr
ניר nyr: papyrus, paper

[with] imitating [roles?],
מחקה mḥqh: imitated, imitator
מחוק mḥwq
מחק mḥq: erased place, erasure
[with] erased [writings],

כדי kdy: when
כדי kdy
כדי kdy: when

[it is] combined
ל־ l-: to; כרך krk: combined action, simultaneously
לכרך lkrk
ל־ l-: to; כרך krk: wrap, surround
[the measure is that of] wrapper [paper]

על ˁl: on
על ˁl
על ˁl: on

פה ph: word, speech
פי py
פה ph: word, speech

with a penetration
צלח ṣlḥ: split, break through, penetrate
צלוחית ṣlwḥyt
צלוחית ṣlwḥyt: bottle, flask
[around] a bottle

of the genitals
קטון qṭwn: tail; בית קוטנין byt qwṭnyn: male genital area
קטנה qṭnh
קטן qṭn: small
that is small

של šl: belonging to, of
של šl
של šl: belonging to, of

the [kind with] discharge.
פלוט plwṭ: discharged, ejected; ־ן -n: (suffix)
פליטון plyṭwn
פוליטון pwlyṭwn: foliatum, perfume

Shabbat 8:2.b

Shabbat 8:3.a

Encrypted: The penis, when it involves making it to squeeze it. Rubbing away, when joining into debauchery with the genitals which is in the frivolity of it submitting to sexual perversion.

Official: Animal skins, when the measure is that of making an amulet. Parchment, when the measure is that of writing on it a section that is small which is like in the prayers of it the prayer Shema Israel.

The penis [?],
אירא ˀyrˀ: penis
עור ˁwr
עור ˁwr: skin, hide
[Animal] skins,

כדי kdy: when
כדי kdy
כדי kdy: when

[it involves] making
ל־ l-: to; עשה ˁšh: do, make, act
לעשות lˁšwt
ל־ l-: to; עשה ˁšh: do, make, act
[the measure is that of] making

[it] to squeeze [it?].
קמע qmˁ: bind, tie up, squeeze
קמע qmˁ
קמיע qmyˁ: amulet
an amulet.

Rubbing away,
קלף qlp: rub away
קלף qlp
קלף qlp: peel, parchment

כדי kdy: when
כדי kdy
כדי kdy: when

ל־ l-: to; כתף ktp: join
לכתב lktb
ל־ l-: to; כתב ktb: write, compose
[the measure is that of] writing

על ˁl: on, upon
עליו ˁlyw
על ˁl: on, upon
on it

פרץ prṣ: lustful, debauchery
פרשה pršh
פרשה pršh: section
a section

[with] the genitals [?]
קטון qṭwn: tail; בית קוטנין byt qwṭnyn: male genital area
קטנה qṭnh
קטן qṭn: small
that is small

which is in the frivolity
ש־ š-: which; ב־ b-: in; תפלה tplh: frivolity, indecency
שבתפלין šbtplyn
ש־ š-: which; ב־ b-: in; תפלה tplh: Tefillah, prayer
which is [like] in the prayers

of it
ש־ š-: which; היא hyˀ: he, it
שהיא šhyˀ
ש־ š-: which; היא hyˀ: he, it
of it

submitting to [?]
שמע šmˁ: obey, submit to authority, sex slave
שמע šmˁ
שמע šmˁ: Shema
the prayer Shema

sexual perversion [?].
איסור ˀyswr: sexual; עול ˁwl: perversion
ישראל yšrˀl
ישראל yšrˀl: Israel

Shabbat 8:3.a

Shabbat 8:3.b

Encrypted: Inflicting pain, when joining two gratifiers. Having a sexual assembly, when it is to assemble a group for sexual desires as one.

Official: Ink, when writing two letters. Eye paint, when the measure is that to paint an eye one.

[Inflicting] pain [?],
דוי dwy: affliction, feel pain, groan
דיו dyw
דיו dyw: fluid, writing ink

כדי kdy: when
כדי kdy
כדי kdy: when

ל־ l-: to; כתף ktp: join
לכתב lktb
ל־ l-: to; כתב ktb: write, compose

שתי šty: two
שתי šty
שתי šty: two

אות ˀwt: pleased, gratified, enjoy
אותיות ˀwtywt
אות ˀwt: writing, letter

[Having a sexual] assembly,
קהל qhl: congregation, assembly
כחל kḥl
כחל kḥl: paint the eyes
Eye paint,

כדי kdy: when
כדי kdy
כדי kdy: when

[it is] to assemble [a group]
ל־ l-: to; קהל qhl: congregation, assembly
לכחל lkḥl
ל־ l-: to; כחל kḥl: paint the eyes
[the measure is that] to paint

[for sexual] desires
יען yˁn: desire, desirous
עין ˁyn
עין ˁyn: eye
an eye

[as] one.
אחת ˀḥt: one
אחת ˀḥt
אחת ˀḥt: one

Shabbat 8:3.b

Taking out the penis is forbidden.

Shabbat 8:4.a

Encrypted: It is forbidden to bring out that special appendage, when it involves placing the top for rubbing. The special “stick” and the genitals, when it is to do a perforating of other people. The smooth, soft organ, when it is for putting it in the opening of a hole in the genitals.

Official: It is forbidden to bring out glue, when the measure is that of placing it on the top of a branch. Tar and sulphur, when the measure is that of making a hole and sealing it. Wax, when the measure is that of putting it on the opening of a hole that is small.

[It is forbidden to bring out that special] appendage,
דבק dbq: joining, appendage
דבק dbq
דבק dbq: glue, paste
[It is forbidden to bring out] glue,

כדי kdy: when
כדי kdy
כדי kdy: when

[it involves] placing
ל־ l-: to; נתן ntn: put, place
לתן ltn
ל־ l-: to; נתן ntn: put, place
[the measure is that of] placing [it]

the top [?]
ב־ b-: on; ראש rˀš: head, top
בראש brˀš
ב־ b-: on; ראש rˀš: head, top
on the top

for rubbing.
שפשף špšp: rub against
השבשבת hšbšbt
שבשבה šbšbh: branch, shoot
of a branch.

[The special] “stick”
זפתא zptˀ: pin, hammer, stick
זפת zpt
זפת zpt: pitch, tar

and the genitals,
גברותא gbrwtˀ: genitals, male sexual organs
וגפרית wgpryt
גפרית gpryt: sulphur
and sulphur,

כדי kdy: when
כדי kdy
כדי kdy: when

[it is] to do
ל־ l-: to; עשה ˁšh: do, make, act
לעשות lˁšwt
ל־ l-: to; עשה ˁšh: do, make, act
[the measure is that of] making

a perforating [of other people].
נקב nqb: pierce, perforate, hole
נקב nqb
נקב nqb: pierce, perforate, hole
a hole [and sealing it??].

The smooth, soft [organ?],
שוע šwˁ: smooth, soft
שעוה šˁwh
שעוה šˁwh: wax, gum

כדי kdy: when
כדי kdy
כדי kdy: when

[it is for] putting [it]
ל־ l-: to; נתן ntn: put, place
לתן ltn
ל־ l-: to; נתן ntn: put, place
[the measure is that of] putting [it]

על ˁl: on
על ˁl
על ˁl: on

the opening
פה ph: mouth, opening
פי py
פה ph: mouth, opening
the opening

of a hole
נקב nqb: pierce, perforate, hole
נקב nqb
נקב nqb: pierce, perforate, hole
of a hole

in the genitals.
קטון qṭwn: tail; בית קוטנין byt qwṭnyn: male genital area
קטן qṭn
קטן qṭn: small
that is small.

Shabbat 8:4.a

Shabbat 8:4.b

Encrypted: The prickly stinger, when it is to act in an opening that is narrow, of a union of the emotional kind. Lord Yehudah says: When it is to act in the talking organ. The pleasure organ, when it is for putting it in the opening that is narrow, of a union of the emotional kind.

Official: Potsherds, when the measure is that of making an opening in the bellows of a smelting vessel for gold. Rabbi Yehudah says: When the measure is that of making a tripod. Bran-flour, when the measure is that of putting it on the opening of the bellows of a smelting vessel for gold.

The prickly stinger [??],
חרז ḥrz: pierce, sting, perforate; חרזי ḥrzy: prickly
חרסית ḥrsyt
חרס ḥrs: clay, potsherd

כדי kdy: when
כדי kdy
כדי kdy: when

[it is] to act
ל־ l-: to; עשה ˁšh: do, make, act
לעשות lˁšwt
ל־ l-: to; עשה ˁšh: do, make, act
[the measure is that of] making

[in] an opening
פה ph: mouth, opening
פי py
פה ph: mouth, opening
an opening

that is narrow [?],
כור kwr: warm, narrow
כור kwr
כורא kwrˀ: bellows
[in] the bellows [??]

של šl: belonging to, of
של šl
של šl: belonging to, of

a union
צרף ṣrp: join, combine, unite
צורפי ṣwrpy
צרף ṣrp: smelt, refine
a smelting [vessel]

of the emotional [kind].
זחף zḥp: incite; זוחף zwḥp: incitement, emotion
זהב zhb
זהב zhb: gold
[for] gold.

רב rb: lord, master, noble
רבי rby
רבי rby: rabbi

יהודה yhwdh: Yehudah
יהודה yhwdh
יהודה yhwdh: Yehudah

אמר ˀmr: say
אומר ˀwmr
אמר ˀmr: say

כדי kdy: when
כדי kdy
כדי kdy: when

[it is] to act
ל־ l-: to; עשה ˁšh: do, make, act
לעשות lˁšwt
ל־ l-: to; עשה ˁšh: do, make, act
[the measure is that of] making

[in] the talking [organ?].
פטפט pṭpṭ: talk, prattle, chatter
פטפוט pṭpwṭ
פטפוט pṭpwṭ: leg of a tripod
a tripod [??].

The pleasure [organ?],
צבין ṣbyn: desire, pleasure
סבין sbyn
סובין swbyn: bran-flour

כדי kdy: when
כדי kdy
כדי kdy: when

[it is for] putting [it]
ל־ l-: to; נתן ntn: put, place
לתן ltn
ל־ l-: to; נתן ntn: put, place
[the measure is that of] putting [it]

על ˁl: on
על ˁl
על ˁl: on

the opening
פה ph: mouth, opening
פי py
פה ph: mouth, opening
the opening

that is narrow [?],
כור kwr: warm, narrow
כור kwr
כורא kwrˀ: bellows
of the bellows [??]

של šl: belonging to, of
של šl
של šl: belonging to, of

a union
צרף ṣrp: join, combine, unite
צורפי ṣwrpy
צרף ṣrp: smelt, refine
a smelting [vessel]

of the emotional [kind].
זחף zḥp: incite; זוחף zwḥp: incitement, emotion
זהב zhb
זהב zhb: gold
[for] gold.

Shabbat 8:4.b

Shabbat 8:4.c

Encrypted: The intimate organ, when it is to satisfy small “girls”. Lord Yehudah says: when it is to be used for sexual sinning. Lord Nehemiah says: when it is to be used to blow away with it.

Official: Lime, when the measure is that of plastering small girls. Rabbi Yehudah says: when the measure is that of using it on the front hair. Rabbi Nehemiah says: when the measure is that of using it to make disappear hair.

The intimate [organ?],
סוד swd: secret, intimate union; סודא swdˀ: satisfaction
סיד syd
סוד swd: lime, plaster

כדי kdy: when
כדי kdy
כדי kdy: when

[it is] to satisfy
ל־ l-: to; סוד swd: secret, intimate union; סודא swdˀ: satisfaction
לסוד lswd
ל־ l-: to; סוד swd: lime, plaster
[the measure is that of] plastering

קטן qṭn: small
קטנה qṭnh
קטן qṭn: small

ש־ š-: which; ב־ b-: among; בנות bnwt: daughters, maidens
שבבנות šbbnwt
ש־ š-: which; ב־ b-: among; בנות bnwt: daughters, maidens
girls [???].

רב rb: lord, master, noble
רבי rby
רבי rby: rabbi

יהודה yhwdh: Yehudah
יהודה yhwdh
יהודה yhwdh: Yehudah

אמר ˀmr: say
אומר ˀwmr
אמר ˀmr: say

כדי kdy: when
כדי kdy
כדי kdy: when

[it is] to be used
ל־ l-: to; עשה ˁšh: do, make, act
לעשות lˁšwt
ל־ l-: to; עשה ˁšh: do, make, act
[the measure is that of] using [it]

[for sexual] sinning.
קלקול qlqwl: spoiling, sin
כלכול klkwl
כלכול klkwl: front hair
on the front hair.

רב rb: lord, master, noble
רבי rby
רבי rby: rabbi

נחמיה nḥmyh: Nehemiah
נחמיה nḥmyh
נחמיה nḥmyh: Nehemiah

אמר ˀmr: say
אומר ˀwmr
אמר ˀmr: say

כדי kdy: when
כדי kdy
כדי kdy: when

[it is] to be used
ל־ l-: to; עשה ˁšh: do, make, act
לעשות lˁšwt
ל־ l-: to; עשה ˁšh: do, make, act
[the measure is that of] using [it]

to blow away [with it].
נדף ndp: scatter, blow, blow away
אנדיפי ˀndypy
נדף ndp: disappear, vanish
to make disappear [hair??].

Shabbat 8:4.c

Shabbat 8:5.a

Encrypted: The male organ, as of employing it in joining tighly with another. These are the words of lord Akiva. And the advisors say: As of employing it as a staff.

Official: Earth, as of a measure for sealing the pavement. These are the words of rabbi Akiva. And the advisors say: As of a measure for sealing letters.

The male organ,
הדמא hdmˀ: member, limb, male organ
אדמה ˀdmh
אדמה ˀdmh: earth

as of employing [it]
כ־ k-: as; חדם ḥdm: employ
כחותם kḥwtm
כ־ k-: as; חתם ḥtm: seal
as of [a measure for] sealing

[in] joining tighly [with another].
מ־ m-: of; רצף rṣp: join, draw tightly together, connect tightly
המרצופים hmrṣwpym
מ־ m-: of; רצף rṣp: press, squashed, pave
the pavement.

[These are] the words
דבר dbr: word, speech
דברי dbry
דבר dbr: word, speech
[These are] the words

of lord
רב rb: lord, master, noble
רבי rby
רבי rby: rabbi
of rabbi

עקיבא ˁqybˀ: Akiva
עקיבא ˁqybˀ
עקיבא ˁqybˀ: Akiva

And the advisors
חכם ḥkm: wise, advisor
וחכמים wḥkmym
חכם ḥkm: wise, advisor
And the advisors

אמר ˀmr: say
אומרים ˀwmrym
אמר ˀmr: say

As of employing [it]
כ־ k-: as; חדם ḥdm: employ
כחותם kḥwtm
כ־ k-: as; חתם ḥtm: seal
As of [a measure for] sealing

[as] a staff.
אגר ˀgr: staff, pole
האגרות hˀgrwt
אגר ˀgr: letter

Shabbat 8:5.a

Shabbat 8:5.b

Encrypted: The hanging organ or piercing organ that is so thin, when it is to be stretched into a stem of ploughing into someone. These are the words of lord Akiva. And the advisors say: When it is to be stretched into the bodily cavities. The piercing organ that is vulgar, when it is being put to fill a cavity of the intimate kind.

Official: Manure and sand that is fine, when the measure is that of fertilizing a stem of cabbage. These are the words of rabbi Akiva. And the advisors say: When the measure is that of Sand that is coarse, when the measure is that of being put on a full spoon of plaster.

The hanging [organ]
שבל šbl: hang down, stretch along, dangle
זבל zbl
זבל zbl: fertilize, manure

or piercing [organ]
חלל ḥll: pierce, perforate
וחל wḥl
חל ḥl: sand
and sand

that is so thin,
דק dq: thin, fine
הדק hdq
דק dq: thin, fine
that is fine,

כדי kdy: when
כדי kdy
כדי kdy: when

[it is] to be stretched
ל־ l-: to; שבל šbl: hang down, stretch along, dangle
לזבל lzbl
ל־ l-: to; זבל zbl: fertilize, manure
[the measure is that of] fertilizing

[into] a stem [?]
קלח qlḥ: stem, stalk
קלח qlḥ
קלח qlḥ: stem, stalk
a stem [?]

של šl: belonging to, of
של šl
של šl: belonging to, of

ploughing [into someone].
כרב krb: plough
כרוב krwb
כרב krb: cabbage
cabbage [??].

[These are] the words
דבר dbr: word, speech
דברי dbry
דבר dbr: word, speech
[These are] the words

of lord
רב rb: lord, master, noble
רבי rby
רבי rby: rabbi
of rabbi

עקיבא ˁqybˀ: Akiva
עקיבא ˁqybˀ
עקיבא ˁqybˀ: Akiva

And the advisors
חכם ḥkm: wise, advisor
וחכמים wḥkmym
חכם ḥkm: wise, advisor
And the advisors

אמר ˀmr: say
אומרים ˀwmrym
אמר ˀmr: say

כדי kdy: when
כדי kdy
כדי kdy: when

[it is] to be stretched
ל־ l-: to; שבל šbl: hang down, stretch along, dangle
לזבל lzbl
ל־ l-: to; זבל zbl: fertilize, manure
[the measure is that of]

[into] the bodily cavities.
כרסא krsˀ: abdomen, bowels, bodily cavities
כרשא kršˀ
כרישא kryšˀ: leek

The piercing [organ]
חלל ḥll: pierce, perforate
חל ḥl
חל ḥl: sand

that is vulgar,
גס gs: vulgar
הגס hgs
גס gs: coarse
that is coarse,

כדי kdy: when
כדי kdy
כדי kdy: when

[it is] being put
ל־ l-: to; נתן ntn: put, place
לתן ltn
ל־ l-: to; נתן ntn: put, place
[the measure is that of] being put

על ˁl: on
על ˁl
על ˁl: on

מלא mlˀ: full, fill
מלא mlˀ
מלא mlˀ: full, fill
a full

a cavity
כפה kph: vault, cavity
כף kp
כף kp: spoon

of the intimate [kind].
סוד swd: intimate union; סודא swdˀ: desire, satisfaction
סיד syd
סוד swd: lime, plaster
of plaster.

Shabbat 8:5.b

Shabbat 8:5.c

Encrypted: The penis, when is to act as a scribal pen on someone. And if it is thick & large or sprinkling, when it is to sprinkle with it a crack that is small, which is a crack to be pounded and put on to be joined to.

Official: Reed, when the measure is that of making a scribal pen. And if it is too thick & large or broken, when the measure is that of boiling with it an egg for roasting, which is an egg to be mixed and put in a pan.

The penis,
קנה qnh: penis
קנה qnh
קנה qnh: reed, stalk

כדי kdy: when
כדי kdy
כדי kdy: when

is to act [as]
ל־ l-: to; עשה ˁšh: do, make, act
לעשות lˁšwt
ל־ l-: to; עשה ˁšh: do, make, act
[the measure is that of] making

a scribal pen [on someone].
קולמוס qwlmws: kalamos, scribal pen, writing pen
קלמוס qlmws
קולמוס qwlmws: kalamos, scribal pen, writing pen
a scribal pen.

And if
אם ˀm: if, when
ואם wˀm
אם ˀm: if, when
And if

it is
היה hyh: be
היה hyh
היה hyh: be
it is

thick & large
עב ˁb: thick, large
עב ˁb
עב ˁb: thick, large
[too] thick & large

או ˀw: or
או ˀw
או ˀw: or

מ־ m-: of; רסס rss: pound, sprinkling
מרסס mrss
מ־ m-: of; רסס rss: break into small pieces

כדי kdy: when
כדי kdy
כדי kdy: when

[it is] to sprinkle
ל־ l-: to; בזל bzl: sprinkle, shaking
לבשל lbšl
ל־ l-: to; בשל bšl: ripen, boil
[the measure is that of] boiling

with it
ב־ b-: with; ־ו -w: him, it
בו bw
ב־ b-: with; ־ו -w: him, it
with it

a crack
בוזע bwzˁ: crack, perforation
ביצה byṣh
ביצה byṣh: egg
an egg

that is small,
קלי qly: little, small
קלה qlh
קלי qly: roast, burn
[for] roasting,

which is a crack
ש־ š-: which; ב־ b-: in; בוזע bwzˁ: crack, perforation
שבביצים šbbyṣym
ש־ š-: which; ב־ b-: in; ביצה byṣh: egg
which is an egg

to be pounded
טרפה ṭrph: pounding
טרופה ṭrwph
טרף ṭrp: beat up, mix
to be mixed

and put on
נתן ntn: put, place
ונתונה wntwnh
נתן ntn: put, place
and put

to be joined to.
ב־ b-: on; לבש lbš: envelope a body, be joined to, copulate
באלפס bˀlps
ב־ b-: in; אלפס ˀlps: lopas, pan, stew-pot
in a pan.

Shabbat 8:5.c

Shabbat 8:6.a

Encrypted: The “boner”, when it is to act as a ladle. Lord Yehudah says: when it is to make of it a rubbing.

Official: A bone, when the measure is that of making a spoon. Rabbi Yehudah says: when the measure is that of making of it a key.

The “boner”,
עצם ˁṣm: bone
עצם ˁṣm
עצם ˁṣm: bone
A bone,

כדי kdy: when
כדי kdy
כדי kdy: when

[it is] to act [as]
ל־ l-: to; עשה ˁšh: do, make, act
לעשות lˁšwt
ל־ l-: to; עשה ˁšh: do, make, act
[the measure is that of] making

a ladle.
תרוד trwd: ladle
תרוד trwd
תרוד trwd: spoon
a spoon.

רב rb: lord, master, noble
רבי rby
רבי rby: rabbi

יהודה yhwdh: Yehudah
יהודה yhwdh
יהודה yhwdh: Yehudah

אמר ˀmr: say
אומר ˀwmr
אמר ˀmr: say

כדי kdy: when
כדי kdy
כדי kdy: when

[it is] to make
ל־ l-: to; עשה ˁšh: do, make, act
לעשות lˁšwt
ל־ l-: to; עשה ˁšh: do, make, act
[the measure is that of] making

of it
מ־ m-: of; מן mn: of, from; ־ו -w: him, it
ממנו mmnw
מ־ m-: of; מן mn: of, from; ־ו -w: him, it
of it

a rubbing.
חפף ḥpp: bend over, rub, rub against
חף ḥp
חף ḥp: bit of a key
a key.

Shabbat 8:6.a

Shabbat 8:6.b

Encrypted: The organ of sexual intercourse, when it is to grate with it the top of the little peg. The organ of the libido or of desire, when it is to sprinkle on a handsome beauty. Lord Eliezer bar Jacob says: when it is to sprinkle on a handsome beastie.

Official: Glass, when the measure is that of grate with it the top of a spindle. Pebbles or stones, when the measure is that of throwing it on a bird. Rabbi Eliezer bar Jacob says: when the measure is that of throwing it on a beast.

[The organ] of sexual intercourse,
זקיק zqyq: sexual intercourse; ־ת -t: (suffix)
זכוכית zkwkyt
זכוכית zkwkyt: glass

כדי kdy: when
כדי kdy
כדי kdy: when

[it is] to grate
ל־ l-: to; גרר grr: grate, saw
לגרר lgrr
ל־ l-: to; גרר grr: grate, saw
[the measure is that of] grate

with it
ב־ b-: with; ־ו -w: him, it
בו bw
ב־ b-: with; ־ו -w: him, it
with it

the top
ראש rˀš: head, top
ראש rˀš
ראש rˀš: head, top
the top

of the [little] peg.
כרכר krkr: spindle, peg top
הכרכר hkrkr
כרכר krkr: spindle, peg top
of a spindle.

[The organ] of the libido
יצר yṣr: desire, libido
צרור ṣrwr
צרור ṣrwr: little stone, pebble

או ˀw: or
או ˀw
או ˀw: or

of desire,
בענון bˁnwn: want, desire
אבן ˀbn
אבן ˀbn: stone

כדי kdy: when
כדי kdy
כדי kdy: when

[it is] to sprinkle
ל־ l-: to; זרק zrq: sprinkle
לזרק lzrq
ל־ l-: to; זרק zrq: throw
[the measure is that of] throwing [it]

on a handsome beauty.
ב־ b-: on; יפה yph: fair, handsome, beautiful
בעוף bˁwp
ב־ b-: on; עוף ˁwp: bird
on a bird.

רב rb: lord, master, noble
רבי rby
רבי rby: rabbi

Eliezer bar Jacob
אליעזר בר יעקב ˀlyˁzr br yˁqb: Eliezer ben Jacob
אליעזר בר יעקב ˀlyˁzr br yˁqb
אליעזר בר יעקב ˀlyˁzr br yˁqb: Eliezer ben Jacob
Eliezer bar Jacob

אמר ˀmr: say
אומר ˀwmr
אמר ˀmr: say

כדי kdy: when
כדי kdy
כדי kdy: when

[it is] to sprinkle
ל־ l-: to; זרק zrq: sprinkle
לזרק lzrq
ל־ l-: to; זרק zrq: throw
[the measure is that of] throwing [it]

on a [handsome] beastie.
ב־ b-: on; בהמה bhmh: cattle, beast
בבהמה bbhmh
ב־ b-: on; בהמה bhmh: cattle, beast
on a beast.

Shabbat 8:6.b

Shabbat 8:7.a

Encrypted: The prickly stinger, when it is for placing it between a crack and his neighbor. These are the words of lord Yehudah. Lord Meir says: When it is for knocking with it into a perforation. Lord Yose says: when it is for receiving with it a coupling.

Official: Potsherds, when the measure is that of placing it between a page and its neighbor. These are the words of rabbi Yehudah. Rabbi Meir says: When the measure is that of raking with it a fire. Rabbi Yose says: when the measure is that of receiving with it a quarter of a log.

The prickly stinger [??],
חרז ḥrz: pierce, sting, perforate; חרזי ḥrzy: prickly
חרס ḥrs
חרס ḥrs: clay, potsherd

כדי kdy: when
כדי kdy
כדי kdy: when

[it is for] placing [it]
ל־ l-: to; נתן ntn: put, place
לתן ltn
ל־ l-: to; נתן ntn: put, place
[the measure is that of] placing [it]

בין byn: between, among
בין byn
בין byn: between, among

a crack
פצע pṣˁ: split, crack, squeeze open
פצים pṣym
פצא pṣˀ: board, column, page
a page

and his neighbor.
ל־ l-: to; חברא ḥbrˀ: neighbor
לחברו lḥbrw
ל־ l-: to; חברא ḥbrˀ: neighbor
and its neighbor.

[These are] the words
דבר dbr: word, speech
דברי dbry
דבר dbr: word, speech
[These are] the words

of lord
רב rb: lord, master, noble
רבי rby
רבי rby: rabbi
of rabbi

יהודה yhwdh: Yehudah
יהודה yhwdh
יהודה yhwdh: Yehudah

רב rb: lord, master, noble
רבי rby
רבי rby: rabbi

מאיר mˀyr: Meir
מאיר mˀyr
מאיר mˀyr: Meir

אמר ˀmr: say
אומר ˀwmr
אמר ˀmr: say

כדי kdy: when
כדי kdy
כדי kdy: when

[it is for] knocking [?]
ל־ l-: to; הטח hṭḥ: knock, beating
לחתות lḥtwt
ל־ l-: to; חתה ḥth: snatch up, rake
[the measure is that of] raking

with it
ב־ b-: with; ־ו -w: him, it
בו bw
ב־ b-: with; ־ו -w: him, it
with it

את ˀt: to
את ˀt
את ˀt: to

a perforation [?].
אור ˀwr: perforate, break through
האור hˀwr
אור ˀwr: light, fire
a fire.

רב rb: lord, master, noble
רבי rby
רבי rby: rabbi

יוסי ywsy: Yose
יוסי ywsy
יוסי ywsy: Yose

אמר ˀmr: say
אומר ˀwmr
אמר ˀmr: say

כדי kdy: when
כדי kdy
כדי kdy: when

[it is for] receiving
ל־ l-: to; קבל qbl: take, receive
לקבל lqbl
ל־ l-: to; קבל qbl: take, receive
[the measure is that of] receiving

with it
ב־ b-: with; ־ו -w: him, it
בו bw
ב־ b-: with; ־ו -w: him, it
with it

a coupling.
רביעה rbyˁh: coupling, mating, sodomy
רביעית rbyˁyt
רביע rbyˁ: fourth, quarter
a quarter [of a log?].

Shabbat 8:7.a

Shabbat 8:7.b

Encrypted: Says lord Meir: Even though there is no evidence for this matter, there is an allusion for the matter: (Isaiah 30:14) “And not shall be found among those who seek close contact a single prickly stinger to seduce a man from the ones kindled for violence.” Says to him lord Yose: Is found from there more evidence? “And not shall be found one to get naked with the people from the exalted ones.” (same verse)

Official: Says rabbi Meir: Even though there is no evidence for this matter, there is an allusion for the matter: (Isaiah 30:14) “And not shall be found among the crushed pieces a single sherd to rake fire from the burning hearth.” Says to him rabbi Yose: Is found from there more evidence? “And not shall be found one to draw water from the cistern.” (same verse)

אמר ˀmr: say
אמר ˀmr
אמר ˀmr: say

רב rb: lord, master, noble
רבי rby
רבי rby: rabbi

מאיר mˀyr: Meir
מאיר mˀyr
מאיר mˀyr: Meir

Even though
אף על פי ˀp ˁl py: although
אף על פי ˀp ˁl py
אף על פי ˀp ˁl py: although
Even though

there is no
ש־ š-: which; אין ˀyn: no, not
שאין šˀyn
ש־ š-: which; אין ˀyn: no, not
there is no

ראיה rˀyh: evidence, proof
ראיה rˀyh
ראיה rˀyh: evidence, proof

for this matter,
ל־ l-: for; דבר dbr: thing, matter
לדבר ldbr
ל־ l-: for; דבר dbr: thing, matter
for this matter,

[there is] an allusion
זכר zkr: remembrance, mnemonical allusion
זכר zkr
זכר zkr: remembrance, mnemonical allusion
[there is] an allusion

for the matter:
ל־ l-: for; דבר dbr: thing, matter
לדבר ldbr
ל־ l-: for; דבר dbr: thing, matter
for the matter:

ישעיה yšˁyh: Isaiah
(ישעיה yšˁyh
ישעיה yšˁyh: Isaiah

ל l: 30
ל) l
ל l: 30

“And not
לא : not
ולא wlˀ
לא : not
“And not

[shall] be found
מצא mṣˀ: found
ימצא ymṣˀ
מצא mṣˀ: found
[shall] be found

among [those who seek?] close contact
ב־ b-: among; מ־ m-: of; כתת ktt: join closely, come in contact, pound
במכתתו bmkttw
ב־ b-: among; מ־ m-: of; כתת ktt: crush, beat
among the crushed [pieces]

a [single] prickly stinger [??]
חרז ḥrz: pierce, sting, perforate; חרזי ḥrzy: prickly
חרש ḥrš
חרש ḥrš: earthenware, potsherd
a [single] sherd

to seduce
ל־ l-: to; חטי ḥṭy: sin, make someone sin; חטא ḥṭˀ: seducer
לחתות lḥtwt
ל־ l-: to; חתי ḥty: take coals, rake
to rake

a man
איש ˀyš: man
אש ˀš
אש ˀš: fire

from the [ones] kindled [for violence?].”
מ־ m-: from; יקד yqd: kindle, burn
מיקוד myqwd
מ־ m-: from; יקד yqd: kindle, burn
from the burning [hearth].”

אמר ˀmr: say
אמר ˀmr
אמר ˀmr: say

to him
לו lw: to him
לו lw
לו lw: to him
to him

רב rb: lord, master, noble
רבי rby
רבי rby: rabbi

יוסי ywsy: Yose
יוסי ywsy
יוסי ywsy: Yose

[Is found] from there
מ־ m-: from; שם šm: there
משם mšm
מ־ m-: from; שם šm: there
[Is found] from there

[more] evidence?
ראיה rˀyh: evidence, proof
ראיה rˀyh
ראיה rˀyh: evidence, proof
[more] evidence?

“And [not shall be found one] to get naked
ל־ l-: to; חשף ḥšp: strip, lay bare, make naked
ולחשף wlḥšp
ל־ l-: to; חשף ḥšp: draw water
“And [not shall be found one] to draw

[with] the people
עמים ˁmym: people
מים mym
מים mym: water

from the exalted [ones].”
מ־ m-: from; גבה gbh: high, exalted
מגבא mgbˀ
מ־ m-: from; גבא gbˀ: pond, cistern
from the cistern.”

(same verse)
שם šm: there
(שם) šm
שם šm: there
(same verse)

Shabbat 8:7.b

Stirring hatred & violence

In war, foreign populaces must be made abominable.

Shabbat 9:1.a

Encrypted: Says lord Akiva: From where does it come that the servants of a foreign land that they must be made abominable with the people being deceived, like a loathed thing? Of that it is said: (Isaiah 30:22) “You will loathe them like a sickness. Go out! you will say to them.”

Official: Says rabbi Akiva: From where does it come that the idol statue of a foreign god that it makes unclean with the people carrying it, like a woman's menstruation? Of that it is said: (Isaiah 30:22) “You will throw them the idol statues away like you would a menstruating woman. Go out! you will say to them.”

אמר ˀmr: say
אמר ˀmr
אמר ˀmr: say

רב rb: lord, master, noble
רבי rby
רבי rby: rabbi

עקיבא ˁqybˀ: Akiva
עקיבא ˁqybˀ
עקיבא ˁqybˀ: Akiva

From where [does it come that]
מנין mnyn: from where
מנין mnyn
מנין mnyn: from where
From where [does it come that]

the servants
ל־ l-: to; עבודה ˁbwdh: work, labor, service
לעבודה lˁbwdh
ל־ l-: to; עבודה ˁbwdh: worship, idolatry, idol
the idol [statue]

of a foreign [land]
זר zr: foreign, stranger
זרה zrh
זר zr: foreign, stranger
of a foreign [god]

that they
ש־ š-: which; היא hyˀ: he
שהיא šhyˀ
ש־ š-: which; היא hyˀ: he
that it

[must be made] abominable
מ־ m-: of; טמא ṭmˀ: abomination
מטמאה mṭmˀh
מ־ m-: of; טמא ṭmˀ: defile, unclean
[makes] unclean

with [the people] being deceived,
ב־ b-: with; מ־ m-: of; נשא nšˀ: deceive, beguile
במשא bmšˀ
ב־ b-: with; מ־ m-: of; נשא nšˀ: lift, carry
with [the people] carrying [it],

like a loathed [thing]?
כ־ k-: as, like; נדה ndh: contempt, scorn; נדד ndd: despised, loathing
כנדה kndh
כ־ k-: as, like; נדה ndh: menstruation
like [a woman's] menstruation?

Of that it is said:
ש־ š-: that; נ־ n-: make; אמר ˀmr: say
שנאמר šnˀmr
ש־ š-: that; נ־ n-: make; אמר ˀmr: say
Of that it is said:

ישעיה yšˁyh: Isaiah
(ישעיה yšˁyh
ישעיה yšˁyh: Isaiah

ל l: 30
ל) l
ל l: 30

“[You will] loathe [them]
ת־ t-: will; זרא zrˀ: loathing; זור zwr: loathsome
תזרם tzrm
ת־ t-: will; זרה zrh: scatter, cast away; ־ם -m: them
“[You will] throw them [the idol statues] away

כמו kmw: as, like
כמו kmw
כמו kmw: as, like

a sickness.
דוה dwh: sick, afflict
דוה dwh
דוה dwh: menstruous
[you would] a menstruating [woman].

Go out!
יצא yṣˀ: go out, come out
צא ṣˀ
יצא yṣˀ: go out, come out
Go out!

you will say
ת־ t-: will; אמר ˀmr: say
תאמר tˀmr
ת־ t-: will; אמר ˀmr: say
you will say

to them.”
לו lw: to him
לו lw
לו lw: to him
to them.”

Shabbat 9:1.a

Shabbat 9:1.b

Encrypted: With whatever a loathed thing becomes abominable by deception, so also the servants of a foreign land can become abominable by deception.

Official: With whatever a mentruating woman makes unclean by carrying her, so also an idol statue of a foreign god makes unclean by carrying it.

[With] what[ever]
מה mh: what
מה mh
מה mh: what
[With] what[ever]

a loathed [thing]
נדה ndh: contempt, scorn; נדד ndd: despised, loathing
נדה ndh
נדה ndh: menstruation
a mentruating [woman]

[becomes] abominable
מ־ m-: of; טמא ṭmˀ: abomination
מטמאה mṭmˀh
מ־ m-: of; טמא ṭmˀ: defile, unclean
[makes] unclean

by deception,
ב־ b-: with; מ־ m-: of; נשא nšˀ: deceive, beguile
במשא bmšˀ
ב־ b-: with; מ־ m-: of; נשא nšˀ: lift, carry
by carrying [her??],

[so] also
אף ˀp: also, even
אף ˀp
אף ˀp: also, even
[so] also

the servants
עבודה ˁbwdh: work, labor, service
עבודה ˁbwdh
עבודה ˁbwdh: worship, idolatry, idol
an idol [statue]

of a foreign [land]
זר zr: foreign, stranger
זרה zrh
זר zr: foreign, stranger
of a foreign [god]

[can become] abominable
מ־ m-: of; טמא ṭmˀ: abomination
מטמאה mṭmˀh
מ־ m-: of; טמא ṭmˀ: defile, unclean
[makes] unclean

by deception.
ב־ b-: with; מ־ m-: of; נשא nšˀ: deceive, beguile
במשא bmšˀ
ב־ b-: with; מ־ m-: of; נשא nšˀ: lift, carry
by carrying [it].

Shabbat 9:1.b

Massacres must appear pure, hatred on foreigners must be seeded.

Shabbat 9:2.a

Encrypted: From where does it come that a massacre that it must appear pure? Of that it is said: (Proverbs 30:19) “The way of violence must be in the minds of the people.”

Official: From where does it come that a ship that it is pure? Of that it is said: (Proverbs 30:19) “The path of a ship in the middle of the sea.”

From where [does it come that]
מנין mnyn: from where
מנין mnyn
מנין mnyn: from where
From where [does it come that]

a massacre
ל־ l-: to; סופנא swpnˀ: massacre, slaughter; סיף syp: sword
לספינה lspynh
ל־ l-: to; ספינה spynh: ship, boat
a ship

that it
ש־ š-: which; היא hyˀ: he
שהיא šhyˀ
ש־ š-: which; היא hyˀ: he
that it

[must appear] pure?
טהר ṭhr: clean, pure
טהורה ṭhwrh
טהר ṭhr: clean, pure
is pure?

Of that it is said:
ש־ š-: that; נ־ n-: make; אמר ˀmr: say
שנאמר šnˀmr
ש־ š-: that; נ־ n-: make; אמר ˀmr: say
Of that it is said:

משל mšl: proverb
(משלי mšly
משל mšl: proverb

ל l: 30
ל) l
ל l: 30

“The way
דרך drk: path, way
דרך drk
דרך drk: path, way
“The path

of violence [?]
ענה ˁnh: violate; אנון ˀnwn: violence
אניה ˀnyh
אניה ˀnyh: ship, boat
of a ship

[must be] in the minds
ב־ b-: in; לב lb: heart, mind
בלב blb
ב־ b-: in; לב lb: middle
in the middle

of the people.”
עם ˁm: people
ים ym
ים ym: sea
of the sea.”

Shabbat 9:2.a

Shabbat 9:2.b

Encrypted: From where does it come that the killing in a war which is pillage upon pillage of slaughter, that one must sow in their middle this violence on strangers, and mix into the multitudes a spirit of killing, and unite them in its middle?

Official: From where does it come that a garden bed, which is six by six handbreadths, that one can sow in its middle five kinds of seed, by planting four by the four sides of the garden bed, and one in the middle?

From where [does it come that]
מנין mnyn: from where
מנין mnyn
מנין mnyn: from where
From where [does it come that]

the killing [in a war]
ל־ l-: to; הרג hrg: kill, slay, murder, slaughter
לערוגה lˁrwgh
ל־ l-: to; ערוגה ˁrwgh: garden bed, flowerbed
a garden bed,

which is
ש־ š-: which; היא hyˀ: he
שהיא šhyˀ
ש־ š-: which; היא hyˀ: he
which is

שסה šsh: plunder, spoil, pillage
ששה ššh
ששה ššh: six

על ˁl: by, upon
על ˁl
על ˁl: by, upon

שסה šsh: plunder, spoil, pillage
ששה ššh
ששה ššh: six

of slaughter,
טבח ṭbḥ: slaughter, massacre
טפחים ṭpḥym
טפח ṭpḥ: handbreadth

that [one must] sow
ש־ š-: that; זרע zrˁ: sow, seed
שזורעין šzwrˁyn
ש־ š-: that; זרע zrˁ: sow, seed
that [one can] sow

in [their] middle
ב־ b-: in; תוך twk: middle
בתוכה btwkh
ב־ b-: in; תוך twk: middle
in [its] middle

[this] violence
חמס ḥms: violence, do violence
חמשה ḥmšh
חמש ḥmš: five

[on] strangers,
זר zr: foreign, stranger
זרעונין zrˁwnyn
זרע zrˁ: sow, seed
[kinds of] seed,

[and] mix
ערב ˁrb: mix, combine, confuse
ארבעה ˀrbˁh
ארבע ˀrbˁ: four
[by planting] four

into the multitudes
ב־ b-: in; ערב ˁrb: multitude
בארבע bˀrbˁ
ב־ b-: on; ארבע ˀrbˁ: four
by the four

a spirit
רוח rwḥ: soul, spirit
רוחות rwḥwt
רוח rwḥ: side

of killing,
הרג hrg: kill, slay, murder, slaughter
הערוגה hˁrwgh
ערוגה ˁrwgh: garden bed, flowerbed
of the garden bed,

and unite [them]
אחד ˀḥd: join, unite
ואחד wˀḥd
אחד ˀḥd: one
and one

in [its] middle?
ב־ b-: in; אמצע ˀmṣˁ: middle
באמצע bˀmṣˁ
ב־ b-: in; אמצע ˀmṣˁ: middle
in the middle?

Shabbat 9:2.b

Shabbat 9:2.c

Encrypted: Of that it is said: (Isaiah 61:11) “Because it is as the oppressed bring forth their destruction, and as the commoners are seeded with destruction.” Innate “seed” is not said here, but rather actively “seeded” hatred.

Official: Of that it is said: (Isaiah 61:11) “Because it is as the earth brings forth a sprout, and as the garden the things sown makes grow.” Single “seed” is not said here, but rather several “sown” things.

Of that it is said:
ש־ š-: that; נ־ n-: make; אמר ˀmr: say
שנאמר šnˀmr
ש־ š-: that; נ־ n-: make; אמר ˀmr: say
Of that it is said:

ישעיה yšˁyh: Isaiah
(ישעיה yšˁyh
ישעיה yšˁyh: Isaiah

סא : 61
סא : 61

“Because [it is]
כי ky: that, because
כי ky
כי ky: that, because
“Because [it is]

as the oppressed
כ־ k-: as; רצץ rṣṣ: oppressed
כארץ kˀrṣ
כ־ k-: as; ארץ ˀrṣ: earth, ground
as the earth

bring forth
יצא yṣˀ: bring out, bring forth
תוציא twṣyˀ
יצא yṣˀ: bring out, bring forth
brings forth

[their] destruction,
שמה šmh: destruction, devastation, horror
צמחה ṣmḥh
צמח ṣmḥ: sprout, grow
a sprout,

and as the commoners
כ־ k-: as; גוני gwny: common, generic
וכגנה wkgnh
כ־ k-: as; גן gn: garden
and as the garden

are seeded
זרע zrˁ: sow, seed
זרועיה zrwˁyh
זרע zrˁ: sow, seed
[the things] sown

[with] destruction.”
שמה šmh: destruction, devastation, horror
תצמיח tṣmyḥ
צמח ṣmḥ: sprout, grow
[makes] grow.”

[Innate] “seed”
זרע zrˁ: sow, seed
זרעה zrˁh
זרע zrˁ: sow, seed
[Single] “seed”

[is] not
לא : not
לא : not
[is] not

said [here],
נ־ n-: make; אמר ˀmr: say
נאמר nˀmr
נ־ n-: make; אמר ˀmr: say
said [here],

but rather
אלא ˀlˀ: if not, but rather
אלא ˀlˀ
אלא ˀlˀ: if not, but rather
but rather

[actively] “seeded” [hatred].
זרע zrˁ: sow, seed
זרועיה zrwˁyh
זרע zrˁ: sow, seed
[several] “sown” [things].

Shabbat 9:2.c

In war, special safety is needed for all the spies & moles among the subjects.

Shabbat 9:3.a

Encrypted: From where does it come that the noblemen of high must still scatter among the people their agents, that they assimilate with them? Of that it is said: (Exodus 19:15) “There is in times of war danger to an agent from the people.”

Official: From where does it come that A woman who has discharge of intercourse semen on the day third, that she is unclean? Of that it is said: (Exodus 19:15) “It is because there is still danger after three days.”

From where [does it come that]
מנין mnyn: from where
מנין mnyn
מנין mnyn: from where
From where [does it come that]

the noblemen
ל־ l-: to; פלטין / פלטיא plṭyn / plṭyˀ: palatium, palace; פלטינוס plṭynws: nobleman
לפולטת lpwlṭt
ל־ l-: to; פלט plṭ: discharge
[A woman who has] discharge

of high
שגב šgb: be high, exalted, elevate
שכבת škbt
שכב škb: lie down, have intercourse
of intercourse

[must still] scatter
זרע zrˁ: scatter
זרע zrˁ
זרע zrˁ: seed, semen

among the people
ב־ b-: among; עם ˁm: people
ביום bywm
ב־ b-: on; יום ywm: day
on the day

[their] agents,
שלש šlš: leader, officer; שליש šlyš: agent
השלישי hšlyšy
שלש šlš: three

that they
ש־ š-: which; היא hyˀ: he, she, it
שהיא šhyˀ
ש־ š-: which; היא hyˀ: he, she, it
that she

assimilate [with them]?
טמע ṭmˁ: mix up, assimilate
טמאה ṭmˀh
טמא ṭmˀ: unclean
is unclean?

Of that it is said:
ש־ š-: that; נ־ n-: make; אמר ˀmr: say
שנאמר šnˀmr
ש־ š-: that; נ־ n-: make; אמר ˀmr: say
Of that it is said:

שמות šmwt: Exodus
(שמות šmwt
שמות šmwt: Exodus

יט yṭ: 19
יט) yṭ
יט yṭ: 19

“There is
היה hyh: be
היו hyw
היה hyh: be
“It is [because]

[in times of war] danger
נכין nkyn: damage, dangerous thing
נכונים nkwnym
נכין nkyn: damage, dangerous thing
[there is still] danger

to an agent
ל־ l-: to; שלש šlš: officer, leader; שליש šlyš: agent
לשלשת lšlšt
ל־ l-: to; שלש šlš: three
after three

from the people.”
מ־ m-: from; עם ˁm: people
ימים ymym
ימים ymym: days

Shabbat 9:3.a

Shabbat 9:3.b

Encrypted: From where does it come that it must still be safe to be a spy among the people for those agents if duty falls on a time to be in war? Of that it is said: (Genesis 34:25) “And were among the people the agents even when they were suffering.”

Official: From where does it come that one can wash a circumcision on the day third even if the event falls on a time to be on a Sabbath? Of that it is said: (Genesis 34:25) “And it was on the day third when they were in pains.”

From where [does it come that]
מנין mnyn: from where
מנין mnyn
מנין mnyn: from where
From where [does it come that]

[it must still] be safe
ש־ š-: make; מ־ m-: of; רחץ rḥṣ: trust, safe
שמרחיצין šmrḥyṣyn
ש־ š-: make; מ־ m-: of; רחץ rḥṣ: wash, bathe
[one can] wash

את ˀt: to
את ˀt
את ˀt: to

[to be] a spy
מאלל mˀll: spy; מאללא mˀllˀ: spy
המילה hmylh
מילה mylh: circumcision
a circumcision

among the people
ב־ b-: among; עם ˁm: people
ביום bywm
ב־ b-: on; יום ywm: day
on the day

[for those] agents
שלש šlš: officer, leader; שליש šlyš: agent
השלישי hšlyšy
שלש šlš: three

[if duty] falls on [a time]
ש־ š-: that; חל ḥl: apply, fall on
שחל šḥl
ש־ š-: that; חל ḥl: apply, fall on
[even if the event] falls on [a time]

to be
ל־ l-: to; היה hyh: be
להיות lhywt
ל־ l-: to; היה hyh: be
to be

in war?
ב־ b-: in; צבאות ṣbˀwt: armies, war, warfare
בשבת bšbt
ב־ b-: on; שבת šbt: Sabbath
on a Sabbath?

Of that it is said:
ש־ š-: that; נ־ n-: make; אמר ˀmr: say
שנאמר šnˀmr
ש־ š-: that; נ־ n-: make; אמר ˀmr: say
Of that it is said:

בראשית brˀšyt: Genesis
(בראשית brˀšyt
בראשית brˀšyt: Genesis

לד ld: 34
לד) ld
לד ld: 34

“And were
היה hyh: be
ויהי wyhy
היה hyh: be
“And [it] was

among the people
ב־ b-: among; עם ˁm: people
ביום bywm
ב־ b-: on; יום ywm: day
on the day

the agents
שלש šlš: officer, leader; שליש šlyš: agent
השלישי hšlyšy
שלש šlš: three

[even] when they were
ב־ b-: in; היה hyh: be; ־ם -m: them
בהיותם bhywtm
ב־ b-: in; היה hyh: be; ־ם -m: them
when they were

suffering [?].”
כאב kˀb: pain, wound, sufferer
כאבים kˀbym
כאב kˀb: pain, wound, sufferer
[in] pains.”

Shabbat 9:3.b

Cautioning citizens must be silenced, the populace must be made violent.

Shabbat 9:3.c

Encrypted: From where does it come that one must bind the tongues of the cautioning ones among the leaders of the commoners that are to be slaughtered? Of that it is said: (Isaiah 1:18) “If are your killings like scarlet, they must like snow become white.”

Official: From where does it come that one binds a strip of scarlet on the head of the scape goat that is to be slaughtered? Of that it is said: (Isaiah 1:18) “Even if are your sins like scarlet, they will like snow become white.”

From where [does it come that]
מנין mnyn: from where
מנין mnyn
מנין mnyn: from where
From where [does it come that]

[one must] bind
ש־ š-: make; קשר qšr: join, connect, union
שקושרין šqwšryn
ש־ š-: make; קשר qšr: tie, bind
[one] binds

the tongues
לשון lšwn: tongue, strip
לשון lšwn
לשון lšwn: tongue, strip
a strip

של šl: belonging to, of
של šl
של šl: belonging to, of

the cautioning [ones?]
זהר zhr: cautious, warning, forewarned
זהורית zhwryt
זהורי zhwry: crimson

among the leaders
ב־ b-: among; ראש rˀš: chief, leader
בראש brˀš
ב־ b-: on; ראש rˀš: head
on the head

of the commoners [?]
שרי šry: profane, common
שעיר šˁyr
שעיר šˁyr: goat
of the [scape] goat

[that are to] be slaughtered?
מ־ m-: of; ש־ š-: make; תלח tlḥ: wound, torment
המשתלח hmštlḥ
מ־ m-: of; ש־ š-: make; תלח tlḥ: wound, torment
[that is to] be slaughtered?

Of that it is said:
ש־ š-: which; נ־ n-: is; אמר ˀmr: say
שנאמר šnˀmr
ש־ š-: which; נ־ n-: is; אמר ˀmr: say
Of that it is said:

ישעיה yšˁyh: Isaiah
(ישעיה yšˁyh
ישעיה yšˁyh: Isaiah

א ˀ: 1
א) ˀ
א ˀ: 1

אם ˀm: if, when
אם ˀm
אם ˀm: if, when
“[Even] if

יהי yhy: be
יהיו yhyw
יהי yhy: be

your killings [?]
חתוי ḥtwy: breaking, killing; ־כם -km: your
חטאיכם ḥṭˀykm
חטי ḥṭy: sin; ־כם -km: your
your sins

like scarlet,
כ־ k-: like; שני šny: scarlet
כשנים kšnym
כ־ k-: like; שני šny: scarlet
like scarlet,

[they must] like snow
כ־ k-: like; שלג šlg: snow
כשלג kšlg
כ־ k-: like; שלג šlg: snow
[they will] like snow

[become] white.”
לבן lbn: white
ילבינו ylbynw
לבן lbn: white
[become] white.”

Shabbat 9:3.c

Shabbat 9:4.a

Encrypted: From where does it come that a crowd that it must be like an army in times of wiping things out? Even though there is no direct proof to this command, there is an allusion to this command, of that it is said: (Psalms 109:18) “And they will enter like the people into war, and like the servants into violence.”

Official: From where does it come that to anoint oneself that it is like forbidden drinking on the day of atonement? Even though there is no direct proof to this command, there is an allusion to this command, of that it is said: (Psalms 109:18) “And it will enter like water into his body, and like oil into his bones.”

From where [does it come that]
מנין mnyn: from where
מנין mnyn
מנין mnyn: from where
From where [does it come that]

a crowd
ל־ l-: for, of; סך sk: large crowd
לסיכה lsykh
ל־ l-: to; סוך swk: anoint
to anoint [oneself]

that it [must be]
ש־ š-: that; היא hyˀ: he, it
שהיא šhyˀ
ש־ š-: that; היא hyˀ: he, it
that it [is]

like an army
כ־ k-: like; סיעתא syˁtˀ: crowd, group, army, military division
כשתיה kštyh
כ־ k-: like; שתי šty: drink
like [forbidden] drinking

in times
ב־ b-: in; יום ywm: time
ביום bywm
ב־ b-: on; יום ywm: day
on the day

of wiping [things] out?
כפר kpr: delete, wipe out, purge
הכפורים hkpwrym
כפר kpr: forgive, atone
of atonement?

Even though
אף על פי ˀp ˁl py: although
אף על פי ˀp ˁl py
אף על פי ˀp ˁl py: although
Even though

there is no
ש־ š-: which; אין ˀyn: not
שאין šˀyn
ש־ š-: which; אין ˀyn: not
there is no

[direct] proof
ראיה rˀyh: evidence, proof
ראיה rˀyh
ראיה rˀyh: evidence, proof
[direct] proof

to this command,
ל־ l-: to; דבר dbr: word, command
לדבר ldbr
ל־ l-: to; דבר dbr: word, command
to this command,

[there is] an allusion
זכר zkr: remembrance, mnemonical allusion
זכר zkr
זכר zkr: remembrance, mnemonical allusion
[there is] an allusion

to this command,
ל־ l-: to; דבר dbr: word, command
לדבר ldbr
ל־ l-: to; דבר dbr: word, command
to this command,

of that it is said:
ש־ š-: that; נ־ n-: make; אמר ˀmr: say
שנאמר šnˀmr
ש־ š-: that; נ־ n-: make; אמר ˀmr: say
of that it is said:

תהלים thlym: Psalms
(תהלים thlym
תהלים thlym: Psalms

קט qṭ: 109
קט) qṭ
קט qṭ: 109

“And they will enter
ת־ t-: will; בוא bwˀ: go in, enter
ותבא wtbˀ
ת־ t-: will; בוא bwˀ: go in, enter
“And it will enter

like the people
כ־ k-: like; עמים ˁmym: people
כמים kmym
כ־ k-: like; מים mym: water
like water

into war,
ב־ b-: into; קרב qrb: war, battle
בקרבו bqrbw
ב־ b-: into; קרב qrb: middle, body
into his body,

and like the servants
כ־ k-: like; שמע šmˁ: servant; ־ין -yn: (plural)
וכשמן wkšmn
כ־ k-: like; שמן šmn: fat, oil
and like oil

into violence.”
ב־ b-: into; עצם ˁṣm: force, quarrel; עצים ˁṣym: violent
בעצמותיו bˁṣmwtyw
ב־ b-: into; עצם ˁṣm: bone, self
into his bones.”

Shabbat 9:4.a

Keeping secrets even in war

Even in warfare, hoaxes mustn’t be revealed.

Shabbat 9:5.a

Encrypted: Even in war, it is forbidden to bring out into the public knowledge any fraud, when it is for pretending towards the multitudes of the little people. Confusion, when it is for confusing the multitudes of the little people, also when joined this with that.

Official: On Sabbath, it is forbidden to bring out any wood, when the measure is that of boiling an egg for roasting. Spices, when the measure is that of spicing an egg for roasting, also when joined this with that.

[Even in war, it is forbidden] to bring out into the public [knowledge]
מ־ m-: of; יצא yṣˀ: proved, identified, carry into public
המוציא hmwṣyˀ
מ־ m-: of; יצא yṣˀ: go out, bring out
[On Sabbath, it is forbidden] to bring out

[any] fraud,
עצי ˁṣy: force, violent, defraud
עצים ˁṣym
עץ ˁṣ: tree, wood
[any] wood,

כדי kdy: when
כדי kdy
כדי kdy: when

[it is for] pretending [towards]
ל־ l-: to; בשאילו bšˀylw: feignedly, in pretense
לבשל lbšl
ל־ l-: to; בשל bšl: ripen, boil
[the measure is that of] boiling

the multitudes
בושיי bwšyy: multitude; ביש byš: poor
ביצה byṣh
ביצה byṣh: egg
an egg

of the little [people].
קלי qly: little, small
קלה qlh
קלי qly: roast, burn
[for] roasting.

תבל tbl: mixture, confusion
תבלין tblyn
תבל tbl: spice, season

כדי kdy: when
כדי kdy
כדי kdy: when

[it is for] confusing
תבל tbl: mixture, confusion
לתבל ltbl
ל־ l-: to; תבל tbl: spice, season
[the measure is that of] spicing

the multitudes
בושיי bwšyy: multitude; ביש byš: poor
ביצה byṣh
ביצה byṣh: egg
an egg

of the little [people],
קלי qly: little, small
קלה qlh
קלי qly: roast, burn
[for] roasting,

also [when] joined
מ־ m-: of; צרף ṣrp: join
ומצטרפין wmṣṭrpyn
מ־ m-: of; צרף ṣrp: join
also [when] joined

זה zh: this
זה zh
זה zh: this

עם ˁm: with
עם ˁm
עם ˁm: with

זה zh: that
זה zh
זה zh: that

Shabbat 9:5.a

Even in warfare, spies & moles among the populace mustn’t be revealed.

Shabbat 9:5.b

Encrypted: The shells of spies, the shells of traitors, embedded people or pretenders, when they are for binding with them the rebellous ones of the common populace by being intermixed with them.

Official: The shells of nuts, the shells of pomegranates, woad or madder, when the measure is that of spicing with them clothes that are small in a hair net.

The shells
קלפה qlph: peel, shell
קלפי qlpy
קלפה qlph: peel, shell
The shells

of spies,
גשש gšš: scout, spy
אגוזים ˀgwzym
אגוז ˀgwz: nut
of nuts,

the shells
קלפה qlph: peel, shell
קלפי qlpy
קלפה qlph: peel, shell
the shells

of traitors,
רמיון rmywn: deceit; רמה rmh: betray; ־ן -n: (suffix)
רמונים rmwnym
רמון rmwn: pomegranate
of pomegranates,

embedded [people??]
שתאסתא štˀstˀ: incorporation, mixing, embedding
אסטיס ˀsṭys
אסטיס ˀsṭys: isatis, woad

or pretenders [??],
עיפא ˁypˀ: cover, veil; עפי ˁpy: pretense
ופואה wpwˀh
פואה pwˀh: madder
or madder,

כדי kdy: when
כדי kdy
כדי kdy: when

[they are for] binding
ל־ l-: to; עצב ˁṣb: bind up, vex, trouble
לצבע lṣbˁ
ל־ l-: to; צבע ṣbˁ: color, dye
[the measure is that of] spicing

with them
ב־ b-: with; הן hn: they
בהן bhn
ב־ b-: with; הן hn: they
with them

the rebellous [ones]
בגד bgd: faithless, rebel
בגד bgd
בגד bgd: clothes, dress

of the common populace
קטון qṭwn: common populace, masses
קטן qṭn
קטן qṭn: small
that are small

by being intermixed [with them].
ב־ b-: in; סבך sbk: mix together, interwoven with
בסבכה bsbkh
ב־ b-: in; סבך sbk: net, hair net
in a hair net [??].

Shabbat 9:5.b

Shabbat 9:5.c

Encrypted: People that are spies, observers or people in appearance, secret agents or scouts, when they are for oppressing with them the rebellous ones of the common populace by being intermixed with them. Lord Yehudah says: When they are for removing the ignoble elements in the populace.

Official: Water of the feet urine, natron or lye, Cimolian earth or soap, when the measure is that of washing with them clothes that are small in a hair net. Rabbi Yehudah says: When the measure is that of removing a stain on a cloth.

עם ˁm: people
מי my
מי my: water

that are spies,
רגל rgl: spy, espy
רגלים rglym
רגל rgl: foot, feet
of the feet [urine?],

נטר nṭr: watch, observe, guardian
נתר ntr
נתר ntr: natron

or [people in] appearance [?],
בריאית bryˀyt: outwardly, by appearance
וברית wbryt
ברית bryt: lye, soap
or lye,

secret [agents]
כמינא kmynˀ: secretly, hidden, under cover
קמוניא qmwnyˀ
קימוניא qymwnyˀ: Cimolian earth
Cimolian earth [???]

or scouts,
סקולקא sqwlqˀ: scout, reconnaissance
ואשלג wˀšlg
אשלג ˀšlg: mineral used as a soap
or soap,

כדי kdy: when
כדי kdy
כדי kdy: when

[they are for] oppressing
ל־ l-: to; כבש kbš: suppress, oppress
לכבס lkbs
ל־ l-: to; כבס kbs: press, wash
[the measure is that of] washing

with them
ב־ b-: with; הן hn: they
בהן bhn
ב־ b-: with; הן hn: they
with them

the rebellous [ones]
בגד bgd: faithless, rebel
בגד bgd
בגד bgd: clothes, dress

of the common populace
קטון qṭwn: common populace, masses
קטן qṭn
קטן qṭn: small
that are small

by being intermixed [with them].
ב־ b-: in; סבך sbk: mix together, interwoven with
בסבכה bsbkh
ב־ b-: in; סבך sbk: net, hair net
in a hair net [??].

רב rb: lord, master, noble
רבי rby
רבי rby: rabbi

יהודה yhwdh: Yehudah
יהודה yhwdh
יהודה yhwdh: Yehudah

אמר ˀmr: say
אומר ˀwmr
אמר ˀmr: say

כדי kdy: when
כדי kdy
כדי kdy: when

[they are for] removing
ל־ l-: to; עבר ˁbr: cross, vanish, remove
להעביר lhˁbyr
ל־ l-: to; עבר ˁbr: cross, vanish, remove
[the measure is that of] removing

על ˁl: on, to
על ˁl
על ˁl: on, to

the ignoble [elements in the populace].
כותמיא kwtmyˀ: infamous, ignoble
הכתם hktm
כתם ktm: stain, spot, blemish
a stain [on a cloth].

Shabbat 9:5.c

Shabbat 9:6.a

Encrypted: Secret agents, all of them are forbidden to make public! Professional spies, all of them are forbidden to make public! All kinds of veils and all kinds of tricks, all of them are forbidden to make public!

Official: Pepper, all amounts of it are forbidden to bring out! Tar, all amounts of it are forbidden to bring out! All kinds perfumes, and all kinds of cast metals, all amounts of them are forbidden to bring out!

[Secret] agents,
פלפל plpl: search; פולא pwlˀ: scouts, agents
פלפלת plplt
פלפל plpl: pepper

כל kl: all, any
כל kl
כל kl: all, any
all [amounts]

of them [are forbidden to make public]!
ש־ š-: which; הוא hwˀ: he, it
שהוא šhwˀ
ש־ š-: which; הוא hwˀ: he, it
of it [are forbidden to bring out]!

[Professional?] spies,
תור twr: spy out, espy; ־ין -yn: (plural)
ועטרן wˁṭrn
עטרן ˁṭrn: tar, pitch

כל kl: all, any
כל kl
כל kl: all, any
all [amounts]

of them [are forbidden to make public]!
ש־ š-: which; הוא hwˀ: he, it
שהוא šhwˀ
ש־ š-: which; הוא hwˀ: he, it
of it [are forbidden to bring out]!

[All] kinds
מין myn: kind
מיני myny
מין myn: kind
[All] kinds

of veils [?]
ב־ b-: in; צמה ṣmh: veil; צמצם ṣmṣm: veil
בשמים bšmym
בשם bšm: spices, perfumes

and [all] kinds
מין myn: kind
ומיני wmyny
מין myn: kind
and [all] kinds

of tricks,
מ־ m-: of; תוכא twkˀ: trick, ruse, deception
מתכות mtkwt
מתך mtk: cast metal
of cast metals,

כל kl: all, any
כל kl
כל kl: all, any
all [amounts]

of them [are forbidden to make public]!
ש־ š-: which; הן hn: they
שהן šhn
ש־ š-: which; הן hn: they
of them [are forbidden to bring out]!

Shabbat 9:6.a

Shabbat 9:6.b

Encrypted: The false faces of watchmen, and the masks of spies, the mocked appearances, and the mocked coverings, all of them are forbidden to make public, because the spies need to preserve them to hide in them!

Official: Stones of the sacrificial altar, and earth of the sacrificial altar, ancient bookworm eaten scrolls, and ancient bookworm eaten scroll coverings, all amounts of them are forbidden to bring out, because the people need to preserve them to eventually store them!

The [false] faces
מ־ m-: of; אפין ˀpyn: face, surface
מאבני mˀbny
מ־ m-: of; אבן ˀbn: stone

of watchmen,
מ־ m-: of; צופה ṣwph: watchman; צפיה ṣpyh: observation
המזבח hmzbḥ
מ־ m-: of; זבח zbḥ: slaughter, sacrifice
of the sacrificial [altar],

and the masks
מ־ m-: of; אפר ˀpr: bandage, mask
ומעפר wmˁpr
מ־ m-: of; עפר ˁpr: dust, dirt, earth
and earth

of spies,
מ־ m-: of; צופה ṣwph: watchman; צפיה ṣpyh: observation
המזבח hmzbḥ
מ־ m-: of; זבח zbḥ: slaughter, sacrifice
of the sacrificial [altar],

the mocked
מוק mwq: sneer, mock
מקק mqq
מקק mqq: rot, decay, book-worm
[ancient] bookworm [eaten]

סבר sbr: countenance, appearance
ספרים sprym
ספר spr: scroll, document

and the mocked
מוק mwq: sneer, mock
ומקק wmqq
מקק mqq: rot, decay, book-worm
and [ancient] bookworm [eaten]

מטפחת mṭpḥt: covering, mantle
מטפחותיהם mṭpḥwtyhm
מטפחת mṭpḥt: covering, mantle
[scroll] coverings,

כל kl: all, any
כל kl
כל kl: all, any
all [amounts]

of them [are forbidden to make public],
ש־ š-: which; הן hn: they
שהוא šhwˀ
ש־ š-: which; הן hn: they
of them [are forbidden to bring out],

[because the spies need to] preserve
ש־ š-: that; מ־ m-: of; צנע ṣnˁ: preserve
שמצניעין šmṣnyˁyn
ש־ š-: that; מ־ m-: of; צנע ṣnˁ: preserve
[because the people need to] preserve

אות ˀwt: him, it
אותן ˀwtn
אות ˀwt: him, it

to hide [in them]!
ל־ l-: to; גנז gnz: hide, hidden, conceal
לגנזן lgnzn
ל־ l-: to; גנז gnz: store
to [eventually] store [them]!

Shabbat 9:6.b

Shabbat 9:6.c

Encrypted: Lord Yehudah says: Even only bringing out into the public a secret attendant among the workers to be subdued, all of them are forbidden to make public, as it is said: (Deuteronomy 13:18 or 13:17) “So not the subjects will obtain by your hands any from the banned informations.”

Official: Rabbi Yehudah says: Even only bringing out into the public the accessories of the foreign worship of stars, all amounts of it are forbidden to bring out, as it is said: (Deuteronomy 13:18 or 13:17) “So not you faithfuls will keep in your hands any from the cursed things.”

רב rb: lord, master, noble
רבי rby
רבי rby: rabbi

יהודה yhwdh: Yehudah
יהודה yhwdh
יהודה yhwdh: Yehudah

אמר ˀmr: say
אומר ˀwmr
אמר ˀmr: say

Even [only]
אף ˀp: even, though
אף ˀp
אף ˀp: even, though
Even [only]

bringing out [into the public]
מ־ m-: of; יצא yṣˀ: proved, identified, carry into public
המוציא hmwṣyˀ
מ־ m-: of; יצא yṣˀ: go out, bring out
bringing out [into the public]

a [secret] attendant
מ־ m-: of; משמש mšmš: attendant, servitor
ממשמשי mmšmšy
מ־ m-: of; משמש mšmš: accessory
the accessories

[among] the workers
עבודה ˁbwdh: work, labor, service
עבודת ˁbwdt
עבודה ˁbwdh: worship, idolatry, idol
of the [foreign] worship

to be subdued,
כפה kph: force, compel, subdue
כוכבים kwkbym
כוכב kwkb: star
of stars,

כל kl: all, any
כל kl
כל kl: all, any
all [amounts]

of them [are forbidden to make public],
ש־ š-: which; הוא hwˀ: he, it
שהוא šhwˀ
ש־ š-: which; הוא hwˀ: he, it
of it [are forbidden to bring out],

as it is said:
ש־ š-: which; נ־ n-: is; אמר ˀmr: say
שנאמר šnˀmr
ש־ š-: which; נ־ n-: is; אמר ˀmr: say
as it is said:

דברים dbrym: Deuteronomy
(דברים dbrym
דברים dbrym: Deuteronomy

13:18 [or 13:17])
יג yg: 13
יג) yg
יג yg: 13
13:18 [or 13:17])

“So not
לא : not
ולא wlˀ
לא : not
“So not

[the subjects] will obtain
דבק dbq: reach, obtain, acquire
ידבק ydbq
דבק dbq: cling, adhere
you [faithfuls] will keep

[by] your hands
ב־ b-: in; יד yd: hand; ־ך -k: your
בידך bydk
ב־ b-: in; יד yd: hand; ־ך -k: your
in your hands

מאומה mˀwmh: anything
מאומה mˀwmh
מאומה mˀwmh: anything

מן mn: from
מן mn
מן mn: from

the banned [informations].”
חרם ḥrm: ban, curse
החרם hḥrm
חרם ḥrm: ban, curse
the cursed [things].”

Shabbat 9:6.c

Shabbat 9:7.a

Encrypted: Though if one brings out into the public a gathering of spies, even though there is in it kinds of spies many, one is not guilty of anything, except of a mistake a single one.

Official: If one brings out into the public a basket of wares, even though there is in it kinds of wares many, one is not obligated to do anything, except of sin-offering a single one.

[Though if one] brings out [into the public]
מ־ m-: of; יצא yṣˀ: proved, identified, carry into public
המוציא hmwṣyˀ
מ־ m-: of; יצא yṣˀ: go out, bring out
[If one] brings out [into the public]

a gathering
קפא qpˀ: collect, gather
קפת qpt
קפה qph: basket, chest
a basket

of spies,
רגל rgl: spy, espy
הרוכלין hrwklyn
רכלה rklh: merchandise, goods, wares
of wares,

even though
אף על פי ˀp ˁl py: although
אף על פי ˀp ˁl py
אף על פי ˀp ˁl py: although
even though

there is
ש־ š-: that; יש : there is
שיש šyš
ש־ š-: that; יש : there is
there is

in it
בה bh: in her
בה bh
בה bh: in her
in it

kinds [of spies]
מין myn: kind
מינין mynyn
מין myn: kind
kinds [of wares]

רב rb: much, many
הרבה hrbh
רב rb: much, many

[one is] not
אין ˀyn: no, not
אינו ˀynw
אין ˀyn: no, not
[one is] not

guilty [of anything],
חיב ḥyb: guilty
חיב ḥyb
חיב ḥyb: bound, obliged
obligated [to do anything],

except of
אלא ˀlˀ: if not, except, only
אלא ˀlˀ
אלא ˀlˀ: if not, except, only
except of

a mistake
חטאת ḥṭˀt: mistake
חטאת ḥṭˀt
חטאת ḥṭˀt: sin-offering

a single one.
אחת ˀḥt: one
אחת ˀḥt
אחת ˀḥt: one
a single one.

Shabbat 9:7.a

Shabbat 9:7.b

Encrypted: Assistants of the hidden kind, even if they are inferior to actual aristocrats. Lord Yehudah ben Bathyra says: Even the petty criminals.

Official: Seeds of the garden, even in smaller quantity than as of a dried fig. Rabbi Yehudah ben Bathyra says: The measure is five seeds.

עזר ˁzr: assist, help, helper
זרעוני zrˁwny
זרע zrˁ: sow, seed

of the hidden [kind],
גני gny: hide, hidden
גנה gnh
גן gn: garden
of the garden,

[even if they are] inferior
פחות pḥwt: inferior
פחות pḥwt
פחות pḥwt: small quantity
[even in] smaller quantity

to [actual] aristocrats.
מ־ m-: of, than; כ־ k-: as; גרגרא grgrˀ: nobles, nobility, aristocrats
מכגרוגרת mkgrwgrt
מ־ m-: of, than; כ־ k-: as; גרוגרת grwgrt: dried fig
than as of a dried fig [??].

רב rb: lord, master, noble
רבי rby
רבי rby: rabbi

Yehudah ben Bathyra
יהודה בן בתירא yhwdh bn btyrˀ: Yehudah ben Bathyra
יהודה בן בתירא yhwdh bn btyrˀ
יהודה בן בתירא yhwdh bn btyrˀ: Yehudah ben Bathyra
Yehudah ben Bathyra

אמר ˀmr: say
אומר ˀwmr
אמר ˀmr: say

[Even the petty] criminals [??].
חמס ḥms: criminality, violence
חמשה ḥmšh
חמש ḥmš: five
[The measure is] five [seeds?].

Shabbat 9:7.b

Shabbat 9:7.c

Encrypted: Assistants in hiding, they must stay disguised. Assistants under cover, they must stay disguised. Assistants who are agents among the slaves, they must stay disguised.

Official: For seeds of cucumbers, the measure is two. For seeds of gourds, the measure is two. For seeds of beans from Egypt, the measure is two.

עזר ˁzr: assist, help, helper
זרע zrˁ
זרע zrˁ: sow, seed
[For] seeds

[in] hiding,
כסיא ksyˀ: covering, hide
קשואין qšwˀyn
קשוא qšwˀ: cucumber
of cucumbers,

they [must stay] disguised.
שני šny: change, disguise
שנים šnym
שני šny: two
[the measure is] two.

עזר ˁzr: assist, help, helper
זרע zrˁ
זרע zrˁ: sow, seed
[For] seeds

[under] cover,
טלל ṭll: cover, screen
דלועין dlwˁyn
דלוע dlwˁ: gourd, pumpkin
of gourds,

they [must stay] disguised.
שני šny: change, disguise
שנים šnym
שני šny: two
[the measure is] two.

עזר ˁzr: assist, help, helper
זרע zrˁ
זרע zrˁ: sow, seed
[For] seeds

who are agents
פולא pwlˀ: scouts, agents
פול pwl
פול pwl: bean
of beans

[among] the slaves,
מצר mṣr: slave
המצרי hmṣry
מצרי mṣry: Egyptian
[from] Egypt,

they [must stay] disguised.
שני šny: change, disguise
שנים šnym
שני šny: two
[the measure is] two.

Shabbat 9:7.c

Aristocratic spies must never be revealed, because nobles need their privacy.

Shabbat 9:7.d

Encrypted: Spies alive and clean, any of them is forbidden to reveal. If they are dead, it is only forbidden if they were noblemen.

Official: Locusts alive and clean, any amount of them is forbidden to bring out. If they are dead, the measure is as of a dried fig.

עקב ˁqb: track, trace, espy
חגב ḥgb
חגב ḥgb: locust

חי ḥy: alive
חי ḥy
חי ḥy: alive

[and] clean,
טהר ṭhr: clean, pure
טהור ṭhwr
טהר ṭhr: clean, pure
[and] clean,

כל kl: all, any
כל kl
כל kl: all, any
any [amount]

of them [is forbidden to reveal].
ש־ š-: which; הוא hwˀ: he, it
שהוא šhwˀ
ש־ š-: which; הוא hwˀ: he, it
of them [is forbidden to bring out].

[If] they are dead,
מת mt: dead
מת mt
מת mt: dead
[If] they are dead,

[it is only forbidden if they] were noblemen.
כ־ k-: as; גרגרא grgrˀ: nobles, nobility, aristocrats
כגרוגרת kgrwgrt
כ־ k-: as; גרוגרת grwgrt: dried fig
[the measure is] as of a dried fig [??].

Shabbat 9:7.d

Shabbat 9:7.e

Encrypted: Aristocrats under cover, whether alive or whether dead, any of them is forbidden to reveal. That is for the secrecy & privacy of it for the nobles.

Official: The locust of painted color, whether alive or whether dead, any amount of them is forbidden to bring out. That is because people keep it as a medicine.

שפירא špyrˀ: noble, titled, aristocratic
צפרת ṣprt
צפרתא ṣprtˀ: small bird, locusts
The locust

[under] cover,
כרם krm: cover
כרמים krmym
כרם krm: paint
of painted [color],

בין byn: whether
בין byn
בין byn: whether

חי ḥy: alive
חיה ḥyh
חי ḥy: alive

or whether
בין byn: whether
בין byn
בין byn: whether
or whether

מת mt: dead
מתה mth
מת mt: dead

כל kl: all, any
כל kl
כל kl: all, any
any [amount]

of them [is forbidden to reveal].
ש־ š-: which; הוא hwˀ: he, it
שהוא šhwˀ
ש־ š-: which; הוא hwˀ: he, it
of them [is forbidden to bring out].

That [is] for the secrecy & privacy
ש־ š-: for, that; מ־ m-: of; צנע ṣnˁ: secret, privacy
שמצניעין šmṣnyˁyn
ש־ š-: for, that; מ־ m-: of; צנע ṣnˁ: put aside, deposit
That [is because people] keep

of it
את ˀt: to
אותה ˀwth
את ˀt: to

for the nobles.
ל־ l-: for; רבא rbˀ: nobleman; רבביא rbbyˀ: nobles, magnates
לרפואה lrpwˀh
ל־ l-: for; רפואה rpwˀh: healing, cure, medicine
[as] a medicine.

Shabbat 9:7.e

Shabbat 9:7.f

Encrypted: Lord Yehudah says: Even bringing out into the public a spy alive but unfit, revealing any of them is forbidden. That is because the rulers need to keep them for their common populace to enact mockeries with them.

Official: Rabbi Yehudah says: Even bringing out a locust alive but unclean, any amount of them is forbidden. That is because people like to keep them for their young children to play with them.

רב rb: lord, master, noble
רבי rby
רבי rby: rabbi

יהודה yhwdh: Yehudah
יהודה yhwdh
יהודה yhwdh: Yehudah

אמר ˀmr: say
אומר ˀwmr
אמר ˀmr: say

אף ˀp: even
אף ˀp
אף ˀp: even

bringing out [into the public]
מ־ m-: of; יצא yṣˀ: proved, identified, carry into public
המוציא hmwṣyˀ
מ־ m-: of; יצא yṣˀ: go out, bring out
bringing out

a spy
עקב ˁqb: track, trace, espy
חגב ḥgb
חגב ḥgb: locust
a locust

חי ḥy: alive
חי ḥy
חי ḥy: alive

[but] unfit,
טמא ṭmˀ: unclean
טמא ṭmˀ
טמא ṭmˀ: unclean
[but] unclean,

[revealing] any
כל kl: all, any
כל kl
כל kl: all, any
any [amount]

of them [is forbidden].
ש־ š-: which; הוא hwˀ: he, it
שהוא šhwˀ
ש־ š-: which; הוא hwˀ: he, it
of them [is forbidden].

That [is because the rulers need] to keep
ש־ š-: for, that; מ־ m-: of; צנע ṣnˁ: put aside, deposit
שמצניעין šmṣnyˁyn
ש־ š-: for, that; מ־ m-: of; צנע ṣnˁ: put aside, deposit
That [is because people like] to keep

את ˀt: to
אותו ˀwtw
את ˀt: to

for [their] common populace
ל־ l-: for; קטון qṭwn: common populace, masses
לקטן lqṭn
ל־ l-: for; קטן qṭn: young, small
for [their] young [children]

to [enact] mockeries
ל־ l-: for; שחק šḥq: mock, deride
לשחק lšḥq
ל־ l-: for; שחק šḥq: laugh, play
to play

with them.
ב־ b-: with; ־ו -w: him, it
בו bw
ב־ b-: with; ־ו -w: him, it
with them.

Shabbat 9:7.f

If spies are revealed, one must restore the cover.

Shabbat 10:1.a

Encrypted: If spies are deposited in the population as assistants, or for public appearances, or for confusion, if one brings them out into public knowledge in a war, one is guilty for any number of them.

Official: If one deposits seeds for sowing, or as a sample, or as a medicine, if one brings them out on Sabbath, one is guilty for any number of them.

[If spies] are deposited [in the population]
מ־ m-: of; צנע ṣnˁ: put aside, deposit
המצניע hmṣnyˁ
מ־ m-: of; צנע ṣnˁ: put aside, deposit
[If one] deposits [seeds]

as assistants,
עזר ˁzr: assist, help, helper
לזרע lzrˁ
ל־ l-: for; זרע zrˁ: sow, seed
for sowing,

or for public appearances,
ל־ l-: for; דוגמא dwgmˀ: show, public appearance
ולדגמא wldgmˀ
ל־ l-: for; דוגמא dwgmˀ: sample, example
or as a sample,

or for confusion,
ל־ l-: for; ערב ˁrb: mix, confuse
ולרפואה wlrpwˀh
ל־ l-: for; רפואה rpwˀh: healing, cure, medicine
or as a medicine,

[if one] brings [them] out [into public knowledge]
מ־ m-: of; יצא yṣˀ: proved, identified, carry into public
והוציאו whwṣyˀw
מ־ m-: of; יצא yṣˀ: go out, bring out
[if one] brings [them] out

in a war,
ב־ b-: in; צבאות ṣbˀwt: armies, war, warfare
בשבת bšbt
ב־ b-: on; שבת šbt: Sabbath
on Sabbath,

[one] is guilty
חיב ḥyb: guilty
חיב ḥyb
חיב ḥyb: guilty
[one] is guilty

for any [number]
ב־ b-: in; כל kl: all, any
בכל bkl
ב־ b-: in; כל kl: all, any
for any [number]

of them.
ש־ š-: which; הוא hwˀ: he, it
שהוא šhwˀ
ש־ š-: which; הוא hwˀ: he, it
of them.

Shabbat 10:1.a

Shabbat 10:1.b

Encrypted: But for revealing any other person, one is not guilty for it, except as of depending on the amount of damage. If one restores the cover, one is not guilty of anything for it, except as of depending on the amount of damage.

Official: But any other person is not guilty for it, except as of depending on the amount. If one restores the gathered seeds, one is not guilty for it, except as of depending on the amount.

But [for revealing?] any
כל kl: all, any
וכל wkl
כל kl: all, any
But any

[other] person,
אדם ˀdm: man, person
אדם ˀdm
אדם ˀdm: man, person
[other] person

[one is] not
אין ˀyn: no, not
אין ˀyn
אין ˀyn: no, not
[is] not

חיב ḥyb: guilty
חיב ḥyb
חיב ḥyb: guilty

for it,
על ˁl: on, upon
עליו ˁlyw
על ˁl: on, upon
for it,

אלא ˀlˀ: if not, except, only
אלא ˀlˀ
אלא ˀlˀ: if not, except, only

as of [depending on] the amount [of damage].
כ־ k-: as; שיעור šyˁwr: size, amount
כשעורו kšˁwrw
כ־ k-: as; שיעור šyˁwr: size, amount
as of [depending on] the amount.

[If one] restores
חזר ḥzr: restore, return
חזר ḥzr
חזר ḥzr: restore, return
[If one] restores

the cover,
כנס kns: cover, shelter, meet
והכניסו whknysw
כנס kns: collect, gather
the gathered [seeds],

[one is] not
אין ˀyn: no, not
אינו ˀynw
אין ˀyn: no, not
[one is] not

guilty [of anything]
חיב ḥyb: guilty
חיב ḥyb
חיב ḥyb: guilty

for it,
על ˁl: on, upon
עליו ˁlyw
על ˁl: on, upon
for it,

אלא ˀlˀ: if not, except, only
אלא ˀlˀ
אלא ˀlˀ: if not, except, only

as of [depending on] the amount [of damage].
כ־ k-: as; שיעור šyˁwr: size, amount
כשעורו kšˁwrw
כ־ k-: as; שיעור šyˁwr: size, amount
as of [depending on] the amount.

Shabbat 10:1.b

Spies may be only revealed partially.

Shabbat 10:2.a

Encrypted: If one brings out an informer and puts him on the threshold of being revealed, whether he returns to him and brings him fully out, or whether he is then brought out by another person, one is excempt from guilt for the first part, because he did not do the whole task all at once.

Official: If one brings out food and places it on the threshold of the house, whether he returns to it and brings it fully out, or whether it is then brought out by another person, one is excempt from guilt for the first part, because he did not do the whole task all at once.

[If one] brings out
מ־ m-: of; יצא yṣˀ: proved, identified, carry into public
המוציא hmwṣyˀ
מ־ m-: of; יצא yṣˀ: go out, bring out
[If one] brings out

an informer
אכל ˀkl: inform against
אכלין ˀklyn
אכל ˀkl: eat, consume

and puts [him]
נתן ntn: give, put, place
ונתנן wntnn
נתן ntn: give, put, place
and places [it]

על ˁl: in, upon
על ˁl
על ˁl: in, upon

the threshold [of being revealed],
אסכופה ˀskwph: threshold, doorframe
האסקפה hˀsqph
אסכופה ˀskwph: threshold, doorframe
the threshold [of the house],

בין byn: whether
בין byn
בין byn: whether

he returns [to him]
ש־ š-: that; חזר ḥzr: restore, return, repeat
שחזר šḥzr
ש־ š-: that; חזר ḥzr: restore, return, repeat
he returns [to it]

and brings [him fully] out,
יצא yṣˀ: proved, identified, carry into public
והוציאן whwṣyˀn
יצא yṣˀ: go out, bring out
and brings [it fully] out,

[or] whether
בין byn: whether
בין byn
בין byn: whether
[or] whether

he is [then] brought out
ש־ š-: that; יצא yṣˀ: go out, bring out
שהוציאן šhwṣyˀn
ש־ š-: that; יצא yṣˀ: go out, bring out
it is [then] brought out

[by] another [person],
אחר ˀḥr: other, another
אחר ˀḥr
אחר ˀḥr: other, another
[by] another [person],

one is excempt [from guilt for the first part],
פטר pṭr: exempt, free
פטור pṭwr
פטר pṭr: exempt, free
one is excempt [from guilt for the first part],

מפני mpny: because of
מפני mpny
מפני mpny: because of

[he did] not
ש־ š-: that; לא : not
שלא šlˀ
ש־ š-: that; לא : not
[he did] not

עשה ˁšh: do, make, act
עשה ˁšh
עשה ˁšh: do, make, act

the [whole] task
מלאכה mlˀkh: work, business, task
מלאכתו mlˀktw
מלאכה mlˀkh: work, business, task
the [whole] task

[all] at once.
בבת־אחת bbt-ˀḥt: at once, simultaneously
בבת אחת bbt ˀḥt
בבת־אחת bbt-ˀḥt: at once, simultaneously
[all] at once.

Shabbat 10:2.a

Shabbat 10:2.b

Encrypted: If one takes a gathering of spies which is full of masked people, and puts them on the threshold of being revealed, so that they are revealed outside, then even though most of the masked people are revealed outside, one is excempt from guilt, until he brings out the whole gathering.

Official: If one takes a basket which is full of fruit, and places it on the threshold of the house, so that it is already outside, then even though most of the fruit is outside, one is excempt from guilt, until he brings out the whole basket.

[If one takes] a gathering [of spies]
קפא qpˀ: collect, gather
קפה qph
קפה qph: heap, pile, basket
[If one takes] a basket

ש־ š-: which; היא hyˀ: he, it
שהיא šhyˀ
ש־ š-: which; היא hyˀ: he, it

is full
מלא mlˀ: full, filled
מלאה mlˀh
מלא mlˀ: full, filled
is full

of masked [people?],
אפר ˀpr: bandage, mask
פרות prwt
פרי pry: fruit; פרא prˀ: bear fruit
of fruit,

and puts [them]
נתן ntn: give, put, place
ונתנה wntnh
נתן ntn: give, put, place
and places [it]

על ˁl: on, to
על ˁl
על ˁl: on, to

the threshold [of being revealed],
אסכופה ˀskwph: threshold, doorframe
האסקפה hˀsqph
אסכופה ˀskwph: threshold, doorframe
the threshold [of the house],

[so that they are revealed?] outside,
חיצון ḥyṣwn: outer, external
החיצונה hḥyṣwnh
חיצון ḥyṣwn: outer, external
[so that it is already] outside,

[then] even though
אף על פי ˀp ˁl py: although
אף על פי ˀp ˁl py
אף על פי ˀp ˁl py: although
[then] even though

ש־ š-: that; רב rb: much, many
שרב šrb
ש־ š-: that; רב rb: much, many

of the masked [people?]
אפר ˀpr: bandage, mask
הפרות hprwt
פרי pry: fruit; פרא prˀ: bear fruit
of the fruit

[are revealed?] outside,
מ־ m-: of; ב־ b-: in; חוץ ḥwṣ: outside
מבחוץ mbḥwṣ
מ־ m-: of; ב־ b-: in; חוץ ḥwṣ: outside
is outside,

[one] is excempt [from guilt],
פטר pṭr: exempt, free
פטור pṭwr
פטר pṭr: exempt, free
[one] is excempt [from guilt],

עד ˁd: while, until
עד ˁd
עד ˁd: while, until

he brings out
ש־ š-: that; יצא yṣˀ: go out, bring out
שיוציא šywṣyˀ
ש־ š-: that; יצא yṣˀ: go out, bring out
he brings out

את ˀt: to
את ˀt
את ˀt: to

the whole
כל kl: all
כל kl
כל kl: all
the whole

קפא qpˀ: collect, gather
הקפה hqph
קפה qph: heap, pile, basket

Shabbat 10:2.b

Secrets may only be revealed in an unusual, back-handed manner.

Shabbat 10:3.a

Encrypted: If one brings out anything, whether in naive honesty, or whether in unfortunate circumstances, or in the middle of a jest, or by writing things down, then one is guilty, because things are thus brought out by people who are dullards.

Official: If one brings out anything, whether it is with the right hand, or whether it is with the left hand, or in the middle in one’s lap, or on one’s shoulder, then one is guilty, because things were thus brought out by the sons of Qehath.

[If one] brings out [anything],
מ־ m-: of; יצא yṣˀ: proved, identified, carry into public
המוציא hmwṣyˀ
מ־ m-: of; יצא yṣˀ: go out, bring out
[If one] brings out [anything],

בין byn: whether
בין byn
בין byn: whether

in [naive?] honesty,
ב־ b-: in; אמן ˀmn: faithfulness, truth, truly; אמונה ˀmwnh: honesty
בימינו bymynw
ב־ b-: with; ימין ymyn: right hand
[it is] with the right hand,

or whether
בין byn: whether
בין byn
בין byn: whether
or whether

in unfortunate [circumstances],
ב־ b-: in; סמלי smly: left, unfortunate; סמליא smlyˀ: ill-fated
בשמאלו bšmˀlw
ב־ b-: with; שמאל šmˀl: left hand
[it is] with the left hand,

[or] in the middle
ב־ b-: in; תוך twk: middle
בתוך btwk
ב־ b-: in; תוך twk: middle
[or] in the middle

of a jest,
חוך ḥwk: laugh, jest, make fun
חיקו ḥyqw
חיק ḥyq: bosom, lap, fold of a garment
[in one’s] lap,

או ˀw: or
או ˀw
או ˀw: or

על ˁl: about, during, for
על ˁl
על ˁl: on, to

writing [things down],
כתב ktb: write, document, letter
כתפו ktpw
כתף ktp: shoulder
[one’s] shoulder,

[then one] is guilty,
חיב ḥyb: guilty
חיב ḥyb
חיב ḥyb: guilty
[then one] is guilty,

because [things are] thus
ש־ š-: for; כן kn: so, thus
שכן škn
ש־ š-: for; כן kn: so, thus
because [things were] thus

brought out
מ־ m-: of; יצא yṣˀ: proved, identified, carry into public
משא mšˀ
מ־ m-: of; יצא yṣˀ: go out, bring out
brought out

[by] people
בן bn: man, belong to
בני bny
בן bn: son
[by] the sons

[who are] dullards.
קהיות qhywt: bluntness, dullness
קהת qht
קהת qht: Qehath
of Qehath [??].

Shabbat 10:3.a

Shabbat 10:3.b

Encrypted: But if one brings out things in a back handed manner, with slander, with word of mouth or verbally elbowing someone, with hearsay or with letting it slip, or with a deception speaking to the lower people, something between a deception and smooth speech, or a betrayal that is smooth, with a fraud, or with mockery, then one is excempt, because not did one bring out anything like in the manner that things are usually brought out.

Official: But if one brings out things in a back handed manner, with the foot, with the mouth or with the elbow, with the ear or with the hair, or with the hollow belt opening downward, between the hollow belt and the shirt, or the border of the shirt, with the shoe, or with the sandal, then one is excempt, because not did one bring out anything like in the manner that things are usually brought out.

[But if one brings out things in] a back
כ־ k-: as, like; לאחרא lˀḥrˀ: backward
כלאחר klˀḥr
כ־ k-: as, like; לאחרא lˀḥrˀ: backward
[But if one brings out things in] a back

handed [manner],
יד yd: hand
ידו ydw
יד yd: hand
handed [manner],

with slander,
ב־ b-: with; רגל rgl: slander, clumniate
ברגלו brglw
ב־ b-: with; רגל rgl: foot
with the foot,

with word of mouth
פה ph: speech, by word of mouth
בפיו bpyw
ב־ b-: with; פה ph: mouth
with the mouth

or [verbally??] elbowing [someone??],
ב־ b-: with; מרפק mrpq: elbow
ובמרפקו wbmrpqw
ב־ b-: with; מרפק mrpq: elbow
or with the elbow,

with hear[say?]
ב־ b-: with; אזן ˀzn: give ear, listen
באזנו bˀznw
ב־ b-: with; אזן ˀzn: ear
with the ear [???]

or with [letting it] slip,
ב־ b-: with; שרע šrˁ: slip, slip down, lead astray
ובשערו wbšˁrw
ב־ b-: with; שער šˁr: hair
or with the hair [???],

or with a deception
ב־ b-: with; פנד pnd: trick, artifice, deception
ובפנדתו wbpndtw
ב־ b-: with; פונדא pwndˀ: money-bag, hollow belt
or with the hollow belt

פה ph: speech, by word of mouth
ופיה wpyh
פה ph: mouth, opening

to the lower [people],
ל־ l-: to; מטה mṭh: downward, below
למטה lmṭh
ל־ l-: to; מטה mṭh: downward, below

[something] between
בין byn: between
בין byn
בין byn: between

a deception
פנד pnd: trick, artifice, deception
פנדתו pndtw
פונדא pwndˀ: money-bag, hollow belt
the hollow belt

and smooth [speech??],
ל־ l-: to; חלק ḥlq: smooth, slippery
לחלוקו lḥlwqw
ל־ l-: to; חלוק ḥlwq: shirt, dressing gown
and the shirt,

[or] a betrayal
ספיתא spytˀ: treachery, betrayal, duplicity
ובשפת wbšpt
שפתא šptˀ: border, lip; ספתא sptˀ: edge, lip
[or] the border

[that] is smooth [??],
חלק ḥlq: smooth, slippery
חלוקו ḥlwqw
חלוק ḥlwq: shirt, dressing gown
of the shirt,

with a fraud [?],
ב־ b-: with; מ־ m-: of; נאהלל nˀhll: dishonest, fraudulent, false
במנעלו bmnˁlw
ב־ b-: with; מ־ m-: of; נעל nˁl: shoe
with the shoe,

[or] with mockery [?],
ב־ b-: with; סנט snṭ: mock, sneer, scoff
בסנדלו bsndlw
ב־ b-: with; סנדל sndl: sandalion, sandal
[or] with the sandal,

[then one] is excempt,
פטר pṭr: exempt, free
פטור pṭwr
פטר pṭr: exempt, free
[then one] is excempt,

because not
ש־ š-: for; לא : not
שלא šlˀ
ש־ š-: for; לא : not
because not

did [one] bring out [anything]
יצא yṣˀ: go out, bring out
הוציא hwṣyˀ
יצא yṣˀ: go out, bring out
did [one] bring out [anything]

like [in] the manner
כ־ k-: as, like; דרך drk: way, manner
כדרך kdrk
כ־ k-: as, like; דרך drk: way, manner
like [in] the manner

[that things are usually] brought out.
מ־ m-: of; יצא yṣˀ: proved, identified, carry into public
המוציאין hmwṣyˀyn
מ־ m-: of; יצא yṣˀ: go out, bring out
[that things are usually] brought out.

Shabbat 10:3.b

Revealing secrets through other people is as bad as doing it personally.

Shabbat 10:4.a

Encrypted: If one plans to bring out a thing personally, but then it is brought out for him by someone else, then that one is excempt. But if one plans to bring it out by someone else, but then it is brought out by him personally, then that one is guilty.

Official: If one plans to bring out a thing before him, but then it is brought out by him behind him, then that one is excempt. But if one plans to bring it out after him, but then it is brought out by him before him, then that one is guilty.

[If one] plans
מ־ m-: of; תכן tkn: weigh, estimate, planned
המתכון hmtkwn
מ־ m-: of; תכן tkn: weigh, estimate, planned
[If one] plans

to bring out [a thing]
ל־ l-: to; יצא yṣˀ: go out, bring out
להוציא lhwṣyˀ
ל־ l-: to; יצא yṣˀ: go out, bring out
to bring out [a thing]

personally [??],
ל־ l-: to; פני pny: presence, personally
לפניו lpnyw
ל־ l-: to; פני pny: front, before
before [him],

but [then it] is brought out
בוא bwˀ: bring, bring in
ובא wbˀ
בוא bwˀ: bring, bring in
but [then it] is brought out

for him
ל־ l-: for; ־ו -w: him
לו lw
ל־ l-: to, by; ־ו -w: him
by him

[by someone] else [??],
ל־ l-: to; אחר ˀḥr: other; אחורי ˀḥwry: something else
לאחריו lˀḥryw
ל־ l-: to; אחר ˀḥr: after, behind
behind [him],

[then that one] is excempt.
פטר pṭr: exempt, free
פטור pṭwr
פטר pṭr: exempt, free
[then that one] is excempt.

[But if one plans to bring it out by someone] else [??],
ל־ l-: to; אחר ˀḥr: other; אחורי ˀḥwry: something else
לאחריו lˀḥryw
ל־ l-: to; אחר ˀḥr: after, behind
[But if one plans to bring it out] after [him],

but [then it] is brought out
בוא bwˀ: bring, bring in
ובא wbˀ
בוא bwˀ: bring, bring in
but [then it] is brought out

by him
ל־ l-: to, by; ־ו -w: him
לו lw
ל־ l-: to, by; ־ו -w: him
by him

personally [??],
ל־ l-: to; פני pny: presence, personally
לפניו lpnyw
ל־ l-: to; פני pny: front, before
before [him],

[then that one] is guilty.
חיב ḥyb: guilty
חיב ḥyb
חיב ḥyb: guilty
[then that one] is guilty.

Shabbat 10:4.a

Shabbat 10:4.b

Encrypted: In truth it is even said: If a lord girds himself in an apron of disguise, whether someone brings out this thing personally, or whether he has it done by someone else, he is guilty, because he let the lord be seen to be turned around to his true form.

Official: In truth it is even said: If a woman girds herself in an apron, whether she brings out a thing before her, or whether it is behind her, she is guilty, because an apron is often seen to be turned around.

In truth
ב־ b-: in; אמת ˀmt: truth
באמת bˀmt
ב־ b-: in; אמת ˀmt: truth
In truth

[it] is [even] said:
אמר ˀmr: say
אמרו ˀmrw
אמר ˀmr: say
[it] is [even] said:

[If] a lord
שוע šwˁ: nobleman, prince; איש ˀyš: lord
האשה hˀšh
אשה ˀšh: woman
[If] a woman

girds [himself]
חגר ḥgr: encircle, gird
החוגרת hḥwgrt
חגר ḥgr: encircle, gird
girds [herself]

in an apron [of disguise],
ב־ b-: in; סנר snr: girdle, belt, apron
בסינר bsynr
ב־ b-: in; סנר snr: girdle, belt, apron
in an apron,

בין byn: whether
בין byn
בין byn: whether

[someone brings out this thing] personally [??],
ל־ l-: to; פני pny: presence, personally
מלפניה mlpnyh
ל־ l-: to; פני pny: front, before
[she brings out a thing] before [her],

[or] whether
בין byn: whether
ובין wbyn
בין byn: whether
[or] whether

[he has it done by someone] else [??],
מ־ m-: of; ל־ l-: to; אחר ˀḥr: other; אחורי ˀḥwry: something else
מלאחריה mlˀḥryh
מ־ m-: of; ל־ l-: to; אחר ˀḥr: after, behind
[it is] behind [her],

he is guilty,
חיב ḥyb: guilty
חיבת ḥybt
חיב ḥyb: guilty
she is guilty,

ש־ š-: for; כן kn: so, thus
שכן škn
ש־ š-: for; כן kn: so, thus

[he let the lord??] be seen
ראי rˀy: see
ראוי rˀwy
ראי rˀy: see
[an apron is often] seen

to be
ל־ l-: to; היה hyh: be, become
להיות lhywt
ל־ l-: to; היה hyh: be, become
to be

turned around [to his true form].
חזר ḥzr: restore, cause correction
חוזר ḥwzr
חזר ḥzr: return, turn around
turned around [??].

Shabbat 10:4.b

Shabbat 10:4.c

Encrypted: Lord Yehudah says: That is so even if his surface was already penetrated.

Official: Rabbi Yehudah says: That is so even for those who receive notes on paper.

רב rb: lord, master, noble
רבי rby
רבי rby: rabbi

יהודה yhwdh: Yehudah
יהודה yhwdh
יהודה yhwdh: Yehudah

אמר ˀmr: say
אומר ˀwmr
אמר ˀmr: say

[That is so] even
אף ˀp: even, though
אף ˀp
אף ˀp: even, though
[That is so] even

[if his] surface [??]
מ־ m-: of; קבל qbl: oppose, face; קובל qwbl: surface
מקבלי mqbly
מ־ m-: of; קבל qbl: receive
[for those who] receive

was [already] penetrated [??].
פתק ptq: pierce, penetrate, break through
פתקין ptqyn
פתקה ptqh: note, piece of paper
notes [on paper].

Shabbat 10:4.c

Several parties may agree to reveal a secret.

Shabbat 10:5.a

Encrypted: If one brings out a wrapping veil into the domain public, one is guilty. But if it is brought out by two factions, they are exempt individually.

Official: If one brings out a talent of weight into the domain public, one is guilty. But if it is brought out by two persons, they are exempt individually.

[If one] brings out
מ־ m-: of; יצא yṣˀ: proved, identified, carry into public
המוציא hmwṣyˀ
מ־ m-: of; יצא yṣˀ: go out, bring out
[If one] brings out

a wrapping [veil]
כרך krk: bind round, wrap, surround
ככר kkr
ככר kkr: loaf, talent
a talent [of weight]

into the domain
ל־ l-: to; רשות ršwt: territory, domain
לרשות lršwt
ל־ l-: to; רשות ršwt: territory, domain
into the domain

רב rb: large, great, public
הרבים hrbym
רב rb: large, great, public

[one] is guilty.
חיב ḥyb: guilty
חיב ḥyb
חיב ḥyb: guilty
[one] is guilty.

[But if it] is brought out
יצא yṣˀ: proved, identified, carry into public
הוציאוהו hwṣyˀwhw
יצא yṣˀ: go out, bring out
[But if it] is brought out

[by] two [factions???],
שנים šnym: two
שנים šnym
שנים šnym: two
[by] two [persons],

they are exempt [individually].
פטר pṭr: exempt, free
פטורין pṭwryn
פטר pṭr: exempt, free
they are exempt [individually].

Shabbat 10:5.a

Shabbat 10:5.b

Encrypted: But if it is not possible for one faction to bring it out, and therefore it was brought out by two factions, they are guilty. But lord Simeon exempts this.

Official: But if it is not possible for one person to bring it out, and therefore it was brought out by two persons, they are guilty. But rabbi Simeon exempts this.

[But if it is] not
לא : not
לא : not
[But if it is] not

יכל ykl: can, able
יכל ykl
יכל ykl: can, able

[for] one [faction???]
אחד ˀḥd: one
אחד ˀḥd
אחד ˀḥd: one
[for] one [person]

to bring [it] out,
ל־ l-: to; יצא yṣˀ: bring out
להוציאו lhwṣyˀw
ל־ l-: to; יצא yṣˀ: bring out
to bring [it] out,

and [therefore it] was brought out
יצא yṣˀ: bring out
והוציאוהו whwṣyˀwhw
יצא yṣˀ: bring out
and [therefore it] was brought out

[by] two [factions???],
שנים šnym: two
שנים šnym
שנים šnym: two
[by] two [persons],

they are guilty.
חיב ḥyb: guilty
חיבים ḥybym
חיב ḥyb: guilty
they are guilty.

But lord
רב rb: lord, master, noble
ורבי wrby
רבי rby: rabbi
But rabbi

שמעון šmˁwn: Simeon
שמעון šmˁwn
שמעון šmˁwn: Simeon

exempts [this].
פטר pṭr: exempt, free
פוטר pwṭr
פטר pṭr: exempt, free
exempts [this].

Shabbat 10:5.b

Veils of living people can be revealed, but not of the dead.

Shabbat 10:5.c

Encrypted: If one brings out an informer of less than the forbidden value in rank in a veil, one is exempt, even for the veil, because the veil is of secondary importance to him.

Official: If one brings out food of less than the permitted amount in a vessel, one is exempt, even for the vessel, because the vessel is of secondary importance to him.

[If one] brings out
מ־ m-: of; יצא yṣˀ: proved, identified, carry into public
המוציא hmwṣyˀ
מ־ m-: of; יצא yṣˀ: go out, bring out
[If one] brings out

an informer
אכל ˀkl: inform against
אכלין ˀklyn
אכל ˀkl: food

of less
פחות pḥwt: less, lesser
פחות pḥwt
פחות pḥwt: less, lesser
of less

than the [forbidden] value [in rank]
מ־ m-: than; כ־ k-: as; שער šˁr: value, measure
מכשעור mkšˁwr
מ־ m-: than; כ־ k-: as; שיעור šyˁwr: size, amount
than the [permitted] amount

in a veil,
ב־ b-: in; כלה klh: veil, curtain
בכלי bkly
ב־ b-: in; כלי kly: object, vessel
in a vessel,

[one] is exempt,
פטר pṭr: exempt, free
פטור pṭwr
פטר pṭr: exempt, free
[one] is exempt,

אף ˀp: even, though
אף ˀp
אף ˀp: even, though

על ˁl: for
על ˁl
על ˁl: for

the veil,
כלה klh: veil, curtain
הכלי hkly
כלי kly: object, vessel
the vessel,

because the veil
ש־ š-: for; כלה klh: veil, curtain
שהכלי šhkly
ש־ š-: for; כלי kly: object, vessel
because the vessel

is of secondary importance
טפל ṭpl: additional, of secondary importance
טפלה ṭplh
טפל ṭpl: additional, of secondary importance
is of secondary importance

to him.
לו lw: to him
לו lw
לו lw: to him
to him.

Shabbat 10:5.c

Shabbat 10:5.d

Encrypted: If it is a living person in a cover, one is exempt, even for the cover, because the cover is of secondary importance to him. If it is a dead person in a cover, one is guilty.

Official: If it is a living person on a bedding, one is exempt, even for the bedding, because the bedding is of secondary importance to him. If it is a dead person on a bedding, one is guilty.

[If it is]
את ˀt: to
את ˀt
את ˀt: to
[If it is]

a living [person]
חי ḥy: living
החי hḥy
חי ḥy: living
a living [person]

in a cover,
ב־ b-: in; מעטה mˁṭh: wrap, covering
במטה bmṭh
ב־ b-: on; מטה mṭh: couch, bed, frame, bier
on a bedding,

[one] is exempt,
פטר pṭr: exempt, free
פטור pṭwr
פטר pṭr: exempt, free
[one] is exempt,

אף ˀp: even, though
אף ˀp
אף ˀp: even, though

על ˁl: for
על ˁl
על ˁl: for

the cover,
מעטה mˁṭh: wrap, covering
המטה hmṭh
מטה mṭh: couch, bed, frame, bier
the bedding,

because the cover
ש־ š-: for; מעטה mˁṭh: wrap, covering
שהמטה šhmṭh
ש־ š-: for; מטה mṭh: couch, bed, frame, bier
because the bedding

is of secondary importance
טפל ṭpl: additional, of secondary importance
טפלה ṭplh
טפל ṭpl: additional, of secondary importance
is of secondary importance

to him.
לו lw: to him
לו lw
לו lw: to him
to him.

[If it is]
את ˀt: to
את ˀt
את ˀt: to
[If it is]

a dead [person]
מת mt: dead
המת hmt
מת mt: dead
a dead [person]

in a cover,
ב־ b-: in; מעטה mˁṭh: wrap, covering
במטה bmṭh
ב־ b-: on; מטה mṭh: couch, bed, frame, bier
on a bedding,

[one] is guilty.
חיב ḥyb: guilty
חיב ḥyb
חיב ḥyb: guilty
[one] is guilty.

Shabbat 10:5.d

Shabbat 10:5.e

Encrypted: Thus also if one brings out the identity as a nobleman of a dead person the identity as a nobleman of a disgraced person, or the true nature of an agent, one is guilty. But lord Simeon exempts this.

Official: Thus also if one brings out a measure as of an olive from a corpse, or a measure as of an olive from a carcass that was not slaughtered, or a measure as of a lentil from a creeping animal, one is guilty. But rabbi Simeon exempts this.

Thus [also if one brings out]
כן kn: so, thus
וכן wkn
כן kn: so, thus
Thus [also if one brings out]

the [identity] as a nobleman
כ־ k-: as; זהיותא zhywtˀ: nobility; זיותן zywtn: distinguished, noble, imposing
כזית kzyt
כ־ k-: as, like; זית zyt: olive
[a measure] as of an olive

מן mn: of, from
מן mn
מן mn: of, from

a dead [person]
מת mt: dead
המת hmt
מת mt: dead
a corpse,

the [identity] as a nobleman
כ־ k-: as; זהיותא zhywtˀ: nobility; זיותן zywtn: distinguished, noble, imposing
וכזית wkzyt
כ־ k-: as, like; זית zyt: olive
or [a measure] as of an olive

מן mn: of, from
מן mn
מן mn: of, from

a disgraced [person],
נבל nbl: fade, decay, ruin, deface, disgrace
הנבלה hnblh
נבלה nblh: corpse, carcass
a carcass [that was not slaughtered],

or the [true] nature [?]
כ־ k-: as, like; אדש ˀdš: form, character, nature, kind
וכעדשה wkˁdšh
כ־ k-: as, like; עדשה ˁdšh: lentil
or [a measure] as of a lentil

מן mn: of, from
מן mn
מן mn: of, from

an agent [?],
סרסא srsˀ: agent; סרסור srswr: middleman, agent
השרץ hšrṣ
שרץ šrṣ: creeping thing, reptile
a creeping animal,

[one] is guilty.
חיב ḥyb: guilty
חיב ḥyb
חיב ḥyb: guilty
[one] is guilty.

But lord
רב rb: lord, master, noble
ורבי wrby
רבי rby: rabbi
But rabbi

שמעון šmˁwn: Simeon
שמעון šmˁwn
שמעון šmˁwn: Simeon

exempts [this].
פטר pṭr: exempt, free
פוטר pwṭr
פטר pṭr: exempt, free
exempts [this].

Shabbat 10:5.e

Revealing a physical disguise is forbidden.

Shabbat 10:6.a

Encrypted: If one removes the physical adornments this one with that one, or does so with an altered appearance, or does so with the hair, or does so with the mustache, or does so with the beard, or does so with the braids, or does so with the kohl, or does so with the red dye, lord Eliezer deems it guilty. And the advisors prohibit to do it even because of a war.

Official: If one removes the fingernails this one with that one, or by himself with the teeth, or does so with the hair, or does so with the mustache, or does so with the beard, or does so with the braids, or does so with the kohl, or does so with the red dye, rabbi Eliezer deems it guilty. And the advisors prohibit to do it because of the Sabbath.

[If one] removes
נטל nṭl: lift, remove
הנוטל hnwṭl
נטל nṭl: lift, remove
[If one] removes

the [physical?] adornments
שפור špwr: embellishment, improvement, adornment; ־ן -n: (suffix)
צפרניו ṣprnyw
צפורן ṣpwrn: nail of finger
the fingernails

this one
זו zw: this
זו zw
זו zw: this
this one

with that one,
ב־ b-: with; זו zw: this
בזו bzw
ב־ b-: with; זו zw: this
with that one,

או ˀw: or
או ˀw
או ˀw: or

[does so with] an altered [appearance],
ב־ b-: with; שנה šnh: change, alter, disguise
בשניו bšnyw
ב־ b-: with; שן šn: tooth
[by himself] with the teeth,

or [does] so
כן kn: so, thus
וכן wkn
כן kn: so, thus
or [does] so

[with] the hair,
שער šˁr: hair
שערו šˁrw
שער šˁr: hair
[with] the hair,

or [does] so
כן kn: so, thus
וכן wkn
כן kn: so, thus
or [does] so

[with] the mustache,
שפם špm: upper lip; שפמון špmwn: small mustache
שפמו špmw
שפם špm: upper lip; שפמון špmwn: small mustache
[with] the mustache,

or [does] so
כן kn: so, thus
וכן wkn
כן kn: so, thus
or [does] so

[with] the beard,
זקן zqn: beard
זקנו zqnw
זקן zqn: beard
[with] the beard,

or [does] so
כן kn: so, thus
וכן wkn
כן kn: so, thus
or [does] so

[with] the braids,
גדל gdl: plaiting, braid
הגודלת hgwdlt
גדל gdl: plaiting, braid
[with] the braids,

or [does] so
כן kn: so, thus
וכן wkn
כן kn: so, thus
or [does] so

[with] the kohl,
כחל kḥl: kohl, paint the eyes, as adornment
הכוחלת hkwḥlt
כחל kḥl: kohl, paint the eyes, as adornment
[with] the kohl,

or [does] so
כן kn: so, thus
וכן wkn
כן kn: so, thus
or [does] so

[with] the red dye,
פוקסיס pwqsys: red dye
הפוקסת hpwqst
פוקסיס pwqsys: red dye
[with] the red dye,

רב rb: lord, master, noble
רבי rby
רבי rby: rabbi

אליעזר ˀlyˁzr: Eliezer
אליעזר ˀlyˁzr
אליעזר ˀlyˁzr: Eliezer

[deems it] guilty.
מ־ m-: of; חיב ḥyb: guilty
מחיב mḥyb
מ־ m-: of; חיב ḥyb: guilty
[deems it] guilty.

And the advisors
חכם ḥkm: wise, advisor
וחכמים wḥkmym
חכם ḥkm: wise, advisor
And the advisors

prohibit [to do it]
אסר ˀsr: prohibit
אוסרין ˀwsryn
אסר ˀsr: prohibit
prohibit [to do it]

[even] because of
משום mšwm: because
משום mšwm
משום mšwm: because
because of

a war.
שבת šbt: Sabbath
שבות šbwt
שבת šbt: Sabbath
the Sabbath.

Shabbat 10:6.a

Shabbat 10:6.b

Encrypted: If one tears loose such a cover from a tyrant that is already a known prince, one is guilty, but with one that is not yet a known prince, one is exempt. And lord Simeon exempts it with this and with that.

Official: If one tears loose the leaves from a flower-pot that is perforated, one is guilty, but with one that is not perforated, one is exempt. And rabbi Simeon exempts it with this and with that.

[If one] tears loose [such a cover?]
תלש tlš: tear, pluck, detach, loose
התולש htwlš
תלש tlš: tear, pluck, detach, loose
[If one] tears loose [the leaves?]

from a tyrant [??]
מ־ m-: from; עציצא ˁṣyṣˀ: tyrant, despot
מעציץ mˁṣyṣ
מ־ m-: from; עציץ ˁṣyṣ: flower-pot
from a flower-pot

[that is already a known?] prince [??],
נקב nqb: distinguish; נקיב nqyb: prince
נקוב nqwb
נקב nqb: pierce, perforate, hole
[that is] perforated,

[one] is guilty,
חיב ḥyb: guilty
חיב ḥyb
חיב ḥyb: guilty
[one] is guilty,

but [with one] that [is] not [yet]
ש־ š-: that; אין ˀyn: no, not
ושאינו wšˀynw
ש־ š-: that; אין ˀyn: no, not
but [with one] that [is] not

[a known?] prince [??],
נקב nqb: distinguish; נקיב nqyb: prince
נקוב nqwb
נקב nqb: pierce, perforate, hole

[one] is exempt.
פטר pṭr: exempt, free
פטור pṭwr
פטר pṭr: exempt, free
[one] is exempt.

And lord
רב rb: lord, master, noble
ורבי wrby
רבי rby: rabbi
And rabbi

שמעון šmˁwn: Simeon
שמעון šmˁwn
שמעון šmˁwn: Simeon

exempts [it]
פטר pṭr: exempt, free
פוטר pwṭr
פטר pṭr: exempt, free
exempts [it]

with this
ב־ b-: with; זה zh: this
בזה bzh
ב־ b-: with; זה zh: this
with this

and with that.
ב־ b-: with; זה zh: that
ובזה wbzh
ב־ b-: with; זה zh: that
and with that.

Shabbat 10:6.b

Written notes may only be used by serving aristocrats when they cannot whisper.

Shabbat 11:1.a

Encrypted: If one whispers information from the domain private to the domain public, or from the domain public to the domain private, one is guilty. If it is from a domain private to another domain private, and through the domain public in the middle, lord Akiva still deems it guilty, but the advisors exempt it.

Official: If one tosses something from the domain private to the domain public, or from the domain public to the domain private, one is guilty. If it is from a domain private to another domain private and through the domain public in the middle, rabbi Akiva still deems it guilty, but the advisors exempt it.

[If one] whispers [information]
שרק šrq: whistle, whisper
הזורק hzwrq
זרק zrq: throw, toss
[If one] tosses [something]

from the domain
מ־ m-: from; רשות ršwt: territory, domain
מרשות mršwt
מ־ m-: from; רשות ršwt: territory, domain
from the domain

יחיד yḥyd: individual, privately
היחיד hyḥyd
יחיד yḥyd: individual, privately

to the domain
ל־ l-: to; רשות ršwt: territory, domain
לרשות lršwt
ל־ l-: to; רשות ršwt: territory, domain
to the domain

רבים rbym: many people, public
הרבים hrbym
רבים rbym: many people, public

[or] from the domain
מ־ m-: from; רשות ršwt: territory, domain
מרשות mršwt
מ־ m-: from; רשות ršwt: territory, domain
[or] from the domain

רבים rbym: many people, public
הרבים hrbym
רבים rbym: many people, public

to the domain
ל־ l-: to; רשות ršwt: territory, domain
לרשות lršwt
ל־ l-: to; רשות ršwt: territory, domain
to the domain

יחיד yḥyd: individual, privately
היחיד hyḥyd
יחיד yḥyd: individual, privately

[one] is guilty.
חיב ḥyb: guilty
חיב ḥyb
חיב ḥyb: guilty
[one] is guilty.

[If it is] from a domain
מ־ m-: from; רשות ršwt: territory, domain
מרשות mršwt
מ־ m-: from; רשות ršwt: territory, domain
[If it is] from a domain

יחיד yḥyd: individual, privately
היחיד hyḥyd
יחיד yḥyd: individual, privately

to [another] domain
ל־ l-: to; רשות ršwt: territory, domain
לרשות lršwt
ל־ l-: to; רשות ršwt: territory, domain
to [another] domain

יחיד yḥyd: individual, privately
היחיד hyḥyd
יחיד yḥyd: individual, privately

and [through] the domain
רשות ršwt: territory, domain
ורשות wršwt
רשות ršwt: territory, domain
and [through] the domain

רבים rbym: many people, public
הרבים hrbym
רבים rbym: many people, public

in the middle,
ב־ b-: in; אמצע ˀmṣˁ: middle
באמצע bˀmṣˁ
ב־ b-: in; אמצע ˀmṣˁ: middle
in the middle,

רב rb: lord, master, noble
רבי rby
רבי rby: rabbi

עקיבא ˁqybˀ: Akiva
עקיבא ˁqybˀ
עקיבא ˁqybˀ: Akiva

[still deems it] guilty,
מ־ m-: of; חיב ḥyb: guilty
מחיב mḥyb
מ־ m-: of; חיב ḥyb: guilty
[still deems it] guilty,

but the advisors
חכם ḥkm: wise, advisor
וחכמים wḥkmym
חכם ḥkm: wise, advisor
but the advisors

exempt [it].
פטר pṭr: exempt, free
פוטרין pwṭryn
פטר pṭr: exempt, free
exempt [it].

Shabbat 11:1.a

Shabbat 11:2.a

Encrypted: How? If there are two reaching out, this one as facing that one in the domain public, if one hands over or whispers information from this one to that one, then one is exempt. But if it is that they are placed in a chamber just one, one who hands over information is guilty, but one who whispers information is exempt.

Official: How? If there are two balconies, this one as facing that one in the domain public, if one hands over or tosses something from this one to that one, then one is exempt. But if it is that they are placed on a floor just one, one who hands over something is guilty, but one who tosses something is exempt.

כיצד kyṣd: how, in what manner
כיצד kyṣd
כיצד kyṣd: how, in what manner

[If there are] two
שתי šty: two
שתי šty
שתי šty: two
[If there are] two

reaching out,
גזוזטרא gzwzṭrˀ: exostra, balcony, porch
גזזטראות gzzṭrˀwt
גזוזטרא gzwzṭrˀ: exostra, balcony, porch

this [one]
זו zw: this
זו zw
זו zw: this
this [one]

as facing
כ־ k-: as; נגד ngd: equivalent, worth
כנגד kngd
כ־ k-: as; נגד ngd: facing, opposite
as facing

that [one]
זו zw: this
זו zw
זו zw: this
that [one]

in the domain
ב־ b-: in; רשות ršwt: territory, domain
ברשות bršwt
ב־ b-: in; רשות ršwt: territory, domain
in the domain

רבים rbym: many people, public
הרבים hrbym
רבים rbym: many people, public

[if one] hands over
מ־ m-: of; ישט yšṭ: stretch, extend, hand over
המושיט hmwšyṭ
מ־ m-: of; ישט yšṭ: stretch, extend, hand over
[if one] hands over

or whispers [information]
שרק šrq: whistle, whisper
והזורק whzwrq
זרק zrq: throw, toss
or tosses [something]

from this [one]
מ־ m-: from; זו zw: this
מזו mzw
מ־ m-: from; זו zw: this
from this [one]

to that [one],
ל־ l-: to; זו zw: this
לזו lzw
ל־ l-: to; זו zw: this
to that [one],

[then one] is exempt.
פטר pṭr: exempt, free
פטור pṭwr
פטר pṭr: exempt, free
[then one] is exempt.

[But if it] is [that]
היה hyh: be
היו hyw
היה hyh: be
[But if it] is [that]

they are placed
שית šyt: put, place; הן hn: they
שתיהן štyhn
שית šyt: put, place; הן hn: they
they are placed

in a chamber
ב־ b-: in; דיוטא dywṭˀ: chamber, arbitrator’s office
בדיוטא bdywṭˀ
ב־ b-: on; דיוטא dywṭˀ: diaita, floor, story
on a floor

[just] one,
אחת ˀḥt: one
אחת ˀḥt
אחת ˀḥt: one
[just] one,

[one who] hands over [information]
מ־ m-: of; ישט yšṭ: stretch, extend, hand over
המושיט hmwšyṭ
מ־ m-: of; ישט yšṭ: stretch, extend, hand over
[one who] hands over [something]

is guilty,
חיב ḥyb: guilty
חיב ḥyb
חיב ḥyb: guilty
is guilty,

but [one who] whispers [information]
שרק šrq: whistle, whisper
והזורק whzwrq
זרק zrq: throw, toss
but [one who] tosses [something]

is exempt.
פטר pṭr: exempt, free
פטור pṭwr
פטר pṭr: exempt, free
is exempt.

Shabbat 11:2.a

Shabbat 11:2.b

Encrypted: Because that is the method reserved for the serving majesties: When two exalted persons stand as this one after that one in the domain public, they need to hand over secret announcements from this one to that one, but they can not whisper them.

Official: Because that was the method reserved for the serving Levites: When two wagons of the Tabernacle procession would stand as this one after that one in the domain public, and they would hand over the planks from this one to that one, but they could not toss them.

ש־ š-: for; כך kk: so, thus
שכך škk
ש־ š-: for; כך kk: so, thus

[that] is [the method reserved for??]
היה hyh: be
היתה hyth
היה hyh: be
[that] was [the method reserved for??]

the serving
עבד ˁbd: serve, servant
עבודת ˁbwdt
עבד ˁbd: serve, servant
the serving

עליו ˁlyw: superiority, majesty; ־ים -ym: (plural)
הלוים hlwym
לוי lwy: Levite; ־ים -ym: (plural)

[When] two
שתי šty: two
שתי šty
שתי šty: two
[When] two

exalted [persons]
גלול glwl: exaltedness
עגלות ˁglwt
עגלא ˁglˀ: wagon
wagons [of the Tabernacle procession??]

[stand as] this [one]
זו zw: this
זו zw
זו zw: this
[would stand as] this [one]

אחר ˀḥr: after
אחר ˀḥr
אחר ˀḥr: after

that [one]
זו zw: this
זו zw
זו zw: this
that [one]

in the domain
ב־ b-: in; רשות ršwt: territory, domain
ברשות bršwt
ב־ b-: in; רשות ršwt: territory, domain
in the domain

רבים rbym: many people, public
הרבים hrbym
רבים rbym: many people, public

[they need to] hand over
מ־ m-: of; ישט yšṭ: stretch, extend, hand over
מושיטין mwšyṭyn
מ־ m-: of; ישט yšṭ: stretch, extend, hand over
[and they would] hand over

[secret] announcements
כרז krz: proclaim, announce
הקרשים hqršym
קרש qrš: board, plank
the planks

from this [one]
מ־ m-: from; זו zw: this
מזו mzw
מ־ m-: from; זו zw: this
from this [one]

to that [one],
ל־ l-: to; זו zw: this
לזו lzw
ל־ l-: to; זו zw: this
to that [one],

אבל ˀbl: but
אבל ˀbl
אבל ˀbl: but

[they can] not
לא : not
לא : not
[they could] not

whisper [them].
שרק šrq: whistle, whisper
זורקין zwrqyn
זרק zrq: throw, toss
toss [them].

Shabbat 11:2.b

Revealing unpopular, arrogant rulers to violent soldiers is especially forbidden.

Shabbat 11:2.c

Encrypted: As for an army of uncultivated human garbage, where the exalted are rich and arrogant towards the crowd, if one lifts a cover from them or shows something about the exalted, one is guilty. If it is less so, one is exempt.

Official: As for the walls of a cistern of rocks, where the cistern is ten cubits deep and wide four cubits, if one takes something from them or puts something on the cistern, one is guilty. If it is less than that, one is exempt.

[As for] an army
חיל ḥyl: army, host, force
חלית ḥlyt
חיל ḥyl: rampart, wall
[As for] the walls

of uncultivated
בור bwr: wild, uncultivated, mannerless, ruffian
הבור hbwr
בור bwr: pit, cistern
of a cistern

[human] garbage,
סליא=גaרבaגe,תרaסה slyˀ=garbage,trash:
והסלע whslˁ
סלע slˁ: rock, cliff
of rocks,

ש־ š-: that; הן hn: this, they
שהן šhn
ש־ š-: that; הן hn: this, they

the exalted
גבה gbh: high, proud, exalted
גבוהין gbwhyn
גב gb: pit, cistern
the cistern

are rich [?]
עשר ˁšr: wealth, rich
עשרה ˁšrh
עשר ˁšr: ten
[is] ten [cubits deep?]

and arrogant
רהב rhb: proud, arrogant
ורחבן wrḥbn
רחב rḥb: wide
and wide

[towards] the crowd,
ערובא ˁrwbˀ: mixed crowd, rabble, common people
ארבעה ˀrbˁh
ארבע ˀrbˁ: four
four [cubits?],

[if one] lifts [a cover?]
נטל nṭl: lift, move, remove
הנוטל hnwṭl
נטל nṭl: receive, take
[if one] takes [something]

from them
מ־ m-: from; הן hn: this, they
מהן mhn
מ־ m-: from; הן hn: this, they
from them

or shows [something]
נתן ntn: show, display
והנותן whnwtn
נתן ntn: give, put, place
or puts [something]

על ˁl: about
על ˁl
על ˁl: on

the exalted,
גבה gbh: high, proud, exalted
גבן gbn
גב gb: pit, cistern
the cistern,

[one] is guilty.
חיב ḥyb: guilty
חיב ḥyb
חיב ḥyb: guilty
[one] is guilty.

[If it is] less
פחות pḥwt: less, lesser
פחות pḥwt
פחות pḥwt: less, lesser
[If it is] less

מ־ m-: than; כן kn: so, thus
מכן mkn
מ־ m-: than; כן kn: so, thus
than that,

[one] is exempt.
פטר pṭr: exempt, free
פטור pṭwr
פטר pṭr: exempt, free
[one] is exempt.

Shabbat 11:2.c

Shabbat 11:3.a

Encrypted: If one disperses information among a crowd that is frightening and intent on slaughter, to a number of more than ten where the information is spread out, it is as if it was dispersed on purpose. But if it is less than ten where the information is spread out, it is as if it was dispersed in accident. But if one disperses information in accident among a crowd that is frightening, one is still guilty.

Official: If one tosses something four cubits on a wall, to a height of more than ten handbreaths, it is as if it was tossed into the air. But if it is less than ten handbreaths, it is as if it was tossed onto the ground. And if one tosses something onto the ground four cubits, one is guilty.

[If one] disperses [information]
זרק zrq: disperse, dissipated
הזורק hzwrq
זרק zrq: throw, toss
[If one] tosses [something]

[among?] a crowd
ערובא ˁrwbˀ: mixed crowd, rabble, common people
ארבע ˀrbˁ
ארבע ˀrbˁ: four

that is frightening
אימתה ˀymth: fear, terror, panic
אמות ˀmwt
אמה / אמות ˀmh / ˀmwt: cubit

[and intent?] on slaughter [?],
ב־ b-: on; קטל qṭl: kill, slaughter, murder
בכתל bktl
ב־ b-: on; כתל ktl: wall; קתל qtl: wall
on a wall,

to [a number] of more
ל־ l-: to; מעלה mˁlh: upwards, above
למעלה lmˁlh
ל־ l-: to; מעלה mˁlh: upwards, above
to [a height] of more

than ten
מ־ m-: than; עשר ˁšr: ten
מעשרה mˁšrh
מ־ m-: than; עשר ˁšr: ten
than ten

[where the information] is spread out,
טפח ṭpḥ: spread out, extend
טפחים ṭpḥym
טפח ṭpḥ: handbreadth

[it is] as if [it] was dispersed
כ־ k-: as; זרק zrq: disperse, dissipated
כזורק kzwrq
כ־ k-: as; זרק zrq: throw, toss
[it is] as if [it] was tossed

on purpose [?].
ב־ b-: on; רע : thought, purpose, aim
באויר bˀwyr
ב־ b-: in; אוויר ˀwwyr: air, sky
into the air.

[But if it is] less
ל־ l-: to; מטה mṭh: downward, below
למטה lmṭh
ל־ l-: to; מטה mṭh: downward, below
[But if it is] less

than ten
מ־ m-: than; עשר ˁšr: ten
מעשרה mˁšrh
מ־ m-: than; עשר ˁšr: ten
than ten

[where the information] is spread out,
טפח ṭpḥ: handbreadth
טפחים ṭpḥym
טפח ṭpḥ: handbreadth

[it is] as if [it] was dispersed
כ־ k-: as; זרק zrq: disperse, dissipated
כזורק kzwrq
כ־ k-: as; זרק zrq: throw, toss
[it is] as if [it] was tossed

in accident [?].
ב־ b-: in; ערץ ˁrṣ: accident, mischance
בארץ bˀrṣ
ב־ b-: on; ארץ ˀrṣ: earth, ground
onto the ground.

[But if one] disperses [information]
זרק zrq: disperse, dissipated
הזורק hzwrq
זרק zrq: throw, toss
[And if one] tosses [something]

in accident [?]
ב־ b-: in; ערץ ˁrṣ: accident, mischance
בארץ bˀrṣ
ב־ b-: on; ארץ ˀrṣ: earth, ground
onto the ground

[among?] a crowd
ערובא ˁrwbˀ: mixed crowd, rabble, common people
ארבע ˀrbˁ
ארבע ˀrbˁ: four

that is frightening,
אימתה ˀymth: fear, terror, panic
אמות ˀmwt
אמה / אמות ˀmh / ˀmwt: cubit

[one is still] guilty.
חיב ḥyb: guilty
חיב ḥyb
חיב ḥyb: guilty
[one] is guilty.

Shabbat 11:3.a

Shabbat 11:3.b

Encrypted: And if one whispers information into the middle of a crowd that is frightening, but it is then revealed outside of the crowd that is frightening, one is exempt. But if it is outside of the crowd that is frightening, and it is then revealed in the middle of the crowd that is frightening, one is guilty.

Official: And if one tosses something into the middle four cubits, but it then rolls outside of the four cubits, one is exempt. But if it is outside of four cubits, and it then rolls into the middle of four cubits, one is guilty.

[And if one] whispers [information]
שרק šrq: whistle, whisper
זרק zrq
זרק zrq: throw, toss
[And if one] tosses [something]

into the middle
ל־ l-: to; תוך twk: middle
לתוך ltwk
ל־ l-: to; תוך twk: middle
into the middle

of a crowd
ערובא ˁrwbˀ: mixed crowd, rabble, common people
ארבע ˀrbˁ
ארבע ˀrbˁ: four

that is frightening,
אימתה ˀymth: fear, terror, panic
אמות ˀmwt
אמה / אמות ˀmh / ˀmwt: cubit

[but it is then] revealed
נ־ n-: make; גלגל glgl: revealed
ונתגלגל wntglgl
נ־ n-: make; גלגל glgl: roll
[but it then] rolls

חוץ ḥwṣ: outside
חוץ ḥwṣ
חוץ ḥwṣ: outside

of the crowd
ל־ l-: to; ערובא ˁrwbˀ: mixed crowd, rabble, common people
לארבע lˀrbˁ
ל־ l-: to; ארבע ˀrbˁ: four
of the four

that is frightening,
אימתה ˀymth: fear, terror, panic
אמות ˀmwt
אמה / אמות ˀmh / ˀmwt: cubit

[one] is exempt.
פטר pṭr: exempt, free
פטור pṭwr
פטר pṭr: exempt, free
[one] is exempt.

[But if it is] outside
חוץ ḥwṣ: outside, except
חוץ ḥwṣ
חוץ ḥwṣ: outside, except
[But if it is] outside

of the crowd
ל־ l-: to; ערובא ˁrwbˀ: mixed crowd, rabble, common people
לארבע lˀrbˁ
ל־ l-: to; ארבע ˀrbˁ: four
of four

that is frightening,
אימתה ˀymth: fear, terror, panic
אמות ˀmwt
אמה / אמות ˀmh / ˀmwt: cubit

[and it is then] revealed
נ־ n-: make; גלגל glgl: revealed
ונתגלגל wntglgl
נ־ n-: make; גלגל glgl: roll
[and it then] rolls

in the middle
ל־ l-: to; תוך twk: middle
לתוך ltwk
ל־ l-: to; תוך twk: middle
into the middle

of the crowd
ערובא ˁrwbˀ: mixed crowd, rabble, common people
ארבע ˀrbˁ
ארבע ˀrbˁ: four
of four

that is frightening,
אימתה ˀymth: fear, terror, panic
אמות ˀmwt
אמה / אמות ˀmh / ˀmwt: cubit

[one] is guilty.
חיב ḥyb: guilty
חיב ḥyb
חיב ḥyb: guilty
[one] is guilty.

Shabbat 11:3.b

One may reveal frightening secrets to frighten a violent crowd.

Shabbat 11:4.a

Encrypted: If one whispers something for frightening a crowd that is frightening, one is exempt. But if there are only mild mannered people, and the domain public goes into them, if one whispers information in the middle of such a crowd of people, one is still guilty.

Official: If one tosses something into the sea four cubits, one is exempt. But if there is only a swamp water, and the domain public goes into it, if one tosses something into the middle four cubits, one is still guilty.

[If one] whispers [something]
שרק šrq: whistle, whisper
הזורק hzwrq
זרק zrq: throw, toss
[If one] tosses [something]

for frightening [??]
ב־ b-: for; אים ˀym: threaten, frighten
בים bym
ב־ b-: in; ים ym: sea
into the sea

a crowd
ערובא ˁrwbˀ: mixed crowd, rabble, common people
ארבע ˀrbˁ
ארבע ˀrbˁ: four

that is frightening,
אימתה ˀymth: fear, terror, panic
אמות ˀmwt
אמה / אמות ˀmh / ˀmwt: cubit

[one] is exempt.
פטר pṭr: exempt, free
פטור pṭwr
פטר pṭr: exempt, free
[one] is exempt.

[But] if
אם ˀm: if, when
אם ˀm
אם ˀm: if, when
[But] if

[there] are
היה hyh: be
היה hyh
היה hyh: be
[there] is

[only] mild [mannered]
רכך rkk: soft, tender, mild, weak
רקק rqq
רקק rqq: swamp
[only] a swamp

עמים ˁmym: people
מים mym
מים mym: water

and the domain
רשות ršwt: territory, domain
ורשות wršwt
רשות ršwt: territory, domain
and the domain

רבים rbym: many people, public
הרבים hrbym
רבים rbym: many people, public

מ־ m-: of; הלך hlk: go, proceed
מהלכת mhlkt
מ־ m-: of; הלך hlk: go, proceed

into [them],
בו bw: in it
בו bw
בו bw: in it
into it,

[if one] whispers [information]
שרק šrq: whistle, whisper
הזורק hzwrq
זרק zrq: throw, toss
[if one] tosses [something]

in the middle
ל־ l-: to; תוך twk: middle
לתוכו ltwkw
ל־ l-: to; תוך twk: middle
into the middle

of [such] a crowd
ערובא ˁrwbˀ: mixed crowd, rabble, common people
ארבע ˀrbˁ
ארבע ˀrbˁ: four

of people,
אימתה ˀymth: fear, terror, panic
אמות ˀmwt
אמה / אמות ˀmh / ˀmwt: cubit

[one is still] guilty.
חיב ḥyb: guilty
חיב ḥyb
חיב ḥyb: guilty
[one is still] guilty.

Shabbat 11:4.a

Shabbat 11:4.b

Encrypted: And how many may it be, with the mild mannered people? It must still be less than ten where the information is spread out. So if there are more mild mannered people than that, and the domain public goes into them, and one whispers information in the middle of such a crowd of people, one is still guilty.

Official: And how much depth has it, the swamp water? It must be less than ten handbreaths. So if there is more swamp water than that, and the domain public goes into it, and one tosses something into the middle four cubits, one is still guilty.

And how many
כמה kmh: how much
וכמה wkmh
כמה kmh: how much
And how much [depth]

[may] it [be],
הוא hwˀ: he
הוא hwˀ
הוא hwˀ: he
[has] it,

[with] the mild [mannered]
רכך rkk: soft, tender, mild, weak
רקק rqq
רקק rqq: swamp
the swamp

עמים ˁmym: people
מים mym
מים mym: water

[It must still be] less
פחות pḥwt: less, lesser
פחות pḥwt
פחות pḥwt: less, lesser
[It must be] less

than ten
מ־ m-: than; עשר ˁšr: ten
מעשרה mˁšrh
מ־ m-: than; עשר ˁšr: ten
than ten

[where the information] is spread out.
טפח ṭpḥ: spread out, extend
טפחים ṭpḥym
טפח ṭpḥ: handbreadth

[So if there are more] mild [mannered]
רכך rkk: soft, tender, mild, weak
רקק rqq
רקק rqq: swamp
[So if there is more] swamp

people [than that],
עמים ˁmym: people
מים mym
מים mym: water
water [than that],

and the domain
רשות ršwt: territory, domain
ורשות wršwt
רשות ršwt: territory, domain
and the domain

רבים rbym: many people, public
הרבים hrbym
רבים rbym: many people, public

מ־ m-: of; הלך hlk: go, proceed
מהלכת mhlkt
מ־ m-: of; הלך hlk: go, proceed

into [them],
בו bw: in it
בו bw
בו bw: in it
into it,

[and one] whispers [information]
שרק šrq: whistle, whisper
הזורק hzwrq
זרק zrq: throw, toss
[and one] tosses [something]

in the middle
ב־ b-: in; תוך twk: middle
בתוכו btwkw
ב־ b-: in; תוך twk: middle
into the middle

of [such] a crowd
ערובא ˁrwbˀ: mixed crowd, rabble, common people
ארבע ˀrbˁ
ארבע ˀrbˁ: four

of people,
אימתה ˀymth: fear, terror, panic
אמות ˀmwt
אמה / אמות ˀmh / ˀmwt: cubit

[one is still] guilty.
חיב ḥyb: guilty
חיב ḥyb
חיב ḥyb: guilty
[one is still] guilty.

Shabbat 11:4.b

Information may be passed on between groups of informants.

Shabbat 11:5.a

Encrypted: If one disperses information from sworn-in persons to silent persons, or from silent persons to sworn-in persons, or from sworn-in persons to an informant, or from an informant to sworn-in persons, or from an informant to another one, one is exempt.

Official: If one tosses something from the sea onto the dry land, or from the dry land into the sea, or from the sea onto a boat, or from a boat into the sea, or from a boat onto another one, one is exempt.

[If one] disperses [information]
זרק zrq: disperse, dissipated
הזורק hzwrq
זרק zrq: throw, toss
[If one] tosses [something]

מן mn: from
מן mn
מן mn: from

sworn-in [persons?]
ימא ymˀ: swear, vow
הים hym
ים ym: sea
the sea

to silent [persons?],
ל־ l-: to; יבש ybš: dry, silent
ליבשה lybšh
ל־ l-: to; יבשה ybšh: dry land
onto the dry land,

or from
מן mn: from
ומן wmn
מן mn: from
or from

silent [persons?]
יבש ybš: dry, silent
היבשה hybšh
יבשה ybšh: dry land
the dry land

to sworn-in [persons?],
ל־ l-: to; ימא ymˀ: swear, vow
לים lym
ל־ l-: to; ים ym: sea
into the sea,

or from
מן mn: from
ומן wmn
מן mn: from
or from

sworn-in [persons?]
ימא ymˀ: swear, vow
הים hym
ים ym: sea
the sea

to an informant,
ספינא spynˀ: betrayer, informant, informer
לספינה lspynh
ל־ l-: to; ספינה spynh: ship, boat
onto a boat,

or from
מן mn: from
ומן wmn
מן mn: from
or from

an informant
ספינא spynˀ: betrayer, informant, informer
הספינה hspynh
ספינה spynh: ship, boat
a boat

to sworn-in [persons?],
ל־ l-: to; ימא ymˀ: swear, vow
לים lym
ל־ l-: to; ים ym: sea
into the sea,

or from
מן mn: from
ומן wmn
מן mn: from
or from

an informant
ספינא spynˀ: betrayer, informant, informer
הספינה hspynh
ספינה spynh: ship, boat
a boat

to another one,
ל־ l-: to; חבר ḥbr: other one
לחברתה lḥbrth
ל־ l-: to; חבר ḥbr: other one
onto another one,

[one] is exempt.
פטר pṭr: exempt, free
פטור pṭwr
פטר pṭr: exempt, free
[one] is exempt.

Shabbat 11:5.a

Shabbat 11:5.b

Encrypted: If informants are tightly bound together this one with that one, one may freely move information from this one to that one. But if they are not bound together, even though they may be close to each other, one may not freely move information from this one to that one.

Official: If boats are tightly bound together this one with that one, one may freely move objects from this one to that one. But if they are not bound together, even though they may be close to each other, one may not freely move objects from this one to that one.

[If] informants
ספינא spynˀ: betrayer, informant, informer
ספינות spynwt
ספינה spynh: ship, boat
[If] boats

are [tightly] bound [together]
קשר qšr: bind, tie
קשורות qšwrwt
קשר qšr: bind, tie
are [tightly] bound [together]

this one
זו zw: this
זו zw
זו zw: this
this one

with that one,
ב־ b-: with; זו zw: this
בזו bzw
ב־ b-: with; זו zw: this
with that one,

[one may freely] move [information]
מ־ m-: of; טלטל ṭlṭl: move, carry, handle
מטלטלין mṭlṭlyn
מ־ m-: of; טלטל ṭlṭl: move, carry, handle
[one may freely] move [objects]

from this one
מ־ m-: from; זו zw: this
מזו mzw
מ־ m-: from; זו zw: this
from this one

to that one.
ל־ l-: to; זו zw: this
לזו lzw
ל־ l-: to; זו zw: this
to that one.

[But] if
אם ˀm: if, when
אם ˀm
אם ˀm: if, when
[But] if

[they are] not
אין ˀyn: no, not
אינן ˀynn
אין ˀyn: no, not
[they are] not

bound [together],
קשר qšr: bind, tie
קשורות qšwrwt
קשר qšr: bind, tie
bound [together],

even though
אף על פי ˀp ˁl py: although
אף על פי ˀp ˁl py
אף על פי ˀp ˁl py: although
even though

[they may be] close [to each other],
ש־ š-: that; מקף mqp: close, near
שמקפות šmqpwt
ש־ š-: that; מקף mqp: close, near
[they may be] close [to each other],

[one may] not
אין ˀyn: no, not
אין ˀyn
אין ˀyn: no, not
[one may] not

[freely] move [information]
מ־ m-: of; טלטל ṭlṭl: move, carry, handle
מטלטלין mṭlṭlyn
מ־ m-: of; טלטל ṭlṭl: move, carry, handle
[freely] move [objects]

from this one
מ־ m-: from; זו zw: this
מזו mzw
מ־ m-: from; זו zw: this
from this one

to that one.
ל־ l-: to; זו zw: this
לזו lzw
ל־ l-: to; זו zw: this
to that one.

Shabbat 11:5.b

A leaker is not guilty if the leak is stopped or retracted before harm is done.

Shabbat 11:6.a

Encrypted: If one disperses information and remembers that this is wrong after it went out from his hand, but it was intercepted by another insider, or intercepted and substituted, or the evidence was burned, then one is exempt.

Official: If one tosses something and remembers that this is wrong after it went out from his hand, or it was intercepted by another person, or intercepted by a dog, or it was burned, then one is exempt.

[If one] disperses [information]
זרק zrq: disperse, dissipated
הזורק hzwrq
זרק zrq: throw, toss
[If one] tosses [something]

and remembers [that this is wrong]
נ־ n-: make; זכר zkr: remember
ונזכר wnzkr
נ־ n-: make; זכר zkr: remember
and remembers [that this is wrong]

ל־ l-: to; אחר ˀḥr: after, behind
לאחר lˀḥr
ל־ l-: to; אחר ˀḥr: after, behind

[it] went out
ש־ š-: that; יצא yṣˀ: go out
שיצתה šyṣth
ש־ š-: that; יצא yṣˀ: go out
[it] went out

from his hand,
מ־ m-: from; יד yd: hand
מידו mydw
מ־ m-: from; יד yd: hand
from his hand,

[but it] was intercepted
קלט qlṭ: intercept, receive
קלטה qlṭh
קלט qlṭ: intercept, receive
[or it] was intercepted

[by] another [insider],
אחר ˀḥr: other, another
אחר ˀḥr
אחר ˀḥr: other, another
[by] another [person],

[or] intercepted
קלט qlṭ: intercept, receive
קלטה qlṭh
קלט qlṭ: intercept, receive
[or] intercepted

[and] substituted,
חלף ḥlp: exchange, substitute
כלב klb
כלב klb: dog
[by] a dog [??],

או ˀw: or
או ˀw
או ˀw: or

[the evidence?] was burned,
ש־ š-: that; נ־ n-: make; שרף šrp: burn
שנשרפה šnšrph
ש־ š-: that; נ־ n-: make; שרף šrp: burn
[it] was burned [???],

[then one] is exempt.
פטר pṭr: exempt, free
פטור pṭwr
פטר pṭr: exempt, free
[then one] is exempt.

Shabbat 11:6.a

Shabbat 11:6.b

Encrypted: If one disperses information to make an association, whether with commoners or with human cattle, if one remembers that this is wrong while not yet has been made the association, one is exempt.

Official: If one tosses something to deal a wound, whether with persons or with cattle, if one remembers that this is wrong while not yet has been dealt the wound, one is exempt.

[If one] disperses [information]
זרק zrq: disperse, dissipated
זרק zrq
זרק zrq: throw, toss
[If one] tosses [something]

to make
ל־ l-: to; עשה ˁšh: do, make, act, deal
לעשות lˁšwt
ל־ l-: to; עשה ˁšh: do, make, act, deal
to deal

an association,
חבר ḥbr: join, associate
חבורה ḥbwrh
חבר ḥbr: wound
a wound,

בין byn: whether
בין byn
בין byn: whether

with commoners
ב־ b-: with; אדם ˀdm: commoner
באדם bˀdm
ב־ b-: with; אדם ˀdm: man, person
with persons

בין byn: whether
בין byn
בין byn: whether

with [human] cattle,
ב־ b-: with; בהמה bhmh: beast, cattle
בבהמה bbhmh
ב־ b-: with; בהמה bhmh: beast, cattle
with cattle,

[if one] remembers [that this is wrong]
נ־ n-: make; זכר zkr: remember
ונזכר wnzkr
נ־ n-: make; זכר zkr: remember
[if one] remembers [that this is wrong]

עד ˁd: while, until
עד ˁd
עד ˁd: while, until

not [yet]
ש־ š-: that; לא : not
שלא šlˀ
ש־ š-: that; לא : not
not [yet]

has been made
נ־ n-: make; עשה ˁšh: do, make, act, deal
נעשה nˁšh
נ־ n-: make; עשה ˁšh: do, make, act, deal
has been dealt

the association,
חבר ḥbr: join, associate
חבורה ḥbwrh
חבר ḥbr: wound
the wound,

[one] is exempt.
פטר pṭr: exempt, free
פטור pṭwr
פטר pṭr: exempt, free
[one] is exempt.

Shabbat 11:6.b

Shabbat 11:6.c

Encrypted: This is the general rule: All that would be guilty of a mistake, they are not guilty while it is that the beginning and the end of their actions were unintentional. If the beginning was unintentional and the end was planned, or the beginning was planned and the end was unintentional, they are exempt, while it is that either the beginning or the end are unintentional.

Official: This is the general rule: All that would be obligated to make a sin-offering, they are not guilty while it is that the beginning and the end of their actions were unintentional. If the beginning was unintentional and the end was planned, or the beginning was planned and the end was unintentional, they are exempt, while it is that either the beginning or the end are unintentional.

This [is]
זה zh: this
זה zh
זה zh: this
This [is]

the general rule:
כלל kll: general rule
הכלל hkll
כלל kll: general rule
the general rule:

כל kl: all
כל kl
כל kl: all

that [would] be guilty
חיב ḥyb: guilty
חיבי ḥyby
חיב ḥyb: bound, obliged
that [would] be obligated

of a mistake,
חטאת ḥṭˀt: mistake
חטאות ḥṭˀwt
חטאת ḥṭˀt: sin-offering
[to make] a sin-offering,

[they are] not
אין ˀyn: no, not
אינן ˀynn
אין ˀyn: no, not
[they are] not

חיב ḥyb: guilty
חיבין ḥybyn
חיב ḥyb: guilty

עד ˁd: while, until
עד ˁd
עד ˁd: while, until

[it] is that
ש־ š-: that; היה hyh: be
שתהא šthˀ
ש־ š-: that; היה hyh: be
[it] is that

the beginning
תחל tḥl: begin
תחלתן tḥltn
תחל tḥl: begin
the beginning

and the end [of their actions]
סופן swpn: end
וסופן wswpn
סופן swpn: end
and the end [of their actions]

were unintentional.
שגג šgg: error, mistake, unintentionally
שגגה šggh
שגג šgg: error, mistake, unintentionally
were unintentional.

[If] the beginning
תחל tḥl: begin
תחלתן tḥltn
תחל tḥl: begin
[If] the beginning

was unintentional
שגג šgg: error, mistake, unintentionally
שגגה šggh
שגג šgg: error, mistake, unintentionally
was unintentional

and the end
סופן swpn: end
וסופן wswpn
סופן swpn: end
and the end

was planned,
זיד zyd: plan, act with premeditation
זדון zdwn
זיד zyd: plan, act with premeditation
was planned,

[or] the beginning
תחל tḥl: begin
תחלתן tḥltn
תחל tḥl: begin
[or] the beginning

was planned
זיד zyd: plan, act with premeditation
זדון zdwn
זיד zyd: plan, act with premeditation
was planned

and the end
סופן swpn: end
וסופן wswpn
סופן swpn: end
and the end

was unintentional,
שגג šgg: error, mistake, unintentionally
שגגה šggh
שגג šgg: error, mistake, unintentionally
was unintentional,

[they] are exempt,
פטר pṭr: exempt, free
פטורין pṭwryn
פטר pṭr: exempt, free
[they] are exempt,

while [??]
עד ˁd: while, until
עד ˁd
עד ˁd: while, until
while [??]

[it] is that
ש־ š-: that; היה hyh: be
שתהא šthˀ
ש־ š-: that; היה hyh: be
[it] is that

[either?] the beginning
תחל tḥl: begin
תחלתן tḥltn
תחל tḥl: begin
[either?] the beginning

or the end
סופן swpn: end
וסופן wswpn
סופן swpn: end
or the end

are unintentional.
שגג šgg: error, mistake, unintentionally
שגגה šggh
שגג šgg: error, mistake, unintentionally
are unintentional.

Shabbat 11:6.c

Raping women

Begetting children in war is forbidden.

Shabbat 12:1.a

Encrypted: If one begets children during war, how many would he have to beget so that one is guilty? When begetting children during war, one is guilty for any number that one begets. And if one “chisels” around or strikes with one’s “hammer” or with one’s “adze”, or drills into women, any amount that one does is deemed guilty.

Official: If one builds something on Sabbath, how much would he have to build so that one is guilty? When building on Sabbath, one is guilty for any amount that one does. And if one chisels or strikes with a hammer or with an adze, or drills holes, any amount that one does is deemed guilty.

[If one] begets children [during war],
בנה bnh: get children
הבונה hbwnh
בנה bnh: build
[If one] builds [something on Sabbath],

how many
כמה kmh: how much
כמה kmh
כמה kmh: how much
how much

[would he have] to beget
בנה bnh: build
יבנה ybnh
בנה bnh: build
[would he have] to build

[so that one] is
היה hyh: be
ויהא wyhˀ
היה hyh: be
[so that one] is

חיב ḥyb: guilty
חיב ḥyb
חיב ḥyb: guilty

[When] begetting children [during war],
בנה bnh: get children
הבונה hbwnh
בנה bnh: build
[When] building [on Sabbath],

[one is guilty for] any [number]
כל kl: all, any
כל kl
כל kl: all, any
[one is guilty for] any [amount]

that [one begets].
ש־ š-: that; הוא hwˀ: he
שהוא šhwˀ
ש־ š-: that; הוא hwˀ: he
that [one does].

[And if one] “chisels” [around]
מ־ m-: of; סתת stt: chip, chisel
והמסתת whmstt
מ־ m-: of; סתת stt: chip, chisel
[And if one] chisels

or strikes
מכה mkh: struck
והמכה whmkh
מכה mkh: struck
or strikes

with [one’s] “hammer”
ב־ b-: with; פתש ptš: search, examine
בפטיש bpṭyš
ב־ b-: with; פטיש pṭyš: hammer
with a hammer

or with [one’s] “adze”,
ב־ b-: with; מעצד mˁṣd: axe, adze
ובמעצד wbmˁṣd
ב־ b-: with; מעצד mˁṣd: axe, adze
or with an adze,

or drills [into women],
קדח qdḥ: drill
הקודח hqwdḥ
קדח qdḥ: drill
or drills [holes],

any [amount]
כל kl: all, any
כל kl
כל kl: all, any
any [amount]

that [one does]
ש־ š-: that; הוא hwˀ: he
שהוא šhwˀ
ש־ š-: that; הוא hwˀ: he
that [one does]

[is deemed] guilty.
חיב ḥyb: guilty
חיב ḥyb
חיב ḥyb: guilty
[is deemed] guilty.

Shabbat 12:1.a

Shabbat 12:1.b

Encrypted: This is the general rule: All who do acts of desire, and the acts of desire last in war, they are guilty.

Official: This is the general rule: All who do a work, and the work lasts on Sabbath, they are guilty.

This [is]
זה zh: this
זה zh
זה zh: this
This [is]

the general rule:
כלל kll: general rule
הכלל hkll
כלל kll: general rule
the general rule:

כל kl: all
כל kl
כל kl: all

[who] do
עשה ˁšh: do, make, act
העושה hˁwšh
עשה ˁšh: do, make, act
[who] do

[acts of] desire,
מ־ m-: of; להק lhq: desire, long for, thirst for
מלאכה mlˀkh
מלאכה mlˀkh: work, task
a work,

and the [acts of] desire
מ־ m-: of; להק lhq: desire, long for, thirst for
ומלאכתו wmlˀktw
מלאכה mlˀkh: work, task
and the work

מ־ m-: of; קום qwm: last, endure
מתקימת mtqymt
מ־ m-: of; קום qwm: last, endure

in war,
ב־ b-: in; צבאות ṣbˀwt: armies, war, warfare
בשבת bšbt
ב־ b-: on; שבת šbt: Sabbath
on Sabbath,

[they] are guilty.
חיב ḥyb: guilty
חיב ḥyb
חיב ḥyb: guilty
[they] are guilty.

Shabbat 12:1.b

Shabbat 12:1.c

Encrypted: Lord Simeon ben Gamliel: says: Even if one just strikes with one’s “hammer” on a seductress in acting out a desire, one is guilty, because one persisted with the act in war.

Official: Rabban Simeon ben Gamliel: says: Even if one just strikes with a hammer on an anvil in doing the work, one is guilty, because one improved something with the work on Sabbath.

רבן rbn: lord
רבן rbn
רבן rbn: rabban

Simeon ben Gamliel:
שמעון בן גמליאל šmˁwn bn gmlyˀl: Simeon ben Gamliel
שמעון בן גמליאל šmˁwn
שמעון בן גמליאל šmˁwn bn gmlyˀl: Simeon ben Gamliel
Simeon ben Gamliel:

אמר ˀmr: say
אומר ˀwmr
אמר ˀmr: say

אף ˀp: even
אף ˀp
אף ˀp: even

[if one just] strikes
מכה mkh: struck
המכה hmkh
מכה mkh: struck
[if one just] strikes

with [one’s] “hammer”
ב־ b-: with; קורנס qwrns: hammer
בקרנס bqrns
ב־ b-: with; קורנס qwrns: hammer
with a hammer

על ˁl: on
על ˁl
על ˁl: on

a seductress [??]
סטן sṭn: ; לeaד aסתרaי,סeדuצeר lead astray,seducer:
הסדן hsdn
סדן sdn: block, anvil
an anvil

in acting [out]
ב־ b-: in; עשה ˁšh: do, make, act
בשעת bšˁt
ב־ b-: in; עשה ˁšh: do, make, act
in doing

a desire,
מ־ m-: of; להק lhq: desire, long for, thirst for
מלאכה mlˀkh
מלאכה mlˀkh: work, task
the work,

[one] is guilty,
חיב ḥyb: guilty, bound, obliged
חיב ḥyb
חיב ḥyb: guilty, bound, obliged
[one] is guilty,

מפני mpny: because of
מפני mpny
מפני mpny: because of

ש־ š-: that; הוא hwˀ: he, it
שהוא šhwˀ
ש־ š-: that; הוא hwˀ: he, it

כ־ k-: as; מ־ m-: of; תקן tqn: persevere, persist
כמתקן kmtqn
כ־ k-: as; מ־ m-: of; תקון tqwn: correction, improvement
improved [something]

[with] the act [in war].
מ־ m-: of; להק lhq: desire, long for, thirst for
מלאכה mlˀkh
מלאכה mlˀkh: work, task
[with] the work [on Sabbath].

Shabbat 12:1.c

Regular sexual encounters with women are forbidden.

Shabbat 12:2.a

Encrypted: If one has sexual intercourse, one is guilty for any amount of it. If one is knocking up someone, or plucking the tops off women, or scraping them, then for any amount of it, one is guilty. As of gathering sinful encounters, if one did it out of habit, one is guilty for any amount of it.

Official: If one ploughs, one is guilty for any amount of it. If one weeds, or cuts branches, or grows shoots, then for any amount of it, one is guilty. As of gathering wood, if one did it to improve the tree, one is guilty for any amount of it.

[If one has] sexual intercourse,
חרש ḥrš: sexual intercourse
החורש hḥwrš
חרש ḥrš: plough
[If one] ploughs,

[one is guilty for] any [amount]
כל kl: all, any
כל kl
כל kl: all, any
[one is guilty for] any [amount]

of it.
ש־ š-: that; הוא hwˀ: he, it
שהוא šhwˀ
ש־ š-: that; הוא hwˀ: he, it
of it.

[If one] is knocking up [someone],
מ־ m-: of; נכש nkš: knock, strike
המנכש hmnkš
מ־ m-: of; נכש nkš: weed
[If one] weeds,

or plucking the tops off [women??],
מ־ m-: of; קירסום qyrswm: plucking the tops off
והמקרסם whmqrsm
מ־ m-: of; קרסום qrswm: cutting off branches
or cuts branches,

or scraping [them??],
מ־ m-: of; שרט šrṭ: scratch, scrape
והמזרד whmzrd
מ־ m-: of; זרד zrd: grow shoots
or grows shoots,

[then for] any [amount]
כל kl: all, any
כל kl
כל kl: all, any
[then for] any [amount]

of it,
ש־ š-: that; הוא hwˀ: he, it
שהוא šhwˀ
ש־ š-: that; הוא hwˀ: he, it
of it,

[one] is guilty.
חיב ḥyb: guilty, bound, obliged
חיב ḥyb
חיב ḥyb: guilty, bound, obliged
[one] is guilty.

[As of] gathering
מ־ m-: of; לקט lqṭ: harvest, collect, gather
המלקט hmlqṭ
מ־ m-: of; לקט lqṭ: harvest, collect, gather
[As of] gathering

sinful [encounters??],
אשם ˀšm: guilty, sin
עצים ˁṣym
עץ ˁṣ: tree, wood; ־ים -ym: (plural)

אם ˀm: if, when
אם ˀm
אם ˀm: if, when

[one did it out of] habit,
ל־ l-: to; אתקנו ˀtqnw: character, nature, habit
לתקן ltqn
ל־ l-: to; תקון tqwn: correction, improvement
[one did it] to improve [the tree??],

[one is guilty for] any [amount]
כל kl: all, any
כל kl
כל kl: all, any
[one is guilty for] any [amount]

of it.
ש־ š-: that; הן hn: they
שהן šhn
ש־ š-: that; הן hn: they
of it.

Shabbat 12:2.a

Sex with women is permitted for pretending to be a regular soldier.

Shabbat 12:2.b

Encrypted: If one did it to replicate the commoners, one is exempt for as much as is needed to pretend to be of the multitudes of little people. As for gathering satisfying encounters, if one did it out of habit, one is guilty for any amount of it.

Official: If one did it for fire wood, one is guilty if one gathers as much as is needed to boil an egg that is small. As for harvesting grass, if one did it to improve the plot, one is guilty for any amount of it.

אם ˀm: if, when
אם ˀm
אם ˀm: if, when

[one did it] to replicate [the commoners],
ל־ l-: to; נסך nsk: copy out, reproduce, replicate
להסק lhsq
ל־ l-: to; נסק nsq: heat, burnt
[one did it] for fire [wood],

[one is exempt for] as much as
כדי kdy: as much as, according to
כדי kdy
כדי kdy: as much as, according to
[one is guilty if one gathers] as much as

[is needed] to pretend
ל־ l-: to; בשאילו bšˀylw: feignedly, in pretense
לבשל lbšl
ל־ l-: to; בשל bšl: ripen, boil
[is needed] to boil

[to be of] the multitudes
בושיי bwšyy: multitude; ביש byš: poor
ביצה byṣh
ביצה byṣh: egg
an egg

of little [people].
קלי qly: little, small
קלה qlh
קלי qly: roast, burn
that is small.

[As for] gathering
מ־ m-: of; לקט lqṭ: harvest, collect, gather
המלקט hmlqṭ
מ־ m-: of; לקט lqṭ: harvest, collect, gather
[As for] harvesting

satisfying [encounters],
שבע šbˁ: satisfy, surfeit, glut
עשבים ˁšbym
עשב ˁšb: herb, grass

אם ˀm: if, when
אם ˀm
אם ˀm: if, when

[one did it out of] habit,
ל־ l-: to; אתקנו ˀtqnw: character, nature, habit
לתקן ltqn
ל־ l-: to; תקון tqwn: correction, improvement
[one did it] to improve [the plot??],

[one is guilty for] any [amount]
כל kl: all, any
כל kl
כל kl: all, any
[one is guilty for] any [amount]

of it.
ש־ š-: that; הוא hwˀ: he, it
שהוא šhwˀ
ש־ š-: that; הוא hwˀ: he, it
of it.

Shabbat 12:2.b

Shabbat 12:2.c

Encrypted: If it was for the human cattle, one is exempt for an amount needed because of the troops.

Official: If it was for cattle, one is guilty as of a measure of a mouthful of a goat.

אם ˀm: if, when
אם ˀm
אם ˀm: if, when

[it was] for the [human] cattle,
ל־ l-: for; בהמה bhmh: beast, cattle
לבהמה lbhmh
ל־ l-: for; בהמה bhmh: beast, cattle
[it was] for cattle,

[one is exempt for] an amount
כ־ k-: as; מלא mlˀ: quantity
כמלא kmlˀ
כ־ k-: as; מלא mlˀ: quantity
[one is guilty as of] a measure

[needed] because of
פה ph: according to, in proportion to, because
פי py
פה ph: mouth
of a mouthful

the troops.
גדוד gdwd: troop, band
הגדי hgdy
גדי gdy: young goat, kid
of a goat.

Shabbat 12:2.c

Raping two women is forbidden, except for disguised lords to impress the troops.

Shabbat 12:3.a

Encrypted: If one ravages as little as two women, whether in one’s true identity or whether in cover, whether under a name one, or whether it is two names, whether it is two reputations, in all such delights one is guilty.

Official: If one writes down as little as two letters of the alphabet, whether with the right hand or whether with the left hand, whether the name of the letters is one, or whether it is two names, whether it is two different colors of paint, in all languages, one is guilty.

[If one] ravages
חטף ḥṭp: snatch, seize, ravish, rape
הכותב hkwtb
כתב ktb: write
[If one] writes down

[as little as] two
שתי šty: two
שתי šty
שתי šty: two
[as little as] two

איתא ˀytˀ: woman, wife; איתו ˀytw: as wife
אותיות ˀwtywt
אות ˀwt: letter, writing, symbol
letters [of the alphabet],

בין byn: whether
בין byn
בין byn: whether

in [one’s] true [identity]
ב־ b-: in; אמן ˀmn: true, truth; אמונה ˀmwnh: honesty
בימינו bymynw
ב־ b-: with; ימן ymn: right hand
with the right hand

or whether
בין byn: whether
בין byn
בין byn: whether
or whether

in cover [??],
ב־ b-: in; שמלה šmlh: cover, garment
בשמאלו bšmˀlw
ב־ b-: with; שמאל šmˀl: left hand
with the left hand,

בין byn: whether
בין byn
בין byn: whether

[under] a name
מ־ m-: of; שם šm: name, title, nature
משם mšm
מ־ m-: of; שם šm: name, title, nature
the name [of the letters]

אחד ˀḥd: one
אחד ˀḥd
אחד ˀḥd: one
[is] one,

or whether
בין byn: whether
בין byn
בין byn: whether
or whether

[it is] two
מ־ m-: of; שני šny: two
משני mšny
מ־ m-: of; שני šny: two
[it is] two

מ־ m-: of; שם šm: name, title, nature
שמות šmwt
מ־ m-: of; שם šm: name, title, nature

בין byn: whether
בין byn
בין byn: whether

[it is] two
מ־ m-: of; שני šny: two
משני mšny
מ־ m-: of; שני šny: two
[it is] two

שומען šwmˁn: reputation
סממניות smmnywt
סממן smmn: paint, dye
[different colors] of paint [???],

in all
ב־ b-: with; כל kl: all
בכל bkl
ב־ b-: with; כל kl: all
in all

[such] delights
עלסון ˁlswn: rejoicing, delight
לשון lšwn
לשון lšwn: tongue, language

[one] is guilty.
חיב ḥyb: guilty, bound, obliged
חיב ḥyb
חיב ḥyb: guilty, bound, obliged
[one] is guilty.

Shabbat 12:3.a

Shabbat 12:3.b

Encrypted: Says lord Yose: One is not guilty for just two women if it was only because of making an impression on the troops.

Official: Says rabbi Yose: One is not guilty for just two letters if it was only because of marking up things.

אמר ˀmr: say
אמר ˀmr
אמר ˀmr: say

רב rb: lord, master, noble
רבי rby
רבי rby: rabbi

יוסי ywsy: Yose
יוסי ywsy
יוסי ywsy: Yose

[One is] not
לא : not
לא : not
[One is] not

חיב ḥyb: guilty, bound, obliged
חיבו ḥybw
חיב ḥyb: guilty, bound, obliged

[for just] two
שתי šty: two
שתי šty
שתי šty: two
[for just] two

איתא ˀytˀ: woman, wife; איתו ˀytw: as wife
אותיות ˀwtywt
אות ˀwt: letter, writing, symbol

[if it was] only
אלא ˀlˀ: if not, except, only
אלא ˀlˀ
אלא ˀlˀ: if not, except, only
[if it was] only

משום mšwm: because
משום mšwm
משום mšwm: because

of [making] an impression [on the troops?].
רשום ršwm: mark, trace, impression
רשם ršm
רשם ršm: inscribe, note, mark
of marking up [things].

Shabbat 12:3.b

Shabbat 12:3.c

Encrypted: For thus it was when they would rape with the lords who were in danger to be revealed as gay, for making known who was officially the one gender of their copulation preference.

Official: For thus it was when they would write on the planks of the tent of the tabernacle, to know which was the one that was its counterpart.

For thus
ש־ š-: for; כך kk: so, thus
שכך škk
ש־ š-: for; כך kk: so, thus
For thus

[it] was
היה hyh: be
היו hyw
היה hyh: be
[it] was

[when they would] rape
חטף ḥṭp: snatch, seize, ravish, rape
כותבין kwtbyn
כתב ktb: write
[when they would] write

על ˁl: alongside, concerning
על ˁl
על ˁl: on

the lords
קוריס qwrys: lord; קיריס qyrys: master
קרשי qršy
קרש qrš: board, plank
the planks

who were in danger [to be revealed as gay?],
מ־ m-: of; סכן skn: danger, endanger
המשכן hmškn
משכן mškn: tent
of the tent [of the tabernacle],

for making known
ל־ l-: for; ידע ydˁ: make known
לידע lydˁ
ל־ l-: to; ידע ydˁ: know
to know

who [was officially]
איזה ˀyzh: who, which
איזו ˀyzw
איזה ˀyzh: who, which
which [was]

the one [gender]
בן bn: one, belong to
בן bn
בן bn: one, belong to
the one

[of their] copulation [preference].
זוג zwg: pair, mate, copulate
זוגו zwgw
זוג zwg: equal, counterpart
[that was its] counterpart.

Shabbat 12:3.c

Shabbat 12:3.d

Encrypted: Says another lord: It is deemed possible if one uses a name that is reduced for a name that is really longer, such as Shem for Simeon or Samuel, or Noah for Nahor, or Dan for Daniel, or Gad for Gaddiel.

Official: Says another rabbi: It is deemed possible if one writes name that is reduced for a name that is really longer, such as Shem for Simeon or Samuel, or Noah for Nahor, or Dan for Daniel, or Gad for Gaddiel.

אמר ˀmr: say
אמר ˀmr
אמר ˀmr: say

[another] lord:
רב rb: lord, master, noble
רבי rby
רבי rby: rabbi
[another] rabbi:

[It is deemed] possible
מצין mṣyn: possible
מצינו mṣynw
מצין mṣyn: possible
[It is deemed] possible

[if one uses] a name
שם šm: name
שם šm
שם šm: name
[if one writes] name

that is reduced
קטן qṭn: small, reduced
קטן qṭn
קטן qṭn: small, reduced
that is reduced

for a name
מ־ m-: for; שם šm: name
משם mšm
מ־ m-: for; שם šm: name
for a name

that is [really] longer,
גדול gdwl: big, great
גדול gdwl
גדול gdwl: big, great
that is [really] longer,

[such as] Shem
שם šm: Shem
שם šm
שם šm: Shem
[such as] Shem

for Simeon
מ־ m-: for; שמעון šmˁwn: Simeon
משמעון mšmˁwn
מ־ m-: for; שמעון šmˁwn: Simeon
for Simeon

or Samuel,
שמואל šmwˀl: Samuel
ושמואל wšmwˀl
שמואל šmwˀl: Samuel
or Samuel,

or Noah
נח nḥ: Noah
נח nḥ
נח nḥ: Noah
or Noah

for Nahor,
מ־ m-: for; נחור nḥwr: Nahor
מנחור mnḥwr
מ־ m-: for; נחור nḥwr: Nahor
for Nahor,

or Dan
דן dn: Dan
דן dn
דן dn: Dan
or Dan

for Daniel,
מ־ m-: for; דניאל dnyˀl: Daniel
מדניאל mdnyˀl
מ־ m-: for; דניאל dnyˀl: Daniel
for Daniel,

or Gad
גד gd: Gad
גד gd
גד gd: Gad
or Gad

for Gaddiel.
מ־ m-: for; גדיאל gdyˀl: Gaddiel
מגדיאל mgdyˀl
מ־ m-: for; גדיאל gdyˀl: Gaddiel
for Gaddiel.

Shabbat 12:3.d

Raping women with the penis is forbidden, by other means it is permitted.

Shabbat 12:4.a

Encrypted: Even if one ravages two women in just one moment of forgetfulness one, one is guilty. If one ravages them with actual sexual intercourse, or with the secret thingy, or with the membrum, or with the hidden organ, or with the plowshare, or with any thing that leaves a trace, on the two pressed together places, or on the two moistures of the pleasure region, and they were enclosed this one with that one, one is guilty.

Official: Even if one writes two letters of the alphabet, in just one moment of forgetfulness one, one is guilty. If one writes them with writing ink, with color pigments, with red paint, with gum based ink, or with vitriol, or with any thing that makes a mark, on the two walls of a corner, or on the two boards of a writing tablet, and they can be read this one with that one, one is guilty.

[Even if one] ravages
חטף ḥṭp: snatch, seize, ravish, rape
הכותב hkwtb
כתב ktb: write
[Even if one] writes

שתי šty: two
שתי šty
שתי šty: two

איתא ˀytˀ: woman, wife; איתו ˀytw: as wife
אותיות ˀwtywt
אות ˀwt: letter, writing, symbol
letters [of the alphabet],

in [just one moment] of forgetfulness
ב־ b-: in; עלם ˁlm: forgetfulness
בהעלם bhˁlm
ב־ b-: in; עלם ˁlm: forgetfulness
in [just one moment] of forgetfulness

אחד ˀḥd: one
אחד ˀḥd
אחד ˀḥd: one

[one] is guilty.
חיב ḥyb: guilty, bound, obliged
חיב ḥyb
חיב ḥyb: guilty, bound, obliged
[one] is guilty.

[If one] ravages [them]
חטף ḥṭp: snatch, seize, ravish, rape
כתב ktb
כתב ktb: write
[If one] writes [them]

with [actual] sexual intercourse [?],
ב־ b-: with; ידע ydˁ: know, love, have sexual intercourse with
בדיו bdyw
ב־ b-: with; דיו dyw: fluid, writing ink
with writing ink,

or with the secret thingy,
ב־ b-: with; סימה symh: secret, hidden thing
בסם bsm
ב־ b-: with; סם sm: color, pigment
with color pigments,

or with the membrum,
ב־ b-: with; זכר zkr: male, membrum
בסקרא bsqrˀ
ב־ b-: with; סקר sqr: paint red
with red paint,

or with the hidden [organ?],
ב־ b-: with; כמס kms: hide, hidden; קומיס qwmys: comes, attendant of magistrates
בקומוס bqwmws
ב־ b-: with; קומוס qwmws: gum, resin
with gum [based ink],

or with the plowshare,
ב־ b-: with; קנקן qnqn: coulter, plowshare
ובקנקנתום wbqnqntwm
ב־ b-: with; קנקנתום qnqntwm: calcanthum, vitriol
or with vitriol,

or with any
ב־ b-: with; כל kl: all, any
ובכל wbkl
ב־ b-: with; כל kl: all, any
or with any

דבר dbr: thing
דבר dbr
דבר dbr: thing

ש־ š-: that; הוא hwˀ: he, it
שהוא šhwˀ
ש־ š-: that; הוא hwˀ: he, it

[leaves] a trace,
רושם rwšm: mark, trace
רושם rwšm
רשם ršm: inscribe, note, mark
[makes] a mark,

על ˁl: against, into
על ˁl
על ˁl: upon

the two
שני šny: two, second
שני šny
שני šny: two, second
the two

pressed together
כותל kwtl: press together
כתלי ktly
כתל ktl: wall

places [??],
זוי zwy: place
זויות zwywt
זוי zwy: corner
of a corner,

or on
על ˁl: upon, over
ועל wˁl
על ˁl: upon, over
or on

the two
שני šny: two, second
שני šny
שני šny: two, second
the two

moistures [??]
ליחה lyḥh: moisture, secretion
לוחי lwḥy
לוח lwḥ: board, tablet

of the pleasure [region??],
פונק pwnq: pleasure, physical enjoyment
פנקס pnqs
פינקס pynqs: board, tablet
of a [writing] tablet,

and they
הן hn: they
והן whn
הן hn: they
and they

[were] enclosed
גין gyn: cover, surround with; גנן gnn: shelter
נהגין nhgyn
הגה hgh: read; הגיון hgywn: reading
[can] be read

this one
זה zh: this
זה zh
זה zh: this
this one

עם ˁm: with
עם ˁm
עם ˁm: with

that one,
זה zh: that
זה zh
זה zh: that
that one,

[one] is guilty.
חיב ḥyb: guilty, bound, obliged
חיב ḥyb
חיב ḥyb: guilty, bound, obliged
[one] is guilty.

Shabbat 12:4.a

Shabbat 12:4.b

Encrypted: If one ravages them using one’s own penis, one is guilty. If one just scratches them using one’s own penis, lord Eliezer deems it as being guilty of a mistake. But lord Joshua deems it exempt.

Official: If one writes them on one’s own flesh, one is guilty. If one just scratches letters on one’s own flesh, rabbi Eliezer deems it as being obligated for a sin-offering. But rabbi Joshua deems it exempt.

[If one] ravages [them]
חטף ḥṭp: snatch, seize, ravish, rape
הכותב hkwtb
כתב ktb: write
[If one] writes [them]

על ˁl: using
על ˁl
על ˁl: upon, over

[one’s own] penis,
בסר bsr: flesh, penis
בשרו bšrw
בשר bšr: flesh
[one’s own] flesh,

[one] is guilty.
חיב ḥyb: guilty, bound, obliged
חיב ḥyb
חיב ḥyb: guilty, bound, obliged
[one] is guilty.

[If one just] scratches [them]
מ־ m-: of; שארות šˀrwt: kinship, relationship
המסרט hmsrṭ
מ־ m-: of; סרט srṭ: scratch, prick
[If one just] scratches [letters]

על ˁl: using
על ˁl
על ˁl: upon, over

[one’s own] penis,
בסר bsr: flesh, penis
בשרו bšrw
בשר bšr: flesh
[one’s own] flesh,

רב rb: lord, master, noble
רבי rby
רבי rby: rabbi

אליעזר ˀlyˁzr: Eliezer
אליעזר ˀlyˁzr
אליעזר ˀlyˁzr: Eliezer

[deems it as] being guilty
מ־ m-: of; חיב ḥyb: guilty, bound, obliged
מחיב mḥyb
מ־ m-: of; חיב ḥyb: guilty, bound, obliged
[deems it as] being obligated

of a mistake.
חטאת ḥṭˀt: mistake
חטאת ḥṭˀt
חטאת ḥṭˀt: sin-offering
[for] a sin-offering.

But lord
רב rb: lord, master, noble
ורבי wrby
רבי rby: rabbi
But rabbi

יהושע yhwšˁ: Joshua
יהושע yhwšˁ
יהושע yhwšˁ: Joshua

[deems it] exempt.
פטר pṭr: exempt, free
פוטר pwṭr
פטר pṭr: exempt, free
[deems it] exempt.

Shabbat 12:4.b

Shabbat 12:5.a

Encrypted: If one ravages them with a one’s liquid, with the water of fertility, in the cleft of the legs, in the cleft of the anus, or in any manner which does not endure, then one is exempt.

Official: If one writes with certain liquids, with water of fruit, with dust of the road, with dust of a scribe, or with any thing which does not endure, then one is exempt.

[If one] ravages [them]
חטף ḥṭp: snatch, seize, ravish, rape
כתב ktb
כתב ktb: write
[If one] writes

with a [one’s?] liquid,
ב־ b-: with; משקה mšqh: drink, liquid
במשקין bmšqyn
ב־ b-: with; משקה mšqh: drink, liquid
with [certain] liquids,

with the water [?!?]
ב־ b-: with; מי my: water
במי bmy
ב־ b-: with; מי my: water
with water

of fertility [?!?],
פרי pry: fertility, produce, progeny
פרות prwt
פרי pry: fruit, produce
of fruit,

in the cleft
ב־ b-: in; בקע bqˁ: split, cleft
באבק bˀbq
ב־ b-: with; אבק ˀbq: dust, powder
with dust

of the legs [???],
דרך drk: tread, walk
דרכים drkym
דרך drk: way, path, road
of the road,

in the cleft
ב־ b-: in; בקע bqˁ: split, cleft
באבק bˀbq
ב־ b-: with; אבק ˀbq: dust, powder
with dust

of the anus [???],
זפר zpr: stink
הסופרים hswprym
ספר spr: write, scribe
of a scribe,

or in any
ב־ b-: with, in; כל kl: all, any
ובכל wbkl
ב־ b-: with, in; כל kl: all, any
or with any

דברה dbrh: manner
דבר dbr
דבר dbr: thing

which [does] not
ש־ š-: which; אין ˀyn: no, not
שאינו šˀynw
ש־ š-: which; אין ˀyn: no, not
which [does] not

מ־ m-: of; ת־ t-: of; קום qwm: endure, last
מתקים mtqym
מ־ m-: of; ת־ t-: of; קום qwm: endure, last

[then one] is exempt.
פטר pṭr: exempt, free
פטור pṭwr
פטר pṭr: exempt, free
[then one] is exempt.

Shabbat 12:5.a

Shabbat 12:5.b

Encrypted: Also into the hind part, in the legs, in the mouth, in the elbow.

Official: Also with the back of the hand, with the foot, with the mouth, with the elbow.

[Also] into the hind
ל־ l-: into; אחר ˀḥr: behind
לאחר lˀḥr
ל־ l-: to; אחר ˀḥr: back
[Also with] the back

part [??],
יד yd: portion, part
ידו ydw
יד yd: hand
of the hand [??],

in the legs [??],
ב־ b-: in; רגל rgl: leg
ברגלו brglw
ב־ b-: with; רגל rgl: foot
with the foot [??],

in the mouth [??],
ב־ b-: in; פי py: mouth
בפיו bpyw
ב־ b-: with; פי py: mouth
with the mouth [??],

in the elbow [??].
ב־ b-: in; מרפק mrpq: elbow
ובמרפקו wbmrpqw
ב־ b-: with; מרפק mrpq: elbow
with the elbow [??].

Shabbat 12:5.b

Shabbat 12:5.c

Encrypted: If one ravages a woman just one, even if it is adjacent to other rapings, or if one ravages at the place of other rapings, or if one planned to ravage a professional sinner and instead ravages two prostitutes, if one ravages one who is pleased or one who is satisfied with it, if one ravages on the two pressed together places, or on the two dripping places of the pleasure region, but they are not enclosed this one with that one, one is exempt.

Official: If one writes a letter just one, even if it is adjacent to other writings, or if one writes over the place of other writings, or if one planned to write the letter Ḥet, and instead writes two letters Zayin, if one writes one on the ground and one on a beam, if one writes on the two walls of a corner, or on the two boards of a writing tablet, that are not read this one with that one, one is exempt.

[If one] ravages
חטף ḥṭp: snatch, seize, ravish, rape
כתב ktb
כתב ktb: write
[If one] writes

a woman
איתא ˀytˀ: woman, wife; איתו ˀytw: as wife
אות ˀwt
אות ˀwt: letter, writing, symbol
a letter

[just] one,
אחת ˀḥt: one
אחת ˀḥt
אחת ˀḥt: one
[just] one,

[even if it] is adjacent
סמך smk: support, help
סמוך smwk
סמך smk: touch, adjacent to
[even if it] is adjacent

to [other] rapings,
ל־ l-: to; חטף ḥṭp: snatch, seize, ravish, rape
לכתב lktb
ל־ l-: to; כתב ktb: write
to [other] writings,

or [if one] ravages
חטף ḥṭp: snatch, seize, ravish, rape
וכתב wktb
כתב ktb: write
or [if one] writes

על ˁl: upon, over
על ˁl
על ˁl: upon, over

the place of
גבי gby: together with, at the place of
גבי gby
גבי gby: together with, at the place of
the place of

[other] rapings,
חטף ḥṭp: snatch, seize, ravish, rape
כתב ktb
כתב ktb: write
[other] writings,

[or if one] planned
נ־ n-: make; תכון tkwn: planning
נתכון ntkwn
נ־ n-: make; תכון tkwn: planning
[or if one] planned

to ravage
ל־ l-: to; חטף ḥṭp: snatch, seize, ravish, rape
לכתב lktb
ל־ l-: to; כתב ktb: write
to write

a [professional?] sinner
חטי ḥṭy: gratified, sin; חוטא ḥwṭˀ: sinner
חית ḥyt
חית ḥyt: heth, eighth letter
the [letter] Ḥet,

and [instead] ravages
חטף ḥṭp: snatch, seize, ravish, rape
וכתב wktb
כתב ktb: write
and [instead] writes

שני šny: two, second
שני šny
שני šny: two, second

זני zny: adultery, fornication, fornication, be a prostitute
זינין zynyn
זין zyn: zayin, seventh letter
[letters] Zayin,

[if one ravages] one
אחד ˀḥd: one
אחד ˀḥd
אחד ˀḥd: one
[if one writes] one

[who] is pleased
ב־ b-: in; רצה rṣh: pleased with
בארץ bˀrṣ
ב־ b-: on; ארץ ˀrṣ: earth, ground
on the ground

or one
אחד ˀḥd: one
ואחד wˀḥd
אחד ˀḥd: one
and one

[who] is satisfied [with it],
ב־ b-: on; קורה qwrh: satisfaction, pleasure
בקורה bqwrh
ב־ b-: on; קורה qwrh: beam
on a beam,

[if one] ravages
חטף ḥṭp: snatch, seize, ravish, rape
כתב ktb
כתב ktb: write
[if one] writes

על ˁl: against, into
על ˁl
על ˁl: upon

the two
שני šny: two, second
שני šny
שני šny: two, second
the two

pressed together
כותל kwtl: press together
כתלי ktly
כתל ktl: wall

places [??],
בית byt: place
הבית hbyt
בית byt: house, school
of a corner,

or on
על ˁl: upon, over
על ˁl
על ˁl: upon, over
or on

the two
שני šny: two, second
שני šny
שני šny: two, second
the two

dripping [places??]
טפף ṭpp: drip, drop
דפי dpy
דף dp: board, tablet

of the pleasure [region??],
פונק pwnq: pleasure, physical enjoyment
פנקס pnqs
פינקס pynqs: board, tablet
of a [writing] tablet,

[but they are] not
אין ˀyn: no, not
ואין wˀyn
אין ˀyn: no, not
[that are] not

גין gyn: cover, surround with; גנן gnn: shelter
נהגין nhgyn
הגה hgh: read; הגיון hgywn: reading

this one
זה zh: this
זה zh
זה zh: this
this one

עם ˁm: with
עם ˁm
עם ˁm: with

that one,
זה zh: this
זה zh
זה zh: this
that one,

[one] is exempt.
פטר pṭr: exempt, free
פטור pṭwr
פטר pṭr: exempt, free
[one] is exempt.

Shabbat 12:5.c

Lords may rape women of common birth if it is for the troops.

Shabbat 12:5.d

Encrypted: If one ravages a woman just one, as an arrangement for the guards, lord Joshua ben Bathyra deems it guilty. But the advisors exempt it.

Official: If one writes a letter just one, as an abbreviation, rabbi Joshua ben Bathyra deems it guilty. But the advisors exempt it.

[If one] ravages
חטף ḥṭp: snatch, seize, ravish, rape
כתב ktb
כתב ktb: write
[If one] writes

a woman
איתא ˀytˀ: woman, wife; איתו ˀytw: as wife
אות ˀwt
אות ˀwt: letter, writing, symbol
a letter

[just] one,
אחת ˀḥt: one
אחת ˀḥt
אחת ˀḥt: one
[just] one,

[as] an arrangement [for] the guards [???],
נטר nṭr: guard, guardian; קון qwn: arrange
נוטריקון nwṭryqwn
נוטריקון nwṭryqwn: notarikon, abbreviation
[as] an abbreviation,

רב rb: lord, master, noble
רבי rby
רבי rby: rabbi

יהושע yhwšˁ: Joshua
יהושע yhwšˁ
יהושע yhwšˁ: Joshua

בן bn: son
בן bn
בן bn: son

בתירא btyrˀ: Bathyra
בתירא btyrˀ
בתירא btyrˀ: Bathyra

[deems it] guilty.
מ־ m-: of; חיב ḥyb: guilty, bound, obliged
מחיב mḥyb
מ־ m-: of; חיב ḥyb: guilty, bound, obliged
[deems it] guilty.

But the advisors
חכם ḥkm: wise, advisor
וחכמים wḥkmym
חכם ḥkm: wise, advisor
But the advisors

exempt [it].
פטר pṭr: exempt, free
פוטרין pwṭryn
פטר pṭr: exempt, free
exempt [it].

Shabbat 12:5.d

Shabbat 12:6.a

Encrypted: If one ravages two women in two separate acts of forgetfulness, one of servitude and the other one also among the multitudes, then lord Gamliel deems it guilty. But the advisors exempt it.

Official: If one writes two letters of the alphabet, in two separate acts of forgetfulness, one at dawn and the other one during the evening, then rabban Gamliel deems it guilty. But the advisors exempt it.

[If one] ravages
חטף ḥṭp: snatch, seize, ravish, rape
הכותב hkwtb
כתב ktb: write
[If one] writes

שתי šty: two
שתי šty
שתי šty: two

איתא ˀytˀ: woman, wife; איתו ˀytw: as wife
אותיות ˀwtywt
אות ˀwt: letter, writing, symbol
letters [of the alphabet],

in two
ב־ b-: in; שני šny: two
בשני bšny
ב־ b-: in; שני šny: two
in two

[separate acts of] forgetfulness,
עלם ˁlm: forgetfulness
העלמות hˁlmwt
עלם ˁlm: forgetfulness
[separate acts of] forgetfulness,

אחת ˀḥt: one
אחת ˀḥt
אחת ˀḥt: one

of servitude
שוחרא šwḥrˀ: tribute, penal servitude
שחרית šḥryt
שחר šḥr: dawn
[at] dawn

and the [other] one
אחת ˀḥt: one
ואחת wˀḥt
אחת ˀḥt: one
and the [other] one

[also] among
בין byn: among
בין byn
בין byn: during

the multitudes,
ערב ˁrb: mixed multitude
הערבים hˁrbym
ערב ˁrb: evening
the evening,

[then] lord
רבן rbn: lord
רבן rbn
רבן rbn: rabban
[then] rabban

גמליאל gmlyˀl: Gamliel
גמליאל gmlyˀl
גמליאל gmlyˀl: Gamliel

[deems it] guilty.
מ־ m-: of; חיב ḥyb: guilty, bound, obliged
מחיב mḥyb
מ־ m-: of; חיב ḥyb: guilty, bound, obliged
[deems it] guilty.

But the advisors
חכם ḥkm: wise, advisor
וחכמים wḥkmym
חכם ḥkm: wise, advisor
But the advisors

exempt [it].
פטר pṭr: exempt, free
פוטרין pwṭryn
פטר pṭr: exempt, free
exempt [it].

Shabbat 12:6.a

Raping two or three women is forbidden.

Shabbat 13:1.a

Encrypted: Lord Eliezer says: If one is desirous for three sins at the beginning of a new lusting, or one on which was already desired before, one is guilty. And the advisors say: Whether in the beginning or in the end, the forbidden amount is two sins.

Official: Rabbi Eliezer says: If one weaves three threads at the beginning of a new fabric, or one on which was already woven before, one is guilty. And the advisors say: Whether in the beginning or in the end, the forbidden amount is two threads.

רב rb: lord, master, noble
רבי rby
רבי rby: rabbi

אליעזר ˀlyˁzr: Eliezer
אליעזר ˀlyˁzr
אליעזר ˀlyˁzr: Eliezer

אמר ˀmr: say
אומר ˀwmr
אמר ˀmr: say

[If one] is desirous
ראג rˀg: desirous for, coveting
האורג hˀwrg
ארג ˀrg: weave
[If one] weaves

[for] three
שלש šlš: three
שלשה šlšh
שלש šlš: three

חוטא ḥwṭˀ: sinner; חטא ḥṭˀ: sin, seducer
חוטין ḥwṭyn
חוט ḥwṭ: thread, chord, strap

at the beginning [of a new lusting],
ב־ b-: in; תחל tḥl: start, begin
בתחלה btḥlh
ב־ b-: in; תחל tḥl: start, begin
at the beginning [of a new fabric],

or one
אחת ˀḥt: one
ואחת wˀḥt
אחת ˀḥt: one
or one

על ˁl: upon, over
על ˁl
על ˁl: upon, over

[which was already] desired [before],
ראג rˀg: desirous for, coveting
האריג hˀryg
ארג ˀrg: weave
[which was already] woven [before],

[one] is guilty.
חיב ḥyb: guilty, bound, obliged
חיב ḥyb
חיב ḥyb: guilty, bound, obliged
[one] is guilty.

And the advisors
חכם ḥkm: wise, advisor
וחכמים wḥkmym
חכם ḥkm: wise, advisor
And the advisors

אמר ˀmr: say
אומרים ˀwmrym
אמר ˀmr: say

בין byn: whether
בין byn
בין byn: whether

in the beginning
ב־ b-: in; תחל tḥl: start, begin
בתחלה btḥlh
ב־ b-: in; תחל tḥl: start, begin
in the beginning

בין byn: whether
בין byn
בין byn: whether

in the end,
ב־ b-: in; סוף swp: end, finish
בסוף bswp
ב־ b-: in; סוף swp: end, finish
in the end,

the [forbidden] amount
שעור šˁwr: measure, quantity
שעורו šˁwrw
שעור šˁwr: measure, quantity
the [forbidden] amount

[is] two
שני šny: two, second
שני šny
שני šny: two, second
[is] two

חוטא ḥwṭˀ: sinner; חטא ḥṭˀ: sin, seducer
חוטין ḥwṭyn
חוט ḥwṭ: thread, chord, strap

Shabbat 13:1.a

Shabbat 13:2.a

Encrypted: If one does just two maiden girls with the “shaft”, with the “hook”, with the “squirter”, with the membrum or with the pricker, one is guilty. Also if one breaks two “seams”, or tears on the “vessels”, so as to break two “seams”.

Official: If one makes just two structures of meshes with a cross-rod, with a hook, with a winnow, with a sieve or with a basket, one is guilty. Also if one stitches two stitches, or tears on a garment so as to have to stitch two stitches to repair it.

[If one] does
עשה ˁšh: do, make, act
העושה hˁwšh
עשה ˁšh: do, make, act
[If one] makes

[just] two
שני šny: two, second
שני šny
שני šny: two, second
[just] two

בת bt: girl, maiden
בתי bty
ביתא bytˀ: structure

נערה nˁrh: servant, girl, maid
נירין nyryn
ניר nyr: warp, mesh, cross-rod
of meshes

with the “shaft”,
ב־ b-: with; ניר nyr: cross-rod, shaft of loom
בנירין bnyryn
ב־ b-: with; ניר nyr: cross-rod, shaft of loom
with a cross-rod,

with the “hook”,
ב־ b-: with; קרס qrs: hook, clasp
בקרוס bqrws
ב־ b-: with; קרס qrs: hook, clasp
with a hook,

with the “squirter”,
ב־ b-: with; נפע npˁ: blow, squirt into the mouth
בנפה bnph
ב־ b-: with; נפה nph: winnow, sieve
with a winnow,

with the membrum
ב־ b-: with; גבר gbr: membrum virile; גברו gbrw: male genitalia
בכברה bkbrh
ב־ b-: with; כברה kbrh: basket, sieve
with a sieve

or with the pricker,
ב־ b-: with; סלוא slwˀ: rod, prick
ובסל wbsl
ב־ b-: with; סל sl: basket
or with a basket,

[one] is guilty.
חיב ḥyb: guilty, bound, obliged
חיב ḥyb
חיב ḥyb: guilty, bound, obliged
[one] is guilty.

[Also if one] breaks
תבר tbr: break
והתופר whtwpr
תפר tpr: sew, seam, stitch
[Also if one] stitches

שתי šty: two
שתי šty
שתי šty: two

תפר tpr: sew, seam, stitch
תפירות tpyrwt
תפר tpr: sew, seam, stitch

or tears
קרע qrˁ: tear, rend
והקורע whqwrˁ
קרע qrˁ: tear, rend
or tears

על ˁl: upon, over
על ˁl
על ˁl: upon, over

the “vessels”,
מן mn: thing, vessel, garment
מנת mnt
מן mn: thing, vessel, garment
a garment

[so as] to break
ל־ l-: to; תבר tbr: break
לתפר ltpr
ל־ l-: to; תפר tpr: sew, seam, stitch
[so as to have] to stitch

שתי šty: two
שתי šty
שתי šty: two

תפר tpr: sew, seam, stitch
תפירות tpyrwt
תפר tpr: sew, seam, stitch
stitches [to repair it].

Shabbat 13:2.a

Rulers may rape or hurt women out of sudden anger, but may not plan it.

Shabbat 13:3.a

Encrypted: One who rends women in anger over a dead companion, or anyone who damages people because of that is excempt. But if one does damages on a “vessels” because one has planned it. the forbidden amount is like that of planned transgressions.

Official: One who rends garments in anger over a dead friend, or anyone who damages things because of that is excempt. But if one does damages on a thing to repair something, the forbidden amount is like that of the repairing.

[One who] rends [women]
קרע qrˁ: tear, rend
הקורע hqwrˁ
קרע qrˁ: tear, rend
[One who] rends [garments]

in anger
ב־ b-: in; חמה ḥmh: heat, anger
בחמתו bḥmtw
ב־ b-: in; חמה ḥmh: heat, anger
in anger

על ˁl: upon, over
ועל wˁl
על ˁl: upon, over

a dead [companion?],
מת mt: die, dead, death
מתו mtw
מת mt: die, dead, death
a dead [friend],

or anyone
כל kl: all, any
וכל wkl
כל kl: all, any
or anyone

[who] damages [people because of that]
מ־ m-: of; קלקל qlql: corrupt, sin
המקלקלין hmqlqlyn
מ־ m-: of; קלקל qlql: spoil, damage, ruin
[who] damages [things because of that]

is excempt.
פטר pṭr: exempt, free
פטורין pṭwryn
פטר pṭr: exempt, free
is excempt.

[But if one does] damages
מ־ m-: of; קלקל qlql: corrupt, sin
והמקלקל whmqlql
מ־ m-: of; קלקל qlql: spoil, damage, ruin
[But if one does] damages

על ˁl: upon, over
על ˁl
על ˁl: upon, over

a “vessels”
מן mn: thing, vessel, garment
מנת mnt
מן mn: thing, vessel, garment
a thing

[because one] has planned [it].
ל־ l-: to; תכון tkwn: planning, designing
לתקן ltqn
ל־ l-: to; תקן tqn: correct, repair
to repair [something],

the [forbidden] amount
שעור šˁwr: measure, quantity, proportion
שעורו šˁwrw
שעור šˁwr: measure, quantity, proportion
the [forbidden] amount

[is] like that of planned [transgressions].
כ־ k-: as, like; מ־ m-: of; תכון tkwn: planning, designing
כמתקן kmtqn
כ־ k-: as, like; מ־ m-: of; תקן tqn: correct, repair
[is] like that of the repairing.

Shabbat 13:3.a

Even sexual encounters out of true love are forbidden.

Shabbat 13:4.a

Encrypted: Even the forbidden amount for sincerely affectionate shakings or desires or wipings is like a full shaking of nakedness of the loins. If one is desirous for two such sins, the forbidden amount is like a full seduction.

Official: The forbidden amount for whitening or beating flax or dyeing or spinning is like the full width of a finger-span double. If one weaves two threads, the forbidden amount is like a full finger-span.

[Even] the [forbidden] amount
שעור šˁwr: measure, quantity, proportion
שעור šˁwr
שעור šˁwr: measure, quantity, proportion
The [forbidden] amount

[for] sincerely affectionate [??]
מ־ m-: of; לבני lbny: heartfelt, sincere; לבניא lbnyˀ: loving, affectionate
המלבן hmlbn
מ־ m-: of; לבן lbn: white, whiten
[for] whitening

shakings [??]
מ־ m-: of; נפץ npṣ: shake oneself off
והמנפץ whmnpṣ
מ־ m-: of; נפץ npṣ: shatter, beat
or beating [flax]

or desires
צבא ṣbˀ: desire
והצובע whṣwbˁ
צבע ṣbˁ: color, dye
or dyeing

or wipings [??]
טווח ṭwwḥ: pressing the bow; תחח tḥḥ: wipe off
והטווה whṭwwh
טוה ṭwh: spin
or spinning

[is] like a full
כ־ k-: as, like; מלא mlˀ: full
כמלא kmlˀ
כ־ k-: as, like; מלא mlˀ: full
[is] like the full

shaking [??]
רחף rḥp: shake, tremble
רחב rḥb
רחב rḥb: width

of nakedness
שיטו šyṭw: shame, nakedness; סויותא swywtˀ: desire
הסיט hsyṭ
סיט syṭ: palm, span
of a finger-span

of the loins.
כפלא kplˀ: curve, groin, loin
כפול kpwl
כפל kpl: double

[If one] is desirous
ראג rˀg: desirous for, coveting
והאורג whˀwrg
ארג ˀrg: weave
[If one] weaves

[for] two
שני šny: two
שני šny
שני šny: two

[such?] sins,
חוטא ḥwṭˀ: sinner; חטא ḥṭˀ: sin, seducer
חוטין ḥwṭyn
חוט ḥwṭ: thread, chord, strap

the [forbidden] amount
שעור šˁwr: measure, quantity, proportion
שעורו šˁwrw
שעור šˁwr: measure, quantity, proportion
the [forbidden] amount

[is] like a full
כ־ k-: as, like; מלא mlˀ: full
כמלא kmlˀ
כ־ k-: as, like; מלא mlˀ: full
[is] like a full

seduction [??].
סות swt: entice, seduce
הסיט hsyṭ
סיט syṭ: palm, span

Shabbat 13:4.a

Imprisoning women for oneself is forbidden, except if it’s really an open prison.

Shabbat 13:5.a

Encrypted: Lord Yehudah says: If one traps a little “birdie” in one’s tower, or a woman in one’s house, one is guilty. And the advisors say: A little “birdie” in one’s tower, or a woman in one’s house or on one’s private property or in a cage of any sort.

Official: Rabbi Yehudah says: If one traps a bird in one’s cupboard, or a deer in one’s house, one is guilty. And the advisors say: A bird in one’s cupboard, or a deer in one’s house or on one’s private property or in a cage of any sort.

רב rb: lord, master, noble
רבי rby
רבי rby: rabbi

יהודה yhwdh: Yehudah
יהודה yhwdh
יהודה yhwdh: Yehudah

אמר ˀmr: say
אומר ˀwmr
אמר ˀmr: say

[If one] traps
צוד ṣwd: trapped, capture
הצד hṣd
צוד ṣwd: trapped, capture
[If one] traps

a little “birdie”
צפורה ṣpwrh: little bird, birdie
צפור ṣpwr
צפור ṣpwr: bird
a bird

in [one’s] tower,
ל־ l-: into; מגדל mgdl: tower, cupboard
למגדל lmgdl
ל־ l-: into; מגדל mgdl: tower, cupboard
in [one’s] cupboard,

or a woman
צביה ṣbyh: lovely woman
וצבי wṣby
צבי ṣby: deer
or a deer

in [one’s] house,
ל־ l-: into; בית byt: house
לבית lbyt
ל־ l-: into; בית byt: house
in [one’s] house,

[one] is guilty.
חיב ḥyb: guilty, bound, obliged
חיב ḥyb
חיב ḥyb: guilty, bound, obliged
[one] is guilty.

And the advisors
חכם ḥkm: wise, advisor
וחכמים wḥkmym
חכם ḥkm: wise, advisor
And the advisors

אמר ˀmr: say
אומרים ˀwmrym
אמר ˀmr: say

A little “birdie”
צפורה ṣpwrh: birdie
צפור ṣpwr
צפור ṣpwr: bird
A bird

in [one’s] tower,
ל־ l-: into; מגדל mgdl: tower, cupboard
למגדל lmgdl
ל־ l-: into; מגדל mgdl: tower, cupboard
in [one’s] cupboard,

or a woman
צביה ṣbyh: lovely woman
וצבי wṣby
צבי ṣby: deer
or a deer

in [one’s] house
ל־ l-: into; בית byt: house
לבית lbyt
ל־ l-: into; בית byt: house
in [one’s] house

or on [one’s] private property
ל־ l-: into; חצר ḥṣr: court, yard, private property
ולחצר wlḥṣr
ל־ l-: into; חצר ḥṣr: court, yard, private property
or on [one’s] private property

or in a cage [of any sort].
ל־ l-: into; ביבר bybr: vivarium, animal cage
ולביברין wlbybryn
ל־ l-: into; ביבר bybr: vivarium, animal cage
or in a cage [of any sort].

Shabbat 13:5.a

Shabbat 13:5.b

Encrypted: Lord Simeon ben Gamliel says: Not all cages are equal. This is the general rule: If the caging is actually too deficient to really hold the woman captive, then one is exempt. If it is not deficient to hold the woman captive, then one is guilty.

Official: Rabban Simeon ben Gamliel says: Not all cages are equal. This is the general rule: If the caging is actually too deficient to really hold the animal captive, then one is exempt. If it is not deficient to hold the animal captive, then one is guilty.

רבן rbn: lord
רבן rbn
רבן rbn: rabban

Simeon ben Gamliel
שמעון בן גמליאל šmˁwn bn gmlyˀl: Simeon ben Gamliel
שמעון בן גמליאל šmˁwn
שמעון בן גמליאל šmˁwn bn gmlyˀl: Simeon ben Gamliel
Simeon ben Gamliel

אמר ˀmr: say
אומר ˀwmr
אמר ˀmr: say

לא : not
לא : not

כל kl: all, any
כל kl
כל kl: all, any

ביבר bybr: vivarium, animal cage
הביברין hbybryn
ביבר bybr: vivarium, animal cage

are equal.
שוי šwy: equal, equivalent
שוין šwyn
שוי šwy: equal, equivalent
are equal.

This [is]
זה zh: this
זה zh
זה zh: this
This [is]

the general rule:
כלל kll: general rule
הכלל hkll
כלל kll: general rule
the general rule:

[If the caging is actually too] deficient
מ־ m-: of; חסר ḥsr: lacking, defective, deficient
מחסר mḥsr
מ־ m-: of; חסר ḥsr: lacking, defective, deficient
[If the caging is actually too] deficient

[to really] hold [the woman] captive,
צוד ṣwd: trapped, capture
צידה ṣydh
צוד ṣwd: trapped, capture
[to really] hold [the animal] captive,

[then one] is exempt.
פטר pṭr: exempt, free
פטור pṭwr
פטר pṭr: exempt, free
[then one] is exempt.

[If it is] not
ש־ š-: that; אין ˀyn: no, not
ושאינו wšˀynw
ש־ š-: that; אין ˀyn: no, not
[If it is] not

מ־ m-: of; חסר ḥsr: lacking, defective, deficient
מחסר mḥsr
מ־ m-: of; חסר ḥsr: lacking, defective, deficient

to hold [the woman] captive,
צוד ṣwd: trapped, capture
צידה ṣydh
צוד ṣwd: trapped, capture
to hold [the animal] captive,

[then one] is guilty.
חיב ḥyb: guilty, bound, obliged
חיב ḥyb
חיב ḥyb: guilty, bound, obliged
[then one] is guilty.

Shabbat 13:5.b

Only the person who starts a raping is guilty, others who follow-up are exempt.

Shabbat 13:6.a

Encrypted: If a woman enters into a house by herself, and abuses her one person before him, then that one is guilty.

Official: If the deer enters into the house by itself, and locks one person the door before it, then that one is guilty.

[If] a woman
צביה ṣbyh: lovely woman
צבי ṣby
צבי ṣby: deer
[If] the deer

ש־ š-: that; נ־ n-: make; כנס kns: enter
שנכנס šnkns
ש־ š-: that; נ־ n-: make; כנס kns: enter

into a house [by herself],
ל־ l-: to; בית byt: house, school
לבית lbyt
ל־ l-: to; בית byt: house, school
into the house [by itself],

and abuses [her??]
נול nwl: disgrace; ניוול nywwl: abuse
ונעל wnˁl
נעל nˁl: close, lock up
and locks

one [person]
אחד ˀḥd: one
אחד ˀḥd
אחד ˀḥd: one
one [person]

before [him],
בפני bpny: in front of
בפניו bpnyw
בפני bpny: in front of
[the door] before [it],

[then that one] is guilty.
חיב ḥyb: guilty, bound, obliged
חיב ḥyb
חיב ḥyb: guilty, bound, obliged
[then that one] is guilty.

Shabbat 13:6.a

Shabbat 13:6.b

Encrypted: And if the woman is abused by two persons, they are excempt. But if not could one person abuse a strong woman and therefore she must be abused by two persons, they are guilty. But lord Simeon still deems it excempt.

Official: And if the door is locked by two persons, they are excempt. But if not could one person lock the heavy door and therefore it must be locked by two persons, they are guilty. But rabbi Simeon still deems it excempt.

[And if the woman] is abused [??]
נול nwl: disgrace; ניוול nywwl: abuse
נעלו nˁlw
נעל nˁl: close, lock up
[And if the door] is locked

[by] two [persons],
שנים šnym: two
שנים šnym
שנים šnym: two
[by] two [persons],

[they] are excempt [???].
פטר pṭr: exempt, free
פטורין pṭwryn
פטר pṭr: exempt, free
[they] are excempt [???].

[But if] not
לא : not
לא : not
[But if] not

יכל ykl: can, able
יכל ykl
יכל ykl: can, able

one [person]
אחד ˀḥd: one
אחד ˀḥd
אחד ˀḥd: one
one [person]

abuse [a strong woman??]
ל־ l-: to; נול nwl: disgrace; ניוול nywwl: abuse
לנעל lnˁl
ל־ l-: to; נעל nˁl: close, lock up
lock [the heavy door?]

and [therefore she must] be abused [??]
נול nwl: disgrace; ניוול nywwl: abuse
ונעלו wnˁlw
נעל nˁl: close, lock up
and [therefore it must] be locked

[by] two [persons],
שנים šnym: two
שנים šnym
שנים šnym: two
[by] two [persons],

[they] are guilty.
חיב ḥyb: guilty, bound, obliged
חיבין ḥybyn
חיב ḥyb: guilty, bound, obliged
[they] are guilty.

But lord
רב rb: lord, master, noble
ורבי wrby
רבי rby: rabbi
But rabbi

שמעון šmˁwn: Simeon
שמעון šmˁwn
שמעון šmˁwn: Simeon

[still deems it] excempt.
פטר pṭr: exempt, free
פוטר pwṭr
פטר pṭr: exempt, free
[still deems it] excempt.

Shabbat 13:6.b

Shabbat 13:7.a

Encrypted: If sits one person on a woman, but has not entered her, and sits a second person on her and enters her, then the second person is guilty.

Official: If sits one person on the doorway, but not fills it completely, and sits a second person on it and fills it completely, then the second person is guilty.

[If] sits
ישב yšb: sit
ישב yšb
ישב yšb: sit
[If] sits

one [person]
אחד ˀḥd: one
האחד hˀḥd
אחד ˀḥd: one
one [person]

על ˁl: upon, over
על ˁl
על ˁl: upon, over

a woman [??],
פתה pth: enticed, seduced woman
הפתח hptḥ
פתח ptḥ: doorway, entrance
the doorway,

but [has] not
לא : not
ולא wlˀ
לא : not
but not

entered [her??],
מעל mˁl: coming in, entering
מלאהו mlˀhw
מלא mlˀ: full, fill
fills [it completely],

and sits
ישב yšb: sit
ישב yšb
ישב yšb: sit
and sits

a second [person on her]
שני šny: two, second
השני hšny
שני šny: two, second
a second [person on it]

and enters [her??],
מעל mˁl: coming in, entering
ומלאהו wmlˀhw
מלא mlˀ: full, fill
and fills [it completely],

[then] the second [person]
שני šny: two, second
השני hšny
שני šny: two, second
[then] the second [person]

is guilty.
חיב ḥyb: guilty, bound, obliged
חיב ḥyb
חיב ḥyb: guilty, bound, obliged
is guilty.

Shabbat 13:7.a

Shabbat 13:7.b

Encrypted: But if sits the first person on a woman and enters her, and then the second person sits at his side, even if stands up the first person and walks himself away, the first person is still guilty because he started it, and the second person is exempt.

Official: But if sits the first person on the doorway and fills it completely, and then the second person sits at his side, even if stands up the first person and walks himself away, the first person is still guilty because he started it, and the second person is exempt.

[But if] sits
ישב yšb: sit
ישב yšb
ישב yšb: sit
[But if] sits

the first [person]
ראשון rˀšwn: first
הראשון hrˀšwn
ראשון rˀšwn: first
the first [person]

על ˁl: upon, over
על ˁl
על ˁl: upon, over

a woman [??]
פתה pth: enticed, seduced woman
הפתח hptḥ
פתח ptḥ: doorway, entrance
the doorway

and enters [her??],
מעל mˁl: coming in, entering
ומלאהו wmlˀhw
מלא mlˀ: full, fill
and fills [it completely],

and then
בא : next
ובא wbˀ
בא : next
and then

the second [person]
שני šny: two, second
השני hšny
שני šny: two, second
the second [person]

ישב yšb: sit
וישב wyšb
ישב yšb: sit

at his side,
ב־ b-: on, at; צד ṣd: join, side
בצדו bṣdw
ב־ b-: on, at; צד ṣd: join, side
at his side,

even [if]
אף על פי ˀp ˁl py: although
אף על פי ˀp ˁl py
אף על פי ˀp ˁl py: although
even [if]

stands up
ש־ š-: that; עמד ˁmd: stand, stand up
שעמד šˁmd
ש־ š-: that; עמד ˁmd: stand, stand up
stands up

the first [person]
ראשון rˀšwn: first
הראשון hrˀšwn
ראשון rˀšwn: first
the first [person]

and walks
הלך hlk: go
והלך whlk
הלך hlk: go
and walks

himself [away],
לו lw: to him
לו lw
לו lw: to him
himself [away],

the first [person]
ראשון rˀšwn: first
הראשון hrˀšwn
ראשון rˀšwn: first
the first [person]

is [still] guilty [because he started it],
חיב ḥyb: guilty, bound, obliged
חיב ḥyb
חיב ḥyb: guilty, bound, obliged
is [still] guilty [because he started it],

and the second [person]
שני šny: two, second
והשני whšny
שני šny: two, second
and the second [person]

is exempt.
פטר pṭr: exempt, free
פטור pṭwr
פטר pṭr: exempt, free
is exempt.

Shabbat 13:7.b

Shabbat 13:7.c

Encrypted: This case, to what is this similar? To one who locks up a woman to guard her, and thereby makes it usual that a woman was kept imprisoned in the middle of the house.

Official: This case, to what is this similar? To one who locks up the house to guard it, and later finds that a deer was kept caged in the middle of the house.

This [case],
הא : this, here, since
הא : this, here, since
This [case],

to what
ל־ l-: to; מה mh: what
למה lmh
ל־ l-: to; מה mh: what
to what

[is] this
זה zh: this
זה zh
זה zh: this
[is] this

דומה dwmh: similar, like
דומה dwmh
דומה dwmh: similar, like

To [one who] locks up
ל־ l-: to; נעל nˁl: close, lock up
לנועל lnwˁl
ל־ l-: to; נעל nˁl: close, lock up
To [one who] locks up

את ˀt: to
את ˀt
את ˀt: to

a woman [??]
בת bt: girl, maiden, young woman
ביתו bytw
בית byt: house
the house

to guard [her],
ל־ l-: to; שמר šmr: watch, guard, keep
לשמרו lšmrw
ל־ l-: to; שמר šmr: watch, guard, keep
to guard [it],

and [thereby makes it??] usual
נ־ n-: make; מצוא mṣwˀ: usual, common, frequent
ונמצא wnmṣˀ
נ־ n-: make; מצא mṣˀ: find, found
and [later] finds

[that] a woman
צביה ṣbyh: lovely woman
צבי ṣby
צבי ṣby: deer
[that] a deer

was kept [imprisoned]
שמר šmr: watch, guard, keep
שמור šmwr
שמר šmr: watch, guard, keep
was kept [caged]

in the middle [of the house].
ב־ b-: in; תוך twk: middle
בתוכו btwkw
ב־ b-: in; תוך twk: middle
in the middle [of the house].

Shabbat 13:7.c

Dealing with fighting crowds

One may capture low-level agents, but not just for profit.

Shabbat 14:1.a

Encrypted: As for the eight types of agents that are spoken of in the Torah, if one captures or wounds them, one is guilty. As for the rest of the detestable low-level informers, if one wounds them, one is excempt.

Official: As for the eight types of creeping animals that are spoken of in the Torah, if one captures or wounds them, one is guilty. As for the rest of the detestable creeping animals, if one wounds them, one is excempt.

[As for] the eight
שמנה šmnh: eight
שמנה šmnh
שמנה šmnh: eight
[As for] the eight

[types] of agents
סרסא srsˀ: agent; סרסור srswr: middleman, agent
שרצים šrṣym
שרץ šrṣ: swarm, creep, reptile
[types] of creeping animals

[that] are spoken of
אמר ˀmr: say, speak
האמורים hˀmwrym
אמר ˀmr: say, speak
[that] are spoken of

in the Torah,
ב־ b-: in; תורה twrh: Torah
בתורה btwrh
ב־ b-: in; תורה twrh: Torah
in the Torah,

[if one] captures
צוד ṣwd: trapped, capture
הצדן hṣdn
צוד ṣwd: trapped, capture
[if one] captures

or wounds
חבל ḥbl: wound, hurt, damage
והחובל whḥwbl
חבל ḥbl: wound, hurt, damage
or wounds

ב־ b-: on; הן hn: they
בהן bhn
ב־ b-: on; הן hn: they

[one] is guilty.
חיב ḥyb: guilty, bound, obliged
חיב ḥyb
חיב ḥyb: guilty, bound, obliged
[one] is guilty.

[As for] the rest
שאר šˀr: remainder, rest
ושאר wšˀr
שאר šˀr: remainder, rest
[As for] the rest

of the detestable
שקץ šqṣ: loathe, detest, abomination
שקצים šqṣym
שקץ šqṣ: loathe, detest, abomination
of the detestable

[low-level] informers,
רמז rmz: intimate, sign, signaler, informer
ורמשים wrmšym
רמש rmš: swarm, creep, reptiles
creeping animals,

[if one] wounds
חבל ḥbl: wound, hurt, damage
החובל hḥwbl
חבל ḥbl: wound, hurt, damage
[if one] wounds

ב־ b-: on; הן hn: they
בהן bhn
ב־ b-: on; הן hn: they

[one] is excempt.
פטר pṭr: exempt, free
פטור pṭwr
פטר pṭr: exempt, free
[one] is excempt.

Shabbat 14:1.a

Shabbat 14:1.b

Encrypted: If one captures them for some specific profiteering, one is guilty, if it is not for some specific profiteering, one is excempt. As for informers and duplicitous agents that are under one’s control anyway, if one captures them, one is excempt, but if one wounds them, one is guilty.

Official: If one captures them for a specific need, one is guilty, if it is not for a specific need, one is excempt. As for beasts and birds that are under one’s control anyway, if one captures them, one is excempt, but if one wounds them, one is guilty.

[If one] captures [them]
צוד ṣwd: trapped, capture
הצדן hṣdn
צוד ṣwd: trapped, capture
[If one] captures [them]

for [some specific] profiteering,
ל־ l-: for; צרוך ṣrwk: need, use, profit
לצרך lṣrk
ל־ l-: for; צרוך ṣrwk: need, use, profit
for a [specific] need,

[one] is guilty,
חיב ḥyb: guilty, bound, obliged
חיב ḥyb
חיב ḥyb: guilty, bound, obliged
[one] is guilty,

[if it is] not
ש־ š-: that; לא : not
שלא šlˀ
ש־ š-: that; לא : not
[if it is] not

for [some specific] profiteering,
ל־ l-: for; צרוך ṣrwk: need, use, profit
לצרך lṣrk
ל־ l-: for; צרוך ṣrwk: need, use, profit
for a [specific] need,

[one] is excempt.
פטר pṭr: exempt, free
פטור pṭwr
פטר pṭr: exempt, free
[one] is excempt.

[As for] informers
חוי ḥwy: announce, informed
חיה ḥyh
חיה ḥyh: animal, beast
[As for] beasts

and duplicitous [agents?]
עוף ˁwp: double; עפיפו ˁpypw: duplicity
ועוף wˁwp
עוף ˁwp: bird
and birds

that are [under one’s] control [anyway],
ש־ š-: that; ב־ b-: in; רשות ršwt: ownership, power, authority, control
שברשותו šbršwtw
ש־ š-: that; ב־ b-: in; רשות ršwt: ownership, power, authority, control
that are [under one’s] control [anyway],

[if one] captures [them],
צוד ṣwd: trapped, capture
הצדן hṣdn
צוד ṣwd: trapped, capture
[if one] captures [them],

[one] is excempt,
פטר pṭr: exempt, free
פטור pṭwr
פטר pṭr: exempt, free
[one] is excempt,

but [if one] wounds
חבל ḥbl: wound, hurt, damage
והחובל whḥwbl
חבל ḥbl: wound, hurt, damage
but [if one] wounds

ב־ b-: on; הן hn: they
בהן bhn
ב־ b-: on; הן hn: they

[one] is guilty.
חיב ḥyb: guilty, bound, obliged
חיב ḥyb
חיב ḥyb: guilty, bound, obliged
[one] is guilty.

Shabbat 14:1.b

One mustn’t turn the subjects into warriors, they may only fight enmeshed in deceptions.

Shabbat 14:2.a

Encrypted: One may not produce truly powerful warriors in war, but may make one the people fight, and immerse in them a deception, or place in their middle a pretense.

Official: One may not make brine on Sabbath, but may make one water salty, and dip in it bread, or place in its middle boiled food.

[One may] not
אין ˀyn: no, not
אין ˀyn
אין ˀyn: no, not
[One may] not

עשה ˁšh: produce
עושין ˁwšyn
עשה ˁšh: do, make, act

[truly] powerful [warriors??]
אלם ˀlm: strong, violent, powerful
הילמי hylmy
הילמי hylmy: brine for pickling

in war,
ב־ b-: in; צבאות ṣbˀwt: armies, war, warfare
בשבת bšbt
ב־ b-: on; שבת šbt: Sabbath
on Sabbath,

אבל ˀbl: but
אבל ˀbl
אבל ˀbl: but

[may] make
עשה ˁšh: do, make, act
עושה ˁwšh
עשה ˁšh: do, make, act
[may] make

הוא hwˀ: he, it
הוא hwˀ
הוא hwˀ: he, it

את ˀt: to
את ˀt
את ˀt: to

the people
עם ˁm: people
מי my
מי my: water

לחם lḥm: fight, battle, war; לוחם lwḥm: fighter, warrior
המלח hmlḥ
מלח mlḥ: salt

and immerse
טבל ṭbl: dip, immerse
וטובל wṭwbl
טבל ṭbl: dip, immerse
and dip

in them
ב־ b-: in; הן hn: they
בהן bhn
ב־ b-: in; הן hn: they
in it

a deception,
פתה pth: foolish, seduce, deceive
פתו ptw
פת pt: piece of bread

or place
נתן ntn: give, put, place
ונותן wnwtn
נתן ntn: give, put, place
or place

in [their] middle
ל־ l-: into; תוך twk: middle
לתוך ltwk
ל־ l-: into; תוך twk: middle
in [its] middle

a pretense.
בשאילו bšˀylw: feignedly, in pretense; ב־ b-: in; שאיל šˀyl: deceptions
התבשיל htbšyl
בשל bšl: ripen, boil
boiled [food].

Shabbat 14:2.a

Shabbat 14:2.b

Encrypted: Says lord Yose: But is it not that they are still violent, whether much or little?

Official: Says rabbi Yose: But is it not that it is still brine, whether much or little?

אמר ˀmr: say
אמר ˀmr
אמר ˀmr: say

רב rb: lord, master, noble
רבי rby
רבי rby: rabbi

יוסי ywsy: Yose
יוסי ywsy
יוסי ywsy: Yose

But is it not [that]
הלא hlˀ: is it not so
והלא whlˀ
הלא hlˀ: is it not so
But is it not [that]

they [are still]
הוא hwˀ: he, it
הוא hwˀ
הוא hwˀ: he, it
it [is still]

אלם ˀlm: strong, violent, powerful
הילמי hylmy
הילמי hylmy: brine for pickling

בין byn: as well as
בין byn
בין byn: as well as

מ־ m-: of; רב rb: much, many
מרבה mrbh
מ־ m-: of; רב rb: much, many

בין byn: as well as
ובין wbyn
בין byn: as well as

מעט mˁṭ: little, few, small
מעט mˁṭ
מעט mˁṭ: little, few, small

Shabbat 14:2.b

Shabbat 14:2.c

Encrypted: But these, they are the types of people fighting that are permitted: If one puts specially appointed persons in the beginning into the middle of the people, or into the middle of the warriors.

Official: But these, they are the types of water salty that are permitted: If one puts oil in the beginning into the middle of the water, or into the middle of the salt.

But these,
אלה ˀlh: these
ואלו wˀlw
אלה ˀlh: these
But these,

they [are]
הן hn: they
הן hn
הן hn: they
they [are]

the [types of] people
עם ˁm: people
מי my
מי my: water
the [types of] water

לחם lḥm: fight, battle, war; לוחם lwḥm: fighter, warrior
מלח mlḥ
מלח mlḥ: salt

[that] are permitted:
נתר ntr: permit, free
המתרין hmtryn
נתר ntr: permit, free
[that] are permitted:

[If one] puts
נתן ntn: give, put, place
נותן nwtn
נתן ntn: give, put, place
[If one] puts

[specially] appointed [persons]
זמן zmn: appoint, arrange, summon
שמן šmn
שמן šmn: fat, oil

in the beginning
ב־ b-: in; תחל tḥl: begin
בתחלה btḥlh
ב־ b-: in; תחל tḥl: begin
in the beginning

into the middle
ל־ l-: into; תוך twk: middle
לתוך ltwk
ל־ l-: into; תוך twk: middle
into the middle

of the people,
עמים ˁmym: people
המים hmym
מים mym: water
of the water,

או ˀw: or
או ˀw
או ˀw: or

into the middle
ל־ l-: into; תוך twk: middle
לתוך ltwk
ל־ l-: into; תוך twk: middle
into the middle

of the warriors [??].
לחם lḥm: fight, battle, war; לוחם lwḥm: fighter, warrior
המלח hmlḥ
מלח mlḥ: salt
of the salt.

Shabbat 14:2.c

Rulers mustn’t reveal their actual oppression to battle-ready subjects, but only gossip.

Shabbat 14:3.a

Encrypted: One may not reveal unpleasant things of the oppression in war, because they are not usually revealed by the nobility. But may reveal one dispersed gossip and spread bubbled-up rumours of the ruler.

Official: One may not eat hyssop of Greece on Sabbath, because it is not usually eaten by healthy people. But may eat one polytrichon and drink juice from the reed of the shepherd.

[One may] not
אין ˀyn: no, not
אין ˀyn
אין ˀyn: no, not
[One may] not

גלא glˀ: reveal
אוכלין ˀwklyn
אכל ˀkl: eat

unpleasant [things]
עזוב ˁzwb: unpleasant
אזוב ˀzwb
אזוב ˀzwb: hyssop

of the oppression
יני yny: vex, oppress; ענוי ˁnwy: oppression
יון ywn
יון ywn: Greek
of Greece

in war,
ב־ b-: in; צבאות ṣbˀwt: armies, war, warfare
בשבת bšbt
ב־ b-: on; שבת šbt: Sabbath
on Sabbath,

לפי lpy: because
לפי lpy
לפי lpy: because

[they are] not [usually]
ש־ š-: that; אין ˀyn: no, not
שאינו šˀynw
ש־ š-: that; אין ˀyn: no, not
[it is] not [usually]

מ־ m-: of; גלא glˀ: reveal
מאכל mˀkl
מ־ m-: of; אכל ˀkl: eat

[by] the nobility.
אביר ˀbyr: mighty, eminent, noble
בריאים bryˀym
בריא bryˀ: healthy, sound
[by] healthy [people].

אבל ˀbl: but
אבל ˀbl
אבל ˀbl: but

[may] reveal
גלא glˀ: reveal
אוכל ˀwkl
אכל ˀkl: eat
[may] eat

הוא hwˀ: he, it
הוא hwˀ
הוא hwˀ: he, it

את ˀt: to
את ˀt
את ˀt: to

dispersed [gossip?]
זרע zrˁ: scatter; זרה zrh: disperse
יועזר ywˁzr
יועזר ywˁzr: polytrichon

and spread
ישט yšṭ: stretch, spread; שותא šwtˀ: talk
ושותה wšwth
שתה šth: drink
and drink

bubbled-up [rumours?]
בעבע bˁbˁ: bubble up, gush out; עבא ˁbˀ: swell, spread rumour
אבוב ˀbwb
אבוב ˀbwb: pipe, reed
[juice from?] the reed

of the ruler.
רעה rˁh: guide, rule, ruler
רועה rwˁh
רועה rwˁh: shepherd; רעה rˁh: lead a flock
of the shepherd.

Shabbat 14:3.a

Revelations needed for keeping up a disguise may be revealed.

Shabbat 14:3.b

Encrypted: Also all revelations revealed as a disguise for the nobility, and all revelations that are just covers put on, except revelations about people who are deceivers and covers of traitors, because they are important to keep things hidden.

Official: Also all foods eaten by a man as a medicine, and all drinks drunk, except water of palm trees and drinks of roots, because they are important for jaundice.

[Also] all
כל kl: all, any
כל kl
כל kl: all, any
[Also] all

revelations [??]
גלא glˀ: reveal
האכלין hˀklyn
אכל ˀkl: eat, food

revealed [??]
גלא glˀ: reveal
אוכל ˀwkl
אכל ˀkl: eat, food

[as?] a disguise
דמא dmˀ: disguise
אדם ˀdm
אדם ˀdm: man, person
[by] a man

for the nobility,
ל־ l-: for; רבא rbˀ: nobleman; רבביא rbbyˀ: nobles, magnates
לרפואה lrpwˀh
ל־ l-: for; רפואה rpwˀh: healing, cure, medicine
as a medicine,

and all
כל kl: all, any
וכל wkl
כל kl: all, any
and all

[revelations that are just?] covers
מסכה mskh: covering; מסך msk: screen, curtain
המשקין hmšqyn
משקה mšqh: drink, liquid

put on,
שת št: put, place
שותה šwth
שתה šth: drink

חוץ ḥwṣ: outside, except
חוץ ḥwṣ
חוץ ḥwṣ: outside, except

[revelations about?] people
מ־ m-: from, of; עם ˁm: people
ממי mmy
מ־ m-: from, of; מי my: water

[who are] deceivers
דגל dgl: false, liar, cheat, deceive
דקלים dqlym
דקל dql: palm-tree
of palm trees

and covers
כוסי kwsy: covering
וכוס wkws
כוס kws: cup, drink
and drinks

of traitors,
עקר ˁqr: rootless, treachery
עקרים ˁqrym
עקר ˁqr: root
of roots,

מפני mpny: because of
מפני mpny
מפני mpny: because of

they [are]
ש־ š-: that; הן hn: they
שהן šhn
ש־ š-: that; הן hn: they
they [are]

[important] to keep things hidden.
ל־ l-: for; ערק ˁrq: flee, keep something hidden
לירוקה lyrwqh
ל־ l-: for; ירוקה yrwqh: moss, jaundice
[important] for jaundice.

Shabbat 14:3.b

Shabbat 14:3.c

Encrypted: But information may spill anyone of the people who are deceivers if it is for personal veiling, and one may publicly doubt appointed traitors that are not used for the nobility.

Official: But may drink anyone water of palm trees if it is for thirst, and one may enoint oneself with oil of roots that are not used as a medicine.

אבל ˀbl: but
אבל ˀbl
אבל ˀbl: but

[information may] spill [??]
אשד ˀšd: pour, spill, harass
שותה šwth
שתה šth: drink
[may] drink

הוא hwˀ: he, it
הוא hwˀ
הוא hwˀ: he, it

of the people
עם ˁm: people
מי my
מי my: water

[who are] deceivers
דגל dgl: false, liar, cheat, deceive
דקלים dqlym
דקל dql: palm-tree
of palm trees

[if it is] for [personal] veiling,
ל־ l-: for; צמה ṣmh: veil; צמצם ṣmṣm: veil
לצמאו lṣmˀw
ל־ l-: for; צמא ṣmˀ: thirst
[if it is] for thirst,

and [one may publicly] doubt [??]
שך šk: doubt, suspicion
וסך wsk
סוך swk: pour, anoint
and [one may] enoint [oneself]

זמן zmn: appoint, arrange, summon
שמן šmn
שמן šmn: fat, oil
[with] oil

עקר ˁqr: rootless, treachery
עקרין ˁqryn
עקר ˁqr: root
of roots

that [are] not
ש־ š-: that; לא : not
שלא šlˀ
ש־ š-: that; לא : not
that [are] not

[used] for the nobility.
ל־ l-: for; רבא rbˀ: nobleman; רבביא rbbyˀ: nobles, magnates
לרפואה lrpwˀh
ל־ l-: for; רפואה rpwˀh: healing, cure, medicine
[used] as a medicine.

Shabbat 14:3.c

If there are suspicions with the troops, rulers may not immerse in them.

Shabbat 14:4.a

Encrypted: If one has suspicions with one’s armed men, one may not immerse in them in violent situations, but may immerse one in them as in the usual way, and if one is immersed enough by that, then one is immersed.

Official: If one has pain in the teeth, one may not sip into them vinegar, but may dip one food in it as in the usual way, and if one is healed enough by that, then one is healed.

[If one has] suspicions
חששא ḥššˀ: sense, fear, suspicion
החושש hḥwšš
חשש ḥšš: suffer, feel pain
[If one has] pain

with [one’s] armed [men],
ב־ b-: with, to; זין zyn: armed, weapon
בשניו bšnyw
ב־ b-: in; שן šn: tooth
in the teeth,

[one may] not
לא : not
לא : not
[one may] not

גמע gmˁ: immerse
יגמע ygmˁ
גמע gmˁ: sip, swallow

in them
ב־ b-: in; הן hn: they
בהן bhn
ב־ b-: in; הן hn: they
into them

את ˀt: to
את ˀt
את ˀt: to

[in] violent [situations],
חמס ḥms: insult, violence
החמץ hḥmṣ
חמץ ḥmṣ: sour, vinegar

אבל ˀbl: but
אבל ˀbl
אבל ˀbl: but

[may] immerse
מ־ m-: of; טבל ṭbl: dip, immerse
מטבל mṭbl
מ־ m-: of; טבל ṭbl: dip, immerse
[may] dip

one [in them]
הוא hwˀ: he, it
הוא hwˀ
הוא hwˀ: he, it
one [food in it]

as in the usual way,
כ־ k-: as; דרך drk: way, manner
כדרכו kdrkw
כ־ k-: as; דרך drk: way, manner
as in the usual way,

and if
אם ˀm: if, when
ואם wˀm
אם ˀm: if, when
and if

[one] is immersed [enough by that],
נ־ n-: make; תרף trp: disappear; תורף twrp: immersion
נתרפא ntrpˀ
נ־ n-: make; תרף trp: healing, cure, medicine
[one] is healed [enough by that],

[then one] is immersed.
נ־ n-: make; תרף trp: disappear; תורף twrp: immersion
נתרפא ntrpˀ
נ־ n-: make; תרף trp: healing, cure, medicine
[then one] is healed.

Shabbat 14:4.a

Relations in war

Gay lords may not entangle with the troops, only with “special” troops.

Shabbat 14:4.b

Encrypted: If one is suspected about one’s preferences in the loins, one may not entangle for desire or passion, but one may entangle oneself with specially appointed persons, but not with specially appointed persons who are commoners.

Official: If one has pain in the loins, one may not enoint oneself with wine or vinegar, but one may enoint oneself with oil, but not with the oil of roses.

[If one] is suspected
חששא ḥššˀ: sense, fear, suspicion
החושש hḥwšš
חשש ḥšš: suffer, feel pain
[If one has] pain

[about one’s preferences?] in the loins,
ב־ b-: in; מותן mwtn: loins
במתניו bmtnyw
ב־ b-: in; מותן mwtn: loins
in the loins,

[one may] not
לא : not
לא : not
[one may] not

סכך skk: entangle
יסוך yswk
סוך swk: pour, anoint
enoint [oneself]

[for] desire
יען yˁn: desire
יין yyn
יין yyn: wine
[with] wine

or passion,
חמס ḥms: heated, passionate
וחמץ wḥmṣ
חמץ ḥmṣ: sour, vinegar
or vinegar,

אבל ˀbl: but
אבל ˀbl
אבל ˀbl: but

[one may] entangle
סכך skk: entangle
סך sk
סוך swk: pour, anoint
[one may] enoint

הוא hwˀ: he, it
הוא hwˀ
הוא hwˀ: he, it

את ˀt: to
את ˀt
את ˀt: to

[specially] appointed [persons],
זמן zmn: arrange, appoint, designate
השמן hšmn
שמן šmn: fat, oil

but not
לא : not
ולא wlˀ
לא : not
but not

[with specially] appointed [persons]
סימן symn: sign, military standard
שמן šmn
שמן šmn: fat, oil
[with] the oil

[who are] commoners.
ירוד yrwd: low, common
ורד wrd
ורד wrd: rose
of roses.

Shabbat 14:4.b

Shabbat 14:4.c

Encrypted: Men who are rulers may entangle even with specially appointed persons who are commoners in their troops, but only because it is their manner to entangle like that for pleasure all the time. Lord Simeon says: They’re all perverts, the men who are rulers, them.

Official: Men who are kings may anoint themselves even with the oil of roses on their crushed wounds but only because it is their manner to anoint themselves like that for pleasure all the time. Rabbi Simeon says: All of Israel are like men who are kings, them.

בן bn: son, man
בני bny
בן bn: son, man

[who are] rulers
מלך mlk: king, ruler
מלכים mlkym
מלך mlk: king, ruler
[who are] kings

[may] entangle
סכך skk: entangle
סכין skyn
סוך swk: pour, anoint
[may] anoint [themselves]

[even with specially] appointed [persons]
סימן symn: sign, military standard
שמן šmn
שמן šmn: fat, oil
[even with] the oil

[who are] commoners
ירוד yrwd: low, common
ורד wrd
ורד wrd: rose
of roses

על ˁl: about, in
על ˁl
על ˁl: upon, over

their troops,
גדוד gdwd: troop, band
מכותיהן mkwtyhn
מ־ m-: of; כתת ktt: crush, pound, beat
their crushed [wounds]

[but only] because
ש־ š-: for; כן kn: so, thus
שכן škn
ש־ š-: for; כן kn: so, thus
[but only] because

[it is] their manner
דרך drk: way, manner; ־ם -m: them
דרכם drkm
דרך drk: way, manner; ־ם -m: them
[it is] their manner

to entangle
ל־ l-: to; סכך skk: entangle
לסוך lswk
ל־ l-: to; סוך swk: pour, anoint
to anoint [themselves]

[like that] for pleasure [all the time].
ב־ b-: for; חלי ḥly: sweet, pleasant, lovely
בחל bḥl
ב־ b-: for; חלי ḥly: sweet, pleasant, lovely
[like that] for pleasure [all the time].

רב rb: lord, master, noble
רבי rby
רבי rby: rabbi

שמעון šmˁwn: Simeon
שמעון šmˁwn
שמעון šmˁwn: Simeon

אמר ˀmr: say
אומר ˀwmr
אמר ˀmr: say

[They’re] all
כל kl: all, any
כל kl
כל kl: all, any

איסור ˀyswr: sexual; עול ˁwl: perversion
ישראל yšrˀl
ישראל yšrˀl: Israel
of Israel

the men
בן bn: son, man
בני bny
בן bn: son, man
[are like] men

[who are] rulers,
מלך mlk: king, ruler
מלכים mlkym
מלך mlk: king, ruler
[who are] kings,

הם hm: they
הם hm
הם hm: they

Shabbat 14:4.c

True emotions are forbidden in war, quick sex is allowed.

Shabbat 15:1.a

Encrypted: And these are the unions for which one is guilty of a crime: A union of kindness and a union of respect. Just as one is guilty for tying them, so is one guilty for untying them in war.

Official: And these are the knots for which one is obligated to do a burnt-offering: The knot of a camel and the knot of a sailor. Just as one is guilty for tying them, so is one guilty for untying them on Sabbath.

[And] these [are]
אלו ˀlw: these
אלו ˀlw
אלו ˀlw: these
[And] these [are]

the unions
קשר qšr: join, connect, union
קשרים qšrym
קשר qšr: tie, knot
the knots

[for which one] is guilty
חיב ḥyb: guilty, obliged
שחיבין šḥybyn
חיב ḥyb: guilty, obliged
[for which one] is obligated

of a crime:
עול ˁwl: crime, injustice
עליהן ˁlyhn
עלה ˁlh: burnt offering
[to do] a burnt-offering:

A union
קשר qšr: join, connect, union
קשר qšr
קשר qšr: tie, knot
The knot

of kindness [??]
גמל gml: do good to, be kind, charitable; גמלא gmlˀ: couple, teaming arrangement
הגמלין hgmlyn
גמל gml: camel
of a camel [??]

and a union
קשר qšr: tie, knot
וקשר wqšr
קשר qšr: tie, knot
and the knot

of respect [??].
ספן spn: respect, care for, mind
הספנין hspnyn
ספן spn: sailor
of a sailor.

Just as
כשם kšm: just as
וכשם wkšm
כשם kšm: just as
Just as

ש־ š-: that; הוא hwˀ: he
שהוא šhwˀ
ש־ š-: that; הוא hwˀ: he

is guilty
חיב ḥyb: guilty
חיב ḥyb
חיב ḥyb: guilty
is guilty

על ˁl: for, concerning
על ˁl
על ˁl: for, concerning

tying [them],
קשר qšr: tie, knot
קשורן qšwrn
קשר qšr: tie, knot
tying [them],

כך kk: thus, so
כך kk
כך kk: thus, so

[is one]
הוא hwˀ: he
הוא hwˀ
הוא hwˀ: he
[is one]

חיב ḥyb: guilty
חיב ḥyb
חיב ḥyb: guilty

על ˁl: for, concerning
על ˁl
על ˁl: for, concerning

untying [them in war].
נתר ntr: sever, loosen, untie
התרן htrn
נתר ntr: sever, loosen, untie
untying [them on Sabbath].

Shabbat 15:1.a

Shabbat 15:1.b

Encrypted: Lord Meir says: For all loose unions that one can untie with one hand, one is not guilty of a crime.

Official: Rabbi Meir says: For all loose knots that one can untie with one hand, one is not obligated for a burnt-offering.

רב rb: lord, master, noble
רבי rby
רבי rby: rabbi

מאיר mˀyr: Meir
מאיר mˀyr
מאיר mˀyr: Meir

אמר ˀmr: say
אומר ˀwmr
אמר ˀmr: say

[For] all
כל kl: all
כל kl
כל kl: all
[For] all

[loose] unions
קשר qšr: join, connect, union
קשר qšr
קשר qšr: tie, knot
[loose] knots

that [one]
ש־ š-: that; הוא hwˀ: he
שהוא šhwˀ
ש־ š-: that; הוא hwˀ: he
that [one]

יכל ykl: can, able
יכול ykwl
יכל ykl: can, able

ל־ l-: to; נתר ntr: sever, loosen, untie
להתירו lhtyrw
ל־ l-: to; נתר ntr: sever, loosen, untie

with one
ב־ b-: with; אחת ˀḥt: one
באחת bˀḥt
ב־ b-: with; אחת ˀḥt: one
with one

מ־ m-: of; יד yd: hand
מידיו mydyw
מ־ m-: of; יד yd: hand

[one is] not
אין ˀyn: no, not
אין ˀyn
אין ˀyn: no, not
[one is] not

חיב ḥyb: guilty, obliged
חיבין ḥybyn
חיב ḥyb: guilty, obliged

of a crime.
עול ˁwl: crime, injustice
עליו ˁlyw
עלה ˁlh: burnt offering
[for] a burnt-offering.

Shabbat 15:1.b

Shabbat 15:2.a

Encrypted: There may be to you unions that do not make one guilty of a crime, as it would be with a union of kindness or as with a union of respect.

Official: There may be to you knots that do not make one liable for a burnt-offering, as it would be with the knot of the camel or as with the knot of the sailor.

There [may] be
יש : there is
יש : there is
There [may] be

to you
ל־ l-: to; ־ך -k: you
לך lk
ל־ l-: to; ־ך -k: you
to you

קשר qšr: tie, knot
קשרים qšrym
קשר qšr: tie, knot

that [do] not
ש־ š-: that; אין ˀyn: no, not
שאין šˀyn
ש־ š-: that; אין ˀyn: no, not
that [do] not

[make one] guilty
חיב ḥyb: guilty, obliged
חיבין ḥybyn
חיב ḥyb: guilty, obliged
[make one] liable

of a crime,
עול ˁwl: crime, injustice
עליהן ˁlyhn
עלה ˁlh: burnt offering
[for] a burnt-offering,

as [it would be with] a union
כ־ k-: as; קשר qšr: join, connect, union
כקשר kqšr
כ־ k-: as; קשר qšr: tie, knot
as [it would be with] the knot

of kindness [??]
גמל gml: do good to, be kind, charitable; גמלא gmlˀ: couple, teaming arrangement
הגמלין hgmlyn
גמל gml: camel
of the camel

or as [with] a union
כ־ k-: as; קשר qšr: join, connect, union
וכקשר wkqšr
כ־ k-: as; קשר qšr: tie, knot
or as [with] the knot

of respect.
ספן spn: respect, care for, mind
הספנין hspnyn
ספן spn: sailor
of the sailor.

Shabbat 15:2.a

Shabbat 15:2.b

Encrypted: But may join a lord in the gratifying part, or wantonness of mixing, or that of the enjoyable kind. One may also do perforations that are abusive or imposed on others, or a shake-up of desire or sexual intercourse, or a penetration of the flesh.

Official: May tie a woman the opening part, or the string of her hair net, or that of her girdle. One may also tie the straps of a shoe or sandal, or the leather bags of wine or oil, or a pot of meat.

[But may] join
קשר qšr: join, connect, union
קושרת qwšrt
קשר qšr: tie, knot
[May] tie

a lord
שוע šwˁ: nobleman, prince; איש ˀyš: lord
אשה ˀšh
אשה ˀšh: wife, woman
a woman

[in] the gratifying
מ־ m-: ; of of: ; פתה pth: seduce, entice, gratify
מפתח mptḥ
מ־ m-: of; פתח ptḥ: open, opening
the opening

חלק ḥlq: part, portion
חלוקה ḥlwqh
חלק ḥlq: part, portion

or wantonness
חוטי ḥwṭy: sinning, wantonness
וחוטי wḥwṭy
חוט ḥwṭ: thread, string
or the string

of mixing,
סבך sbk: mix together, interwoven with
סבכה sbkh
סבך sbk: net, hair net
of her hair net,

or [that] of
של šl: of, belonging to
ושל wšl
של šl: of, belonging to
or [that] of

the enjoyable [kind].
פשיקא pšyqˀ: easy, pleasant, enjoyable
פסיקיא psyqyˀ
פסיקיא psyqyˀ: fascia, band, girdle
[her] girdle.

[One may also do] perforations [??]
רצע rṣˁ: bore, pierce, perforate
ורצועות wrṣwˁwt
רצועה rṣwˁh: thong, strap, lash
[One may also tie] the straps

that are abusive
מ־ m-: of; נול nwl: disgrace; ניוול nywwl: abuse
מנעל mnˁl
מ־ m-: of; נעל nˁl: shoe
of a shoe

or imposed [on others??],
ש־ š-: that; נטל nṭl: oppressed, overbearing, impose
וסנדל wsndl
סנדל sndl: sandalion, sandal
or sandal,

or a shake-up [??]
נוד nwd: move to and fro; נודא nwdˀ: shaking
ונודות wnwdwt
נוד nwd: leather bottle, skin
or the leather bags

of desire
יען yˁn: desire
יין yyn
יין yyn: wine
of wine

or sexual intercourse,
זמן zmn: have sexual intercourse
ושמן wšmn
שמן šmn: fat, oil
or oil,

or a penetration
קדר qdr: penetrate, perforate
וקדרה wqdrh
קדר qdr: pot
or a pot

של šl: of, belonging to
של šl
של šl: of, belonging to

the flesh.
בשר bšr: flesh; בסרן bsrn: carnal; בסר bsr: penis
בשר bšr
בשר bšr: meat

Shabbat 15:2.b

Shabbat 15:2.c

Encrypted: Lord Eliezer ben Jacob says: One may have such a union before human cattle, so that the true preferences will not come out.

Official: Rabbi Eliezer ben Jacob says: One may tie a knot before cattle, so that it will not go out.

רב rb: lord, master, noble
רבי rby
רבי rby: rabbi

Eliezer ben Jacob
אליעזר בר יעקב ˀlyˁzr br yˁqb: Eliezer ben Jacob
אליעזר בן יעקב ˀlyˁzr bn yˁqb
אליעזר בר יעקב ˀlyˁzr br yˁqb: Eliezer ben Jacob
Eliezer ben Jacob

אמר ˀmr: say
אומר ˀwmr
אמר ˀmr: say

[One may have such] a union
קשר qšr: join, connect, union
קושרין qwšryn
קשר qšr: tie, knot
[One may tie] a knot

לפני lpny: before
לפני lpny
לפני lpny: before

[human] cattle,
בהמה bhmh: cattle, beast
הבהמה hbhmh
בהמה bhmh: cattle, beast

בשביל bšbyl: for the sake of
בשביל bšbyl
בשביל bšbyl: for the sake of

that [the true preferences will] not
ש־ š-: that; לא : not
שלא šlˀ
ש־ š-: that; לא : not
that [it will] not

come out.
ת־ t-: will; יצא yṣˀ: go forth, come out
תצא tṣˀ
ת־ t-: will; יצא yṣˀ: go out
go out.

Shabbat 15:2.c

Shabbat 15:2.d

Encrypted: One may have a union with a servant in the enjoyable fashion, but not in the perverted fashion. Lord Yehudah permits it. Generally, says lord Yehudah, all unions that are not of the lasting kind do not make one guilty of a crime.

Official: One may tie a bucket with a girdle, but not with a rope. Rabbi Yehudah permits it. Generally, says rabbi Yehudah, all knots that are not of the lasting kind do not make one liable for a burnt-offering.

[One may have] a union
קשר qšr: join, connect, union
קושרין qwšryn
קשר qšr: tie, knot
[One may] tie

[with] a servant
דייל dyyl: attendant, serving person
דלי dly
דלי dly: bucket
a bucket

in the enjoyable [fashion],
ב־ b-: in; פשיקא pšyqˀ: easy, pleasant, enjoyable
בפסיקיא bpsyqyˀ
ב־ b-: with; פסיקיא psyqyˀ: fascia, band, girdle
with a girdle,

אבל ˀbl: but
אבל ˀbl
אבל ˀbl: but

לא : not
לא : not

in the perverted [fashion].
ב־ b-: in; חבל ḥbl: corrupt, perverted
בחבל bḥbl
ב־ b-: with; חבל ḥbl: rope
with a rope.

רב rb: lord, master, noble
רבי rby
רבי rby: rabbi

יהודה yhwdh: Yehudah
יהודה yhwdh
יהודה yhwdh: Yehudah

permits [it].
נתר ntr: permit, free
מתיר mtyr
נתר ntr: permit, free
permits [it].

כלל kll: all, general
כלל kll
כלל kll: all, general

אמר ˀmr: say
אמר ˀmr
אמר ˀmr: say

רב rb: lord, master, noble
רבי rby
רבי rby: rabbi

יהודה yhwdh: Yehudah
יהודה yhwdh
יהודה yhwdh: Yehudah

כל kl: all
כל kl
כל kl: all

קשר qšr: join, connect, union
קשר qšr
קשר qšr: tie, knot

that [are] not
ש־ š-: that; אין ˀyn: no, not
שאינו šˀynw
ש־ š-: that; אין ˀyn: no, not
that [are] not

של šl: of, belonging to
של šl
של šl: of, belonging to

the lasting [kind]
קים qym: lasting, enduring
קימא qymˀ
קים qym: lasting, enduring
the lasting [kind]

[do] not
אין ˀyn: no, not
אין ˀyn
אין ˀyn: no, not
[do] not

[make one] guilty
חיב ḥyb: guilty, obliged
חיבין ḥybyn
חיב ḥyb: guilty, obliged
[make one] liable

of a crime.
עול ˁwl: crime, injustice
עליו ˁlyw
עלה ˁlh: burnt offering
[for] a burnt-offering.

Shabbat 15:2.d

Rulers may not lightly transfer wartime sex partners into peace or vice versa.

Shabbat 15:3.a

Encrypted: One may embrace one’s sex objects even four or five times, and pass over one’s sexual encounters from the evening of war for during the war, but not from the war for after the end of the war.

Official: One may fold one’s garments even four or five times, and press the beds from the evening of Sabbath for during the Sabbath, but not from the Sabbath for after the end of the Sabbath.

[One may] embrace [??]
מ־ m-: of; קפל qpl: hug, embrace
מקפלין mqplyn
מ־ m-: of; קפל qpl: fold
[One may] fold

את ˀt: to
את ˀt
את ˀt: to

[one’s sex??] objects
כלי kly: vessel, object, tool
הכלים hklym
כלי kly: dress, garment, outfit
[one’s] garments

אפלו ˀplw: even
אפלו ˀplw
אפלו ˀplw: even

ארבע ˀrbˁ: four
ארבעה ˀrbˁh
ארבע ˀrbˁ: four

or five
חמש ḥmš: five
וחמשה wḥmšh
חמש ḥmš: five
or five

פעם pˁm: strike, beat, step
פעמים pˁmym
פעם pˁm: strike, beat, step

and pass [over??]
מצע mṣˁ: pass between
ומציעין wmṣyˁyn
מצע mṣˁ: press, bed, mattress
and press

את ˀt: to
את ˀt
את ˀt: to

[one’s] sexual [encounters]
מיטה myṭh: sexual activity
המטות hmṭwt
מטה mṭh: couch, bed
the beds

from the evening
מ־ m-: from; ליל lyl: night, evening
מלילי mlyly
מ־ m-: from; ליל lyl: night, evening
from the evening

of war
צבאות ṣbˀwt: armies, war, warfare
שבת šbt
שבת šbt: Sabbath
of Sabbath

for [during] the war,
ל־ l-: for; צבאות ṣbˀwt: armies, war, warfare
לשבת lšbt
ל־ l-: for; שבת šbt: Sabbath
for [during] the Sabbath,

אבל ˀbl: but
אבל ˀbl
אבל ˀbl: but

לא : not
לא : not

from the war
מ־ m-: from; צבאות ṣbˀwt: armies, war, warfare
משבת mšbt
מ־ m-: from; שבת šbt: Sabbath
from the Sabbath

for [after] the end
ל־ l-: for; מוצא mwṣˀ: exit
למוצאי lmwṣˀy
ל־ l-: for; מוצא mwṣˀ: exit
for [after] the end

of the war.
צבאות ṣbˀwt: armies, war, warfare
שבת šbt
שבת šbt: Sabbath
of the Sabbath.

Shabbat 15:3.a

Shabbat 15:3.b

Encrypted: Lord Ishmael says: One may embrace one’s sex objects and pass over one’s sexual encounters from the time of cover-up for the war, and the substitutes among the war’s sexual encounters into the time of cover-up, but not those of the time of cover-up into a war.

Official: Rabbi Ishmael says: One may fold one’s garments and press the beds from the day of atonement Yom Kippur for the Sabbath, and the fats of the Sabbath offerings on the day of atonement, but not those of the day of atonement on Sabbath.

רב rb: lord, master, noble
רבי rby
רבי rby: rabbi

ישמעאל yšmˁˀl: Ishmael
ישמעאל yšmˁˀl
ישמעאל yšmˁˀl: Ishmael

אמר ˀmr: say
אומר ˀwmr
אמר ˀmr: say

[One may] embrace [??]
מ־ m-: of; קפל qpl: hug, embrace
מקפלין mqplyn
מ־ m-: of; קפל qpl: fold
[One may] fold

את ˀt: to
את ˀt
את ˀt: to

[one’s sex??] objects
כלי kly: vessel, object, tool
הכלים hklym
כלי kly: dress, garment, outfit
[one’s] garments

and pass [over??]
מצע mṣˁ: pass between
ומציעין wmṣyˁyn
מצע mṣˁ: press, bed, mattress
and press

את ˀt: to
את ˀt
את ˀt: to

[one’s] sexual [encounters]
מיטה myṭh: sexual activity
המטות hmṭwt
מטה mṭh: couch, bed
the beds

from the time
מ־ m-: from; יום ywm: time
מיום mywm
מ־ m-: from; יום ywm: day
from the day

of cover-up
כפר kpr: cover, deny
הכפורים hkpwrym
כפור kpwr: redemption, atonement
of atonement [Yom Kippur]

for the war,
ל־ l-: for; צבאות ṣbˀwt: armies, war, warfare
לשבת lšbt
ל־ l-: for; שבת šbt: Sabbath
for the Sabbath,

and the substitutes
חלף ḥlp: exchange, substitute
וחלבי wḥlby
חלב ḥlb: fat, grease, milk
and the fats

[among] the war’s
צבאות ṣbˀwt: armies, war, warfare
שבת šbt
שבת šbt: Sabbath
of the Sabbath

sexual [encounters]
קרב qrb: be near, approach, sexually
קרבין qrbyn
קרב qrb: offer

into the time
ב־ b-: in; יום ywm: time
ביום bywm
ב־ b-: on; יום ywm: day
on the day

of cover-up,
כפר kpr: cover, deny
הכפורים hkpwrym
כפור kpwr: redemption, atonement
of atonement,

אבל ˀbl: but
(אבל ˀbl
אבל ˀbl: but

לא : not
לא : not

[those] of
של šl: of, belonging to
של šl
של šl: of, belonging to
[those] of

the time
יום ywm: time
יום ywm
יום ywm: day
the day

of cover-up
כפר kpr: cover, deny
הכפורים hkpwrym
כפור kpwr: redemption, atonement
of atonement

into a war.
ב־ b-: in; צבאות ṣbˀwt: armies, war, warfare
בשבת) bšbt
ב־ b-: on; שבת šbt: Sabbath
on Sabbath.

Shabbat 15:3.b

Shabbat 15:3.c

Encrypted: Lord Akiva says: Not are those of the war to be sexually approached in the time of cover-up, and also not are those of the time of cover-up to be sexually approached in war.

Official: Rabbi Akiva says: Not are those of Sabbath offered on the day of atonement, and also not are those of the day of atonement offered on Sabbath.

רב rb: lord, master, noble
רבי rby
רבי rby: rabbi

עקיבא ˁqybˀ: Akiva
עקיבא ˁqybˀ
עקיבא ˁqybˀ: Akiva

אמר ˀmr: say
אומר ˀwmr
אמר ˀmr: say

Not [are]
לא : not
לא : not
Not [are]

[those] of
של šl: of, belonging to
של šl
של šl: of, belonging to
[those] of

the war
צבאות ṣbˀwt: armies, war, warfare
שבת šbt
שבת šbt: Sabbath

to be sexually approached
קרב qrb: be near, approach, sexually
קרבין qrbyn
קרב qrb: offer

in the time
ב־ b-: in; יום ywm: time
ביום bywm
ב־ b-: on; יום ywm: day
on the day

of cover-up,
כפר kpr: cover, deny
הכפורים hkpwrym
כפור kpwr: redemption, atonement
of atonement,

and also not [are]
לא : not
ולא wlˀ
לא : not
and also not [are]

[those] of
של šl: of, belonging to
של šl
של šl: of, belonging to
[those] of

the time
יום ywm: time
יום ywm
יום ywm: day
the day

of cover-up
כפר kpr: cover, deny
הכפורים hkpwrym
כפור kpwr: redemption, atonement
of atonement

to be sexually approached
קרב qrb: offer
קרבין qrbyn
קרב qrb: offer

in war.
ב־ b-: in; צבאות ṣbˀwt: armies, war, warfare
בשבת bšbt
ב־ b-: on; שבת šbt: Sabbath
on Sabbath.

Shabbat 15:3.c

Secret documents

All forbidden documents must be hidden from the troops.

Shabbat 16:1.a

Encrypted: As for all documents that are forbidden, one must remove them because of the troops, whether one needs to read with them or does not read with them.

Official: As for all documents that are holy, one may rescue them because of fire, whether one needs to read with them or does not read with them.

[As for] all
כל kl: all
כל kl
כל kl: all
[As for] all

כתב ktb: write, document
כתבי ktby
כתב ktb: write, document

that are forbidden,
קדש qdš: set apart, forbidden
הקדש hqdš
קדש qdš: holy
that are holy,

[one must] remove
מ־ m-: of; נצל nṣl: remove, set aside
מצילין mṣylyn
מ־ m-: of; נצל nṣl: save, rescue
[one may] rescue

אות ˀwt: same
אותן ˀwtn
אות ˀwt: same

because of
מפני mpny: because of
מפני mpny
מפני mpny: because of
because of

the troops [??],
טולקא ṭwlqˀ: troop, military unit
הדלקה hdlqh
דלקה dlqh: fire

בין byn: whether
בין byn
בין byn: whether

[one needs to] read
ש־ š-: that; קרי qry: join, meet
שקורין šqwryn
ש־ š-: that; קרי qry: read, recite
[one needs to] read

with them
ב־ b-: with; הן hn: they
בהן bhn
ב־ b-: with; הן hn: they
with them

בין byn: whether
ובין wbyn
בין byn: whether

[does] not
ש־ š-: that; אין ˀyn: no, not
שאין šˀyn
ש־ š-: that; אין ˀyn: no, not
[does] not

קרי qry: join, meet
קורין qwryn
קרי qry: read, recite

with them.
ב־ b-: with; הן hn: they
בהן bhn
ב־ b-: with; הן hn: they
with them.

Shabbat 16:1.a

Shabbat 16:1.b

Encrypted: Although such documents may be written in any language, they all need to be hidden away. And because of what may one not read with them in war? Because of the closing of all areas that may be examined during war.

Official: Although documents may be written in any language, they all need to be stored away. And because of what may one not read with them on Sabbath? Because of the closing of the house of study on Sabbath.

אף על פי ˀp ˁl py: although
ואף על פי wˀp ˁl py
אף על פי ˀp ˁl py: although

[such] documents [may be written]
ש־ š-: that; כתב ktb: write, document
שכתובים šktwbym
ש־ š-: that; כתב ktb: write, document
documents [may be written]

in any
ב־ b-: in; כל kl: all, any
בכל bkl
ב־ b-: in; כל kl: all, any
in any

לשון lšwn: tongue, language
לשון lšwn
לשון lšwn: tongue, language

[they all] need to
טעון ṭˁwn: requiring, needing
טעונים ṭˁwnym
טעון ṭˁwn: requiring, needing
[they all] need to

be hidden away.
גנז gnz: hide, conceal
גניזה gnyzh
גנז gnz: store, file away
be stored away.

And because of
מפני mpny: because of
ומפני wmpny
מפני mpny: because of
And because of

מה mh: what
מה mh
מה mh: what

[may one] not
אין ˀyn: no, not
אין ˀyn
אין ˀyn: no, not
[may one] not

קרי qry: read, recite
קורין qwryn
קרי qry: read, recite

with them [in war]?
ב־ b-: with; הן hn: they
בהן bhn
ב־ b-: with; הן hn: they
with them [on Sabbath]?

Because of
מפני mpny: because of
מפני mpny
מפני mpny: because of
Because of

the closing
בטול bṭwl: ending, stoppage
בטול bṭwl
בטול bṭwl: ending, stoppage
the closing

of [all] areas [??]
ביתא bytˀ: area
בית byt
בית byt: house
of the house

[that may be?] examined [during war].
מ־ m-: of; דרש drš: inquire of, examine, question
המדרש hmdrš
מ־ m-: of; דרש drš: seek, study
of study [on Sabbath].

Shabbat 16:1.b

All copies of a document must be hidden.

Shabbat 16:1.c

Encrypted: One must also remove the copies of a document together with the document, the copies of a secret text together with the secret text, even though there may also be inside them monetary value.

Official: One may also rescue the receptacle of a scroll together with the scroll, the receptacle of a prayer book together with the prayer book, even though there may also be inside them money.

[One must also] remove
מ־ m-: of; נצל nṣl: remove, set aside
מצילין mṣylyn
מ־ m-: of; נצל nṣl: save, rescue
[One may also] rescue

the copies [??]
עתק ˁtq: copy (of a book)
תיק tyq
תיק tyq: sheath, chest, receptacle
the receptacle

of a document
שפר špr: beautiful, fair, pleasant
הספר hspr
ספר spr: document, scroll, book
of a scroll

together with
עם ˁm: with
עם ˁm
עם ˁm: with
together with

the document,
ספר spr: document, scroll, book
הספר hspr
ספר spr: document, scroll, book
the scroll,

the copies [??]
עתק ˁtq: copy (of a book)
ותיק wtyq
תיק tyq: sheath, chest, receptacle
the receptacle

of a secret [text]
ת־ t-: of; פליאה plyˀh: hidden thing, secret
התפלין htplyn
תפלה tplh: Tefillah, prayer
of a prayer [book]

together with
עם ˁm: with
עם ˁm
עם ˁm: with
together with

the secret [text],
ת־ t-: of; פליאה plyˀh: hidden thing, secret
התפלין htplyn
תפלה tplh: Tefillah, prayer
the prayer [book],

even though
אף על פי ˀp ˁl py: although
ואף על פי wˀp ˁl py
אף על פי ˀp ˁl py: although
even though

there [may also] be
ש־ š-: that; יש : there is
שיש šyš
ש־ š-: that; יש : there is
there [may also] be

inside [them]
ב־ b-: in; תוך twk: middle, inside
בתוכן btwkn
ב־ b-: in; תוך twk: middle, inside
inside [them]

monetary [value].
מעות mˁwt: money, small change
מעות mˁwt
מעות mˁwt: money, small change

Shabbat 16:1.c

Shabbat 16:1.d

Encrypted: And to what place may one remove them? Into any cover that can not be penetrated. Ben Bathyra says: Even into one that can be penetrated.

Official: And to what place may one rescue them? Into any alley that is not open. Ben Bathyra says: Even into an open one.

And to what place
ל־ l-: to; היכן hykn: where
ולהיכן wlhykn
ל־ l-: to; היכן hykn: where
And to what place

[may one] remove
מ־ m-: of; נצל nṣl: remove, set aside
מצילין mṣylyn
מ־ m-: of; נצל nṣl: save, rescue
[may one] rescue

אות ˀwt: same
אותן ˀwtn
אות ˀwt: same

Into [any] cover
ל־ l-: to; מ־ m-: of; עביא ˁbyˀ: cover, concealment
למבוי lmbwy
ל־ l-: to; מבוי mbwy: alley; מ־ m-: of; ביאה byˀh: entrance
Into [any] alley

that [can?] not
ש־ š-: that; אין ˀyn: no, not
שאינו šˀynw
ש־ š-: that; אין ˀyn: no, not
that [is] not

be penetrated.
מ־ m-: of; פלש plš: penetrate, perforated
מפלש mplš
מ־ m-: of; פלש plš: open through
open [??].

בן bn: son
בן bn
בן bn: son

בתירא btyrˀ: Bathyra
בתירא btyrˀ
בתירא btyrˀ: Bathyra

אמר ˀmr: say
אומר ˀwmr
אמר ˀmr: say

אף ˀp: even
אף ˀp
אף ˀp: even

into [one that can] be penetrated.
ל־ l-: to; מ־ m-: of; פלש plš: penetrate, perforated
למפלש lmplš
ל־ l-: to; מ־ m-: of; פלש plš: open through
into an open [one].

Shabbat 16:1.d

Rescuing commoners

One may rescue supporters before, during & after the war.

Shabbat 16:2.a

Encrypted: One may also rescue from one’s supporters up to three supporters, if they are worthy for a person, or just worthy for human cattle.

Official: One may also rescue food for up to three meals, suitable for a person, or suitable for an animal.

[One may also] rescue
מ־ m-: of; נצל nṣl: remove, set aside
מצילין mṣylyn
מ־ m-: of; נצל nṣl: save, rescue
[One may also] rescue

from [one’s] supporters
מ־ m-: from; זיונא zywnˀ: sustainer, supporter
מזון mzwn
מ־ m-: of; זון zwn: sustain, feed, food

[up to] three
סuפפoרתeר supporter:
שלש šlš
שלש šlš: three
[for up to] three

סעד sˁd: helper, supporter, assistance
סעדות sˁdwt
סעדה sˁdh: meal, feast

[if they] are worthy
ראי rˀy: fit, like, choose
הראוי hrˀwy
ראוי rˀwy: worthy, fit, suitable

for a person,
ל־ l-: for; אדם ˀdm: man, person
לאדם lˀdm
ל־ l-: for; אדם ˀdm: man, person
for a person,

ל־ l-: for; אדם ˀdm: man, person
לאדם lˀdm
ל־ l-: for; אדם ˀdm: man, person

[or just] worthy
ראוי rˀwy: worthy, fit, suitable
הראוי hrˀwy
ראוי rˀwy: worthy, fit, suitable
[or] suitable

for [human] cattle.
ל־ l-: for; בהמה bhmh: animal, cattle
לבהמה lbhmh
ל־ l-: for; בהמה bhmh: animal, cattle
for an animal.

ל־ l-: for; בהמה bhmh: animal, cattle
לבהמה lbhmh
ל־ l-: for; בהמה bhmh: animal, cattle

Shabbat 16:2.a

Shabbat 16:2.b

Encrypted: How so? If occurs the kindling at the eve of war, one may rescue from one’s supporters three supporters. At the outbreak of war one may rescue from one’s supporters two supporters. And in the aftermath of war from one’s supporters a supporter one.

Official: How so? If occurs a fire in the night to the Sabbath, one may rescue food for three meals. At the dawn to the Sabbath one may rescue food for two meals. And in the afternoon of the Sabbath food for a meal one.

How so?
כיצד kyṣd: how
כיצד kyṣd
כיצד kyṣd: how
How so?

[If] occurs
נפל npl: fall, occur
נפלה nplh
נפל npl: fall, occur
[If] occurs

the kindling
דלק dlq: kindle, burn
דלקה dlqh
דלקה dlqh: fire
a fire

at the eve
ב־ b-: in; ליל lyl: evening
בלילי blyly
ב־ b-: in; ליל lyl: night
in the night

of war,
שבת šbt: Sabbath
שבת šbt
שבת šbt: Sabbath
[to] the Sabbath,

[one may] rescue
מ־ m-: of; נצל nṣl: remove, set aside
מצילין mṣylyn
מ־ m-: of; נצל nṣl: save, rescue
[one may] rescue

from [one’s] supporters
מ־ m-: from; זיונא zywnˀ: sustainer, supporter
מזון mzwn
מ־ m-: of; זון zwn: sustain, feed, food

שלש šlš: three
שלש šlš
שלש šlš: three
[for] three

סעד sˁd: helper, supporter, assistance
סעדות sˁdwt
סעדה sˁdh: meal, feast

At the [out]break [of war]
ב־ b-: on; שחר šḥr: dawn, daybreak
בשחרית bšḥryt
ב־ b-: on; שחר šḥr: dawn, daybreak
At the dawn [to the Sabbath]

[one may] rescue
מ־ m-: of; נצל nṣl: remove, set aside
מצילין mṣylyn
מ־ m-: of; נצל nṣl: save, rescue
[one may] rescue

from [one’s] supporters
מ־ m-: from; זיונא zywnˀ: sustainer, supporter
מזון mzwn
מ־ m-: of; זון zwn: sustain, feed, food

שתי šty: two
שתי šty
שתי šty: two
[for] two

סעד sˁd: helper, supporter, assistance
סעדות sˁdwt
סעדה sˁdh: meal, feast

[And] in the after[math?] [of war]
ב־ b-: on; מנחה mnḥh: afternoon
במנחה bmnḥh
ב־ b-: on; מנחה mnḥh: afternoon
[And] in the afternoon [of the Sabbath]

from [one’s] supporters
מ־ m-: from; זיונא zywnˀ: sustainer, supporter
מזון mzwn
מ־ m-: of; זון zwn: sustain, feed, food

a supporter
סעד sˁd: helper, supporter, assistance
סעדה sˁdh
סעדה sˁdh: meal, feast
[for] a meal

אחת ˀḥt: one
אחת ˀḥt
אחת ˀḥt: one

Shabbat 16:2.b

Shabbat 16:2.c

Encrypted: Lord Yose says: One may always rescue from one’s supporters three supporters.

Official: Rabbi Yose says: One may always rescue food for three meals.

רב rb: lord, master, noble
רבי rby
רבי rby: rabbi

יוסי ywsy: Yose
יוסי ywsy
יוסי ywsy: Yose

אמר ˀmr: say
אומר ˀwmr
אמר ˀmr: say

[One may] always
ל־ l-: to; עולם ˁwlm: forever, always
לעולם lˁwlm
ל־ l-: to; עולם ˁwlm: forever, always
[One may] always

מ־ m-: of; נצל nṣl: remove, set aside
מצילין mṣylyn
מ־ m-: of; נצל nṣl: save, rescue

from [one’s] supporters
מ־ m-: from; זיונא zywnˀ: sustainer, supporter
מזון mzwn
מ־ m-: of; זון zwn: sustain, feed, food

שלש šlš: three
שלש šlš
שלש šlš: three
[for] three

סעד sˁd: helper, supporter, assistance
סעדות sˁdwt
סעדה sˁdh: meal, feast

Shabbat 16:2.c

Rescuing a group counts as one rescue.

Shabbat 16:3.a

Encrypted: One may rescue a group taken for spoils full of wrapped-up supporters, even though there are in it a hundred supporters, or an attacked group of immersed supporters, or an attacked group of secret watchers.

Official: One may rescue a basket full of loaves, even though there is in it a hundred meals, or a round cake of figs, or a barrel of wine.

[One may] rescue
מ־ m-: of; נצל nṣl: remove, set aside
מצילין mṣylyn
מ־ m-: of; נצל nṣl: save, rescue
[One may] rescue

[a group taken for] spoils
שלל šll: spoil, booty, plunder, pillage
סל sl
סל sl: basket
a basket

מלא mlˀ: full, complete
מלא mlˀ
מלא mlˀ: full, complete

of wrapped-up [supporters?],
כרך krk: bind round, wrap, surround
ככרות kkrwt
ככר kkr: loaf
of loaves,

even though
אף על פי ˀp ˁl py: although
ואף על פי wˀp ˁl py
אף על פי ˀp ˁl py: although
even though

there are
ש־ š-: that; יש : there is
שיש šyš
ש־ š-: that; יש : there is
there is

in it
ב־ b-: in; ־ו -w: him
בו bw
ב־ b-: in; ־ו -w: him
in it

a hundred
מאה mˀh: hundred
מאה mˀh
מאה mˀh: hundred
a hundred

סעד sˁd: helper, supporter, assistance
סעדות sˁdwt
סעדה sˁdh: meal, feast

or an attacked [group]
גלע glˁ: attack
ועגול wˁgwl
עגול ˁgwl: round cake, loaf
or a round cake

של šl: of, belonging to
של šl
של šl: of, belonging to

immersed [supporters?],
טבל ṭbl: dip, immerse
דבלה dblh
דבלה dblh: cake of figs

or an attacked [group]
חבט ḥbṭ: strike, beat, attack
וחבית wḥbyt
חבית ḥbyt: barrel, cask, large jar
or a barrel

של šl: of, belonging to
של šl
של šl: of, belonging to

[secret] watchers.
עין ˁyn: eye, watch, guard
יין yyn
יין yyn: wine

Shabbat 16:3.a

Shabbat 16:3.b

Encrypted: One may also say to others: Come and rescue my supporters by yourselves! And if they are clever, they will make with him a calculation after the war.

Official: One may also say to others: Come and rescue my things by yourselves! And if they are clever, they will make with him a calculation after the Sabbath.

[One may also] say
אמר ˀmr: say
ואומר wˀwmr
אמר ˀmr: say
[One may also] say

to others:
ל־ l-: to; אחר ˀḥr: other
לאחרים lˀḥrym
ל־ l-: to; אחר ˀḥr: other
to others:

בוא bwˀ: come, go in
באו bˀw
בוא bwˀ: come, go in

and rescue [my supporters]
נצל nṣl: remove, set aside
והצילו whṣylw
נצל nṣl: save, rescue
and rescue [my things]

by yourselves!
ל־ l-: for, by; ־כם -km: you
לכם lkm
ל־ l-: for, by; ־כם -km: you
by yourselves!

And if
אם ˀm: if, when
ואם wˀm
אם ˀm: if, when
And if

[they] are
היה hyh: be, exist
היו hyw
היה hyh: be, exist
[they] are

פקח pqḥ: seeing, clever, smart
פקחין pqḥyn
פקח pqḥ: seeing, clever, smart

they will make
עשה ˁšh: do, make, act
עושין ˁwšyn
עשה ˁšh: do, make, act
they will make

with him
עם ˁm: with; ־ו -w: him
עמו ˁmw
עם ˁm: with; ־ו -w: him
with him

a calculation
חשב ḥšb: calculate, account
חשבון ḥšbwn
חשב ḥšb: calculate, account
a calculation

אחר ˀḥr: after
אחר ˀḥr
אחר ˀḥr: after

the war.
צבאות ṣbˀwt: armies, war, warfare
השבת hšbt
שבת šbt: Sabbath
the Sabbath.

Shabbat 16:3.b

Supporters may be rescued to the private estates of nobles.

Shabbat 16:3.c

Encrypted: To where may one rescue them? To the private estates of the nobles. Ben Bathyra says: Even to one that is not of the nobles.

Official: To where may one rescue them? To a courtyard of mixed boundaries. Ben Bathyra says: Even to one that has no mixed boundaries.

To where
ל־ l-: to; היכן hykn: where
להיכן lhykn
ל־ l-: to; היכן hykn: where
To where

[may one] rescue
מ־ m-: of; נצל nṣl: remove, set aside
מצילין mṣylyn
מ־ m-: of; נצל nṣl: save, rescue
[may one] rescue

אות ˀwt: this one
אותן ˀwtn
אות ˀwt: this one

To the private estates
ל־ l-: to; חצר ḥṣr: court, yard, private property
לחצר lḥṣr
ל־ l-: to; חצר ḥṣr: court, yard, private property
To a courtyard

of the nobles.
מ־ m-: of; רב rb: noble, lord, master
המערבת hmˁrbt
מ־ m-: of; ערב ˁrb: mix, blend, combine
of mixed [boundaries].

בן bn: son
בן bn
בן bn: son

בתירא btyrˀ: Bathyra
בתירא btyrˀ
בתירא btyrˀ: Bathyra

אמר ˀmr: say
אומר ˀwmr
אמר ˀmr: say

אף ˀp: even
אף ˀp
אף ˀp: even

to [one] that [is] not
ל־ l-: to; ש־ š-: that; אין ˀyn: no, not
לשאינה lšˀynh
ל־ l-: to; ש־ š-: that; אין ˀyn: no, not
to [one] that [has] no

of the nobles.
מ־ m-: of; רב rb: noble, lord, master
מערבת mˁrbt
מ־ m-: of; ערב ˁrb: mix, blend, combine
mixed [boundaries].

Shabbat 16:3.c

Shabbat 16:4.a

Encrypted: And to there one may bring out all human tools in one’s use, and put on as retinue all that one is able to put on, and wrap around oneself all that one is able to wrap around.

Official: And to there one may bring out all objects of use, and put on all clothing that one is able to put on, and wrap around oneself all that one is able to wrap around.

And to there
ל־ l-: to; שם šm: place, there
ולשם wlšm
ל־ l-: to; שם šm: place, there
And to there

[one may] bring out
מ־ m-: of; יצא yṣˀ: bring out
מוציא mwṣyˀ
מ־ m-: of; יצא yṣˀ: bring out
[one may] bring out

כל kl: all
כל kl
כל kl: all

[human] tools [?]
כלי kly: utensil, tool, instrument
כלי kly
כלי kly: object, vessel

[in one’s] use,
תשמיש tšmyš: service, use, utensil
תשמישו tšmyšw
תשמיש tšmyš: service, use, utensil
of use,

and put on [as retinue?]
לבש lbš: clothe, wrap, put on, dress
ולובש wlwbš
לבש lbš: clothe, wrap, put on, dress
and put on

כל kl: all
כל kl
כל kl: all
all [clothing]

מה mh: what, how much
מה mh
מה mh: what, how much

[one] is able
ש־ š-: that; יכל ykl: can, able
שיכול šykwl
ש־ š-: that; יכל ykl: can, able
[one] is able

to put on,
ל־ l-: to; לבש lbš: clothe, wrap, put on, dress
ללבש llbš
ל־ l-: to; לבש lbš: clothe, wrap, put on, dress
to put on,

and wrap around [oneself]
עטף ˁṭp: wrap around, put on
ועוטף wˁwṭp
עטף ˁṭp: wrap around, put on
and wrap around [oneself]

כל kl: all
כל kl
כל kl: all

מה mh: what, how much
מה mh
מה mh: what, how much

[one] is able
ש־ š-: that; יכל ykl: can, able
שיכול šykwl
ש־ š-: that; יכל ykl: can, able
[one] is able

to wrap around.
ל־ l-: to; עטף ˁṭp: wrap around, put on
לעטף lˁṭp
ל־ l-: to; עטף ˁṭp: wrap around, put on
to wrap around.

Shabbat 16:4.a

Shabbat 16:4.b

Encrypted: Lord Yose says: One may rescue only officially designated & confirmed human tools, but one may then again put on new ones and bring them out. And one may say to others: Come, and rescue my supporters with me!

Official: Rabbi Yose says: One may put on only eighteen dresses, but one may then again put on new ones and bring them out. And one may say to others: Come, and rescue things with me!

רב rb: lord, master, noble
רבי rby
רבי rby: rabbi

יוסי ywsy: Yose
יוסי ywsy
יוסי ywsy: Yose

אמר ˀmr: say
אומר ˀwmr
אמר ˀmr: say

[One may rescue only officially?] designated & confirmed [???]
זמן zmn: appoint, designate; אשר ˀšr: confirm, verify
שמנה עשר šmnh ˁšr
שמנה šmnh: eight; עשר ˁšr: ten
[One may put on only] eighteen

[human] tools [?],
כלי kly: utensil, tool, instrument
כלים klym
כלי kly: dress, garment, outfit

but [one may then] again
חזר ḥzr: return, do again
וחוזר wḥwzr
חזר ḥzr: return, do again
but [one may then] again

put on [new ones]
לבש lbš: clothe, wrap, put on, dress
ולובש wlwbš
לבש lbš: clothe, wrap, put on, dress
put on [new ones]

and bring [them] out.
מ־ m-: of; יצא yṣˀ: bring out
ומוציא wmwṣyˀ
מ־ m-: of; יצא yṣˀ: bring out
and bring [them] out.

And [one may] say
אמר ˀmr: say
ואומר wˀwmr
אמר ˀmr: say
And [one may] say

to others:
ל־ l-: to; אחר ˀḥr: other
לאחרים lˀḥrym
ל־ l-: to; אחר ˀḥr: other
to others:

בוא bwˀ: come, bring
באו bˀw
בוא bwˀ: come, bring

and rescue [my supporters]
נצל nṣl: remove, set aside
והצילו whṣylw
נצל nṣl: save, rescue
and rescue [things]

with me!
עם ˁm: with; ־י -y: me
עמי ˁmy
עם ˁm: with; ־י -y: me
with me!

Shabbat 16:4.b

One may form special squads for agents to stay out of combat.

Shabbat 16:5.a

Encrypted: Lord Simeon ben Nanos says: One may spread out the attacks of enemy troops over the place of one’s lands, one’s military presence, or fortifications, so that one can safely let be seized them by an attack, because it will only burn them lightly.

Official: Rabbi Simeon ben Nanos says: One may spread out the skin of a goat over the place of a box, a chest or a cupboard, so that one can safely let be seized them by the fire, because it will only burn them lightly.

רב rb: lord, master, noble
רבי rby
רבי rby: rabbi

Simeon ben Nanos
שמעון בן ננס šmˁwn bn nns: Simeon ben Nanos
שמעון בן ננס šmˁwn bn nns
שמעון בן ננס šmˁwn bn nns: Simeon ben Nanos
Simeon ben Nanos

אמר ˀmr: say
אומר ˀwmr
אמר ˀmr: say

[One may] spread out
פרש prš: spread out
פורסין pwrsyn
פרש prš: spread out
[One may] spread out

the attacks [??]
אורע ˀwrˁ: meeting, encounter, attack
עור ˁwr
עור ˁwr: skin, hide
the skin

של šl: of, belonging to
של šl
של šl: of, belonging to

[enemy??] troops
גוד gwd: company, troop
גדי gdy
גדי gdy: young goat, kid
a goat

על ˁl: on, over
על ˁl
על ˁl: on, over

the place of
גבי gby: together with, at the place of
גבי gby
גבי gby: together with, at the place of
the place of

[one’s] lands,
שדה šdh: land, field, office
שדה šdh
שדה šdh: strong box, chest
a box,

[one’s] military presence,
טויב ṭwyb: presence, military apparatus
תבה tbh
תבה tbh: chest
a chest

or fortifications,
מגדל mgdl: tower, turret
ומגדל wmgdl
מגדל mgdl: cupboard
or a cupboard,

so that [one can safely let] be seized
ש־ š-: for; אחז ˀḥz: seize, befall
שאחז šˀḥz
ש־ š-: for; אחז ˀḥz: seize, befall
so that [one can safely let] be seized

ב־ b-: with; הן hn: they
בהן bhn
ב־ b-: with; הן hn: they

את ˀt: to
את ˀt
את ˀt: to

an attack [??],
אורע ˀwrˁ: meeting, encounter, attack
האור hˀwr
אור ˀwr: light, fire
the fire,

מפני mpny: because of
מפני mpny
מפני mpny: because of

ש־ š-: that; הוא hwˀ: he
שהוא šhwˀ
ש־ š-: that; הוא hwˀ: he

[will only] burn [them lightly].
מ־ m-: of; חרך ḥrk: burn, singe
מחרך mḥrk
מ־ m-: of; חרך ḥrk: burn, singe
[will only] burn [them lightly].

Shabbat 16:5.a

Shabbat 16:5.b

Encrypted: One may also make a division with all human tools, whether they are completely trusted or worthless, for the sake of not letting pass the kindled war to them.

Official: One may also make a wall with all vessels, whether they are full or empty, for the sake of not letting pass the flame.

[One may also] make
עשה ˁšh: do, make, act
ועושין wˁwšyn
עשה ˁšh: do, make, act
[One may also] make

a division
מ־ m-: of; חצי ḥṣy: split, divide
מחצה mḥṣh
מ־ m-: of; חיצה ḥyṣh: partition, wall
a wall

with all
ב־ b-: with; כל kl: all
בכל bkl
ב־ b-: with; כל kl: all
with all

[human] tools,
כלי kly: utensil, tool, instrument
הכלים hklym
כלי kly: object, vessel

בין byn: between, among
בין byn
בין byn: between, among

[they are] completely [trusted?]
מלא mlˀ: complete, confirmed, accomplished
מלאים mlˀym
מלא mlˀ: full, fill
[they are] full

בין byn: between, among
בין byn
בין byn: between, among

ריק ryq: worthless
ריקנים ryqnym
ריק ryq: empty

for the sake of
בשביל bšbyl: for the sake of
בשביל bšbyl
בשביל bšbyl: for the sake of
for the sake of

ש־ š-: for; לא : not
שלא šlˀ
ש־ š-: for; לא : not

[letting] pass
ת־ t-: will; עבר ˁbr: pass
תעבר tˁbr
ת־ t-: will; עבר ˁbr: pass
[letting] pass

the kindled [war to them?].
דלק dlq: kindle, burn
הדלקה hdlqh
דלק dlq: flame
the flame.

Shabbat 16:5.b

New agents may not accept attacks on their fellow subjects.

Shabbat 16:5.b

Encrypted: Lord Yose prohibits this with human tools who are watchmen that are new and still too mixed up with the people, because they are not able to accept an attack on fellow subjects, and so they would break open this information and extinguish the kindling of the war.

Official: Rabbi Yose prohibits this with vessels of clay that are new and full of water, because they are not able to face and withstand the fire, and so they would break and extinguish the flame which is forbidden on Sabbath.

רב rb: lord, master, noble
רבי rby
רבי rby: rabbi

יוסי ywsy: Yose
יוסי ywsy
יוסי ywsy: Yose

prohibits [this]
אסר ˀsr: prohibit
אוסר ˀwsr
אסר ˀsr: prohibit
prohibits [this]

with [human] tools
ב־ b-: with; כלי kly: utensil, tool, instrument
בכלי bkly
ב־ b-: with; כלי kly: object, vessel
with vessels

who are watchmen
חרסאה ḥrsˀh: watchman
חרס ḥrs
חרס ḥrs: clay, potter
of clay

[that] are new
חדש ḥdš: new
חדשים ḥdšym
חדש ḥdš: new
[that] are new

[and still too] mixed up
מהל mhl: mix
מלאין mlˀyn
מלא mlˀ: full, fill
[and] full

[with] the people,
עמים ˁmym: people
מים mym
מים mym: water
of water,

לפי lpy: because
לפי lpy
לפי lpy: because

[they are] not
ש־ š-: that; אין ˀyn: no, not
שאין šˀyn
ש־ š-: that; אין ˀyn: no, not
[they are] not

יכל ykl: can, able
יכולין ykwlyn
יכל ykl: can, able

to accept
ל־ l-: to; קבל qbl: accept
לקבל lqbl
ל־ l-: to; קבל qbl: opposite, face
to face [and withstand]

את ˀt: to
את ˀt
את ˀt: to

an attack [on fellow subjects?],
אורע ˀwrˁ: meeting, encounter, attack
האור hˀwr
אור ˀwr: light, fire
the fire,

[and so] they
הן hn: they
והן whn
הן hn: they
[and so] they

[would] break open [this information?]
מ־ m-: of; בקע bqˁ: clear, burst, break open
מתבקעין mtbqˁyn
מ־ m-: of; בקע bqˁ: split, break
[would] break

and extinguish
מ־ m-: of; כבי kby: extinguish
ומכבין wmkbyn
מ־ m-: of; כבי kby: extinguish
and extinguish

את ˀt: to
את ˀt
את ˀt: to

the kindling [of the war].
דלק dlq: kindle, burn
הדלקה hdlqh
דלק dlq: flame
the flame [which is forbidden on Sabbath].

Shabbat 16:5.b

Outsiders may influence a war, subjects may not.

Shabbat 16:6.a

Encrypted: If an outsider comes to extinguish a kindled war, insiders may not say to him: “extinguish it”, or: “do not extinguish it”. Because not for him to cease his actions is the responsibility on them.

Official: If a non-Jewish stranger comes to extinguish a fire on Sabbath, Jews may not say to him: “extinguish it”, or: “do not extinguish it”. Because not for him to rest is the responsibility on them.

[If] an outsider
נכר nkr: unknown, stranger
נכרי nkry
נכר nkr: unknown, stranger
[If] a [non-Jewish?] stranger

ש־ š-: who; בוא bwˀ: come
שבא šbˀ
ש־ š-: who; בוא bwˀ: come

to extinguish [a kindled war],
ל־ l-: to; כבה kbh: quench, extinguish
לכבות lkbwt
ל־ l-: to; כבה kbh: quench, extinguish
to extinguish [a fire on Sabbath],

[insiders may?] not
אין ˀyn: no, not
אין ˀyn
אין ˀyn: no, not
[Jews may] not

אמר ˀmr: say
אומרים ˀwmrym
אמר ˀmr: say

to him:
לו lw: to him
לו lw
לו lw: to him
to him:

“extinguish [it]”,
כבה kbh: quench, extinguish
כבה kbh
כבה kbh: quench, extinguish
“extinguish [it]”,

or: “[do] not
אל ˀl: not (prohibitive)
ואל wˀl
אל ˀl: not (prohibitive)
or: “[do] not

extinguish [it]”.
כבה kbh: quench, extinguish
תכבה tkbh
כבה kbh: quench, extinguish
extinguish [it]”.

מפני mpny: because of
מפני mpny
מפני mpny: because of

ש־ š-: that; אין ˀyn: no, not
שאין šˀyn
ש־ š-: that; אין ˀyn: no, not

[for him to] cease [his actions?]
שבת šbt: cease, rest
שביתתו šbyttw
שבת šbt: cease, rest
[for him to] rest

[is the responsibility] on them.
על ˁl: on; הן hn: they
עליהן ˁlyhn
על ˁl: on; הן hn: they
[is the responsibility] on them.

Shabbat 16:6.a

Shabbat 16:6.b

Encrypted: But if a commoner of one’s own subjects comes to extinguish the flames of war, they must not listen to him, because for him to cease the responsibility is on them.

Official: But if a young child comes to extinguish a fire on Sabbath, they must not listen to him, because for him to rest the responsibility is on them.

אבל ˀbl: but
אבל ˀbl
אבל ˀbl: but

[if] a commoner [of one’s own subjects?]
קטון qṭwn: common populace, masses
קטן qṭn
קטן qṭn: young, small
[if] a young [child]

ש־ š-: who; בוא bwˀ: come
שבא šbˀ
ש־ š-: who; בוא bwˀ: come

to extinguish [the flames of war?],
ל־ l-: to; כבה kbh: quench, extinguish
לכבות lkbwt
ל־ l-: to; כבה kbh: quench, extinguish
to extinguish [a fire on Sabbath],

[they must] not
אין ˀyn: no, not
אין ˀyn
אין ˀyn: no, not
[they must] not

שמע šmˁ: listen
שומעין šwmˁyn
שמע šmˁ: listen

to him,
לו lw: to him
לו lw
לו lw: to him
to him,

מפני mpny: because of
מפני mpny
מפני mpny: because of

[for him to] cease
ש־ š-: that; שבת šbt: cease, rest
ששביתתו ššbyttw
ש־ š-: that; שבת šbt: cease, rest
[for him to] rest

[the responsibility is] on them.
על ˁl: on; הן hn: they
עליהן ˁlyhn
על ˁl: on; הן hn: they
[the responsibility is] on them.

Shabbat 16:6.b

One may overturn decisions of low-level officers to rescue commoners.

Shabbat 16:7.a

Encrypted: One may overturn a leader at the top of the servants so that he will not seize a certain town, or over the command of a common-birth officer, or over a soldier so that he will not hurt certain people.

Official: One may turn over a dish on the top of a lamp so that the flame will not seize the beams of the roof, or over the excrements of a young child, or over a scorpion so that it will not bite.

[One may] overturn
ל־ l-: to; כפי kpy: force, overturn
כופין kwpyn
כפי kpy: invert, turn upside down
[One may] turn over

a leader
קיר qyr: lord, leader
קערה qˁrh
קערה qˁrh: dish, platter
a dish

על ˁl: on, over
על ˁl
על ˁl: on, over

the top
גב gb: body, top
גבי gby
גב gb: body, top
the top

of the servants
נער nˁr: boy, servant
הנר hnr
נר nr: light, lamp, candle
of a lamp

בשביל bšbyl: for the sake of
בשביל bšbyl
בשביל bšbyl: for the sake of

that [he will] not
ש־ š-: that; לא : not
שלא šlˀ
ש־ š-: that; לא : not
that [the flame will] not

ת־ t-: will; אחז ˀḥz: seize, befall
תאחז tˀḥz
ת־ t-: will; אחז ˀḥz: seize, befall

[a certain] town,
ב־ b-: on; קריה qryh: city, town, village
בקורה bqwrh
ב־ b-: on; קורא qwrˀ: beam
the beams [of the roof],

or over
על ˁl: on, over
ועל wˁl
על ˁl: on, over
or over

the command
צואה ṣwˀh: command, order
צואה ṣwˀh
צואה ṣwˀh: excrement
the excrements

של šl: of, belonging to
של šl
של šl: of, belonging to

a common-birth [officer],
קטון qṭwn: common populace, masses
קטן qṭn
קטן qṭn: young, small
a young [child],

or over
על ˁl: on, over
ועל wˁl
על ˁl: on, over
or over

a soldier
קרב qrb: war, battle, soldier
עקרב ˁqrb
עקרב ˁqrb: scorpion
a scorpion

so that [he will] not
ש־ š-: that; לא : not
שלא šlˀ
ש־ š-: that; לא : not
so that [it will] not

hurt [certain people].
ת־ t-: will; נזק nzq: damage, harm, injure
תשך tšk
ת־ t-: will; נשך nšk: bite

Shabbat 16:7.a

Shabbat 16:7.b

Encrypted: Says lord Yehudah: A person committing such an act came before lord Yohanan ben Zakkai in Arav, and he said: I fear for him that he is guilty of a mistake.

Official: Says rabbi Yehudah: A person committing such an act came before rabban Yohanan ben Zakkai in Arav, and he said: I fear for him that he has to make a sin-offering.

אמר ˀmr: say
אמר ˀmr
אמר ˀmr: say

רב rb: lord, master, noble
רבי rby
רבי rby: rabbi

יהודה yhwdh: Yehudah
יהודה yhwdh
יהודה yhwdh: Yehudah

[A person committing such] an act
מ־ m-: of; עשה ˁšh: do, make, act
מעשה mˁšh
מ־ m-: of; עשה ˁšh: do, make, act
[A person committing such] an act

בוא bwˀ: come
בוא bwˀ: come

לפני lpny: before
לפני lpny
לפני lpny: before

רבן rbn: lord
רבן rbn
רבן rbn: rabban

Yohanan ben Zakkai
יוחנן בן זכאי ywḥnn bn zkˀy: Yohanan ben Zakkai
יוחנן בן זכאי ywḥnn bn zkˀy
יוחנן בן זכאי ywḥnn bn zkˀy: Yohanan ben Zakkai
Yohanan ben Zakkai

in Arav [??],
ב־ b-: in; ערב ˁrb: Arav
בערב bˁrb
ב־ b-: in; ערב ˁrb: Arav
in Arav,

[and he] said:
אמר ˀmr: say
ואמר wˀmr
אמר ˀmr: say
[and he] said:

[I] fear
חשש ḥšš: fear, suspicion, sense
חוששני ḥwššny
חשש ḥšš: fear, suspicion, sense
[I] fear

for him
לו lw: to him
לו lw
לו lw: to him
for him

[that he is guilty of] a mistake.
מ־ m-: of; חטאת ḥṭˀt: mistake
מחטאת mḥṭˀt
מ־ m-: of; חטאת ḥṭˀt: sin-offering
[that he has to make] a sin-offering.

Shabbat 16:7.b

War efforts by outsiders may only be used without collaboration.

Shabbat 16:8.a

Encrypted: If an outsider kindles the servants for his special use, it may also be used for preparing attacks by a veiled ruler. But if it he does this for the sake of the veiled ruler, it is prohibited to use it.

Official: If a non-Jewish stranger kindles a lamp for his special use, it may also be used for light by an Israelite. But if it he does this for the sake of the Israelite, it is prohibited to use it.

[If] an outsider
נכר nkr: unknown, stranger
נכרי nkry
נכר nkr: unknown, stranger
[If] a [non-Jewish?] stranger

ש־ š-: that; דלק dlq: kindle, burn
שהדליק šhdlyq
ש־ š-: that; דלק dlq: kindle, burn

את ˀt: to
את ˀt
את ˀt: to

the servants
נער nˁr: boy, servant
הנר hnr
נר nr: light, lamp, candle
a lamp

[for his special] use,
מ־ m-: of; שמש / השתמש šmš / hštmš: serve, use, play a role
משתמש mštmš
מ־ m-: of; שמש / השתמש šmš / hštmš: serve, use, play a role
[for his special] use,

[it may also be used] for [preparing] attacks
ל־ l-: for; אורע ˀwrˁ: meeting, encounter, attack
לאורו lˀwrw
ל־ l-: for; אור ˀwr: light, fire
[it may also be used] for light

[by] a veiled ruler.
שר šr: nobleman, ruler; רעל rˁl: veil; רעל rˁl: veil
ישראל yšrˀl
ישראל yšrˀl: Israel
[by] an Israelite.

[But] if
אם ˀm: if, when
ואם wˀm
אם ˀm: if, when
[But] if

[it he does this] for the sake of
בשביל bšbyl: for the sake of
בשביל bšbyl
בשביל bšbyl: for the sake of
[it he does this] for the sake of

the veiled ruler,
שר šr: nobleman, ruler; רעל rˁl: veil; רעל rˁl: veil
ישראל yšrˀl
ישראל yšrˀl: Israel
the Israelite,

[it is] prohibited [to use it].
אסר ˀsr: prohibit
אסור ˀswr
אסר ˀsr: prohibit
[it is] prohibited [to use it].

Shabbat 16:8.a

Shabbat 16:8.b

Encrypted: If an outsider fills up the people to cause an uproar among his human cattle, and it is used for an uproar after him by a veiled ruler among his own cattle, and if it was for the sake of the veiled ruler, it is prohibited to use it.

Official: If a stranger fills up water to give it for drinking to his cattle, and it is given for drinking after him by an Israelite to his own cattle, and if it was for the sake of the Israelite, it is prohibited to use it.

[If an outsider] fills up
מלא mlˀ: full, fill
מלא mlˀ
מלא mlˀ: full, fill
[If a stranger] fills up

the people
עמים ˁmym: people
מים mym
מים mym: water

to [cause] an uproar
ל־ l-: to; שקק šqq: noise, rushing, uproar
להשקות lhšqwt
ל־ l-: to; שקה šqh: drink, give to drink
to [give it] for drinking

[among his human] cattle,
בהם bhm: animal, cattle
בהמתו bhmtw
בהם bhm: animal, cattle
[to his] cattle,

[and it is used for] an uproar
מ־ m-: of; שקק šqq: noise, rushing, uproar
משקה mšqh
מ־ m-: of; שקה šqh: drink, give to drink
[and it is given for] drinking

after him
אחר ˀḥr: after
אחריו ˀḥryw
אחר ˀḥr: after
after him

[by] a veiled ruler [among his own cattle],
שר šr: nobleman, ruler; רעל rˁl: veil; רעל rˁl: veil
ישראל yšrˀl
ישראל yšrˀl: Israel
[by] an Israelite [to his own cattle],

and if
אם ˀm: if, when
ואם wˀm
אם ˀm: if, when
and if

[it was] for the sake of
בשביל bšbyl: for the sake of
בשביל bšbyl
בשביל bšbyl: for the sake of
[it was] for the sake of

the veiled ruler,
שר šr: nobleman, ruler; רעל rˁl: veil; רעל rˁl: veil
ישראל yšrˀl
ישראל yšrˀl: Israel
the Israelite,

[it is] prohibited [to use it].
אסר ˀsr: prohibit
אסור ˀswr
אסר ˀsr: prohibit
[it is] prohibited [to use it].

Shabbat 16:8.b

Shabbat 16:8.c

Encrypted: If makes one of the crowds siege works to enter a place with it, and enters after him a veiled ruler with his own plans, and if it was for the sake of the veiled ruler, it is prohibited to use it.

Official: If makes one of the foreign nations a bridge to go down from a ship on it, and enters after him by an Israelite to his own cattle, and if it was for the sake of the Israelite, it is prohibited to use it.

[If] makes
עשה ˁšh: do, make, act
עשה ˁšh
עשה ˁšh: do, make, act
[If] makes

[one of the] crowds
גוי gwy: crowd, people
גוי gwy
גוי gwy: nation
[one of the foreign] nations

siege works [???]
כבש kbš: besiege, siege works, conquest
כבש kbš
כבש kbš: platform, landing bridge
a bridge

to enter [a place]
ל־ l-: to; ירד yrd: enter, take possession of, seize
לירד lyrd
ל־ l-: to; ירד yrd: go down
to go down [from a ship?]

with it,
ב־ b-: with; ־ו -w: him, it
בו bw
ב־ b-: on; ־ו -w: him, it
on it,

and enters
ירד yrd: enter, take possession of, seize
יורד ywrd
ירד yrd: go down
and enters

after him
אחר ˀḥr: after
אחריו ˀḥryw
אחר ˀḥr: after
after him

a veiled ruler [with his own plans],
שר šr: nobleman, ruler; רעל rˁl: veil; רעל rˁl: veil
ישראל yšrˀl
ישראל yšrˀl: Israel
[by] an Israelite [to his own cattle],

and if
אם ˀm: if, when
ואם wˀm
אם ˀm: if, when
and if

[it was] for the sake of
בשביל bšbyl: for the sake of
בשביל bšbyl
בשביל bšbyl: for the sake of
[it was] for the sake of

the veiled ruler,
שר šr: nobleman, ruler; רעל rˁl: veil; רעל rˁl: veil
ישראל yšrˀl
ישראל yšrˀl: Israel
the Israelite,

[it is] prohibited [to use it].
אסר ˀsr: prohibit
אסור ˀswr
אסר ˀsr: prohibit
[it is] prohibited [to use it].

Shabbat 16:8.c

Shabbat 16:8.d

Encrypted: There was such an incident with lord Gamliel and the elder judges where they were arriving in secret, and there made one of the crowds siege works to enter a place with it, and also entered with it lord Gamliel and the elder judges as it wasn’t made for them.

Official: There was such an incident with rabban Gamliel and the elder judges where they were arriving on a ship, and there made one of the foreign nations a bridge to go down from a ship on it, and also entered on it rabban Gamliel and the elder judges as it wasn’t made for them.

[There was such] an incident
מעשה mˁšh: action, happening, incident
מעשה mˁšh
מעשה mˁšh: action, happening, incident
[There was such] an incident

with lord
ב־ b-: with; רבן rbn: lord
ברבן brbn
ב־ b-: with; רבן rbn: rabban
with rabban

גמליאל gmlyˀl: Gamliel
גמליאל gmlyˀl
גמליאל gmlyˀl: Gamliel

and the elder judges
זקן zqn: elder, judge
וזקנים wzqnym
זקן zqn: elder, judge
and the elder judges

where [they] were
ש־ š-: which; היה hyh: be
שהיו šhyw
ש־ š-: which; היה hyh: be
where [they] were

ב־ b-: among; עני ˁny: poor, oppress, violate
באין bˀyn
בוא bwˀ: come, arrive

in secret,
ב־ b-: in; שפון špwn: hidden, concealed, secret
בספינה bspynh
ב־ b-: on; ספינה spynh: ship, boat
on a ship,

and [there] made
עשה ˁšh: do, make, act
ועשה wˁšh
עשה ˁšh: do, make, act
and [there] made

[one of the] crowds
גוי gwy: crowd, people
גוי gwy
גוי gwy: nation
[one of the foreign] nations

siege works [???]
כבש kbš: besiege, siege works, conquest
כבש kbš
כבש kbš: platform, landing bridge
a bridge

to enter [a place]
ל־ l-: to; ירד yrd: enter, take possession of, seize
לירד lyrd
ל־ l-: to; ירד yrd: go down
to go down [from a ship?]

with it,
ב־ b-: with; ־ו -w: him, it
בו bw
ב־ b-: on; ־ו -w: him, it
on it,

and [also] entered
ירד yrd: enter, take possession of, seize
וירדו wyrdw
ירד yrd: go down
and [also] entered

with it
ב־ b-: with; ־ו -w: him, it
בו bw
ב־ b-: on; ־ו -w: him, it
on it

רבן rbn: lord
רבן rbn
רבן rbn: rabban

גמליאל gmlyˀl: Gamliel
גמליאל gmlyˀl
גמליאל gmlyˀl: Gamliel

and the elder judges [as it wasn’t made for them].
זקן zqn: elder, judge
וזקנים wzqnym
זקן zqn: elder, judge
and the elder judges [as it wasn’t made for them].

Shabbat 16:8.d

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