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Talmud: Peah

🏷  Semitic Talmud text interlinear spook law · text   —   by Gerry · Jan 2023 · 17018 words

Peah is the 2nd chapter of Mishnah & Talmud, after Berakhot. The face-value text is about donations from the פאה pˀh “corners” of a field, with long lists of grains & fruits. But the pun-encrypted text is really about how the rich & powerful conceal & downplay their פחה pḥh “nobility”, and the lists are really aristocratic titles & offices! The Peah tractate proves once again that spookery is all about disguising the aristocracy.


Like all Talmudic tractates, Peah doesn’t introduce or explain its topic. The implied topic is that landowners should donate the harvest from the פאה pˀh “corners” of each field to the poor. But that is never said explicitly.

The text starts with saying that charitable deeds have no definite measure. So in theory, there shouldn’t be too much legislature about this. But instead the text is a dizzying array of incredibly detailed rules about anything & everything, especially about when and how long the landowner is exempt from taxes, because of his donations. All this doesn’t sound very charitable. It doesn’t even sound religious.

The explanation is of course that the text is pun-encrypted: פאה pˀh “corners” puns with פחה pḥh “nobility” (see ˁAyin ≈ Ḥet). Spookery is simply crypto-aristocracy. And like all other encrypted texts, the Peah tractate is about aristocrats disguising their power. Unlike other texts, it doesn’t explain how to hide it completely, but how only a small part of the true aristocracy is shown to the subjects, as an acceptable official aristocracy. Specifically how the clans dissect, trade, and harvest nations is concealed by only ever showing one clan as official rulers.

The giveaway paragraph is 1:5, a lengthy list of arbitrary אילן ˀyln “trees”. This is really a list of אילין ˀylyn “leaders”: Every “tree” listed there puns with some leadership position. Read the full list, and judge yourself!

Other recurring encryption puns are שדה šdh “field” punning with שדה šdh “status”, מעשר mˁšr “tithe” punning with משרה mšrh “office”, מין myn “species” punning with מין myn “nation”. So all vocabulary is fitted to the “field harvest” topic. However, many of the “laws” still don’t make much sense in their literal meaning, but only in the encrypted meaning: They’re really about concealing how the “nobility” organize & trade their “status”, “offices” and “nations”!

How to read this

When to hide nobility

Nobility and official titles are not forbidden.

As usual with Talmud tractates, the Peah tractate doesn’t introduce or explain its topic. Instead, it starts with the claim that the pˀh “corners” of a field have no šˁr “measure”, that’s probably to say you can donate as much as you want.

So I assume this weird phrase is to encrypt the statement that pḥh “nobility” is not ˀsr “forbidden”. The spooks are right here, nobility is not forbidden. Though it should be. And if the common people had ever known the extent of the nobility’s malice & corruption, it would be.

Some of the other puns for “not forbidden” things here are letter-perfect ones: bkr means “first fruit”, but also “first rank”, and gml-ḥsd means “charity of devotion”, but also “accepted payments”. Generally, official power is not forbidden.

Peah 1:1.a

Encrypted: These are things that are not by themselves forbidden: official nobility, the birthright / to lead, rulership, payments that are socially accepted, and oppression by one’s official title & rank.

Official: These are things that have not to them a definite measure: corners of a field, the first fruit, the appearance in the temple, the charitable deeds of devotion, and the study of the Torah.

These [are]
אלו ˀlw: these
אלו ˀlw
אלו ˀlw: these
These [are]

דבר dbr: word, thing
דברים dbrym
דבר dbr: word, thing

that [are] not
ש־ š-: which; אין ˀyn: no, not
שאין šˀyn
ש־ š-: which; אין ˀyn: no, not
that [have] not

by themselves
להם lhm: to them
להם lhm
להם lhm: to them
to them

אסר ˀsr: forbidden, prohibited
שעור šˁwr
שער šˁr: measure, value
[a definite] measure:

[official] nobility,
פחה pḥh: governor, grandee, nobleman
הפאה hpˀh
פאה pˀh: end, edge, corner
corners [of a field],

the birthright / to lead,
בכר bkr: first, birthright, lead; בכרא bkrˀ: first rank
והבכורים whbkwrym
בכר bkr: first fruits; ־ים -ym: (plural)
the first fruit,

רעה rˁh: ruler, lead, guide
והראיון whrˀywn
ראי rˀy: appear, appearance
the appearance [in the temple],

גמל gml: pay, reward
וגמילות wgmylwt
גמל gml: kind, charitable
the charitable [deeds]

[that are socially] accepted,
חסד ḥsd: favor, acceptance
חסדים ḥsdym
חסד ḥsd: devotion
of devotion,

and oppression
טלומותא ṭlwmwtˀ: oppression, tyranny
ותלמוד wtlmwd
תלמוד tlmwd: Talmud, study
and the study

[by one’s official] title & rank.
תאר tˀr: title, degree, rank
תורה twrh
תורה twrh: Torah
of the Torah.

Peah 1:1.a

But profits of suspicious dealings must be consumed in the hidden world.

Here come the things for which the larger part can only be consumed in the “other world”. For faithfuls, that is the ˁwlm-hbˀ “world to come”, i.e. the afterlife. For the spook aristocrats, it’s their own ˁwlm-ḥbˀ “hidden world”, that they have shielded from public view.

The fruits of what things may a spook not consume publicly? It’s kbd-ˀb-w-ˀm “the wealth of father & mother”, gml-ḥsd “shameful payments”, and šlwm-byn-ˀdm-l-ḥbr “payments between a man and his associates”. Basically, all profits that aristocrats make by misusing their official offices, and their family relationships.

Peah 1:1.b

Encrypted: By contrast, these are things for which a man can consume some profits in the world this one, but for which the principal must remain to them in the world that is hidden: the riches of one’s father and mother, payments that are shameful & suspect, and bringing payments & bribes between a man and his associate. And such secrets, having them breached is like confessing them all.

Official: By contrast, these are things for which a man can consume the fruits in the world this one, but for which the principal remains to them in the world that is to come: Honoring one’s father and mother, the charitable deeds of devotion, and bringing peace between a man and his friend. And the study of the Torah extends to them all.

[By contrast,] these [are]
אלו ˀlw: these
אלו ˀlw
אלו ˀlw: these
[By contrast,] these [are]

דבר dbr: word, thing
דברים dbrym
דבר dbr: word, thing

[for] which a man
ש־ š-: which; אדם ˀdm: man
שאדם šˀdm
ש־ š-: which; אדם ˀdm: man
[for] which a man

[can] consume
אכל ˀkl: consume
אוכל ˀwkl
אכל ˀkl: consume
[can] consume

[some] profits
פרות prwt: profit
פרותיהן prwtyhn
פרות prwt: fruit
the fruits

in the world
ב־ b-: in; עולם ˁwlm: world
בעולם bˁwlm
ב־ b-: in; עולם ˁwlm: world
in the world

this one,
זה zh: this
הזה hzh
זה zh: this
this one,

but [for which] the principal
קרן qrn: principal
והקרן whqrn
קרן qrn: principal
but [for which] the principal

[must] remain
קום qwm: stand, remain
קימת qymt
קום qwm: stand, remain

to them
לו lw: to him
לו lw
לו lw: to him
to them

in the world
ל־ l-: to; עולם ˁwlm: world
לעולם lˁwlm
ל־ l-: to; עולם ˁwlm: world
in the world

that is hidden:
חבא ḥbˀ: conceal, hide, hidden
הבא hbˀ
הבא hbˀ: bring, come
that is to come:

the riches
כבד kbd: rich, make rich; כבדה kbdh: wealth, riches
כבוד kbwd
כבד kbd: heavy, honor

of [one’s] father
אב ˀb: father
אב ˀb
אב ˀb: father
[one’s] father

and mother,
אם ˀm: mother
ואם wˀm
אם ˀm: mother
and mother,

גמל gml: pay, reward
וגמילות wgmylwt
גמל gml: kind, charitable
the charitable [deeds]

[that are] shameful & suspect,
חסד ḥsd: shame; חשד ḥšd: suspect, suspicion
חסדים ḥsdym
חסד ḥsd: devotion
of devotion,

and bringing
בוא bwˀ: come, bring
והבאת whbˀt
בוא bwˀ: come, bring
and bringing

payments & bribes
שלום šlwm: reward, payment, bribe
שלום šlwm
שלום šlwm: peace

בין byn: between, among
בין byn
בין byn: between, among

a man
אדם ˀdm: man
אדם ˀdm
אדם ˀdm: man
a man

and his associate.
ל־ l-: to; חבר ḥbr: friend, partner, associate
לחברו lḥbrw
ל־ l-: to; חבר ḥbr: friend, partner, associate
and his friend.

And [such] secrets,
תעלומה tˁlwmh: hidden, secret; ־ות -wt: (suffix)
ותלמוד wtlmwd
תלמוד tlmwd: Talmud, study
And the study

having [them] breached
תורע twrˁ: breaking through; תריע tryˁ: breach, breached
תורה twrh
תורה twrh: Torah
of the Torah

[is] like confessing
כ־ k-: like, as; נגד ngd: confess, declare, announce, testify
כנגד kngd
כ־ k-: like, as; נגד ngd: stretch, extend, rule
extends [?]

them all.
כל kl: all; ־ם -m: them
כלם klm
כל kl: all; ־ם -m: them
[to] them all.

Peah 1:1.b

Hide your rank according to the poor people’s suffering.

Here they say that donations must be done according to the “number of poor people”, and accoring to the “greatness of their suffering”. That is correct for aristocratic disguises as well: If they rule many poor people, and those people suffer greatly, it would spell trouble for the aristocrats if their subjects knew how much profit they rake in through their corrupt dealings, on top of their official earnings. That’s why spookery was invented. Spookery is keeping one’s true power & wealth a secret.

Peah 1:2

Encrypted: So one should not let break through one’s nobility rank just out of flattery & pride. And even though it is said that it is not being a noble / governor forbidden, everything must be done according to the greatness of one’s office & status, and according to how numerous are the poor people under one’s rule, and according to how great is their suffering under one’s rule.

Official: One should not lessen the corner of the field to less than one-sixtieth. And even though it is said that there is not to the corner of the field a definite measure, everything must be done according to the greatness of the field, and according to how numerous are the poor people living off it, and according to how great is their suffering.

[So one should] not
אין ˀyn: no, not
אין ˀyn
אין ˀyn: no, not
[One should] not

let break through
פחת pḥt: penetrate, broken through
פוחתין pwḥtyn
פחת pḥt: lessen, diminish

[one’s] nobility [rank]
ל־ l-: to; פחה pḥh: governor, grandee, nobleman
לפאה lpˀh
ל־ l-: to; פאה pˀh: end, edge, corner
the corner [of the field]

[just] out of flattery & pride.
מ־ m-: from, out of; שוש šwš: flatter; זוזי zwzy: pride, boast; ־ים -ym: (plural)
מששים mššym
מ־ m-: than; שש šš: six; ־ים -ym: (plural)
[to less] than one-sixtieth [??].

And even though
אף על פי ˀp ˁl py: although
ואף על פי wˀp ˁl py
אף על פי ˀp ˁl py: although
And even though

[it is] said
ש־ š-: which; אמר ˀmr: say
שאמרו šˀmrw
ש־ š-: which; אמר ˀmr: say
[it is] said

[that it is] not
אין ˀyn: no, not
אין ˀyn
אין ˀyn: no, not
[that there is] not

[being] a noble / governor
ל־ l-: to; פחה pḥh: governor, grandee, nobleman
לפאה lpˀh
ל־ l-: to; פאה pˀh: end, edge, corner
to the corner [of the field]

אסר ˀsr: forbidden, prohibited
שעור šˁwr
שעור šˁwr: measure, quantity
a [definite] measure,

כל kl: all, everything
הכל hkl
כל kl: all, everything

[must be done] according
לפי lpy: according to
לפי lpy
לפי lpy: according to
[must be done] according

[to] the greatness
גדל gdl: greatness
גדל gdl
גדל gdl: greatness
[to] the greatness

of [one’s] office & status,
שדה šdh: position, office, status
השדה hšdh
שדה šdh: field, land
of the field,

and according to
לפי lpy: according to
ולפי wlpy
לפי lpy: according to
and according to

[how] numerous [are]
רב rb: great, much, many, numerous
רב rb
רב rb: great, much, many, numerous
[how] numerous [are]

the poor people [under one’s rule],
עני ˁny: poor; ־ים -ym: (plural)
העניים hˁnyym
עני ˁny: poor; ־ים -ym: (plural)
the poor people [living off it],

and according to
לפי lpy: according to
ולפי wlpy
לפי lpy: according to
and according to

[how] great [is]
רב rb: great, much, many, numerous
רב rb
רב rb: great, much, many, numerous
[how] great [is]

[their] suffering [under one’s rule].
ענה ˁnh: poor, suffer, oppressed
הענוה hˁnwh
ענה ˁnh: poor, suffer, oppressed
[their] suffering.

Peah 1:2

Nobility may only be revealed from the lower & middle ranks.

Here the official text says you may give from the beginning, middle, but not the end of the šdh “field”. There are no matching puns, so I assume the spook words are the same: If a spook publicly reveals himself to be of noble šdh “status”, then he may only reveal to be from the lower, middle, but not the upper end of the aristocratic ladder.

The last part about the mšwm-h-pqr “viewpoint of being abandoned” may mean that if a spook may only reveal his aristocratic roots when publicly claiming he has “renounced” all the privileges (while of course he really hasn’t), or he has to smk “prop things up” in some other way.

Peah 1:3

Encrypted: One may show to be a nobleman from the initiate ranks of aristocratic status, or from the middle ranks. Lord Shimon says: Only on the condition that one would also show to be from the upper end according to the prohibitions. Lord Yehudah says: If one leaves such a revelation of nobility / just one, then one must somehow prop it up on this from the point of view that it was simply an error. And if not, then one does not show it, or only from the point of view of claiming to have renounced the privileges.

Official: One may give from the corners of the field from the beginning of the harvest of the field, or from the middle. Rabbi Shimon says: Only on the condition that one gives at the end according to the quantity. Rabbi Yehudah says: If one leaves a stalk just one, then one can rely on this from the point of view of fulfilling the law about the corners of the field. And if not, then one does not give, but only from the point of view of fulfilling the law about ownerless produce.

[One may] show
נתן ntn: show, display
נותנין nwtnyn
נתן ntn: give
[One may] give

[to be] a nobleman
פחה pḥh: governor, grandee, nobleman
פאה pˀh
פאה pˀh: end, edge, corner
[from] the corners [of the field]

from the initiate [ranks]
מ־ m-: from; תחל tḥl: begin, initiate
מתחלת mtḥlt
מ־ m-: from; תחל tḥl: begin, initiate
from the beginning

of [aristocratic] status,
שדה šdh: position, office, status
השדה hšdh
שדה šdh: field, land
of [the harvest of] the field,

or from the middle [ranks].
מ־ m-: from; אמצע ˀmṣˁ: middle
ומאמצעה wmˀmṣˁh
מ־ m-: from; אמצע ˀmṣˁ: middle
or from the middle.

רב rb: lord, master, noble
רבי rby
רבי rby: rabbi

שמעון šmˁwn: Shimon
שמעון šmˁwn
שמעון šmˁwn: Shimon

אמר ˀmr: say
אומר ˀwmr
אמר ˀmr: say

[Only] on the condition
בלבד blbd: alone, on condition
ובלבד wblbd
בלבד blbd: alone, on condition
[Only] on the condition

that [one would also?] show
ש־ š-: that; נתן ntn: show, display
שיתן šytn
ש־ š-: that; נתן ntn: give
that [one] gives

to be [from the upper] end
ב־ b-: in; סוף swp: end
בסוף bswp
ב־ b-: in; סוף swp: end
at the end

according to the prohibitions.
כ־ k-: as; אסר ˀsr: forbidden, prohibited
כשעור kšˁwr
כ־ k-: as; שעור šˁwr: measure, quantity
according to the quantity.

רב rb: lord, master, noble
רבי rby
רבי rby: rabbi

יהודה yhwdh: Yehudah
יהודה yhwdh
יהודה yhwdh: Yehudah

אמר ˀmr: say
אומר ˀwmr
אמר ˀmr: say

אם ˀm: if
אם ˀm
אם ˀm: if

[one] leaves
שיר šyr: leave over, reserve
שיר šyr
שיר šyr: leave over, reserve
[one] leaves

[such] a revelation
גלח glḥ: stretch out, reveal
קלח qlḥ
קלח qlḥ: stem, stalk
a stalk

of nobility / [just] one,
אחד ˀḥd: command, rule; אחידא ˀḥydˀ: nobleman
אחד ˀḥd
אחד ˀḥd: one
[just] one,

[then one must somehow] prop it up
סמך smk: support, prop up, back up, rescue
סומך swmk
סמך smk: uphold, rely
[then one can] rely

on this
לו lw: to him
לו lw
לו lw: to him
on this

from the point of view
משום mšwm: from point of view
משום mšwm
משום mšwm: from point of view
from the point of view

[that it was simply] an error.
פהיו phyw: error
פאה pˀh
פאה pˀh: end, edge, corner
[of fulfilling the law about] the corners [of the field].

And if
אם ˀm: if
ואם wˀm
אם ˀm: if
And if

לא : not
לאו lˀw
לא : not

[then one does] not
אין ˀyn: no, not
אינו ˀynw
אין ˀyn: no, not
[then one does] not

show [it],
נתן ntn: show, display
נותן nwtn
נתן ntn: give

[or] only
אלא ˀlˀ: only
אלא ˀlˀ
אלא ˀlˀ: only
[but] only

from the point of view
משום mšwm: from point of view
משום mšwm
משום mšwm: from point of view
from the point of view

[of claiming] to have renounced [the privileges].
פקר pqr: abandoned, forfeit, irreverent, renounce
הפקר hpqr
פקר pqr: free, ownerless
[of fulfilling the law about] ownerless [produce?].

Peah 1:3

Nobility laws concern all who stand above the masses, even inferiors.

Here they say that these laws apply to all that gdl-mn-ˀrṣ “grow from the land”, but that phrase puns with gdl-mn-rṣṣ “being greater than the oppressed”. So all who are greater than the oppressed are included, even minor offices. In the explanation that follows, the spooks use their number 1 pun: ˀḥd “one” puns with ˀḥd “ruler” in Aramaic spelling.

Peah 1:4

Encrypted: Generally it is said: As for the definition of nobility, all who have power, or are guardians, or are greater / more dignified than the oppressed folk, or collecting taxes like a noble / ruler, or receiving an official position, they are legally subject to the law about nobility. Even followers and inferiors are generally in this category.

Official: Generally it is said: As for the law about the corners of the field, all that is to food and is guarded and grows from the land, and is harvested as one field, and is stored for storage, it is legally obligated to the law about the corners of the field. Grain and legumes are generally in this category.

כלל kll: all, general
כלל kll
כלל kll: all, general

[it is] said:
אמר ˀmr: say
אמרו ˀmrw
אמר ˀmr: say
[it is] said:

[As for the definition of] nobility,
ב־ b-: among; פחה pḥh: governor, grandee, nobleman
בפאה bpˀh
ב־ b-: in; פאה pˀh: end, edge, corner
[As for the law about] the corners [of the field],

כל kl: all
כל kl
כל kl: all

ש־ š-: who; הוא hwˀ: he, who
שהוא šhwˀ
ש־ š-: that; הוא hwˀ: he, it, who
that [is]

have power,
יכל ykl: have power, entrust, empowered
אכל ˀkl
אכל ˀkl: consume, food
[to] food

or are guardians,
נ־ n-: make; שמר šmr: keep, guard, protect
ונשמר wnšmr
נ־ n-: make; שמר šmr: keep, guard, protect
and is guarded

or are greater / more dignified
גדל gdl: greatness, dignity, majesty
וגדוליו wgdwlyw
גדל gdl: becoming great, growing
and grows

מן mn: than
מן mn
מן mn: from

the oppressed [folk],
רצץ rṣṣ: oppress, oppressed
הארץ hˀrṣ
ארץ ˀrṣ: land, ground
the land,

or collecting [taxes?]
לקט lqṭ: harvest, collect
ולקיטתו wlqyṭtw
לקט lqṭ: harvest, collect
and is harvested

like a noble / ruler,
כ־ k-: like; אחד ˀḥd: command, rule; אחידא ˀḥydˀ: nobleman
כאחת kˀḥt
כ־ k-: as; אחת ˀḥt: one; אחד ˀḥd: one
as one [field],

or receiving
מ־ m-: of; כנס kns: enter, receive
ומכניסו wmknysw
מכנס mkns: storing up, stock
and is stored

an [official] position,
ל־ l-: to; קום qwm: station, position
לקיום lqywm
ל־ l-: to; קום qwm: stand, last, remain
for storage,

[they are] legally subject
חוב ḥwb: obligated, legally bound
חיב ḥyb
חוב ḥwb: obligated, legally bound
[it is] legally obligated

to [the law about] nobility.
ב־ b-: among; פחה pḥh: governor, grandee, nobleman
בפאה bpˀh
ב־ b-: in; פאה pˀh: end, edge, corner
to [the law about] the corners [of the field].

[Even] followers
תבועא tbwˁˀ: supporter, tax-gatherer; תבעא tbˁˀ: follower
והתבואה whtbwˀh
תבואה tbwˀh: grain, provision

and inferiors
קטן qṭn: small, inferior
והקטניות whqṭnywt
קיטני qyṭny: legumes
and legumes

are generally in
ב־ b-: in; כלל kll: all, general
בכלל bkll
ב־ b-: in; כלל kll: all, general
are generally in

this [category].
זה zh: this
הזה hzh
זה zh: this
this [category].

Peah 1:4

Leaders in this sense are nobles, but also treasurers and tax-collectors.

Here comes one of those “lengthy lists of arbitrary things” that you often find in ancient encrypted texts.

The authors say that this law also applies to ˀyln “trees”, namely ˀwg “sumacs”, ḥrb “carobs”, ˀgwz “nuts”, šqd “almonds”, gpn “grapevines”, rmwn “pomegranates”, zyt “olives”, and tmr “dates”. But if it’s a law about the corners of a field, why does it apply to trees? And if it applies to trees, why not just say “applies to all trees”?

The solution is that this list is an encryption for ˀylyn “leaders”, namely ˀwgyn “nobles”, qrb “military”, gwz “eunuchs”, sqṭ “tax-collectors”, gbynˀ “creditors”, rmyn “high ranks”, zhywtˀ “distinguished ones”, and ṭmr “treasurers”.

Unlike the official list, the spook list is not a contradiction to the previous section, but complements it: Rulership does not only include nobility in the strict sense, but all positions of power, even the lower ones. (Tax collectors are also specifically mentioned as an example in the 12 tribes parable.) So the laws of spookery cover all such positions, which are listed here.

Whenever you encounter seemingly arbitrary things listed together for no good reason, be suspicious. It might be an encryption.

Peah 1:5

Encrypted: Among leaders: nobility, high-level military, court eunuchs, tax collectors, creditors, high-ranking people, distinguished / noble ones, and treasurers are legally obligated to the laws of nobility.

Official: Among trees: sumac, carobs, nuts, almonds, grapevines, pomegranates, olives and date palms are legally obligated to the law of corners of the field.

Among leaders:
ב־ b-: among; איל ˀyl: leader, chief, despot, power; ־ין -yn: (plural)
ובאילן wbˀyln
ב־ b-: among; אילן ˀyln: tree
Among trees:

אוגין ˀwgyn: noble
האוג hˀwg
אוג ˀwg: sumac

[high-level] military,
חרב ḥrb: sword; קרביא qrbyˀ: military
והחרובין whḥrwbyn
חרב ḥrb: carob

[court] eunuchs,
גוז gwz: cut off, eunuch
והאגוזים whˀgwzym
אגוז ˀgwz: nut

tax collectors,
סקט sqṭ: lictor, collector of taxes
והשקדים whšqdym
שקד šqd: almond

גבינא gbynˀ: collector; גבי gby: creditor, lictor, tax-gatherer; ־ן -n: (suffix)
והגפנים whgpnym
גפן gpn: vine, tendril

high-ranking [people],
רם rm: elevated, supreme, high, high-ranking; ־ין -yn: (plural)
והרמונים whrmwnym
רמון rmwn: pomegranate

distinguished / noble [ones],
זהיותא zhywtˀ: nobility; זיותן zywtn: distinguished, noble, imposing
והזיתים whzytym
זית zyt: olive

and treasurers
טמר ṭmr: hidden wealth; טמרא ṭmrˀ: treasure
והתמרים whtmrym
תמר tmr: date palm
and date palms

are legally obligated
חוב ḥwb: obligated, legally bound
חיבין ḥybyn
חוב ḥwb: obligated, legally bound
are legally obligated

to [the laws] of nobility.
ב־ b-: among; פחה pḥh: governor, grandee, nobleman
בפאה bpˀh
ב־ b-: in; פאה pˀh: end, edge, corner
to [the law] of corners [of the field].

Peah 1:5

Exclude compromised masks from office

He who admits his nobility is excluded from office, until it is smoothened up.

The literal text says that when you are donating, then you are excluded from mˁšr “tithing”, until the harvest stack has been mrḥ “smoothened”, i.e. finished.

The spook text says that when a spook is permitted to reveal his nobility, then he is excluded from mšrh “government offices”, until things have been mrḥ “smoothened up”, i.e. covered up so that the public doesn’t understand he got his office through aristocratic nepotism.

Peah 1:6.a

Encrypted: Always may one show it from the point of view of an individual nobleman, but then be excluded from government offices, until things have been smoothened & plastered up. If one shows it even from the point of view of claiming to have renounced the privileges, then one is excluded from government offices, until things have been smoothened & plastered up. If one reveals it to human cattle, to farmers, or to workers, then one is excluded from government offices, until things have been smoothened & plastered up.

Official: Always may one give from the corners from the point of view of the law about the corners of the field, and be exempt from tithing, until the stack of produce has been smoothened finished. If one gives from the point of view of the law about ownerless produce, then one is exempt from tithing, until the stack of produce has been smoothened finished. One may feed cattle, wild beasts and birds, and is exempt from tithing, until the stack of produce has been smoothened finished.

לעולם lˁwlm: always
לעולם lˁwlm
לעולם lˁwlm: always

[may] one
הוא hwˀ: he
הוא hwˀ
הוא hwˀ: he
[may] one

show [it]
נתן ntn: show, display
נותן nwtn
נתן ntn: give
give [from the corners?]

from the point of view
משום mšwm: from point of view
משום mšwm
משום mšwm: from point of view
from the point of view

[of an individual?] nobleman,
פחה pḥh: governor, grandee, nobleman
פאה pˀh
פאה pˀh: end, edge, corner
[of the law about] the corners [of the field],

but then be excluded
פטר pṭr: dismiss, remove
ופטור wpṭwr
פטר pṭr: exempt, free
and be exempt

מן mn: from
מן mn
מן mn: from

government offices,
משרה mšrh: rule, government, office
המעשרות hmˁšrwt
מעשר mˁšr: tithe

עד ˁd: until
עד ˁd
עד ˁd: until

[things] have been smoothened & plastered up.
ש־ š-: make; מרח mrḥ: smooth, smear, plaster
שימרח šymrḥ
ש־ š-: make; מרח mrḥ: smooth, smoothen pile of grain, finish
[the stack of produce] has been smoothened [finished].

[If one] shows [it]
נתן ntn: show, display
ונותן wnwtn
נתן ntn: give
[If one] gives

[even] from the point of view
משום mšwm: from point of view
משום mšwm
משום mšwm: from point of view
from the point of view

[of claiming] to have renounced [the privileges],
פקר pqr: abandoned, forfeit, irreverent, renounce
הפקר hpqr
פקר pqr: free, ownerless
[of the law about] ownerless [produce?],

[then one] is excluded
פטר pṭr: dismiss, remove
ופטור wpṭwr
פטר pṭr: exempt, free
[then one] is exempt

מן mn: from
מן mn
מן mn: from

government offices,
משרה mšrh: rule, government, office
המעשרות hmˁšrwt
מעשר mˁšr: tithe

עד ˁd: until
עד ˁd
עד ˁd: until

[things] have been smoothened & plastered up.
ש־ š-: make; מרח mrḥ: smooth, smear, plaster
שימרח šymrḥ
ש־ š-: make; מרח mrḥ: smooth, smoothen pile of grain, finish
[the stack of produce] has been smoothened [finished].

[If one] reveals [it]
מ־ m-: of; גלא glˀ: reveal; גלע glˁ: disclose, lay open
ומאכיל wmˀkyl
מ־ m-: of; אכל ˀkl: eat, food, feed
[One may] feed

to [human] cattle,
ל־ l-: to; בהם bhm: dumb, servant
לבהמה lbhmh
ל־ l-: to; בהמה bhmh: cattle

to farmers,
ל־ l-: to; חואי ḥwˀy: farmer
ולחיה wlḥyh
ל־ l-: to; חיה ḥyh: beast
wild beasts

or to workers,
ל־ l-: to; עוף ˁwp: weak; עיף ˁyp: working
ולעופות wlˁwpwt
ל־ l-: to; עוף ˁwp: wing, bird
and birds,

then [one] is excluded
פטר pṭr: dismiss, remove
ופטור wpṭwr
פטר pṭr: exempt, free
and is exempt

מן mn: from
מן mn
מן mn: from

government offices,
משרה mšrh: rule, government, office
המעשרות hmˁšrwt
מעשר mˁšr: tithe

עד ˁd: until
עד ˁd
עד ˁd: until

[things] have been smoothened & plastered up.
ש־ š-: make; מרח mrḥ: smooth, smear, plaster
שימרח šymrḥ
ש־ š-: make; מרח mrḥ: smooth, smoothen pile of grain, finish
[the stack of produce] has been smoothened [finished].

Peah 1:6.a

He who takes a wife from the plebs is excluded from office, exept the highest ranks.

Here the literal text says that if someone nṭl “takes” from the grn “threshing floor”, he is excluded from mˁšr “tithing”, until the stack is mrḥ “smoothened”. The only exeption are khn “priests” and lwy “Levites”.

The spook text says that when a spook nṭl “marries” someone from the grˁwn “servants”, then he is excluded from mšrh “government offices”, presumably because his spouse might find out things and could tell her common-birth family. The only exeption here are khn “rulers” and ˁlyw “majesties”, because the top-level corruptocrats are of course above all laws.

Peah 1:6.b

Encrypted: If one was takes as a wife one from the servants for offspring, then one is excluded from government offices, until things have been smoothened & plastered up. Those are the words of lord Akiva. Only if a ruler or a supreme majesty takes as a wife a servant girl, then their office is still theirs until things have been smoothened & plastered up. And when a betrothed is divorced, then one is again deserving of one’s office, as long as things have been smoothened & plastered up by one’s superiors.

Official: If one takes from the threshing floor for having seeds, then one is exempt from tithing, until the stack of produce has been smoothened finished. Those are the words of rabbi Akiva. If a priest or Levite buys produce from a threshing floor, then the tithe is theirs to pay until the stack of produce has been smoothened finished. If one had dedicated one’s produce to the temple but sells it, then one is legally obligated for tithing until the stack of produce has been smoothened finished by the treasurer of the temple.

[If one] was takes [as a wife]
נטל nṭl: carry away, marry
ונוטל wnwṭl
נטל nṭl: receive, take
[If one] takes

[one] from
מן mn: from
מן mn
מן mn: from

the servants
גרעון grˁwn: servant
הגרן hgrn
גרן grn: threshing floor, barn
the threshing floor

for offspring,
זרע zrˁ: semen, offspring, sexual potential
וזורע wzwrˁ
זרע zrˁ: seed
for [having] seeds,

[then one] is excluded
פטר pṭr: dismiss, remove
ופטור wpṭwr
פטר pṭr: exempt, free
[then one] is exempt

מן mn: from
מן mn
מן mn: from

government offices,
משרה mšrh: rule, government, office
המעשרות hmˁšrwt
מעשר mˁšr: tithe

עד ˁd: until
עד ˁd
עד ˁd: until

[things] have been smoothened & plastered up.
ש־ š-: make; מרח mrḥ: smooth, smear, plaster
שימרח šymrḥ
ש־ š-: make; מרח mrḥ: smooth, smoothen pile of grain, finish
[the stack of produce] has been smoothened [finished].

[Those are] the words
דבר dbr: word
דברי dbry
דבר dbr: word
[Those are] the words

of lord
רב rb: lord, master, noble
רבי rby
רבי rby: rabbi
of rabbi

עקיבא ˁqybˀ: Akiva
עקיבא ˁqybˀ
עקיבא ˁqybˀ: Akiva

[Only if] a ruler
כהן khn: stationed, officer, prince, ruler
כהן khn
כהן khn: priest
[If] a priest

or a supreme majesty
עליו ˁlyw: majesty; עלי ˁly: higher, supreme
ולוי wlwy
לוי lwy: Levite
or Levite

takes as a wife
ש־ š-: make; לקיחה lqyḥh: taking to wife, marrying
שלקחו šlqḥw
ש־ š-: make; לקח lqḥ: take, buy
buys [?]

את ˀt: to
את ˀt
את ˀt: to

a servant [girl],
גרעון grˁwn: servant, beneath one’s dignity
הגרן hgrn
גרן grn: threshing floor, barn
[produce from?] a threshing floor,

[then their] office
מעשר mˁšr: tithe
המעשרות hmˁšrwt
מעשר mˁšr: tithe
[then] the tithe

is [still] theirs
ש־ š-: which; להם lhm: to them
שלהם šlhm
ש־ š-: which; להם lhm: to them
is theirs [to pay?]

עד ˁd: until
עד ˁd
עד ˁd: until

[things] have been smoothened & plastered up.
ש־ š-: make; מרח mrḥ: smooth, smear, plaster
שימרח šymrḥ
ש־ š-: make; מרח mrḥ: smooth, smoothen pile of grain, finish
[the stack of produce] has been smoothened [finished].

[And when] a betrothed
מקדש mqdš: betrothed
המקדיש hmqdyš
מקדש mqdš: dedicated, consecrated
[If one had] dedicated [one’s produce to the temple??]

is divorced,
פדה pdh: release, liberate, cut loose
ופודה wpwdh
פדה pdh: sell, redeem
but sells [it?],

[then one is again] deserving
חיב ḥyb: deserving, liable
חיב ḥyb
חוב ḥwb: obligated, legally bound
[then one is] legally obligated

of [one’s] office,
ב־ b-: with; משרה mšrh: rule, government, office
במעשרות bmˁšrwt
ב־ b-: with; מעשר mˁšr: tithe
for tithing

as long as
עד ˁd: until, while, as long as
עד ˁd
עד ˁd: until, while, as long as

[things] have been smoothened & plastered up
ש־ š-: make; מרח mrḥ: smooth, smear, plaster
שימרח šymrḥ
ש־ š-: make; מרח mrḥ: smooth, smoothen pile of grain, finish
[the stack of produce] has been smoothened [finished]

[by one’s] superiors.
גזברא gzbrˀ: commander, steward
הגזבר hgzbr
גזבר gzbr: manager, treasurer
[by] the treasurer [of the temple???].

Peah 1:6.b

Feigning separation of powers

Possession, ranks and succession should be separated off.

Peah 2:1.a

This paragraph lists things that “separate” a field for taxation purposes, most notably drk “roads”, šbyl “paths”, and zrˁ “seeds”.

The encrypted meaning is probably that profits must be “separated” in the public view from nepotist connections, namely drg “ranks” of nobility, šbl “leadership” titles, and being zrˁ “offspring” of some corrupt bigwig.

Encrypted: These should be separated off from public view for the nobility: possession & inheritance, ruling & dominion, a rank that is hidden, a rank that is public, leadership that is public, even leadership that is hidden, if one is permanently among the people observing and among the people being a spy, being offspring of someone prosperous, and being offspring of a nobleman.

Official: These divide a field for corner donations: a stream, a pond, a road of one person, a road of many persons, a path of many persons, even a path of just one person, if it is permanently used in times of heat and in times of rains, a field that is ploughed, and seed that is different.

אלו ˀlw: these
ואלו wˀlw
אלו ˀlw: these

[should be] separated off [from public view]
מ־ m-: of; פסק psq: cut off, sever connection
מפסיקין mpsyqyn
מ־ m-: of; פסק psq: divide, split, separate
divide [a field]

for the nobility:
ל־ l-: for; פחה pḥh: governor, grandee, nobleman
לפאה lpˀh
ל־ l-: for; פאה pˀh: end, edge, corner
for corner [donations]:

possession & inheritance,
נחל nḥl: possession, inherit; נחלה nḥlh: right of succession
הנחל hnḥl
נחל nḥl: torrent, stream
a stream,

ruling & dominion,
שליט šlyṭ: ruler, commander; שלט šlṭ: rule, master, dominion
והשלולית whšlwlyt
שלולית šlwlyt: pool, pond
a pond,

a rank
דרגא drgˀ: degree, rank, status, office
ודרך wdrk
דרך drk: way, road
a road

[that] is hidden,
אחד ˀḥd: closed up, hidden
היחיד hyḥyd
אחד ˀḥd: one
of one [person],

a rank
דרגא drgˀ: degree, rank, status, office
ודרך wdrk
דרך drk: way, road
a road

[that] is public,
רבים rbym: public
הרבים hrbym
רבים rbym: many people
of many [persons],

שבל šbl: lead, leader
ושביל wšbyl
שביל šbyl: way, path
a path

[that] is public,
רבים rbym: public
הרבים hrbym
רבים rbym: many people
of many [persons],

[even] leadership
שבל šbl: lead, leader
ושביל wšbyl
שביל šbyl: way, path
[even] a path

[that] is hidden,
אחד ˀḥd: closed up, hidden
היחיד hyḥyd
אחד ˀḥd: one
of [just] one [person],

[if one is] permanently
קבוע qbwˁ: permanent
הקבוע hqbwˁ
קבוע qbwˁ: permanent
[if it is] permanently [used]

among the people
ב־ b-: among; עם ˁm: people
בימות bymwt
ב־ b-: in; יום ywm: time
in times

חמה ḥmh: see, observe
החמה hḥmh
חמה ḥmh: heat
of heat

and among the people
ב־ b-: among; עם ˁm: people
ובימות wbymwt
ב־ b-: in; יום ywm: time
and in times

being a spy,
גשש gšš: spy, scout; ־ים -ym: (plural)
הגשמים hgšmym
גשם gšm: rain; ־ים -ym: (plural)
of rains,

being offspring
בר br: son, offspring
והבור whbwr
בר br: field
a field

[of someone] prosperous,
ניר nyr: splendor, prosperity; נאור nˀwr: glorious
והניר whnyr
ניר nyr: broken, ploughed
[that is] ploughed,

and being offspring
זרע zrˁ: offspring, family
וזרע wzrˁ
זרע zrˁ: seed
and seed

of a nobleman.
חר ḥr: nobleman
אחר ˀḥr
אחר ˀḥr: different, other
[that is] different.

Peah 2:1.a

Simple oppression must only be separated if it really has to be secret.

Here’s a dispute whether šḥt “fodder” must always be “separated”, or only if it’s ḥrš “plowed”. This really makes no sense.

The encrypted text probably says that šḥt “oppression” only needs to be “separated” if there’s a need for special ḥrš “secrecy”.

Peah 2:1.b

Encrypted: If one harvests by simple corruption & squeezing out the people, then that must be separated off, says lord Meir. But the advisors say: It does not have to be separated off, except if it is done too roughly.

Official: If one harvests for animal fodder, then that field divides the others, says rabbi Meir. But the sages say: It does not divide, except if it is plowed.

[If one] harvests
קצר qṣr: cut, harvest
והקוצר whqwṣr
קצר qṣr: cut, harvest
[If one] harvests

[by simple] corruption & squeezing out [the people],
ל־ l-: for; שחת šḥt: corruption; שחט šḥṭ: corrupt, squeeze, press out
לשחת lšḥt
ל־ l-: for; שחת šḥt: green fodder
for [animal] fodder,

[then that must be] separated off,
מ־ m-: of; פסק psq: cut off, divide off, sever connection
מפסיק mpsyq
מ־ m-: of; פסק psq: divide, split, separate
[then that field] divides [the others?],

דבר dbr: say, word
דברי dbry
דבר dbr: say, word

רב rb: lord, master, noble
רבי rby
רבי rby: rabbi

מאיר mˀyr: Meir
מאיר mˀyr
מאיר mˀyr: Meir

But the advisors
חכם ḥkm: wise, advisor
וחכמים wḥkmym
חכם ḥkm: wise, advisor
But the sages

אמר ˀmr: say
אומרים ˀwmrym
אמר ˀmr: say

[It does] not [have to]
אין ˀyn: no, not
אינו ˀynw
אין ˀyn: no, not
[It does] not

be separated off,
מ־ m-: of; פסק psq: cut off, divide off, sever connection
מפסיק mpsyq
מ־ m-: of; פסק psq: divide, split, separate

אלא ˀlˀ: except, but, only
אלא ˀlˀ
אלא ˀlˀ: except, but, only

אם ˀm: if
אם ˀm
אם ˀm: if

כן kn: thus
כן kn
כן kn: thus

[is done too] roughly.
חרוס ḥrws: rough, coarse; חרוסא ḥrwsˀ: harsh, clumsy
חרש ḥrš
חרש ḥrš: plough
is plowed.

Peah 2:1.b

When the human cattle cannot overcome your goons, you can harvest profits openly.

Here’s a funny one: The literal text says that if bqr “cattle” with their kly “tools” cannot ˁbr “overcome” a hr “hill” that is ˁdr “hoed” with a ˁdr “hoe”, then separation laws can be waived. Totally senseless and cryptic.

But the encrypted text says that if (human) bqr “cattle” with their simple kly “tools” cannot ˁbr “overcome” a ḥr “nobleman” that is ˀdr “surrounded” by (armed) ˁdr “helpers”, then the separation laws can be waived for him. Because the human cattle cannot do anything anyway. That is the third-world model, where the regional governors commit many corruption crimes more or less openly, but in turn have to be defended by a larger army of goons.

Peah 2:2

Encrypted: When there are resistant people which make it not possible to harvest profits like a true nobleman, lord Yehudah says: then that should be separated off. But all noblemen who with helpers are surrounded, though it must be those which not the human cattle is capable to overcome with their tools, then they can show official nobility for everything.

Official: When there is a body of water which makes it not possible to harvest the field as one field, rabbi Yehudah says: then it divides. But all hills which can with a hoe be hoed, even though it is which not the cattle is capable to pass over with harnessed tools, it is to give one donation from the corners for all of the divided fields.

אמתי ˀmty: when, whenever
אמת ˀmt
אמתי ˀmty: when, whenever

[there are resistant] people
עמים ˁmym: people
המים hmym
מים mym: water
[there is a body of] water

which [make it] not
ש־ š-: which; אין ˀyn: no, not
שאינה šˀynh
ש־ š-: which; אין ˀyn: no, not
which [makes it] not

יכול ykwl: capable, able
יכולה ykwlh
יכול ykwl: capable, able

to harvest [profits]
ל־ l-: to; קצר qṣr: cut, harvest
להקצר lhqṣr
ל־ l-: to; קצר qṣr: cut, harvest
to harvest

like a [true] nobleman,
כ־ k-: like; אחד ˀḥd: command, rule; אחידא ˀḥydˀ: nobleman
כאחת kˀḥt
כ־ k-: as; אחת ˀḥt: one; אחד ˀḥd: one
[the field] as one [field],

רב rb: lord, master, noble
רבי rby
רבי rby: rabbi

יהודה yhwdh: Yehudah
יהודה yhwdh
יהודה yhwdh: Yehudah

אמר ˀmr: say
אומר ˀwmr
אמר ˀmr: say

[then that should] be separated off.
מ־ m-: of; פסק psq: cut off, sever connection
מפסקת mpsqt
מ־ m-: of; פסק psq: divide, split, separate
[then it] divides.

But all
כל kl: all
וכל wkl
כל kl: all
But all

חר ḥr: nobleman; ־ים -ym: (plural)
ההרים hhrym
הר hr: hill; ־ים -ym: (plural)

אשר ˀšr: that, which, who
אשר ˀšr
אשר ˀšr: that, which, who

with helpers
ב־ b-: with; מ־ m-: of; עדר ˁdr: help, helper, assist
במעדר bmˁdr
ב־ b-: with; מ־ m-: of; עדר ˁdr: hoe, pick
[can] with a hoe

are surrounded,
אדר ˀdr: surround
יעדרון yˁdrwn
עדר ˁdr: hoe, pick
be hoed,

אף על פי ˀp ˁl py: although
אף על פי ˀp ˁl py
אף על פי ˀp ˁl py: although
even though

[it must be those] which not
ש־ š-: which; אין ˀyn: no, not
שאין šˀyn
ש־ š-: which; אין ˀyn: no, not
[it is] which not

the [human] cattle
בהם bhm: dumb, servant
הבקר hbqr
בקר bqr: cattle, herd
the cattle

is capable
יכול ykwl: capable, able
יכול ykwl
יכול ykwl: capable, able
is capable

to overcome
ל־ l-: to; עבר ˁbr: violate, remove, overcome
לעבר lˁbr
ל־ l-: to; עבר ˁbr: cross, pass over
to pass over

with [their] tools,
ב־ b-: with; כלי kly: vessel, utensil, tool
בכליו bklyw
ב־ b-: with; כלי kly: vessel, utensil, tool
with [harnessed] tools,

[then] they
הוא hwˀ: he, it
הוא hwˀ
הוא hwˀ: he, it

[can] show
נתן ntn: show, display
נותן nwtn
נתן ntn: give
[is to] give

[official] nobility
פחה pḥh: governor, grandee, nobleman
פאה pˀh
פאה pˀh: end, edge, corner
[one donation from] the corners

for everything.
ל־ l-: for; כל kl: all
לכל lkl
ל־ l-: for; כל kl: all
for all [of the divided fields??].

Peah 2:2

Family should be separated, military nobles can be visible.

Here the literal text says that zrˁ “seeds” must be separated, but ˀyln “trees” do not when they have šˁr-ktš “touching crowns”, or when they are ḥrb “carobs”. However, zyt “olives” need to be separated according to their rwḥ “directions” they are facing.

The encrypted text seems to say that zrˁ “family” must be separated (from public offices), but ˀylyn “leaders” do not when they are šr-ktš “fighting noblemen”, i.e. when they are qrb “soldiers” (of high rank). That’s probably because the subjects always easily believed the lie that nobles would actually fight for them, instead of against them. Public separation is then only needed for zhywtˀ “nobles” according to their rwḥ “profitable” business.

Peah 2:3.a

Encrypted: All those should be separated off for the family, but do not have to be separated off for the leaders themselves, except when they must be walled off completely. If there are noblemen of the fighting forces, then this does not have to be separated off, but they may publicly show to be noblemen for them all.

Official: All those divide a field planted with seeds, but do not divide a field for trees, except with a fence. If there are crowns of trees touching over the fence, then it does not divide the field, but one gives one donation for the corners for all of the field.

All [those]
כל kl: all
הכל hkl
כל kl: all
All [those]

[should] be separated off
מ־ m-: of; פסק psq: cut off, divide off, sever connection
מפסיק mpsyq
מ־ m-: of; פסק psq: divide, split, separate
divide [a field]

for the family,
ל־ l-: for; זרע zrˁ: offspring, family; ־ים -ym: (plural)
לזרעים lzrˁym
ל־ l-: for; זרע zrˁ: seed; ־ים -ym: (plural)
[planted] with seeds,

but do not [have to be]
אין ˀyn: no, not
ואינו wˀynw
אין ˀyn: no, not
but [do] not

separated off
מ־ m-: of; פסק psq: cut off, divide off, sever connection
מפסיק mpsyq
מ־ m-: of; פסק psq: divide, split, separate
divide [a field]

for the leaders [themselves],
ל־ l-: for; איל ˀyl: leader, chief, despot, power; ־ן -n: (suffix)
לאילן lˀyln
ל־ l-: for; אילן ˀyln: tree
for trees,

אלא ˀlˀ: except, but, only
אלא ˀlˀ
אלא ˀlˀ: except, but, only

[when they must] be walled off [completely].
גדר gdr: wall, fence, fence in, enclose
גדר gdr
גדר gdr: wall, fence, fence in, enclose
[with] a fence.

אם ˀm: if
ואם wˀm
אם ˀm: if

[there] are
היה hyh: be
היה hyh
היה hyh: be
[there] are

שר šr: ruler, prince, nobleman
שער šˁr
שער šˁr: crown of tree, stem
crowns [of trees]

[of] the fighting [forces?],
כתש ktš: fight, contest
כותש kwtš
כתש ktš: touch
touching [over the fence?],

[then this] does not
אין ˀyn: no, not
אינו ˀynw
אין ˀyn: no, not
[then it] does not

[have to] be separated off,
מ־ m-: of; פסק psq: cut off, divide off, sever connection
מפסיק mpsyq
מ־ m-: of; פסק psq: divide, split, separate
divide [the field],

אלא ˀlˀ: except, but, only
אלא ˀlˀ
אלא ˀlˀ: except, but, only

[they may publicly] show
נתן ntn: show, display
נותן nwtn
נתן ntn: give
one gives

to be noblemen
פחה pḥh: governor, grandee, nobleman
פאה pˀh
פאה pˀh: end, edge, corner
[one donation for] the corners

for [them] all.
ל־ l-: for; כל kl: all
לכל lkl
ל־ l-: for; כל kl: all
for all [of the field?].

Peah 2:3.a

Peah 2:4.a

Encrypted: As for military ranks, all that are associates this one to that one.

Official: As for carob trees, all that see each other this one to that one.

As for military [ranks],
ל־ l-: for; חרב ḥrb: sword, war; קרב qrb: soldier; קרביא qrbyˀ: military
ולחרובין wlḥrwbyn
ל־ l-: for; חרב ḥrb: carob
As for carob [trees],

all [that]
כל kl: all
כל kl
כל kl: all
all [that]

are associates
רע : comrade, associate
הרואין hrwˀyn
ראה rˀh: see, show
see [each other]

this [one]
זה zh: this
זה zh
זה zh: this
this [one]

את ˀt: to
את ˀt
את ˀt: to

that [one].
זה zh: this
זה zh
זה zh: this
that [one].

Peah 2:4.a

Peah 2:4.b

Encrypted: Says lord Gamliel: This custom existed in the house of my father: We would show the nobility as one family for each group of nobles which would be to them in each profitable business, and for the military ranks one for all that were associates this one to that one.

Official: Says rabban Gamliel: This custom existed in the house of my father: We would give of the corners one donation for each group of olive trees which would be to them in each direction, and for the carob trees one for all that saw this one to that one.

אמר ˀmr: say
אמר ˀmr
אמר ˀmr: say

רבן rbn: lord
רבן rbn
רבן rbn: rabban

גמליאל gmlyˀl: Gamliel
גמליאל gmlyˀl
גמליאל gmlyˀl: Gamliel

[This] custom
נוהג nwhg: custom
נוהגין nwhgyn
נוהג nwhg: custom
[This] custom

היה hyh: be, exist
היו hyw
היה hyh: be, exist

[in] the house
בית byt: house
בית byt
בית byt: house
[in] the house

of my father:
אב ˀb: father
אבא ˀbˀ
אב ˀb: father
of my father:

[We would] show
נתן ntn: show, display
נותנין nwtnyn
נתן ntn: give
[We would] give

the nobility
פחה pḥh: governor, grandee, nobleman
פאה pˀh
פאה pˀh: end, edge, corner
[of] the corners

[as] one [family?]
אחד ˀḥd: closed up, hidden
אחת ˀḥt
אחת ˀḥt: one; אחד ˀḥd: one
one [donation?]

for [each group] of nobles
זהיותא zhywtˀ: nobility; זיותן zywtn: distinguished, noble, imposing; ־ים -ym: (plural)
לזיתים lzytym
ל־ l-: for; זית zyt: olive; ־ים -ym: (plural)
for [each group] of olive [trees]

which [would] be
ש־ š-: which; היה hyh: be
שהיו šhyw
ש־ š-: which; היה hyh: be
which [would] be

to them
להם lhm: to them
להם lhm
להם lhm: to them
to them

in each
ב־ b-: in; כל kl: all, each
בכל bkl
ב־ b-: in; כל kl: all, each
in each

profitable [business],
רוח rwḥ: profit, gain
רוח rwḥ
רוח rwḥ: wind, direction

and for the military [ranks]
ל־ l-: for; חרב ḥrb: sword, war; קרב qrb: soldier; קרביא qrbyˀ: military
ולחרובין wlḥrwbyn
ל־ l-: for; חרב ḥrb: carob
and for the carob [trees]

[one for?] all
כל kl: all, each
כל kl
כל kl: all, each
[one for?] all

[that were] associates
רע : comrade, associate
הרואין hrwˀyn
ראה rˀh: see, show
[that] saw

this [one]
זה zh: this
זה zh
זה zh: this
this [one]

את ˀt: to
את ˀt
את ˀt: to

that [one].
זה zh: this
זה zh
זה zh: this
that [one].

Peah 2:4.b

Peah 2:4.c

Encrypted: Lord Eliezer son of lord Zadoq said in his name: Even for the military ranks which were to them in the whole city.

Official: Rabbi Eliezer son of rabbi Zadoq said in his name: Even for the carob trees which were to them in the whole city.

רב rb: lord, master, noble
רבי rby
רבי rby: rabbi

אליעזר ˀlyˁzr: Eliezer
אליעזר ˀlyˁzr
אליעזר ˀlyˁzr: Eliezer

son of lord
בר br: son; רב rb: lord, master, noble
ברבי brby
בר br: son; רבי rby: rabbi
son of rabbi

צדוק ṣdwq: Zadoq
צדוק ṣdwq
צדוק ṣdwq: Zadoq

אמר ˀmr: say
אומר ˀwmr
אמר ˀmr: say

in his name:
מ־ m-: by, of; שם šm: name
משמו mšmw
מ־ m-: by, of; שם šm: name
in his name:

אף ˀp: even, though
אף ˀp
אף ˀp: even, though

for the military [ranks]
ל־ l-: for; חרב ḥrb: sword, war; קרב qrb: soldier; קרביא qrbyˀ: military
לחרובין lḥrwbyn
ל־ l-: for; חרב ḥrb: carob
for the carob [trees]

which were
ש־ š-: which; היה hyh: be
שהיו šhyw
ש־ š-: which; היה hyh: be
which were

to them
להם lhm: to them
להם lhm
להם lhm: to them
to them

in the whole
ב־ b-: in; כל kl: all, whole
בכל bkl
ב־ b-: in; כל kl: all, whole
in the whole

עיר ˁyr: city
העיר hˁyr
עיר ˁyr: city

Peah 2:4.c

Feigning separation of nations

Government offices of two nations must be shown as two noble clans.

Here the literal text discusses whether a šdh “field” with one or two myn “kinds” of zrˁ “seed” must be “separated”, when the owner ˁšh “makes” one or two grn “threshing floors”.

The encrypted text seems to discuss whether šdh “offices” of one or two myn “nations” run by several zrˁ “families” must be publicly “separated”, when they ˁšh “act” as one or two krn “clans”.

The rule seems to be that one “family” should be shown per “nation”. The subjects wouldn’t like it if they knew that one aristocratic clan had taken over several nations, city-states, trades or industries. And apparently, it also wouldn’t look good if several clans publicly nested inside the same government of the same nation. Both cases occur regularly in reality though, to the present day, and Miles has often encountered this in his research. Globalized nepotism is what nobility is all about.

Peah 2:5.a

Encrypted: If one has family with offices of a nation a single one, even though that one is secretly acting as two clans one shows a family of nobility only a single one.

Official: If one plants the field of a kind a single one, even though that one is making two threshing floors full of grain, one gives corner donation only one.

[If one has] family
זרע zrˁ: offspring, family
הזורע hzwrˁ
זרע zrˁ: plant, seed
[If one] plants

את ˀt: with
את ˀt
את ˀt: to

שדה šdh: position, office, status
שדהו šdhw
שדה šdh: field, land
the field

[of] a nation
מין myn: nation, people
מין myn
מין myn: kind, species
[of] a kind

a single one,
אחד ˀḥd: single, one
אחד ˀḥd
אחד ˀḥd: single, one
a single one,

even though
אף על פי ˀp ˁl py: although
אף על פי ˀp ˁl py
אף על פי ˀp ˁl py: although
even though

that one
ש־ š-: that; הוא hwˀ: he, it
שהוא šhwˀ
ש־ š-: that; הוא hwˀ: he, it
that one

is [secretly] acting [as]
עשה ˁšh: act, perform
עושהו ˁwšhw
עשה ˁšh: do, make
is making

שתי šty: two
שתי šty
שתי šty: two

כרן krn: clan, nation
גרנות grnwt
גרן grn: threshing floor, barn
threshing floors [full of grain?],

[one] shows
נתן ntn: show, display
נותן nwtn
נתן ntn: give
[one] gives

a [family] of nobility
פחה pḥh: governor, grandee, nobleman
פאה pˀh
פאה pˀh: end, edge, corner
corner [donation]

[only] a single one.
אחת ˀḥt: one; אחד ˀḥd: one
אחת ˀḥt
אחת ˀḥt: one; אחד ˀḥd: one
[only] one.

Peah 2:5.a

Peah 2:5.b

Encrypted: If one has family owning two nations, even though that one is secretly acting as a clan a single one, one must show two noble families.

Official: If one plants two kinds of seeds, even though that one is making a threshing floor one, one must give two corner donations.

[If one has] family
זרע zrˁ: offspring, family
זרעה zrˁh
זרע zrˁ: plant, seed
[If one] plants

[owning] two
שני šny: two
שני šny
שני šny: two

מין myn: nation, people
מינין mynyn
מין myn: kind, species
kinds [of seeds],

even though
אף על פי ˀp ˁl py: although
אף על פי ˀp ˁl py
אף על פי ˀp ˁl py: although
even though

that [one is secretly] acting [as]
ש־ š-: which; עשה ˁšh: act, perform
שעשאן šˁšˀn
ש־ š-: which; עשה ˁšh: do, make
that [one] is making

a clan
כרן krn: clan, nation
גרן grn
גרן grn: threshing floor, barn
a threshing floor

a single one,
אחת ˀḥt: one; אחד ˀḥd: one
אחת ˀḥt
אחת ˀḥt: one; אחד ˀḥd: one

[one must] show
נתן ntn: show, display
נותן nwtn
נתן ntn: give
[one must] give

שתי šty: two
שתי šty
שתי šty: two

noble [families].
פחה pḥh: governor, grandee, nobleman
פאות pˀwt
פאה pˀh: end, edge, corner
corner [donations].

Peah 2:5.b

To show one clan for two nations, one can claim the members were just adopted.

Here follow a strange paragraph where two rby “rabbis” have a šdh “field” with two myn “kinds” of ḥṭyn “wheat”, but want to ˁšh “make” just one grn “threshing floor” for donations. They’re then told to follow a tradition which was in turn qbl “received” by a long chain of rabbis. The tradition is simply that for one grn “threshing floor” it’s one donation, and for two grn “threshing floors” it’s two donations. Some tradition.

The encrypted text seems to say that two rb “lordly” families hold šdh “offices” in two myn “nations”, but are ḥtn “allied by marriage”, and thus want to officially ˁšh “act” as one grn “clan”. They’re then told to follow a tradition where nobles are officially qbl “adopted” in long chains, concealing that they were a single family all along. That way, they can act as one grn “clan” in some respects, but for the two populations of grˁwn “servants” it’s still two clans.

Peah 2:5.c

Encrypted: If one has a family with offices of two nations and is allied by marriages, if one wanted to act as a clan a single one, one would want to show a noble family a single one. But for the two sets of servants, one must show two noble families.

Official: One who plants the field of two kinds of wheat, if one makes a threshing floor one, one gives a corner donation one. But for two threshing floors one gives two corner donations.

[If one has] a family
זרע zrˁ: offspring, family
הזורע hzwrˁ
זרע zrˁ: plant, seed
[One who] plants

את ˀt: with
את ˀt
את ˀt: to

שדה šdh: position, office, status
שדהו šdhw
שדה šdh: field, land
the field

[of] two
שני šny: two
שני šny
שני šny: two
[of] two

מין myn: nation, people
מיני myny
מין myn: kind, species

[and is] allied by marriages,
חתן ḥtn: tie, connect, ally by marriage
חטין ḥṭyn
חטה ḥṭh: wheat; ־ין -yn: (plural)
of wheat,

[if one wanted] to act [as]
עשה ˁšh: act, perform
עשאן ˁšˀn
עשה ˁšh: do, make
[if one] makes

a clan
כרן krn: clan, nation
גרן grn
גרן grn: threshing floor, barn
a threshing floor

a single one,
אחת ˀḥt: one; אחד ˀḥd: one
אחת ˀḥt
אחת ˀḥt: one; אחד ˀḥd: one

[one would want] to show
נתן ntn: show, display
נותן nwtn
נתן ntn: give
[one] gives

a noble [family]
פחה pḥh: governor, grandee, nobleman
פאה pˀh
פאה pˀh: end, edge, corner
a corner [donation]

a single one.
אחת ˀḥt: one; אחד ˀḥd: one
אחת ˀḥt
אחת ˀḥt: one; אחד ˀḥd: one

[But for] the two
שתי šty: two
שתי šty
שתי šty: two
[But for] two

[sets of] servants,
גרעון grˁwn: servant
גרנות grnwt
גרן grn: threshing floor, barn
threshing floors

[one must] show
נתן ntn: give
נותן nwtn
נתן ntn: give
[one] gives

שני šny: two
שתי šty
שני šny: two

noble [families].
פחה pḥh: governor, grandee, nobleman
פאות pˀwt
פאה pˀh: end, edge, corner
corner [donations].

Peah 2:5.c

Peah 2:6.a

Encrypted: It happened that had such a family lord Shimon man of Mitspah toward lord Gamliel. They went up to the chamber of disappearance and asked how to proceed. Said Nahum the secretary:

Official: It happened that planted two kinds rabbi Shimon man of Mitspah, and went before rabban Gamliel. They went up to the chamber of cut stones and asked how to proceed. Said Nahum the scribe:

It happened
מעשה mˁšh: event, happening
מעשה mˁšh
מעשה mˁšh: event, happening
It happened

that [had such] a family
ש־ š-: that; זרע zrˁ: offspring, family
שזרע šzrˁ
ש־ š-: that; זרע zrˁ: plant, seed
that planted [two kinds]

רב rb: lord, master, noble
רבי rby
רבי rby: rabbi

שמעון šmˁwn: Shimon
שמעון šmˁwn
שמעון šmˁwn: Shimon

man of
איש ˀyš: man
איש ˀyš
איש ˀyš: man
man of

מצפה mṣph: watchman
המצפה hmṣph
מצפה mṣph: Mitspah, watchtower

ל־ l-: to; פני pny: turn toward
לפני lpny
לפני lpny: before
[and went] before

רבן rbn: lord
רבן rbn
רבן rbn: rabban

גמליאל gmlyˀl: Gamliel
גמליאל gmlyˀl
גמליאל gmlyˀl: Gamliel

[They] went up
עלה ˁlh: go up
ועלו wˁlw
עלה ˁlh: go up
[They] went up

to the chamber
ל־ l-: to; לשך lšk: chamber
ללשכת llškt
ל־ l-: to; לשך lšk: chamber
to the chamber

of disappearance [?]
גוז gwz: cut off, disappear, make to vanish
הגזית hgzyt
גוז gwz: cut
of cut [stones?]

and asked [how to proceed].
שאל šˀl: ask
ושאלו wšˀlw
שאל šˀl: ask
and asked [how to proceed].

אמר ˀmr: say
אמר ˀmr
אמר ˀmr: say

נחום nḥwm: Nahum
נחום nḥwm
נחום nḥwm: Nahum

the secretary:
לבלר lblr: scribe, clerk, secretary
הלבלר hlblr
לבלר lblr: scribe, clerk, secretary
the scribe:

Peah 2:6.a

Peah 2:6.b

Encrypted: This is a tradition I got from lord Meyasha, who was claimed to be adopted by a nobleman, who was claimed to be adopted by one who married a noblewoman, who was claimed to be adopted by one who was officially offspring of nobility. So this is a traditional way for mighty people of disguising their aristocratic roots.

Official: This is a tradition I got from rabbi Meyasha, who received it from Abba, who received it from a pair of sages, who received it from the prophets. So this is a traditional law attributed to Moses from Sinai.

[This is] a tradition
מקבל mqbl: accepted, traditional
מקבל mqbl
מקבל mqbl: accepted, traditional
[This is] a tradition

I [got]
אני ˀny: I
אני ˀny
אני ˀny: I
I [got]

from lord
מ־ m-: from; רב rb: lord
מרבי mrby
מ־ m-: from; רבי rby: rabbi
from rabbi

מיאשא myˀšˀ: Meyasha
מיאשא myˀšˀ
מיאשא myˀšˀ: Meyasha

who was [claimed] to be adopted
ש־ š-: who; קבל qbl: adopt; קובל qwbl: adoption
שקבל šqbl
ש־ š-: who; קבל qbl: receive
who received [it]

by a nobleman,
מ־ m-: by; אבי ˀby: patrician, noble
מאבא mˀbˀ
מ־ m-: from; אבא ˀbˀ: Abba
from Abba,

who was [claimed] to be adopted
ש־ š-: who; קבל qbl: adopt; קובל qwbl: adoption
שקבל šqbl
ש־ š-: which; קבל qbl: receive
who received [it]

מן mn: by
מן mn
מן mn: from

[one who] married [a noblewoman],
זוג zwg: couple, join, marriage
הזוגות hzwgwt
זוג zwg: pair
a pair [of sages?],

who was [claimed] to be adopted
ש־ š-: who; קבל qbl: adopt; קובל qwbl: adoption
שקבלו šqblw
ש־ š-: who; קבל qbl: receive
who received [it]

מן mn: by
מן mn
מן mn: from

[one who was officially] offspring [of nobility].
נבע nbˁ: have offspring
הנביאים hnbyˀym
נביא nbyˀ: prophet
the prophets.

[So this is] a traditional way
הלכה hlkh: traditional law
הלכה hlkh
הלכה hlkh: traditional law
[So this is] a traditional law

for mighty [people]
ל־ l-: for; אמץ ˀmṣ: strength, might
למשה lmšh
ל־ l-: to; משה mšh: Moses
[attributed?] to Moses

of disguising [their aristocratic roots].
מ־ m-: of; שני šny: disguise
מסיני msyny
מ־ m-: from; סיני syny: Sinai
from Sinai.

Peah 2:6.b

Peah 2:6.c

Encrypted: If one has families with offices of two nations and is allied by marriages, and if one wants to act as a clan a single one, one can show a noble family a single one with these claims of adoption. And for the two sets of servants, one still shows two noble families at the same time.

Official: If one plants the field of two kinds of grains, but if one still makes a threshing floor one, one gives a corner donation one. But for two threshing floors, one gives two corner donations.

[If one has] families
זרע zrˁ: offspring, family
בזורע bzwrˁ
זרע zrˁ: plant, seed
[If one] plants

את ˀt: with
את ˀt
את ˀt: to

שדה šdh: position, office, status
שדהו šdhw
שדה šdh: field, land
the field

[of] two
שני šny: two
שני šny
שני šny: two
[of] two

מין myn: nation, people
מיני myny
מין myn: kind, species

[and is] allied by marriages,
חתן ḥtn: tie, connect, ally by marriage
חטין ḥṭyn
חטה ḥṭh: wheat; ־ין -yn: (plural)
of grains,

[and] if
אם ˀm: if
אם ˀm
אם ˀm: if
[but] if

[one wants to] act [as]
עשה ˁšh: act, perform
עשאן ˁšˀn
עשה ˁšh: do, make
[one still] makes

a clan
כרן krn: clan, nation
גרן grn
גרן grn: threshing floor, barn
a threshing floor

a single one,
אחת ˀḥt: one; אחד ˀḥd: one
אחת ˀḥt
אחת ˀḥt: one; אחד ˀḥd: one

[one can] show
נתן ntn: show, display
נותן nwtn
נתן ntn: give
[one] gives

a noble [family]
פחה pḥh: governor, grandee, nobleman
פאה pˀh
פאה pˀh: end, edge, corner
a corner [donation]

a single one [with these claims of adoption].
אחת ˀḥt: one; אחד ˀḥd: one
אחת ˀḥt
אחת ˀḥt: one; אחד ˀḥd: one

[And for] the two
שתי šty: two
שתי šty
שתי šty: two
[But for] two

[sets of] servants,
גרעון grˁwn: servant
גרנות grnwt
גרן grn: threshing floor, barn
threshing floors,

[one still] shows
נתן ntn: show, display
נותן nwtn
נתן ntn: give
[one] gives

שתי šty: two
שתי šty
שתי šty: two

noble [families at the same time].
פחה pḥh: governor, grandee, nobleman
פאות pˀwt
פאה pˀh: end, edge, corner
corner [donations].

Peah 2:6.c

Plundering nobles may hide their ownership of the land, as the nobility stands for stability.

Peah 2:7.a

Encrypted: A land which is being harvested for profit in agreement, or harvested by plundering, or cut up by a creditor, or broken into pieces for profit or for the human cattle, it is excempt from these rules.

Official: A field which was harvested by Cutheans, or harvested by thieves, or gnawed by ants, or broken down by the wind or by cattle, it is excempt from donations.

A land
שדה šdh: position, office, status
שדה šdh
שדה šdh: field, land
A field

which is being harvested [for profit]
ש־ š-: which; קצר qṣr: cut, reap, harvest
שקצרוה šqṣrwh
ש־ š-: which; קצר qṣr: cut, reap, harvest
which was harvested

in agreement,
כות kwt: like, in agreement with
כותים kwtym
כותי kwty: Cuthean, Samaritan
[by] Cutheans,

[or] harvested
קצר qṣr: cut, reap, harvest
קצרוה qṣrwh
קצר qṣr: cut, reap, harvest
[or] harvested

[by] plundering [?],
לסטא lsṭˀ: rob, plunder, ransack
לסטים lsṭym
לסט lsṭ: robber, thief
[by] thieves,

[or] cut up
קרסם qrsm: cut off, cut up
קרסמוה qrsmwh
קרסם qrsm: gnaw
[or] gnawed

[by] a creditor [?],
מלוה mlwh: loan, creditor
נמלים nmlym
נמלה nmlh: ant
[by] ants,

[or] broken into pieces
שבר šbr: break into pieces
שברתה šbrth
שבר šbr: break down, crush
[or] broken down

[for] profit
רוח rwḥ: profit, gain
הרוח hrwḥ
רוח rwḥ: wind
[by] the wind

או ˀw: or
או ˀw
או ˀw: or

[for] the [human] cattle,
בהם bhm: dumb, servant
בהמה bhmh
בהמה bhmh: cattle
[by] cattle,

[it is] excempt [from these rules].
פטר pṭr: dismiss, remove
פטורה pṭwrh
פטר pṭr: exempt, free
[it is] excempt [from donations].

Peah 2:7.a

Peah 2:7.b

Encrypted: If one harvests normally half of it, and harvests by plundering the other half, then one is exempt from these rules, because the official obligation of the nobility is in superficial stability.

Official: If one harvested half of it, and harvested thieves the other half, then one is exempt from donations, because the obligation of corner donations is in the standing grain stalks.

[If one] harvests [normally]
קצר qṣr: cut, reap, harvest
קצר qṣr
קצר qṣr: cut, reap, harvest
[If one] harvested

half [of it],
חצי ḥṣy: half
חציה ḥṣyh
חצי ḥṣy: half
half [of it],

and harvests
קצר qṣr: cut, reap, harvest
וקצרו wqṣrw
קצר qṣr: cut, reap, harvest
and harvested

[by] plundering [?]
לסטא lsṭˀ: rob, plunder, ransack
לסטים lsṭym
לסט lsṭ: robber, thief

[the other] half,
חצי ḥṣy: half
חציה ḥṣyh
חצי ḥṣy: half
[the other] half,

[then one is] exempt [from these rules],
פטר pṭr: dismiss, remove
פטורה pṭwrh
פטר pṭr: exempt, free
[then one is] exempt [from donations],

[because] the [official] obligation
ש־ š-: that; חובה ḥwbh: obligation, duty, debt
שחובת šḥwbt
ש־ š-: that; חובה ḥwbh: obligation, duty, debt
[because] the obligation

[of] the nobility
פחה pḥh: governor, grandee, nobleman
הפאה hpˀh
פאה pˀh: end, edge, corner
[of] corner [donations]

[is] in [superficial] stability.
ב־ b-: in; קום qwm: be identified, stability, constancy
בקמה bqmh
ב־ b-: in; קום qwm: stand
[is] in the standing [grain stalks].

Peah 2:7.b

Peah 2:8.a

Encrypted: If one harvested by plundering a half, and harvested normally by oneself the other half, then one shows a noble family for what one is harvesting by oneself.

Official: If harvested robbers a half, and harvested one the other half, then one gives corner donations from what one has harvested.

If [one] harvested
קצר qṣr: cut, reap, harvest
קצרוה qṣrwh
קצר qṣr: cut, reap, harvest
If harvested

[by] plundering [?]
לסטא lsṭˀ: rob, plunder, ransack
לסטים lsṭym
לסט lsṭ: robber, thief

a half,
חצי ḥṣy: half
חציה ḥṣyh
חצי ḥṣy: half
a half,

and harvested
קצר qṣr: cut, reap, harvest
וקצר wqṣr
קצר qṣr: cut, reap, harvest
and harvested

[normally by oneself]
הוא hwˀ: he
הוא hwˀ
הוא hwˀ: he

[the other] half,
חצי ḥṣy: half
חציה ḥṣyh
חצי ḥṣy: half
[the other] half,

[then one] shows
נתן ntn: show, display
נותן nwtn
נתן ntn: give
[then one] gives

a noble [family]
פחה pḥh: governor, grandee, nobleman
פאה pˀh
פאה pˀh: end, edge, corner
corner [donations]

for what
מ־ m-: for; מה mh: what
ממה mmh
מ־ m-: from; מה mh: what
from what

[one] is harvesting [by oneself].
ש־ š-: which; קצר qṣr: cut, reap, harvest
שקצר šqṣr
ש־ š-: which; קצר qṣr: cut, reap, harvest
[one] has harvested.

Peah 2:8.a

Nobles who buy parts of a nation must be shown as from the family who owns it.

Peah 2:8.b

Encrypted: If one harvests half of it, and sells the other half, he who buys it must be shown as being of the noble family for the whole.

Official: If one harvests half of it, and sells the other half, he who buys it must give corner donations for the whole.

[If one] harvests
קצר qṣr: cut, reap, harvest
קצר qṣr
קצר qṣr: cut, reap, harvest
[If one] harvests

half [of it],
חצי ḥṣy: half
חציה ḥṣyh
חצי ḥṣy: half
half [of it],

and sells
מכר mkr: sell
ומכר wmkr
מכר mkr: sell
and sells

[the other] half,
חצי ḥṣy: half
חציה ḥṣyh
חצי ḥṣy: half
[the other] half,

[he who] buys [it]
לקח lqḥ: take, buy
הלוקח hlwqḥ
לקח lqḥ: take, buy
[he who] buys [it]

[must] be shown
נתן ntn: show, display
נותן nwtn
נתן ntn: give
[must] give

[as being of] the noble [family]
פחה pḥh: governor, grandee, nobleman
פאה pˀh
פאה pˀh: end, edge, corner
corner [donations]

for the whole.
ל־ l-: for; כל kl: all
לכל lkl
ל־ l-: for; כל kl: all
for the whole.

Peah 2:8.b

Peah 2:8.c

Encrypted: If one harvests half and designates as mortgage the other half, he who redeems it immediately when he gets it from the treasurer, he must be shown as being of the noble family for the whole.

Official: If one harvests half and dedicates the other half, he who redeems it immediately when he gets it from the temple treasurer, he must give corner donations for the whole.

[If one] harvests
קצר qṣr: cut, reap, harvest
קצר qṣr
קצר qṣr: cut, reap, harvest
[If one] harvests

חצי ḥṣy: half
חציה ḥṣyh
חצי ḥṣy: half

and designates [as mortgage?]
קדש qdš: dedicate, designate, cut off
והקדיש whqdyš
קדש qdš: dedicate, designate, cut off
and dedicates

[the other] half,
חצי ḥṣy: half
חציה ḥṣyh
חצי ḥṣy: half
[the other] half,

[he who] redeems [it]
פדה pdh: release, liberate, cut loose
הפודה hpwdh
פדה pdh: sell, redeem
[he who] redeems [it]

immediately [when he gets it]
מיד myd: immediately
מיד myd
מיד myd: immediately
immediately [when he gets it]

[from the] treasurer,
גזבר gzbr: manager, treasurer
הגזבר hgzbr
גזבר gzbr: manager, treasurer
[from the temple] treasurer,

הוא hwˀ: he
הוא hwˀ
הוא hwˀ: he

[must] be shown
נתן ntn: show, display
נותן nwtn
נתן ntn: give
[must] give

[as being of] the noble [family]
פחה pḥh: governor, grandee, nobleman
פאה pˀh
פאה pˀh: end, edge, corner
corner [donations]

for the whole.
ל־ l-: for; כל kl: all
לכל lkl
ל־ l-: for; כל kl: all
for the whole.

Peah 2:8.c

With individual plots of profiteering, one can show one or many noble clans.

Peah 3:1.a

Encrypted: As for plots of profit among the nobility: The school of Shammai say: One needs to show a noble family for each one and every one. The school of Hillel say: From one for the whole.

Official: As for plots of grain among olive trees: The school of Shammai say: One needs to give corner donations from each one and every one. The school of Hillel say: From one for the whole.

[As for] plots
מלבן mlbn: frame, mould, plot
מלבנות mlbnwt
מלבן mlbn: frame, mould, plot
[As for] plots

of profit
תבואה tbwˀh: yield, product, income, revenue, profit
התבואה htbwˀh
תבואה tbwˀh: grain
of grain

ש־ š-: which; בין byn: among
שבין šbyn
ש־ š-: which; בין byn: among

the nobility:
זהיותא zhywtˀ: nobility; זיותן zywtn: distinguished, noble, imposing
הזיתים hzytym
זית zyt: olive
olive [trees]:

The school
בית byt: house, school
בית byt
בית byt: house, school
The school

of Shammai
שמאי šmˀy: Shammai
שמאי šmˀy
שמאי šmˀy: Shammai
of Shammai

אמר ˀmr: say
אומרים ˀwmrym
אמר ˀmr: say

[One needs to show] a noble [family]
פחה pḥh: governor, grandee, nobleman
פאה pˀh
פאה pˀh: end, edge, corner
[One needs to give] corner [donations]

for each
מ־ m-: for; כל kl: all, each
מכל mkl
מ־ m-: from; כל kl: all, each
from each

אחת ˀḥt: one
אחת ˀḥt
אחת ˀḥt: one

and [every] one.
אחת ˀḥt: one
ואחת wˀḥt
אחת ˀḥt: one
and [every] one.

The school
בית byt: house, school
בית byt
בית byt: house, school
The school

of Hillel
הלל hll: Hillel
הלל hll
הלל hll: Hillel
of Hillel

אמר ˀmr: say
אומרים ˀwmrym
אמר ˀmr: say

From one
מ־ m-: from; אחד ˀḥd: one
מאחד mˀḥd
מ־ m-: from; אחד ˀḥd: one
From one

על ˁl: on, upon
על ˁl
על ˁl: on, upon

the whole.
כל kl: all
הכל hkl
כל kl: all
the whole.

Peah 3:1.a

Peah 3:1.b

Encrypted: But they agree that if it is that the rulers of these appointed plots are too intermingled, that one must show a noble family from one for all.

Official: But they agree that if it is that the tops of these rows of olive trees are too intermingled, that one must give corner donations from one for all.

But they agree
מ־ m-: of; ידי ydy: concede, agree
ומודים wmwdym
מ־ m-: of; ידי ydy: concede, agree
But they agree

that if
ש־ š-: that; אם ˀm: if, when
שאם šˀm
ש־ š-: that; אם ˀm: if, when
that if

[it] is [that]
היה hyh: be
היו hyw
היה hyh: be
[it] is [that]

the rulers
ראש rˀš: master, leader, ruler
ראשי rˀšy
ראש rˀš: head, top
the tops

of [these] appointed [plots]
שור šwr: appoint a ruler
שורות šwrwt
שורה šwrh: line, row
of [these] rows [of olive trees]

are [too] intermingled,
מ־ m-: of; ערב ˁrb: mix, intermingle
מערבין mˁrbyn
מ־ m-: of; ערב ˁrb: mix, intermingle
are [too] intermingled,

that [one]
ש־ š-: that; הוא hwˀ: he
שהוא šhwˀ
ש־ š-: that; הוא hwˀ: he
that [one]

[must] show
נתן ntn: show, display
נותן nwtn
נתן ntn: give
[must] give

a noble [family]
פחה pḥh: governor, grandee, nobleman
פאה pˀh
פאה pˀh: end, edge, corner
corner [donations]

from one
מ־ m-: from; אחד ˀḥd: one
מאחד mˀḥd
מ־ m-: from; אחד ˀḥd: one
from one

על ˁl: on, upon
על ˁl
על ˁl: on, upon

כל kl: all
הכל hkl
כל kl: all

Peah 3:1.b

When creating war & terror for profit, the 2 sides must be shown as 2 clans.

Peah 3:2.a

Encrypted: If one harvests through violence a land, and leaves only the destruction of war: Lord Akiva says: One must then show separate noble families for each one and every one. But the advisors say: From one for all.

Official: If one harvests in stripes a field, and leaves stalks that are moist: Rabbi Akiva says: One must then give separate corner donations from each one and every one. But the advisors say: From one for all.

[If one harvests through] violence
מ־ m-: of; נמהר nmhr: rash, sudden, violent
המנמר hmnmr
מ־ m-: of; נמר nmr: striped, speckled
[If one harvests in] stripes

את ˀt: to
את ˀt
את ˀt: to

a land,
שדה šdh: field, land
שדהו šdhw
שדה šdh: field, land
a field,

and leaves [only]
שיר šyr: leave over, reserve
ושיר wšyr
שיר šyr: leave over, reserve
and leaves

the destruction
כלה klh: finish, perish, destroy
קלחים qlḥym
קלח qlḥ: stem, stalk

of war:
לחם lḥm: battle, war
לחים lḥym
לח lḥ: moist, fresh; ־ים -ym: (plural)
that are moist:

רב rb: lord, master, noble
רבי rby
רבי rby: rabbi

עקיבא ˁqybˀ: Akiva
עקיבא ˁqybˀ
עקיבא ˁqybˀ: Akiva

אמר ˀmr: say
אומר ˀwmr
אמר ˀmr: say

[One must then] show
נתן ntn: show, display
נותן nwtn
נתן ntn: give
[One must then] give

[separate] noble [families]
פחה pḥh: governor, grandee, nobleman
פאה pˀh
פאה pˀh: end, edge, corner
[separate] corner [donations]

for each
מ־ m-: for; כל kl: all, each
מכל mkl
מ־ m-: from; כל kl: all, each
from each

אחד ˀḥd: one
אחד ˀḥd
אחד ˀḥd: one

and [every] one.
אחד ˀḥd: one
ואחד wˀḥd
אחד ˀḥd: one
and [every] one.

But the advisors
חכם ḥkm: wise, advisor
וחכמים wḥkmym
חכם ḥkm: wise, advisor
But the advisors

אמר ˀmr: say
אומרים ˀwmrym
אמר ˀmr: say

From one
מ־ m-: from; אחד ˀḥd: one
מאחד mˀḥd
מ־ m-: from; אחד ˀḥd: one
From one

על ˁl: for
על ˁl
על ˁl: for

כל kl: all
הכל hkl
כל kl: all

Peah 3:2.a

Peah 3:2.b

Encrypted: But agree the advisors to lord Akiva, in that if one sows war or terror in formerly secure places, that one must show separate noble families for each one and every one.

Official: But agree the advisors to rabbi Akiva, in that if one sows dill or mustard in three places, that one must give separate corner donations from each one and every one.

But agree
מ־ m-: of; ידי ydy: concede, agree
ומודים wmwdym
מ־ m-: of; ידי ydy: concede, agree
But agree

the advisors
חכם ḥkm: wise, advisor
חכמים ḥkmym
חכם ḥkm: wise, advisor
the advisors

to lord
ל־ l-: to; רב rb: lord, master, noble
לרבי lrby
ל־ l-: to; רבי rby: rabbi
to rabbi

עקיבא ˁqybˀ: Akiva
עקיבא ˁqybˀ
עקיבא ˁqybˀ: Akiva

in [that if one] sows
ב־ b-: in; זרע zrˁ: sow, seed
בזורע bzwrˁ
ב־ b-: in; זרע zrˁ: sow, seed
in [that if one] sows

צבאות ṣbˀwt: armies, war, warfare
שבת šbt
שבת šbt: dill

או ˀw: or
או ˀw
או ˀw: or

חרדה ḥrdh: excitement, fear, terror
חרדל ḥrdl
חרדל ḥrdl: mustard

in [formerly] secure
ב־ b-: in; שלו šlw: quiet, security, secure
בשלשה bšlšh
ב־ b-: in; שלש šlš: three
in three

מקום mqwm: place
מקומות mqwmwt
מקום mqwm: place

that [one]
ש־ š-: that; הוא hwˀ: he
שהוא šhwˀ
ש־ š-: that; הוא hwˀ: he
that [one]

[must] show
נתן ntn: show, display
נותן nwtn
נתן ntn: give
[must] give

[separate] noble [families]
פחה pḥh: governor, grandee, nobleman
פאה pˀh
פאה pˀh: end, edge, corner
[separate] corner [donations]

for each
מ־ m-: for; כל kl: all, each
מכל mkl
מ־ m-: from; כל kl: all, each
from each

אחד ˀḥd: one
אחד ˀḥd
אחד ˀḥd: one

and [every] one.
אחד ˀḥd: one
ואחד wˀḥd
אחד ˀḥd: one
and [every] one.

Peah 3:2.b

If one destroys & breaks a nation by war, the pieces must be shown as separate noble clans.

Peah 3:3.a

Encrypted: If one divides up a land into divisions by war for business, and leaves only the withered ruined lands for the servants, then one must show separate noble families for these by themselves and those by themselves.

Official: If one empties an onion field that are moist for the market, and leaves only dry onions for the threshing floor, then one must give separate corner donations for these by themselves and those by themselves.

[If one] divides up [a land]
מ־ m-: of; חלק ḥlq: divide up, tract of land
המחליק hmḥlyq
מ־ m-: of; חלק ḥlq: blank, empty
[If one] empties

[into] divisions
בצל bṣl: split, division
בצלים bṣlym
בצל bṣl: onion
an onion [field]

[by?] war
לחם lḥm: battle, war
לחים lḥym
לח lḥ: moist, fresh; ־ים -ym: (plural)
that are moist

for business,
ל־ l-: for; שוקא šwqˀ: business affairs, economy
לשוק lšwq
ל־ l-: for; שוק šwq: market
for the market,

and leaves
מ־ m-: of; קום qwm: place, leave
ומקים wmqym
מ־ m-: of; קום qwm: place, leave
and leaves

[only] the withered [ruined lands]
יבש ybš: dry up, wither
יבשים ybšym
יבש ybš: dry
[only] dry [onions]

for the servants,
ל־ l-: for; גרעון grˁwn: servant
לגרן lgrn
ל־ l-: for; גרן grn: threshing floor
for the threshing floor,

[then one must] show
נתן ntn: show, display
נותן nwtn
נתן ntn: give
[then one must] give

[separate] noble [families]
פחה pḥh: governor, grandee, nobleman
פאה pˀh
פאה pˀh: end, edge, corner
[separate] corner [donations]

for these
ל־ l-: for; אלו ˀlw: these
לאלו lˀlw
ל־ l-: for; אלו ˀlw: these
for these

by themselves
ל־ l-: to, by; עצם ˁṣm: essence, self
לעצמן lˁṣmn
ל־ l-: to, by; עצם ˁṣm: essence, self
by themselves

and those
ל־ l-: for; אלו ˀlw: these
ולאלו wlˀlw
ל־ l-: for; אלו ˀlw: these
and those

by themselves.
ל־ l-: to, by; עצם ˁṣm: essence, self
לעצמן lˁṣmn
ל־ l-: to, by; עצם ˁṣm: essence, self
by themselves.

Peah 3:3.a

Peah 3:3.b

Encrypted: And thus with owned separate regions, and thus with cut off owned territories. And if one only makes those regions poorer, then one shows one noble family for the remaining wealth, according to that which is publicly left over.

Official: And thus with beans, and thus with vinyards. And if one only thins the field, then one gives corner donations from the remainder, according to that which is left over.

And thus
כן kn: thus, so
וכן wkn
כן kn: thus, so
And thus

with [owned separate] regions,
ב־ b-: with; אפין ˀpyn: surface, region, area
באפונין bˀpwnyn
ב־ b-: with; אפונה ˀpwnh: pea
with beans,

and thus
כן kn: thus, so
וכן wkn
כן kn: thus, so
and thus

with cut off [owned territories].
ב־ b-: with; כרם krm: surround, cut off
בכרם bkrm
ב־ b-: with; כרם krm: plantation, vineyard
with vinyards.

[And if one only makes those regions] poorer,
מ־ m-: of; דל dl: poor, needy, powerless
המדל hmdl
מ־ m-: of; דל dl: thin, sparse
[And if one only] thins [the field],

[then one] shows [one noble family]
נתן ntn: show, display
נותן nwtn
נתן ntn: give
[then one] gives [corner donations]

מן mn: for
מן mn
מן mn: from

the remaining [wealth],
מ־ m-: of; שאר šˀr: remainder, rest
המשאר hmšˀr
מ־ m-: of; שאר šˀr: remainder, rest
the remainder,

according to
על ˁl: according to
על ˁl
על ˁl: according to
according to

that which
מה mh: which
מה mh
מה mh: which
that which

is [publicly] left over.
ש־ š-: that; שיר šyr: leave over, reserve
ששיר ššyr
ש־ š-: that; שיר šyr: leave over, reserve
is left over.

Peah 3:3.b

Peah 3:3.c

Encrypted: But if one empties the land visibly from one of the possessions, then one must show one noble family for the remaining wealth according to the whole.

Official: But if one empties the field in one instance all at once, then one must give corner donations from the remainder according to the whole.

[But if one] empties [the land]
מ־ m-: of; חלק ḥlq: divide up, tract of land
והמחליק whmḥlyq
מ־ m-: of; חלק ḥlq: blank, empty
[But if one] empties [the field]

[visibly?] from one
מ־ m-: from; אחת ˀḥt: one
מאחת mˀḥt
מ־ m-: of; אחת ˀḥt: one
in one

of the possessions [??],
יד yd: part, possession
יד yd
יד yd: hand, at once
instance [all at once],

[then one must] show [one noble family]
נתן ntn: show, display
נותן nwtn
נתן ntn: give
[then one must] give [corner donations]

מן mn: for
מן mn
מן mn: from

the remaining [wealth]
מ־ m-: of; שאר šˀr: remainder, rest
המשאר hmšˀr
מ־ m-: of; שאר šˀr: remainder, rest
the remainder

according to
על ˁl: according to
על ˁl
על ˁl: according to
according to

the whole.
כל kl: all
הכל hkl
כל kl: all
the whole.

Peah 3:3.c

Split-off territories must show separate noble clans.

Peah 3:4.a

Encrypted: Nations of split-off regions are obligated for showing separate noble families. But lord Yosei exempts them.

Official: Mother plants of onions are obligated for giving separate corner donations. But rabbi Yosei exempts them.

אמה ˀmh: clan, tribe, nation, people
האמהות hˀmhwt
אם ˀm: mother
Mother [plants?]

של šl: belonging to, of
של šl
של šl: belonging to, of

split-off [regions]
בצל bṣl: split, division
בצלים bṣlym
בצל bṣl: onion

are obligated
חוב ḥwb: obligated, legally bound
חיבות ḥybwt
חוב ḥwb: obligated, legally bound
are obligated

for [showing separate] noble [families].
ב־ b-: with; פחה pḥh: governor, grandee, nobleman
בפאה bpˀh
ב־ b-: with; פאה pˀh: end, edge, corner
for [giving separate] corner [donations].

But lord
רב rb: lord, master, noble
ורבי wrby
רבי rby: rabbi
But rabbi

יוסי ywsy: Yosei
יוסי ywsy
יוסי ywsy: Yosei

exempts [them].
פטר pṭr: exempt, free
פוטר pwṭr
פטר pṭr: exempt, free
exempts [them].

Peah 3:4.a

Peah 3:4.b

Encrypted: As for plots of split-off regions which are between opposing regions: Lord Yosei says: Separate noble families must be shown for each one and every one. But the advisors say: From one for all.

Official: As for plots of onions which are between herbs: Rabbi Yosei says: Separate corner donations must be given from each one and every one. But the advisors say: From one for all.

[As for] plots
מלבן mlbn: frame, mould, plot
מלבנות mlbnwt
מלבן mlbn: frame, mould, plot
[As for] plots

of split-off [regions]
בצל bṣl: split, division
הבצלים hbṣlym
בצל bṣl: onion
of onions

which are between
ש־ š-: which; בין byn: between
שבין šbyn
ש־ š-: which; בין byn: between
which are between

opposing [regions]:
ירק yrq: defy, oppose
הירק hyrq
ירק yrq: green, herb

רב rb: lord, master, noble
רבי rby
רבי rby: rabbi

יוסי ywsy: Yosei
יוסי ywsy
יוסי ywsy: Yosei

אמר ˀmr: say
אומר ˀwmr
אמר ˀmr: say

[Separate] noble [families must be shown]
פחה pḥh: governor, grandee, nobleman
פאה pˀh
פאה pˀh: end, edge, corner
[Separate] corner [donations must be given]

for each
מ־ m-: for; כל kl: all, each
מכל mkl
מ־ m-: from; כל kl: all, each
from each

אחת ˀḥt: one
אחת ˀḥt
אחת ˀḥt: one

and [every] one.
אחת ˀḥt: one
ואחת wˀḥt
אחת ˀḥt: one
and [every] one.

But the advisors
חכם ḥkm: wise, advisor
וחכמים wḥkmym
חכם ḥkm: wise, advisor
But the advisors

אמר ˀmr: say
אומרים ˀwmrym
אמר ˀmr: say

From one
מ־ m-: from; אחת ˀḥt: one
מאחת mˀḥt
מ־ m-: from; אחת ˀḥt: one
From one

על ˁl: for
על ˁl
על ˁl: for

כל kl: all
הכל hkl
כל kl: all

Peah 3:4.b

Partners who jointly inherit or buy nations must be shown as one noble clan.

Peah 3:5.a

Encrypted: Two brothers who divide an inherited nation, they must show two noble families. When they return to being partners, they must show a noble family one.

Official: Two brothers who divide an inherited field, they must give two corner donations. When they return to being partners, they must give a corner donation one.

[Two] brothers
אח ˀḥ: brother; ־ין -yn: (plural)
האחין hˀḥyn
אח ˀḥ: brother; ־ין -yn: (plural)
[Two] brothers

who divide [an inherited nation],
ש־ š-: who; חלק ḥlq: separate, divide
שחלקו šḥlqw
ש־ š-: who; חלק ḥlq: separate, divide
who divide [an inherited field],

they [must] show
נתן ntn: show, display
נותנין nwtnyn
נתן ntn: give
they [must] give

שתי šty: two
שתי šty
שתי šty: two

noble [families].
פחה pḥh: governor, grandee, nobleman
פאות pˀwt
פאה pˀh: end, edge, corner
corner [donations].

[When] they return
חזר ḥzr: return, restore
חזרו ḥzrw
חזר ḥzr: return, restore
[When] they return

to being partners,
נ־ n-: make; שתף štp: associate, partner
ונשתתפו wnšttpw
נ־ n-: make; שתף štp: associate, partner
to being partners,

they [must] show
נתן ntn: show, display
נותנין nwtnyn
נתן ntn: give
they [must] give

a noble [family]
פחה pḥh: governor, grandee, nobleman
פאה pˀh
פאה pˀh: end, edge, corner
a corner [donation]

אחת ˀḥt: one
אחת ˀḥt
אחת ˀḥt: one

Peah 3:5.a

Peah 3:5.b

Encrypted: Two who purchase the leadership, they must show a noble family one. If purchases this one the north, and that one the south, this one must show a noble family for himself, and that one must give a noble family for himself.

Official: Two who purchase a tree, they must give a corner donation one. If purchases this one the north, and that one the south, this one must give a corner donation for himself, and that one must give a corner donation for himself.

שנים šnym: two
שנים šnym
שנים šnym: two

who purchase
ש־ š-: who; לקח lqḥ: buy, purchase
שלקחו šlqḥw
ש־ š-: who; לקח lqḥ: buy, purchase
who purchase

את ˀt: to
את ˀt
את ˀt: to

the leadership,
איל ˀyl: leader, chief, despot, power; ־ין -yn: (plural)
האילן hˀyln
אילן ˀyln: tree
a tree,

they [must] show
נתן ntn: show, display
נותנין nwtnyn
נתן ntn: give
they [must] give

a noble [family]
פחה pḥh: governor, grandee, nobleman
פאה pˀh
פאה pˀh: end, edge, corner
a corner [donation]

אחת ˀḥt: one
אחת ˀḥt
אחת ˀḥt: one

[If] purchases
לקח lqḥ: buy, purchase
לקח lqḥ
לקח lqḥ: buy, purchase
[If] purchases

this one
זה zh: this
זה zh
זה zh: this
this one

the north,
צפון ṣpwn: north
צפונו ṣpwnw
צפון ṣpwn: north
the north,

and that one
זה zh: that
וזה wzh
זה zh: that
and that one

the south,
דרום drwm: south
דרומו drwmw
דרום drwm: south
the south,

this one
זה zh: this
זה zh
זה zh: this
this one

[must] show
נתן ntn: show, display
נותן nwtn
נתן ntn: give
[must] give

a noble [family]
פחה pḥh: governor, grandee, nobleman
פאה pˀh
פאה pˀh: end, edge, corner
a corner [donation]

for himself,
ל־ l-: for; עצם ˁṣm: essence, self
לעצמו lˁṣmw
ל־ l-: for; עצם ˁṣm: essence, self
for himself,

and that one
זה zh: that
וזה wzh
זה zh: that
and that one

[must] give
נתן ntn: show, display
נותן nwtn
נתן ntn: give
[must] give

a noble [family]
פחה pḥh: governor, grandee, nobleman
פאה pˀh
פאה pˀh: end, edge, corner
a corner [donation]

for himself.
ל־ l-: for; עצם ˁṣm: essence, self
לעצמו lˁṣmw
ל־ l-: for; עצם ˁṣm: essence, self
for himself.

Peah 3:5.b

Sold profit flows must be shown as separate noble clans.

Peah 3:5.c

Encrypted: One who sells flows of profit in the middle of his land, he must show separate noble families for each one and every one. Said lord Yehudah: When is this so? Only in the case that not is left over anything for the owner of the land.

Official: One who sells stems of trees in the middle of his field, he must give separate corner donations from each one and every one. Said rabbi Yehudah: When is this so? Only in the case that not is left over anything for the owner of the field.

[One who] sells
מכר mkr: sell
המוכר hmwkr
מכר mkr: sell
[One who] sells

קלוח qlwḥ: flow, jet
קלחי qlḥy
קלח qlḥ: stem, stalk

of profit
יעל yˁl: profit, benefit; ־ין -yn: (plural)
אילן ˀyln
אילן ˀyln: tree
of trees

in the middle
ב־ b-: in; תוך twk: middle
בתוך btwk
ב־ b-: in; תוך twk: middle
in the middle

of [his] land,
שדה šdh: field, land
שדהו šdhw
שדה šdh: field, land
of [his] field,

[he must] show
נתן ntn: show, display
נותן nwtn
נתן ntn: give
[he must] give

[separate] noble [families]
פחה pḥh: governor, grandee, nobleman
פאה pˀh
פאה pˀh: end, edge, corner
[separate] corner [donations]

for each
מ־ m-: for; כל kl: all, each
מכל mkl
מ־ m-: from; כל kl: all, each
from each

אחד ˀḥd: one
אחד ˀḥd
אחד ˀḥd: one

and [every] one.
אחד ˀḥd: one
ואחד wˀḥd
אחד ˀḥd: one
and [every] one.

אמר ˀmr: say
אמר ˀmr
אמר ˀmr: say

רב rb: lord, master, noble
רבי rby
רבי rby: rabbi

יהודה yhwdh: Yehudah
יהודה yhwdh
יהודה yhwdh: Yehudah

When [is this so]?
אימתי ˀymty: when
אימתי ˀymty
אימתי ˀymty: when
When [is this so]?

[Only] in the case
בזמן bzmn: in the case of
בזמן bzmn
בזמן bzmn: in the case of
[Only] in the case

that not
ש־ š-: that; לא : not
שלא šlˀ
ש־ š-: that; לא : not
that not

is left over [anything]
שיר šyr: leave over, reserve
שיר šyr
שיר šyr: leave over, reserve
is left over [anything]

[for] the owner
בעל bˁl: owner, possess
בעל bˁl
בעל bˁl: owner, possess
[for] the owner

of the land.
שדה šdh: field, land
השדה hšdh
שדה šdh: field, land
of the field.

Peah 3:5.c

Peah 3:5.d

Encrypted: But if reserved something for himself the owner of the land, he must be shown as of a noble family for the whole.

Official: But if reserved something for himself the owner of the field, he must give one corner donation for the whole.

אבל ˀbl: but
אבל ˀbl
אבל ˀbl: but

אם ˀm: if, when
אם ˀm
אם ˀm: if, when

reserved [something for himself]
שיר šyr: leave over, reserve
שיר šyr
שיר šyr: leave over, reserve
reserved [something for himself]

the owner
בעל bˁl: owner, possess
בעל bˁl
בעל bˁl: owner, possess
the owner

of the land,
שדה šdh: field, land
השדה hšdh
שדה šdh: field, land
of the field,

הוא hwˀ: he
הוא hwˀ
הוא hwˀ: he

[must] be shown
נתן ntn: show, display
נותן nwtn
נתן ntn: give
[must] give

[as of a] noble [family]
פחה pḥh: governor, grandee, nobleman
פאה pˀh
פאה pˀh: end, edge, corner
[one] corner [donation]

for the whole.
ל־ l-: for; כל kl: all
לכל lkl
ל־ l-: for; כל kl: all
for the whole.

Peah 3:5.d

All lands must have official noble ownership, except secretly owned land for plundering.

Peah 3:6.a

Encrypted: Lord Eliazer says: A piece of land among many others, it is obligated for publicly showing a noble family.

Official: Rabbi Eliazer says: A piece of land between others of a fourth of a seah measure, it is obligated for giving corner donations.

רב rb: lord, master, noble
רבי rby
רבי rby: rabbi

אליעזר ˀlyˁzr: Eliezer
אליעזר ˀlyˁzr
אליעזר ˀlyˁzr: Eliezer

אמר ˀmr: say
אומר ˀwmr
אמר ˀmr: say

[A piece of] land
קרקע qrqˁ: ground, land
קרקע qrqˁ
קרקע qrqˁ: ground, land
[A piece of] land

בית byt: between, among
בית byt
בית byt: between, among
between [others?]

many [others],
רבא rbˀ: multitude, great quantity
רבע rbˁ
רבע rbˁ: fourth
of a fourth [of a seah measure??],

[it] is obligated
חוב ḥwb: obligated, legally bound
חיבת ḥybt
חוב ḥwb: obligated, legally bound
[it] is obligated

[for publicly showing] a noble [family].
ב־ b-: with; פחה pḥh: governor, grandee, nobleman
בפאה bpˀh
ב־ b-: with; פאה pˀh: end, edge, corner
[for giving] corner [donations].

Peah 3:6.a

Peah 3:6.b

Encrypted: Lord Joshua says: It can also be made secret.

Official: Rabbi Joshua says: It must be made for two seahs.

רב rb: lord, master, noble
רבי rby
רבי rby: rabbi

יהושע yhwšˁ: Joshua
יהושע yhwšˁ
יהושע yhwšˁ: Joshua

אמר ˀmr: say
אומר ˀwmr
אמר ˀmr: say

[It can also] be made
עשה ˁšh: do, make, act
העושה hˁwšh
עשה ˁšh: do, make, act
[It must] be made

סתים stym: secret
סאתים sˀtym
סאה / סאתא sˀh / sˀtˀ: seah; ־ים -ym: (plural)
[for] two seahs.

Peah 3:6.b

Peah 3:6.c

Encrypted: Lord Tarfon says: Then it must be externally plundered by plundering strikes.

Official: Rabbi Tarfon says: It must be six by six handbreadths.

רב rb: lord, master, noble
רבי rby
רבי rby: rabbi

טרפון ṭrpwn: Tarfon
טרפון ṭrpwn
טרפון ṭrpwn: Tarfon

אמר ˀmr: say
אומר ˀwmr
אמר ˀmr: say

[Then it must be externally] plundered
שסה šsh: plunder, spoil, pillage
ששה ššh
ששה ššh: six
[It must be] six

על ˁl: on, by
על ˁl
על ˁl: on, by

שסה šsh: plunder, spoil, pillage
ששה ššh
ששה ššh: six

טפח ṭpḥ: knock, strike
טפחים ṭpḥym
טפח ṭpḥ: handbreadth

Peah 3:6.c

Peah 3:6.d

Encrypted: Lord Yehudah ben Baterah says: Secret possession only when one can harvest it in disguise. And the rule is according to his words.

Official: Rabbi Yehudah ben Baterah says: Only when one can cut two handfuls from it. And the rule is according to his words.

רב rb: lord, master, noble
רבי rby
רבי rby: rabbi

יהודה yhwdh: Yehudah
יהודה yhwdh
יהודה yhwdh: Yehudah

בן bn: son
בן bn
בן bn: son

בתירא btyrˀ: B’therah
בתירה btyrh
בתירא btyrˀ: B’therah

אמר ˀmr: say
אומר ˀwmr
אמר ˀmr: say

[Secret possession only] when
כדי kdy: when
כדי kdy
כדי kdy: when
[Only] when

[one can] harvest [it]
ל־ l-: to; קצר qṣr: cut, reap, harvest
לקצר lqṣr
ל־ l-: to; קצר qṣr: cut, reap, harvest
[one can] cut

[in] disguise.
ל־ l-: to; שני šny: disguise
ולשנות wlšnwt
ל־ l-: to; שני šny: two
two [handfuls from it??].

And the rule [is]
הלכה hlkh: rule, traditional law
והלכה whlkh
הלכה hlkh: rule, traditional law
And the rule [is]

according to his words.
כ־ k-: as, according to; דבר dbr: word, speech
כדבריו kdbryw
כ־ k-: as, according to; דבר dbr: word, speech
according to his words.

Peah 3:6.d

Peah 3:6.e

Encrypted: Lord Akiva says: As for lands, any measure of it is obligated for showing noble families and for having official leadership, and for documenting it by a declaration in court, if one acquires with it another property, which does not to it have any responsible noble owner, with money, or with military strikes, or with military strength.

Official: Rabbi Akiva says: As for lands, any measure of it is obligated for giving corner donations and for giving first-fruit tithes, and for documenting it by a declaration in court, if one acquires with it another property which does not to it have any surety, with money, or with documents, or with claims.

רב rb: lord, master, noble
רבי rby
רבי rby: rabbi

עקיבא ˁqybˀ: Akiva
עקיבא ˁqybˀ
עקיבא ˁqybˀ: Akiva

אמר ˀmr: say
אומר ˀwmr
אמר ˀmr: say

[As for] lands,
קרקע qrqˁ: ground, land
קרקע qrqˁ
קרקע qrqˁ: ground, land
[As for] lands,

any [measure]
כל kl: all, any
כל kl
כל kl: all, any
any [measure]

of it
ש־ š-: that; הוא hwˀ: he, it
שהוא šhwˀ
ש־ š-: that; הוא hwˀ: he, it
of it

is obligated
חוב ḥwb: obligated, legally bound
חיבת ḥybt
חוב ḥwb: obligated, legally bound
is obligated

for [showing] noble [families]
ב־ b-: with; פחה pḥh: governor, grandee, nobleman
בפאה bpˀh
ב־ b-: with; פאה pˀh: end, edge, corner
for [giving] corner [donations]

and for [having official] leadership,
ב־ b-: with; בכר bkr: first, birthright, lead
ובבכורים wbbkwrym
ב־ b-: with; בכר bkr: first, birthright, lead
and for [giving] first-fruit [tithes],

and for documenting [it]
ל־ l-: for; כתב ktb: writing, document
ולכתב wlktb
ל־ l-: for; כתב ktb: writing, document
and for documenting [it]

על ˁl: on, by
עליו ˁlyw
על ˁl: on, by

a declaration in court,
פרוזבול prwzbwl: prosbul, declaration in court
פרוזבול prwzbwl
פרוזבול prwzbwl: prosbul, declaration in court
a declaration in court,

[if one] acquires
לקח lqḥ: buy, acquire
ולקנות wlqnwt
לקח lqḥ: buy, acquire
[if one] acquires

with it
עם ˁm: with; ־ו -w: him, it
עמו ˁmw
עם ˁm: with; ־ו -w: him, it
with it

[another] property,
נכס nks: possessions, property
נכסים nksym
נכס nks: possessions, property
[another] property

which [does] not
ש־ š-: which; אין ˀyn: no, not
שאין šˀyn
ש־ š-: which; אין ˀyn: no, not
which [does] not

to it
להם lhm: to them
להם lhm
להם lhm: to them
to it

[have any] responsible [noble owner],
אחרי ˀḥry: guarantor, responsible party
אחריות ˀḥrywt
אחריות ˀḥrywt: surety, mortgaged property
[have any] surety,

with money,
ב־ b-: with; כסף ksp: silver, money
בכסף bksp
ב־ b-: with; כסף ksp: silver, money
with money,

or with [military] strikes,
ב־ b-: with; שטר šṭr: punish, strike
ובשטר wbšṭr
ב־ b-: with; שטר šṭr: write, document
or with documents,

or with [military] strength.
ב־ b-: with; חזק ḥzq: seize, strong, strength
ובחזקה wbḥzqh
ב־ b-: with; חזק ḥzq: bond, claim possession
or with claims.

Peah 3:6.e

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