Number 1

🏷  Semitic numerology pun · symbol   —   by Gerry · May 2019 · 605 words

The number 1 in the meaning of “single” puns with “Jew”, and thus with “leader” & “majesty”.

Number 1 as yḥd meaning “unity” & “singularity”

The number one in Hebrew is written אחד ˀḥd. But in grammar forms translated as “single” & “unique”, the same number is spelled יחד yḥd. Because of Ḥet ≈ He interchangeability, this puns with all things that pun with “Jew”, such as “leader” / “majesty” / “informant”.

Hebrew, Aramaic yḥd = unity, singularity; yhd = Judaism; hdy = leader, leading

יחד yḥd : to be united; unite; united — Old Hebrew (Strong)

יחד yḥd : unitedness; together — Old Hebrew (Strong)

יהד yhd : convert to Judaism; pretend to be a Jew — Hebrew (Klein)

הדי hdy : leading; leader, guide — Aramaic (CAL)

Semitic ˀḥd for “possessor” & “nobleman”

In Aramaic spelling, ˀḥd “one” overlaps with Aramaic ˀḥd / Hebrew ˀḥz (because of Dalet ≈ Zayin interchangeability). This Semitic root stands for “holding” & “possessing”. It has apparently also been used for “holding authority” & “holding a title”, i.e. being an aristocrat.

Aramaic was an imperial language and is also used in the Talmud. I suppose that many Phoenician dialects were also close to Aramaic. In these Semitic dialects, ˀḥd “one” would therefore be identical to ˀḥd “possessor” & “aristocrat”.

In the form yḥd this also puns with Jew, which may be one reason why crypto-aristocrats often style themselves as “Jews”.

Aramaic ˀḥd = seize, hold, possess, title-holder, governor, nobleman

ܐܲܚܝܼܕܵܐ ˀḥydˀ aḥida : a nobleman, a titled person, an officer, a prefect / a governor; a master , a tyrant; powerful, able — Syriac (AAF)

אחוד ˀḥwd : holder; one who takes, who holds tight; ruler — Aramaic (CAL)

אוחדן ˀwḥdn : hold, power; authority; majesty; possession — Aramaic (CAL)

אחד ˀḥd : to hold, take, to catch, to seize; to stand firm; to prevail; to take command, rule; to select or elect for a position — Aramaic (CAL)

אחד ˀḥd : to hold, take, seize; to shut, close — Aramaic (Wikt)

Pronunciation of yḥd as Ieoud

As proof that yḥd “single” can actually be a good pun with yhwdh “Judah”, we have the Preparatio Evangelica by Eusebius.

The text contains Greek transcriptions of names from Phoenician myths. Here, yḥyd “single [child]” is written in Greek as Ιεουδ Ieoud, which is very similar to Ιουδα Iouda “Judah”. Generally, Ḥet and He are interchangeable, and here both have disappeared. In the cited Phoenician dialect, the vowels must also have been almost the same, even though they are different in Hebrew.

For Cronus, whom the Phoenicians call Il, and who after his death was deified and instated in the planet which bears his name, when king, had by a nymph of the country called Anobret an only son, who on that account is styled Ieoud, for so the Phoenicians still call an only son

Κρονος τοινυν, ον οι Φοινικες Ηλ προσαγορευουσι, βασιλευων της χωρασ, και υστερον μετα την του βιου τελευτην εις τον του Κρονου αστερα καθιερωθεις, εξ επιχωριας νυμφης Ανωβρετ λεγομενης υιον εχων μονογενη, ον δια τουτο Ιεουδ εκαλουν, του μονογενους ουτως ετι και νυν καλουμενου παρα τοις Φοινιξι

Preparatio Evangelica, book 4, chapter 16

(Note: Content-wise, I wouldn’t take Eusebius’ ramblings seriously. They’re full of demonization of pagan religions, for worshiping bestial demons. But if you look closer at those pagan religions, you’ll see that people merely worshiped concepts that were depicted using puns with animals, as with Egyptian deities.)

Index finger as “number 1”?

The ISIS spooklings have often held their index fingers into the camera. This has officially been interpreted as “we’re number 1”, but I think that’s false. I think it’s rather a pun with the index finger itself, because index means “spy” in Latin.

🏷  Semitic numerology pun · symbol