
🏷  Bible name Greek Semitic hidden ruler pun · name   —   by Gerry · Nov 2018 · 5233 words

The most powerful aristocratic families have been masking themselves as Jews for millennia, though they are not actual Jews in the common sense. They merely use that word because it’s very similar to “leaders”, “majesties” & “aristocrats”, in Hebrew & Greek. Josephus tells us that the aristocrats started to dwell inside communities of religious minorities millennia ago, used them as a disguise for their crimes, and turned them into a perversion.

In my opinion, ordinary Jews have nothing to do with spookery, and are just victims of the spook menace, like all commoners. Spookery is simply a method for the aristocracy to rule through total deception. To the spook overlords, all common-birth subjects are mere tools to that end, and common-birth Jews are no exception.

However, there must be reasons why the overlords have always introduced & maintained communities of actual Jews in their European kingdoms & empires, and have at the same time whipped up the non-Jewish majority to distrust & hate them. Since the spook overlords always had total control over their societies, they could have easily changed that pattern over the millennia. They didn’t. The reason is that to the crypto-aristocracy, those Jewish communities are disguise, safe haven, scapegoat, and recruiting ground, all at the same time. All this is confirmed by the Shekalim Talmud tractate and Josephus.

That is the actual history of how “ze Jews” were created, as I see it. As for all the religious oddities of Judaism, I think many can again best be explained with puns.

Judaism puns in a nutshell

The words for yhwdy “Jew” and yhwdh “Judah” are mainly vowels wrapped around a single D. Since vowels don’t count in Semitic punnery, and because D ≈ Ṭ ≈ T, a great many puns are possible. I’ve divided them into 4 groups:

Semitic puns that match the official version of Judaism

As with all religious names, Judaism and the Jews are homonymous with many of their attributes & traits. Because actual history does not evolve according to punnery, this means that the religious stories in the scripture were likely created from puns.

Semitic puns that explain why spooks claim to be “Jews”

Most Semitic puns refer solely to spookery though, and do not match the official religion at all. These may explain why the spooks like to refer to themselves as “Jews”, even though they never appeared to be religious, and are even anti-religious in their actions.

Greek & Latin puns that explain why spooks claim to be “Jews”

In Old Testament pun-encryption, the most important codeword for “spooks” seems to be “Israelite” (i.e. a “veiled ruler”), and not “Jew”. The pattern of ultra-powerful overlords feigning to be “Jews” seems to have gained momentum only in Greek & Roman times. Perhaps Greek & Latin punnery is an explanation for this.

Puns that explain Jewish stereotypes

Many nasty stereotypes were heaped upon regular Jews. Some are actually spook characteristics that the spooks had re-applied to regular Jews. Some seem just made-up. Truth-seekers often ask why the crypto-aristocrats would make themselves look bad by claiming to be “Jews” and then spreading these negative stereotypes. My guess is that they do not run a risk, because they themselves can always take off the “Jewish” disguise. But putting the actual Jewish communitites under pressure from society could have made them cluster around their perceived leaders, who could then recruit more secretive labourers. As to why specific stereotypes were chosen, I think that’s because of punnery:

Semitic ydh for “praise” & “prayer”

The Hebrew word for Jew is Yehudi, written יהודי yhwdy. It is a nisba adjective derived from Judah, written יהודה yhwdh.

The official derivation for Judah is from “praise”. As with Judah’s brethren, we get an official pun explaining his name, in Genesis 29:35.

The word root for “praise”, “thanks” & “confession” is usually given as ידה ydh. To get there from yhwdh Judah, you have to strip the 1st H and the W. But we can easily find other forms with the same meanings which are written הוד hwd, plus some vowel suffix. Some dictionaries give another origin as ידה ydh, again with the same meanings. The root form is therefore arbitrary and cannot be determined. It is just vowels grouped around a D.

Since in Semitic etymology all vowels are omittable and mostly are also interchangeable, you can create almost arbitrary puns with a D-ish letter plus some vowels.

In the list below, note especially the forms that are written like hwd, because they are close to the words for “majesty” and “leader”!

Hebrew yhd, ydh, hwd = Jew, Judah, praise, thanks, confess

יהודי yhwdy Yehudi : Jew, Jewish, Jews, Judeans — Old Hebrew (Strong)

יהודה yhwdh Yehudah : probably “praised,” a son of Jacob, also his descendants, the Southern kingdom — Old Hebrew (Strong)

ידה ydh yadah : throw, cast, confess, give thanks, praise, thank — Old Hebrew (Strong)

הודיה hwdyh : confession, admission; thanksgiving, Hoodah; admission of indebtedness, Hodâaoth — Hebrew (Jastrow)

הודאה hwdˀh : admission, acknowledgement; thanksgiving; benediction — Hebrew (Klein)

הודה hwdh : he gave thanks, praised, lauded; he confessed. — Hebrew (Klein)

הודו hwdw : hodu, thank ye the Lord — Hebrew (Jastrow)

Hebrew hwd for “majesty”

“Praise” may be a good derivation for regular faithful Jews, but not for powerful aristocrats. Among the spelling forms for “praise”, there are others where you strip the 2nd H and the Y. The word is then הוד hwd meaning “majesty” & “authority”, probably derived from “being praised”.

Since the Y in Hebrew is also a grammatical prefix, you can also interpret the name Judah as “will be majestic” or “will have authority”. In any case, because הוד hwd means both “praise” & “authority”, all spelling variants for “praise” can also mean “authority”!

Hebrew hwd = majesty, authority

הוד hwd hod : authority, honor, majesty, splendor — Old Hebrew (Strong)

הוד hwd hod : distinction, pride, majesty — Hebrew (Jastrow)

The LORD highly exalted Solomon in the sight of all Israel and bestowed on him royal majesty such as had not been bestowed on any king in Israel before him.

ויגדל יהוה את שלמה למעלה לעיני כל ישראל ויתן עליו הוד מלכות אשר לא היה על כל מלך לפניו על ישראל

1 Chronicles 29:25

What is a “majesty” then? The English word is derived from the Latin magnus root meaning “great”, likely related to the magistrate title.

The Hebrew word hwd doesn’t seem to be derived from greatness though. It may be the passive of “acknowledgement”. It could also be related to the Aramaic word hd for “leader” & “guide”.

Aramaic & Arabic hd for “leader”

A very similar letter combination הד hd has a much more concrete meaning in Aramaic & Arabic. It means leader & guide. The root seems to be √hd, though it is in some cases vowelized to hwdy hudiya.

Aramaic hdy = leader, leading, guide, guiding

הדי hdy : to lead — Aramaic (CAL)

הדי hdy : leading — Aramaic (CAL)

הדי hdy : leader — Aramaic (CAL)

הדוי hdwy : leader — Aramaic (CAL)

הדיו hdyw : leadership, guidance — Aramaic (CAL)

הדיאא hdyˀˀ : leader — Aramaic (CAL)

הדין hdyn : guide — Aramaic (CAL)

הודי hwdy : guidance — Aramaic (CAL)

מהדין mhdyn : one that guides — Aramaic (CAL)

מהדינו mhdynw : leadership — Aramaic (CAL)

מתהדין mthdyn : one guided — Aramaic (CAL)

מתהדינו mthdynw : guidance, being guided — Aramaic (CAL)

Arabic hd = leader, leading, guide, guiding

يَهْدِي yahdī : to guide — Arabic (Wikt)

هِدَايَة‎ hidāya : to guide — Arabic (Wikt)

أَهْدَى‎ ˀahdā : to submit — Arabic (Wikt)

تَهَدَّى‎ tahaddā : to be guided — Arabic (Wikt)

اِهْتَدَى‎ ihtadā : to be directed — Arabic (Wikt)

أَهْدَى‎ ˀahdā : better lead — Arabic (Wikt)

هَدْيَة‎ hidya : way how something goes — Arabic (Wikt)

It seems that being ruled by secret “leaders” across all cultures is just the “way how it goes”. Hah!

Aramaic ˀḥd for “possessor” & “nobleman”

It should be clear by now that the main point of spookery is to conceal the perpetually inherited power of the global aristocracy, from their own subjects. The fact that aristocrats regularly feign to be “Jews” is a central part of this scheme.

There is one pun that supports this view: יהודה yhwdh Yehudah “Judah” puns fairly well with Aramaic אחודא ˀḥwdˀ aḥuda for “official” / “[office] holder”, and with אחידא ˀḥydˀ aḥida for “nobleman” / “[title] holder”. The rich “Jews” are simply that: hereditary possessors, officials & nobles, under a guise.

This pun only works in Aramaic. That’s because the word root for “holding” & “possessing” things is ˀḥz with Z in Hebrew, and ˀḥd with D in Aramaic (see Dalet ≈ Zayin interchangeability). The spelling with D makes all Aramaic titles for “holding” & “possessing” things similar to Judah & Yehudi.

(This also creates a perfect pun with the number 1.)

Aramaic ˀḥd = hold, possess, landlord, holding a title, nobleman, ruler

אחודא ; אחוד ˀḥwd; ˀḥwdˀ : holder; one who takes, who holds tight; lictor; ruler — Aramaic (CAL)

אחיד ˀḥyd : holding tight; powerful; one in charge, charged with an office; tyrant; master; prefect — Aramaic (CAL)

אחודה ˀḥwdh : possession (of real property) — Aramaic (CAL)

אחידו ˀḥydw : holding; something that is held on to; official position — Aramaic (CAL)

ܐܚܘܕܐ ˀḥwdˀ : holder, one who holds or keeps; an attending officer, a lictor — Syriac (AAF)

ܐܚܝܕܐ ˀḥydˀ : a nobleman, a titled person, an officer, a prefect / a governor (?); a master, a lord, a tyrant; a renter / one who rents or lets in exchange for a rent, the landlord / the owner of a rented place; powerful, able ; — Syriac (AAF)

ܐܚܕ ˀḥd : to regulate, to govern, to direct according to rule, to keep tabs on / to supervise, to restrict by law; to occupy / to invade / to subjugate; to repress / to put down by force, to subdue, to conquer and bring into subjection, to vanquish, to overpower; to occupy with a rent / to lease / to rent — Syriac (AAF)

ܐܚܝܕܘܬܐ ˀḥydwtˀ : holding, keeping, taking the possession of, controling / control / being in control, sovereignty; position or responsibility of a principal, an office / the occupation of a position of power, administration / rule / ruling, being in charge / leadership; a reign, a government — Syriac (AAF)

Greek aidoioi for “nobles”

The main Greek pun is probably that of Ιουδαιοι Ioudaioi “Jews” with αιδοιοι aidoioi “nobles”. It seems to be used throughout the book War of the Jews, interchanged with synonyms such as “the powerful”, “high rank”, “oligarchs”. (For occurrences, see 1.31, 1.32, 1.37, 1.41, 1.45.)

“Nobles” isn’t the main meaning of the word, however. The basic word form is αιδως aidōs which has many meanings such as “shame” & “modesty”. αιδοια aidoia even means “private body parts”, derived from “shameful parts”. But the same word has also the sense of “reverence” & “honor”, and even “dignity” & “majesty”.

The meaning of being “noble” — in the moral sense, but also as a characteristic of aristocrats — is only given in Spanish and German dictionaries, but not in English ones. This may be because it has been censored, or also because that meaning is rare.

Nonetheless, the many places in War of the Jews where this word occurs only make sense if some synonym for “aristocrats” is meant — and here we have just such a meaning!

The spook aristocrats must also have liked it because αιδως aidōs means “modest” like an actual religious outcast, but also “noble” like an aristocrat. It describes both the spooks’ true nature and their disguise in one word. In that, it mimics Hebrew ידה ydh “praise” and the related word הוד hwd “majesty”. So the spooky joke works in 2 languages, all with related words.

This is also further evidence that the “Jewish” identity was likely made up in Greek & Roman times. This identity was needed only then, after global trade centers had shifted into Europe, to disguise all the Phoenician-looking aristocrats to their European subjects.

(This may also be the reason why the Hebrew word “Jew” or “Judah” in the Old Testament does not encrypt the meaning “nobles” or “rulers”. Rather, it’s a pun with “informant”.)

Greek aidoios, aidōs = shame, awe, honoured, dignity, majesty, noble, nobility

αἰδοῖος ; αἰδοῖοι aidoîos; aidoîoi : modest, bashful; honored, respected — Ancient Greek (Wikt)

αἰδώς ; αἰδοί aidṓs; aidoí : shame; respect, awe; reverence — Ancient Greek (Wikt)

αἰδοῖος aidoios : honored, respected; of those who by their relationship, position, or circumstances have a claim to deference or merciful treatment, as the gods, kings, suppliants, mendicants — Ancient Greek (

αἰδοῖος aidoios : worthy, noble — Ancient Greek (Düntzer)

αἰδώς aidōs : reverence, awe, respect; dignity, majesty, distinction; as a proper quality of kings and nobles — Ancient Greek (

αἰδώς aidōs : nobility — Ancient Greek (

Hebrew hwdyˁ for “informant”

Another central part of spookery is having countless moles & spies intermixed with the common population, and we have a pun to confirm this:

The word יהודה yhwdh Judah also puns with the term הודיע hwdyˁ hodia “informing”. It’s the causative Hiphi‘el form of ידע ydˁ yada “knowing” / “making known”. In Biblical Hebrew, you can also always attach a Y prefix for tense, so the term would be יהודע yhwdˁ yehoda (Daniel 2:25), very close to “Judah”.

This pun is not very evident, and I only found it through text analysis. In the religious scripture, there are various hints that “informant” may be another main pun for which the spooks misuse the word “Jew”:

It should go without saying that this spook pun does not apply to actual, regular Jews. Regular Jews are not spooks, or aristocrats, or informants. I don’t know what the connection is, but I’m sure the actual Jews don’t know about it either. I fear the spook rulers at some point started building up actual Jewish communities for their own nefarious purposes. They may have been misused for scapegoats, as camouflage for spook communities in their midst, and for recruitment of white-collar workers who could write documents in Hebrew and who were too separated from the majority population to snitch on their corrupt bosses. Immoral individuals from Jewish populations may also have been recruited as actual spooklings, but that applies to all populations.

Hebrew yhwdh = Judah; ydyˁh = information hwdyˁ = make known, inform

יהודה yhwdh : Judah; Yehudah; probably “praised,” a son of Jacob, also his descendants, the Southern kingdom — Old Hebrew (Strong)

הודיע hwdyˁ : make known, declare; announce, inform — Hebrew (Klein)

הודיע hwdyˁ : to make known, inform — Hebrew (Jastrow)

הודיע hwdyˁ hodía : to inform, to announce, to make known — Hebrew (Wikt)

ידיעה ydyˁh : knowledge; information, news — Hebrew (Klein)

ידיעה ydyˁh : knowledge; finding out, discovery, consciousness — Hebrew (Jastrow)

Note: The “informant” pun works mainly in Hebrew. The same root ydˁ in Arabic has slightly different meanings. One of the Arabic derivations is again “prayer”, but another one is ادعى ˀdˁˀ iddaˁa “pretending”.

Arabic, Persian dˁˀ = claim, pretend

اِدَّعَى ˀdˁˀ iddaˁā : to claim, to pretend, to allege, to maintain; to accuse; to prosecute — Arabic (Wikt)

ادعاء ˀdˁˀʰ iddiˁāˀ : claiming, demanding as a right; claim, pretension; arrogating — Persian (Steingass)

Hebrew yˁṭh for “veiling oneself”

The main idea of spookery is that ultra-powerful rulers and their agents do not reveal their true nature, but disguise themselves in a 1000 ways, very often as “Jews”.

The central trick is the disguising, and a very often-used synonym for that is veiling. If there’s a Semitic word for “veil”, then you can be sure that the spooks used it in one of their countless puns. For examples see Esther, Samson, Israel, Berg, Bar Mitzvah, donkey, wine.

Is there yet another Semitic word for “veil” which puns with “Jew”? Yes there is, but the homonymity is only mediocre. Still, I think it’s one of the minor side puns which the spooks have intended here. It’s עטה ˁṭh atah which means “veiling” & “wrapping oneself”. It also comes in the grammar forms יעט yˁṭ yaat (Isaiah 61:10), and יעטה yˁṭh yatah (Psalms 109:19), which are already closer to “Judah”. You could also combine the Y and H prefix to יהעטה yhˁṭh yehatah “will be veiled”, though that’s not in the Bible.

There is even a clue that this is one of the intended puns: In Genesis 38:14, the daughter-in-law of the patriarch Judah covers herself with a veil and wraps herself. All these words are synonyms of עטה ˁṭh. Biblical (and other) stories are usually created from such “storytelling puns”, where all story elements are puns with the central character’s name, obscured as synonyms in the text. עטה ˁṭh is likely one of Judah’s “storytelling puns”.

Hebrew yˁṭ, ˁṭh = veil, covering, wrapping oneself

עטה ˁṭh : to wrap oneself, enwrap, envelop oneself; wrap oneself; cover, veil, cloth, or roll — Old Hebrew (Strong)

העטה hˁṭh : wrapped, enveloped, covered — Hebrew (Klein)

יעט yˁṭ : cover — Old Hebrew (Strong)

עטיה ˁṭyh : wrapping, covering — Hebrew (Klein)

Hebrew hṭˁh for “deceiving” & “leading astray”

The root ṭˁh / ṭˁy / ṭˁˀ means “wandering” & “going astray”, and in the causative “leading astray” & “deceiving”. The aristocracy love this concept, it’s all they ever do for their subjects. If you add grammar vowels, some forms become similar to “Judah”.

Again, there is a clue in the Bible that this is one of Judah’s “storytelling puns”: One special meaning of עטה ˁṭh is “seducing” & “prostitute”, and the character Judah is indeed seduced by a prostitute in Genesis 38:15. All these are meanings of עטה ˁṭh. If they’re good as “storytelling puns”, then the meaning of “deceiving” may also one of the spooky Judah puns. The active & passive causative forms are hṭˁh / hwṭˁh, already similar to yhwdh “Judah”.

Note 1: There’s a possibly related word root tˁh / tˁˁ / tˁtˁ, which is less similar to yhwdh “Judah”, but is more spooky because it means “misdirection” & “mockery”.

Note 2: In the story, the prostitute is really Judah’s daughter-in-law, who has covered her face with a veil using the very similar pun with יעטה yˁṭh “veiling”, see above.

Hebrew, Aramaic ṭˁh, hṭˁh, hwṭˁh = lead astray, seduce, prostitute

טעי ṭˁy : to wander, be lost; to err, be mistaken; to forget; to lead astray, to deceive; to prostitute — Hebrew (Jastrow)

הוטעה ; הטעה ; טעה ṭˁh; hṭˁy; hwṭˁh : to err, be mistaken; to seek, to miss; forgotten; to lead astray, to deceive, disappoint; to be led astray, be deceived — Hebrew (Jastrow)

טעו ṭˁw : to go astray; to prostitute — Aramaic (CAL)

טעי ṭˁy : to wander, stray; to err; to be seduced by; to seduce; to deceive; to seduce sexually; to be led astray; to be corrupted; to be deceived; to be forgotten — Aramaic (CAL)

טעוה ṭˁwh : prostitute — Aramaic (CAL)

Punny symbols for the “leaders”

Bees as symbols for “leaders”

Many terms could theoretically be derived from the name Judah. Why would “leader” be the one that is secretly meant by the aristocrats? Because there is another prominent punny synonym for “leader” that we encounter everywhere: the bees! That’s why they style themselves with and as bees all the time. That is the pun:

bee = dbr = leader = hwdyyhwdy = Jew

For the many aristocratic pun-symbolisms derived from bees, please read the entries about bees and about Samson’s riddle.

The hand as a symbol for “leaders”

We remember that a common spelling variant for “praise” was ידה ydh. The official meaning of “praise”, and the secret meaning of “leader” may thus even be etymologically linked, through the common super-root יד yd meaning “hand”. This root has even more meanings related to power & finance such as “command”, “control”, “creditor”, “debt”, “possession”. Further proof is that the hand frequently pops up as a symbol.

🏷  Bible name Greek Semitic hidden ruler pun · name