Talmud: Shekalim
The Talmud chapter Shekalim officially deals with “shekels” being accepted by temples. But in Hebrew, šql “shekel” puns with skl “fool” & “idiot”. Decryption reveals that this chapter is really about how the ruling scum create isolated communities of especially brainwashed outcasts, like regular Jews or Mormons, to use them as a recruiting ground for agents & idiot assistants.
Truth-seekers have always been puzzled why many of the richest & most powerful people in history have openly or secretly identified as “Jews”, yet at the same time typically didn’t work towards ending discrimination against common Jews, but often even manufactured hatred towards them. Even if they see Jewish communities just as a tool to provide disguise & shelter, why draw attention to them?
One reason is likely that apart from scapegoating, minority communities are also used as a recruiting ground for secret agents, who’ll work for their perceived leaders against the majority populace. The rulers create hatred towards minorities, and at the same time create among the minorities a feeling of injustice. This causes many minority members to fear, distrust & hate the majority in turn. The rulers also brainwash the minority with an extra overdose of religion or ideology, and then insert themselves as leaders to herd them around at whim.
This setup enables the rulers to use the fear, hatred & secrecy inside the minority community to turn many of them into willing agents of various degrees: Minority members who are especially dependent & obedient towards their own perceived leaders, and secretive & resentful towards the majority populace, may work in administration & finance. And those who’ve become so hateful they’ll do even outright immoral & illegal things can work as secret agents, in government hoaxes and other deceptions. For Mormons, this scheme is even semi-official.
This is of course all in addition to recruiting from the majority population, where traitorous characters also exist in ample numbers.
And naturally, to keep up the artificial brainwashing & hatred, the minority community itself will also have to be infiltrated & deceived by agents. These traitors to all sides must have the lowest morals, and get the most delicate task: They have to deceive the minority so that those will deceive the majority.
Classic examples of this scheme are the Jews and Mormons, but it extends to pretty much all minority religions, ideologies & cargo-cults ever created by the spook overlords. Maybe even many majority ideologies started out like this. The Jews are a special case though, as they’re the oldest & most successful minority community. The overlords have intermingled & merged with actual Jews for so long that their bloodlines & insider-knowledge are now present there in all shades of spooky grey, up to full-fledged crypto-aristocracy. See Josephus for an in-depth description, also the Jew article and the disclaimer on Judaism.
The Shekalim tractate may or may not refer to Jews specifically, but overall it seems to be a pretty generic description, applicable to all artificially created & maintained minorities. These are the most important sections so far:
- The dedicated “fool” communities must be isolated by casting them out of mainstream society, estranging them through special customs, and keeping them in eternal discrimination. Special leaders are inserted to keep them in line. 🡻
- Agents & managers are then recruited from from those well-known “fools” who belong to the personal followers & sex partners of the crypto-aristocrats who nest inside these communities. 🡻
- The “fool” communities are also spied upon. The text is unclear if such spies on “fools” are drawn from the “fool” communities themselves. But the main requirements are that they mustn’t actually befriend the “fools”, and must never believe in the “fools’” religions & ideologies. 🡻
- The “fool” communities are made to be hated by the majority populace, but are also made to hate the majority back. “Fools” need to be hateful & weak, because happy & strong people do not make good agents. 🡻
- Apart from spying & management, a field that “fools” are often assigned to is financial usury. The common denominator is likely that all these institutions work against the common populace, so people who’ve been made to hate the majority are more likely to fit in. 🡻
How to read this
- In the interlinear word-by-word translation, each word is shown as a little block; each verse is a paragraph of little blocks.
- Use the Pun Config to choose your level: Minimal for secret meaning only, Beginner for secret & official English texts, Intermediate for word-by-word vocabulary, Expert for original text & glyphs.
- Possible pun-encrypted meaning is marked with light red.
- Official meaning is marked with light green.
- Pun vocabulary is in red, whenever the meaning differs. All vocabulary is linked to online dictionaries.
- Please read the introduction, the interchangeability rules, and judge yourself whether I got it right.
- Religious readers should proceed with care.
Creating a helper caste
To create a caste of assistant fools, isolate & oppress them, then appoint leaders.
Shekalim 1:1.a
Encrypted: To start a helper caste of outcasts, one must cause obedience on communites of confused fools, and on banned people.
Official: On the first of the month Adar, is proclaimed on the collection of shekels, and on the check for forbidden crossbreed seeds.
To start
ב־ b-: on; אחד ˀḥd: start out, begin at
באחד bˀḥd
ב־ b-: on; אחד ˀḥd: one, first
On the first
a [helper caste?] of outcasts,
ב־ b-: with; אדר ˀdr: cut off, isolate; עדר ˁdr: cast out, helper
באדר bˀdr
ב־ b-: in; אדר ˀdr: Adar
of the month Adar,
[one must cause] obedience
משמע mšmˁ: discipline, obedience
משמיעין mšmyˁyn
מ־ m-: of; שמע šmˁ: hear, announce, proclaim
is proclaimed
על ˁl: on, about, over
על ˁl
על ˁl: on, about, over
[communites?] of confused fools,
סכל skl: confused, stupid, fool
השקלים hšqlym
שקל šql: shekel, weight
[the collection] of shekels,
and on
על ˁl: on, about, over
ועל wˁl
על ˁl: on, about, over
and on
banned [people].
כלא klˀ: enclose, confinement, outlaw, place under a ban; ־ים -ym: (plural)
הכלאים hklˀym
כלא klˀ: crossbreed; ־ים -ym: (plural)
[the check for forbidden?] crossbreed [seeds].
Shekalim 1:1.c
Encrypted: With injustice creating oppressure in them, one causes banishment into wrapped-up communities, and arrange & establishes the leaders, and the great ones, and powerful ones of these people.
Official: On the fif- teenth of it, is recited the holy scroll in the walled cities, and are repaired the roads, and the streets, and the collection places of water.
With injustice
ב־ b-: with; חמס ḥms: violence, wrong, injustice
בחמשה bḥmšh
ב־ b-: on; חמש ḥmš: five
On the fif-
[creating] oppressure
עצר ˁṣr: afflict, press, oppress
עשר ˁšr
עשר ˁšr: ten
in [them],
בו bw: in it
בו bw
בו bw: in it
of it,
[one] causes
קרי qry: invoke, cause
קורין qwryn
קרי qry: call, read, recite
is recited
את ˀt: to
את ˀt
את ˀt: to
banishment [?]
מ־ m-: of; גלה glh: emigrate, go into exile, banish, pervert
המגלה hmglh
מגלה mglh: scroll
the [holy] scroll
into wrapped-up [communities?],
ב־ b-: in; כרך krk: surround, wrap up, encircle
בכרכין bkrkyn
ב־ b-: in; כרך krk: walled city
in the walled cities,
and arrange & establishes
מ־ m-: of; תקן tqn: establish, arrange, prepare
ומתקנין wmtqnyn
מ־ m-: of; תקן tqn: amend, repair
and are repaired
את ˀt: to
את ˀt
את ˀt: to
the leaders,
דרך drk: lead, guide, direct
הדרכים hdrkym
דרך drk: road, way
the roads,
את ˀt: to
ואת wˀt
את ˀt: to
the great [ones],
רהב rhb: pride, greatness, royalty
הרחובות hrḥwbwt
רחוב rḥwb: square, street, road
the streets,
את ˀt: to
ואת wˀt
את ˀt: to
powerful [ones]
כוח kwḥ: strength, power
מקואות mqwˀwt
קוה qwh: collect, gather
the collection [places]
of these people.
עמים ˁmym: people
המים hmym
מים mym: water
of water.
Shekalim 1:1.c
Encrypted: And one does all that is required there for the masters, and to distinguish the mighty. And one must go also to further confine them.
Official: And one does all that is required there for the public infrastructure, and the renewed marking of the graves. And officials go out also to check on forbidden crossbreed seeds.
And [one] does
עשה ˁšh: do, make, act
ועושין wˁwšyn
עשה ˁšh: do, make, act
And [one] does
כל kl: all
כל kl
כל kl: all
that is required [there]
צרך ṣrk: need, require
צרכי ṣrky
צרך ṣrk: need, require
that is required [there]
[for] the masters,
רב rb: lord, master, noble
הרבים hrbym
רב rb: large, community, public
[for] the public [infrastructure],
and to distinguish
מ־ m-: of; צין ṣyn: make prominent, adorn, distinguish
ומצינין wmṣynyn
מ־ m-: of; צין ṣyn: mark, make a mark
and the [renewed] marking
את ˀt: to
את ˀt
את ˀt: to
the mighty.
כבר kbr: great; כביר kbyr: mighty
הקברות hqbrwt
קבר qbr: bury, grave, tomb
of the graves.
And [one must] go
יצא yṣˀ: go out
ויוצאין wywṣˀyn
יצא yṣˀ: go out
And [officials] go out
אף ˀp: also, too
אף ˀp
אף ˀp: also, too
על ˁl: on, to
על ˁl
על ˁl: on, to
[further] confine [them].
כלא klˀ: enclose, confinement, outlaw; ־ים -ym: (plural)
הכלאים hklˀym
כלא klˀ: crossbreed; ־ים -ym: (plural)
[check on forbidden] crossbreed [seeds].
To isolate fools, uproot them, impose strange customs, declare them heretics.
Shekalim 1:2.a
Encrypted: Says lord Yehudah: In the beginning it is that one uproots these people and drives them away to convert them.
Official: Says rabbi Yehudah: In the beginning it is that they uproot the forbidden seeds and throw them before them the owners.
אמר ˀmr: say
אמר ˀmr
אמר ˀmr: say
רב rb: lord, master, noble
רבי rby
רבי rby: rabbi
יהודה yhwdh: Yehudah
יהודה yhwdh
יהודה yhwdh: Yehudah
In the beginning
ב־ b-: in; ראש rˀš: beginning
בראשונה brˀšwnh
ב־ b-: in; ראש rˀš: beginning
In the beginning
it is [that]
היה hyh: be
היו hyw
היה hyh: be
it is [that]
[one] uproots [these people?]
עקר ˁqr: root, uproot
עוקרין ˁwqryn
עקר ˁqr: root, uproot
they uproot [the forbidden seeds]
and drives them away
מ־ m-: of; שלך šlk: drive away
ומשליכין wmšlykyn
מ־ m-: of; שלך šlk: throw, cast
and throw them
to convert them [?].
ל־ l-: to; פני pny: corner, turn, convert; הם hm: them
לפניהם lpnyhm
ל־ l-: to; פני pny: face, before; הם hm: them
before them [the owners].
Shekalim 1:2.b
Encrypted: If there are still too many migrants emigrating away from that, it is that one uproots them further and throws them under special customs & manners, and then one declares that should become abandoned as heretics all of these outcasts in the end.
Official: If there are still too many transgressions having been transgressed, it is that they uproot the forbidden seeds and throw them on the road, and then they declare that should become ownerless all of the field in the end.
[If there are still too] many
מ־ m-: of; ש־ š-: make; רב rb: much, many
משרבו mšrbw
מ־ m-: of; ש־ š-: make; רב rb: much, many
[If there are still too] many
עבר ˁbr: cross over, emigrate, vanish
עוברי ˁwbry
עבר ˁbr: cross, transgress
emigrating [away from that],
עבר ˁbr: cross over, emigrate, vanish
עברה ˁbrh
עבר ˁbr: cross, transgress
having been transgressed,
it is [that]
היה hyh: be
היו hyw
היה hyh: be
it is [that]
[one] uproots [them further?]
עקר ˁqr: root, uproot
עוקרין ˁwqryn
עקר ˁqr: root, uproot
they uproot [the forbidden seeds]
and throws them
מ־ m-: of; שלך šlk: throw, cast
ומשליכין wmšlykyn
מ־ m-: of; שלך šlk: throw, cast
and throw them
על ˁl: on
על ˁl
על ˁl: on
[special] customs & manners,
דרך drk: lead, way, custom, manner
הדרכים hdrkym
דרך drk: road, path
the road,
[and then one] declares
תקן tqn: establish, ordain, declare
התקינו htqynw
תקן tqn: establish, ordain, declare
[and then they] declare
that [should] become
ש־ š-: that; היה hyh: be, become
שיהו šyhw
ש־ š-: that; היה hyh: be, become
that [should] become
abandoned as heretics
פקר pqr: abandoned, forfeit, heretical, insane
מפקירין mpqyryn
פקר pqr: free, ownerless
כל kl: all
כל kl
כל kl: all
of these outcasts
שדי šdy: remove, cast out, drive away, exile
השדה hšdh
שדי šdy: field
of the field
in the end.
כלה klh: end, completion
כלה klh
כלה klh: end, completion
in the end.
Keep the fools in endless strife & injustice, to get an endless supply of agents.
Shekalim 1:3.a
Encrypted: With this injustice of affliction on them, these banished people are remaining in constant strife. With this splitting off by injustice, they remain totally cut off. And from the time that they remain totally cut off, one can begin to recruit agents & managers from them.
Official: On the fif- teenth of it, the money-changers are sitting in the province. On the twenty- fifth they sit in the temple. And from the time that they sit in the temple, they begin to take pledged securities.
With this injustice
ב־ b-: with; חמס ḥms: violence, wrong, injustice
בחמשה bḥmšh
ב־ b-: on; חמש ḥmš: five
On the fif-
of affliction
עצר ˁṣr: afflict, press, oppress
עשר ˁšr
עשר ˁšr: ten
on [them],
בו bw: in it
בו bw
בו bw: in it
of it,
these banished [people]
שלוח šlwḥ: sending away, banishment, exile; ־ן -n: (suffix)
שלחנות šlḥnwt
שולחני šwlḥny: money-changer, banker
the money-changers
היה hyh: be
היו hyw
היה hyh: be
ישב yšb: dwell, remain
יושבין ywšbyn
ישב yšb: sit
in [constant] strife.
ב־ b-: in; מדין mdyn: strife, contention
במדינה bmdynh
ב־ b-: in; מדינה mdynh: province, country, district
in the province.
With this splitting off
ב־ b-: with; צרם ṣrm: split, cut-off branch
בעשרים bˁšrym
ב־ b-: on; עשרים ˁšrym: twenty
On the twenty-
[by] injustice,
חמס ḥms: violence, wrong, injustice
וחמשה wḥmšh
חמש ḥmš: five
[they] remain
ישב yšb: dwell, remain
ישבו yšbw
ישב yšb: sit
[they] sit
[totally] cut off.
ב־ b-: in; מ־ m-: of; קדש qdš: cut off, separated
במקדש bmqdš
ב־ b-: in; מקדש mqdš: temple
in the temple.
[And] from [the time] that they remain
מ־ m-: from; ש־ š-: that; ישב yšb: dwell, remain
משישבו mšyšbw
מ־ m-: from; ש־ š-: that; ישב yšb: sit
[And] from [the time] that they sit
[totally] cut off,
ב־ b-: in; מ־ m-: of; קדש qdš: cut off, separated
במקדש bmqdš
ב־ b-: in; מקדש mqdš: temple
in the temple,
[one can] begin
תחל tḥl: begin
התחילו htḥylw
תחל tḥl: begin
they begin
to [recruit] agents & managers [from them].
ל־ l-: to; מ־ m-: of; סכן skn: manage, governor
למשכן lmškn
ל־ l-: to; משכון mškwn: security, pledge, seized goods
to [take] pledged securities.
Suitability of fools
Recruit from among personal followers, not from the general fool populace.
Shekalim 1:3.b
Encrypted: Of whom does one recruit agents & managers? From personal followers and assistant workers, from converts and servants who are excempt from slave status, but not generally from the serfs, servants and the common populace.
Official: Of whom do they take pledged securities? From Levites and Israelites, from converts and slaves who were freed, but not from women, slaves and minors.
את ˀt: to
את ˀt
את ˀt: to
מי my: who, which
מי my
מי my: who, which
[does one recruit] agents & managers?
מ־ m-: of; סכן skn: manage, governor
ממשכנין mmšknyn
מ־ m-: of; משכון mškwn: security, pledge, seized goods
[do they take] pledged securities?
[From personal] followers
לוי lwy: follow, escort, retinue
לוים lwym
לוי lwy: Levite
[From] Levites
and assistant workers,
עזר ˁzr: assist, helpmate; אלי ˀly: labor
וישראלים wyšrˀlym
ישראל yšrˀl: Israel
and Israelites,
[from] converts
גר gr: newcomer, convert
גרים grym
גר gr: newcomer, convert
[from] converts
and servants
עבד ˁbd: servant, slave, worshipper
ועבדים wˁbdym
עבד ˁbd: servant, slave, worshipper
and slaves
[who] are excempt [from slave status?],
מ־ m-: of; שחרר šḥrr: exempt, disconnect
משחררים mšḥrrym
מ־ m-: of; שחרר šḥrr: liberate, free
[who] were freed,
אבל ˀbl: but
אבל ˀbl
אבל ˀbl: but
לא lˀ: not
לא lˀ
לא lˀ: not
[generally from] the serfs,
אנשה ˀnšh: people; נישא nyšˀ: slaves, serfs
נשים nšym
נשא nšˀ: woman
[from] women,
עבד ˁbd: servant, slave, worshipper
ועבדים wˁbdym
עבד ˁbd: servant, slave, worshipper
and the common populace.
קטון qṭwn: common populace, masses
וקטנים wqṭnym
קטן qṭn: young, small, minor
and minors.
Shekalim 1:3.b
Encrypted: Every populace where began the leaders to confuse them to be fools by these means, he must always repeat it and not stop.
Official: Every minor where began his father to pay shekels on his behalf, he must always repeat it and not stop.
כל kl: all
כל kl
כל kl: all
קטון qṭwn: common populace, masses
קטן qṭn
קטן qṭn: young, small, minor
where began
ש־ š-: that; תחל tḥl: begin
שהתחיל šhtḥyl
ש־ š-: that; תחל tḥl: begin
where began
the leaders
אב ˀb: chief, leader, of noble descent
אביו ˀbyw
אב ˀb: father
his father
to confuse [them to be] fools
ל־ l-: to; סכל skl: confused, stupid, fool
לשקול lšqwl
ל־ l-: to; שקל šql: weigh, take, give, pay taxes
to pay shekels
by these means,
על יד ˁl yd: by means of
על ידו ˁl ydw
על יד ˁl yd: for the sake of
on his behalf,
he [must always] repeat [it]
שוב šwb: again, do again, repeat
שוב šwb
שוב šwb: again, do again, repeat
he [must always] repeat [it]
[and] not
אין ˀyn: no, not
אינו ˀynw
אין ˀyn: no, not
[and] not
פסק psq: stop, cease
פוסק pwsq
פסק psq: stop, cease
Never recruit believing priests as agents, only the disbelieving priests.
Shekalim 1:3.c
Encrypted: And not does one recruit agents from actually believing priests, because their ways are so peaceful.
Official: And not do they take pledged securities from priests, because their ways are so peaceful.
And not
אין ˀyn: no, not
ואין wˀyn
אין ˀyn: no, not
And not
[does one recruit] agents
מ־ m-: of; משכון mškwn: security, pledge, seized goods
ממשכנין mmšknyn
מ־ m-: of; משכון mškwn: security, pledge, seized goods
[do they take] pledged securities
את ˀt: to
את ˀt
את ˀt: to
[actually believing] priests,
כהן khn: priest
הכהנים hkhnym
כהן khn: priest
מפני mpny: because
מפני mpny
מפני mpny: because
[their] ways
דרך drk: way, manner
דרכי drky
דרך drk: way, manner
[their] ways
are so peaceful.
שלום šlwm: peace
שלום šlwm
שלום šlwm: peace
are so peaceful.
Shekalim 1:4.a
Encrypted: Says rabbi Yehudah: Has testified Ben Bukhri in Yavneh: Any actually believing priest who is really a confused fool can not be tempted.
Official: Says rabbi Yehudah: Has testified Ben Bukhri in Yavneh: Any priest who gives a shekel is not guilty.
אמר ˀmr: say
אמר ˀmr
אמר ˀmr: say
רב rb: lord, master, noble
רבי rby
רבי rby: rabbi
יהודה yhwdh: Yehudah
יהודה yhwdh
יהודה yhwdh: Yehudah
Has testified
העדה hˁdh: testimony
העיד hˁyd
העדה hˁdh: testimony
Has testified
בן bn: son
בן bn
בן bn: son
בוכרי bwkry: eldest, first
בוכרי bwkry
בוכרי bwkry: eldest, first
in Yavneh:
ב־ b-: in; יבנה ybnh: Yavneh
ביבנה bybnh
ב־ b-: in; יבנה ybnh: Yavneh
in Yavneh:
כל kl: all, any
כל kl
כל kl: all, any
[actually believing] priest
כהן khn: priest
כהן khn
כהן khn: priest
who [is really] a confused fool
ש־ š-: who; סכל skl: confused, stupid, fool
ששוקל ššwql
ש־ š-: who; שקל šql: weigh, take, give, pay taxes
who gives [a shekel]
[can] not
אין ˀyn: no, not
אינו ˀynw
אין ˀyn: no, not
[is] not
be tempted.
חטא ḥṭˀ: cause to sin, be tempted
חוטא ḥwṭˀ
חטא ḥṭˀ: sin, guilt
Shekalim 1:4.b
Encrypted: Then said to him lord Yohanan ben Zakkai: It is not a problem like this. Rather, any not actually believing priest who is not a confused fool can be tempted, and it is rather that those priests interpret the verse here this to their own strength: (Leviticus 6:16 or 6:23) “And all appointed deputies of the non-believing priest, entirely believable shall they be, not shall to them anything be revealed.”
Official: Then said to him lord Yohanan ben Zakkai: It is not a problem like this. Rather, any priest who does not give a shekel is guilty, and it is rather that those priests interpret the verse here this to their own strength: (Leviticus 6:16 or 6:23) “And all meal offerings for the priest entirely burned shall they be, not shall they be eaten.”
[Then] said
אמר ˀmr: say
אמר ˀmr
אמר ˀmr: say
[Then] said
to him
לו lw: to him
לו lw
לו lw: to him
to him
רבן rbn: lord
רבן rbn
רבן rbn: rabban
Yohanan ben Zakkai:
יוחנן בן זכאי ywḥnn bn zkˀy: Yohanan ben Zakkai
יוחנן בן זכאי ywḥnn bn zkˀy
יוחנן בן זכאי ywḥnn bn zkˀy: Yohanan ben Zakkai
Yohanan ben Zakkai:
[It is] not
לא lˀ: not
לא lˀ
לא lˀ: not
[It is] not
[a problem] like [this].
כי ky: like
כי ky
כי ky: like
[a problem] like [this].
אלא ˀlˀ: but rather
אלא ˀlˀ
אלא ˀlˀ: but rather
כל kl: all, any
כל kl
כל kl: all, any
[not actually believing] priest
כהן khn: priest
כהן khn
כהן khn: priest
who [is] not
ש־ š-: who; אין ˀyn: no, not
שאינו šˀynw
ש־ š-: who; אין ˀyn: no, not
who [does] not
a confused fool
סכל skl: confused, stupid, fool
שוקל šwql
שקל šql: weigh, take, give, pay taxes
give [a shekel]
[can] be tempted,
חטא ḥṭˀ: cause to sin, be tempted
חוטא ḥwṭˀ
חטא ḥṭˀ: sin, guilt
is guilty,
and [it is] rather
אלא ˀlˀ: if not, except, only
אלא ˀlˀ
אלא ˀlˀ: if not, except, only
and [it is] rather
that those priests
ש־ š-: that; כהן khn: priest
שהכהנים šhkhnym
ש־ š-: that; כהן khn: priest
that those priests
דרש drš: interpret, expound
דורשים dwršym
דרש drš: interpret, expound
the verse [here]
מקרא mqrˀ: verse, text
מקרא mqrˀ
מקרא mqrˀ: verse, text
the verse [here]
זה zh: this
זה zh
זה zh: this
to [their own] strength:
ל־ l-: to; עצם ˁṣm: strength
לעצמן lˁṣmn
ל־ l-: to; עצם ˁṣm: strength
to [their own] strength:
ויקרא wyqrˀ: Leviticus
(ויקרא wyqrˀ
ויקרא wyqrˀ: Leviticus
6:16 [or 6:23])
ו w: 6
ו) w
ו w: 6
6:16 [or 6:23])
“And all
כל kl: all
וכל wkl
כל kl: all
“And all
appointed deputies
ממונה mmwnh: appointed, deputy
מנחת mnḥt
מנחה mnḥh: meal offering
meal offerings
of the [non-believing?] priest,
כהן khn: priest
כהן khn
כהן khn: priest
for the priest
entirely [believable?]
כליל klyl: entire, whole
כליל klyl
כליל klyl: entire, whole
entirely [burned]
shall [they] be,
ת־ t-: will; היה hyh: be
תהיה thyh
ת־ t-: will; היה hyh: be
shall [they] be,
לא lˀ: not
לא lˀ
לא lˀ: not
shall [to them anything] be revealed.”
ת־ t-: will; גלא glˀ: uncover, revealed
תאכל tˀkl
ת־ t-: will; אכל ˀkl: eat, consume
shall [they] be eaten.”
Shekalim 1:4.c
Encrypted: Those priests say: Because the chastising, and the mockery of religious threats, and the threat of appearance belong to us, how would we reveal anything to them?
Official: Those priests say: Because the sheaf-offering, and the two pieces of bread, and the bread of appearance belong to us, how could it be eaten?
[Those priests say:] Because
הואיל hwˀyl: because, since
הואיל hwˀyl
הואיל hwˀyl: because, since
[Those priests say:] Because
the chastising,
עמר ˁmr: bind sheaves, chastise, treat cruelly
ועמר wˁmr
עמר ˁmr: sheaf, sheaf-offering
the sheaf-offering,
and the mockery
שטוי šṭwy: mocking, derision
ושתי wšty
שתי šty: two
and the two
of [religious] threats,
לחם lḥm: menace, threaten
הלחם hlḥm
לחם lḥm: bread
[pieces of] bread,
and the threat
לחם lḥm: menace, threaten
ולחם wlḥm
לחם lḥm: bread
and the bread
of appearance
פנים pnym: front, surface, appearance
הפנים hpnym
פנים pnym: front, surface, appearance
of appearance
belong to us,
של šl: of, belonging to; ־נו -nw: our
שלנו šlnw
של šl: of, belonging to; ־נו -nw: our
belong to us,
היאך hyˀk: how
היאך hyˀk
היאך hyˀk: how
[would we] reveal [anything to them]?
נ־ n-: make; גלא glˀ: uncover, revealed
נאכלים nˀklym
נ־ n-: make; אכל ˀkl: eat, consume
[could it] be eaten?
Unlike regular commoners, suitable & willing fools make good agents.
Shekalim 1:5.a
Encrypted: Although it is said that no agents & managers are recruited from the serfs, servants and the common populace, when one of the confused fools is nominated to join then he is accepted immediately. But if he is completely unknown or just in superficial likeness of those people, it is that such confused fools are not accepted immediately.
Official: Although it is said that no securities are allowed from women, slaves and minors, when a shekel is offered then it is accepted immediately. But for non-Jewish strangers and Samaritans it is that shekels are not accepted immediately.
אף על פי ˀp ˁl py: although
אף על פי ˀp ˁl py
אף על פי ˀp ˁl py: although
[it] is said
ש־ š-: that; אמר ˀmr: say
שאמרו šˀmrw
ש־ š-: that; אמר ˀmr: say
[it] is said
[that] no
אין ˀyn: no, not
אין ˀyn
אין ˀyn: no, not
[that] no
agents & managers [are recruited]
מ־ m-: of; סכן skn: manage, governor
ממשכנין mmšknyn
משכון mškwn: security, pledge, seized goods
securities [are allowed]
[from] the serfs,
אנשה ˀnšh: people; נישא nyšˀ: slaves, serfs
נשים nšym
נשא nšˀ: woman
[from] women,
עבד ˁbd: servant, slave, worshipper
ועבדים wˁbdym
עבד ˁbd: servant, slave, worshipper
and the common populace,
קטון qṭwn: common populace, masses
וקטנים wqṭnym
קטן qṭn: young, small, minor
and minors,
אם ˀm: if, when
אם ˀm
אם ˀm: if, when
[one of] the confused fools [is nominated to join]
סכל skl: confused, stupid, fool
שקלו šqlw
שקל šql: shekel, weight
a shekel [is offered]
[then he] is accepted
מ־ m-: of; קבל qbl: receive, accept
מקבלין mqblyn
מ־ m-: of; קבל qbl: receive, accept
[then it] is accepted
מיד myd: immediately, at once
מידן mydn
מיד myd: immediately, at once
[But if he is completely] unknown
נכר nkr: unknown, strange
הנכרי hnkry
נכר nkr: unknown, strange
[But for non-Jewish] strangers
or [just in superficial] likeness [of those people],
כות kwt: like, likeness
והכותי whkwty
כותי kwty: Cuthean, Samaritan
and Samaritans
[it is] that [such] confused fools
ש־ š-: that; סכל skl: confused, stupid, fool
ששקלו ššqlw
ש־ š-: that; שקל šql: shekel, weight
[it is] that shekels
[are] not
אין ˀyn: no, not
אין ˀyn
אין ˀyn: no, not
[are] not
מ־ m-: of; קבל qbl: receive, accept
מקבלין mqblyn
מ־ m-: of; קבל qbl: receive, accept
מיד myd: immediately, at once
מידן mydn
מיד myd: immediately, at once
Shekalim 1:5.b
Encrypted: And not can one accept immediately to bring the truth to one who is gushing forth secrets, or bring the truth to a woman who is gushing forth secrets, or bring the truth to a childish one, or an easily tempted one, or a neglectful one. But when they make a credible vow or are very willing, it is accepted immediately.
Official: And not do they accept immediately a bird-offering of one with gonorrhea, or a bird-offering of a woman with gonorrhea, or a bird-offering to a woman after childbirth, or a sin-offering, or a guilt-offering. But when they make a pledge or a free-will offering, it is accepted immediately.
And not
אין ˀyn: no, not
ואין wˀyn
אין ˀyn: no, not
And not
[can one] accept
מ־ m-: of; קבל qbl: receive, accept
מקבלין mqblyn
מ־ m-: of; קבל qbl: receive, accept
[do they] accept
מיד myd: immediately, at once
מידן mydn
מיד myd: immediately, at once
to [bring] the truth
כן kn: honest, true, truthful
קני qny
קן qn: nest, birds in a nest, bird offering
a bird-offering
[to one who] is gushing forth [secrets],
זוב zwb: pierce, flow, gush
זבין zbyn
זוב zwb: flux, gonorrhea, hemorrhage
of [one with] gonorrhea,
or [bring] the truth
כן kn: honest, true, truthful
וקני wqny
קן qn: nest, birds in a nest, bird offering
or a bird-offering
[to a woman who] is gushing forth [secrets],
זוב zwb: pierce, flow, gush
זבות zbwt
זוב zwb: flux, gonorrhea, hemorrhage
of [a woman with] gonorrhea,
or [bring] the truth
כן kn: honest, true, truthful
וקני wqny
קן qn: nest, birds in a nest, bird offering
or a bird-offering
to a childish [one],
ילדות yldwt: childish behavior, childishness, waywardness
יולדות ywldwt
ילדתא yldtˀ: woman in childbirth
to a woman [after] childbirth,
or an [easily] tempted [one],
חטי ḥṭy: sin, be tempted; חוט ḥwṭ: wantonness
וחטאות wḥṭˀwt
חטי ḥṭy: sin, sin offering
or a sin-offering,
or a neglectful [one].
אשם ˀšm: waste, neglect
ואשמות wˀšmwt
אשם ˀšm: guilt, guilt-offering
or a guilt-offering.
But [when]
אבל ˀbl: but
(אבל) ˀbl
אבל ˀbl: but
But [when]
[they make a credible] vow
נדר ndr: vow, oath, pledge
נדרים ndrym
נדר ndr: vow, oath, pledge
[they make a] pledge
or are [very] willing,
נדב ndb: offer freely, willing, volunteer
ונדבות wndbwt
נדבה ndbh: free-will offering
or a free-will offering,
[it] is accepted
מ־ m-: of; קבל qbl: receive, accept
מקבלין mqblyn
מ־ m-: of; קבל qbl: receive, accept
[it] is accepted
מיד myd: immediately, at once
מידן mydn
מיד myd: immediately, at once
Shekalim 1:5.c
Encrypted: This is the general rule: All who make a credible vow or are very willing, they are accepted immediately. All who not make a credible vow or are very willing, they are not accepted immediately.
Official: This is the general rule: All who make a pledge or a free-will offering, they are accepted immediately. All who not make a pledge or a free-will offering, they are not accepted immediately.
This [is]
זה zh: this
זה zh
זה zh: this
This [is]
the general rule:
כלל kll: general rule
הכלל hkll
כלל kll: general rule
the general rule:
כל kl: all
כל kl
כל kl: all
who [make a credible] vow
ש־ š-: who; נדר ndr: vow, oath, pledge
שנדר šndr
ש־ š-: who; נדר ndr: vow, oath, pledge
who [make a] pledge
or are [very] willing,
נדב ndb: offer freely, willing, volunteer
ונדב wndb
נדבה ndbh: free-will offering
or a free-will offering,
[they] are accepted
מ־ m-: of; קבל qbl: receive, accept
מקבלין mqblyn
מ־ m-: of; קבל qbl: receive, accept
[they] are accepted
מיד myd: immediately, at once
מידן mydn
מיד myd: immediately, at once
כל kl: all
כל kl
כל kl: all
who not
ש־ š-: who; אין ˀyn: no, not
שאין šˀyn
ש־ š-: who; אין ˀyn: no, not
who not
[make a credible] vow
נדר ndr: vow, oath, pledge
נדר ndr
נדר ndr: vow, oath, pledge
[make a] pledge
or are [very] willing,
נדב ndb: offer freely, willing, volunteer
ונדב wndb
נדבה ndbh: free-will offering
or a free-will offering,
[they are] not
אין ˀyn: no, not
אין ˀyn
אין ˀyn: no, not
[they are] not
מ־ m-: of; קבל qbl: receive, accept
מקבלין mqblyn
מ־ m-: of; קבל qbl: receive, accept
מיד myd: immediately, at once
מידן mydn
מיד myd: immediately, at once
Shekalim 1:5.d
Encrypted: And thus it can also be clarified through an Ezra verse in which it is said: (Ezra 4:3) “There is nothing between you and us to build a cover for our hiding.”
Official: And thus it can also be clarified through an Ezra verse in which it is said: (Ezra 4:3) “There is nothing between you and us to build a house for our God.”
And thus
כן kn: so, thus
וכן wkn
כן kn: so, thus
And thus
הוא hwˀ: he, it
הוא hwˀ
הוא hwˀ: he, it
[can also] be clarified
מ־ m-: of; פרש prš: specify, clarify
מפרש mprš
מ־ m-: of; פרש prš: specify, clarify
[can also] be clarified
על ידי ˁl ydy: through, by means of
על ידי ˁl ydy
על ידי ˁl ydy: through, by means of
an Ezra [verse]
עזרא ˁzrˀ: Ezra
עזרא ˁzrˀ
עזרא ˁzrˀ: Ezra
an Ezra [verse]
[in] which it is said:
ש־ š-: which; נ־ n-: is; אמר ˀmr: say
שנאמר šnˀmr
ש־ š-: which; נ־ n-: is; אמר ˀmr: say
[in] which it is said:
עזרא ˁzrˀ: Ezra
(עזרא ˁzrˀ
עזרא ˁzrˀ: Ezra
ד d: 4
ד) d
ד d: 4
“[There is] nothing
לא lˀ: not, nothing
לא lˀ
לא lˀ: not, nothing
“[There is] nothing
[between] you
ל־ l-: to; ־כם -km: you
לכם lkm
ל־ l-: to; ־כם -km: you
[between] you
[and] us
ל־ l-: to; ־נו -nw: our
ולנו wlnw
ל־ l-: to; ־נו -nw: our
[and] us
to build
ל־ l-: to; בנה bnh: build
לבנות lbnwt
ל־ l-: to; בנה bnh: build
to build
a cover
בית byt: cover, covering
בית byt
בית byt: house
a house
for our hiding.”
ל־ l-: for; עלום ˁlwm: hiding, hidden, secret
לאלהינו lˀlhynw
ל־ l-: for; אלהים ˀlhym: God, gods
for our God.”
Servant & follower fools may be recruited, but no believing priests.
Shekalim 1:6.a
Encrypted: And these are those which are deserving of deceitful work: Personal followers and assistant workers, converts and servants who are excempt from slave status, but not actually believing priests, the serfs, servants and the common populace.
Official: And these are those which are obligated for an extra surcharge: Levites and Israelites, converts and slaves who were freed, but not priests, women, slaves and minors.
And these
אלו ˀlw: these
ואלו wˀlw
אלו ˀlw: these
And these
[are those] which are deserving of
ש־ š-: which; חיב ḥyb: deserving of
שחיבין šḥybyn
ש־ š-: which; חיב ḥyb: bound, obliged
[are those] which are obligated
deceitful [work]:
ב־ b-: for; כ־ k-: as; לבנא lbnˀ: deceitful, dishonest; קלב qlb: fake, mock
בקלבון bqlbwn
ב־ b-: for; קלבון qlbwn: kollybon, surcharge
for an [extra] surcharge:
[Personal] followers
לוי lwy: follow, escort, retinue
לוים lwym
לוי lwy: Levite
and assistant workers,
עזר ˁzr: assist, helpmate; אלי ˀly: labor
וישראלים wyšrˀlym
ישראל yšrˀl: Israel
and Israelites,
גר gr: newcomer, convert
וגרים wgrym
גר gr: newcomer, convert
and servants
עבד ˁbd: servant, slave, worshipper
ועבדים wˁbdym
עבד ˁbd: servant, slave, worshipper
and slaves
[who] are excempt [from slave status?],
מ־ m-: of; שחרר šḥrr: exempt, disconnect
משחררים mšḥrrym
מ־ m-: of; שחרר šḥrr: liberate, free
[who] were freed,
אבל ˀbl: but
אבל ˀbl
אבל ˀbl: but
לא lˀ: not
לא lˀ
לא lˀ: not
[actually believing] priests,
כהן khn: priest
כהנים khnym
כהן khn: priest
the serfs,
אנשה ˀnšh: people; נישא nyšˀ: slaves, serfs
ונשים wnšym
נשא nšˀ: woman
עבד ˁbd: servant, slave, worshipper
ועבדים wˁbdym
עבד ˁbd: servant, slave, worshipper
and the common populace.
קטון qṭwn: common populace, masses
וקטנים wqṭnym
קטן qṭn: young, small, minor
and minors.
Shekalim 1:6.b
Encrypted: And if one nominates a confused fool, and it is on behalf of an actually believing priest, on behalf of a serf, on behalf of a servant, on behalf of one of the common populace, then that person is still excempted from such work.
Official: But one who still gives a shekel on behalf of a priest, on behalf of a woman, on behalf of a slave, on behalf of a minor, is excempt from the surcharge.
[And if one nominates] a confused fool,
סכל skl: confused, stupid, fool
השוקל hšwql
שקל šql: weigh, take, give, pay taxes
[But one who still] gives [a shekel]
[and it is] on behalf of
על יד ˁl yd: for the sake of
על ידי ˁl ydy
על יד ˁl yd: for the sake of
on behalf of
an [actually believing] priest,
כהן khn: priest
כהן khn
כהן khn: priest
a priest,
on behalf of
על יד ˁl yd: for the sake of
על ידי ˁl ydy
על יד ˁl yd: for the sake of
on behalf of
a serf,
אנשה ˀnšh: people; נישא nyšˀ: slaves, serfs
אשה ˀšh
אשה ˀšh: woman
a woman,
on behalf of
על יד ˁl yd: for the sake of
על ידי ˁl ydy
על יד ˁl yd: for the sake of
on behalf of
a servant,
עבד ˁbd: servant, slave, worshipper
עבד ˁbd
עבד ˁbd: servant, slave, worshipper
a slave,
on behalf of
על יד ˁl yd: for the sake of
על ידי ˁl ydy
על יד ˁl yd: for the sake of
on behalf of
[one of] the common populace,
קטון qṭwn: common populace, masses
קטן qṭn
קטן qṭn: young, small, minor
a minor,
[then that person is still] excempted [from such work].
פטר pṭr: dismiss, remove
פטור pṭwr
פטר pṭr: exempt, free
is excempt [from the surcharge].
Shekalim 1:6.c
Encrypted: But if one nominates such a confused fool, and vouches both on behalf of himself and on behalf of a friend, then that person is deserving of deceitful work that is secret.
Official: And if someone gives a shekel on behalf of himself and one on behalf of a friend, then that person is obligated for an extra surcharge one.
But if
אם ˀm: if, when
ואם wˀm
אם ˀm: if, when
And if
[one nominates such?] a confused fool,
סכל skl: confused, stupid, fool
שקל šql
שקל šql: shekel, weight
[someone gives] a shekel
[and vouches both?] on behalf of [himself]
על יד ˁl yd: for the sake of
על ידו ˁl ydw
על יד ˁl yd: for the sake of
on behalf of [himself]
and on behalf of
על יד ˁl yd: for the sake of
ועל יד wˁl yd
על יד ˁl yd: for the sake of
and [one] on behalf of
a friend,
חבר ḥbr: friend, partner, associate
חברו ḥbrw
חבר ḥbr: friend, partner, associate
a friend,
[then that person] is deserving of
חיב ḥyb: deserving of
חיב ḥyb
חיב ḥyb: bound, obliged
[then that person] is obligated
deceitful [work]
ב־ b-: for; כ־ k-: as; לבנא lbnˀ: deceitful, dishonest; קלב qlb: fake, mock
בקלבון bqlbwn
ב־ b-: for; קלבון qlbwn: kollybon, surcharge
for an [extra] surcharge
that is secret [?].
אחידה ˀḥydh: secret
אחד ˀḥd
אחד ˀḥd: one
Shekalim 1:6.d
Encrypted: Lord Meir says: Only additionally disguised deceitful work. If someone is appointed as being secure to trust and takes a confused fool with him, then they are deserving both of deceitful work.
Official: Rabbi Meir says: Both must be accepted. If someone gives a sela coin and receives a shekel, then they are obligated both for a surcharge.
רב rb: lord, master, noble
רבי rby
רבי rby: rabbi
מאיר mˀyr: Meir
מאיר mˀyr
מאיר mˀyr: Meir
אמר ˀmr: say
אומר ˀwmr
אמר ˀmr: say
[Only additionally?] disguised [?]
שני šny: change, disguise
שני šny
שני šny: two, both
deceitful [work].
כ־ k-: as; לבנא lbnˀ: deceitful, dishonest; קלב qlb: fake, mock
קלבונות qlbwnwt
קלבון qlbwn: kollybon, surcharge
[must] be accepted.
[If someone] is appointed
נתן ntn: appoint, be intended
הנותן hnwtn
נתן ntn: give
[If someone] gives
as being secure [to trust]
שליא šlyˀ: securely; שלא šlˀ: unconcerned
סלע slˁ
סלע slˁ: sela, coin
a sela coin
and takes
נטל nṭl: receive, take
ונוטל wnwṭl
נטל nṭl: receive, take
and receives
a confused fool [with him],
סכל skl: confused, stupid, fool
שקל šql
שקל šql: shekel, weight
a shekel,
[then they] are deserving
חיב ḥyb: bound, obliged
חיב ḥyb
חיב ḥyb: bound, obliged
[then they] are obligated
שני šny: two, both
שני šny
שני šny: two, both
of deceitful [work].
כ־ k-: as; לבנא lbnˀ: deceitful, dishonest; קלב qlb: fake, mock
קלבונות qlbwnwt
קלבון qlbwn: kollybon, surcharge
[for] a surcharge.
Personal retinue, gay sex partners & habitual liars are the best recruits.
Shekalim 1:7.a
Encrypted: If one nominates a confused fool just like that for the sake of using him for hoaxes, or for the sake of confusion, or for the sake of making him a person that is an informer, then he is exempted from such work. But if they are personal retinue, then they are deserving of such work.
Official: If one gives a shekel on behalf of a poor person, or on behalf of a neighbor, or on behalf of a person of the city, then he is exempt from guilt. But if it is borrowed to them, then they are obligated to pay it.
[If one nominates] a confused fool [just like that]
סכל skl: confused, stupid, fool
השוקל hšwql
שקל šql: weigh, take, give, pay taxes
[If one] gives [a shekel]
for the sake of [using him for]
על יד ˁl yd: for the sake of
על ידי ˁl ydy
על יד ˁl yd: for the sake of
on behalf of
אונאה ˀwnˀh: deception, deceit, fraud, hoax
עני ˁny
עני ˁny: humble, poor, poor person
a poor person,
or for the sake of
על יד ˁl yd: for the sake of
ועל ידי wˁl ydy
על יד ˁl yd: for the sake of
or on behalf of
סכן skn: mislead, become confused, bring into trouble
שכנו šknw
שכן škn: inhabitant, neighbor
a neighbor,
or for the sake of [making him]
על יד ˁl yd: for the sake of
ועל ידי wˁl ydy
על יד ˁl yd: for the sake of
or on behalf of
a person
בן bn: son, man
בן bn
בן bn: son, man
a person
[that is] an informer,
עיר ˁyr: watch, guardian, inform
עירו ˁyrw
עיר ˁyr: city
of the city,
[then he] is exempted [from such work].
פטר pṭr: dismiss, remove
פטור pṭwr
פטר pṭr: exempt, free
[then he] is exempt [from guilt].
But if
אם ˀm: if, when
ואם wˀm
אם ˀm: if, when
But if
they are [personal] retinue,
לוי lwy: follow, escort, retinue; ־ם -m: their
הלום hlwm
לוי lwy: borrow; ־ם -m: them
[it] is borrowed to them,
[then they] are deserving of [such work].
חיב ḥyb: deserving of
חיב ḥyb
חיב ḥyb: bound, obliged
[then they] are obligated [to pay it].
Shekalim 1:7.b
Encrypted: Brotherly lovers who are sexual partners of an insider are also deserving of of deceitful work. but they are exempt from being informers on the human cattle. And whereas they would be deserving of being informers on the human cattle, they would be exempt from other deceitful work.
Official: Brothers who are partners are also obligated for a surcharge, but they are exempt from the tithe of cattle. And whereas they would be obligated with the tithe of cattle, they would be exempt from the surcharge.
Brotherly lovers
אחוה ˀḥwh: brotherly love; ־ין -yn: (plural)
האחין hˀḥyn
אח ˀḥ: brother; ־ין -yn: (plural)
who are sexual partners [of an insider]
שותף šwtp: have intercourse with, partner
והשתפין whštpyn
שתף štp: join, associate, partner
who are partners
are [also] deserving of
ש־ š-: that; חיב ḥyb: bound, obliged
שחיבין šḥybyn
ש־ š-: that; חיב ḥyb: bound, obliged
are [also] obligated
of deceitful [work].
כ־ k-: as; לבנא lbnˀ: deceitful, dishonest; קלב qlb: fake, mock
בקלבון bqlbwn
ב־ b-: for; קלבון qlbwn: kollybon, surcharge
[for] a surcharge,
[but] they are exempt
פטר pṭr: dismiss, remove
פטורין pṭwryn
פטר pṭr: exempt, free
[but] they are exempt
from [being] informers
מ־ m-: from; מסור mswr: informer, traitor
ממעשר mmˁšr
מ־ m-: from; מעשר mˁšr: tithe
from the tithe
[on the human] cattle.
בהמה bhmh: beast, cattle
בהמה bhmh
בהמה bhmh: beast, cattle
of cattle.
And whereas [they would] be deserving of
כ־ k-: as, whereas; ש־ š-: make; חיב ḥyb: deserving of
וכשחיבין wkšḥybyn
כ־ k-: as, whereas; ש־ š-: make; חיב ḥyb: bound, obliged
And whereas [they would] be obligated
[being] informers
ב־ b-: in, as; מסור mswr: informer, traitor
במעשר bmˁšr
ב־ b-: with; מעשר mˁšr: tithe
with the tithe
[on the human] cattle,
בהמה bhmh: beast, cattle
בהמה bhmh
בהמה bhmh: beast, cattle
of cattle,
[they would] be exempt
פטר pṭr: dismiss, remove
פטורין pṭwryn
פטר pṭr: exempt, free
[they would] be exempt
מן mn: of, from
מן mn
מן mn: of, from
[other] deceitful [work].
כ־ k-: as; לבנא lbnˀ: deceitful, dishonest; קלב qlb: fake, mock
הקלבון hqlbwn
קלבון qlbwn: kollybon, surcharge
the surcharge.
Shekalim 1:7.c
Encrypted: So when is someone deserving of deceitful work? Anyone who is a distorted liar. These are the words of rabbi Meir. But the advisors say: That’s sufficient only half of the time.
Official: So how much is it, the surcharge? A mah weight of silver. These are the words of rabbi Meir. But the advisors say: Only half of it.
So when
כמה kmh: when
וכמה wkmh
כמה kmh: how, how much
So how much
[is] someone
הוא hwˀ: he, it
הוא hwˀ
הוא hwˀ: he, it
[is] it,
[deserving of] deceitful [work]?
כ־ k-: as; לבנא lbnˀ: deceitful, dishonest; קלב qlb: fake, mock
קלבון qlbwn
קלבון qlbwn: kollybon, surcharge
the surcharge?
[Anyone who is] a distorted
מעוה mˁwh: distortion
מעה mˁh
מעה mˁh: mah, weight, money
A mah weight
כזב kzb: lie, liar, falsehood, deception
כסף ksp
כסף ksp: silver, money
of silver.
[These are] the words
דבר dbr: word, speech
דברי dbry
דבר dbr: word, speech
[These are] the words
of rabbi
רב rb: lord, master, noble
רבי rby
רבי rby: rabbi
of rabbi
מאיר mˀyr: Meir
מאיר mˀyr
מאיר mˀyr: Meir
But the advisors
חכם ḥkm: wise, advisor
וחכמים wḥkmym
חכם ḥkm: wise, advisor
But the advisors
אמר ˀmr: say
אומרים ˀwmrym
אמר ˀmr: say
[That’s sufficient only] half [of the time].
חצי ḥṣy: half
חצי ḥṣy
חצי ḥṣy: half
[Only] half [of it].
Agents spying on fools
Agents spying on the fool communities must be specially qualified.
Shekalim 2:1.a
Encrypted: One must refine confused fools into special leaders, because of the special falsehood needed to lead them. Just as there are submissive individuals in the main religious communities, so are there submissive individuals in the more subdued communities.
Official: One may change the shekels into lighter Persian dareikos coins, because of the burden on the road. Just as there are horn-shaped boxes for shekels in the main temple, so are there horn-shaped boxes for dinars in the provinces.
[One must] refine
מ־ m-: of; צרף ṣrp: refine, purify
מצרפין mṣrpyn
מ־ m-: of; צרף ṣrp: join, combine, change
[One may] change
confused fools
סכל skl: confused, stupid, fool
שקלים šqlym
שקל šql: shekel, weight
the shekels
into [special?] leaders,
ל־ l-: to; דרך drk: lead, guide, direct; ־ן -n: (suffix)
לדרכונות ldrkwnwt
ל־ l-: to; דרכון drkwn: dareikos, denars, coin
into [lighter Persian] dareikos coins,
because of
מפני mpny: because of
מפני mpny
מפני mpny: because of
because of
the [special?] falsehood [??]
מ־ m-: of; שוא šwˀ: lie, falsehood
משוי mšwy
משוא mšwˀ: burden, load
the burden
[needed] to lead [them].
דרך drk: lead, guide, direct
הדרך hdrk
דרך drk: way, path, road
[on] the road.
Just as
כשם kšm: just as
כשם kšm
כשם kšm: just as
Just as
there are
ש־ š-: that; היה hyh: be
שהיו šhyw
ש־ š-: that; היה hyh: be
there are
submissive [individuals]
שפורא špwrˀ: compliant, submissive, sycophantic
שופרות šwprwt
שופר šwpr: horn, horn-shaped box
horn-shaped boxes [for shekels]
in the [main] religious [communities??],
ב־ b-: in; מ־ m-: of; קדש qdš: cut off, separated
במקדש bmqdš
ב־ b-: in; מקדש mqdš: temple
in the [main] temple,
כך kk: so
כך kk
כך kk: so
are there
היה hyh: be
היו hyw
היה hyh: be
are there
submissive [individuals]
שפורא špwrˀ: compliant, submissive, sycophantic
שופרות šwprwt
שופר šwpr: horn, horn-shaped box
horn-shaped boxes [for dinars]
in the [more] subdued [communities].
ב־ b-: in; מ־ m-: of; דני dny: subdued, lowly, prostrate
במדינה bmdynh
ב־ b-: in; מדינה mdynh: province, country, district
in the provinces.
Shekalim 2:1.b
Encrypted: But a person who is an informer who acts as an agent on the confused fools, and to deceive them or lie to them, if he then is to deceive them with these deceptions, he must first swear a special oath to his commander.
Official: A person of the city who sent his shekels, and they were stolen or lost, if was already accounted to have been contributed, this contribution, the messenger must swear an oath to the temple treasurer.
[But] a person
בן bn: son, man
בני bny
בן bn: son, man
A person
[who is] an informer
עיר ˁyr: watch, guardian, inform
העיר hˁyr
עיר ˁyr: city
of the city
who [acts as] an agent
ש־ š-: that; שלוח šlwḥ: messenger, agent, deputy
ששלחו ššlḥw
ש־ š-: that; שלח šlḥ: send, send off
who sent
את ˀt: to
את ˀt
את ˀt: to
the confused fools,
סכל skl: confused, stupid, fool
שקליהן šqlyhn
שקל šql: shekel, weight
his shekels,
and to deceive [them]
נ־ n-: make; גנב gnb: cunning, deceive, create false impression
ונגנבו wngnbw
נ־ n-: make; גנב gnb: steal, rob, thief
and [they] were stolen
או ˀw: or
או ˀw
או ˀw: or
lie [to them],
בדא bdˀ: invent, fabricate; בדייא bdyyˀ: liar
שאבדו šˀbdw
ש־ š-: that; אבד ˀbd: lose, lost
אם ˀm: if, when
אם ˀm
אם ˀm: if, when
he [then] is to deceive [them]
נ־ n-: make; תרמה trmh: deceit
נתרמה ntrmh
נ־ n-: make; תרם trm: lift, remove, contribute
was [already accounted] to have been contributed,
[with these] deceptions,
תרמה trmh: deceit
התרומה htrwmh
תרם trm: lift, remove, contribute
this contribution,
[he must first] swear a [special] oath
נ־ n-: make; שבע šbˁ: swear, vow, take an oath
נשבעין nšbˁyn
נ־ n-: make; שבע šbˁ: swear, vow, take an oath
[the messenger must] swear an oath
to [his] commander.
ל־ l-: to; גזברא gzbrˀ: commander, steward
לגזברים lgzbrym
ל־ l-: to; גזבר gzbr: manager, treasurer
to the [temple] treasurer.
Shekalim 2:1.c
Encrypted: And if is not sworn an oath by that person who is an informer, then another person to be an informer on the confused fools must be appointed instead.
Official: And if he does not swear an oath to the person of the city who sent him, then the person of the city must give other shekels instead of the lost ones.
And if
אם ˀm: if, when
ואם wˀm
אם ˀm: if, when
And if
[is] not
לאו lˀw: no, not
לאו lˀw
לאו lˀw: no, not
[he does] not
sworn an oath
נ־ n-: make; שבע šbˁ: swear, vow, take an oath
נשבעין nšbˁyn
נ־ n-: make; שבע šbˁ: swear, vow, take an oath
swear an oath
[by] that person
ל־ l-: to; בן bn: son, man
לבני lbny
ל־ l-: to; בן bn: son, man
to the person
[who is] an informer,
עיר ˁyr: watch, guardian, inform
העיר hˁyr
עיר ˁyr: city
of the city [who sent him],
then [another] person
בן bn: son, man
ובני wbny
בן bn: son, man
then the person
[to be] an informer
עיר ˁyr: watch, guardian, inform
העיר hˁyr
עיר ˁyr: city
of the city
[on] the confused fools
סכל skl: confused, stupid, fool
שוקלין šwqlyn
שקל šql: weigh, take, give, pay taxes
[must] give [other shekels]
[must be appointed] instead.
תחת tḥt: in place of, instead of
תחתיהן tḥtyhn
תחת tḥt: in place of, instead of
instead of [the lost ones].
If the fools find out they’re deceived themselves, they lose their value.
Shekalim 2:1.c
Encrypted: Because if they find out or are warned of the deceptions, by these or those confused fools, then not is there any value to them for the disguises that are coming in the future.
Official: If then are found or returned by the thieves, these and those shekels, then not is there any value to them for the year that is coming.
[Because if they] find out
נ־ n-: make; מצא mṣˀ: find out
נמצאו nmṣˀw
נ־ n-: make; מצא mṣˀ: find, found
[If then] are found
או ˀw: or
או ˀw
או ˀw: or
are warned [??]
ש־ š-: make; הזהרה hzhrh: warning
שהחזירום šhḥzyrwm
ש־ š-: make; חזר ḥzr: return, restore, retract
of the deceptions,
גנב gnb: cunning, deceive, create false impression
הגנבים hgnbym
גנב gnb: steal, rob, thief
[by] the thieves,
[by] these
אלו ˀlw: these
אלו ˀlw
אלו ˀlw: these
or those
אלו ˀlw: these
ואלו wˀlw
אלו ˀlw: these
and those
confused fools,
סכל skl: confused, stupid, fool
שקלים šqlym
שקל šql: shekel, weight
[then] not
אין ˀyn: no, not
ואין wˀyn
אין ˀyn: no, not
[then] not
[is there any] value
עלי ˁly: value, evaluate
עולין ˁwlyn
עלי ˁly: value, evaluate
[is there any] value
to them
ל־ l-: to; הן hn: they
להן lhn
ל־ l-: to; הן hn: they
to them
for the disguises
ל־ l-: for; שנה šnh: change, disguise
לשנה lšnh
ל־ l-: for; שנה šnh: year
for the year
that are coming [in the future].
בא bˀ: coming, subsequent, next
הבאה hbˀh
בא bˀ: coming, subsequent, next
that is coming.
Agents must not really befriend the fools, or else they won’t betray them.
Shekalim 2:2.a
Encrypted: If one appoints a confused fool to befriend the other confused fools on behalf of him, and he instead befriends the confused fools on behalf of himself, if he then is to deceive them with deceptions, then he may see it as treachery.
Official: If one gives a shekel to an associate for him to give the shekel on behalf of him, and he instead gives the shekel on behalf of himself, if was already accounted to have been contributed, this contribution, then it is misappropriation.
[If one] appoints
נתן ntn: appoint
הנותן hnwtn
נתן ntn: give
[If one] gives
a confused fool
סכל skl: confused, stupid, fool
שקלו šqlw
שקל šql: shekel, weight
a shekel
to befriend
ל־ l-: to; חבר ḥbr: join, befriend, make friends with
לחברו lḥbrw
ל־ l-: to; חבר ḥbr: friend, partner, associate
to an associate
the [other] confused fools
ל־ l-: to; סכל skl: fool, do wrong, mistreat
לשקל lšql
ל־ l-: to; שקל šql: shekel, weight
for [him to give] the shekel
on behalf of him,
על יד ˁl yd: for the sake of
על ידו ˁl ydw
על יד ˁl yd: for the sake of
on behalf of him,
and [he instead befriends] the confused fools
סכל skl: confused, stupid, fool
ושקלו wšqlw
שקל šql: shekel, weight
and [he instead gives] the shekel
on behalf
על יד ˁl yd: for the sake of
על ידי ˁl ydy
על יד ˁl yd: for the sake of
on behalf
of himself,
עצם ˁṣm: essence, self
עצמו ˁṣmw
עצם ˁṣm: essence, self
of himself,
אם ˀm: if, when
אם ˀm
אם ˀm: if, when
he [then] is to deceive [them]
נ־ n-: make; תרמה trmh: deceit
נתרמה ntrmh
נ־ n-: make; תרם trm: lift, remove, contribute
was [already accounted] to have been contributed,
[with] deceptions,
תרמה trmh: deceit
תרומה trwmh
תרם trm: lift, remove, contribute
this contribution,
[then he may see it as?] treachery.
מעל mˁl: defraud, behave treacherously
מעל mˁl
מעל mˁl: misappropriate
[then it is] misappropriation.
Shekalim 2:2.b
Encrypted: If one takes in a confused fool for an appointment that is seen as holy, if he then is to deceive them with deceptions, but is already joined to the human cattle, then he may see it as treachery.
Official: If one give the shekels from money that is holy, if was already accounted to have been contributed, this contribution, and was sacrificed an animal bought with it, then it is misappropriation.
[If one] takes in
שקל šql: take up, accept
השוקל hšwql
שקל šql: weigh, take, give, pay taxes
[If one] give
a confused fool
סכל skl: confused, stupid, fool
שקלו šqlw
שקל šql: shekel, weight
the shekels
for an appointment
מ־ m-: for; מועד mwˁd: appointment
ממעות mmˁwt
מ־ m-: from; מעות mˁwt: money, small change
from money
[that is seen as?] holy,
קדש qdš: cut off, separated
הקדש hqdš
קדש qdš: holy, consecrated
that is holy,
אם ˀm: if, when
אם ˀm
אם ˀm: if, when
he [then] is to deceive [them]
נ־ n-: make; תרמה trmh: deceit
נתרמה ntrmh
נ־ n-: make; תרם trm: lift, remove, contribute
was [already accounted] to have been contributed,
[with] deceptions,
תרם trm: lift, remove, contribute
תרומה trwmh
תרם trm: lift, remove, contribute
this contribution,
but is [already] joined to
קרב qrb: approach, join, bring near
וקרבה wqrbh
קרב qrb: offer, sacrifice
and was sacrificed
the [human] cattle,
בהמה bhmh: animal, cattle
הבהמה hbhmh
בהמה bhmh: animal, cattle
an animal [bought with it?],
[then he may see it as?] treachery.
מעל mˁl: misappropriate
מעל mˁl
מעל mˁl: misappropriate
[then it is] misappropriation.
If the fools ever suspect an informer, he cannot be used any more.
Shekalim 2:2.c
Encrypted: If is ever suspected such an informer in disguise, or suspected his mockery, one must cease using him as an informer.
Official: If one gives valuable produce of the tithe second, or valuables from the Sabbatical seventh year, then one must consume their equivalent in value.
[If is ever] suspected
מ־ m-: of; דמי dmy: imagine, consider, suspect
מדמי mdmy
מ־ m-: of; דמי dmy: like, value
[If one gives] valuable [produce]
[such] an informer
מסור mswr: informer, traitor; מסר msr: inform against
מעשר mˁšr
מעשר mˁšr: tithe
of the tithe
in disguise,
שני šny: disguise
שני šny
שני šny: second
[or] suspected
מ־ m-: of; דמי dmy: imagine, consider, suspect
מדמי mdmy
מ־ m-: of; דמי dmy: like, value
[or] valuables
[his] mockery [??],
שועי šwˁy: joke, mockery
שביעית šbyˁyt
שביעי šbyˁy: seventh, Sabbatical year
[from] the Sabbatical seventh year,
[one must] cease
כלא klˀ: forbid, cease, restrain
יאכל yˀkl
אכל ˀkl: eat, consume
[then one must] consume
[using him] as an informer.
כ־ k-: as, like; נגד ngd: guide, leader, inform, informer
כנגדן kngdn
כ־ k-: as, like; נגד ngd: equivalent, worth
their equivalent [in value].
When recruiting fools to spy on fools, they must be willing & secular.
Shekalim 2:3.a
Encrypted: If one brings an appointed informer and says: See, this one is for spying on the confused fools. The school of Shammai say: Then this spying appointment must be very willing. And the school of Hillel say: Then this spying appointment must be a secular person.
Official: If one brings too much small change and says: See, these are for the shekel. The school of Shammai say: Then the remainder must be given as a free-will offering. And the school of Hillel say: Then the remainder must be counted as profaned.
[If one] brings
מ־ m-: of; כנס kns: go in, bring in, enter
המכנס hmkns
מ־ m-: of; כנס kns: go in, bring in, enter
[If one] brings
an appointed [informer]
מועד mwˁd: appointment
מעות mˁwt
מעות mˁwt: money, small change
[too much?] small change
and says:
אמר ˀmr: say
ואמר wˀmr
אמר ˀmr: say
and says:
הרי hry: behold, here is
הרי hry
הרי hry: behold, here is
this [one is]
אלו ˀlw: these
אלו ˀlw
אלו ˀlw: these
these [are]
for [spying on] the confused fools.
ל־ l-: for; סכל skl: confused, stupid, fool
לשקלי lšqly
ל־ l-: for; שקל šql: shekel, weight
for the shekel.
The school
בית byt: house, school
בית byt
בית byt: house, school
The school
of Shammai
שמאי šmˀy: Shammai
שמאי šmˀy
שמאי šmˀy: Shammai
of Shammai
אמר ˀmr: say
אומרים ˀwmrym
אמר ˀmr: say
[Then] this spying [appointment]
מ־ m-: of; תור twr: spy, spy out, espy
מותרן mwtrn
מותר mwtr: surplus, remainder
[Then] the remainder
[must be very] willing.
נדב ndb: offer freely, willing, volunteer
נדבה ndbh
נדבה ndbh: free-will offering
[must be given as] a free-will offering.
And the school
בית byt: house, school
ובית wbyt
בית byt: house, school
And the school
of Hillel
הלל hll: Hillel
הלל hll
הלל hll: Hillel
of Hillel
אמר ˀmr: say
אומרים ˀwmrym
אמר ˀmr: say
[Then] this spying [appointment]
מ־ m-: of; תור twr: spy, spy out, espy
מותרן mwtrn
מותר mwtr: surplus, remainder
[Then] the remainder
[must be a] secular [person].
חלין ḥlyn: secular
חלין ḥlyn
חלין ḥlyn: profane
[must be counted as] profaned.
Shekalim 2:3.b
Encrypted: If he says: I bring one from themselves for spying on the confused fools, then both schools agree that the spying appointment must be a secular person. If he says: This one is for spying on the firm believers among them, then they agree that the spying appointment must be very willing. If one says: I bring one from themselves for spying on the firm believers among them, then they agree that the spying appointment must be a secular person.
Official: If one says: I bring from them for the shekel, then both schools agree that the remainder must be counted as profaned. If one says: These are for a sin-offering, then they agree that the remainder must be given as a free-will offering. If one says: I bring from them my shekel, then they agree that the remainder must be counted as profaned.
[If he says: I] bring
ש־ š-: make; בוא bwˀ: come in, bring in
שאביא šˀbyˀ
ש־ š-: make; בוא bwˀ: come in, bring in
[If one says: I] bring
[one] from them[selves]
מ־ m-: of, from; הן hn: they
מהן mhn
מ־ m-: of, from; הן hn: they
from them
for [spying on] the confused fools,
ל־ l-: for; סכל skl: confused, stupid, fool
לשקלי lšqly
ל־ l-: for; שקל šql: shekel, weight
for the shekel,
[then both schools] agree
שוי šwy: equal, agree
שוין šwyn
שוי šwy: equal, agree
[then both schools] agree
that the spying [appointment]
מ־ m-: of; תור twr: spy, spy out, espy
שמותרן šmwtrn
ש־ š-: that; מותר mwtr: surplus, remainder
that the remainder
[must be] a secular [person].
חלין ḥlyn: secular
חלין ḥlyn
חלין ḥlyn: profane
[must be counted as] profaned.
[If he says:] This [one is]
אלו ˀlw: these
אלו ˀlw
אלו ˀlw: these
[If one says:] These [are]
for [spying on] the firm believers [among them],
ל־ l-: for; חתיתותא ḥtytwtˀ: absolute conviction, firm belief; חיתית ḥytyt: fear
לחטאת lḥṭˀt
ל־ l-: for; חטאת ḥṭˀt: sin-offering
for a sin-offering,
[then] they agree
שוי šwy: equal, agree
שוין šwyn
שוי šwy: equal, agree
[then] they agree
that the spying [appointment]
ש־ š-: that; מותר mwtr: surplus, remainder
שהמותר šhmwtr
ש־ š-: that; מותר mwtr: surplus, remainder
that the remainder
[must be very] willing.
נדב ndb: offer freely, willing, volunteer
נדבה ndbh
נדבה ndbh: free-will offering
[must be given as] a free-will offering.
[If one says: I] bring
ש־ š-: make; בוא bwˀ: reach, happen
שאביא šˀbyˀ
ש־ š-: make; בוא bwˀ: bring in
[If one says: I] bring
[one] from them[selves]
מ־ m-: from; הן hn: they
מהן mhn
מ־ m-: from; הן hn: they
from them
for [spying on] the firm believers [among them],
ל־ l-: for; חתיתותא ḥtytwtˀ: absolute conviction, firm belief; חיתית ḥytyt: fear
לחטאת lḥṭˀt
ל־ l-: for; חטאת ḥṭˀt: sin-offering
[my] shekel,
[then] they agree
שוי šwy: equal, agree
שוין šwyn
שוי šwy: equal, agree
[then] they agree
that the spying [appointment]
ש־ š-: that; מותר mwtr: surplus, remainder
שהמותר šhmwtr
ש־ š-: that; מותר mwtr: surplus, remainder
that the remainder
[must be] a secular [person].
חלין ḥlyn: secular
חלין ḥlyn
חלין ḥlyn: profane
[must be counted as] profaned.
Actual believers in the fool communities cannot be trusted as agents.
Shekalim 2:4.a
Encrypted: Says lord Simeon: What is the difference between regular confused fools and the firm believers among them? As for regular confused fools, there is to them an inclination to falsehood. but as for the firm believers, there is not to them an inclination to falsehood.
Official: Says rabbi Simeon: What is the difference between shekels for an offering and a sin-offering? As for shekels, there is to them a fixed measure, but as for sin-offerings, there is not to them a fixed measure.
אמר ˀmr: say
אמר ˀmr
אמר ˀmr: say
רב rb: lord, master, noble
רבי rby
רבי rby: rabbi
שמעון šmˁwn: Simeon
שמעון šmˁwn
שמעון šmˁwn: Simeon
מה mh: what
מה mh
מה mh: what
is the difference between
בין byn: distinguish, difference between
בין byn
בין byn: distinguish, difference between
is the difference between
[regular] confused fools
סכל skl: confused, stupid, fool
שקלים šqlym
שקל šql: shekel, weight
shekels [for an offering]
and the firm believers [among them]?
ל־ l-: to; חתיתותא ḥtytwtˀ: absolute conviction, firm belief, genuineness
לחטאת lḥṭˀt
ל־ l-: to; חטאת ḥṭˀt: sin-offering
and a sin-offering?
[As for regular] confused fools,
סכל skl: confused, stupid, fool
שקלים šqlym
שקל šql: shekel, weight
[As for] shekels,
there is
יש yš: there is
יש yš
יש yš: there is
there is
to them
ל־ l-: to; הם hm: them
להם lhm
ל־ l-: to; הם hm: them
to them
[an inclination?] to falsehood.
כזב kzb: lie, liar, falsehood, deception
קצבה qṣbh
קצבה qṣbh: fixed measure, limit
a fixed measure,
but [as for] the firm believers,
חתיתותא ḥtytwtˀ: absolute conviction, firm belief, genuineness
וחטאת wḥṭˀt
חטאת ḥṭˀt: sin-offering
but [as for] sin-offerings,
[there is] not
אין ˀyn: no, not
אין ˀyn
אין ˀyn: no, not
[there is] not
to them
לה lh: to her
לה lh
לה lh: to her
to them
[an inclination?] to falsehood.
כזב kzb: lie, liar, falsehood, deception
קצבה qṣbh
קצבה qṣbh: fixed measure, limit
a fixed measure.
Shekalim 2:4.b
Encrypted: Lord Yehudah says: Even for regular confused fools, there is not always to them an inclination to falsehood:
Official: Rabbi Yehudah says: Even for shekels, there is not to them a fixed measure:
רב rb: lord, master, noble
רבי rby
רבי rby: rabbi
יהודה yhwdh: Yehudah
יהודה yhwdh
יהודה yhwdh: Yehudah
אמר ˀmr: say
אומר ˀwmr
אמר ˀmr: say
אף ˀp: even, though
אף ˀp
אף ˀp: even, though
[for regular] confused fools,
ל־ l-: to; סכל skl: confused, stupid, fool
לשקלים lšqlym
ל־ l-: to; שקל šql: shekel, weight
[for] shekels,
[there is] not [always?]
אין ˀyn: no, not
אין ˀyn
אין ˀyn: no, not
[there is] not
to them
ל־ l-: to; הן hn: they
להן lhn
ל־ l-: to; הן hn: they
to them
[an inclination?] to falsehood:
כזב kzb: lie, falsehood, deception
קצבה qṣbh
קצבה qṣbh: fixed measure, limit
a fixed measure:
Many fools are believers, they were turned from that into loathed secretive folk.
Shekalim 2:4.c
Encrypted: When were raised the first fearful believers from the multitudes, it was that they were formed into regular leaders, then in turn they were formed into secretive people, then in turn they were formed into loathed people, and only then did some intend to form them into special servants.
Official: When ascended the first Israelites from exile, it was that they gave Persian dareikos coins then in turn they gave sela coins, then in turn they gave teba coins, and then some asked for giving Roman denarius coins.
When were raised
עלה ˁlh: raise, obtain, elevate, promote
שכשעלו škšˁlw
ש־ š-: that; כ־ k-: as; ש־ š-: make; עלה ˁlh: go up, ascend
When ascended
the [first] fearful believers [???]
ישרא yšrˀ: firm believer; רעיל rˁyl: fearful, shaking in fear
ישראל yšrˀl
ישראל yšrˀl: Israel
the [first] Israelites
מן mn: of, from
מן mn
מן mn: of, from
the multitudes,
קהל qhl: multitude, lay people
הגולה hgwlh
גלה glh: exile
it was [that]
היה hyh: be
היו hyw
היה hyh: be
it was [that]
[they] were formed
שכלל škll: improve, formed, perfected
שוקלים šwqlym
שקל šql: weigh, take, give, pay taxes
[they] gave
into [regular?] leaders [?],
ל־ l-: to; דרך drk: lead, guide, direct
דרכונות drkwnwt
ל־ l-: to; דרכון drkwn: dareikos, denars, coin
[Persian] dareikos coins
[then in] turn
חזר ḥzr: turn, return
חזרו ḥzrw
חזר ḥzr: turn, return
[then in] turn
[they] were formed
ל־ l-: to; שכלל škll: improve, formed, perfected
לשקול lšqwl
ל־ l-: to; שקל šql: weigh, take, give, pay taxes
[they] gave
[into] secretive [people?],
ש־ š-: make; עלם ˁlm: secret, hide, conceal
סלעים slˁym
סלע slˁ: sela, coin; ־ים -ym: (plural)
sela coins,
[then in] turn
חזר ḥzr: turn, return
חזרו ḥzrw
חזר ḥzr: turn, return
[then in] turn
[they] were formed
ל־ l-: to; שכלל škll: improve, formed, perfected
לשקול lšqwl
ל־ l-: to; שקל šql: weigh, take, give, pay taxes
[they] gave
[into] loathed [people?],
תעב tˁb: loathe, abhor
טבעין ṭbˁyn
טבע ṭbˁ: teba, coin; ־ין -yn: (plural)
teba coins,
and [only then did some?] intend to
בקש bqš: desire, ask, intend
ובקשו wbqšw
בקש bqš: desire, ask, intend
and [then some] asked for
form [them]
ל־ l-: to; שכלל škll: improve, formed, perfected
לשקל lšql
ל־ l-: to; שקל šql: weigh, take, give, pay taxes
[into special] servants.
דרוניא drwnyˀ: confidential servant; עדרניתא ˁdrnytˀ: assistant, helper
דינרים dynrym
דינר dynr: denarius
[Roman] denarius coins.
Shekalim 2:4.d
Encrypted: Says rabbi Simeon: Although it is so, the informants for all people should be equal. But with the firm believers, this person could bring in a genuine believer, and that person could bring in a confused person, and yet another person could bring in a suitable agent.
Official: Says rabbi Simeon: Although it is so, the portion for all people is equal with shekels. But with sin-offerings, this person could bring a sela coin, and that person could bring two, and yet another person could bring three.
אמר ˀmr: say
אמר ˀmr
אמר ˀmr: say
רב rb: lord, master, noble
רבי rby
רבי rby: rabbi
שמעון šmˁwn: Simeon
שמעון šmˁwn
שמעון šmˁwn: Simeon
אף על פי ˀp ˁl py: although
אף על פי ˀp ˁl py
אף על פי ˀp ˁl py: although
[it is] so,
כן kn: thus, so
כן kn
כן kn: thus, so
[it is] so,
the informants [??]
ידע ydˁ: know, inform, information, notice
יד yd
יד yd: hand, part, portion, share
the portion
[for] all [people]
כל kl: all
כלן kln
כל kl: all
[for] all [people]
[should?] be equal.
שוה šwh: equal, equivalent
שוה šwh
שוה šwh: equal, equivalent
is equal [with shekels].
But [with]
אבל ˀbl: but
אבל ˀbl
אבל ˀbl: but
But [with]
the firm believers,
חתיתותא ḥtytwtˀ: absolute conviction, firm belief, genuineness
חטאת ḥṭˀt
חטאת ḥṭˀt: sin-offering
this [person]
זה zh: this
זה zh
זה zh: this
this [person]
[could] bring in
מ־ m-: of; בוא bwˀ: come in, bring in
מביא mbyˀ
מ־ m-: of; בוא bwˀ: come in, bring in
[could] bring
a genuine [believer?],
ב־ b-: with; אסל ˀsl: genuine, real
בסלע bslˁ
ב־ b-: with; סלע slˁ: sela, coin
a sela coin,
and that [person]
זה zh: that
וזה wzh
זה zh: that
and that [person]
[could] bring in
מ־ m-: of; בוא bwˀ: come in, bring in
מביא mbyˀ
מ־ m-: of; בוא bwˀ: come in, bring in
[could] bring
a confused [person?],
ב־ b-: with; אשתומא ˀštwmˀ: confusion, nonsense
בשתים bštym
ב־ b-: with; שתים štym: two
and [yet another person]
זה zh: that
וזה wzh
זה zh: that
and [yet another person]
[could] bring in
מ־ m-: of; בוא bwˀ: come in, bring in
מביא mbyˀ
מ־ m-: of; בוא bwˀ: come in, bring in
[could] bring
a [suitable?] agent [?].
ב־ b-: with; שליש šlyš: officer, agent
בשלש bšlš
ב־ b-: with; שלש šlš: three
Spies remaining from assignments
Spies on fools who’re suspected or found out must be removed immediately.
Shekalim 2:5.a
Encrypted: One remaining of a failed spying on confused fools counts as perforated. One remaining who was guessed to be under cover, one remaining where the truth has gushed forth, or where the truth has become evident, or where the truth has appeared, or who has been perforated or accused, in all these cases the remaining one must disappear.
Official: The remainder of donated shekels is profaned. The remainder of tithed baked goods, the remainder of a bird-offering of one with gonorrhea, or a bird-offering of a woman with gonorrhea, or a bird-offering of a woman after childbirth, or a sin-offering, or a guilt-offering, in all these cases the remainders must be used as a free-will offering.
[One] remaining [???]
מותר mwtr: surplus, remainder
מותר mwtr
מותר mwtr: surplus, remainder
The remainder
of [a failed spying on???] confused fools
סכל skl: confused, stupid, fool
שקלים šqlym
שקל šql: shekel, weight
of [donated] shekels
[counts as] perforated.
חלון ḥlwn: perforation; חולן ḥwln: crack
חלין ḥlyn
חלין ḥlyn: profane
is profaned.
[One] remaining
מותר mwtr: surplus, remainder
מותר mwtr
מותר mwtr: surplus, remainder
The remainder
[who] was guessed
שער šˁr: estimate, guess
עשירית ˁšyryt
עשר ˁšr: tithe
of tithed
[to be under] cover,
עפי ˁpy: cover, pretense
האפה hˀph
אפי ˀpy: bake
baked [goods],
[one] remaining
מותר mwtr: surplus, remainder
מותר mwtr
מותר mwtr: surplus, remainder
the remainder
[where] the truth
כן kn: honest, true, truthful
קני qny
קן qn: nest, birds in a nest, bird offering
of a bird-offering
[has] gushed forth,
זוב zwb: pierce, flow, gush
זבין zbyn
זוב zwb: flux, gonorrhea, hemorrhage
of [one with] gonorrhea,
or [where] the truth
כן kn: honest, true, truthful
קני qny
קן qn: nest, birds in a nest, bird offering
or a bird-offering
[has become] evident [?],
אצבת ˀṣbt: proof, evidence; סבת sbt: proof, proved, evident, obvious
זבות zbwt
זוב zwb: flux, gonorrhea, hemorrhage; ־ת -t: (suffix)
of [a woman with] gonorrhea,
or [where] the truth
כן kn: honest, true, truthful
קני qny
קן qn: nest, birds in a nest, bird offering
or a bird-offering
[has] appeared,
ילד yld: bring forth, appear
יולדות ywldwt
ילד yld: bear, child, give birth
of a [woman after] childbirth,
or [who] has been perforated
חוט ḥwṭ: dig, perforate
וחטאות wḥṭˀwt
חטי ḥṭy: sin, sin offering
or a sin-offering,
or accused,
אשם ˀšm: accuse, charge, blame
ואשמות wˀšmwt
אשם ˀšm: guilt, guilt-offering
or a guilt-offering,
[in all these cases] the remaining [one]
מותר mwtr: surplus, remainder
מותריהן mwtryhn
מותר mwtr: surplus, remainder
[in all these cases] the remainders
[must] disappear [???].
נדף ndp: drive, vanish, disappear
נדבה ndbh
נדבה ndbh: free-will offering
[must be used as] a free-will offering.
Shekalim 2:5.b
Encrypted: This is the general rule: All that are brought in for having been perforated or for having been accused as spies, those remaining like this must disappear and work in other communities.
Official: This is the general rule: All that is brought for using them as a sin-offering or for using them as a guilt-offering, the remainder must be used as a free-will offering.
This [is]
זה zh: this
זה zh
זה zh: this
This [is]
the general rule:
כלל kll: general rule
הכלל hkll
כלל kll: general rule
the general rule:
כל kl: all
כל kl
כל kl: all
that are
ש־ š-: that; הוא hwˀ: he, it
שהוא šhwˀ
ש־ š-: that; הוא hwˀ: he, it
that is
brought in
בוא bwˀ: bring in
בא bˀ
בוא bwˀ: bring in
לשם lšm: for, for the purpose of
לשם lšm
לשם lšm: for, for the purpose of
for [using them as]
having been perforated
חוט ḥwṭ: dig, perforate
חטאת ḥṭˀt
חטי ḥṭy: sin, sin offering
a sin-offering
or for
לשם lšm: for, for the purpose of
ולשם wlšm
לשם lšm: for, for the purpose of
or for [using them as]
having been accused [as spies?],
אשם ˀšm: accuse, charge, blame
אשמה ˀšmh
אשם ˀšm: guilt, guilt-offering
a guilt-offering,
[those] remaining [like this]
מותר mwtr: surplus, remainder
מותרן mwtrn
מותר mwtr: surplus, remainder
the remainder
[must] disappear [and work in other communities???].
נדף ndp: drive, vanish, disappear
נדבה ndbh
נדבה ndbh: free-will offering
[must be used as] a free-will offering.
Spies remaining from fool assignments can be reassigned to similar settings.
Shekalim 2:5.c
Encrypted: One remaining of a job on slaves who are confused fools may still be used for other slaves. One remaining of a job on worshippers may be used for other worshippers. One remaining of a job on believers may be used for other believers. One remaining of a job on cut-off communities may be used for regular followers. One remaining of a job on devoted people may be used for other devoted people. Even one remaining of a job on a specific devoted community may still be used for other devoted communities.
Official: The remainder of a burnt-offering must be used for a burnt-offering. The remainder of a meal-offering must be used for a meal-offering. The remainder of a peace-offering must be used for a peace-offering. The remainder of a Passover offering must also be used for a peace-offering. The remainder of Nazirite offerings must be used for Nazirite offerings. The remainder of a single Nazirite offering must be used for a free-will offering.
[One] remaining
מותר mwtr: surplus, remainder
מותר mwtr
מותר mwtr: surplus, remainder
The remainder
of [a job on???] slaves [who are confused fools???]
אולה ˀwlh: slave
עולה ˁwlh
עולה ˁwlh: burnt-offering
of a burnt-offering
[may still be used?] for [other?] slaves [?].
ל־ l-: for; אולה ˀwlh: slave
לעולה lˁwlh
ל־ l-: for; עולה ˁwlh: burnt-offering
[must be used] for a burnt-offering.
[One] remaining
מותר mwtr: surplus, remainder
מותר mwtr
מותר mwtr: surplus, remainder
The remainder
of [a job on???] worshippers [?]
מניחן mnyḥn: servant, worshipper
מנחה mnḥh
מנחה mnḥh: meal-offering; מ־ m-: of; נוח nwḥ: rested, sated
of a meal-offering
[may be used?] for [other?] worshippers [?].
ל־ l-: for; מניחן mnyḥn: servant, worshipper
למנחה lmnḥh
ל־ l-: for; מנחה mnḥh: meal-offering; מ־ m-: of; נוח nwḥ: rested, sated
[must be used] for a meal-offering.
[One] remaining
מותר mwtr: surplus, remainder
מותר mwtr
מותר mwtr: surplus, remainder
The remainder
of [a job on???] believers [?]
שלם šlm: follow, obey, faithfully, believe in
שלמים šlmym
שלם šlm: peace offering
of a peace-offering
[may be used?] for [other?] believers [?].
ל־ l-: for; שלם šlm: follow, obey, faithfully, believe in
לשלמים lšlmym
ל־ l-: for; שלם šlm: peace offering
[must be used] for a peace-offering.
[One] remaining
מותר mwtr: surplus, remainder
מותר mwtr
מותר mwtr: surplus, remainder
The remainder
of [a job on???] cut-off [communities???]
פשח pšḥ: separated, cut off, subgroup
פסח psḥ
פסח psḥ: Passover sacrifice, Pascal lamb
of a Passover offering
[may be used?] for [regular?] followers [?].
ל־ l-: for; שלם šlm: follow, obey, faithfully, believe in
לשלמים lšlmym
ל־ l-: for; שלם šlm: peace offering
[must also be used] for a peace-offering.
[One] remaining
מותר mwtr: surplus, remainder
מותר mwtr
מותר mwtr: surplus, remainder
The remainder
of [a job on???] devoted [people???]
נזר nzr: separate, set apart, devoted; ־ים -ym: (plural)
נזירים nzyrym
נזיר nzyr: Nazir, Nazirite, monk; ־ים -ym: (plural)
of Nazirite offerings
[may be used?] for [other?] devoted [people???].
ל־ l-: for; נזר nzr: separate, set apart, devoted; ־ים -ym: (plural)
לנזירים lnzyrym
ל־ l-: for; נזיר nzyr: Nazir, Nazirite, monk; ־ים -ym: (plural)
[must be used] for Nazirite offerings.
[Even one] remaining
מותר mwtr: surplus, remainder
מותר mwtr
מותר mwtr: surplus, remainder
The remainder
of [a job on a specific???] devoted [community???]
נזר nzr: separate, set apart, devoted
נזיר nzyr
נזיר nzyr: Nazir, Nazirite, monk
of [a single] Nazirite offering
[may still be used?] for [other?] devoted [communities???].
ל־ l-: for; נדב ndb: consecrate, devoted to
לנדבה lndbh
ל־ l-: for; נדבה ndbh: free-will offering
[must be used] for a free-will offering.
Shekalim 2:5.d
Encrypted: One remaining of a job on the poor may be used for other poor people. One remaining of a job on a specific poor person may be used for others of the same level of poverty. One remaining of a job on slaves may be used for other slaves. One remaining of a job on a specific slave may be used for others of the same level of slavery.
Official: The remainder of charity for the poor must be used for the poor. The remainder of charity for one specific poor person must be used for the same poor person. The remainder of ransom for captives must be used for captives. The remainder of ransom for one specific captive must be used for the same captive.
[One] remaining
מותר mwtr: surplus, remainder
מותר mwtr
מותר mwtr: surplus, remainder
The remainder
of [a job on???] the poor
עני ˁny: humble, poor; ־ים -ym: (plural)
עניים ˁnyym
עני ˁny: humble, poor; ־ים -ym: (plural)
of [charity for?] the poor
[may be used?] for [other?] poor [people].
ל־ l-: for; עני ˁny: humble, poor; ־ים -ym: (plural)
לעניים lˁnyym
ל־ l-: for; עני ˁny: humble, poor; ־ים -ym: (plural)
[must be used] for the poor.
[One] remaining
מותר mwtr: surplus, remainder
מותר mwtr
מותר mwtr: surplus, remainder
The remainder
of [a job on a specific???] poor [person]
עני ˁny: humble, poor
עני ˁny
עני ˁny: humble, poor
of [charity for one specific?] poor [person]
[may be used?] for [others?] of the same
ל־ l-: for; אות ˀwt: the same
לאותו lˀwtw
ל־ l-: for; אות ˀwt: the same
[must be used] for the same
[level?] of poverty.
עני ˁny: humble, poor
עני ˁny
עני ˁny: humble, poor
poor [person].
[One] remaining
מותר mwtr: surplus, remainder
מותר mwtr
מותר mwtr: surplus, remainder
The remainder
of [a job on???] slaves
שבוי šbwy: captive, prisoner; שביא šbyˀ: slavery; ־ים -ym: (plural)
שבויים šbwyym
שבוי šbwy: captive, prisoner; שביא šbyˀ: slavery; ־ים -ym: (plural)
of [ransom for?] captives [?]
[may be used?] for [other?] slaves.
ל־ l-: for; שבוי šbwy: captive, prisoner; שביא šbyˀ: slavery; ־ים -ym: (plural)
לשבויים lšbwyym
ל־ l-: for; שבוי šbwy: captive, prisoner; שביא šbyˀ: slavery; ־ים -ym: (plural)
[must be used] for captives [?].
[One] remaining
מותר mwtr: surplus, remainder
מותר mwtr
מותר mwtr: surplus, remainder
The remainder
of [a job on a specific???] slave
שבוי šbwy: captive, prisoner; שביא šbyˀ: slavery
שבוי šbwy
שבוי šbwy: captive, prisoner; שביא šbyˀ: slavery
of [ransom for one specific?] captive [?]
[may be used?] for [others?] of the same
ל־ l-: for; אות ˀwt: the same
לאותו lˀwtw
ל־ l-: for; אות ˀwt: the same
[must be used] for the same
[level?] of slavery.
שבוי šbwy: captive, prisoner; שביא šbyˀ: slavery
שבוי šbwy
שבוי šbwy: captive, prisoner; שביא šbyˀ: slavery
Shekalim 2:5.e
Encrypted: One remaining of a job on now faithful people may be used for other faithful people. One remaining of a job on a specific faith may be used for other leadership positions. Lord Meir says: One remaining of a job on a specific faith, such a matter should be rested until arrives a suitable pretext for a new assignment. Lord Nathan says: As for one remaining of a job on a specific faith, they can build for him a new life according to the buried one.
Official: The remainder of the burial for dead persons must be used for dead persons. The remainder of the burial for one specific dead person must be used for the heirs of that person. Rabbi Meir says: The remainder of the burial for one specific dead person, such a matter should be rested until arrives the prophet Elijah to clear it up. Rabbi Nathan says: As for the remainder of the burial for one specific dead person, they can use it to build for him a monument above his grave.
[One] remaining
מותר mwtr: surplus, remainder
מותר mwtr
מותר mwtr: surplus, remainder
The remainder
of [a job on now???] faithful [people???]
אמת ˀmt: faith, faithfulness; ־ים -ym: (plural)
המתים hmtym
מת mt: dead, dead person; ־ים -ym: (plural)
of [the burial for] dead persons
[may be used] for [other?] faithful [people???].
ל־ l-: for; אמת ˀmt: faith, faithfulness; ־ים -ym: (plural)
למתים lmtym
ל־ l-: for; מת mt: dead, dead person; ־ים -ym: (plural)
[must be used] for dead persons.
[One] remaining
מותר mwtr: surplus, remainder
מותר mwtr
מותר mwtr: surplus, remainder
The remainder
of [a job on a specific???] faith [???]
אמת ˀmt: faith, faithfulness
המת hmt
מת mt: dead, dead person
of [the burial for one specific] dead person
[may be used] for [other?] leadership [positions???].
ל־ l-: for; ראש rˀš: head, chief, leader
ליורשיו lywršyw
ל־ l-: for; ירש yrš: inherit, succeed, heir
[must be used] for the heirs [of that person].
רב rb: lord, master, noble
רבי rby
רבי rby: rabbi
מאיר mˀyr: Meir
מאיר mˀyr
מאיר mˀyr: Meir
אמר ˀmr: say
אומר ˀwmr
אמר ˀmr: say
[One] remaining
מותר mwtr: surplus, remainder
מותר mwtr
מותר mwtr: surplus, remainder
The remainder
of [a job on a specific???] faith [???],
אמת ˀmt: faith, faithfulness
המת hmt
מת mt: dead, dead person
of [the burial for one specific] dead person,
[such a matter should] be
היה hyh: be
יהא yhˀ
היה hyh: be
[such a matter should] be
מנח mnḥ: rest
מנח mnḥ
מנח mnḥ: rest
עד ˁd: while, until
עד ˁd
עד ˁd: while, until
ש־ š-: that; בוא bwˀ: arrive, enter
שיבא šybˀ
ש־ š-: that; בוא bwˀ: arrive, enter
a [suitable] pretext [for a new assignment].
עלה ˁlh: cause, pretext, occasion
אליהו ˀlyhw
אליהו ˀlyhw: Eliyahu, Elijah
[the prophet] Elijah [to clear it up???].
רב rb: lord, master, noble
רבי rby
רבי rby: rabbi
נתן ntn: Nathan
נתן ntn
נתן ntn: Nathan
אמר ˀmr: say
אומר ˀwmr
אמר ˀmr: say
[As for one] remaining
מותר mwtr: surplus, remainder
מותר mwtr
מותר mwtr: surplus, remainder
[As for] the remainder
of [a job on a specific???] faith [???],
אמת ˀmt: faith, faithfulness
המת hmt
מות mwt: dead
of [the burial for one specific] dead person,
[they can] build
בני bny: build
בונין bwnyn
בני bny: build
[they can use it] to build
for him
ל־ l-: for; ־ו -w: him
לו lw
ל־ l-: for; ־ו -w: him
for him
a [new] life
נפש npš: life, person; נפשיא npšyˀ: spiritual, psychological
נפש npš
נפש npš: soul, monument
a monument
according to
על ˁl: according to
על ˁl
על ˁl: on, above
the buried [one?].
קבר qbr: bury, grave
קברו qbrw
קבר qbr: bury, grave
his grave.
Forming the fools
Fool communities must be separated & deluded to be usable for agent recruiting.
Shekalim 3:1.a
Encrypted: On three separate occasions in this disguise are there deceptions to the confused fools: With arranging separation, with arranging bondage, with arranging delusions. Then they can gather from them informers on the other human cattle. These are the words of lord Akiva.
Official: On three separate times in a year are there contributions to the temple treasury chamber: At half a month before Passover, at half a month before the festive assembly on Sukkoth, at half a month before the pilgrimage festival. Then they can gather the tithes of cattle. These are the words of rabbi Akiva.
On three
ב־ b-: on; שלש šlš: three
בשלשה bšlšh
ב־ b-: on; שלש šlš: three
On three
separate [occasions]
פרק prq: break, separate
פרקים prqym
פרק prq: break, separate
separate [times]
in this disguise
ב־ b-: in; שנה šnh: change, disguise
בשנה bšnh
ב־ b-: in; שנה šnh: year
in a year
[are there] deceptions
תרמה trmh: deceit
תורמין twrmyn
תרם trm: lift, remove, contribute
[are there] contributions
את ˀt: to
את ˀt
את ˀt: to
the confused fools:
סכל skl: confused, stupid, fool
הלשכה hlškh
לשך lšk: room, chamber, hall
[the temple treasury] chamber:
With arranging
ב־ b-: with; פרס prs: contrive, invent, arrange
בפרוס bprws
ב־ b-: in; פרס prs: split, divide, half
At half [a month]
פשח pšḥ: cut off, separate
הפסח hpsḥ
פסח psḥ: Passover
[before] Passover,
with arranging
ב־ b-: with; פרס prs: contrive, invent, arrange
בפרוס bprws
ב־ b-: in; פרס prs: split, divide, half
at half [a month]
bondage [??],
אסירותא ˀsyrwtˀ: captivity, bond, connection
עצרת ˁṣrt
עצרת ˁṣrt: festive assembly
[before] the festive assembly [on Sukkoth],
with arranging
ב־ b-: with; פרס prs: contrive, invent, arrange
בפרוס bprws
ב־ b-: in; פרס prs: split, divide, half
at half [a month]
הגגא hggˀ: phantasms, imagining, delusive appearance, illusion
החג hḥg
חג ḥg: festival, pilgrimage
[before] the pilgrimage [festival].
[Then] they
הן hn: they
והן whn
הן hn: they
[Then] they
[can] gather [from them?]
גרן grn: make a threshing floor, gather
גרנות grnwt
גרן grn: make a threshing floor, gather
[can] gather
ל־ l-: to; מסור mswr: informer, traitor; מסר msr: inform against
למעשר lmˁšr
ל־ l-: to; מעשר mˁšr: tithe
the tithes
on the [other human] cattle.
בהמה bhmh: beast, cattle
בהמה bhmh
בהמה bhmh: beast, cattle
of cattle.
[These are] the words
דבר dbr: word, speech
דברי dbry
דבר dbr: word, speech
[These are] the words
of lord
רב rb: lord, master, noble
רבי rby
רבי rby: rabbi
of rabbi
עקיבא ˁqybˀ: Akiva
עקיבא ˁqybˀ
עקיבא ˁqybˀ: Akiva
Fools must be made hated and also hateful, to become suitable agents.
Shekalim 3:1.b
Encrypted: Ben Azzai says: With showing hostility to them and leading them astray into banishment, and with governing them with hatred, and with binding and leading them astray into hatred.
Official: Ben Azzai says: On the twenty ninth of the month Adar, and on the first of the month Sivan, and on the twenty ninth of the month Av.
Ben Azzai
בן עזאי bn ˁzˀy: Ben Azzai
בן עזאי bn ˁzˀy
בן עזאי bn ˁzˀy: Ben Azzai
Ben Azzai
אמר ˀmr: say
אומר ˀwmr
אמר ˀmr: say
With showing hostility to them
ב־ b-: with; צור ṣwr: show hostility to, enemy; ־ם -m: them
בעשרים bˁšrym
ב־ b-: on; עשרים ˁšrym: twenty; עשר ˁšr: ten; ־ים -ym: (plural)
On the twenty
and leading [them] astray
טעש ṭˁš: lead astray; תוש twš: lead astray
ותשעה wtšˁh
תשע tšˁ: nine
into banishment,
ב־ b-: into; עדר ˁdr: cast out, reject, banish
באדר bˀdr
ב־ b-: in; אדר ˀdr: Adar
of [the month] Adar,
and with governing [them]
ב־ b-: with; אחד ˀḥd: regulate, govern, supervise
ובאחד wbˀḥd
ב־ b-: on; אחד ˀḥd: one, first
and on the first
with hatred,
ב־ b-: with; סני sny: hate, hated, hateful; סניאו snyˀw: hatred
בסיון bsywn
ב־ b-: in; סיון sywn: Sivan
of [the month] Sivan,
and with binding
ב־ b-: with; אסר ˀsr: bind, surround, enclose, imprison; ־ם -m: them
ובעשרים wbˁšrym
ב־ b-: on; עשרים ˁšrym: twenty; עשר ˁšr: ten; ־ים -ym: (plural)
and on the twenty
and leading [them] astray
טעש ṭˁš: lead astray; תוש twš: lead astray
ותשעה wtšˁh
תשע tšˁ: nine
into hatred.
ב־ b-: into; איב ˀyb: be hostile to, hate
באב bˀb
ב־ b-: in; אב ˀb: Av
of [the month] Av.
Shekalim 3:1.c
Encrypted: Lord Eliezer and lord Simeon say: With governing them into temptation, with governing them into hatred, with binding them and leading them astray into being weak.
Official: Rabbi Eliezer and rabbi Simeon say: On the first of the month Nisan, on the first of the month Sivan, on the twenty ninth of the month Elul.
רב rb: lord, master, noble
רבי rby
רבי rby: rabbi
אלעזר ˀlˁzr: Eliezer
אלעזר ˀlˁzr
אלעזר ˀlˁzr: Eliezer
and lord
רב rb: lord, master, noble
ורבי wrby
רבי rby: rabbi
and rabbi
שמעון šmˁwn: Simeon
שמעון šmˁwn
שמעון šmˁwn: Simeon
אמר ˀmr: say
אומרים ˀwmrym
אמר ˀmr: say
With governing [them]
ב־ b-: with; אחד ˀḥd: regulate, govern, supervise
באחד bˀḥd
ב־ b-: on; אחד ˀḥd: one
On the first
into temptation,
ב־ b-: into; נסיון nsywn: trial, test, temptation, experience
בניסן bnysn
ב־ b-: in; ניסן nysn: Nisan
of [the month] Nisan,
with governing [them]
ב־ b-: with; אחד ˀḥd: regulate, govern, supervise
באחד bˀḥd
ב־ b-: on; אחד ˀḥd: one
on the first
into hatred,
ב־ b-: with; סני sny: hate, hated, hateful; סניאו snyˀw: hatred
בסיון bsywn
ב־ b-: in; סיון sywn: Sivan
of [the month] Sivan,
with binding them
ב־ b-: with; אסר ˀsr: bind, surround, enclose, imprison; ־ם -m: them
בעשרים bˁšrym
ב־ b-: on; עשרים ˁšrym: twenty; עשר ˁšr: ten; ־ים -ym: (plural)
on the twenty
and leading [them] astray
טעש ṭˁš: lead astray; תוש twš: lead astray
ותשעה wtšˁh
תשע tšˁ: nine
into [being] weak.
ב־ b-: into; אלולא ˀlwlˀ: weaken, benumb; אלל ˀll: weak
באלול bˀlwl
ב־ b-: in; אלול ˀlwl: Elul
of [the month] Elul.
Fools must be made weak, because strong & happy people aren’t good agents.
Shekalim 3:1.d
Encrypted: Because of what did they say “with binding them and leading them astray into being weak”, and did not say “with governing them into being strong & firm”?
Official: Because of what did they say “on the twenty ninth of the month Elul”, and did not say “on the first of the month Tishri”?
מפני mpny: because
מפני mpny
מפני mpny: because
of what
מה mh: what
מה mh
מה mh: what
of what
did they say
אמר ˀmr: say
אמרו ˀmrw
אמר ˀmr: say
did they say
“with binding them
ב־ b-: with; אסר ˀsr: bind, surround, enclose, imprison; ־ם -m: them
בעשרים bˁšrym
ב־ b-: on; עשרים ˁšrym: twenty; עשר ˁšr: ten; ־ים -ym: (plural)
“on the twenty
and leading [them] astray
טעש ṭˁš: lead astray; תוש twš: lead astray
ותשעה wtšˁh
תשע tšˁ: nine
into being weak”,
ב־ b-: into; אלולא ˀlwlˀ: weaken, benumb; אלל ˀll: weak
באלול bˀlwl
ב־ b-: in; אלול ˀlwl: Elul
of [the month] Elul”,
and [did] not
לא lˀ: not
ולא wlˀ
לא lˀ: not
and [did] not
אמר ˀmr: say
אמרו ˀmrw
אמר ˀmr: say
“with governing [them]
ב־ b-: with; אחד ˀḥd: regulate, govern, supervise
באחד bˀḥd
ב־ b-: on; אחד ˀḥd: one
“on the first
into being strong & firm”?
ב־ b-: into; ת־ t-: of; ישר yšr: strong, firm, healthy, straight, right
בתשרי btšry
ב־ b-: in; תשרי tšry: Tishri; ת־ t-: of; שרי šry: open, begin
of [the month] Tishri”?
Shekalim 3:1.e
Encrypted: Because that would then be people who are happy & kind, and one can not separate anyone into suitable assistants with people who are happy & kind, Therefore it was advanced to binding them and leading them astray into being weak.
Official: Because that is a day joyful, and one does not pay tithes on a day joyful. Therefore it was advanced to the twenty ninth of the month Elul.
מפני mpny: because
מפני mpny
מפני mpny: because
that [would then be]
ש־ š-: that; הוא hwˀ: he, it
שהוא šhwˀ
ש־ š-: that; הוא hwˀ: he, it
that [is]
עם ˁm: people
יום ywm
יום ywm: day
a day
who are happy & kind,
טוב ṭwb: good, pleasant, kind, happy
טוב ṭwb
טוב ṭwb: cheer, merry, enjoy oneself
and [one can] not
אי ˀy: not
ואי wˀy
אי ˀy: not
and [one does] not
separate [anyone]
פשר pšr: divide, separate
אפשר ˀpšr
פשר pšr: pay
into [suitable] assistants
ל־ l-: into; עזר ˁzr: helpmate, assist, aid
לעשר lˁšr
ל־ l-: to; עשר ˁšr: tithe
with people
ב־ b-: with; עם ˁm: people
ביום bywm
ב־ b-: on; יום ywm: day
on a day
who are happy & kind,
טוב ṭwb: good, pleasant, kind, happy
טוב ṭwb
טוב ṭwb: cheer, merry, enjoy oneself
לפיכך lpykk: therefore
לפיכך lpykk
לפיכך lpykk: therefore
it was advanced
קדם qdm: go forward, advance
הקדימוהו hqdymwhw
קדם qdm: go forward, advance
it was advanced
to binding them
ל־ l-: to; אסר ˀsr: bind, surround, enclose, imprison; ־ם -m: them
לעשרים lˁšrym
ל־ l-: to; עשרים ˁšrym: twenty
to the twenty
and leading [them] astray
טעש ṭˁš: lead astray; תוש twš: lead astray
ותשעה wtšˁh
תשע tšˁ: nine
into [being] weak.
ב־ b-: into; אלולא ˀlwlˀ: weaken, benumb; אלל ˀll: weak
באלול bˀlwl
ב־ b-: in; אלול ˀlwl: Elul
of [the month] Elul.
Recruiting agents from fools
From fool communities, one can recruit informers, guards & financial clerks.
Shekalim 3:2.a
Encrypted: With three gatherings of agents inserted into the crowds, the deceivers are recruited for the confused fools: And there is written on them: informers, guards, payments.
Official: With three baskets of three times three seah measures, the contributions are made to the temple treasury chamber. And there is written on them: Aleph, Beth, Gimel.
With three
ב־ b-: with; שלש šlš: three
בשלש bšlš
ב־ b-: with; שלש šlš: three
With three
קפא qpˀ: collect, gather
קפות qpwt
קפה qph: heap, pile, basket
של šl: of, belonging to
של šl
של šl: of, belonging to
שלש šlš: officer, leader; שליש šlyš: agent
שלש šlš
שלש šlš: three
three [times]
שלשל šlšl: lower, insert
שלש šlš
שלש šlš: three
[into] the crowds,
סיעה syˁh: crowd, group, crowd, military division
סאין sˀyn
סאה sˀh: seah, volume measure
seah measures,
the deceivers [are recruited?]
תרמה trmh: deceit
תורמין twrmyn
תרם trm: lift, remove, contribute
the contributions [are made]
את ˀt: to
את ˀt
את ˀt: to
the confused fools:
סכל skl: confused, stupid, fool
הלשכה hlškh
לשך lšk: room, chamber, hall
[the temple treasury] chamber.
And [there] is written
כתב ktb: write
וכתוב wktwb
כתב ktb: write
And [there] is written
on them:
ב־ b-: on; הן hn: they
בהן bhn
ב־ b-: on; הן hn: they
on them:
אלף ˀlp: known, teach, be informed
אלף ˀlp
אלף ˀlp: aleph
בואתיא bwˀtyˀ: assistance, guard
בית byt
בית byt: beth
גמל gml: pay, reward, recompense
גימל gyml
גימל gyml: gimel
The recruited fools are made to look tame & religious, but actually aren’t.
Shekalim 3:2.b
Encrypted: Lord Ishmael says: And as a covering it is written on them: very tame, very religious, very kind.
Official: Rabbi Ishmael says: In Greek it is written on them: Alpha, Beta, Gamla.
רב rb: lord, master, noble
רבי rby
רבי rby: rabbi
ישמעאל yšmˁˀl: Ishmael
ישמעאל yšmˁˀl
ישמעאל yšmˁˀl: Ishmael
אמר ˀmr: say
אומר ˀwmr
אמר ˀmr: say
[And as] a covering [?]
ענניתא ˁnnytˀ: covering
יונית ywnyt
יונאית ywnˀyt: Greek
[In] Greek
[it] is written
כתב ktb: write
כתוב ktwb
כתב ktb: write
[it] is written
on them:
ב־ b-: on; הן hn: they
בהן bhn
ב־ b-: on; הן hn: they
on them:
[very] tame,
אלף ˀlp: train, tame, domesticated
אלפא ˀlpˀ
אלפא ˀlpˀ: alpha
[very] religious,
בהתתא bhttˀ: reverence, religious devotion
ביתא bytˀ
ביתא bytˀ: beta
[very] kind.
גמל gml: show kindness
גמלא gmlˀ
גמלא gmlˀ: gamla
Spies may not be recruited by sex, as beauty & perversion make them suspicious.
Shekalim 3:2.c
Encrypted: And one may not have such deceivers gathered like this: Not with lying on the back in desire, and not with the anus, and not with the small ladle, and not with frivolities, and not with squeezing,
Official: And one may not have the contributions gathered like this: Not with a tunic that has a border, and not with shoes, and not with sandals, and not with phylacteries, and not with an amulet,
[And one may] not
אין ˀyn: no, not
אין ˀyn
אין ˀyn: no, not
[And one may] not
[have such] deceivers
תרמה trmh: deceit
התורם htwrm
תרם trm: lift, remove, contribute
[have] the contributions
gathered [like this]:
נ־ n-: make; כנס kns: enter, gather
נכנס nkns
נ־ n-: make; כנס kns: enter, gather
gathered [like this]:
לא lˀ: not
לא lˀ
לא lˀ: not
with lying on the back
ב־ b-: with; פרקד prqd: lie on the back
בפרגוד bprgwd
ב־ b-: with; פרגוד prgwd: tunic, curtain
with a tunic
in desire,
חפט ḥpṭ: incite, desire strongly
חפות ḥpwt
חפת ḥpt: border
[that has] a border,
and not
לא lˀ: not
ולא wlˀ
לא lˀ: not
and not
with the anus,
ב־ b-: with; מנעול mnˁwl: lock of the buttock, anus
במנעל bmnˁl
ב־ b-: with; מנעול mnˁwl: foot-covering, shoe
with shoes,
and not
לא lˀ: not
ולא wlˀ
לא lˀ: not
and not
with the small ladle,
ב־ b-: with; ש־ š-: which; נטלא nṭlˀ: ladle, small vessel
בסנדל bsndl
ב־ b-: with; סנדל sndl: sandalion, sandal
with sandals,
and not
לא lˀ: not
ולא wlˀ
לא lˀ: not
and not
with frivolities,
ב־ b-: with; תפלה tplh: frivolity, indecency
בתפלין btplyn
ב־ b-: with; תפילה tpylh: phylactery; תפלה tplh: prayer
with phylacteries,
and not
לא lˀ: not
ולא wlˀ
לא lˀ: not
and not
with squeezing,
ב־ b-: with; קמע qmˁ: bind, tie up, squeeze
בקמיע bqmyˁ
ב־ b-: with; קמיע qmyˁ: amulet
with an amulet,
Shekalim 3:2.d
Encrypted: lest that person be too beautiful, and people may think he is a deceiver of the confused fools for being so beautiful, or lest that person uses prohibited sexual practices, and people may think he is a deceiver of the confused fools for using prohibited sexual practices.
Official: lest that person become poor, and people may think it is from punishment for stealing from the treasury chamber that he became poor, or lest that person become rich, and people may think it is from the contributions to the treasury chamber that he became rich.
שמא šmˀ: lest, perhaps
שמא šmˀ
שמא šmˀ: lest, perhaps
[that person be too] beautiful,
נאי nˀy: beautify, handsome
יעני yˁny
עני ˁny: poor
[that person become] poor,
[and people may] think
אמר ˀmr: say, think
ויאמרו wyˀmrw
אמר ˀmr: say, think
[and people may] think
[he is] a deceiver
מ־ m-: of; און ˀwn: wrong, falsehood; אונאה ˀwnˀh: deceit, fraud
מעון mˁwn
מ־ m-: from; עון ˁwn: penalty, punishment for, in consequence of
[it is] from punishment [???]
of the confused fools
סכל skl: confused, stupid, fool
הלשכה hlškh
לשך lšk: room, chamber, hall
[for stealing from the treasury???] chamber
[for being so] beautiful,
נאי nˀy: beautify, handsome
העני hˁny
עני ˁny: poor
[that he became] poor,
או ˀw: or
או ˀw
או ˀw: or
שמא šmˀ: lest, perhaps
שמא šmˀ
שמא šmˀ: lest, perhaps
[that person uses] prohibited sexual practices,
איסור ˀyswr: prohibited sexual behavior
יעשיר yˁšyr
עשר ˁšr: wealth, rich
[that person become] rich,
[and people may] think
אמר ˀmr: say, think
ויאמרו wyˀmrw
אמר ˀmr: say, think
[and people may] think
[he is] a deceiver
מ־ m-: from; תרמה trmh: deceit
מתרומת mtrwmt
מ־ m-: from; תרם trm: lift, remove, contribute
[it is] from the contributions
of the confused fools
סכל skl: confused, stupid, fool
הלשכה hlškh
לשך lšk: room, chamber, hall
[to the treasury] chamber
[for using] prohibited sexual practices.
איסור ˀyswr: prohibited sexual behavior
העשיר hˁšyr
עשר ˁšr: wealth, rich
[that he became] rich.
Shekalim 3:2.e
Encrypted: Because such a man needs to appear praiseworthy to outside people, just as his manners need to appear praiseworthy everywhere,
Official: Because such a man needs to appear praiseworthy to outside people, just as his manners need to appear praiseworthy to the Lord,
לפי lpy: according to, because
לפי lpy
לפי lpy: according to, because
[such] a man
ש־ š-: that; אדם ˀdm: man
שאדם šˀdm
ש־ š-: that; אדם ˀdm: man
[such] a man
צרך ṣrk: want, need
צריך ṣryk
צרך ṣrk: want, need
to appear
ל־ l-: to; יצא yṣˀ: appear, present, be identified
לצאת lṣˀt
ל־ l-: to; יצא yṣˀ: appear, present, be identified
to appear
ידי ydy: praise, praiseworthy
ידי ydy
ידי ydy: praise, praiseworthy
[to] outside [people],
בריותא brywtˀ: outside
הבריות hbrywt
בריותא brywtˀ: outside
[to] outside [people],
[just] as [his] manners
כ־ k-: as, like; דרך drk: way, manner
כדרך kdrk
כ־ k-: as, like; דרך drk: way, manner
[just] as [his] manners
ש־ š-: that; צרך ṣrk: want, need
שצריך šṣryk
ש־ š-: that; צרך ṣrk: want, need
to appear
ל־ l-: to; יצא yṣˀ: appear, present, be identified
לצאת lṣˀt
ל־ l-: to; יצא yṣˀ: appear, present, be identified
to appear
ידי ydy: praise, praiseworthy
ידי ydy
ידי ydy: praise, praiseworthy
מקום mqwm: place, everywhere, the Lord
המקום hmqwm
מקום mqwm: place, everywhere, the Lord
[to] the Lord,
Shekalim 3:2.f
Encrypted: as it is said: (Numbers 32:22) And you shall be blameless before me and before the laboring bondsmen. And it is said: (Proverbs 3:4) And find favor and understanding good in the eyes of rulers and common men.
Official: as it is said: (Numbers 32:22) And you shall be blameless before me and before Israel. And it is said: (Proverbs 3:4) And find favor and understanding good in the eyes of God and men.
as it is said:
ש־ š-: that; נ־ n-: make; אמר ˀmr: say
שנאמר šnˀmr
ש־ š-: that; נ־ n-: make; אמר ˀmr: say
as it is said:
במדבר bmdbr: Numbers
(במדבר bmdbr
במדבר bmdbr: Numbers
לב lb: 32
לב) lb
לב lb: 32
And you [shall] be
היה hyh: be, become; ־תם -tm: you
והייתם whyytm
היה hyh: be, become; ־תם -tm: you
And you [shall] be
נקי nqy: clean, blameless
נקיים nqyym
נקי nqy: clean, blameless
before me
מי my: from, of; חבה / יחבה ḥbh / yḥbh: hide, hidden
מיי myy
מי my: from, of; ־י -y: me
before me
and before the laboring bondsmen.
מ־ m-: from, of; אסיר ˀsyr: captive, bound; אלי ˀly: labor
ומישראל wmyšrˀl
מי my: from, of; ישראל yšrˀl: Israel
and before Israel.
And it is said:
אמר ˀmr: say
ואומר wˀwmr
אמר ˀmr: say
And it is said:
משל mšl: Proverbs
(משלי mšly
משל mšl: Proverbs
ג g: 3
ג) g
ג g: 3
And find
מצא mṣˀ: find
ומצא wmṣˀ
מצא mṣˀ: find
And find
חן ḥn: favor, grace
חן ḥn
חן ḥn: favor, grace
and understanding
שכל škl: insight, understanding
ושכל wškl
שכל škl: insight, understanding
and understanding
טוב ṭwb: good
טוב ṭwb
טוב ṭwb: good
in the eyes
ב־ b-: in; עין ˁyn: eye, sight
בעיני bˁyny
ב־ b-: in; עין ˁyn: eye, sight
in the eyes
of rulers
אלהים ˀlhym: mighty, rulers
אלהים ˀlhym
אלהים ˀlhym: God, gods
of God
and common men.
אדם ˀdm: commoner
ואדם wˀdm
אדם ˀdm: man, human
and men.
Spies must confirm their will to deceive 3 times.
Shekalim 3:3.a
Encrypted: People belonging to the house of lord Gamliel, it was that they gathered and took up the deceivers among their followers, and tossed them before the one to elevate them.
Official: People belonging to the house of rabban Gamliel, it was that they gathered and weighed the shekels between their fingers, and tossed them before the one to remove the contributions
[People] belonging to
של šl: of, belonging to
של šl
של šl: of, belonging to
[People] belonging to
the house
בית byt: house
בית byt
בית byt: house
the house
of lord
רבן rbn: lord
רבן rbn
רבן rbn: rabban
of rabban
גמליאל gmlyˀl: Gamliel
גמליאל gmlyˀl
גמליאל gmlyˀl: Gamliel
[it] was [that]
היה hyh: be
(היה) hyh
היה hyh: be
[it] was [that]
they gathered
נ־ n-: make; כנס kns: gather, collect
נכנס nkns
נ־ n-: make; כנס kns: gather, collect
they gathered
and took up [the deceivers?]
שקל šql: take up, accept
ושקלו wšqlw
שקל šql: shekel, weight, weigh, carry
and weighed [the shekels?]
בין byn: between, among
בין byn
בין byn: between, among
[their] followers,
צבא ṣbˀ: join, follow, service
אצבעותיו ˀṣbˁwtyw
אצבע ˀṣbˁ: finger
[their] fingers,
and tossed [them]
זרק zrq: throw, toss
וזורקו wzwrqw
זרק zrq: throw, toss
and tossed [them]
לפני lpny: before
לפני lpny
לפני lpny: before
[the one] to elevate [them].
ת־ t-: of; רום rwm: lift up, elevate, raise
התורם htwrm
תרם trm: lift, remove, contribute
[the one] to remove the contributions
Shekalim 3:3.b
Encrypted: The one to elevate them would from the middle push them into a gathering. But not could the deceivers be elevated until that he said to them: Will you deceive? And they said to him: We will deceive, we will deceive, we will deceive! Three times.
Official: The one to remove the contributions would from the middle push them onto a pile. But not could the contributions be contributed until that he said to them: Shall it be contributed? And they said to him: It shall be contributed, it shall be contributed, it shall be contributed! Three times.
[The one] to elevate [them]
ת־ t-: of; רום rwm: lift up, elevate, raise
והתורם whtwrm
תרם trm: lift, remove, contribute
[The one] to remove the contributions
[would] from the middle
מ־ m-: from; תוך twk: middle
מתכון mtkwn
מ־ m-: from; תוך twk: middle
[would] from the middle
push [them]
דחק dḥq: push, press
ודוחקו wdwḥqw
דחק dḥq: push, press
push [them]
into a gathering.
ל־ l-: to; קפא qpˀ: collect, gather
לקפה lqph
ל־ l-: to; קפה qph: heap, pile, basket
onto a pile.
[But] not
אין ˀyn: no, not
אין ˀyn
אין ˀyn: no, not
[But] not
[could] the deceivers
תרמה trmh: deceit
התורם htwrm
תרם trm: lift, remove, contribute
[could] the contributions
be elevated
ת־ t-: of; רום rwm: lift up, elevate, raise
תורם twrm
תרם trm: lift, remove, contribute
be contributed
עד ˁd: while, until
עד ˁd
עד ˁd: while, until
that he said
ש־ š-: that; אמר ˀmr: say
שיאמר šyˀmr
ש־ š-: that; אמר ˀmr: say
that he said
to them:
להם lhm: to them
להם lhm
להם lhm: to them
to them:
[Will you] deceive?
תרמה trmh: deceit
אתרם ˀtrm
תרם trm: lift, remove, contribute
[Shall it] be contributed?
And they
הן hn: they
והן whn
הן hn: they
And they
אמר ˀmr: say
אומרים ˀwmrym
אמר ˀmr: say
to him:
לו lw: to him
לו lw
לו lw: to him
to him:
[We will] deceive,
תרמה trmh: deceit
תרם trm
תרם trm: lift, remove, contribute
[It shall] be contributed,
[we will] deceive,
תרמה trmh: deceit
תרם trm
תרם trm: lift, remove, contribute
[it shall] be contributed,
[we will] deceive!
תרמה trmh: deceit
תרם trm
תרם trm: lift, remove, contribute
[it shall] be contributed!
שלש šlš: three
שלש šlš
שלש šlš: three
פעם pˁm: step, time
פעמים pˁmym
פעם pˁm: step, time
One may not recruit deceivers from a group that is already deceived.
Shekalim 3:4.a
Encrypted: The one who raises the deceivers, the first he covers in a cover, the second he covers in a cover, but the third he does not have it be covered.
Official: The one who removes the contributions, the first he covers in a cover, the second he covers in a cover, but the third he does not have it be covered.
[The one who] raises [the deceivers],
ת־ t-: of; רום rwm: lift up, elevate, raise
תרם trm
תרם trm: lift, remove, contribute
[The one who] removes the contributions,
את ˀt: to
את ˀt
את ˀt: to
the first
ראשון rˀšwn: first
הראשונה hrˀšwnh
ראשון rˀšwn: first
the first
[he] covers
מ־ m-: of; חפה ḥph: cover
ומחפה wmḥph
מ־ m-: of; חפה ḥph: cover
[he] covers
in a cover,
ב־ b-: in; קטבוליא qṭbwlyˀ: katabolia, curtain, cover
בקטבלאות bqṭblˀwt
ב־ b-: in; קטבוליא qṭbwlyˀ: katabolia, curtain, cover
in a cover,
the second
שני šny: two, second
שניה šnyh
שני šny: two, second
the second
[he] covers
מ־ m-: of; חפה ḥph: cover
ומחפה wmḥph
מ־ m-: of; חפה ḥph: cover
[he] covers
in a cover,
ב־ b-: in; קטבוליא qṭbwlyˀ: katabolia, curtain, cover
בקטבלאות bqṭblˀwt
ב־ b-: in; קטבוליא qṭbwlyˀ: katabolia, curtain, cover
in a cover,
[but] the third
שלש šlš: three, third
שלישית šlyšyt
שלש šlš: three, third
[but] the third
[he does] not
לא lˀ: not
לא lˀ
לא lˀ: not
[he does] not
[have it] be
היה hyh: be
היה hyh
היה hyh: be
[have it] be
מ־ m-: of; חפה ḥph: cover
מחפה mḥph
מ־ m-: of; חפה ḥph: cover
Shekalim 3:4.b
Encrypted: Lest he would forget and raise deceivers again from a group where the leaders themselves had already been deceived.
Official: Lest he would forget and remove contributions again from a basket where something had already been contributed.
שמא šmˀ: lest, perhaps, possibility
שמא šmˀ
שמא šmˀ: lest, perhaps, possibility
[he would] forget
שכח škḥ: forget, discard
ישכח yškḥ
שכח škḥ: forget, discard
[he would] forget
and raise [deceivers again]
ת־ t-: of; רום rwm: lift up, elevate, raise
ויתרם wytrm
תרם trm: lift, remove, contribute
and remove contributions [again]
מן mn: of, from
מן mn
מן mn: of, from
[a group where] the leaders [themselves?]
דבר dbr: leader, guide
הדבר hdbr
דבר dbr: thing, something, anything
[a basket where] something
[had already?] been deceived.
תרמה trmh: deceit
התרום htrwm
תרם trm: lift, remove, contribute
[had already] been contributed.
Fools can be used for oppression, for disguising it, and for financial usury.
Shekalim 3:4.c
Encrypted: He raises those of the first group for the oppression of the laboring bondsmen, of the second for wrapping and surrounding it all, of the third for taxation, and for tributes, and for activities of usury that are loathed.
Official: He removes contributions of the first basket for those in the land of Israel, of the second for those in the walled cities with an encircling wall to them, of the third for those in Babylon, and for those in Media, and for those in countries far away.
[He] raises [those]
ת־ t-: of; רום rwm: lift up, elevate, raise
תרם trm
תרם trm: lift, remove, contribute
[He] removes contributions
את ˀt: to
את ˀt
את ˀt: to
the first [group]
ראשון rˀšwn: first
הראשונה hrˀšwnh
ראשון rˀšwn: first
the first [basket]
לשם lšm: for, for the purpose of
לשם lšm
לשם lšm: for, for the purpose of
the oppression
רצץ rṣṣ: oppress, break, crush
ארץ ˀrṣ
ארץ ˀrṣ: land
[those in] the land
of the laboring bondsmen,
אסיר ˀsyr: captive, bound; אלי ˀly: labor
ישראל yšrˀl
ישראל yšrˀl: Israel
of Israel,
of the second
שני šny: two, second
ושניה wšnyh
שני šny: two, second
of the second
לשם lšm: for, for the purpose of
לשום lšwm
לשם lšm: for, for the purpose of
כרך krk: surround, wrap up, encircle
כרכין krkyn
כרך krk: walled city
[those in] the walled cities
[and] surrounding
מקפן mqpn: encircling wall; מ־ m-: of; נקף nqp: surround
המקפין hmqpyn
מקפן mqpn: encircling wall; מ־ m-: of; נקף nqp: surround
[with an] encircling wall
it [all],
ל־ l-: to; ־ה -h: her, it
לה lh
ל־ l-: to; ־ה -h: her, it
to [them],
of the third
שלש šlš: three, third
והשלישית whšlyšyt
שלש šlš: three, third
of the third
לשם lšm: for, for the purpose of
לשום lšwm
לשם lšm: for, for the purpose of
ב־ b-: in; בלו blw: tribute, tax
בבל bbl
בבל bbl: Babel, Babylon
[those in] Babylon,
and for
לשם lšm: for, for the purpose of
ולשום wlšwm
לשם lšm: for, for the purpose of
and for
מדה mdh: tribute, tax, toll
מדי mdy
מדי mdy: Media
[those in] Media,
and for
לשם lšm: for, for the purpose of
ולשום wlšwm
לשם lšm: for, for the purpose of
and for
[activities] of usury
מדין mdyn: borrow, exact usury
מדינות mdynwt
מדינה mdynh: province, country, district
[those in] countries
that are loathed.
רחק rḥq: alienate, loathe
הרחוקות hrḥwqwt
רחק rḥq: far, distance
far away.