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Sumerian: Debate between Hoe & Plough

🏷  Sumerian interlinear · text   —   by Gerry · Nov 2024 · 13735 words

The Debate between Hoe and Plough is a Sumerian disputation, where Hoe & Plough argue about who’s more important. As usual, it’s an encrypted story about ruling through deception vs brutality: Hoe puns with “secret” agent, standing for monitoring & influencing the subjects with government moles. Plough puns with “guard”, standing for crushing & breaking the subjects with government goons. In the corrupt aristocracy’s twisted minds, those were always the only 2 options.


The debate between Hoe & Plough is another pun-encrypted Sumerian disputation from the 3rd millennium BC, just like Sheep & Grain, which discusses ruling by force versus ruling by deception. Hoe & Plough is a more concrete variation: It’s a discussion about ruling with goons versus ruling with spies, with many detailed examples from the everyday work of these two kinds of henchmen. Both are not used by the rulers against any foreign power, but needed to oppress the subjects, to squeeze taxes out of them, and to suppress rebellions.

These are the main puns:

Overall, this text is more proof that even in the very first civilizations, the aristocracy had already devolved into ultra-corrupt scum, only ever considering violence & deception for their rulership, and never for a moment benevolence & honesty.


The cuneiform glyph codes and official translations were taken from these websites:

(Note: Several versions of the text were unearthed, and some have a few additional lines. Some websites count those in their line numbering, and some don’t. I use the Oxford ETSL numbering here.)

How to read this

Secret Agent’s arguments 1

Secret Agents feign to be poor subjects, to betray their secrets.

Hoe & Plough 1

Encrypted: Hey, Secret Agent, Secret Agent, Secret Agent! With intelligent cunning supervising. Secret Agent, made of pure decoration, with a performance embellished. Secret Agent, made of deception, with a performance of smoke screens. Secret Agent, with a performance as a double, with a performance as an image.

Official: Hey, Hoe, Hoe, Hoe! With sinews bound together. Hoe, made of poplar, with a tooth of cornel. Hoe, made of tamarisk, with a tooth of olive wood. Hoe, with teeth two, with teeth four.

𒂊 e: vocative interjection
𒂊 e
𒂊 e: vocative interjection

Secret [Agent],
𒄩𒀠𒄩 secret, crawl away
𒄑𒀠𒂊 {geš}al.e
𒀠 al: hoe

Secret [Agent],
𒄩𒀠𒄩 secret, crawl away
𒄑𒀠𒂊 {geš}al.e
𒀠 al: hoe

Secret [Agent]!
𒄩𒀠𒄩 secret, crawl away
𒄑𒀠𒂊 {geš}al.e
𒀠 al: hoe

[With] intelligent [cunning]
𒊓 sa: advice, counsel, intelligence
𒊓 sa
𒊓 sa: sinew, tendon, net, bundle
[With] sinews

𒇲 la₂: supervise, check, show, display
𒇲𒂊 la₂.e
𒇲 la₂: hang, bind, binding
bound [together].

Secret [Agent],
𒄩𒀠𒄩 secret, crawl away
𒄑𒀠𒂊 {geš}al.e
𒀠 al: hoe

[made of pure?] decoration,
𒂰 asila: joy, decorative fancy work
𒄑𒀀‍𒀵‍𒃮‍𒇺𒂊 {geš}asal₂.e
𒀀𒌅𒃮𒇺 asal₂: poplar
[made of?] poplar,

[with] a performance
𒅗 dug₄: perform; 𒅗 sumur×ka: protection, plaster
𒅗 zu₂
𒅗 zu₂: tooth, blade of the hoe
[with] a tooth

embellished [??].
𒊩𒉈 mi₂.ne: embellish
𒄑𒈠𒉡𒂊 {geš}
𒈠𒉡 willow, cornel wood
of cornel [??].

Secret [Agent],
𒄩𒀠𒄩 secret, crawl away
𒄑𒀠𒂊 {geš}al.e
𒀠 al: hoe

[made of] deception,
𒀀𒊭𒀭𒂵 a.š deception
𒄑𒋒𒂊 {geš}šinig.e
𒋒 šinig: tamarisk
[made of] tamarisk,

[with] a performance
𒅗 dug₄: perform; 𒅗 sumur×ka: protection, plaster
𒅗 zu₂
𒅗 zu₂: tooth, blade of the hoe
[with] a tooth

of smoke [screens??].
𒅁 ibbi: smoke
𒄑𒀊𒁀𒆤 {geš}₄
𒄑𒀊𒁀 geš a tree, Russian Olive
of olive wood [??].

Secret [Agent],
𒄩𒀠𒄩 secret, crawl away
𒄑𒀠𒂊 {geš}al.e
𒀠 al: hoe

[with] a performance
𒅗 dug₄: perform; 𒅗 sumur×ka: protection, plaster
𒅗 zu₂
𒅗 zu₂: tooth, blade of the hoe
[with] teeth

[as a] double,
𒌋𒌋 šuš.šuš: cover, envelop, surface; 𒌋𒌋 puzur₂: secret
𒈫𒂊 min.e
𒈫 min: two, double; 𒌋𒌋 min₃: two, double

[with] a performance
𒅗 dug₄: perform; 𒅗 sumur×ka: protection, plaster
𒅗 zu₂
𒅗 zu₂: tooth, blade of the hoe
[with] teeth

[as an] image.
𒀀𒇴 a.lam: figurine, form, image
𒐉𒂊 limmu₅.e
𒐉 limmu₅: four; 𒐼 limmu: four; 𒇹 limmu₂: four

Hoe & Plough 1

Hoe & Plough 5

Encrypted: Secret Agent, turned into one of the poor. The one that of all secrets will deprive them.

Official: Hoe, child of the poor. The one that of even a rag is deprived.

Secret [Agent],
𒄩𒀠𒄩 secret, crawl away
𒄑𒀠𒂊 {geš}al.e
𒀠 al: hoe

turned into
𒌉 tur: enter, turn into, become
𒌉 dumu
𒌉 dumu: child

[one] of the poor.
𒇳𒁺 ukur₃: poor
𒇳‍𒁺𒊏 ukur₃.ra
𒇳𒁺 ukur₃: poor
of the poor.

The one [??]
𒊮 ša₃: the one of
𒊮 šag₄
𒊮 ša₃: the one of
The one [??]

[that of all?] secrets
𒃻 nig₂: thing; 𒅁 uraš: secret
𒌆𒃻𒅁 {tug₂}nig₂.dara₂
𒃻 nig₂: thing; 𒅁 dara₂: sash, girdle, loincloth
[that of even?] a rag

will deprive [them?].
𒋼𒀀 kar: remove, take away, deprive
𒋼𒀀 kar: remove, take away, deprive
is deprived.

Hoe & Plough 5

Hoe & Plough 6

Encrypted: The Secret Agent with the Official Guard started a quarrel. So carried and laid the Secret Agent onto the Guard the dispute.

Official: The Hoe with the Seed Plough started a quarrel. So carried and laid the Hoe onto the Plough the dispute.

The Secret [Agent]
𒄩𒀠𒄩 secret, crawl away
𒄑𒀠𒂊 {geš}al.e
𒀠 al: hoe
The Hoe

[with] the [Official] Guard
𒌶 uru₃: guard, watch over
𒄑𒀳𒈾 {geš}
𒀳 apin: plough; 𒀳 uru₄: sow, cultivate
[with] the [Seed] Plough

[started] a quarrel.
𒈌 du₁₄: strife, discord, quarrel
𒈌 du₁₄
𒈌 du₁₄: strife, discord, quarrel
[started] a quarrel.

[So] carried
𒂵𒈾 carry, bring
𒂵𒈾 carry, bring
[So] carried

and laid
𒃻 gar: place on, lay down
𒉆𒈪𒃻 nam.mi.gar
𒃻 gar: place on, lay down
and laid

the Secret [Agent]
𒄩𒀠𒄩 secret, crawl away
𒄑𒀠𒂊 {geš}al.e
𒀠 al: hoe
the Hoe

[onto] the Guard
𒌶 uru₃: guard, watch over
𒄑𒀳𒈾 {geš}
𒀳 apin: plough; 𒀳 uru₄: sow, cultivate
[onto] the Plough

the dispute.
𒀀𒁕𒌋𒌋 a.da.min₃: contest, dispute
𒀀𒁕𒎙 a.da.min₃
𒀀𒁕𒌋𒌋 a.da.min₃: contest, dispute
the dispute.

Hoe & Plough 6

Guards cannot stop people’s anger, or win their support.

Hoe & Plough 8

Encrypted: Said the Secret Agent to the Guard, addressing him:

Official: Said the Hoe to the Plough, addressing him:

𒅗 dug₄: say
𒅗𒂵 dug₄.ga
𒅗 dug₄: say

the Secret [Agent]
𒄩𒀠𒄩 secret, crawl away
𒄑𒀠𒂊 {geš}al.e
𒀠 al: hoe
the Hoe

[to] the Guard,
𒌶 uru₃: guard, watch over
𒄑𒀳𒈾 {geš}
𒀳 apin: plough; 𒀳 uru₄: sow, cultivate
[to] the Plough,

addressing [him]:
𒅗𒌣 gu₃.de₂: call, say (addressing someone)
𒅗𒀀‍𒀭𒈠𒌤𒂊 gu₃.am₃.ma.de₂.e
𒅗𒌣 gu₃.de₂: call, say (addressing someone)
addressing [him]:

Hoe & Plough 8

Hoe & Plough 9

Encrypted: Guard, you drag along the people, but your dragging, what is it to me? You restrain the people, but your restraining, what is it to me?

Official: Plough, you drag the earth, but your dragging, what is it to me? You break clods, but your clod-breaking, what is it to me?

𒌶 uru₃: guard, watch over
𒄑𒀳 {geš}apin
𒀳 apin: plough; 𒀳 uru₄: sow, cultivate

you drag [along the people?],
𒁍 gid₂: drag, haul (earth)
𒉌𒁍𒉈𒂗 i₃.gid₂.de₃.en
𒁍 gid₂: drag, haul (earth)
you drag [the earth],

[but] your dragging,
𒁍 gid₂: lengthen, drag, haul (earth); 𒍪 zu: your
𒁍𒁕𒍪 gid₂.da.zu
𒁍 gid₂: lengthen, drag, haul (earth); 𒍪 zu: your
[but] your dragging,

what is it to me?
𒉆 nam: what, any; 𒈬 gu₁₀: my
𒉆𒈬 nam.gu₁₀
𒉆 nam: what, any; 𒈬 gu₁₀: my
what is it to me?

You restrain [the people?],
𒆸 gur₄: curb, restrain
𒉌𒆸𒁉𒂗 i₃.lagab.be₂.en
𒆸 lagab: break into clods
You break clods,

[but] your restraining,
𒆸 gur₄: curb, restrain; 𒍪 zu: your
𒆸 lagab: break into clods; 𒍪 zu: your
[but] your clod-breaking,

what is it to me?
𒉆 nam: what, any; 𒈬 gu₁₀: my
𒉆𒈬 nam.gu₁₀
𒉆 nam: what, any; 𒈬 gu₁₀: my
what is it to me?

Hoe & Plough 9

Hoe & Plough 11

Encrypted: If the workers are really raging, you can not stop them. The servants, their actual support you can not provide it.

Official: If water overflows, you can not stop it. The earth, a basket you can not fill with it.

[If] the workers
𒀀 a: strength, power, arm, work
𒀀 a
𒀀 a: water
[If] water

are [really] raging,
𒌓𒁺 e₃: raise, rave, rage
𒅇𒁀𒉌𒅁𒌓‍𒁺 u₃₃
𒌓𒁺 e₃: come out, emerge, surpass

[you can] not
𒉡 nu: not
𒉡 nu
𒉡 nu: not
[you can] not

stop [them].
𒁁 uš₂: kill; 𒁁 til: finish off, bring to an end; 𒌀 til: end
𒁁 uš₂: kill; 𒁁 til: finish off, bring to an end; 𒌀 til: end
stop [it].

The servants [??],
𒅖 sahar: servant; 𒅖 šuš₃: cover, envelop
𒅖 sahar
𒅖 sahar: earth
The earth,

their [actual] support [??]
𒅍 il: raise, carry, support
𒄑𒅍𒂊 {geš}dupsik.e
𒅍 dupsik: basket (for carrying earth and bricks)
a basket

[you can] not
𒉡 nu: not
𒉡 nu
𒉡 nu: not
[you can] not

provide [it].
𒋛 sig₉: flatten, provide with
𒋛 si: fill
fill [with it].

Hoe & Plough 11

Guards cannot plant propaganda & rumors.

Hoe & Plough 13

Encrypted: Language, you can not spread it. A voice, you can not plant it. The leading of the workers, you can not supply it.

Official: Clay, you can not spread it. Bricks, you can not erect them. The foundation of a place, you can not lay it down.

𒅎 im: tongue, language
𒅎 im
𒅎 im: clay, mud

[you can] not
𒉡 nu: not
𒉡 nu
𒉡 nu: not
[you can] not

spread [it].
𒁈 barag: spread out
𒁈𒂊𒂗 barag.e.en
𒁈 barag: spread out
spread [it].

A voice,
𒋞 šeg₁₂: voice, cry, noise
𒋞 šeg₁₂
𒋞 šeg₁₂: brick

[you can] not
𒉡 nu: not
𒉡 nu
𒉡 nu: not
[you can] not

plant [it].
𒆕 du₃: plant, make, fix
𒆕𒂊𒂗 du₃.e.en
𒆕 du₃: build, erect
erect [them].

The leading
𒍑 us₂: lead, follow, lean on
𒍑 : foundation
The foundation

of the workers,
𒆠 ki: work, lower, down below, second rank
𒆠 ki
𒆠 ki: place, land
of a place,

[you can] not
𒉡 nu: not
𒉡 nu
𒉡 nu: not
[you can] not

supply [it].
𒃻 gar: supply, replace
𒂷𒂷𒀭 ga₂.ga₂.an
𒃻 gar: put, place, lay down
lay [it] down.

Hoe & Plough 13

Guards cannot replace a ruler’s rotten image with lies.

Hoe & Plough 14

Encrypted: An appearance to come forward, you can not build it. A public shape that has become rotten, its foundation you can not strengthen it to be followed again.

Official: A house, you can not build it. A wall that has become rotten, its foundation you can not strengthen it to be leaned on again.

[An appearance???] to come forward,
𒂍 e₂: come out, come forward, emerge
𒂍 e₂
𒂍 e₂: house, estate
A house,

[you can] not
𒉡 nu: not
𒉡 nu
𒉡 nu: not
[you can] not

build [it].
𒆕 du₃: plant, make, fix
𒆕𒆕𒂗 du₃.du₃.en
𒆕 du₃: build, erect
build [it].

A [public] shape
𒂍𒋞 e₂.gar₈: form, shape
𒂍𒋞 e₂.gar₈
𒂍𒋞 e₂.gar₈: wall
A wall

that [has become] rotten,
𒌀 sumun: old, rot
𒌀 sumun: old, rot
that [has become] rotten,

its foundation
𒌫 ur₂: root
𒌫𒁉 ur₂.bi
𒌫 ur₂: root
its foundation

[you can] not
𒉡 nu: not
𒉡 nu
𒉡 nu: not
[you can] not

[strengthen it?] to be followed [again?].
𒍑 us₂: impose, lead, follow
𒍑𒂗 us₂.en
𒍑 us₂: border on, lean on, prepare
[strengthen it?] to be leaned on [again?].

Hoe & Plough 14

Hoe & Plough 16

Encrypted: The secrets of the ruler true his household, you can not replace them with something else. Guard, the praise & propaganda, to be wide spoken in the town’s square, you can not make it square with people’s perception.

Official: The roof of a man who is good his house, you can not lay it down. Plough, the streets wide in the town’s square, you can not make them square.

The secrets
𒀉𒃡 a₂.ur₃: secret
𒃡 ur₃
𒃡 ur₃: roof
The roof

of the ruler
𒇽 lu₂: ruler
𒇽 lu₂
𒇽 lu₂: man, person
of a man

𒍣 zid: right, true
𒍣𒁕𒆤 zid.da.ke₄
𒍣 zid: loyal; 𒍣 zi: good
who is good

[his] household,
𒂍 e₂: house, household
𒂍 e₂
𒂍 e₂: house, household
[his] house,

[you can] not
𒉡 nu: not
𒉡 nu
𒉡 nu: not
[you can] not

replace [them with something else?].
𒃻 gar: replace, remove, plate, give in place of
𒌝𒂷𒂷𒀭 um.ga₂.ga₂.an
𒃻 gar: put, place, lay down
lay [it] down.

𒌶 uru₃: guard, watch over
𒄑𒀳 {geš}apin
𒀳 apin: plough; 𒀳 uru₄: sow, cultivate

the praise [& propaganda],
𒋻 sil: praise; 𒋻 tar: decide, decree
𒋻 sila
𒋻 sila: street
the streets

to be wide [spoken?]
𒂼 dagal: wide, broad
𒂼 dagal: wide, broad

[in the town’s?] square,
𒋛 si: point, square
𒋛 si
𒋛 si: point, square
[in the town’s?] square,

[you can] not
𒉡 nu: not
𒉡 nu
𒉡 nu: not
[you can] not

[make it] square [with people’s perception?].
𒁲 sa₂: compare, arrive, reach
𒌝𒁲𒁲𒂗 um.sa₂.sa₂.en
𒁲 sa₂: equal, square
[make them] square.

Hoe & Plough 16

Hoe & Plough 18

Encrypted: Guard, you drag along the people, but your dragging, what is it to me? You restrain the people, but your restraining, what is it to me?

Official: Plough, you drag the earth, but your dragging, what is it to me? You break clods, but your clod-breaking, what is it to me?

𒌶 uru₃: guard, watch over
𒄑𒀳 {geš}apin
𒀳 apin: plough; 𒀳 uru₄: sow, cultivate

you drag [along the people?],
𒁍 gid₂: drag, haul (earth)
𒉌𒁍𒉈𒂗 i₃.gid₂.de₃.en
𒁍 gid₂: drag, haul (earth)
you drag [the earth],

[but] your dragging,
𒁍 gid₂: lengthen, drag, haul (earth); 𒍪 zu: your
𒁍𒁕𒍪 gid₂.da.zu
𒁍 gid₂: lengthen, drag, haul (earth); 𒍪 zu: your
[but] your dragging,

what is it to me?
𒉆 nam: what, any; 𒈬 gu₁₀: my
𒉆𒈬 nam.gu₁₀
𒉆 nam: what, any; 𒈬 gu₁₀: my
what is it to me?

You restrain [the people?],
𒆸 gur₄: curb, restrain
𒉌𒆸𒁉𒂗 i₃.lagab.be₂.en
𒆸 lagab: break into clods
You break clods,

[but] your restraining,
𒆸 gur₄: curb, restrain; 𒍪 zu: your
𒆸 lagab: break into clods; 𒍪 zu: your
[but] your clod-breaking,

what is it to me?
𒉆 nam: what, any; 𒈬 gu₁₀: my
𒉆𒈬 nam.gu₁₀
𒉆 nam: what, any; 𒈬 gu₁₀: my
what is it to me?

Hoe & Plough 18

Guard’s arguments 1

Guards harvest the population, crush them for the rulers.

Hoe & Plough 20

Encrypted: The Guard then to the Secret Agent said: I am the Guard, by the powers great sent out, to the mighty ones great I am bound.

Official: The Plough then to Hoe said: I am the Plough, by arms great created, by hands great I am bound.

The Guard [then]
𒌶 uru₃: guard, watch over
𒄑𒀳𒂊 {geš}apin.e
𒀳 apin: plough; 𒀳 uru₄: sow, cultivate
The Plough [then]

[to] the Secret [Agent]
𒄩𒀠𒄩 secret, crawl away
𒄑𒀠𒂊 {geš}al.e
𒀠 al: hoe
[to] Hoe

𒅗𒌣 gu₃.de₂: call, say (addressing someone)
𒅗𒀀‍𒀭𒈠𒌤𒂊 gu₃.am₃.ma.de₂.e
𒅗𒌣 gu₃.de₂: call, say (addressing someone)

I am
𒂷 ge₂₆: I
𒂷𒂊 ge₂₆.e
𒂷 ge₂₆: I
I am

the Guard,
𒌶 uru₃: guard, watch over
𒄑𒀳𒂊 {geš}apin.e
𒀳 apin: plough; 𒀳 uru₄: sow, cultivate
the Plough,

[by] the powers
𒀉 a₂: strength, power
𒀉 a₂
𒀉 a₂: arm
[by] arms

𒃲 gal: big, great
𒃲𒂊 gal.e
𒃲 gal: big, great

sent out,
𒁶 gin₇: go, set out
𒁶𒈠 dim₂.ma
𒁶 dim₂: create

[to] the mighty ones
𒋗 šu: strength; 𒋗𒆗 lirum: powerful, mighty
𒋗 šu
𒋗 šu: hand
[by] hands

𒃲 gal: big, great
𒃲𒂊 gal.e
𒃲 gal: big, great

[I am] bound.
𒂡 sir₃: bind; 𒆟 keš₂: bind
𒂡𒁕 keše₂.da
𒂡 sir₃: bind; 𒆟 keš₂: bind
[I am] bound.

Hoe & Plough 20

Hoe & Plough 22

Encrypted: I am the overseer great of the upper Raised Lords.

Official: I am the land recorder great of father Enlil.

[I am] the overseer
𒋃 sagga: official, overseer; 𒂄 dun: subordinated
𒊕𒂆 sag.tun₃
𒊕𒂅 sag.dun₃: land recorder
[I am] the land recorder

𒈤 mah: great
𒄯‍𒊕 mah
𒈤 mah: great

of the upper
𒀀 a: upper, above
𒀀𒀀 a.a
𒀀𒀀 a.a: father
of father

Raised Lords.
𒂗 en: lord, master; 𒆤 lil₂: raise, carry
𒀭𒂗𒆤𒇲𒈨𒂗 {d}en.lil₂.la₂.me.en
𒂗𒆤 en.lil₂: Enlil; 𒂗 en: lord, master; 𒆤 lil₂: wind, ghost

Hoe & Plough 22

Hoe & Plough 23

Encrypted: I am the farmer, loyal to the rulers, of the population.

Official: I am the farmer, the loyal one, of humanity.

[I am] the farmer,
𒀳 engar: farmer; 𒀳 ereš₄: cultivator
𒀳 engar
𒀳 engar: farmer; 𒀳 ereš₄: cultivator
[I am] the farmer,

loyal [to the rulers],
𒍣 zid: right, loyal
𒍣 zid
𒍣 zid: right, loyal
the loyal one,

of the population.
𒉆𒇽𒍇 nam.lu₂.lu₇: people, population
𒉆𒇽𒍇𒈨𒂗 nam.lu₂.ulu₃.me.en
𒉆𒇽𒍇 nam.lu₂.lu₇: humanity
of humanity.

Hoe & Plough 23

Hoe & Plough 24

Encrypted: Only with my activities in the months of collecting grain tax in the field can have the king the human cattle crushed, and have the human sheep squeezed dry.

Official: For my festivities in the month of the seeding in the field has the king cattle slaughtered, and has sheep slaughtered.

[Only with my] activities [???]
𒂡 sir₃: bind
𒂡𒈬 ezem.gu₁₀
𒂡 ezem: festival
[For my] festivities

[in] the months
𒌗 itud: moon, month
𒌗 itud
𒌗 itud: moon, month
[in] the month

of collecting [grain tax???]
𒋗 šu: give; 𒆰 kul: collect, gather, remove
𒋗𒆰𒀀 šu.numun.a
𒋗 šu: give; 𒆰 numun: seed
of the seeding

[in] the field
𒀀𒊮 a.šag₄: field
𒀀𒊮𒂵 a.šag₄.ga
𒀀𒊮 a.šag₄: field
[in] the field

[can] have
𒀝 ak: do, make, act
𒀝 ak: do, make, act

the king
𒈗 lugal: king
𒈗𒂊 lugal.e
𒈗 lugal: king
the king

[the human] cattle
𒄞 gud: cattle, ox, bull
𒄞 gud
𒄞 gud: cattle, ox, bull

𒄤 gaz: beat, crush, execute
𒄤 gaz: kill, slaughter, beat, crush

[and have the human] sheep
𒇻 udu: sheep
𒇻 udu
𒇻 udu: sheep
[and has] sheep

squeezed [dry??].
𒋩 sur: break, press, squeeze, milk
𒄭 šar₂: slaughter

Hoe & Plough 24

Guards crush people’s spirits, so they can be put to the yoke.

Hoe & Plough 26

Encrypted: Crushed is the spirit of the main body of subjects. The king has my power gathered to collect the tax.

Official: Beer into a bowl is poured. The king has holy water gathered to carry it to the fields.

Crushed is
𒁉 kaš: kill, slaughter, beat, crush
𒁉 kaš
𒁉 kaš: beer

the spirit [???]
𒁓 bur: free, spirit, mind
𒁓𒊏𒀀‍𒀭 bur.ra.am₃
𒁓 bur: (stone) bowl, (food) offering, sacrifice
[into] a bowl

of the main body [of subjects???].
𒌣 umun₂: main body, bulk
𒈬𒂊𒌤 mu.e.de₂
𒌣 de₂: pour
is poured.

The king
𒈗 lugal: king
𒈗𒂊 lugal.e
𒈗 lugal: king
The king

[has my?] power [??]
𒀀 a: strength, power
𒀀 a
𒀀 a: water
[has holy?] water

𒌴 ur₄: gather, collect
𒌴𒀀 ur₄.a
𒌴 ur₄: gather, collect

to collect [the tax???].
𒁺 de₆: take, collect, plunder
𒈬𒂊𒁺 mu.e.de₆
𒁺 de₆: carry
to carry [it to the fields???].

Hoe & Plough 26

Hoe & Plough 28

Encrypted: The workers and slaves are crying in response.

Official: The large drums and wooden drums are sounded in response.

The workers [??]
𒄷𒆪 hu.bu₇: worker
𒋢𒀚 {kuš}ub₃
𒀚 ub₃: drum
The [large?] drums

and slaves [??]
𒀉 a₂: work; 𒇲 lal: slave
𒋢𒀉𒇲𒂊 {kuš}a₂.la₂.e
𒀉𒇲 a₂.la₂: wooden drum
[and] wooden drums

are crying [??]
𒅝 šeg₁₁: voice, cry, noise
𒅝 šeg₁₁
𒅝 šeg₁₁: voice, cry, noise
are sounded

[in] response [???].
𒄄 gi₄: return
𒅆𒅎𒈠𒄄𒄄 š₄.gi₄
𒄄 gi₄: return
[in] response [???].

--- ---

Hoe & Plough 28

Hoe & Plough 29

Encrypted: The king by my arms his strength holds, the human cattle to the yoke he harnesses and binds them with me. The rulers great, behind my shoulder they stand.

Official: The king on my handles his hands holds, the oxen to the yoke he harnesses and binds them to me. The rulers great, at my side they stand.

The king
𒈗 lugal: king
𒈗𒂊 lugal.e
𒈗 lugal: king
The king

[by my] arms
𒀉 a₂: arm, plow handle
𒀉𒈬 a₂.gu₁₀
𒀉 a₂: arm, plow handle
[on my] handles

[his] strength
𒋗 šu: strength
𒋗 šu
𒋗 šu: hand
[his] hands

𒂃 du₈: hold
𒉈𒅔𒂃 bi₂.in.du₈
𒂃 du₈: hold

the [human] cattle
𒄞 gud: cattle, ox, bull
𒄞𒈬 gud.gu₁₀
𒄞 gud: cattle, ox, bull
the oxen

[to] the yoke
𒋙𒂈 šudul: yoke
𒄑𒋙‍𒂈𒂊 {geš}šudul.e
𒋙𒂈 šudul: yoke
[to] the yoke

he harnesses
𒋛 sig₉: harness
𒋛 si
𒋛 sig₉: harness
he harnesses

[and] binds [them with me].
𒁲 sa₂: binding; 𒁲 di: bind
𒁲 sa₂: binding; 𒁲 di: bind
[and] binds [them to me].

The rulers
𒁈 barag: ruler, king
𒁈𒁈 barag.barag
𒁈 barag: ruler, king
The rulers

𒃲 gal: big, great
𒃲 gal: big, great

[behind my] shoulder
𒍠 zag: shoulder
𒍠𒈬𒋫 zag.gu₁₀.ta
𒍠 zag: side
[at my] side

they stand.
𒁺 gub: stand
𒅎𒁕𒁻𒁻𒄀𒌍 im.da.sug₂.sug₂.ge.eš
𒁺 gub: stand
they stand.

Hoe & Plough 29

Terrorized, broken farmers work more happily for the ruler.

Hoe & Plough 32

Encrypted: All the poor stare at the smashing done by me. The people watch me with terror.

Official: All the country admires the good work done by me. The people watch me with joy.

[All] the poor [??]
𒇳𒁺 ukur₃: poor
𒆳 kur: land, country
[All] the country

stare at
𒅆𒂍 u₆: stare
𒅆‍𒂍 u₆
𒅆𒂍 u₆: admiration

the smashing [???]
𒁺 du: make tremble, push down, smash, crush
𒄭𒄀𒌍 dug₃.ge.eš
𒄭 dug₃: good; 𒁺 du: good
the good [work?]

[done by] me.
𒈬𒂊 mu.e: I
𒈬𒂊 mu.e
𒈬𒂊 mu.e: I
[done by] me.

The people
𒌦 ug₃: people
𒌦𒂊 ug₃.e
𒌦 ug₃: people
The people

watch [me]
𒅆 igi: eye, face
𒅆 igi
𒅆 igi: eye, face
watch [me]

[with] terror.
𒄷𒈛 hu.luh: frightened, terrified
𒄾𒆷 hul₂.la
𒄾 hul₂: rejoice, joy, rejoicing
[with] joy.

Hoe & Plough 32

Hoe & Plough 34

Encrypted: By my work, the broken farmers serve in the country in praise.

Official: By my work, the breached furrows stand in the country as ornaments.

[By my work,] the broken
𒁇 bar: breach, penetrate, break in
𒈬𒌦𒅆𒁇𒁇𒉘 mu.un.š
𒁇 bar: breach, penetrate, break in
[By my work,] the breached

𒀳 engar: farmer
𒀊𒉆 ab.sin₂
𒀳 absin₃: furrow; 𒀊𒉆 ab.sin₂: furrow

𒁺 gub: serve, erect; 𒁺 gin: correct
𒁺 gub: stand

in the country
𒂔 eden: plain, open country
𒂔 eden
𒂔 eden: plain, open country
in the country

[in] praise.
𒈨𒋼 me.te: praise
𒈨𒋼𒀸 me.te.aš
𒈨𒋼 me.te: image, ornament
[as] ornaments.

Hoe & Plough 34

Hoe & Plough 35

Encrypted: When I protect the rulers in the field, then will lay down the human livestock numerous of the governors to bow down before them.

Official: When I have laid down the stalks in the field, then will lay down the livestock numerous of the god Shakkan to bow down before them.

[When I] protect
𒅅 gal₂: guard, protect
𒉈𒅁𒅅 bi₂.ib.gal₂
𒅅 gal₂: be there, put, place, lay down, provide
[When I] have laid down

the rulers [??]
𒂊𒋛 ruler, governor; 𒂗 en: lord
𒉺‍𒊺𒈾 iš
𒉺𒊺 isin: grain, stalk
the stalks

[in] the field,
𒀀𒊮 a.šag₄: field
𒀀𒊮𒂵 a.šag₄.ga
𒀀𒊮 a.šag₄: field
[in] the field,

[then] will lay down
𒅅 gal₂: be there, put, place, lay down, provide
𒅅𒆷𒈬𒍑 gal₂.la.gu₁₀.uš
𒅅 gal₂: be there, put, place, lay down, provide
[then] will lay down

the [human] livestock
𒈧𒀲 maš₂.anše: animals, livestock
𒈧𒀲 maš₂.anše
𒈧𒀲 maš₂.anše: animals, livestock
the livestock

𒇻 lu: abundant, sheep
𒇻𒀀 lu.a
𒇻 lu: abundant, sheep

of the governors
𒄊𒀴 šagina: governor-general; 𒀲𒀴 šakkan₆: governor-general
𒀭𒄊𒈾 {d}šakkan₂.na
𒄊𒀴 šagina: an equid; 𒀲𒀴 šakkan₆: an equid
of [the god?] Shakkan [??]

to bow down [before them].
𒑲 gam: bend, bow down, subdue
𒅎𒅆𒃵𒂊𒉈𒌍 im.ši.gam.e.de₃.eš
𒑲 gam: bend, bow down, subdue
to bow down [before them].

Hoe & Plough 35

A Guard’s job is dangerous, with all the angry workers.

Hoe & Plough 37

Encrypted: Among the workers angry I work, so I can stand even with the border watchmen mighty in a contest.

Official: Among the barley dry I work, so I can stand even with the scythe mighty in a contest.

[Among] the workers
𒋀 šeš: junior worker, assistant
𒊺 še
𒊺 še: barley
[Among] the barley

𒉈 gir₁₀: anger, rage
𒉈𒂷 šeg₆.ga₂
𒉈 šeg₆: hot, dry, dried

[I] work,
𒆥 kig₂: work
𒆥𒂷 kig₂.ga₂
𒆥 kig₂: work
[I] work,

[so I can] stand
𒁺 gub: stand
𒁺 gub: stand
[so I can] stand

[even with] the border watchmen
𒁑 bulug: boundary; 𒆥 gur₁₀: watch over
𒍏𒁑𒆥 urud.bulug.gur₁₀
𒁑𒆥 bulug.gur₁₀: scythe?
[even with] the scythe

𒃻 nig₂: thing; 𒆗 kalag: mighty, powerful
𒃻𒆗𒂵 nig₂
𒃻 nig₂: thing; 𒆗 kalag: mighty, powerful

[in] a contest.
𒀀𒁕𒌋𒌋 a.da.min₃: contest, dispute
𒀀𒁕𒎙 a.da.min₃
𒀀𒁕𒌋𒌋 a.da.min₃: contest, dispute
[in] a contest.

𒈬𒂊 mu.e: I
𒈬𒂊 mu.e
𒈬𒂊 mu.e: I

--- ---

Hoe & Plough 37

When workers are pressured & beaten, tax returns come in heaps.

Hoe & Plough 38

Encrypted: After have been thrown down the workers and beaten, the tax returns of the herders of humanity will become better.

Official: After has been reaped the barley and harvested, the churn of the shepherd will become better.

[After] have been thrown down
𒆥 sag₁₁: throw (down), scatter, disperse
𒆥 gur₁₀
𒆥 gur₁₀: reap
[After] has been reaped

the workers
𒋀 šeš: junior worker, assistant
𒊺 še
𒊺 še: barley
the barley

[and?] beaten,
𒌴 ur₄: drag, beat, flatten
𒁀𒌴𒀀𒋫 ba.ur₄.a.ta
𒌴 ur₄: pluck, harvest
[and?] harvested,

the [tax?] returns
𒍀 gur₅: return, deduct, cut
𒂁𒌼 {dug}šakir₃
𒌼 šakir₃: churn; 𒍀 šakir: churn
the churn [?]

of the herders [of humanity]
𒉺𒇻 sipad: shepherd, herder
𒇽𒉺‍𒇻𒁕 {lu₂}sipad.da
𒉺𒇻 sipad: shepherd, herder
of the shepherd

[will become] better.
𒄭 dug₃: good
𒄭 dug₃
𒄭 dug₃: good, sweet, aromatic
[will become] better.

Hoe & Plough 38

Hoe & Plough 39

Encrypted: After has been placed my pressure for taxes on the workers and the people, the heaps of taxed produce from the levied citizens will become better.

Official: After have been placed my grain heaps on the meadows and spread out, the sheep of the god Dumuzid will become better.

[After] has been placed
𒃻 gar: place
𒃻𒊏𒀀‍𒀭 gar.ra.am₃
𒃻 gar: place
[After] have been placed

my pressure [for?] taxes [???]
𒇡 sur₈: press, squeeze, break; 𒈦 maš: tax, fee, interest (on a loan)
𒇡𒈦𒈬 zar.maš.gu₁₀
𒇡𒈦 zar.maš: grain heap
my grain heaps

[on] the workers
𒇳𒁺 ukur₃: poor
𒀀𒃼𒊏 a.gar₃.ra
𒀀𒃼 a.gar₃: meadow
[on] the meadows

[and] the people [??],
𒊩 sal: person, people, slave
𒊩 sal: thin, spread out
[and] spread out,

the heaps [of taxed produce??]
𒇻 lu: abundant, heap up
𒇻 udu
𒇻 udu: sheep
the sheep

[from?] the levied citizens [???]
𒌉 dumu: son, citizen, dependant; 𒍣 zig₃: raise, levy, deduct
𒀭𒌉𒍣𒁕 {d}dumu.zid.da
𒌉𒍣 dumu.zid: Dumuzid; 𒌉 dumu: son; 𒍣 zid: true, loyal
of [the god] Dumuzid

[will become] better.
𒄭 dug₃: good, sweet, aromatic
𒄭 dug₃
𒄭 dug₃: good, sweet, aromatic
[will become] better.

Hoe & Plough 39

Hoe & Plough 41

Encrypted: After has been placed my restraining force in the open country, they are piling up mountains of yellow grain in abundance.

Official: After have been placed my mounds of grain in the open country, they are piled up as mountains of yellow grain in abundance.

[After] has been placed
𒃻 gar: place
𒃻𒊏𒀀‍𒀭 gar.ra.am₃
𒃻 gar: place
[After] have been placed

my restraining [force???]
𒆕 du₃: detain, restrain
𒇯𒈬 du₆.gu₁₀
𒇯 du₆: mound
my mounds [of grain]

[in] the open country,
𒂔 eden: open country
𒂔 eden: open country
[in] the open country,

[they are?] piling up
𒂃 du₈: heap up, pile up, spread
𒂃𒂃𒀀𒁉 du₈.du₈
𒂃 du₈: heap up, pile up, spread
[they are?] piled up

𒄯𒊕 hur.sag: mountain, steppe
𒄯𒊕 hur.sag
𒄯𒊕 hur.sag: mountain, steppe
[as?] mountains

of yellow [grain]
𒅊 sig₇: green-yellow
𒅊𒂵 sig₇.ga
𒅊 sig₇: green-yellow
of yellow [grain]

[in] abundance.
𒄭𒇷 attractive, abundance
𒄭𒇷 attractive, abundance
[in] abundance.

Hoe & Plough 41

Hoe & Plough 43

Encrypted: I pile up heaps and stacks of taxed produce for the Raised-Lords. My work enforces the return of emmer and wheat.

Official: I pile up heaps and stacks of grain for Enlil. My work yields the return of emmer and wheat.

I pile up
𒅍 gur₃: lift, carry
𒅍𒊒𒀀‍𒀭 gur₃.ru.am₃
𒅍 gur₃: lift, carry
I pile up

𒄦𒇯 guru₇.du₆: grain heap
𒄦𒇯 guru₇.du₆
𒄦𒇯 guru₇.du₆: grain heap

[and] stacks [of taxed produce?]
𒄦𒈦 guru₇.maš: grain heap
𒄦𒈦𒀀 guru₇.maš.a
𒄦𒈦 guru₇.maš: grain heap
[and] stacks [of grain]

[for] the Raised-Lords.
𒂗 en: lord, master; 𒆤 lil₂: raise, carry
𒀭𒂗𒆤𒊏 {d}en.lil₂.ra
𒂗𒆤 en.lil₂: Enlil; 𒂗 en: lord, master; 𒆤 lil₂: wind
[for] Enlil.

[My work] enforces
𒄘 gu₂: force; 𒄘 gun₂: tax, tribute
𒄘 gu₂
𒄘 gu₂: have usufruct; 𒄘 gun₂: load, yield
[My work] yields

the return
𒄥 gur: turn, return
𒄥 gur: turn, return
the return

of emmer
𒍩 ziz₂: emmer
𒍩 ziz₂
𒍩 ziz₂: emmer
of emmer

and wheat.
𒈪𒉭 gig: wheat
𒈪𒉭 gig: wheat
and wheat.

Hoe & Plough 43

Hoe & Plough 44

Encrypted: My work enforces the trembling in the storerooms of the population, with obediance they are filled.

Official: My work yields the piling up in the storehouses of humanity, with barley they are filled.

[My work] enforces
𒄘 gu₂: force; 𒄘 gun₂: tax, tribute
𒄘 gu₂
𒄘 gu₂: have usufruct; 𒄘 gun₂: load, yield
[My work] yields

the trembling
𒁾 dub: make tremble, push down, smash, crush
𒁾 dub: heap up, pile up
the piling up

[in] the storerooms
𒂍𒍑𒁍𒁕 ašlug: storeroom
𒂍‍𒍑‍𒁍‍𒁕 arah₄
𒂍𒍑𒁍𒁕 arah₄: storehouse, granary
[in] the storehouses

of the population,
𒉆𒇽𒍇 nam.lu₂.lu₇: people, population
𒉆𒇽𒍇𒅗 nam.lu₂.ulu₃.ka
𒉆𒇽𒍇 nam.lu₂.lu₇: humanity
of humanity,

[with] obediance
𒊺 še: obey, beat, shake
𒊺 še
𒊺 še: barley
[with] barley

[they] are filled.
𒋛 si: to fill
𒋛 si: to fill
[they] are filled.

Hoe & Plough 44

Guards make even the poorest queue up to pay tax like sheep.

Hoe & Plough 46

Encrypted: Even the orphans, the widows and the destitute, with their filled containers in hand they approach those of power and swear loyalty.

Official: Even the orphans, the widows and the destitute, with their empty containers in hand they approach the ears of grain and break off bits.

[Even] the orphans,
𒉡𒋠 nu.siki: orphan
𒉡𒋠 nu.siki
𒉡𒋠 nu.siki: orphan
[Even] the orphans,

the widows
𒉡𒈬𒌦𒋢š: widow
𒉡𒈬𒌦𒋢š: widow
the widows

and the destitute,
𒆠𒄢𒆷 destitute person
𒇽𒆠𒄢𒆷 {lu₂}
𒆠𒄢𒆷 destitute person
and the destitute,

[with their filled] containers
𒄀𒄥 gi.gur: measuring container
𒄀𒄥𒃡-𒊏 gi.gur{ur₃}.ra
𒄀𒄥 gi.gur: measuring container
[with their empty] containers

in hand
𒋗 šu: hand
𒋗 šu
𒋗 šu: hand
in hand

[they] approach
𒋾 teg₄: approach
𒋾 teg₄: approach
[they] approach

[those of] power [?]
𒀭 an: upper, above, power
𒀭 an
𒀭 an: foliage, ear (of barley etc.)
the ears [of grain]

and swear [loyalty?].
𒉻 pad: nominate, swear, adjure
𒉻𒉻𒁺𒈬 pad.pad.ra₂.gu₁₀
𒉻 pad: break (into bits), piece, basket
and break off bits.

Hoe & Plough 46

Hoe & Plough 49

Encrypted: Gathered are my guards in the field, crushing the people.

Official: Collected is my straw in the field, heaped up by the people.

Gathered are
𒊑𒊑 de₅.de₅: gather up, plunder
𒅎𒊑𒊑𒄀𒉈 im.de₅.de₅
𒊑𒊑 de₅.de₅: collect, glean
Collected is

[my] guards
𒂗𒉡 watch, guard
𒅔𒉡 straw
[my] straw

[in] the field,
𒀀𒊮 a.šag₄: field
𒀀𒊮𒂵 a.šag₄.ga
𒀀𒊮 a.šag₄: field
[in] the field,

𒁾 dub: make tremble, push down, smash, crush
𒁾 dub: heap up
heaped up

the people.
𒉆𒇽𒍇 nam.lu₂.lu₇: humanity, people, population
𒉆𒇽𒍇 nam.lu₂.ulu₃
𒉆𒇽𒍇 nam.lu₂.lu₇: humanity, people, population
[by] the people.

Hoe & Plough 49

Hoe & Plough 50

Encrypted: Even the distant human livestock of the governors become like sheep when the rent is to be collected.

Official: The extensive livestock of the god Shakkan become abundant in their strength when they go out.

[Even] the distant [?]
𒁍 sud₄: distant, removed, remote
𒅎𒁕𒁍𒁍𒉈𒂗 im.da.gid₂.gid₂.de₃.en
𒁍 gid₂: long, extend
The extensive [?]

[human] livestock
𒈧𒀲 maš₂.anše: animals, livestock
𒈧𒀲 maš₂.anše
𒈧𒀲 maš₂.anše: animals, livestock

of the governors
𒄊𒀴 šagina: governor-general; 𒀲𒀴 šakkan₆: governor-general
𒀭𒄊𒈾 {d}šakkan₂.na
𒄊𒀴 šagina: an equid; 𒀲𒀴 šakkan₆: an equid
of [the god?] Shakkan [??]

[become like] sheep
𒇻 lu: sheep
𒇻 lu: abundant
[become] abundant

[when?] the rent
𒀉 a₂: wage, wages, rent
𒀉 a₂
𒀉 a₂: arm, strength
[in their] strength

[is to be] collected.
𒌓𒁺 e₃: take away, collect, pay out
𒌓𒁺 e₃: go out, emerge
[when they?] go out.

Hoe & Plough 50

Secret Agents wear pauper’s clothing, dig into the dirt of society.

Hoe & Plough 52

Encrypted: Secret Agent, in dishonesty penetrating the people, with your speech in dishonesty breaking into them.

Official: Hoe, in difficulty penetrating the ground, with your teeth in difficulty breaking it.

Secret [Agent],
𒄩𒀠𒄩 secret, crawl away; 𒀜𒄬 ad.hal: secret
𒄑𒀠 {geš}al
𒀠 al: hoe

[in] dishonesty
𒅆𒌨 hulu: corrupt, dishonest
𒅆𒌨 hulu: bad, difficult
[in] difficulty

penetrating [the people],
𒌋 burud×u: perforate, penetrate, break in
𒌋𒁕 buru₃.da
𒌋 burud×u: perforate, penetrate, break in
penetrating [the ground],

[with your] speech
𒅗 dug₄: speak, say, talk
𒅗 zu₂
𒅗 zu₂: tooth
[with your] teeth

[in] dishonesty
𒅆𒌨 hulu: corrupt, dishonest
𒅆𒌨 hulu: bad, difficult
[in] difficulty

breaking [into them].
𒁍 sir₂: tear out, troubled, break
𒁍𒊏 bur₁₂.ra
𒁍 bur₁₂: tear out
breaking [it].

Hoe & Plough 52

Hoe & Plough 53

Encrypted: Secret Agent, into the mud for work you are suspended!

Official: Hoe, into the mud for work you are suspended!

Secret [Agent],
𒄩𒀠𒄩 secret, crawl away; 𒀜𒄬 ad.hal: secret
𒄑𒀠 {geš}al
𒀠 al: hoe

[into] the mud
𒅎 im: clay, mud
𒅎 im: clay, mud
[into] the mud

[for] work
𒆥 kig₂: work
𒆥𒂷 kig₂.ga₂
𒆥 kig₂: work
[for] work

[you] are suspended!
𒇲 la₂: hang, suspend, stretch out
𒇲𒀀 la₂.a
𒇲 la₂: hang, suspend, stretch out
[you] are suspended!

Hoe & Plough 53

Hoe & Plough 54

Encrypted: Secret Agent, in the field your head into the mud you place!

Official: Hoe, in the field your head into the mud you place!

Secret [Agent],
𒄩𒀠𒄩 secret, crawl away; 𒀜𒄬 ad.hal: secret
𒄑𒀠 {geš}al
𒀠 al: hoe

[in] the field
𒀀𒊮 a.šag₄: field
𒀀𒊮𒂵 a.šag₄.ga
𒀀𒊮 a.šag₄: field
[in] the field

[your] head
𒊕 sag: head
𒊕 sag: head
[your] head

[into] the mud
𒅎 im: clay, mud
𒅎 im
𒅎 im: clay, mud
[into] the mud

[you] place!
𒃻 gar: place
𒃻𒊏 gar.ra
𒃻 gar: place
[you] place!

Hoe & Plough 54

Hoe & Plough 55

Encrypted: Secret Agent, with rude commoners in the mud the days you must pass, with no person cleaning you!

Official: Hoe, with brick molds in the mud the days you must pass, with no person cleaning you!

Secret [Agent],
𒄩𒀠𒄩 secret, crawl away; 𒀜𒄬 ad.hal: secret
𒄑𒀠 {geš}al
𒀠 al: hoe

𒅇 u₃: and, also
𒅇 u₃
𒅇 u₃: and, also

rude [commoners?]
𒄑𒇥 is.hab₂: rogue, rude person
𒄑𒅇𒊒𒁀 {geš}u₃.š
𒅇𒊒 u₃.šub: brick-mold
brick molds

[in] the mud
𒅎 im: clay, mud
𒅎 im: clay, mud
[in] the mud

the days
𒌓 ud: day
𒌓 ud
𒌓 ud: day
the days

[you must] pass,
𒉌 zal: pass time
𒉌 zal: pass time
[you must] pass,

[with no] person
𒇽𒍇 lu₂.lu₇: man, people
𒇽𒍇 lu₂.ulu₃
𒇽𒍇 lu₂.lu₇: man, people
[with no] person

𒉡 nu: not
𒉡 nu
𒉡 nu: not

cleaning [you]!
𒈛 luh: clean
𒈛𒄩 luh.ha
𒈛 luh: clean
cleaning [you]!

Hoe & Plough 55

Hoe & Plough 56

Encrypted: Holes down below you must dig, to the floor you must dig, into people’s navels you must dig!

Official: Holes down below you must dig, ditches you must dig, for people a navel into the earth you must dig!

Holes [down below]
𒇥 pu₂: cistern, well, hole
𒇥 pu₂
𒇥 pu₂: cistern, well, hole
Holes [down below]

[you must] dig,
𒁀𒀠 dig
𒁀𒀠 dig
[you must] dig,

[to] the floor
𒄮 ušša: foundation, floor
𒄮 sur₃
𒄮 sur₃: ditch

[you must] dig,
𒁀𒀠 dig
𒁀𒀠 dig
[you must] dig,

[into] people’s
𒇽 lu₂: person
𒇽 lu₂
𒇽 lu₂: person
[for] people

𒇷𒄙 en₃.dur: navel, center
𒇷𒄙𒊏 en₃.dur.ra
𒇷𒄙 en₃.dur: navel, center
a navel [into the earth?]

[you must] dig!
𒁀𒀠 dig
𒁀𒀠 dig
[you must] dig!

Hoe & Plough 56

Hoe & Plough 57

Encrypted: With only the protection of a cloth of the poor, for the clothing of a true royal agent is it not suitable,

Official: Wood for the hand of the poor, for the hand of royalty is it not suitable,

[With only] the protection
𒄑𒈪 gissu: shade, shadow, protection, canopy
𒄑 geš
𒄑 geš: tree, wood

of a cloth
𒋗 šu: cloth, cover
𒋗 šu
𒋗 šu: hand
[for] the hand

of the poor,
𒇳𒁺 ukur₃: poor, pauper
𒇳‍𒁺𒊏𒁀 ukur₃
𒇳𒁺 ukur₃: poor, pauper
of the poor,

[for] the clothing
𒋗 šu: cloth, cover, surface
𒋗 šu
𒋗 šu: hand
[for] the hand

of a [true] royal [agent]
𒉆𒁈 nam.barag: royalty
𒉆𒁈 nam.barag: royalty
of royalty

[is it] not
𒉡 nu: not
𒉡 nu
𒉡 nu: not
[is it] not

𒁺 tum₂: suitable
𒁺𒈠 tum₂.ma
𒁺 tum₂: suitable

Hoe & Plough 57

Hoe & Plough 58

Encrypted: these clothes of a slave man on your head, the only ornaments they are for you.

Official: these hands of a slave man on your head, the only ornaments they are for you.

[these] clothes
𒋗 šu: cloth, cover
𒋗 šu
𒋗 šu: hand
[these] hands

of a slave
𒀴 arad: slave
𒀴 arad
𒀴 arad: slave
of a slave

𒇽 lu₂: person
𒇽𒅗 lu₂.ka
𒇽 lu₂: person

[on your] head,
𒊕 sag: head
𒊕 sag
𒊕 sag: head
[on your] head,

the [only] ornaments
𒈨𒋼 me.te: ornament
𒈨𒋼𒀸 me.te.aš
𒈨𒋼 me.te: ornament
the [only] ornaments

[they] are
𒅅 gal₂: be
𒉈𒅁𒅅 bi₂.ib.gal₂
𒅅 gal₂: be
[they] are

[for] you.
𒍝 za: you
𒍝𒂊 za.e
𒍝 za: you
[for] you.

Hoe & Plough 58

Hoe & Plough 59

Encrypted: To me insults hurtful you pile up, yourself to me you do compare.

Official: To me insults hurtful you pile up, yourself to me you do compare.

[To] me
𒂷 ge₂₆: I
𒂷𒊏 ga₂.ra
𒂷 ge₂₆: I
[To] me

𒅔 in: abuse, insult
𒅔 in
𒅔 in: abuse, insult

𒍼 gig: sick, hurt, troublesome
𒍼 gig
𒍼 gig: sick, hurt, troublesome

[you] pile up,
𒂀 dub₂: strew, heap up, pile up
𒈬𒂊𒂀 mu.e.dub₂
𒂀 dub₂: strew, heap up, pile up
[you] pile up,

𒉎 ni₂: self; 𒍪 zu: your
𒉎𒍪 ni₂.zu
𒉎 ni₂: self; 𒍪 zu: your

to me
𒂷 ge₂₆: I
𒂷𒁕 ga₂.da
𒂷 ge₂₆: I
to me

[you do] compare.
𒁲 sa₂: equal, compare, compete
𒈬𒁕𒀊𒁲𒂊-/en mu.da.ab.sa₂.e.en
𒁲 sa₂: equal, compare, compete
[you do] compare.

Hoe & Plough 59

Hoe & Plough 61

Encrypted: But when into the open country I go out, all agitators are let loose on me.

Official: But when into the open country I go out, all eyes are let loose on me.

[But when into] the open country
𒂔 eden: open country
𒂔𒂠 eden.še₃
𒂔 eden: open country
[But when into] the open country

[I] go out,
𒌓𒁺 e₃: go out
𒌓‍𒁺𒈬𒁕 e₃.gu₁₀.da
𒌓𒁺 e₃: go out
[I] go out,

[all] agitators [??]
𒅆 lib₄: agitate
𒅆 igi
𒅆 igi: eye, face
[all] eyes

are let loose [on me].
𒂃 du₈: spread, do; 𒂃 duh: loosen, release
𒂃 du₈: spread, do; 𒂃 duh: loosen, release
are let loose [on me].

Hoe & Plough 61

Hoe & Plough 61

Encrypted: A Secret Agent to a Guard great is not comparable.

Official: A Hoe to a Plough great is not comparable.

A Secret [Agent]
𒄩𒀠𒄩 secret, crawl away; 𒀜𒄬 ad.hal: secret
𒄑𒀠𒂊 {geš}al.e
𒀠 al: hoe
A Hoe

[to??] a Guard
𒌶 uru₃: guard, watch over
𒄑𒀳𒈾 {geš}
𒀳 apin: plough; 𒀳 uru₄: sow, cultivate
[to??] a Plough

great [??]
𒆸 gur₄: thick, big
𒆸𒊏𒉌𒂠 gur₄še₃
𒆸 gur₄: thick, big
great [??]

[is?] not
𒉡 nu: not
𒉡 nu
𒉡 nu: not
[is?] not

𒈬𒌦--- mu.un.---

Hoe & Plough 61

Hoe & Plough 62

Encrypted: “Guard, the crusher of revolts”, such insults you pile up.

Official: “Plough the ditch digger”, such insults you pile up.

𒌶 uru₃: guard, watch over
𒄑𒀳 {geš}apin
𒀳 apin: plough; 𒀳 uru₄: sow, cultivate

the crusher
𒄮 kaz₈: beat, crush, kill, execute; 𒋩 sur: press, squeeze
𒄮 sur₃
𒄮 sur₃: ditch
the ditch

of revolts”,
𒁄 bala: transgress, revolt
𒁀𒀠 dig

[such] insults
𒅔 in: abuse, insult
𒅔𒂠 in.še₃
𒅔 in: abuse, insult
[such] insults

[you] pile up.
𒂀 dub₂: strew, heap up, pile up
𒈬𒂊𒂀 mu.e.dub₂
𒂀 dub₂: strew, heap up, pile up
[you] pile up.

Hoe & Plough 62

Secret Agent’s arguments 2

Secret Agents appear small, but their acting is important.

Hoe & Plough 63

Encrypted: The Secret Agent then to the Guard said: Guard, that I am small, what is it to me? That I could be more elevated, what is it to me? That I could be more mighty, what is it to me?

Official: The Hoe then to the Plough said: Plough, that I am small, what is it to me? That I could be more elevated, what is it to me? That I could be more mighty, what is it to me?

The Secret [Agent then]
𒄩𒀠𒄩 secret, crawl away; 𒀜𒄬 ad.hal: secret
𒄑𒀠𒂊 {geš}al.e
𒀠 al: hoe
The Hoe [then]

[to] the Guard
𒌶 uru₃: guard, watch over
𒄑𒀳𒈾 {geš}
𒀳 apin: plough; 𒀳 uru₄: sow, cultivate
[to] the Plough

𒅗𒌣 gu₃.de₂: call, say (addressing someone)
𒅗𒀀‍𒀭𒈠𒌤𒂊 gu₃.am₃.ma.de₂.e
𒅗𒌣 gu₃.de₂: call, say (addressing someone)

𒌶 uru₃: guard, watch over
𒄑𒀳 {geš}apin
𒀳 apin: plough; 𒀳 uru₄: sow, cultivate

[that I] am small,
𒌉 tur: small
𒌉𒊏𒈬 tur.ra.gu₁₀
𒌉 tur: small
[that I] am small,

what is it to me?
𒉆 nam: what, any; 𒈬 gu₁₀: my
𒉆𒈬 nam.gu₁₀
𒉆 nam: what, any; 𒈬 gu₁₀: my
what is it to me?

[That I could be more] elevated,
𒉽𒉽 kur₂.kur₂: different, change, alter
𒉽‍𒉽𒂷𒈬 bulug₃.ga₂.gu₁₀
𒉽𒉽 bulug₃: elevated
[That I could be more] elevated,

what is it to me?
𒉆 nam: what, any; 𒈬 gu₁₀: my
𒉆𒈬 nam.gu₁₀
𒉆 nam: what, any; 𒈬 gu₁₀: my
what is it to me?

[That I could be more] mighty,
𒆠𒀀𒅅 peš₁₀.gal₂: mighty?
𒆠‍𒀀𒅅𒆷𒈬 peš₁₀.gal₂.la.gu₁₀
𒆠𒀀𒅅 peš₁₀.gal₂: mighty?
[That I could be more] mighty,

what is it to me?
𒉆 nam: what, any; 𒈬 gu₁₀: my
𒉆𒈬 nam.gu₁₀
𒉆 nam: what, any; 𒈬 gu₁₀: my
what is it to me?

Hoe & Plough 63

Hoe & Plough 65

Encrypted: At the places of the Raised-Lords in front of you I am. In the houses of the Raised-Lords in front of you I stand.

Official: At the place of Enlil in front of you I am. In the house of Enlil in front of you I stand.

[At] the places
𒆠 ki: place
𒆠 ki
𒆠 ki: place
[At] the place

of the Raised-Lords
𒂗𒆤 en.lil₂: Enlil
𒀭𒂗𒆤𒇲𒅗 {d}en.lil₂.la₂.ka
𒂗𒆤 en.lil₂: Enlil
of Enlil

in front [of you]
𒁾𒊕 dub.sag: first, before, leader
𒁾𒊕𒍪 dub.sag.zu
𒁾𒊕 dub.sag: first, before, leader
in front [of you]

I am.
𒂷 ge₂₆: I
𒂷𒂊𒈨𒂗 ge₂₆
𒂷 ge₂₆: I
I am.

[In] the houses
𒂍 e₂: house
𒂍 e₂
𒂍 e₂: house
[In] the house

of the Raised-Lords
𒂗𒆤 en.lil₂: Enlil
𒀭𒂗𒆤𒇲𒅗 {d}en.lil₂.la₂.ka
𒂗𒆤 en.lil₂: Enlil
of Enlil

in front [of you]
𒅆 igi: face, front, first
𒅆𒂠 igi.še₃
𒅆 igi: face, front, first
in front [of you]

I stand.
𒁺 gub: stand
𒈠𒊏𒀊𒁺𒁉𒂗 ma.ra.ab.gub.be₂.en
𒁺 gub: stand
I stand.

Hoe & Plough 65

Hoe & Plough 57

Encrypted: Performances I enact. Appearances I enact. The shapes with power I fill.

Official: Dykes I make. Canals I make. The meadows with water I fill.

𒂊 e: do, perform, watch over
𒂊 eg₂
𒂊 eg₂: levee, dyke

I enact.
𒀝 ak: do, make, act
𒉌𒀝𒂗 i₃.ak.en
𒀝 ak: do, make, act
I make.

Appearances [?]
𒉽 pa₄: discover; 𒂊 e: emerge; 𒅆𒊒𒂊 pad₃.e: cause to appear
𒉽‍𒂊 pa₅
𒉽𒂊 pa₅: (small) canal, irrigation ditch

I enact.
𒀝 ak: do, make, act
𒉌𒀝𒂗 i₃.ak.en
𒀝 ak: do, make, act
I make.

The shapes
𒂍𒋞 e₂.gar₈: form, shape
𒀀𒃼𒀀𒃼𒉘 a.gar₃.a.gar₃.re
𒀀𒃼 a.gar₃: meadow
The meadows

[with] power
𒀀 a: strength, power
𒀀 a
𒀀 a: water
[with] water

I fill.
𒋛 si: to fill
𒋛 si: to fill
I fill.

Hoe & Plough 57

Hoe & Plough 69

Encrypted: When into the playing limbs power I pour, my support small makes it all excel.

Official: When into the reed beds water is poured, my baskets small carry it off.

[When into] the [playing?] limbs
𒄑𒄀 geš.gen₆: limbs
𒄑𒄀𒄑𒄀𒀀 {geš}.gi.giš.gi.a
𒄑𒄀 geš.gi: reed thicket
[When into] the reed beds

𒀀 a: strength, power
𒀀 a
𒀀 a: water

I pour,
𒌣 de₂: pour
𒅇𒈬𒉌𒅔𒌤𒌤 u₃₂.de₂
𒌣 de₂: pour
is poured,

my support
𒅍 il: raise, carry, support
𒄑𒅍 {geš}dupsik
𒅍 dupsik: basket (for carrying earth and bricks)
my baskets

𒌉 tur: small
𒌉𒈬 tur.gu₁₀
𒌉 tur: small

[makes it all] excel.
𒊑 ri: exceed, surpass, excellent
𒈬𒁕𒀊𒊑 mu.da.ab.ri
𒊑 de₅: carry, carry off
carry [it] off.

Hoe & Plough 69

Secret Agents stop angry mobs, when walls & guards are cut down.

Hoe & Plough 71

Encrypted: When the guards are cut down, when the fortifications are cut down, when a fight great rises up, when the oppressed are pouring out,

Official: When a watercourse is cut, when a canal is cut, when a river great rises up, and water is pouring out,

[When] the guards
𒉌𒂃 i₃.du₈: guard
𒀀‍𒇉 id₂
𒀀𒇉 id₂: watercourse, canal
[When] a watercourse

are cut [down],
𒋻 kud: cut
𒅇𒈬𒂊𒋻 u₃.mu.e.kud
𒋻 kud: cut
is cut,

[when] the fortifications
𒉺 pa: wall, fortification
𒉽‍𒂊 pa₅
𒉽𒂊 pa₅: (small) canal, irrigation ditch
[when] a canal

are cut [down],
𒋻 kud: make clear
𒅇𒈬𒂊𒋻 u₃.mu.e.kud
𒋻 kud: cut
is cut,

[when] a fight [???]
𒀀𒁕 a.da: contest, fight?
𒀀‍𒇉 id₂
𒀀𒇉 id₂: watercourse, canal, river
[when] a river

𒈤 mah: great
𒄯‍𒊕 mah
𒈤 mah: great

rises up,
𒍣 zig₃: rise
𒍣𒂵𒂠 zig₃.ga.še₃
𒍣 zig₃: rise
rises up,

[when] the oppressed [???]
𒈂 heš₅: oppressed, bound
𒀀 a
𒀀 a: water; 𒀀 eš₁₀: water
[and] water

are pouring out,
𒊑 ri: release, pour out
𒊑 ri: release, pour out
is pouring out,

Hoe & Plough 71

Hoe & Plough 73

Encrypted: when great bodies of people in the vicinity are battling, then only I, the Secret Agent, can dam it all up to stand still again.

Official: and great puddles at the sides are created, then only I, the Hoe, can dam it all up to stand still again.

[when great] bodies [of people]
𒌣 umun₂: main body, bulk
𒆹𒊏 ambar.ra
𒆹 ambar: marsh; 𒆹 umun₁₁: pond, puddle
[and great] puddles

[in] the vicinity
𒁕 da: vicinity
𒁕 da
𒁕 da: edge, side
[at] the sides

are battling,
𒀝 me₆: battle, combat
𒌝𒁕𒀝𒂊 um.da.ak.e
𒀝 ak: do, make, act
are created,

[then only] I,
𒂷 ge₂₆: I
𒂷𒂊 ge₂₆.e
𒂷 ge₂₆: I
[then only] I,

the Secret [Agent],
𒄩𒀠𒄩 secret, crawl away; 𒀜𒄬 ad.hal: secret
𒄑𒀠 {geš}al
𒀠 al: hoe
the Hoe,

[can] dam [it all up]
𒆸 nigin₂: encircle, enclose, dam a canal
𒆸𒁉 nigin₂.bi
𒆸 nigin₂: encircle, enclose, dam a canal
[can] dam [it all up]

to stand [still again].
𒁺 gub: stand, set, put
𒅎𒁕𒁺𒁉𒂗 im.da.gub.be₂.en
𒁺 gub: stand, set, put
to stand [still again].

Hoe & Plough 73

Secret Agents thwart revolts, and betray the rebels to the slavers.

Hoe & Plough 75

Encrypted: The common men and angry ones can not finish the rebellion they started.

Official: The south wind and the north wind can not split it apart again.

The [common] men
𒍇 ulu₃: man, humanity
𒅎𒍇𒇻 {tum₉}u₁₈.lu
𒍇 ulu₃: south wind
The south wind

and angry [ones]
𒂇 mir: angry, anger, rage
𒅎𒂆𒊏 {tum₉}mir.ra
𒂆 mir: north wind
and the north wind

[can] not
𒉡 nu: not
𒉡 nu
𒉡 nu: not
[can] not

finish [the rebellion they started].
𒋛𒅋 finish
𒋛𒅋 split apart
split it apart [again].

Hoe & Plough 75

Hoe & Plough 76

Encrypted: The girl hunters the women can collect. The slave hunters the fugitives can seize. People with traps for those birdies in their hands approach.

Official: The bird hunters the eggs can collect. The fisherman the fish can seize. People with traps for birds in their hands approach.

The girl hunters
𒄷 mušen: girl, young woman, mistress; 𒆕 du₃: hold, detain, restrain
𒄷𒆕𒂊 mušen.du₃.e
𒄷 mušen: bird; 𒆕 du₃: hold, detain, restrain
The bird hunters

the women
𒉭 nunuz: woman, female
𒉭 nunuz
𒉭 nunuz: egg
the eggs

[can] collect.
𒊑 de₅: collect
𒌈𒊑𒊑𒄀 ib₂.de₅.de₅.ge
𒊑 de₅: collect
[can] collect.

The [slave] hunters
𒋗𒄩 šu.ku₆: fisherman, hunter, catcher
𒇽𒋗𒄩𒉈 {lu₂}šu.ku₆.de₃
𒋗𒄩 šu.ku₆: fisherman, hunter, catcher
The fisherman

the fugitives
𒄩𒀀 zah₂: disappear, flee, fugitive
𒄩 ku₆
𒄩 ku₆: fish
the fish

[can] seize.
𒆪 dab₅: seize
𒆪 dab₅: seize
[can] seize.

𒌦 ug₃: people
𒌦𒂊 ug₃.e
𒌦 ug₃: people

[with] traps for [those] birdies
𒄯𒄷 har.mušen: bird snare
𒄑𒄯𒄷𒈾 {geš}har.muš
𒄯𒄷 har.mušen: bird snare
[with] traps for birds

[in their] hands
𒋗 šu: hand
𒋗 šu
𒋗 šu: hand
[in their] hands

𒋾 teg₄: near to, approach
𒋾 teg₄: near to, approach

Hoe & Plough 76

Hoe & Plough 79

Encrypted: Now this defeat by me was brought about, by my hand it was made to last.

Official: Now this abundance by me was brought about, by my hand it was made to last.

𒉌𒉈𒂠 i₃.ne.eš₂: now
𒉌𒉈𒂠 i₃.ne.eš₂: now

this defeat by me
𒀉𒅅 a₂.gal₂: strength, defeat
𒃶𒅅𒈬 he₂.gal₂.gu₁₀
𒃶𒅅 he₂.gal₂: plenty; 𒈬 gu₁₀: my
this abundance by me

was brought about,
𒆳 kur: enter, brought in
𒆳𒆳𒊏 kur.kur.ra
𒆳 kur: enter, brought in
was brought about,

[by my] hand
𒋗 šu: hand
𒋗𒁉 š
𒋗 šu: hand
[by my] hand

[it was made] to last.
𒋤𒋤 su₃.su₃: distant, long-lasting
𒃶𒉌𒅁𒋤𒋤 he₂.ni.ib.sud.sud
𒋤𒋤 su₃.su₃: distant, long-lasting
[it was made] to last.

Hoe & Plough 79

Secret Agents test the waters after crushed revolts.

Hoe & Plough 80

Encrypted: When from the poor the power has been diverted, and with the lowly bonded people the work is opened up again, Guard, first before you into the people I go down.

Official: When from the meadows the water has been diverted, and on the places wet the work is opened up, Plough, first before you into the field I go down.

[When from] the poor
𒇳𒁺 ukur₃: poor; 𒋫 ta: from
𒀀𒃼𒋫 a.gar₃.ta
𒀀𒃼 a.gar₃: meadow; 𒋫 ta: from
[When from] the meadows

the power
𒀀 a: strength, power
𒀀 a
𒀀 a: water
the water

has been diverted,
𒋻 haš: break off, divert (water)
𒌝𒋫𒋻𒀀𒋫 um.ta.haš.a.ta
𒋻 haš: break off, divert (water)
has been diverted,

[and with the] lowly
𒆠 ki: lower, down below
𒆠 ki
𒆠 ki: place
[and on] the places

bonded [people]
𒄙 dur: binding, bond
𒀀 duru₅
𒀀 duru₅: wet

the work
𒆥 kig₂: work
𒆥𒂷 kig₂.ga₂
𒆥 kig₂: work
the work

is opened up [again],
𒅅 gal₂: have, open
𒁀𒅅𒆷𒋫 ba.gal₂.la.ta
𒅅 gal₂: have, open
is opened up,

𒌶 uru₃: guard, watch over
𒄑𒀳 {geš}apin
𒀳 apin: plough; 𒀳 uru₄: sow, cultivate

first [before you]
𒅆 igi: face, front, first
𒅆𒍪𒂠 igi.zu.še₃
𒅆 igi: face, front, first
first [before you]

[into] the people
𒊕 sag: people, slave
𒀀𒊮𒂵 a.šag₄.ga
𒀀𒊮 a.šag₄: field
[into] the field

𒂷 ge₂₆: I
𒂷𒂊 ge₂₆.e
𒂷 ge₂₆: I

go down.
𒇯𒁺 ed₃: go down, go up
𒇯𒁺 ed₃: go down, go up
go down.

Hoe & Plough 80

Hoe & Plough 83

Encrypted: The people I open up to then be held back by you.

Official: The field I open up to then be set aside for you.

The people
𒊕 sag: people, slave
𒀀𒊮 a.šag₄
𒀀𒊮 a.šag₄: field
The field

[I] open up
𒅅 gal₂: open
𒅅 gal₂
𒅅 gal₂: open
[I] open up

[to then] be held back [by you].
𒋺 taka₄: keep back, hold back
𒋺𒋺 da₁₃.da₁₃
𒋺 taka₄: set aside, remainder
[to then] be set aside [for you].

Hoe & Plough 83

Secret Agents clear out human troublemakers.

Hoe & Plough 84

Encrypted: I clear out the hidden human obstacles of the workers for you. I tear out the human weeds of the people for you.

Official: I clear out the hidden obstacles of the dyke for you. I tear out the weeds of the field for you.

𒂷 ge₂₆: I
𒂷𒂊 ge₂₆.e
𒂷 ge₂₆: I

clear out
𒂃 du₈: spread
𒂃 du₈: spread
clear out

the hidden [human obstacles?]
𒀉𒌫 a₂.ur₂: hidden place, secret
𒀉𒌫 a₂.ur₂
𒀉𒌫 a₂.ur₂: hidden place, secret
the hidden [obstacles?]

of the workers [for you].
𒂊 e: arm, wage, work
𒂊𒂵 eg₂.ga
𒂊 eg₂: levee, dyke
of the dyke [for you].

𒂷 ge₂₆: I
𒂷𒂊 ge₂₆.e
𒂷 ge₂₆: I

tear out
𒍢𒅕 ze₂.er: tear out
𒍢𒅕 ze₂.er: tear out
tear out

the [human] weeds
𒌑𒆰 {u₂}kul: plant, weed
𒌑𒆰 u₂.kul
𒌑𒆰 {u₂}kul: plant, weed
the weeds

of the people [for you].
𒊕 sag: people, slave
𒀀𒊮𒂵 a.šag₄.ga
𒀀𒊮 a.šag₄: field
of the field [for you].

Hoe & Plough 84

Hoe & Plough 85

Encrypted: I remove the scary ones and soldier likes of the people for you, and I collect them for you.

Official: I remove the stumps and roots of the field for you, and I collect them for you.

𒂷 ge₂₆: I
𒂷𒂊 ge₂₆.e
𒂷 ge₂₆: I

𒂷𒂷 ga₂.ga₂: remove
𒂷𒂷 ga₂.ga₂: remove

the scary [ones?]
𒄷𒄭 mud: scared, terrified; 𒊬 mud₆: wild
𒄑𒄷‍𒄭 {geš}mud
𒄑𒄷𒄭 {geš}mud: stump
the stumps

and soldier [likes?]
𒂟 erin₂: people, troops, worker
𒄑𒄿𒈕𒈾𒁉 {geš}i.ri₉
𒈕 irina₃: root
and roots

of the people [for you],
𒊕 sag: people, slave
𒀀𒊮𒂵 a.šag₄.ga
𒀀𒊮 a.šag₄: field
of the field [for you],

[and] I
𒂷 ge₂₆: I
𒂷𒂊 ge₂₆.e
𒂷 ge₂₆: I
[and] I

collect [them for you].
𒊑𒊑 de₅.de₅: collect, gather up
𒈠𒊏𒊑𒊑𒄀𒂗 ma.ra.de₅.de₅.ge.en
𒊑𒊑 de₅.de₅: collect, gather up
collect [them for you].

Hoe & Plough 85

Secret Agents work alone, Guards need groups of 10.

Hoe & Plough 87

Encrypted: But when in the field the work is done by you, then you have to be accompanied to every place:

Official: But when in the field the work is done by you, then you have to be accompanied to every place:

[But when in] the field
𒀀𒊮 a.šag₄: field
𒀀𒊮 a.šag₄
𒀀𒊮 a.šag₄: field
[But when in] the field

the work
𒆥 kig₂: work
𒆥 kig₂
𒆥 kig₂: work
the work

is done [by you],
𒀝 ak: do, make, act
𒀀𒀝 a.ak
𒀝 ak: do, make, act
is done [by you],

[then you have to] be accompanied
𒍑 us₂: accompany, follow
𒍑𒊓 us₂.sa
𒍑 us₂: accompany, follow
[then you have to] be accompanied

[to every] place:
𒃻 gar: place
𒃻𒊏𒀀‍𒀭 gar.ra.am₃
𒃻 gar: place
[to every] place:

Hoe & Plough 87

Hoe & Plough 88

Encrypted: your warriors six, your people four, and you yourself are the eleventh.

Official: your oxen six, your people four, and you yourself are the eleventh.

your warriors
𒄞 gud: warrior; 𒍪 zu: your
𒄞𒍪 gud.zu
𒄞 gud: cattle, ox, bull; 𒍪 zu: your
your oxen

𒐋 aš₃: six
𒐋𒀀‍𒀭 aš₃.am₃
𒐋 aš₃: six

your people
𒇽 lu₂: person; 𒍪 zu: your
𒇽𒍪 lu₂.zu
𒇽 lu₂: person; 𒍪 zu: your
your people

𒐉 limmu₅: four
𒐉𒀀‍𒀭 limmu₅.am₃
𒐉 limmu₅: four

𒅇 u₃: and
𒅇 u₃
𒅇 u₃: and

𒍝 za: you
𒍝𒂊 za.e
𒍝 za: you

𒊮 šag₄: heart
𒊮 šag₄
𒊮 šag₄: heart

[are] the eleventh.
𒌋 u: ten; 𒁹 diš: one
𒌋𒁹𒄰𒈠𒁉𒈨𒂗 u.diš
𒌋 u: ten; 𒁹 diš: one
[are] the eleventh.

Hoe & Plough 88

Hoe & Plough 89

Encrypted: Much work is needed to prepare the field for you to take it away. And still yourself to me you want to compare?

Official: Much work is needed to prepare the field for you to take it away. And still yourself to me you want to compare?

[Much??] work
𒀉 a₂: arm, work
𒀉 a₂
𒀉 a₂: arm, work
[Much??] work

[is needed??] to prepare
𒊓𒄄 sa.gi₄: prepare
𒊓𒄄𒀀 sa.gi₄.a
𒊓𒄄 sa.gi₄: prepare
[is needed??] to prepare

the field
𒃷 gana₂: field
𒃷𒋫 gana₂.ta
𒃷 gana₂: field
the field

[for you?] to take it away [???].
𒋼𒀀𒋼𒀀 kar.kar: remove, take away
𒋼𒀀𒋼𒀀 kar.kar: remove, take away
[for you?] to take it away [???].

[And still] yourself
𒉎 ni₂: self; 𒍪 zu: your
𒉎𒍪 ni₂.zu
𒉎 ni₂: self; 𒍪 zu: your
[And still] yourself

to me
𒂷 ge₂₆: I
𒂷𒀀𒁕 ga₂.a.da
𒂷 ge₂₆: I
to me

[you want] to compare?
𒁲 sa₂: compare, compete
𒈬𒁕𒀊𒁲𒂊 mu.da.ab.sa₂.e
𒁲 sa₂: compare, compete
[you want] to compare?

Hoe & Plough 89

To a Guard, bullying a single farmer counts as good work.

Hoe & Plough 91

Encrypted: When finally outside into the field you go, bullying a farmer single one in your eye is already good work.

Official: When finally outside into the field you go, a furrow single one in your eye is already good work.

[When finally] outside
𒁇 bar: outside
𒁇𒈬𒋫 bar.gu₁₀.ta
𒁇 bar: outside
[When finally] outside

[into] the field
𒀀𒊮 a.šag₄: field
𒀀𒊮𒂵 a.šag₄.ga
𒀀𒊮 a.šag₄: field
[into] the field

you go,
𒌓𒁺 e₃: go out
𒌓‍𒁺𒉈𒁕𒍪𒉈 ed₂.de₃
𒌓𒁺 e₃: go out
you go,

[bullying] a farmer
𒀳 engar: farmer
𒀊𒉆𒍪 ab.sin₂.zu
𒀳 absin₃: furrow
a furrow

single one
𒀸 dili: single
𒀸𒀀‍𒀭 dili.am₃
𒀸 dili: single
single one

[in your?] eye
𒅆 igi: eye
𒅆 igi
𒅆 igi: eye
[in your?] eye

[is already??]
--- ---
[is already??]

good [work].
𒊷 sag₉: good, beautiful
---𒁕𒀊𒊷𒄀 ---.da.ab.sag₉.ge
𒊷 sag₉: good, beautiful
good [work].

Hoe & Plough 91

Even Guards can get their head smashed in by farmers.

Hoe & Plough 93

Encrypted: When your head during the work is crushed, and by workers or fighters is throttled, even your teeth will break off.

Official: When your head during the work is thrown down, and in roots or thorns gets hung up, your tooth breaks off.

[When] your head
𒊕 sag: head; 𒍪 zu: your
𒊕𒍪 sag.zu
𒊕 sag: head; 𒍪 zu: your
[When] your head

[during] the work
𒆥 kig₂: work
𒆥𒂷 kig₂.ga₂
𒆥 kig₂: work
[during] the work

is crushed [??],
𒊏 rah₂: beat, break, crush, kill
𒅇𒈬𒂊𒉌𒊑𒂗 u₃
𒊑 ri: lay down, place, throw down
is thrown down,

[and by] workers
𒂟 erin₂: people, troops, worker
𒄑𒄿𒈶𒈾 {geš}i.ri₈.na
𒈷 erina₈: root
[and in] roots

[or] fighters
𒀀𒁕 a.da: contest, fight?
𒄑𒌑‍𒄉 {geš}kiši₁₆
𒌑𒄉 {u₂}kišig₂: thorny bush; 𒌑𒄉 ad₅: thorn bush
[or] thorns

is throttled [??],
𒇲 la₂: press, throttle
𒅇𒈬𒂊𒉌𒇲 u₃₂
𒇲 la₂: hang, suspend
gets hung up,

[even] your teeth
𒅗 zu₂: tooth; 𒍪 zu: your
𒄑𒅗𒍪 {geš}zu₂.zu
𒅗 zu₂: tooth; 𒍪 zu: your
your tooth

[will] break off.
𒋻 kud: cut, separate, break off
𒈬𒂊𒋻 mu.e.kud
𒋻 kud: cut, separate, break off
breaks off.

Hoe & Plough 93

Hoe & Plough 95

Encrypted: And even if your blade can be fixed, this blade in your hand can not be carried any more.

Official: And even if your tooth can be fixed, this tooth in your hand can not be hung any more.

[And even if] your blade
𒅗 zu₂: blade; 𒍪 zu: your
𒄑𒅗𒍪 {geš}zu₂.zu
𒅗 zu₂: tooth; 𒍪 zu: your
[And even if] your tooth

[can] be fixed,
𒆕 du₃: plant, fix upright
𒅇𒈬𒂊𒆕 u₃.mu.e.du₃
𒆕 du₃: plant, fix upright
[can] be fixed,

[this] blade
𒅗 zu₂: blade; 𒍪 zu: your
𒄑𒅗𒍪 {geš}zu₂.zu
𒅗 zu₂: tooth; 𒍪 zu: your
[this] tooth

[in] your hand
𒋗 šu: hand; 𒍪 zu: your
𒋗𒍪𒂠 šu.zu.še₃
𒋗 šu: hand; 𒍪 zu: your
[in] your hand

[can] not
𒉡 nu: not
𒉡 nu
𒉡 nu: not
[can] not

be carried [any more].
𒇲 la₂: carry
𒅎𒈪𒇲 im.mi.la₂
𒇲 la₂: hang
be hung [any more].

Hoe & Plough 95

Hoe & Plough 97

Encrypted: So the farmer says: “Hah, this guard has been finished off”, and your name he calls.

Official: So the farmer says: “Uh-oh, this plough is finished”, and your name he calls.

[So] the farmer [says]:
𒀳 engar: farmer
𒀳𒍪 engar.zu
𒀳 engar: farmer
[So] the farmer [says]:

“[Hah, this] guard
𒌶 uru₃: guard, watch over
𒄑𒀳𒁉 {geš}
𒀳 apin: plough; 𒀳 uru₄: sow, cultivate
“[Uh-oh, this] plough

has been finished off”,
𒌀 til: end, finish (off)
𒌀 til: end, finish (off)
is finished”,

[and your] name
𒈬 mu: name
𒈬𒂠 mu.še₃
𒈬 mu: name
[and your] name

he calls.
𒄷𒈿𒄷𒈿 še₂₁.še₂₁: call by name
𒈪𒊑𒌈𒄷‍𒈿𒄷‍𒈿 mi.ri.ib₂.sa₄.sa₄
𒄷𒈿𒄷𒈿 še₂₁.še₂₁: call by name
he calls.

Hoe & Plough 97

Much fuss is made in ceremonies for fallen Guards.

Hoe & Plough 98

Encrypted: A second time carpenters have to be hired for you, People have to work for you. A whole house of craftsmen surround you.

Official: A second time carpenters have to be hired for you, People have to work for you. A whole house of craftsmen surround you.

A second [time]
𒈫𒄰𒈠 second
𒈫𒄰𒈠 second
A second [time]

𒉄 nagar: carpenter
𒉄 nagar
𒉄 nagar: carpenter

[have to be] hired [for you],
𒂠 hug: hire
𒈠𒊏𒂠𒂊 ma.ra.hug.e
𒂠 hug: hire
[have to be] hired [for you],

𒇽 lu₂: person
𒇽 lu₂
𒇽 lu₂: person

[have to work for you???].
𒈠𒊏𒀊--- ma.ra.ab.---
[have to work for you???].

[A whole] house
𒂍 e₂: house
𒂍 e₂
𒂍 e₂: house
[A whole] house

of craftsmen
𒉆𒉣𒈨𒋳 nam.gašam: craftsmanship
𒉆𒉣‍𒈨‍𒋳𒆤 nam.gašam.ke₄
𒉆𒉣𒈨𒋳 nam.gašam: craftsmanship
of craftsmen

surround [you].
𒆸 nigin₂: encircle, go around
𒈠𒊏𒀊𒆸𒆸𒂊 ma.ra.ab.ni₁₀.ni₁₀.e
𒆸 nigin₂: encircle, go around
surround [you].

Hoe & Plough 98

Hoe & Plough 100

Encrypted: The felt makers take a fleece decorative and tear out the wool for you. The fullers then bring up straps for your body.

Official: The felt makers take a fleece decorative and tear out the wool for you. The fullers then bring up straps for your body.

The felt makers [??]
𒌆𒂃 tug₂.du₈: felter, rope maker
𒌆𒂃 tug₂.du₈
𒌆𒂃 tug₂.du₈: felter, rope maker
The felt makers [??]

[take] a fleece
𒁇 bar: skin, fleece, set aside
𒁇 bar
𒁇 bar: skin, fleece, set aside
[take] a fleece

𒂄 dun: decorate
𒂄 dun
𒂄 dun: decorate

[and] tear out [the wool for you?].
𒍢𒅕 ze₂.er: tear out
𒍢𒅕 ze₂.er: tear out
[and] tear out [the wool for you?].

The fullers [then]
𒃻𒁇𒋩 nig₂.bar.sur: fuller’s tool
𒃻𒁇𒋩𒊏 nig₂.bar.sur.ra
𒃻𒁇𒋩 nig₂.bar.sur: fuller’s tool
The fullers [then]

bring up
𒇯𒁺 ed₃: bring up; 𒇯𒁺 e₁₁: raise
𒇯𒁺 ed₃: bring up; 𒇯𒁺 e₁₁: raise
bring up

𒁇𒇯𒁺𒉈 bar.ed₃.de₃: strap
𒋢𒁇𒇯‍𒁺𒁕𒁇𒇯‍𒁺𒁕 kuš.bar.ed₃₃.da
𒁇𒇯𒁺𒉈 bar.ed₃.de₃: strap

[for your] body [??].
𒊨 kuš₂: skin, hide, body
𒋗𒈬𒊏𒀭𒊨𒅇𒉈 šš₂.u₃.ne
𒊨 kuš₂: skin, hide, body
[for your] body [??].

Hoe & Plough 100

Hoe & Plough 103

Encrypted: Finally, a leather skin that is not so sweet on your head they place. Your work is small, but your way of behaving is lofty.

Official: Finally, a leather skin that is not so sweet on your head they place. Your work is small, but your way of behaving is lofty.

[Finally,] a leather skin
𒋢 kuš: skin, hide, leather
𒋢 kuš
𒋢 kuš: skin, hide, leather
[Finally,] a leather skin

[that is] not [so]
𒉡 nu: not
𒉡 nu
𒉡 nu: not
[that is] not [so]

𒄭 dug₃: good, sweet, aromatic
𒄭 dug₃
𒄭 dug₃: good, sweet, aromatic

[on] your head
𒊕𒁺 sag.du: head; 𒍪 zu: your
𒊕𒁺𒍪 sag.du.zu
𒊕𒁺 sag.du: head; 𒍪 zu: your
[on] your head

[they] place.
𒃻 gar: place
𒉈𒅁𒃻 bi₂.ib.gar
𒃻 gar: place
[they] place.

Your work
𒅍 il₂: worker; 𒍪 zu: your
𒅍𒆷𒍪 il₂.la.zu
𒅍 il₂: worker; 𒍪 zu: your
Your work

is small,
𒌉 tur: small
𒌉𒊏𒀀‍𒀭 tur.ra.am₃
𒌉 tur: small
is small,

[but] your way [of behaving]
𒀀𒁺 a.ra₂: way; 𒍪 zu: your
𒀀𒁺𒍪 a.ra₂.zu
𒀀𒁺 a.ra₂: way; 𒍪 zu: your
[but] your way [of behaving]

is lofty.
𒈤 mah: great, lofty, exalted, august
𒈤𒀀𒀭 mah.am₃
𒈤 mah: great, lofty, exalted, august
is lofty.

Hoe & Plough 103

Secret Agents work all year, Guards only during tax collection.

Hoe & Plough 105

Encrypted: The days of my work’s limit are months twelve, but the days of your assignment are only months four during harvest taxing, while the days you stay away from work are months eight while the grain grows.

Official: The days of my work’s limit are months twelve, but the days of your assignment are only months four during seeding, while the days you stay away from work are months eight while the grain grows.

The days
𒌓 ud: day
𒌓 ud
𒌓 ud: day
The days

of my [work’s?] limit
𒍠 zag: limit, boundary; 𒈬 gu₁₀: my
𒍠𒈬 zag.gu₁₀
𒍠 zag: limit, boundary; 𒈬 gu₁₀: my
of my [work’s?] limit

[are] months
𒌗 itud: moon, month
𒌗 itud
𒌗 itud: moon, month
[are] months

𒌋 u: ten; 𒈫 min: two
𒌋𒈫𒀀‍𒀭 u.am₃
𒌋 u: ten; 𒈫 min: two

[but] the days
𒌓 ud: day
𒌓 ud
𒌓 ud: day
[but] the days

of your assignment
𒁺 gub: stand, serve, assigned (to a task); 𒍪 zu: your
𒁺 gub: stand, serve, assigned (to a task); 𒍪 zu: your
of your assignment

[are only] months
𒌗 itud: moon, month
𒌗 itud
𒌗 itud: moon, month
[are only] months

four [during harvest taxing],
𒐼 limmu: four
𒐉𒀀‍𒀭 immu.am₃
𒐼 limmu: four
four [during seeding],

[while] the days
𒌓 ud: day
𒌓 ud
𒌓 ud: day
[while] the days

you stay away [from work]
𒄩𒀀 zah₂: withdraw, stay away; 𒍪 zu: your
𒄩‍𒀀𒍪 sah₆.zu
𒄩𒀀 zah₂: withdraw, stay away; 𒍪 zu: your
you stay away [from work]

[are] months
𒌗 itud: moon, month
𒌗 itud
𒌗 itud: moon, month
[are] months

eight [while the grain grows].
𒑄 ussu: eight
𒐍𒀀‍𒀭 ussu.am₃
𒑄 ussu: eight
eight [while the grain grows].

Hoe & Plough 105

Hoe & Plough 108

Encrypted: You serve, and then twice as long you are gone.

Official: You serve, and then twice as long you are gone.

You serve,
𒁺 gub: serve; 𒍪 zu: your
𒁺 gub: serve; 𒍪 zu: your
You serve,

[and then] twice [as long]
𒈫 min: two
𒈫𒀀‍𒀭 min.am₃
𒈫 min: two
[and then] twice [as long]

[you] are gone.
𒁺 gen: come, go
𒁀𒁺𒌦 ba.du.un
𒁺 gen: come, go
[you] are gone.

Hoe & Plough 108

Guard are fat & stinky, everyone would love to kick their crotch.

Hoe & Plough 109

Encrypted: On a funeral barge a coffin box is erected for you.

Official: On a barge a house is erected for you.

On a [funeral] barge
𒈣𒇲 ma₂.la₂: weighmaster
𒄑𒈣𒇲𒍝 {geš}ma₂.la₂.za
𒈣𒇲 ma₂.la₂: freight boat
On a barge [???]

a [coffin] box
𒂍 e₂: box, cabin
𒂍 e₂
𒂍 e₂: house
a house [???]

is erected [for you].
𒆕 du₃: erect
𒉌𒆕𒆕𒂊𒂗 i₃.du₃.du₃.e.en
𒆕 du₃: erect
is erected [for you].

Hoe & Plough 109

Hoe & Plough 110

Encrypted: When you are laid down on it, your weight the beams will break, and your face like from your pot of wine from the water has to be pulled.

Official: When you are laid down on it, your weight the beams will break, and your face like from a pot of wine from the water has to be pulled.

[When you] are laid down [on it],
𒊑 ri: lay down, place
𒅇𒈬𒂊𒉌𒊑𒂗 u₃
𒊑 ri: lay down, place
[When you] are laid down [on it],

your weight [??]
𒋗 šu: bunch, strength; 𒍪 zu: your
𒋗𒍪 šu.zu
𒋗 šu: bunch, strength; 𒍪 zu: your
your weight [??]

the beams
𒄑𒊑 geš.dal: beam, pole
𒄑𒊑𒀀 {geš}dal.a
𒄑𒊑 geš.dal: beam, pole
the beams

[will] break,
𒁍 bur₁₂: tear out; 𒁍 sir₂: break, destroy
𒅇𒈬𒂊𒉌𒁍 u₃₁₂
𒁍 bur₁₂: tear out; 𒁍 sir₂: break, destroy
[will] break,

[and] your face
𒅆 igi: eye, face; 𒍪 zu: your
𒅆𒍪 igi.zu
𒅆 igi: eye, face; 𒍪 zu: your
[and] your face

like [from your] pot
𒂁 dug: (clay) pot
𒂁 dug
𒂁 dug: (clay) pot
like [from] a pot

of wine
𒃾 geštin: grapes, wine; 𒁶 gim: like, as
𒃾𒈾𒁶 geš₇
𒃾 geštin: grapes, wine; 𒁶 gim: like, as
of wine

[from] the water
𒀀 a: water
𒀀 a
𒀀 a: water
[from] the water

[has to] be pulled.
𒈽 suh: tear out, extract
𒅎𒋫𒈽𒂗 im.ta.suh.en
𒈽 suh: tear out, extract
[has to] be pulled.

Hoe & Plough 110

Hoe & Plough 112

Encrypted: When the logs are burned, they make smoke in your coffin box, finally giving you a sweet scent for once.

Official: When the logs are burned, they make smoke in the house making you good again.

[When] the logs [??]
𒄑𒊑 geš.dal: beam, pole
𒄑𒊑𒋫 {geš}dal.ta
𒄑𒊑 geš.dal: beam, pole
[When] the logs [??]

are burned,
𒆳 kur: burn, light up
𒆳𒊏 kur.ra
𒆳 kur: burn, light up
are burned,

[they] make
𒀝 ak: do, make, act
𒌝𒋫𒀝𒂗 um.ta.ak.en
𒀝 ak: do, make, act
[they] make

𒄿𒉈 i.bi₂: smoke
𒄿𒉈𒈬 i.bi₂.gu₁₀
𒄿𒉈 i.bi₂: smoke

[in your coffin] box,
𒂍 e₂: box, cabin
𒂍𒀀 e₂.a
𒂍 e₂: house
[in] the house

[finally giving you??] a sweet [scent for once??].
𒅊𒅊 sa₇.sa₇: sweet, prepare (meat)
𒅊𒅊 sa₇.sa₇: good, beautiful, improve
[making you??] good [again??].

Hoe & Plough 112

Hoe & Plough 114

Encrypted: And even if it is just your “seed-funnel”, whereever it is put down, any person who manages to throw you down will angrily grind it with his feet, making it a “tool” that is completely destroyed and eroded.

Official: And even just your seed-funnel, whereever it is thrown down, any person who throws you down can by accident grind it with his feet, making it a tool that is completely destroyed and eroded.

[And even if it is just] your “seed-funnel”,
𒉒 ninda₂: seed-funnel; 𒍪 zu: your
𒄑𒉒𒍪 {geš}ninda₂.zu
𒉒 ninda₂: seed-funnel; 𒍪 zu: your
[And even just] your seed-funnel,

𒈨𒀀 me.a: where?
𒈨𒀀‍𒀭 me.am₃
𒈨𒀀 me.a: where?

it is put down,
𒉩𒆠 gurud: throw, place
𒉩𒆠 gurud: throw, place
it is thrown down,

[any] person
𒇽 lu₂: person
𒇽 lu₂
𒇽 lu₂: person
[any] person

[who manages to?] throw [you] down
𒉩𒆠 gurud: throw, place
𒉩‍𒆠𒁕𒍪 gurud.da.zu
𒉩𒆠 gurud: throw, place
[who] throws [you] down

[will angrily] grind it [with his feet?],
𒍀 guru₅: cut, fell, trim, peel off; 𒍀 gur₅: cut up, chop, grind
𒄘𒍀 gu₂.guru₅
𒍀 guru₅: cut, fell, trim, peel off; 𒍀 gur₅: cut up, chop, grind
[can by accident] grind it [with his feet?],

making [it]
𒅗 dug₄: do, perform
𒁀𒀊𒅗 ba.ab.dug₄
𒅗 dug₄: do, perform
making [it]

a “tool”
𒋗𒃸 šu.kar₂: tool, implement, utensil
𒄑𒋗𒃸 {geš}šu.kar₂
𒋗𒃸 šu.kar₂: tool, implement, utensil
a tool

that is completely destroyed
𒆹𒍠𒅥 sug.zag.gu₇: destroy completely
𒆹𒍠𒄄 sug.zag.ge₄
𒆹𒍠𒅥 sug.zag.gu₇: destroy completely
that is completely destroyed

[and] eroded.
𒅥 gu₇: eat, consume, erode
𒅥𒀀 gu₇.a
𒅥 gu₇: eat, consume, erode
[and] eroded.

Hoe & Plough 114

Secret Agents keep a watch on the poor, betray their thoughts.

Hoe & Plough 117

Encrypted: I, the Secret Agent, in the city I live. No person is more important!

Official: I, the Hoe, in the city I live. No person is more important!

𒂷 ge₂₆: I
𒂷𒂊 ge₂₆.e
𒂷 ge₂₆: I

the Secret [Agent],
𒄩𒀠𒄩 secret, crawl away; 𒀜𒄬 ad.hal: secret
𒄑𒀠𒈨𒂗 {geš}
𒀠 al: hoe
the Hoe,

[in] the city
𒌷 iri: city
𒌷𒆠𒀀 iri{ki}.a
𒌷 iri: city
[in] the city

I live.
𒋾 til₃: live
𒋾 til₃: live
I live.

[No??] person
𒇽 lu₂: person
𒇽 lu₂
𒇽 lu₂: person
[No??] person

𒈨 me: be
𒈨 me: be

[more] important!
𒂂 dugud: heavy, important
𒂂 dugud: heavy, important
[more] important!

Hoe & Plough 117

Hoe & Plough 119

Encrypted: I am a servant who after the evildoers follows. A watch over the enemy I perform.

Official: I am a servant who after his master follows. A house for the master I build.

[I am] a servant
𒀴 arad: slave, servant
𒀴 arad
𒀴 arad: slave, servant
[I am] a servant

[who after] the evildoers
𒇽𒅆𒌨𒅅 lu₂.hul.gal₂: evildoer, enemy
𒈗 lugal: king, lord, master
[who after his] master

𒍑 us₂: accompany, follow
𒍑𒊓𒈨𒂗 us₂
𒍑 us₂: accompany, follow

A watch
𒌓𒁺 e₃: watch, watch over
𒂍 e₂
𒂍 e₂: house
A house

[over] the enemy
𒇽𒅆𒌨𒅅 lu₂.hul.gal₂: evildoer, enemy
𒈗 lugal: king, lord, master
[for] the master

[I] perform.
𒆕𒆕 du₃.du₃: make, perform
𒆕𒆕𒀀𒈨𒂗 du₃.du₃
𒆕𒆕 du₃.du₃: build
[I] build.

Hoe & Plough 119

Hoe & Plough 121

Encrypted: Their decisions I survey, their thoughts I make wide open.

Official: The animal stall I make long, the sheepfold I make wide.

[Their] decisions
𒋻 tar: decide
𒂍𒉣‍𒇬 {e₂}tur₃
𒉣𒇬 tur₃: animal stall
The animal stall

[I] survey,
𒁍 gid₂: supply, survey
𒁍𒁕𒈨𒂗 gid₂
𒁍 gid₂: long, lengthen
[I make] long,

[their] thoughts
𒌆 umuš: mind, thought, planning
𒁖‍𒆨 amaš
𒁦 amaš: sheepfold
the sheepfold

[I make] wide [open].
𒂼 dagal: wide, widen
𒂼 dagal: wide, widen
[I make] wide.

Hoe & Plough 121

Hoe & Plough 122

Encrypted: Tongues I filter, voices I loosen.

Official: Clay I press, bricks I build.

𒅎 im: tongue, language
𒅎 im
𒅎 im: clay

[I] filter,
𒁈 barag: filter; 𒁈 šara: slander
𒉌𒁈𒂗 i₃.barag.en
𒁈 barag: press?
[I] press,

𒋞 šeg₁₂: noise, voice
𒋞 šeg₁₂
𒋞 šeg₁₂: brick

[I] loosen.
𒆕 du₃: fitting, speak, talk, loosen
𒉌𒆕𒆕𒂗 i₃.du₃.du₃.en
𒆕𒆕 du₃.du₃: build, spread
[I] build.

Hoe & Plough 122

Hoe & Plough 123

Encrypted: A trail to follow on those down below I lay, a watch on them I perform.

Official: Foundations on the ground I lay, houses I build.

A [trail to] follow
𒍑 us₂: adjacent to, accompany, follow
𒍑 : floor, foundation

[on those] down below
𒆠 ki: lower, down below
𒆠 ki
𒆠 ki: place, ground
[on] the ground

[I] lay,
𒂷𒂷 ga₂.ga₂: place, lay down
𒉌𒂷𒂷𒀭 i₃.ga₂.ga₂.an
𒂷𒂷 ga₂.ga₂: place, lay down
[I] lay,

a watch [on them]
𒌓𒁺 e₃: watch, watch over
𒂍 e₂
𒂍 e₂: house

[I] perform.
𒆕𒆕 du₃.du₃: make, perform
𒉌𒆕𒆕𒂗 i₃.du₃.du₃.en
𒆕𒆕 du₃.du₃: build, spread
[I] build.

Hoe & Plough 123

Secret Agents repair the rotten image of rulers with propaganda.

Hoe & Plough 124

Encrypted: A ruler’s shape that has become rotten, its base I prepare to be fit again.

Official: A wall that has become rotten, its base I prepare to be fit again.

A [ruler’s] shape
𒂍𒋞 e₂.gar₈: form, shape
𒂍𒋞 e₂.gar₈
𒂍𒋞 e₂.gar₈: wall
A wall

[that has become] rotten,
𒁁 sumun: old, rot
𒁁 sumun: old, rot
[that has become] rotten,

[its] base
𒌫 ur₂: root, trunk, base
𒌫𒁉 ur₂.bi
𒌫 ur₂: root, trunk, base
[its] base

[I] prepare [to be fit again??].
𒍑 us₂: lean on, impose, prepare
𒉌𒍑𒂗 i₃.us₂.en
𒍑 us₂: lean on, impose, prepare
[I] prepare [to be fit again??].

Hoe & Plough 124

Hoe & Plough 125

Encrypted: Protection of a ruler who is resisted on his house I place.

Official: A roof of a person who is good on his house I place.

𒃡 ur₃: collect, abundant, protection
𒃡 ur₃
𒃡 ur₃: roof
A roof

of a ruler
𒇽 lu₂: ruler
𒇽 lu₂
𒇽 lu₂: person
of a person

[who] is resisted
𒍣 zig₃: attack; 𒍣𒄄 zig₃.gi₄: resist
𒍣𒁕𒅗 zid.da.ka
𒍣 zi: good; 𒍣 zid: right
[who] is good

[on his] house
𒂍 e₂: house
𒂍 e₂
𒂍 e₂: house
[on his] house

[I] place.
𒂷𒂷 ga₂.ga₂: place, lay down
𒂷𒂷 ga₂.ga₂: place, lay down
[I] place.

Hoe & Plough 125

Hoe & Plough 126

Encrypted: I am the Secret Agent, the praise & propaganda, to be wide spoken in the town’s square, I make it square with people’s perception.

Official: I am the Hoe, the streets wide in the town’s square, I make them square.

[I am] the Secret [Agent],
𒄩𒀠𒄩 secret, crawl away; 𒀜𒄬 ad.hal: secret
𒄑𒀠𒈨𒂗 {geš}
𒀠 al: hoe
[I am] the Hoe,

the praise [& propaganda],
𒋻 sila: street
𒋻 sila
𒋻 sila: street
the streets

to be wide [spoken?]
𒂼 dagal: wide
𒂼 dagal: wide

[in the town’s?] square,
𒋛 si: point, square
𒋛 si
𒋛 si: point, square
[in the town’s?] square,

[I make it] square [with people’s perception?].
𒁲 sa₂: equal, square
𒁲 sa₂: equal, square
[I make them] square.

Hoe & Plough 126

Hoe & Plough 127

Encrypted: In the city I go around and its walls I confirm as safe.

Official: In the city I go around and its walls I make permanent.

[In] the city
𒌷 iri: city
𒌷𒆠 iri{ki}
𒌷 iri: city
[In] the city

[I] go around
𒆸 nigin₂: search
𒅇𒈬𒆸 u₃.mu.nigin₂
𒆸 nigin₂: prowl, go around
[I] go around

[and its] walls
𒂦 bad₃: wall
𒂦 bad₃
𒂦 bad₃: wall
[and its] walls

[I] confirm [as safe?].
𒄀 gin₆: confirm, verify, normal
𒄀 gen₆
𒄀 gin₆: firm, permanent
[I] make permanent.

Hoe & Plough 127

Hoe & Plough 128

Encrypted: I perform a watch for the upper class, and make big their names. I go out to perform this in language humble, language sweet, and language harmonious to embellished it.

Official: I build a house for the gods, and make big its top. I go out to make clay red, clay yellow, and clay of dust color to embellished it.

[I] perform
𒆕𒆕 du₃.du₃: make, perform
𒌝𒈪𒆕 um.mi.du₃
𒆕𒆕 du₃.du₃: build, spread
[I] build

a watch
𒌓𒁺 e₃: watch, watch over
𒂍 e₂
𒂍 e₂: house
a house

[for] the upper [class],
𒀭 an: upper, above
𒀭 digir
𒀭 digir: deity
[for] the gods,

[and make] big
𒃲𒃲 big, great
𒃲𒃲 big, great
[and make] big

[their] names.
𒉺 pa: name
𒉺 pa
𒉺 pa: branch, top
[its?] top.

[I] go out
𒌓𒁺 e₃: go out
𒌓‍𒁺 e₃
𒌓𒁺 e₃: go out
[I] go out

to perform [this in?]
𒀝 ak: do, make, act, perform
𒅇𒁀𒉌𒀝 u₃
𒀝 ak: do, make, act, perform
to make

𒅎 im: tongue, language
𒅎 im
𒅎 im: clay

𒋜 su₄: humble
𒋜 su₄
𒋜 su₄: red

𒅎 im: tongue, language
𒅎 im
𒅎 im: clay

𒅊 sa₇: good, sweet, beautiful
𒅊 sig₇
𒅊 sig₇: green-yellow

and language
𒅎 im: tongue, language
𒅎 im
𒅎 im: clay
and clay

𒊑 di₅: shine; 𒄩𒁵 ha.mun: harmony
𒊑𒄩𒁵 dal.ha.mun: dust storm, disaster
of dust [color???]

to embellished [it].
𒊩𒅗 mi₂.dug₄: embellish
𒊩𒌝𒈠𒉌𒅔𒅗 mi₂₄
𒊩𒅗 mi₂.dug₄: embellish
to embellished [it].

Hoe & Plough 128

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