
🏷  Latin pun · symbol   —   by Gerry · Jan 2021 · 249 words

The sickle is a prominent symbol in Communism, but also appears in other heraldry. Why? It’s s pun: A sickle or scythe is called faux in French, fauci in Sicilian, and falx in Latin. All these words pun with “fake” & “false”, which is also faux in French, and fallax / falsus in Latin. It’s yet another piece of evidence that all those ultra-rich Communist leaders were really faux Communists. Also explains the spook name Fauci.

The other Latin word sicilis for “sickle” puns with siculus “Sicilian”, and both pun with sic alius “like someone else”. So Diodorus Siculus was likely someone else with a fake name, from a prominent aristocratic family.

Sicilian sickle heraldry is an official hint of Latin sicilis for “sickle” punning with Latin siculus for “Sicily”.

Latin languages falx, faux = sickle, scythe; fallax, faux = false, deceive, cheat

falx : sickle, scythe; a hook used to pull down walls — Latin (Wikt)

fauci : an implement having a semicircular blade and short handle — Sicilian (Wikt)

faux : scythe — French (Wikt)

faux : false; untrue; false; not real — French (Wikt)

fallāx : deceptive, deceitful; fallacious, spurious — Latin (Wikt)

falsus : deceived, tricked, cheated, disappointed, having been deceived; mistaken; appeased, beguiled, having been appeased; sworn falsely, perjured; false, untrue — Latin (Wikt)

Latin sicilis = sickle; siculus = Sicilian; sic alius = as someone else

sicilis : sword, sickle — Latin (Wikt)

siculus : Sicilian — Latin (Wikt)

sic : thus, so, like this, in this way — Latin (Wikt)

alius; aliis : other, another, any other; else; different — Latin (Wikt)

🏷  Latin pun · symbol