
🏷  Semitic pun spook name · name   —   by Gerry · Aug 2020 · 312 words

The spook names and name prefixes Katzen & Katz may be pun-transcriptions of Semitic קצין qṣyn qatsin which means “ruler” & “prince”, related to Arabic qadi / qazi.

The German-Jewish name Katz means “cat”. Even weirder is that many spooks are even called Katzen, “cats” in plural! Could you imagine someone being called “dogs” or “chickens”?

At least the spooks officially admit here that it has to be a transcription of a Semitic term, since no one would really name himself that if it was meant literally:

The Hebrew form is written כץ kṣ. As a Jewish name, it is explained as an abbreviation of kohen tsedeq meaning “priest of justice”. As a German name, it is officially derived from Katz Castle, and that from castle Katzenelnbogen (“cat’s elbow”) and that from Cattimelibocus.

Both explanations are equally garbage: The crooked spook celebs are anything but people of “justice”, and no one would call his castle or himself “cat’s elbow” — unless it’s a pun. (I suggest it transcribed the phrase “high ruler in cover”.)

As usual, the real explanation is that our hidden rulers simply garble-transcribed one of their many ancient Semitic overlord titles into European languages: קצין qṣyn qatsin means “appointed commander”!

This may also explain the musical “Cats”. Note that they needed the plural even in English, because “the cat” wouldn’t have worked.

Hebrew qṣn = ruler, commander, arbitrator, judge

קצין qṣyn qatsin : chief, ruler, commander — Old Hebrew (Strong)

קצין qṣyn : magistrate, leader, prominent man — Hebrew (Jastrow)

קצין qṣyn : judge, prince, leader; officer; Derived from קצה and lit. meaning ‘decider’. Related to Arabic qāḍi (= judge), prob. part. of qaḍā(y) (= he decided) — Hebrew (Klein)

קצינה qṣynh : princess, wife of a prince — Hebrew (Klein)

קצינות qṣynwt : dignity of a prince — Hebrew (Klein)

קצנה qṣnh : officer’s cadre — Hebrew (Klein)

קצן qṣn : to become an officer, promoted to officer’s rank, commissioned — Hebrew (Jastrow)

🏷  Semitic pun spook name · name