
🏷  Samson Semitic hidden ruler pun · name   —   by Gerry · Jun 2020 · 1657 words

The Semitic title Nazir is used by monks & governors. It seems to be an ancient spook pun derived from several similar-sounding word roots: nṣr for “overseeing”, ndr for “vow”, nzr for “estranged”, nˀzr for “veiled”, nkr for “disguise”, nṣˁr for “becoming little”. This may have created the multi-pun title of an “overseer who vows to estrange himself from visible power, and then veils and disguises himself to make himself appear like a little guy”. In root form, this sentence would be written nṣr-ndr-nzr-nˀzr-nkr-nṣˁr.

The Nazir pun in a nutshell

Most Nazir puns use the N-prefixed Niph‘al passive / reflexive form. You basically put an N in front of a verb “doing X”, and then it means “X-ed”.

Semitic n-zr for “estranged”

The Talmudic Nazir is officially explained as a monk of sorts. The word is also often translated as “monk”.

The grammar behind this is simply that Semitic זר zr means “strange”, and one passive form is נזר nzr for “estranged”.

This may actually be a valid meaning for the spook Nazir as well: Many spook aristocrats temporarily “estrange” themselves from their aristocratic spook society, and live as moles among commoners. That way, whenever the spook governments enact a scam, many apparently independent “common” people can readily confirm that it’s all really true, and not a hoax. Though it always is.

(As an aside, the “stranger” seems to be derived from “edge”. That’s why nazir also means “crown” & “wreath”.)

Hebrew, Aramaic zr = strange, n-zr = estranged

זר zr : foreign, different — Aramaic (CAL)

זר zr : stranger — Hebrew (Klein)

נזור nzwr : Niph.: was estranged — Hebrew (Klein)

נזיר nzyr nazír : Nazarite; monk, friar — Hebrew (Wikt)

That word for “strange” also existed in Egyptian, as ḏr. Via “edge”, it may be related to Mitsraim.

Egyptian ḏr = strange

𓇥𓂋𓇥𓂋𓇋𓀢𓏛 ḏrḏr : strange, foreign — Egyptian (TLA)

Semitic n-ˀzr for “veiled”

The term ازار ˀzˀr izar describes a very long veil in Arabic, and generally and long & thin covering.

In Hebrew (and Persian), the same word mostly describes breeches, wide belts & waistbands. The Hebrew term אזר ˀzr azar is translated as “belt”, and is also a verb meaning “to gird”. The N-prefixed passive נאזר n-ˀzr nezar occurs in the Bible in Psalms 65:6, and is translated as “girded” or “clothed”.

But if ˀzr means both “belt” & “veil”, then the verb can also mean both “to gird” & “to veil”. And the passive N-form then means both “girded” & “veiled”. The spook Nazir is a “veiled” person!

Now the “veil” meaning is only attested for Arabic in today’s dictionaries. But as Phoenicians, the spook aristocrats were running a global merchant empire, with headquarters all over the Fertile Crescent. And in Phoenician times, all Semitic dialects were written in the same Phoenician script anyway. So we can be pretty sure that the spooks knew about the “veil” meaning.

Ultimately, both veil & girdle are to “surround” you with something else. If that word is made so central, we can be sure it means a disguise of some sort to the spooks. (For futher discussion, see Israel.)

Arabic, Persian, Hebrew ˀzr = veil, cover, belt; n-ˀzr = wrap oneself

ازار ˀzˀr izār : a veil of fine linen or muslin, which, in the East, flows from the ladies heads below the middle of the leg — Arabic (Catafago)

ازار ˀzˀr izār : a veil of fine linen or muslin, which, in the East, flows from the ladies heads below the middle of the leg; any thing, in general, which covers the naked body; trowsers, breeches, drawers; the skirts of a tent — Persian (Johnson)

за̑р zȃr : curtain; yashmak; veil; Borrowed from Ottoman Turkish زار‎ (zar, “wrap, membrane”), from Arabic إِزَار‎ (ˀizār). — Serbo-Croatian (Wikt)

אזר ˀzr azar : to gird, encompass, equip; bind, bound, encircle, gird, girded; Arabic أَزَّرَ — Old Hebrew (Strong)

ازار ˀzˀr ezar : a trousers; drawers; an ample veil; a waistwrapper — Persian (Sulayman)

אזור ˀzwr : girdle; zone, region; It is prob. related to Arab. ’izā́r (= loincloth, wrapper, covering). — Hebrew (Klein)

נאזר nˀzr : girded; Niph. part. of אזר (= to gird). — Hebrew (Klein)

נאזר nˀzr : was girded (Niph.) — Hebrew (Klein)

This word may have existed in Egyptian as well, as jdr.

Egyptian jdr = belt, bandages

𓇋𓂧𓂋𓏯 jdr : belt — Egyptian (Vygus)

𓇋𓂧𓂋𓎩 jdr : bandages; bandage material; (surgical) seam — Egyptian (TLA)

Semitic n-ṣˁr for “becoming little”

There are so many different spook words for “disguise”, one wonders what is so special about the Nazir concept. Maybe it emphasizes that a spook taking up that vow really lives as a “little guy”, among commoners. He has “made himself little”.

And that is another pun: Semitic צער ṣˁr tsoar means “little” & “insignificant”. That’s us, in the aristocrat’s view. The grammar form n-ṣˁr would then in theory mean “made little”. I haven’t found it attested in Hebrew, but Arabic n-zr means “making little” in many ways, even “belittling”.

Interestingly, the Arabic form is spelled with Z, so Arabic nazir literally means “being little”.

Hebrew, Aramaic, Arabic ṣˁr, zˁr = become small

צער ṣˁr tsoar : become insignificant, insignificant, little — Old Hebrew (Strong)

זער zˁr : to be small, to become small, to be lacking, to spare, to make small, to curse, diminish, to do little, to make poor, to be diminished — Aramaic (CAL)

זוער zwˁr : diminution — Aramaic (CAL)

מזערן mzˁrn : capable of being made into a diminutive — Aramaic (CAL)

نَزُرَ‎ nzr nazura : to be minimal, to be little, to be scarce, to be scant, to be trifling; active participle: نَازِر‎ (nāzir) — Arabic (Wikt)

نَزَرَ‎ nzr nazara : to deem little, to esteem trifling; to withdraw little by little; active participle: نَازِر‎ (nāzir) — Arabic (Wikt)

تَنَزَّرَ tnzr tanazzara : to decrease, to be rendered little, to become diminished; active participle: مُتَنَزِّر‎ (mutanazzir) — Arabic (Wikt)

ذرا ḏrˀ zarā : little, small, insignificant, tiny, teeny, minuscule, petit — Urdu (Wikt)

Semitic nṣr / nṭr / nẓr for “overseer”

A Semitic root with the spellings nṣr / nṭr / nẓr means “watching” (think “Nazaar amulet”. However, it is also an official government title, often transcribed with Z as nazir. You could translate it as “overseer” or “supervisor”.

This is to remind us that the “estranged” spooks, who have “made themselves little”, never become our actual brethren. They are moles, and simply carry out these missions as part of their role as our “overseers”.

The Arabic title nāẓir (ناظر, Turkish: nazır) refers to an overseer in a general sense. In Islam, it is the normal term for the administrator of a waqf (charitable endowment). The office or territory of a nāẓir is a nazirate.

According to al-Qābisī, writing in the tenth century, the pagan ruler of Tadmakka appointed a superintendent, which al-Qābisī calls a nāẓir, from among the Muslims living in his land to oversee them. This was probably a common arrangement in the Sahara and Sahel regions.

The title was used in Egypt for the heads of government departments and agencies before it adopted a modern cabinet system. It was synonymous with inspector, supervisor or controller. In Egypt it may also be used for the directors or managers of commercial enterprises.

Wikipedia: Nazir (title)

Arabic, Turkish, Persian nẓr = watcher, overseer, supervisor, administrator

نَاظِر nˀẓr nāẓir : observer, viewer, spectator, onlooker; supervisor; inspector; manager, director, superintendent, administrator, chief; (education) principal, headmaster (of a school); (politics, formerly) minister — Arabic (Wikt)

ناظر nˀẓr nâzer : watcher, supervisor, observer — Persian (Wikt)

ناظر nˀẓr nāzir : watcher, viewer, supervisor, superintendent, inspector, observer, spectator, bailiff, overseer — Urdu (Wikt)

nazir : ascetic Jew, Nazirite; agent of the Ottoman administration, governor of a ministerial district, revenue collecting agent, inspector of a Mosque — French (Wikt)

nazir : (historical) The custodian of a waqf, or Islamic endowment — English (Wikt)

nazır : (obsolete) minister — Turkish (Wikt)

nazir : minister (head of a government department); baş nazir: prime minister; maliyyə naziri: finance minister — Azerbaijani (Wikt)

nazir : minister — Crimean Tartar (Wikt)

Aramaic nṭr = guardian, watchman

נטר nṭr : guardian, guard; freq. in collocations — Aramaic (CAL)

נוטר nwṭr : custody, guarding, guard, preservation, conservation — Aramaic (CAL)

נטור nṭwr : guard, keeper; angel-like bodyguards; practitioner, observer — Aramaic (CAL)

נטר תרעא nṭr trˁˀ : gatekeeper, city watchman — Aramaic (CAL)

נטורי קרתא nṭwry qrtˀ : city guardians — Aramaic (CAL)

Hebrew nṣr = guard, protect, watch, enclose

נצר nṣr : to preserve, guard — Hebrew (Jastrow)

נצר nṣr : watch, watchman, preserver, guard, keep, hidden, observe, besiege; to guard in a good sense or a bad one — Old Hebrew (Strong)

נצר nṣr : to watch, guard, keep, to put on the safety catch (in a weapon); observed; kept secret; kept close, blockaded — Hebrew (Klein)

Akkadian nṣr = guard, protect, watch

𒋀 naṣāru : to guard, protect, to defend, to safeguard; to watch, to beware of, to cherish, to preserve / conserve, to prize, to treasure, to be careful; to obey, to be careful, on one’s guard; to make guard; to be on the alert; to be protected — Akkadian (AAF)

nāṣiru : protective, watch-, defensive, preventive; a guardian / guard, a protector / patron (?) / tutor (?), a preserver, a keeper — Akkadian (AAF)

Arabic nẓr for “similarity”

The Arabic form of the “watching” root is nẓr. In Arabic, this root has the additional meaning of “similarity” & “likeness” — which is what spookery is all about! I haven’t found it in Hebrew or anywhere else though.

Arabic nẓr = similar, alike

نِظْر nẓr niẓr : similar, like, matching; equal — Arabic (Wikt)

نَظِير nẓr naẓīr : similar, alike; corresponding; opposite, in front of, parallel — Arabic (Wikt)

🏷  Samson Semitic hidden ruler pun · name