Number 33

🏷  Latin Semitic hoax marker numerology pun · symbol   —   by Gerry · May 2019 · 1216 words

The number 33 is used very often as a spook marker for fake events, particularly fake deaths where spooks “die” at age 33. This may be because the number 33 puns with “fakery” & “death” in a variety of ways:
Latin trigunta tribus for “33” puns with “tricking the tribes”, which meant “lower classes”. Another Latin pun may be with tragoedia trica “trick tragedy”. Hebrew שלשים ושלש šlšym-wšlš for “33” puns loosely with Š-L-M words for “government agent”, and “enacted death”. And in Hebrew numerology, 33 spells out the word “mockery”.

In a nutshell

The number 33 has several possible puns, and I think the spooks love it because they’re all valid. They love the 33, because it is a hoax marker in several languages, in several ways.

Latin tricando tribus for “tricking the tribes”

In Latin, 33 is triginta tribus. This is close to Latin tricando tribus for “tricking the tribes” & “tricking the lower classes”. This is because Latin tribus apparently not only meant “three” and “tribes”, but also “the mob” & “the lower classes”. It was the same word!

The pun even works somewhat in English: “trickin’ da tribes”. Maybe that’s how the spooklings who don’t speak Latin can memorize it, and that’s why it’s become so popular in modern times.

My Latin is too poor to pick the correct grammar, but the spooks would almost certainly also use garbled grammar for their puns. This Latin pun works in 2 variants:

33 = triginta tribustricando tribus = trick the lower classes

33 = triginta tribusintricanto turbis = entrick the crowd

Latin triginta = thirty; tricando = play tricks; intricanto = entrick

trīgintā : thirty; 30 — Latin (Wikt)

tricor; tricantur; tricandō : behave in an evasive manner, search for detours, dodge; make difficult ties, trifle, dally, shuffle, play tricks — Latin (Wikt)

intrīcō; intrīcant; intrīcantō : entangle, perplex, embarrass — Latin (Wikt)

Latin tribus = three, tribe, lower classes; turba = crowd, multitude

tribus : a compound from the stem of trēs (“three”) — Latin (Wikt)

tribus : a tribe; the mob, the lower classes — Latin (Wikt)

turba; turbās; turbīs : mob, crowd, throng; multitude — Latin (Wikt)

Latin tragoedia trica for “trick tragedy”

Since the number 33 is often (but not always) used for faked deaths, a secondary pun may be of triginta tercia “33rd” with tragoedia trica “trick tragedy”. Varous forms of the Latin words for “three” and “trick” are possible here to make it work. The standard spelling is tertia.

33 = triginta terciatragoedia trica = trick tragedy

Latin triginta = 30; terci = 3; tragoedia = tragedy; trico = trick

trīgintā : thirty; 30 — Latin (Wikt)

tragoedia : (drama) tragedy — Latin (Wikt)

terci : three — Latin (

trico; tricare : behave in evasive manner; trifle, delay, dally; cause trouble; pull or play tricks — Latin (

Semitic šlm-mšl for “fake death”

The most straightforward Hebrew fake death pun would be with שלם משל šlm mšl for “played death”, or “death only in likeness”. (2 Šin are dropped, but that probably doesn’t bother the spooks.) The root √šlm means “peace” & “health” (as in the greeting shalom), but it’s also a euphemism for “death”. All these meanings are derived from “completeness” & “going full-circle”.

The Semitic word root √mšl means “likeness”, “play” & “fable” (and also “government”, both perhaps derived from “representation”). In the Aramaic form ܡܬܠ mtl and the Arabic form مثل mṯl, it’s even used in modern language for “theater acting” & “movie acting”, so the spooks could certainly use mšl to mean “enacted”.

33 = šlšym wšlššlm mšl = enacted death

Hebrew šlm = death, passing away; mšl = resemble, be like, fable, play

שלם šlm : to be ended, be finished, be complete; die, pass away; completed, finished — Hebrew (Klein)

משל mšl : to be like, resemble, to speak in parables; become like; likened, compared — Hebrew (Klein)

משל mšl : allegory, fable, morality play; example — Hebrew (Wikt)

משול mšwl : resemblance, comparison — Hebrew (Klein)

Semitic šlyš-mšl for “government agent”

In Hebrew, the word root √šlš for “three” has also the meaning of “agent” & “trustee”, because a such a person was referred to as the “third party” in many contracts & stipulations. It was also an abbreviation for “third-rank officer”. One 3 in the spook number 33 can therefore also stand for “agent” or “officer”. Because it was actually the same word root √šlš, the pun is perfect here: Threes are agents in Hebrew.

The whole pun-word may then be שליש משל šlyš mšl for “government agent” or “government officer”. The Semitic word root √mšl means “government” (and also “likeness”, both perhaps derived from “representation”).

33 = šlšym wšlššlyš mšl = government agent

Hebrew šlš = three, third party, trustee, agent

שליש šlyš : a third; a lieutenant; an agent; a third party. — Hebrew (Wikt)

שליש šlyš : captain, officer; the third finger, middle-finger; [the third person,] trustee, depositary; one third — Hebrew (Jastrow)

שליש šlyš : trustee, depositary; arbitrator, referee; Derived from שלש and properly denoting the third man, with whom the two parties deposited something. — Hebrew (Klein)

Hebrew mšl = rule, govern

משל mšl : to rule, reign; appointed as a ruler; made to rule — Hebrew (Klein)

משל mšl : to rule, to reign, to govern — Hebrew (Wikt)

Semitic 33 = lg as pun with lˁg for “mockery”

If 33 is written with Hebrew letters for numerals, the spelling is לג lg. That’s very close to לעג lˁg for “mockery”. (It’s also close to Yiddish ליגן lign, German lügen, for “lying”.)

As usual with Hebrew numerals, the exact spelling cannot be used as it doesn’t produce a valid number.

NumberHebrew numeral
30ל Lamed
3ג Gimel
33 = 30 + 3לג lgלעג lˁg = mockery

Hebrew lˁg = mockery

לעג lˁg : mock, deride; stammer — Hebrew (Klein)

לעג lˁg : jest, mock; deride; speak lasciviously — Hebrew (Jastrow)

לעג lˁg : sport, mockery — Hebrew (Jastrow)

לעגן lˁgn : mocker, derider — Hebrew (Klein)

🏷  Latin Semitic hoax marker numerology pun · symbol