Numbers 1 & 8

🏷  Latin Semitic hoax marker numerology pun · symbol   —   by Gerry · Mar 2019 · 989 words

The numbers 1 and 8, also called aces & eights, are hoax markers in many languages: When written with Hebrew numerals, they spell out chay for “life”, meaning a person who died a fake death is still “alive”. And chay also puns with chawy for “show”, which is officially admitted. Latin 1 & 8 are uno octo, which puns with “an act”. And the numbers 11-8 are undeca-octo, which puns with undique acta “completely enacted”.

18 for chay punning with chawy for “show”

It is well known and constantly rubbed into our faces that 18 is the Hebrew numerals expression for חי ḥy chay meaning “alive”. In a faked death, a date involving the numbers 1 and 8 would therefore spell out that the person is still “alive”, as a hoax marker.

However, there’s even an additional pun: It is not-so-well known that חי ḥy chay puns with חוי ḥwy chawy for “show”. The numbers 1 and 8 therefore spell out a word similar to “show”. This makes the aces & eights a hoax event marker, an indicator that a visible crisis is just a “show” enacted by the cryptocrats!

As usual with Hebrew numerals, the exact spelling cannot be used as it doesn’t produce a valid number.

And if you need confirmation that the word “show” is a spook keyword for hoaxes: In Olde English, is was written & pronounced as “shew” and therefore puns with “shoe”, which is the explanation for the shoe as a hoax marker.

NumberHebrew numeral
8ח Ḥet
10י Yod
18 = 10 + 8חי ḥyחוי ḥwy = show

Aramaic ḥwy = show, demonstrate

חוי ḥwy : to show; to announce, reveal previously unknown information; to display apparent behavior; to issue new currency; to show, demonstrate; to announce, tell; to indicate non-verbally, make a sign; to greet; to be informed; to appear, be manifest — Aramaic (CAL)

חוה ; חוי ḥwy; ḥwh : to point; to show, teach, tell — Hebrew (Jastrow)

חוא ; חוי ḥwy; ḥwˀ : to show; to tell; point out; make a sign; to be announced; to be told — Hebrew (Jastrow)

חווי ḥwwy : demonstration; self revelation, appearance — Aramaic (CAL)

מחוה mḥwh : sign, wonder — Aramaic (CAL)

מחוי mḥwy : oracle; indicator; an optical instrument — Aramaic (CAL)

מחוינו mḥwynw : indication; demonstration, proof — Aramaic (CAL)

Official confirmation that “life” puns with “show”

I even found an official confirmation in the Jastrow dictionary for Talmud vocabulary. It admits that chay for “life” puns with chawy “show”. However, the entry is so heavily abbreviated that I’ll explain it here in detail:

Some people seem to believe in puns only when the official authorities admit them. So here you have it:

חוי , חָוָה, Pi. חִיוָּה (b. h.)
1) to point. Meg. 16ᵃ היתה מְחַוָּוה וכ׳ she was pointing at Ahasver.
2) to show, teach, tell. Gen. R. s. 20 (play on חַוָּה) ח׳ לה אדם וכ׳ Adam told her &c.

Marcus Jastrow: A Dictionary of the Targumim, pg 432

Latin 1 and 8 punning with “only an act”

The number 8 is octo in Latin, which puns with acto “enacted”. That makes the number 8 a straightforward hoax marker, a preferred number by our hoax-enacting rulers.

Single-digits are bad markers though, because they occur everywhere naturally. That’s probably why the number 1 was chosen to complement the 8. Together, 1 & 8 form the phrase uno-octo. In many languages that puns with “an act”!

In classical Latin though, the pun wouldn’t work like this. una actio means “one act” / “single act”, but not “an act”, because there’s no indefinite article in classical Latin.

However, since the Latin word unicus for “only” is derived from uno “one”, the 1 & 8 could stand for phrase unicus acto “only an act”!

Latin 11 and 8 punning with “completely enacted”

In pure Latin, the number 8 can be complemented with the number 11 to get yet another phrase.

In Latin, 11 would be un-decim, in dialects & compounds shortened to undec and similar forms. Perhaps that’s supposed to pun with undeque “completely” & “from all sides”.

Latin undeca-octo “11-8” would thus pun with undique acta “completely enacted”. (My Latin grammar isn’t good enough to vouch for the precise endings here.)

11-8 = undeca-octoundique acta = completely enacted

Latin octo = eight; acta, acto = acted, played, enacted

octō : eight — Latin (Wikt)

āctus; ācta; āctō : made, done, having been done; perfect passive participle of agō (“make, do”). — Latin (Wikt)

agō; āctus; āctum; āctū : do; make; act, play, perform (e.g., a role in a play) — Latin (Wikt)

āctiō : action; a doing or performing, behavior; (drama) the action, plot, series of events — Latin (Wikt)

Latin undecim, undeca, undeci = eleven; undique = from all sides, in all respects, completely

ūndecim : eleven; corresponding to ūnus (“one”) + decem (“ten”) — English (Wikt)

undeca- : eleven — English (Wikt)

undeci : eleven; alternative form of ondeci — Corsican (Wikt)

undici : eleven — Italian (Wikt)

undique : from all sides; from every direction; all over; in every place; utterly, completely; from every point of view, in all respects — Latin (Wikt)

🏷  Latin Semitic hoax marker numerology pun · symbol