word roots

16 entries · click on a title to read the article

Many words derive from the same word root and the same basic meaning. Often, they give away censored meanings or puns. I analyzed many Semitic & Egyptian word roots myself, since I couldn’t find useful official lists.

If you’re a language researcher, you may find my etymologies useful for your own studies. If you’re a truther, these consonantal roots may give you hints to spook puns.

Egyptian word root √bjȝ

Egyptian word root √kȝp

Egyptian word root √mȝˤ

Egyptian word root √ˤf

Egyptian word root √ˤfn

Egyptian word root √ḏbȝ

Egyptian word root √ḫpr

Semitic word root √dbr

has the basic meaning of “following”

Semitic word root √kpp

Semitic word root √kpr

has the basic meaning of “covering”

Semitic word root √mlk

has the basic meaning of “counsel”

Semitic word root √nks

Semitic word root √pn

stands for “curving”, “turning”, “changing”

Semitic word root √spr

Semitic word root √špr

Semitic word root √ṣbˀ