Some disagreement with Miles

🏷  meta-info   —   by Gerry · Feb 2020 · 1360 words

I consider Miles Mathis to be the greatest & most important researcher of our time. Nonetheless, I disagree with him on some details, which I’ll list here.

Minor disagreements

I think all my points of disagreement are relatively minor details, and not very important. To me, it’s mostly differences in emphasis. Like all of us truthers, I owe Miles big time, and I agree with him on almost all of his findings, especially since he’s laid it all out for us in minute detail with proofs & references. And also because I have researched cases he didn’t mention, and could confirm Miles’ findings every time.

I still list these points here. First, because my research is built on Miles’, so I don’t want people to think I’m contradicting myself. Second, because what I think is unimportant could be important to you, especially if you’re religious.

In all these points, I may later turn out to be wrong. But like everyone, I’m biased towards my own opinion. Miles, if you ever read this, I hope you won’t take it personally. For all you others, please make up your own mind. Maybe there’s even a convergence of ideas down the road.


Miles has famously proven that our cryptocratic overlords frequently name & style themselves as “Jews”. Most truthers, true & faux, either ignore this fact or go overboard and misrepresent it in “Protocols of Zion” style. Miles didn’t fall into either of those pitfalls. He discovered that those self-styled “Jews” are not religious at all, but anti-religious. He also found out that those “Jews” are not underdogs, but aristocrats, very often in the British peerage.

However, Miles still seems to think that the cryptocrats are to some degree Jews in the textbook sense, that scripture like Sefer Torah & Talmud holds some value for them, and that they somehow came to power in Biblical times.

I disagree with that, because it is completely illogical, and no one has ever presented arguments for that claim, not even Miles. I think the literal contents of religious texts hold no value for true upper-level cryptocrats. They are not religious in any sense, and have never been. I know that these texts are encoded recipes for deception, and I think the overlords enjoy them only for their pun factor. I also think that Bible stories are mostly parables on spookery, not actual history. I’ve also come to think the spooks did not come to power in Biblical times, but that they were aristocrats who came from power already. Only the system of ruling shifted.

So the system of power employed by the overlords has nothing-at-all to do with Judaism, or any other religion. That’s all just cover.

As proof, I encourage you to browse my analyses on:

I agree with Miles, however, that there is no “other entity” behind “ze Jews”. We only disagree on what this “Jew” identity ultimately means. In my texts, I therefore tend not to use the word “Jew” or put it in quotes, because it’s very easy misunderstood to mean actual, religious Jews.

For further discussion, please see my disclaimer on Judaism.


Miles has discovered that there’s an ongoing spook campaign to destroy religions, particularly Christianity. Miles also assumes that this is because the society based on Christian values is to be replaced with something nasty. I totally agree with both findings.

However, I totally disagree with what this means for the origins of Christianity, and religions in general. I think that every institutionalized religion has always been a tool of the rich & powerful, from the moment it was instituted and possibly before, including Christianity. Christianity has been the religion of the main global spook centers for 2 millennia now, from the moment it was founded. I’m also pretty sure all famous religious texts contain encrypted spook meanings, including those of Christianity. As general proof that Greek texts can be pun-encrypted too, you can read War of the Jews.

As for critical analysis, the main difference to Judaism is that nearly all truth-seekers & skeptics today come from a Christian background, and many are believing Christians. That’s also true for nearly all of Miles’ readers, so in his writings it’s a dogma to not question anything that has to do with early Christianity. Also, the current rollback of religion is regularly framed as “ze Jews vs. Christianity”. I think that is false.

I think shielding Christian religion like that is the opposite truth-seeking. Christianity is not the one & only “truth”. Many of today’s truth-seekers are Christians, and skeptical of mainstream institutions. But that’s just because mainstream institutions don’t promote their religion any more like they used to. In the millennia before, the same ultra-corrupt mainstream institutions were all aggressively pro-Christian on the surface. And then, no such Christians were ever skeptical of mainstream institutions. All deceptions then were wrapped in Christian narratives, and the Christians happily swallowed them, just like it’s today with non-Christians.

In online discussions I also noticed that many of Miles’ most vocal Christian readers typically never argue about Christian values, but seem mostly obsessed with the mysticist & occultist nonsense that Christianity has been surrounded with: royal bloodlines, Satan & Satanism, magic, demon worship & child sacrifice, nephilim & aliens. All without arguments, and without moderate Christians reigning in the obsessed Christians. So I get the feeling that shielding Christianity no-matter-what doesn’t bring out the best in such discussions.

Miles has always defended letter & spirit of Christianity. I will only defend the spirit, but not the texts, names, symbols, or purported facts. Anything else would shield the spookery that’s hidden in there. In any case, if people don’t support the Christian spirit, but are instead obsessed with magic & mysticism, then they won’t be a big help in saving it either way.

If you disagree with my view, please don’t take it out on Miles, because he does not share my view.

For further discussion, please see my disclaimer on religions.

Deadly enmity among aristocrats

Another big field where I disagree with Miles are those stories where history tells us aristocrats assassinated each other, or ancient empires fought each other. Miles has proven very often for recent history, and even medieval history, that assassinations & wars were faked & manufactured, and that both involved parties were actually allies & relatives.

However, every now and then, Miles encounters a historical account of an assassination or war, and assumes it was genuine. I don’t somehow, ever. Because I came late to the party and read so much of Miles’ research, I now assume that all famous accounts of deadly enmity within the aristocracy are lies by default, until proven otherwise.

Of course there are rivalries, and overlapping factions, and regional takeovers of some sort, and it’s very important that we find out how those work in detail. But if there were any real fights “to the death” among aristocrats, then they’d have tried long ago to rally their subjects by telling us more about the truth. They didn’t. So I think whatever goes on behind the scenes can’t be too physically dangerous to them.

This question becomes important when analyzing ancient empires from Biblical times and before. For example, many truthers still believe the Egyptians, Persians & Romans were enemies of “ze Jews”, because the Bible says so. But I have analyzed the Hebrew text, and think that the Book of Esther is a parable, and that Egypt is spooky codespeak for “the slaves”. The Wars of “ze Jews” were not real. I haven’t yet proven this for each & every “enemy” empire, but since all modern cases are fake, and the most famous ancient cases are fake, I’ll assume this as a default.

🏷  meta-info