1. The Origins of Ruling by Deception
What are the origins of ruling by deception, the system that we see every day in the fake news? How did humanity come under the thrall of a caste of disguised elites, who rule from behind an eternal veil of secrecy, lies, and hoaxed events? My research points to very ancient origins: It all developed gradually, from the all-powerful & arrogant aristocracies of the very first civilizations. Here’s my theory on how it evolved, with evidence from many ancient texts.
Our world has always been ruled by deception
If you came here, you’ve probably noticed that many big events in our world are fakes, yet it’s never officially acknowledged. These 2 were a wake-up call for many people:
- In the purported 911 terror attacks, a band of rag-tag terrorists, commanded out of a desert cave, outsmarted the world’s greatest military & spycraft superpower. They used 2 brittle planes to destroy 3 massive steel & concrete skyscrapers, only the collapses looked exactly like controlled demolitions. An absolutely ridiculous story, yet no official institution on the planet questioned it.
- In the so-called Covid pandemic, draconian rules were imposed on the world’s citizens. Because of “Covid”, a new disease identical to flu, reported in numbers similar to flu. Flu counts dropped to zero, while blackbox tests & guessing assigned all cases & deaths to “Covid”. It was then used to force new vaccinations on citizens, all side effects being censored. Again totally suspicious, but again, no institution of power questioned it. All the world’s governments marched in lockstep.
If you’ve read Miles Mathis, then you also know that big events & famous people in all of human history are fakes. Miles’ readers often call this system “spookery”. But nothing of it has ever been publicly acknowledged, not even for the distant past.
How can this work? How could such a watertight system of total deception be set up? How did it all start?
I’ve got the answer: The original prime evil, millennia ago, was aristocracy. The descendants of the ancient aristocrats still rule us today, through deception.
Don’t believe me? You’re in for a surprise then, because I’ve got tons of evidence. All never seen before, but all from official sources from the dawn of history.
Aristocracy is the scourge of humanity
So what’s aristocracy, and why is it so bad? Well, instead of aristocracy, you could also say nobility, or hereditary ruling.
Here’s the main idea:
- An aristocrat inherits rulership, without having to earn it, and without having to be suitable.
- He’s born into wealth, with more being piled on top every year. He never has to do anything for it.
- He can make up arbitrary rules for all commoners below him. None of it applies to himself.
- In some systems, commoners may file complaints, but those’ll be judged by the aristocrat himself, or his peers, or his staff.
- For commoners, there’s no legal way whatsoever to remove an aristocrat from power.
- The only illegal way to remove him is a rebellion, where untrained & poorly armed commoners have to overcome armies of professional goons. Facing annihilation if they don’t succeed.
- Even if a rebellion half-succeeds, and some aristocrats are killed, many more stand ready to take their place.
- The only thing to hold an aristocrat in check is a higher-up aristocrat with more goons. But he’s even more removed from common people, more shielded from accountability. And likely even more of an arrogant, scheming, ultra-corrupt crook.
This system sounds like a jolly good idea, right? Actually it does, but only for the aristocrats. I say it’s an absolute nightmare for almost all below them.
There’s sometimes readers who object here. They say aristocrats have some special training that makes them morally “noble” or something, so all’s well. Only problem is, I’ve never seen any shred of evidence for that. Nothing about this whole setup is “noble”. It’s injustice incarnate! So I say nobles being “noble” is just a myth from the age of myths. It all boils down to the old word-of-authority argument: “The authorities say that the authorities are totally not corrupt.” Not believable.
How did aristocracy come to be?
Aside question: If aristocracy is so bad, why did pretty much all human cultures invent & perpetuate it? Must be something good about it, right?
Short answer: As long as a setup is good for someone, that someone may invent it. If his own advantage is great enough to fortify his position, then it doesn’t matter how bad it’s for everyone else. They can’t do anything about it any more.
How aristocracy evolved is hard to tell, because it happened in prehistory. My theory is that aristocracy, which seems unnatural & harmful, evolved out of leadership, which is natural & beneficial:
- The first humans followed leaders (as do apes), who were simply the oldest & most experienced of the group. Leadership wasn’t inherited.
- Groups were small, with few hierarchies & privileges, so leaders mostly shared the fate of all others, so they had knowledge & motive to improve it.
- All members were part-time hunters trained to fight with weapons. There was no metalworking for superior weaponry. So if a ruler went against 90% of the group, they’d overpower him and his 10% goons.
All this changed with agriculture & metalworking:
- Humans started to own & inherit property, like houses & land, and therefore power. Inheriting nominal titles of power was the next step. Leaders became rulers.
- More food meant larger groups, with steeper hierarchies, more privileges for the few. Rulers didn’t share the fate of others any more, so they lost knowledge & motive to improve it. They could tax & redispense wealth to goons & cronies, so they’d betray the rest too.
- Humans didn’t hunt any more, so they were untrained with weapons. Metal weapons needed rare resources & expert work, so they were pooled into the hands of the few. If a ruler went against 90% of a group, they couldn’t overcome his metal-clad goons any more. Without hunting skills, they also couldn’t run off into the wild.
Granted, not all aristocrats were always 100% corrupt. And in prehistory, their power was limited. But generally, an unbroken aristocracy will go downhill almost inevitably. Think about it:
- The very 1st aristocrat perhaps really gets his title because of some outstanding skill, like being a good fighter.
- A 2nd-generation aristocrat is — on average — born with average skills, and spoiled by being born into privilege. But hey, at least he’s educated by an experienced guy with one outstanding skill.
- A 3rd-generation aristocrat is an average guy born into privilege. He’s educated by an average guy born into privilege.
- A 4th-generation aristocrat… well, you see the pattern.
So all aristocrats after the 1st generation have a strong motive for deception, because they’re expected to be above-average people, but are born as average, and their privileges turn them morally below average. Their inherited power also hands them the tools for deception, so they got both means & motive.
Aristocratic power likely developed over many generations, with much back & forth, so most people wouldn’t notice those dangerous changes. Whenever they did, they probably still often managed to dethrone the proto-aristocratic powermongers.
But when the copper & bronze ages had arrived, walled villages had become walled cities, owned by internationally connected & entrenched aristocrats, who ruled with the iron fist of the metal-clad goon. It was worst in the largest civilizations, because they had the steepest hierarchies. The system was so obviously unjust that additional layers of propaganda & deception had to be added. The wealth & power that aristocrats already owned provided the means & motives. That was the beginning of the rule by deception. And today, it has engulfed everything.
Still don’t believe me? Here’s how it all began, according to the rulers themselves:
The beginning of aristocratic deception
It’s a secret kept to this day, but all famous ancient text are encrypted, i.e. there’s a secret message doctored in. The system’s easy: The elites simply used similar words, or puns. This was how language & script evolved anyway. So for the well-read upper class, it was easy to decipher. The lower classes had no chance, they couldn’t even read.
I looked up word similarities in dictionaries, and over the years, I was able to decrypt many ancient texts, in Hebrew, Latin, Greek, Chinese, Egyptian and Sumerian. It helps that system & content are very similar across cultures. Click the links under the citations to see how it works.
Many ancient texts about the beginning of the world are actually about the beginning of this whole fraudulent system, where aristocrats rule through deception. It started in prehistory, so the authors didn’t know the details any more. But they all agree that aristocrats had accumulated power first, and then needed deception on top of that.
Here’s what the Bible says:
In the beginning, the rulers had become fat on treasures and territories. But the oppressed folk were gazing in astonishment, and desire was on the face of the gazers. And the profit of the rulers flew in the face of the people.
So the rulers said: Let it all become a blinding perversion! And it became a blinding perversion. And the rulers saw that such a blinding perversion was good. And the rulers divided between that which is exposed and that which is withheld.
Back then, all the faults of oppression were not yet secret, and all the deceptions of oppression had not yet been produced, because the rulers had not yet forced a perversion on the oppressed, and their observers had not yet invented their disguises.
But anger already went up from the oppressed, so there was the desire for a whole surface of disguises.
I wonder what the oppressed were so angry at. Could it be the oppression, by any chance?
Homer says it was precisely that:
From the time when the self-chosen lords of men and the wretched multitudes were first separated and divided, the will of the nobility had always been executed.
But who did then bring these two sides to quarrel and then to fight? It was the poor and wretched folk, those kind of people!
Because a great disorder had been stirring throughout the common people in all their wretchedness, ruining them as subjects: They were provoking the nobles by criticizing that money was taken away from the masses.
So the masses had criticized that their money was taken away! Oh the ignobility! Of course the poor, poor ultra-rich guys then had no chance but to resort to deception, forever.
And they did. Here’s what the Sumerians say about the origins of deception:
In the days of the beginning of upper and lower class, the upper class had already given birth to the noble princes. But they had not yet created the thing named a “covered self”, and not beautification.
They had not yet manufactured a dress-up to ensnare the people. They had not yet laid down the foundations for such a dress-up. The true state of things had not yet been hidden, the human lambs had not yet been confused. The truth had not yet been silenced, so leadership was not yet disguised. The true state had not yet given birth to a decorated copy of itself. The truth had not yet given birth to leadership from under a cover.
And even the greatest of nobles did not yet know the concept of a “shiny covered self”, in contrast to its “true state”.
Sumerian: Debate Between Sheep & Grain 1–11 (secret meaning)
So the aristocrats already had power, and at some point they also disguised themselves and lied about everything.
Aristocratic ruling is either violence or deception
But how were the aristocrats before? Had they previously been truthful, honest, morally upright people? Well, not exactly: Rather, in the beginning they were simply arrogant tyrants, who relied mostly on the brutality of their goons to oppress their subjects, and squeeze taxes out of them.
Here’s what the Bible says about the options that rulers have about their appearance:
The name of the first appearance of ruling is “crushing”. It encompasses the whole oppression by violence, whenever there is quarrel. And a quarrel of the oppressed is destined to happen, as there are always troublemakers and people who are angry.
And the name of the second appearance is “worship”. It encompasses the whole oppression by religion.
And the name of the third appearance is “lying”. It is putting an act in front of the governors.
And the fourth appearance is pretending to be a servant oneself, where hidden rulers take the common people’s manners and put them on, as a cover that is pleasant for the servants, for protection.
So it’s either deception or violence.
Here’s what the Sumerians say about the olden days when rulers ruled “truthfully”:
The lordly rulers in those days, they did not know how to perform substitutions. They did not know about garments to dress it all up. They went before the common people as naked, in their known true self. They performed their leadership like sheep bleating with the mouth, and crushed the multitudes with direct power.
Sumerian: Debate Between Sheep & Grain 20–25 (secret meaning)
So it’s either deception or violence.
Here’s what the Sumerians have the “true power” say, in the first person:
The governor, master of the slaves, acts from a highly decorated office. His powerful weapons fill the top of the battlements. He twists a heavy rope against rebellious regions to break them. He commands the slings, the quivers and the bows of the whole country.
The binding command by the guards at an inspection is mine. The breaking of the hearts of men is mine. The terror of power, its voice, its intimidation, they are mine. The fear, its good smell, the fear of superiors, the fear of officials, the trembling fear, the smell of fear, the fear of being annihilated by troops, they are all mine.
Sumerian: Debate Between Sheep & Grain 102–106 (secret meaning)
So it’s always either deception or violence! The thought that they could be benevolent & just never occurred to the aristocratic scum. That makes sense, because aristocracy itself is a grave injustice, which no one would accept given an open & conscious choice. You need to force it on people. So it was always a decision between 2 kinds of oppression: open & brutal oppression, or secret & disguised oppression. Those 2 modes of ruling are also not mutually exclusive.
Some ancient texts are quite frank & blunt about this. Others use euphemisms & propaganda even behind the scenes.
Here’s the introduction by the Roman-Jewish historian Josephus to ubiquitous deception. He calls it a “defense” against the “jealous” subjects:
Whenever noblemen were in public appearance, they would need a defensive measure, which was to summon a false surface that they would carry around their appearance, against hostility of the servants, whenever there was jealousy about their rulership.
This was done so that those of high rank would not be known, and it was done by resembling their subordinates. To use this advantage, each ruler would play-pretend to be one of the multitudes, in a replica of their manners.
The Roman poet Ovid also calls aristocratic trickery a form of “protection”:
Before estrangement, false surfaces, and all-covering secrecy existed, there was only one thing for a man’s character to appear in the world, which was named “truth”: A rude and disordered pile of matter, nothing but useless weight, incompetently thrown together in some place, not well joined, discordantly planted material.
There was not yet any decoration to be shown to others as protection. There was not yet the invention of abusing the people’s reverence. Not yet was draped around the masters all this trickery, which would balance everything with its influence.
In the Talmud, the aristocrats even admit that all the cheating looks very immoral to their own children when they’re first introduced to it:
If a young one is emotionally weak, one does not introduce him until he is emotionally firm.
And this is what would prevent the introduction: an immaturity that makes him too innocent for exacting greater power. If that is present, one may not reveal the deceit. And if a child possesses this immaturity, one must correct him, because of the bad appearance to the immature eye.
The goal of aristocratic deception
What is the goal of all this oppression, either by force or by deception? It should be obvious: The aristocrats want all the power & wealth for themselves. They don’t want to give anything back in return, and couldn’t if they wanted to. Many ancient texts are quite frank about this too.
Here’s what the Sumerians say:
Both the true-state and the covered-self emerged as good measures: To the assembly of nobles they gave wealth. On the people they placed loyalty. They fulfilled and achieved the ordinance of the upper class. They made the treasury of the land abundant with possessions. They made the royal household of the land heavy. Into the households of the poor, who lie in the dust below, they entered and removed their wealth.
Sumerian: Debate Between Sheep & Grain 53–60 (secret meaning)
Here’s what the Guard character says in the Sumerian debate:
After the workers have been thrown down and beaten, the tax returns to the herders of humanity will improve. When my pressure has been placed on the workers and people, the heaps of produce from the levied citizens will grow. After my restraining force has been put on the country, they pile up mountains of grain in abundance.
I pile up heaps and stacks of taxed produce for the upper lords. My work enforces the return of emmer and wheat. My work forces the population to tremble in the storerooms, when they fill them with total obediance.
Even the orphans, the widows and the destitute approach those of power with their filled grain containers, and swear loyalty.
Sumerian: Debate Between Hoe & Plough 37–46 (secret meaning)
Here’s what the Egyptians say about their obedient subjects: When their possessions are stolen from under their very eyes, they don’t even notice it. That’s in the literal text, unencrypted!
You are persuasive when your false resemblances are upon the inferiors. You are all over their faces, but they do not know your real business.
When you pacify them with your splendour of secrecy, the inferiors are in darkness, as in a state of death. The sleepers are in complete acceptance, their minds are covered up.
No eye sees the distortion and suffering. When someone steals all their possessions, even from under their heads, they do not even notice it.
All the inferiors now do their work. All the human cattle are content with their respected leaders. The controllers and respected leaders are successful.
Ovid also says that it’s all to put people to the yoke:
The most violent way was retired to rule only the lowest citizens, those of the multitudes ready to fight, and the lower subjects, and the rude ones, who have to be subjected to the yoke by scaring them.
The Talmud agrees: It’s all for the yoke of taxation!
Why does one have to anticipate what has to occur if the servants are to obey? Because only when they generally accept the yoke of a government that oppresses them, only then can one begin with other things, such as making them accept the yoke of being drained by taxation.
Decrypting history
How does this system of aristocratic deception work? The ancient texts describe this as well, and very little has changed until today. These are the key concepts of aristocratic rule through deception:
- Fake genealogies & biographies.
- Spies & influencers among the population.
- Live-enacted hoaxed events.
- Secret empires spanning many nations.
Knowing that we can then decrypt the actual history of the world. In particular, the founding of the Roman empire by the Phoenicians, and the founding of the Frankish empire by the Phoenicians turned Romans. European history is actually little else than an endless reign of shams & scams by the ancient Phoenician overlord clans. With covert colonization, they forced their deceptive rule onto all remnant cultures on the planet, where people had still lived normally before. Much of it was perpetrated in their “Jewish” disguise.
Next: Learn how aristocrats disguise as commoners.