Introducing my research

🏷  intro · meta-info   —   by Gerry · Feb 2020 · 1460 words

Based on the findings of Miles Mathis, I have found out that our current global system of secret rulership is very ancient. This is a rough outline how I started on my journey with the guest papers on Miles’ site, and how my research developed. For my personal background, see the article About myself.

An ancient name

Miles Mathis’ research showed me how how our world is ruled through systemic deception. All the weirdness & crazyness went away, when he explained it in plain & simple words. I could even confirm his findings by researching new cases myself: The same “spooky” patterns emerged all the time.

Only one of these patterns bugged me: Miles had found out that the secret rulers call themselves “Jews”. Not in the textbook sense in that they believe in God & Judaism. They don’t. Also not in the “Protocols of Zion” sense of a “Jewish” world conspiracy, where they’d secretly scheme against other powers. Rather, it seems there are no other powers. The secret rulers seem to have no enemy, except us, their own subjects. Since such absolute global power is not associated with the term “Jew”, I had to find out why they use that name.

Because Judaism is founded on the Old Testament, I started to analyze its original Hebrew text.

An ancient pun

Here’s what I found: The entire Bible seems to consist of secret messages, very simply encoded through puns, i.e. words that are similar when spoken or written. The first pun I analyzed was Samson’s riddle, and its solution is “hidden leaders”. The Bible is about secret rulership!

Finally, I found that the root of the word “Jew” also has hidden meanings: In Hebrew it is similar to “majesty”. In Aramaic, it is similar to “leader”. In Greek, it is similar to “noble”. By calling themselves “Jews”, the aristocrats are secretly saying they’re “majesties” & “nobles”. It’s one of many “hidden ruler” puns!

More ancient punnery

But it didn’t stop there: I found that virtually all Biblical names & stories are veiled parables about cryptocracy: Most names mean “hidden”, or “ruler”, or “hidden ruler”, or “disguise”. This includes central Biblical figures, even names of God.

And it didn’t stop with the Old Testament either: I found hints about hidden rulership in all religions & cultures. This kind of wordplay is very ancient, and probably started as an honest form of poetry. For example, all Egyptian god names are puns: Originally, these were about actual divine concepts, i.e. the gods were associated with all things that were similar to their name. Later, the rulers then then misused those names that were also similar to nasty things, like “secrecy” or “deception”. From there, it evolved into a system to encrypt entire texts.

An ancient global merchant empire

When I was trying to find out what the rulers really believed in, I found clues in the Bible as well: Many Biblical & historic names link to Ancient Phoenicia.

But while there are many links to Ancient Phoenicia, there are virtually no archaeological records left from there. I think the reason is that Phoenicia embodied the true nature of global rulership like no other empire: It was all about monopolized global trade, with all regions of the known world being official or secret colonies. In later research, I could confirm that even Rome was founded by the Phoenicians as a colony, and I assume things have remained like that ever since, which explains the contempt with which rulers always treat “their” nations.

I also found many phoenix puns in later epochs, which are evidence that modern spooks see themselves as “Phoenicians”, just like they see themselves as “Jews”. Since the religions of both empires were totally incompatible, this proves that religions were only ever just a tool for the spooks.

Migration of empires

My last important find was that the mightiest of ancient empires did not seem to battle each other: They seemed to have been merged & migrated via manufactured wars, in collusion, just like today! Examples are the Punic wars, the Vandals, the Biblical campaign of Sennacherib against Hezekiah, the conquest of Neo-Babylon by the Persians, and the sieges of Tyre by Nebuchadnezzar II & Alexander.

Many of these wars effectively moved a global center of administration from one empire to another. The elites of both warring empires seem to have planned this together. Besides profiteering & looting, the reasons are probably local resource depletion and trade route shifts.

Publication as papers

I sent my research to Miles, and he found it useful enough enough to publish it on his website, even though he didn’t agree with all of my claims. The papers are here:

(I had also previously written an unrelated “Fruitbearer” paper.)

I think all the big ideas in there still stand. If I could retract or amend anything, it would probably be that the Biblical stories seem ever more like parables than historic accounts (see the Bible names), and that cryptocracy seems older than even Ancient Phoenicia (see my later decryptions of Egyptian & Sumerian texts).

In some of my ideas, I disagree with Miles somewhat. But overall, we all now assume that “spookery” is very, very old.

Where to go from here?

From classical Greek & Roman times onward, we have plenty of detailed historic accounts. They’re mostly lies, but the lying patterns are like today’s, so Miles & his readers should have no problems to rip them to shreds, and reveal the truth underneath. Miles has already started on Persia & Greece. But for the times before, there’s very little material, and while modern spook historians lie about it, I’m not so sure they have been clued in on the truth.

I have therefore stopped using the official meaning of historic accounts, for the following reasons:

So, to work with the sparse & censored material we have, we need to be able to read it better. As far as incriminating material goes, we only have public access to encrypted texts such as the Bible. Here, we need to be able to decrypt them to understand the underlying spook message. We should also read supposedly non-incriminitating unencrypted material more closely, to find things the spook censors overlooked. Mostly it’ll just confirm things we know anyway, but perhaps some day we’ll find something that’s useful to combat spookery.

That’s why I am now trying to build up some pun-vocabulary, so that we can some day finally read the secret meanings just as if they had been published for us.

For this vocabulary, you can browse the vast list of puns I have already compiled.

To see how the vocabulary is applied in texts, you can browse my text analyses. The most important ones, but also the hardest to read, are the interlinear pun analyses. The list is still short, but it already includes Hebrew, Latin, Greek, Chinese, Egyptian and Sumerian examples. Among these is Josephus’ War of the Jews, which hints at how “ze Jews” were invented. And most notably, I’ve decrypted parts of Livy’s History & Virgil’s Aeneid, both confirming that Rome was founded by the Phoenicians as a colony!

The best summary of everything I’ve found is my new article series on history of deceptive ruling. There, I’ve distilled the essence of the many ancient texts I’ve decrypted, all with citations. It’s also supposed to be a smooth read, easy on beginners, especially if you don’t want to look at foreign glyphs.

This website is intended for lookup, and you shouldn’t read it all. But for starters, you can perhaps take a short look at some entries in the best-of list. Once you’ve gotten the general idea, you may even be able to discover spooky puns yourself, perhaps in your own native tongue, and be able to protect yourself better against spookery.

🏷  intro · meta-info