List of updates
I’ll try to give a list of new & updated pages here for each new published version of the Ancient Spooks website.
Version 2025-01-15
New features
- A new articles section has been added, with easy-to-read essays, to be read as a series, perfect as a starting point. All chapters will use citations from the decrypted texts.
- The decrypted texts are now prefixed & clustered by cultures & works.
New articles
These are the first chapters of the new series:
- The Origins of Ruling by Deception, where I show how the aristocracy started it all.
- Aristocrats Disguise as Commoners, the most important aristocratic trick.
- Spies Among the Population, how they work, and how they are seen internally.
I’ve also started new decryptions of famous texts:
- Ovid: Metamorphoses, another detailed history of spookery.
- Homer: Iliad, apparently also a history of spookery, though I’ve only decrypted very little so far.
- Gregory: History of the Franks, explaining how the Romans disguised as Franks.
- Sumerian: Debate between Hoe & Plough, a comparison of ruling with goons versus ruling with spies.
- Sumerian: Debate between Bird & Fish, about how lords replace their pregnant wives with slave girls.
- Egyptian: Great Hymn to the Nile, secretly praising deception, very similar to the Hymn to Aten.
Articles with major updates
- The Talmud chapter Shabbat about aristocrats disguising in war is now fully decrypted, all 24 paragraphs of the original!
- I’ve deleted most guesses from the old Nazir entry, as my later text decryptions don’t support them. The correct pun seems to be the more literal “separated” or “estranged”.
Version 2024-11-01
New articles
- Abraham’s story from the Bible, a tale about a homosexual living a life in shame & hiding, until he’s picked for a love interest by a gay overlord.
- Adam & Eve’s story from the Bible, yet another parable about the invention of deceptive ruling, featuring the Serpent as personified skepticism.
- Generations of Noah, yet another parable about deceptive ruling, featuring Nimrod as personified rebellion.
- Red beard pun
- Weaver pun
Articles with major updates
- New decryptions for Virgil’s Aeneid, starting from 2:7.a, describing how the Tyrians torture the Italian rebels to death, but then start to roll back their brutality.
- New decryptions for the Shabbat Talmud chapter about war, starting from 17:1, about reassigning & destroying one’s agents, sabotaging one’s defenders, and teaching one’s aristocratic children about deceptive ruling.
Version 2024-05-01
New articles
- Debate between Sheep & Grain, the first decryption of a Sumerian text.
- Anunnaki, who also appear in the debate.
- Shekalim, a Talmud chapter about creating minorities of outcasts to recruit agents from.
Articles with major updates
- New decryptions for the Shabbat Talmud chapter, starting from 10:1.
- New decryptions for the Terumot Talmud chapter, starting from 2:6.
- New decryptions for the Berakhot Talmud chapter, starting from 1:5.
- Revised Israel and Armstrong list of possible puns.
Version 2023-11-20
New articles
- Terumot, a Talmud chapter about hoaxes.
Articles with major updates
- New decryptions for the Shabbat Talmud chapter, starting from 6:4.c.
- New decryptions for the Peah Talmud chapter, starting from 2:7.a.
Version 2023-10-15
New articles
- Maaser Sheni, a Talmud chapter about manufactured wars.
- Shabbat, a Talmud chapter about informants among the common populace.
New features
- For all interlinear analyses, a new “Pun Config” widget is now available in the upper-left corner, to fold away the glyphs & vocabulary for those who don’t need them.
Version 2023-08-15
New topics
- Livy’s History & Virgil’s Aeneid both tell how Rome was secretly founded by the Phoenicians.
New articles
Version 2023-05-01
New articles
- Great Hymn to Aten, the first interlinear decryption of an Ancient Egyptian text.
Version 2023-03-01
Articles with major updates
- The Bello Judaico analysis has been expanded, from 1.56. Especially important is the section starting at 1.61: It tells how the rulers imitated religious outcasts, intermingled with their communities, and made a mockery of them. This describes the “Jewish” disguise!
- The Deuteronomy, Leviticus and Berakhot analyses got new introductions, plus many little corrections of puns, especially the “lickspittle” pun.
- The star article now has an improved Star of David section, plus a new Seal of Solomon section. As with Esther, their names pun with “star”.
- The aces & eights article now includes an official confirmation for the chay ≈ chawy pun.
- I changed my mind about the blossoms on Phoenician funeral steles: I now think they’re honest religious puns (as with Tanit).
New articles
- Peah, another decryption of a Talmud chapter.
Version 2022-10-15
New topics
- The interlinear section now contains the first word-for-word decryption of a Greek text: War of the Jews by Flavius Josephus. It’s not as easy as Latin, but will perhaps still feel more familiar to English-speaking readers than Hebrew or Chinese.
- I have changed the section titles of all interlinear texts to reflect only the encrypted spook meaning. That way, it’s hopefully easier to navigate directly to sections with interesting details about ancient spookery.
- Each paragraph in an interlinear text now starts with a flowtext summary of the encrypted & official translations, to make for easier reading.
- The HTML layout of the interlinear paragraphs now includes linebreaks, colons & semicolons, so it can be copied into a text editor without becoming a total mess.
Articles with major updates
- The “Jews” article now explains the Greek encryption-pun from War of the Jews: Ιουδαιοι Ioudaioi “Jews” encrypts the word αιδοιοι aidoioi “nobles”!
- The Atlantis article now lists some of the storytelling puns.
New articles
Version 2022-07-20
New topics
- The interlinear section now contains a word-for-word decryption of a Latin text, Caesar’s assassination. This will be of interest to English-speaking readers, because they will recognize many loanwords here, without having to learn foreign glyphs & languages.
- The Chinese section has greatly expanded, even with a decryption of a Confucius text. This proves that deception from above was rooted in all advanced civilizations, not just the Fertile Crescent & Europe.
Articles with major updates
- The number 666 article now contains explanations for the “number of the beast”, “number of a man”, and 666 as a hoax marker.
- The number 13 article now contains an explanation for 13 as a hoax marker.
- The bees article now contains a Latin pun of fucus “male bee” with fucus “pretence”.
- The Rose article now contains a link to the Rosen pun, with Semitic rozen for “ruler”.
- The Shapiro article has been stripped of the Schaeffer section, but now contains a pun with shapir for “nobility”.
- The Yahweh article got a new introduction.
- The Esther article now lists all her storytelling puns.
- The Eve article now links to an official attestation that her name puns with “show”.
- For all word root articles, the language tags have been removed. That way, they don’t clutter up the other sections any more, as they don’t really contribute much to spook research.
- The search function is now accessible from all pages.
New articles
- Baker
- Baum
- Caesar’s assassination
- Chinese surnames for Jews
- Confucius’ Xue Er
- Fox
- Great leap forward
- Hundred flowers campaign
- Jacob’s ladder
- Kafka
- Mao Zedong
- Maske
- Mishnah
- Monarch butterfly
- Pegida
- Rasputin
- Rosen
- Savoy
- Schaeffer
- Schleier
- Shakira
- Talmud
- Tanit
- Wallenstein
- Wizard
- Yin & Yang
- Zucker
Version 2021-11-01
New topics
- I found many Latin numerologies in numbers I had previously analyzed as Hebrew puns.
- The Judah section in the 12 tribes of Israel couldn’t be explained with the previously found Judah puns, so I extended the Jew / Judah entry. This matches other character’s names that have many different puns that appear in their stories.
Articles with major updates
- The numerologies of number 33, number 8, number 911, COVID-19 and aces & eights now include Latin numeric puns.
- The Jew entry now includes many additional puns that may explain how & why the rulers feign to be “Jews”.
- The Levi entry now has the “mockery” pun first, because I have found it is the most important.
- The Kohen entry now includes a new pun with “nickname”.
- The fasces now include a possible fiscus pun.
- The horn puns now include possible Semitic puns with “veil” and with “comparing”.
- The lion includes the “Lion of Judah”.
- Son of Ra now includes additional possible puns.
- The Adam article now lists all his storytelling puns.
- The phoenix & Phoenicians articles have been reorganized with “in a nutshell” introductions.
- The commandments about not killing / adultering / stealing are actually about not snitching.
- All interlinear analyses now have meaningful section titles and additional comments.
New articles
- 12 tribes of Israel
- 9 bows peoples
- Angel
- Apophis
- Friedman
- Halakha
- Halloween
- Hathor
- Hippocampus
- Index finger
- Jacob
- Jesuits
- Menorah
- Poseidon
- Ra the Egyptian god
- Shalom
- Stars & Stripes
- Xu Guangqi’s treatise on agriculture
Version 2021-07-10
Articles with major updates
- The introduction to punnery now has a new section explaining all the different variants of wordplay, again with many admitted examples. It’s a must-read for anyone trying to proofread my interlinear analyses.
- The interchangeability examples for Semitic letters are now all linked, and I have added some more.
- The introduction to Egyptian now includes a section on admitted Egyptian puns.
- My analysis of Deuteronomy now includes the “unclean birds” list.
- The COVID-19 entry now includes a possible enrichment pun.
- The unicorn entry now includes a possible bankster pun.
New articles
- Bar Mitzvah
- Bear
- Beaky nose
- Berakhot interlinear puns
- Chaos
- Corona
- Lieutenant colonel
- Lindemann
- Lion
- Matrilineage
- Mitzvah
- Naval Intelligence
- Nephilim
- Rockefeller
- Rothschild
- Semitic
- Triskelion
- Trojan horse
Version 2021-01-20
New topics
- The interlinear category has grown, as I have managed to decrypt several sections of Biblical texts.
- A special subsection are spook laws, as many Biblical laws are encrypted spook laws under the hood.
- The divine names category now contains some Egyptian gods, and the new mythical creatures category contains more critters. They were all created from puns!
Articles with major updates
- I was wrong about Noah and the ark, as the interlinear pun analysis revealed: They both mean the same thing, “resting”, but in a bad sense. The story is really about our leaders “resting” in secret hideouts during wars! If you have the guts for it, please read the interlinear analysis, and the updated articles Noah and Noah’s story.
New articles
- 10 commandments
- Amun
- Athena
- Blood
- Blossom
- Claudius
- Color red
- Color white
- Columbus
- Copernicus
- Cyclops
- David
- Deuteronomy interlinear puns
- Elon Musk
- Foreskin
- Galileo Galilei
- Goliath
- Hippogriff
- Horn
- Horus
- Leviticus interlinear puns
- Min
- Noah interlinear puns
- Osiris
- Owl
- Pegasus
- Pig
- Prows with eyes on Phoenician ships
- Sachs
- Seinfeld
- Sepharad
- Sickle
- Tacitus
- Taliban
- Thoth
- Tower of Babel
- Unicorn
- Wine
- Wolf
- Yahweh
- Yom Kippur
- Carpenter
Version 2020-09-05
New topics
- I have dug deeper into Arabic, and was able to solve many puns by matching names to Arabic words for “veil”.
- Among of these “veil” puns are many spook names & Bible names.
- I found that many punny characters have more than one pun. In fact, their overall characterization & story seems to be built around their puns.
- Samson got his own category. He is also a “veil” pun.
- I also published the first interlinear puns, because some text passages are so heavy with puns, you need to re-interpret almost every word.
- My first such analysis is the Book of Genesis, which actualy tells the genesis of spookery!
Articles with major updates
- Isaac: I found that in modern Hebrew, isaac literally means “actor” as in “movie actor”. Explains a lot.
- Israel: Initially I found only the “godseed” pun. But when you include Arabic “veiling” vocabulary, then there are many “veiled ruler” puns in the name Israel and its variants.
- Joseph: All elements in Joseph’s story seem to pun with “Joseph”, not just the debt. This appears to be a pattern with most Bible characters. By contrast, I found no additional evidence for Egyptian jsft being connected, so I took that snippet out.
- Kimball: I think I found the pun behind Kimball: In Arabic, km means “mask”, as in COVID-19 face masks.
- Kohen: Kohen also puns with “directing”, in addition to the “officer” meaning.
- Levi: Levi also puns with “mockery”, in addition to the word meaning “moneylending”.
- Purim: Purim also is a rare word for “mask”, in addition to the pun with “cloaking”.
New articles
- About myself
- Adam
- Alcazar
- -Berg
- Bernstein
- Bloomberg
- Blum-
- Brick
- COVID-19
- Caesar
- Candle
- Castro
- Delilah
- Donkey
- Elohim
- Eve
- Evil eye
- Fenghuang (Chinese phoenix)
- -Field
- Fuller
- Garden Eden
- Genesis interlinear puns
- Gold-
- Greenspan
- Griffin
- Hamsa
- Homer
- Introduction to Semitic
- Katzen
- Katzenellenbogen
- Koch
- List of updates
- Lost passport
- -Man
- Marx
- Modern art
- Nazar amulet
- Nazir
- Number 2
- Number 13
- Number 666
- Number 911
- Rabbi
- Roosevelt
- Rosh Hashanah
- Rubinstein
- Sagan
- Samson
- Samson’s story
- Satan
- Seth the Egyptian god
- Simeon
- Skull & bones
- -Stein
- Taylor
- Teacher
- Tree of Knowledge
- Walker
Version 2020-04-15
This was the initial version.
Initially published articles
- Aces & eights
- Ahasuerus
- Al-Qaeda
- Armstrong
- Ashkenaz
- Atlantis
- Ayatollah Khomeini
- Bees
- Dagon
- Disclaimer on Judaism
- Disclaimer on religion
- Downloads
- Egyptian word root √bjȝ
- Egyptian word root √kȝp
- Egyptian word root √mȝˤ
- Egyptian word root √ˤf
- Egyptian word root √ˤfn
- Egyptian word root √ḏbȝ
- Egyptian word root √ḫpr
- Esther
- Fasces
- Haman
- History
- Honey
- Houdini
- Introducing Miles Mathis
- Introducing my research
- Introduction to Ancient Spooks
- Introduction to Egyptian
- Introduction to punnery
- Isaac
- Ishtar
- Israel
- Jagiellon
- Jew
- Joseph
- Joseph’s story
- Judge things yourself
- Kennedy
- Kimball
- Kohen
- Komnene
- Levi
- Livingstone
- Loewenstein
- Malcolm
- Maria
- Mitsraim
- Mordecai
- Morgan
- Morris
- Newton
- Nixon
- Noah
- Noah’s story
- Number 1
- Number 33
- Number 47
- Number 6
- Number 8
- Osama bin Laden
- Ostrich hiding its head
- Philistines
- Phoenician
- Phoenix
- Prows with horse-heads on Phoenician ships
- Punny names of Egyptian gods
- Punny names of Phoenician gods
- Purim
- Rice
- Rose
- Samson’s riddle
- Semitic word root √dbr
- Semitic word root √kpp
- Semitic word root √kpr
- Semitic word root √mlk
- Semitic word root √nks
- Semitic word root √pn
- Semitic word root √spr
- Semitic word root √špr
- Semitic word root √ṣbˀ
- Shapiro
- Shoes
- Some disagreement with Miles
- Son of Ra
- Springer
- Star as “veil”
- Strauss
- Technical notes
- Tree of Life
- Vashti